Golden Age Hollywood Bloopers (1930s & 1940s)

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you Virginia's in Russia Russia dr. Spiker is Daffy concentrate concentrate hi you're a knight concentration camp they don't need to justify their lives I do I'm a physician I'm a surgeon god damn it sorry give the cue Oh Jim you shall go leave here now and no cost not money oh Jesus right in which he states that the airlines are join South America in the United States will be of immeasurable economic value and intrinsic value or whatever the hell we argue there are thousands just like Philips honest decent self-respecting men who've lost their jobs through no fault of that moon god dammit understand by the way again yeah I'm lucky lucky say you want to be secondary yeah yeah Chicago [Music] oh damn it can you see that down to the last 12 bucks and I think if you might like this good Jesus Christ what's around them [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can't get shot that's back and forth so on and so on this one she starts crying more and more Marlene she gets what a crazy way talking about oh come on Peggy be a boy the guy's an hour on for the dependent on this point is guitar tonight can I guess okay baby how will you say that I ain't leavin over here alright gumdrops and York I can cook for me 20 years ago instead of suddenly discovering sis vertical about the deal I finally get someone up here right away yes and just to keep the record straight boys you might tell your palpitating readers at the first subscription on the list and for one myth 1 million fairy gosh wait a minute maybe he's got something there one good night's haul out of this and we can all go home I'll be asleep you'll be in charge of the wagon train leaving in the morning see that all necessary supplies are full up to tell ya 10:11 break once more come on all right great yeah gentle lamebrain in here you can stay here in your clothes dry out but you better be off or on your way thank them very soon because I Alameda will send us wind and weather position changes and chips and so on the thing so to help you get yourself back in the marine mood I'm restricting you reporters for tended Saturday ship right now I bet he's the he-man boss have there heard that I work with Devils all the yeah sorry head you see we the Rangers have been trying to get something on judge Blake for months that's my partner judge caught it Jeff surely you're mistaken I'm lieutenant Colton the union officers temporarily assigned to Secret Service in hopes that we might be able to get rid of this thing well smoke oh boy looks like our luck still hold I can't raise my hands off the ground imitation birds and beasts the forest two firemen ago all right no oh let's go ahead just do some more paper figuring you're one of these destructive critics if they everything a guy who does dog chuck was on a point of exposing Marsha unless she cleared out so so for my heart's best affections and all my worldly goods have in doubt join your right hands again so why should this Oh God pick it up I thought you promised not to lecture but I'm trying was there enough light in the alley for you to see the defendant very clearly I could see pretty clearly yet enough to swear slim Jacobs God it won't come take a tip from the family position not damn I can't remember that damn it what's to be done all right I'll give you radio well produce the gas dim this blowout for 1938 [Applause] [Music] what about that coat it's a bad fits bad fit that's it yeah tight on the arm not under my aunt that's my coat you're gonna be a hell of a stalker getting this tore up all right you must be the first one to taste it thank you like they're not about to happiness they think experiment to prepare for your mind most famous dish chicken ala running famous it isn't everybody good people on the inside of this tent you will see it on firing an inspiration obverse words no no no no all right which is it I poured it down the base oh I meant it for doctor Harrigan I wouldn't have stopped oh that's an idea but it's true Monsieur the whole oh let me try it again for goodness sake oh I got a job haven't I oh yes we have a job yeah you're entitled to 10% but I've got a job have enough yes I think your head yeah you're entitled to generous exhales OH do you suppose he rides in the park every day with Sally that line ruin and I just heard from a friend in Washington at what years I've dreamed of this moment this shall be the creation of everything I don't know what I've done hello hello oh damn it over you see the airplane would you grow up hello people be arriving in a minute the main thing is I kind of owe mrs. Harvey I'm our last solid point of lead II so sure well that's a shame my husband will be so sorry to miss you ah really mrs. Wayne a very man you see mrs. Cleary you will get behind him and I'll be behind you mrs. Mason will get behind him me or something Oh my life hasn't been so pleasant lately well even though I now did you put that over words the worst I wanted I