Golden Globes 2013 Opening - Tina Fey and Amy Poehler

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live from the star building international ballroom of the Beverly Hilton Hotel welcome to the 70th annual Golden Globe Awards and now your host for the evening ladies and gentlemen Tina Fey and Amy Poehler good evening I'm Tina Fey and I am Amy Poehler welcome everyone to the 70th annual Golden Globe Awards those of you at home I wish you could feel the excitement in this room you can smell the pills from here tonight we honor the television shows that have entertained us all year as well as the films that have only been in theaters for two days that's what makes tonight's so special only at the Golden Globes - the beautiful people of film rub shoulders with the rat-faced people of television speaking of Tina and I are also both nominees tonight and thank you I just want to say that I very much hope that I win thank you you're my nemesis thank you ricky gervais c-couldn't be here tonight because he is no longer technically in show business we want to assure you that we have no intention of being edgy or offensive tonight because as ricky learned the hard way when you run afoul of the Hollywood Foreign Press they make you host this show two more times oh my gosh it was a great year for women it was a great year for women in television Lena Dunham is a double nominee Leigha we love your show we are such fans but if they are forcing you to do all that nudity you have to tell us okay just give us some kind of signal and we will call child services something there's a great year for film women in film Kathryn Bigelow nominated tonight I haven't really been following the controversy over zero dark thirty but when it comes to torture I trust the lady who spent three years married to James Cameron of course we want to thank our hosts tonight the HF PA for having us Amy tell the people a little bit about the hf PA yes you know well when left untreated HF PA can lead to cervical cancer however there is a vaccination Amy that's aged people I'm sorry of course the HF ba is the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and when left untreated no she's kidding there is no known cure for the Hollywood Foreign Press look at all these gorgeous movie stars here tonight Ben Affleck is here tonight fans first two movies took place in Boston but he moved this one to Iran because he wanted to film somewhere that was friendlier to outsiders hi Ben hi how are you he's doing good huh I'm providing too so you're looking great good for you you're not better than me the beautiful Anne Hathaway is here tonight Anne Hathaway you gave a stunning performance in lay miserably I have not seen someone so totally alone and abandoned like that since you were on stage with James Franco at the Oscars you know and shot her big lay miss song all in one tight close-up and she said that it was really difficult performing with a camera so close to her face well then she's never gonna make it in porn I don't think she has any plans to do porn Amy none of us have plans to do The Hunger Games was one of the biggest films of the year and also what I call the six weeks it took me to get into this dress angley's been nominated for Best Director for The Life of Pi which is what I'm gonna call the six weeks after I take this dress off who else is here well - Jennifer Lawrence is here the star of silver linings playbook Quentin Tarantino is here the star of all my sexual nightmares Meryl Streep is not here tonight she has the flu and I hear she's amazing in it she steals it Mandy Patinkin from TVs homeland is here I like homeland but I don't think it's as good as that other show previously on Homeland that thing is action-packed no you know Mandy Patinkin is the star of homeland but he's also a treasure of the American musical theater and if I were in charge of this show which I have been told repeatedly I'm not after every clip of lame is a vibe I would cut to Mandy Patinkin because he knows if it's good singing or bad and he won't be able to hide it in his face what we will prove it anybody can did you like it incredible don't lie to me Mandy don't lie to me Julianne Moore is here tonight nominated for playing Sarah Palin and games me too I used to win prizes for that too and you know I think if governor Palin we're here tonight she'd say you bet you know I lost it yeah bitch oh no I can't do any more maybe it's for the best but enough silliness Daniel day-lewis is here performance in Lincoln is so amazing he was so mad that he really disappears into his character did you know that Lincoln was not the first role Daniel day-lewis played in a Steven Spielberg film really what else did he play ET no he was eating young Daniel day-lewis was et due to the finger amazing alright let's get this thing started we're gonna keep this moving and we promise we will wrap up by 11:00 11:00 dark thirty at the latest ladies and gentlemen please welcome from silver linings playbook Bradley Cooper and from The Reluctant Fundamentalist Kate Hudson
Channel: MovieAwardsAll
Views: 5,440,608
Rating: 4.8503308 out of 5
Keywords: Tina Fey (Actor), funny moments, monologue
Id: F4rSKCXqEw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2013
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