Golden Ratio Logo Design in Illustrator

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hello there you're watching down ski the place to be to develop your creative skills in this tutorial we're going to learn how to create a golden ratio logo design all in Adobe Illustrator righty-o so we're now in Illustrator and you can see on screen a sketch that we're going to be working from to create our golden ratio logo so the first thing we need to do is create the golden ratio grid and if we just move over here somewhere and zoom in the first thing we'll do is select the rectangle tool and just left-click and create a rectangle that is 10 by 10 and as you can see is quite small so just use the zoom tool to zoom in nice and close and for me this is easiest in outline mode just because you don't have any creative properties like strokes and fills and things so to go into outline mode you press command or control Y on your keyboard and essentially it's a wireframe of your design with no fills or strokes or any colors applied now the next thing to do is left-click and hold where the rectangle tool is and select the ellipse tool and just left click anywhere on the artboard and again we're going to create an ellipse it is 10 by 10 which of course gives us a circle and we can then drag these together and so that they snap in place if they don't snap in place it's always a good idea to turn on your smart guides and you can do that from the View menu at the top of the screen so now we've got these two together we're going to drag over them and go to object group and so they move around as one complete shape and next we'll select this shape and then left-click and drag and as we drag we're holding the shift and the Alt key and what this does is it will create a copy so you should have something that looks like this next we're going to select the top one and do the same again we'll start dragging and then hold shift and alt shift keeps it perfectly horizontal or vertically in line and alt as you can see if I take my finger off the key and then put it down indicates on the cursor that we are going to be creating a copy now I'm going to scale this one up and I'm going to scale it holding shift just so it doesn't do anything funky like this and skew out of proportion and if illustrator is being nice you'll see that it snaps in place right at the bottom there if it doesn't just zoom in all the way down here and then scale up or down holding shift just to get everything in line because that's really important when creating this so once you've created your three circles the next step is to drag over everything and rotate from one of the corners and again we're going to hold shift just so it locks that rotation to either a 45 degree or a 90 degree angle move this over here and we're going to drag over this top section and again hold alt and shift as we drag out it snaps in place we hold shift and we scale up from the corner and we repeat the process so we rotate drag over the top section hold alt and shift to drag out and then hold shift and left-click to scale up from the corner and essentially it's just really a case of repeating this process there we go so you can see it's not really quite snapping there and I just need to zoom in just to make sure it did are perfect it did if it doesn't snap it will look something like this and it's just a case of them manually doing that or holding shift and adjusting it just so everything lines up smart guides are amazing but sometimes they can be a little bit fiddly when there's lots of different lines just to get everything to line up perfectly as you can see here I've made a right mess of this but at least I get to show you the technique as well so let's just snap that in place and again we're going to repeat so we rotate from the corner holding shift and it snaps in place fantastic that why there's not too many more of these then once you've created this it's always the kind of thing that you can save as a separate document there you go so it's not snapping so I'll just get as close as I can zoom in on that bottom point and then hold shift to scale up or down just so I get it lined up and then I can just hold shift again and shuffle that into place I promise we're nearly done so we'll rotate holding shift from the corner hold alt and shift to drag out and create that copy and then hold shift to scale up and it snaps in place and then when you're done just drag over everything go to object group and we can press command or control Y to come out of outline mode and we can see we've got strokes and fills and whatnot and I'm just going to drag over this and just remove that white fill and we have a stroke of one point as well so I might just bring that down just a naught point five and there we go we've essentially created a golden grid we have all of our squares and our circles and the circles of what we're going to be focusing on using for this tutorial now this is all grouped together at the moment we can drag over this go to object ungroup and their knees are still grouped together as well so we're just ungroup again keep on grouping until everything is separate and then we can left-click on this first circle the largest one hold shift and then gradually select all of the other circles and we'll zoom in just so we get these ones so that's just the circles and not any of the squares all the rectangles depending on how you look at and then we're going to go to edit copy and edit paste in place and hold shift and use that right arrow key to nudge these out so we've isolated the circles and then we can just drag over all of these and from the align panel at the top or on the right we're going to select horizontal align Center and vertical align Center and so now we have our golden circles and these what we're going to be using to create our golden ratio logo so I'm going to scale these up a little bit if you can see this is the size of my logo I want to make sure that they're not too small because then when I start to actually apply these to my logo they're not gonna be big enough so essentially it doesn't matter how big these circles are or how small they are the important thing is that when I scale them I hold shift so it stays in proportion and doesn't do anything like this and I don't go and start changing the size of circles just to suit me or the design or just for any reason the important thing is the ratio from this circle to this circle to this circle to this circle and so on so the important thing is the ratio between the different circles so that's something that we shouldn't be changing unless you really want to and then go for it so we will just hold shift and scale that up so I've got a nice variety of circles that I can then use so the first thing we're going to do is we'll grab the largest circle and when we're dragging from our set of circles over here think of this as a template so we don't want to drag the master circle because we will be reusing this so let's hold down that Alt key and drag and it just keeps creating copies so that one there's a little bit big but we'll go to the next one drag and hold alt almost so I think what I'll do is I'll probably just bring up my circles all just a pinch so when I grab this first one that's pretty close to the size and in fact something that I'm going to do is just drag over all of these circles and go to the swatches panel double click this black swatch select the global option just so if we want to change the color at later date we can simply edit this global