would have end it all oh god damn it right in this lesson you'll find a type out of everything new there IRA submit respectfully that your honor it is your oh my that's pretty rogers must be alright [Music] [Music] Allen fryer let's waste no more time we take the shortcut across the stream tae-il god dammit give me back my mutton two nuts got it dude you've got your rotten little prince record of it and when he ceased to be a reigning prince you had a bad face Oh realizing a sinister influence was tying the hands of the police I began a personal in Oh nuts a personal Wow where's Andy he's over the seven-eleven Club working on a story that's gonna rock this town tell him to stick the rocking babies that's why did you get ready oh well that goddamn thing locked again hey listen chief if you think you can spare me I guess me and a boys would be getting back to the parade we'd probably have to run a foot race now there's miss Blaine brought aboard ship are still in her room the stewardess stewardess reported to me and I've had the ship searched we found a rope attached to the boat deck rail they must have lowered themselves to the dock mr. bell touch these things are still in a cabin she's a chance I never was I'm always bad luck to me kind of a [ __ ] I know dolphin say cut it it's good to see you too Sara Lance don't come on a case I'm not fooling besides I don't know what the hell to say come on line up it's the Lord talking the hell it is the law yeah there's the law if we think of the lying little Macy's outfit might lead us to higher-ups that's what the chief wants yes god damn and I don't know what I'm supposed to say okay it doesn't need explaining I forgot the goddamn line looks like Heppner might have something so we return the Schofield fork it I'll be I don't pick it up you're funny oddly well check the passenger list of all planes leaving the metro power oh I see so you don't know anything at all about the house gonna break now wants to put you out of business doesn't he Thomas there isn't enough god I don't the hell I'm talking about I'm sure you're out of commission I laid off the mechanics to some goddamn reason I don't know boy well I'll show you what we're going to do about it you're disqualified for this race and now we're going to recommend you they all say the Brooklyn cowboy and I believe them often Maxine I have some horses at home and I don't think I can't remember anymore yeah I know Chopin we know it Monsieur and we are going away in the hope that if you cannot forget it forgive us yep you have been given the honor to represent America dance exposition yes of course you'll really receive all expenses and an immediately check for yeah save or save or save or save or save or don't bring it back miss tongues hanging out Hey have a heart every time Thursday he's give you the air for no Angie yeah well then he's gotta win like a town about 30 miles from here over in them now our Ozark where the hillbillies come from hose emitting a blacksmith we could have to take and I fixed it free with old man god dammit how we might work up a match with one of your own boys create local interest all we need is a fellow was waitin up and learn a couple of lines under Oh buddy you can talk me into it now listen baby I know everything there is to know about wrestling I can promote a match from podunk to the garden I can't remember the line god damn it what bust my bustle that's the right small idea I'm not wait for money [Music] the next time ask somebody in the newspaper business yes mm-hmm well so what about it oh yeah be a record I'm sorry now you might as well the dudes bog and Julie and we'll just seal it with a kiss get out what's the matter hey you know hurry must have misunderstood by turn Matthew choose with you if you don't mind that's right dear that's right do you know everything don't you okay before I'll have you know that never in any hour of distress when I call the land Lansford and subject myself to the clubs he's are killing bill on the telephone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and here he is folks that red-blooded red-faced redheaded he-man of the West the mightiest horse tamer in captivity well smoke oh boy looks like our luck still hold ice tell Kang Jae's my ass off the ground ladies and gentlemen we're happy at this time to present a warner brothers first oh what the hell ladies and gentlemen we're happy at this time to present a warner brothers Oh nuts [Music] mm Emerson absolutely magnificent seven curtain calls Oh in the basement on the stage the farewell to Toscanini our bull you make me so mad what have I done well with the whole underworld having just as much reason for wanting to pin the murder Oh nuts how did you and know you honorably wanted her to take us with Williams you ever nothing oh how long did you how much nuts how can I have by telling me what you know about this good potato sergeant Oh [Laughter] torchy will you cut it out Dibble kill the guy and that's that if Ward had been killed with a tire inch there might be some