GOLF: Tips From One Of The World's Best Putting Coaches

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all right the good guy a good player sets the putter takes the grip establishes the feet in that order one two three takes the putter sets the feet sets the putter yep takes the grip that's the feet got it that's important well here I'm going to do the same three things yeah in reverse sequence got it bad golfer sets his feet takes his grip changes - yeah and he wonders why he's locked just by changing the sequence of that short little routine while looking at these visual cues yeah makes sense so here I'm gonna do it again yeah yeah wipe the blood a little late yep using that now looking at the entry points seeing that curved line setting the putter down the aim line to the end point taking my grip and setting my feet I look look look come back magic happens [Music] [Music] alright guys before we dive into this video when I talk to you quickly about two things number one we have launched our golf school dates for 2020 in bethlehem PA we're gonna go ahead and put a link in description down below if you'd like to come get some in-person coaching i would certainly love to have you now if you can't make it to bethlehem for in-person coaching we'd still love to work with you via kagura no golf comm that's our online community full of golfers like yourself and myself looking to improve that's where you can send me your swing I can help identify priorities take your game to the next level most importantly as a member of Google Golf you get access to our Facebook group where you can post that swing get into the community get into the conversations you get access to everything we have all of the master classes the member library the practice section as well as the quick fix section would love to see you guys there all right guys so I told you one of the world's best puting coaches and we have him here mr. David Orr hey thanks for coming out yeah and so today what we're going to talk about is target preferences and off camera we're just talking a little bit this is something that I think gets really underestimated or underrated I don't hear a lot of people talk to me about target preferences which will talk about what that is in a second and I don't think a lot of people value this relative some the other things in putting so with that let's talk a little bit about target preferences yes the target preferences are basically where I direct my attention where I direct my attention okay yeah this is actually a mental skill it's also a visualization skill gotcha so basically if we were to look at the anatomy of a putt we've got this putt that's breaking right to left yeah we've already established it's gonna break approximately a foot and a half to two feet yeah based on the speed got it the antennas speed and then the antenna line so now we take that predetermined scale and we visualize in our mind okay this ball and entering the cup that's called an entry point yeah and that curve that's extending from the entry point curving back to the ball would be the ideal line based on the speed that you're going to hit your putt got it and then we take it we take the sword yeah and we draw a tangent from the the putt yep that's called the aim line and at the end is called the name point got a to of these are nonlinear and two of these are linear as my good friend Mike Shanin introduced to us several years ago sure that make sense yes it does yeah an entry point on the cup yep that ideal line being retraced back to the ball yep and then from there a tangent with our sword down our aim line to our aim point got it all right so yummy so there's actually four four different style k well well what's interesting is you can use any of the four yep depending on your preference or any combination or all four of them I use all four of them I see the entry point yeah the ball curving in the aim line and then the aim point and I think that is super interesting and I want to get to that more as we go here because that's something I haven't myself thought about ever but for these four I'm gonna just clarify have the people walk that entry point so entry point would be let's say I'm here at my putter that would be me like seeing the ball entering entering like here you got your woods paint a picture yeah well that's what we're doing right now yes I'm actually paying their for you yeah external external cue where I need to direct my attention while I'm putting got it so it's kind of like you know to be a great putter you had to have been a good athlete not so much that you had to run a four 440 or jump forty inches off the ground yeah but you know you had to be spatially aware it's like where the pucks going now where it is yes it's like the no-look pass yeah like an alley-oop got it yeah quarterback one shot into space okay so even though you're not looking at the cup yeah my attention is out there that's where my fields are mmm not where I'm locked in here into my setup and I'm making sure that my everything so perfect I call this Frankenstein yeah so when you hear me say the word Frank it means Frankenstein yeah yeah okay so Frankenstein is so much this is their world right yes opposed to now hey let's take all that internal cues and all the internal few fields and let's direct them at these cues same way I would throw in a baseball thrown afoot I play any sport I would feel that same way yes I wouldn't be locked in to where my arm is there I'd be channelers eternal spatial awareness yes okay goddess so so these these cues these external cues yeah of which we've already established there's four yeah entry point at your club yep retraced back to the ball curving got an idea line yeah then the aim line is got a tangent where I'm gonna set up my stroke so here's what I want to do David because I want to make that as clear as as what we talked about to in my mind so that first the first one is me visualizing the golf ball kind of falling into the hole to me that's the Tiger Woods that a good thing thing potential option ball falling into the hole right the idea that's a good thing right the second option would be me seeing a sort of visual of the ball the line the ball is gonna take from the ball towards the hole you got it okay the ideal line based on your speed ideal line basically that'd be the second potential option the third option would be the point or diamonds all right a mine okay up and at the end of that aim line is the aim point so that might mean if I were to pick let's say I picked our point a little over a foot maybe over here so you just you're pointing right now Eric is pointing at an aim point yep and