swatch and it will update that color in our document and just pick something totally outrageous a bright red a blue green or pink something that really stands out just because what we've got here is we've got lots of greys lots of blacks and as you can see it's hard to see this circle so if we start working with this global swatch we can see it against our design and something I like to do as well is sometimes bring up the stroke weight as well just so it makes it a little bit easier to see my design against all of the lines and the sketches and there anything else ok so we've done our first circle we could probably go and use one of the smaller ones for the eye so we're dragging out holding alt there we go pretty good then we'll just usually this one probably a bit too big so what I'm doing is just finding the most suitable size circle for the different elements of my logo and just moving these into position just to get the desired look and I think if you're designing a logo that you would like to work with the golden ratio it's really important that you consider this when you're sketching whether you're sketching on the computer or on paper otherwise if you just create a logo and then try and retrofit it to work with the golden ratio I think it's quite it's quite challenging okay so we're gonna go there we've got that and of course you can always go into outline mode which is command or control Y if you'd like to hide all the nonsense all the sketch and the lines and everything and just go into that bare-bones wireframe view so we've got the beak and we'll use this one here and this can get a little bit chaotic having tons and tons of circles and it's something that at least for me takes a little bit of practice it does get easier and then you can start to see your design for all the chaos but as I say if you're going to be creating a golden ratio logo it definitely helps to have that in mind when you first start your initial sketching process your idea conceptualization just so you kind of have a rough idea of how your design is going to look and how it can work with the golden ratio right so I think we've gone over all of the lines now and this is the really fun part now what I'm going to do is just drag over these circles go to edit copy edit paste in place and then hold shift and use that right arrow key to nudge this over here I'm not entirely sure what this little random bits of Bloor but we're going to get rid of those just so they don't cause any problems okay so we'll work on this one if anything does go wrong we've got this as our backup so we'll drag over everything and then using the shape builder tool over here we can start to drag through the various shapes and we'll start to see our logo coming together now when I drag through a shape you can see that it combines that so it shows exactly what is going to be combined and when I let go it then merges it together if I want to knock out a shape or remove something from a selection just hold down the Alt key then you'll see it changes to it - and I can do the same and it effectively will now cut out this circle so now the circle here the eye is cut out from the rest of the logo and we can again hold alt and do this around the edges we can trim off all of this excess stuff I'm just dragging through and I find that this is probably the most fun part because you get to really see the design coming together and you get to see if you've made any mistakes and at least from my experience this part of the process is never like totally smooth you can see here I've got these random points over here and if you do get anything like this just grab that direct selection tool drag over it hit delete or backspace and again in outline mode this is much easier as well because you don't get any kind of stroke weight hiding anything you get that just that bare-bones wireframe so you can see here it's not quite gone as smoothly as planned so we'll just select that grab that shape builder tool and just trim off this here we can join the beak to the rest of the body and just zigzag and scribble over all this and include just zoom in nice and close I don't think that should be there that little kind of sliver so we'll just hold alt and remove that there we go we zoom in really close that is supposed to be included so we'll just drag over that make sure that's included so it's a case of really kind of going in fine-tuning it and just a little bit of detective work I think just to kind of really find any errors or anything that's not quite gone to plan so we'll do this area here and I'm a guy have a slightly different color under the wing so I think grab all of these so that's the main body see if you take a little bit more time in care and you kind of check your circles and everything before going ahead ideally these two points here would touch and it would be perfect but this is this is a tutorial so I'm not gonna weigh too much and we've got this one here let's just include that as well so you can see here we have the main body we have this bit which is the kind of shadow under the wing and then we have the eye which is cut out so we can now come out of outline mode command or control Y and we're left with this I don't worry that the strokes are different weights we've gone through we've tidied everything up and we can now drag over this go to object ungroup if anything is grouped and select each individual element then we can start giving this some color now at the moment we have a stroke but we can just swap that around and double click the color picker and just pick a color as we like or we can type in a six digit hex value so we've got FF e nine three seven for this lovely yellow and of course if I add a color behind you can see that the eye is cut out so this shows through and then what we'll do is we'll select this bit shadow under the wing and again we're just going to swap that fill and stroke double-click the color picker then go FF e 9 3 7 that's the reference for this specific color and we can just decrease the brightness so we've got the brightness here a hundred percent we could drop that to 80 and click OK and I think I might just adjust the hue on that ever so slightly just so it fits a little more with the yellow and it's just a case of really adjusting this and fine-tuning it until you get to a point where you're happy and then this is what our final design looks like so we can drag over everything now and just go to object group and it will group all of these pieces together and there we go we've created our golden grid our golden circles and ultimately our golden ratio logo and there we go that's how to create a golden ratio logo design in Illustrator as always guys please feel free to leave any questions or comments down below like this video if you enjoyed it take care and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Dansky
Views: 463,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, illustrator, illustrator tutorial, golden ratio tutorial, golden ratio illustrator tutorial, golden ratio illustrator, golden ratio logo tutorial, golden ratio logo in illustrator, golden ratio logo in illustrator tutorial, create a golden ratio logo in illustrator, create a golden ratio in illustrator, golden ratio design tutorial, logo design using the golden ratio tutorial, golden ratio for beginners, golden ratio tutorial for beginners, golden ratio, golden ratio logo
Id: gNn6U-v-pxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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