reason to suspect a garage helper well what in the name of if Ford had been killed with a tire wrench there might have been some reason to suspect a garage helper but what in the name of Pete but this kid be doing with a hypodermic needle load of pressure gas but five to one I own that sign five thousands basket oh I don't know but it wasn't dick in a different season oh Jesus shut up the deer did it you bastard why don't you say it's like a fairy tale here's to the very halls of Montezuma because I can't move my head because if I do I entire god damn witch come on folks I'm I'm much obliged to you for bringing me here tonight I felt a little scared and and blue when I first came here but I don't feel that way now cause of everything but please don't ask me to sing again oh geez I must have a line someplace hi I don't bother with love hem the time you great men are all so hard I have to be hard yes I suppose you do there's so many girls would be after you because you earned so much money in a song famous - just what miss day said she would she's just the type you have to watch out for you don't mean miss day oh my dear didn't you see how furious she was when I stepped in tonight and spoiled her plans oh god I am better liner heaven you know I've always had sort of a little dream electrical shock just like a dream girl well anyway lots of people have dream girls but dreams electricity shops god damn you off you know that [ __ ] okay Oh Betty mama Oh why didn't you tell me can I go with your commissioner I risk that can I go with you anything hey uh can I go with you together they entered the Trask home shortly after Strickland paid over the money and while Strickland stood guard with a gun in his hand the accomplice opened the safe extracted the $20,000 but before they could escape however my coat isn't open God well I'm sorry gentlemen but I'm afraid I'll have to report this well gentlemen I'm sorry but I'm afraid I proposed to Jane please ah I'm sorry gentlemen but duty calls I'm prego have to report this to the coming back it's wrap Papa won't like it my book is completely rational enough definite scientific value you're positive about Josiah do anything do you mean god damn it yes there's the Chinese chalk and that the heavens which predicted events just like the horse code that oh Jesus when I give orders around here they take them from me and nobody else incidentally is your record of the girl to work the lovely thing isn't Dexter yeah I think it is it'll help there yes looks like you've been on in a shopping spree yeah I have that's the man they are there's money but I'm preparing for Law School what of it you ever hear of night school did you ever hear a boy is working to help them others a mother like yours one of the finest women that ever bought a thoroughbred and free no good sons of physics I tell you men sometimes it's enough to put me up in my lines bejesus shut up beneath it they didn't eat me cut it out kiddo you're really gonna hurt time in your hip little boy half your size a warrior on the ear spork okay okay Jesus Christ but anything that you say henceforth may be used against you at your own trial but you can't arrest him he could do it god damn it listen to me you can't do that to me you're crucifying me you can't get away with it let's do it again god damn it move seven new numbers time let's reload or some time you can't do that to me Jimmy your crucify me you can't get away with it it's conspiracy that's what it is I'll report you two responses I know them personally our fortunate the communications of the goddamn thing I'd like to watch anyway look mrs. Kovach if there's anything I can do you oh I totally nice have you got up in my leg [Music] my dear that stinks see how he is everywhere to poison me every instant I'm in danger until I get to my god okay bring us two blankets two pair of cigarettes nuts excuse me Elizabeth please listen to me Alan's life its Alan its Alan its you don't want to see that judge again you know he might be real angry if he found out why you took me and then we would be able to spend Lincoln other liver oh wait Lee sees me slide he won't buddy then I'll just a question of flying art that you're a damn bird if you were trying to be funny Otto cafe trying to be funny I'm just trying to tell you this 4,000 Chinamen in this country that might have knocked McHugh off bring us up [ __ ] my cute baby I can't even see the house I'm happy about getting a wife back but I can't take any chances no chances what's all the emergency about just had a baby in the ladies room your food is always perfect medicine ival always perfect you gentlemen are so get long can't speak for the others as for myself I'm a southerner bye XO [Applause] you taught him his ticket my color oh we can still save it right you son of a [ __ ] did he do this I mean we've got a story we've got no space for it will you go home please [Music] I stay come on a minute cut quick why don't you send her away for a while and thought of a vacation to Algiers or somewhere now