then he's gonna draw a straight line back to the ball straight line that's the aim line got it okay and that is where your set up that's where you're aiming and that's where you're aiming your stroke yes or mating stroke yes you're aiming your stroke at the aim line and the aim point not the cup yeah unless it's a straight putt then they're all lined up right gotcha on this breaking putt yeah we've got the entry point the curved line the aim line at the aim point that's where I set my putter up to aim and that's where I aim my stroke so I want to recap that one more times I think this is so good and I hope people get this clear for different options of me as I'm getting ready to putt externally yeah external cues external cues I can see the ball rolling in the hole as a potential option I could see the line the ball taste curving to the hole I can see the aim point or I can see the aim point with a line straight from the aim point to the ball you got it okay that guys and gals to me is such a huge I can I can look back David on my best punning and my worst potting and draw a clear conclusion between the times that I was doing this the best the times that I saw the ball going in the hole the best I saw the line the clearest if it was the right or wrong I saw it the clearest I putted significantly better than times where I either didn't think about it at all or I struggled with the clarity regardless of where my stroke mechanics ride at the time right now I'm gonna say something really huge here you ready yeah put your seat belt on yeah buckle there baby the hidden message here yeah it's where I direct my attention yeah any of those for any combination so it's not so much about those four things as much as it is taking my attention yep and directing it and having an awareness yeah of out there got it not locked up in here like Frankenstein in here yep all right yeah it's time for an impression sure I would love one all right you ready for we're gonna do Frankenstein yeah okay let's do it stand over here yeah okay so we're gonna we're gonna do Frankenstein yeah this would be the non external cue golfer yeah yeah oops yeah that would be the the no good friend what it was there and let's talk about I'm not picking on anybody in particular but what I'm saying is I was so locked into getting my feet right first yeah and then holding the club yeah and then putting the club down yeah and did you ever see me look look look no did you ever see me get it in my mind's eye no did I look like I was putting by feel or by mechanics mechanics very little part of the weirdest yes so that is the reason for the impersonation of Frankenstein yeah it's not to pick on anybody out there it's to demonstrate and to blow up and magnify that hey I need to get my attention yes and my fields and my awareness out at these external cues and as we I think that's so so important and you know it's so important now obviously right obviously there's there's got to be baseline skills that you have to be able to do of speed right of reading the Greens of start line to pair with this we're not it's not it's not a all-or-nothing thing right okay so like you have to you have to have some baseline skills to work with this I think what we're saying here is beyond that baseline ability of start getting the ball started on the line the speed control I might not begin the terms correct but there's something for the reading beyond that kind of initial get your foot in the door ability what's dramatically more important beyond that would be this these mental skills these visualization skills this awareness and this attention so yeah I teach you know from the world's best all the way down to you know members here at the club and junior kids yeah and you know the biggest thing that I see the biggest mistake they're making mentally is they're so focused so much internally on getting the stroke correct oh and they're falling in love with the line and they're locked in like Frankenstein on their address and they never get around to putting Eric that makes sense what's important here is to see and feel look at that entry point look look look yeah look look look those three words look look look look the entry point visualize the curved line establish the aim line set up your putter then take your grip then set your feet that's the order that makes sense can you get one more time yes oh I can do the bad guy in the good guy give me the good guy all right the good guy a good player sets the putter takes the grips establishes the feet in that order one two three takes the putter sets the beat sets the putter yep takes the grip that's the feet got it that's important well here I'm going to do the same three things yeah in Reverse sequence got it bad golfer sets his feet takes his grip changes - yeah and he wonders why he's locked just by changing the sequence of that short little routine while looking at these visual cues yeah makes sense so here I'm gonna do it again yeah yeah wipe the blood on laid yep using that now looking at the entry point seeing that curved line setting the putter down the aim line to the end point taking my grip on setting my feet I look look look come back magic happens I feel like we could do videos just on that taste there's so much good stuff so that might be like a good 30 second one that I get a little clip out of there so tell me this we've got again the number of not may be important but just some different options in terms of doing this where does the line on the ball come into play whether you use that or not maybe let's start with that I thought you'd never ask yeah all right well I think it's pretty common sense here yeah the most common question I get asked and putting it should I use the line or not yeah yeah I mean I mean that's almost like shed drink water or not yeah well to answer that question really depends on you as a player okay I think what's compatible is if I were using entry point and curve line I probably wouldn't use the line on the ball because I want the freedom you know what my focus more on speed got it yep now if I am using a named line that probably would want a line on the putter maybe a line on the ball got it so let me let me pause that for a second so of those four pieces we talked about will have a visual earlier on if the golfer decided or tested like the idea of picking the point by itself and having that be their focal point then mine on the ball at least maybe more towards that right and then and then if they liked the spot and in their mind drawing the straight line that would make more sense the curved line or the entry point doesn't doesn't may have no line on the ball and the