you listen to this both of you get this thing straight just because my mother takes it God Jenna sorry what was the denomination of that did it go back to your cooking party I haven't it oh say what's eating you [Music] I'll bet you 20 bucks then I catch Billy before Gilbert does good funny book nice yeah yeah beat that like you just learned a week ago how you use a knife and fork huh now listen torchy even if I agree with what you want admitting you're a pretty good detective and all life what could you do that the Secret Service men [Music] listen you do that again you will take the camp god damnit alright but we're picking it up again when the cute little of McCracken judge hands me my detail what kind of a phony is this he says our divorce isn't oh yeah I'll save you the trouble see your cashier and get this out Oh see the cash didn't get your salad I don't want anything but these gentlemen do they want you on a little charge of kidnapping and our friend Bill Clinton would like to discuss a long line of oh that's the right answer Johnny you know it's always smart to have the right answers like that you take it easy I got this thing all figured out god damn it can you pick it up beneath it did he did yeah mr. Brennan yes I'm gonna kick the hell am I good morning miss Ann I was wondering if I might speak to mr. head mr. Han I know mr. house mr. muoi heaven dude it good lookout you Rick okay I don't believe you even consulted him they wouldn't [ __ ] about evidence in the murder case if they didn't think they had enough evidence they go to it god dammit pick it up no but there's something about the way you ride it puts my heart in my mouth oh I'm very sorry I burned my good oh no oh god burn myself how can we find out how can we do mmm they leave that to me huh but you won't do anything foolish I'm sorry dad all right pick it up yeah but while I do that seat up McTavish yes what do I feel about Stan captain McTavish ready so yeah but what do I do when I want to see chop McTavish yeah but while I do wha-wha-what we can't stand it I tell you I feel like picking his place and waiting for ice cream on hot Jews to shock shock into Kingdom go ahead here we go I should already is camera that's why I don't care easy with their starting I'm sorry here we go in fact Osama bin Saleh big son of a they're done why even the woman you went to after you committed the murder she'll go against you she'll say that sacrifice herself the same set sacrifice somebody up I live I say that Felix these two men have 100 a month to live here you girls would screw Oh son of a beneath me s-sama beneath it son of a gun hey you thought I was gonna say yes son of a [ __ ] didn't know [Music] remember what Confucius say washing offering like roundup adopting I wanna go home [Music] there go hey melon Oh Bobby this is no time to jerk okay jerky you think that but you don't know [Music] come on things to make a statement you haven't got a chance why you dirty hey just a minute this is supposed to be my dad what are you doing here [Music] you thank you very much governor Oh boys I'd blow that thank you very much lieutenant we've filmed it in natural color and it will do a great oh boy any training either I know I know but again look you got me wrong mister thank Emily thank you sir oh me always I don't want to do earn a few bucks and I'll be on my way you're on your way right now but I told you I'm broke I counted on a few weeks salary here you can stop counting now there's a boat leaving for the state's tomorrow night son of a [ __ ] but this cigar I've swallowed 18 months right now that's right the valiant doesn't taste of death but one person goddamn thing like that what's going on here it's a swindle the whole painter swindle you just try to get rid of Nate ginger that's right all three of the men did and one of them deliberately took an awful shock until man I got a bright red lipstick mine's gone anemic yeah make yourself beautiful for Eddie oh I didn't think of it I can't think of anything else either was it I don't know you mean you don't know well I've seen him around seen him around where Jesus lunch one hour just what you are for Alma get subbu daddy met Nam from y ou ah well then oh Jesus Christ shall I introduce you to my friend so that way for that god damn tractor come on no don't put them in there put them with a 70 big old Jesus oh no no no that's terrible terrible terrible it was great fun making the picture but it would be still greater run run I'm all right a girl in here on our shoplifting beef is going to escape with me why don't you make it a general food why don't you make it a general jail delivery then you'll really have something Oh fine the hell can I think of a goddamn wine boy it's gonna be a tough one but we'll meet again and I'll write to you from wherever I find God [ __ ] that second jump three feet in the air and come down stiff as a board me I'll still be in the goddamn thing Jam good night yeah with this moon is there no romance in your heart the god damned I could ever think of