line of the putter right on the surface you got on the surface look how easy is that that's perfect what about putter line or putter with the line on the ball see like one or the other yeah I like that a lot yeah because I think golfer struggled with trying to line up the line on the putter which is a fun a flat flange yeah yeah yeah with a line that's on a curved surface yeah and that's why sometimes the lines don't match on the ball and the putter and I see that so much gotcha and I had a girl the other day young girl and she kept she didn't want to let go of the fact that she wanted to use a line on the ball but the line on the ball she wasn't aiming correctly anyway yeah yeah and then she was setting the putter down and there was a conflict between where the putter line was and the line on the ball yeah so they weren't matching and as soon as I removed the line on the fall she was aiming great in class yeah yeah so I think I think logically lying on the ball makes sense sure but we're not dealing with logic we're dealing with visual perception god it makes perfect sense to me let's do I think that's such a beautiful explanation of all of that can I do one and kind of talk to myself through one doing that with my brother absolutely and I'll go through my normal routine now all right do not use a line okay I just kind of set the I have a real no reason I just kind of set the logo up top when I come back here and I look at the putt I I can always again draw memories back to when I putted well versus not I prefer to see the ball the entry point I prefer to see the ball going in the hole and a little bit of the curve for like the end of the pipe the entry line the end of that ideal line the entry line into that Cup the curved entry line I got you yeah yeah I see that like the last couple of feet in the ball and the ball rolling in kind of just dying into the hole and so when I come up here I'm gonna go through this like I'm supposed to I like that and I can get clarity on my line there and now I like to see now let me ask you this is I'm going in here and I do this no I already and I'm already starting that process now where I see that rolling in and I see the ball and I wipe the blade now as I'm walking up to the ball I'm not really doing that as much for me as I'm going through I'm going putter grip feet yeah now as I'm looking at the hole I see the ball falling in the right center I see the line at the end I go back to the ball I like to do that one more time ball falling in little line back to the ball and then I hit yeah now that sort of sequence of it is that pretty normal and recommended I think with the good players they look look look you'll see their head rotating yeah I learned this from another putting instructor named Jeff Mangum gotcha and Jeff taught me the importance of rotating the head swiveling the head neck yes as opposed to lifting the head up and looking or not even looking at all yeah you know so I thought that was a really good bit of information that he shared with me how important it is for you to rotate your head look look look yeah and that way your brain has taken in some more information got it got it makes perfect sense so that was beautiful I'm gonna do a little recap here at the end of those principles does that kind of cover the target preference thing absolutely the biggest thing is that you need to understand our viewers need to understand is the preference and it might be different on a right-to-left putt versus left-right but it's okay to change yeah so you say that one more time it's a preference yeah okay and it can change and it can change from right-to-left putts left-to-right putts and it's okay and what's interesting is one of my flashsticks certified instructors in Germany Benjamin slick thing and I said to me it's more about what you don't use it's more about what you don't yeah so use the whole picture yeah and so people that aren't using all four of these they're just removing a picture from each from the photo album yeah okay well I'm not gonna look at that I'm gonna pay attention to that make up a change to that I'm just gonna focus on this gotta and people try to keep things simple which is fun but sometimes simplicity you lose a lot of important and important information for your brain right so so I like I think for a lot of you that are feel based yeah I would go probably more entry point and then the idea liner like you said the entry line the last curving portion yeah if you're a little bit more mechanical based player yeah maybe aim line aim point line on the ball line on the putter yeah I don't even think I need a recap because that was perfect mr. David or thank you very much sir all right that's good here thank you alright guys so just a quick recap of that I hope that you guys get the take-home messages there that was so good from David and just scratching the surface of what he's able to do okay if you guys haven't seen before please check out flatstick Academy will include the link down below there's so much more on putting so easy to follow in such good information from David in this right the big picture take homes here is the ability to have external cues versus internal cues and the correlation there and putting performance between those two is just so clear and when we talked about as target preferences now we went over four different basic options I can see the bowl right by me my words basically the ball dying into the hole I can see the line and paint a picture in my mind between the golf ball and the hole and see a little curve there I can pick an endpoint and just see that spot and or I can pick that endpoint see a straight line from that point to the ball just has four basic options we've really urge you guys to get more into that external beyond just the stroke mechanics and an internal part so hopefully that's a good take-home message if you guys have any questions as always leave a comment down below and please please PLEASE one more time check out Flast Academy
Channel: Eric Cogorno Golf
Views: 69,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eric cogorno, eric cogorno golf, golf, channel, tips, drills, instruction, lessons, easy swing tips, easy swing drills, easy golf swing, golf tips, golf drills, downswing golf drills, backswing golf tips, impact position, effortless golf swing, driver swing tips, learn to strike your irons, chipping and pitching tips, improve driver strke, golf putting, putting drills, putting lesson, hole more putts, scotty cameron, putting instruction, short game golf
Id: RmdDnqmGHyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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