that god damned [Music] what's your thing [ __ ] I don't remember my lines the point is doctor which do you favor spending the cash for a new victory at the Cathedral or a new wing at the hospital neither I'd spend it for I'd spend it buying a new studio for Warner Brothers fine fine very fine that's fine if I only knew the line now how beautifully we could play this team wait a minute perhaps you can give me some advice I'm suppose are supposed to go home oh if you will but do you think you can if you or did you not write me a ballet which I pay you for three times in Paris too much that's lousy yeah an order of transfer from the senior officer present afloat I'm goddamn if I know why for a while I've started death don't we how will you did is your your too conventional I'm all true the world premiere of Dodge City will be definitely held in your town oh jeez I wrong again I can't get up now almost 20 years later with every power arming to the teeth for preparing for god dammit it's do or die but good old metropolis hi you you come but you tell a code thanks very much miss and don't try to use that phone again are you you know I didn't bring any costumes with me but I'll be goddamned if any one [Music] boy just gonna be a tough one good all the front don't try and fool me I'm a but then I didn't know I didn't know that heaven was a little spot in Honolulu oh good god but it stinks welcome home mr. BAE hello listen yes sir the show good news in that telegram you sent it and it said that it is you're worried about welcome home mr. BAE hello Watson yesterday sure welcome home in today hello Watson into the show good news in that total granted and because you wanted to get those chicks you thought if I would pay $1000 cash now for them that you could get a whole lot out in earth that it wasn't the reason it was just a climax or one walk and bake at goddamnit you are very clever madam you have very I'm very happy but the greatest common work that oh I blew it good Oh put this leg right over there [Music] dang it I don't know whether you care or not but my granddaughters in jail for a crime she didn't commit now you tried to sell those checks come on come on simulate firing as soon as you hit the line Oh son of a [ __ ] hey you tried to cookie slim well what'd I tell you she's a hell of a wife that I don't believe you yet you old-fashioned people really oh yeah just what I've been looking for missile swenerton mrs. Swinton oh you son of a [ __ ] Oh Adil you are so somber in your black coat why do you not wear your gear White's car your party bus teacher oh I beg you and here he is folks that red-blooded red-faced redheaded ki man of the West the mightiest horse tamer in captivity we have smoke oh boy looks like our luck still home I still can't face my ass off the ground [Music] what dainty little two males you have my dear what have we got to lose you don't have to go back to the States there's an iron gate behind hmm damn it means cutting why don't you draw us English American or some goddamn vein to your father you can't speak me that I'm not a fat old man why you my god where dammit I began to worry you sturdy well well fancy meeting you again whatever coming night vision what are you waiting on oh my friend you do all this for me oh you are my brother my sister my mother my grandmother my grandfather oh I beg your pardon now oh why do I have that hand in my pocket all the time hold on hi they were all over there is that all you want to go on a honeymoon for and get married for just go you can hang around an old plane well there isn't gonna be any wedding already New York or any honeymoon or anything else you just made of aluminum and scored cylinders an old worn-out spark plug you haven't got any more romance fashion that old pair of pliers it'd be too bad if those eggs were fertile this guy's liable to wake up Easter morning and discover he's a mother open your mouth right after the scene was shot 458 Hollywood chicks organized the scream layers guild Colonel for William lovely gang wait give me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] pull your hair back but get her across the stage and applied some confident manner right anything but oh right like what do I have to do tell you things in six different languages sorry you're sorry look at my hat I don't know what the hell to fake you turn left the eternal if that does a damn it Man Overboard now this was a fire I know just what to do well I've been at even 30 years and I can't swim a stroke beautiful any what's matter what her dad knows you can't leave her here like this you've got to stay here like a mortar the jail is that you don't mention still good will stop its sentimental they call you lose weight you like think of the lines maybe I'll say that guy that bullet Connor hmm dad I don't know we can't leave her here like this can you leave me here like this cuz I don't know they gotta be alone what are you pulling now all that Santa Daniels the one that she trippin she try to jump the boat well they've got a forest I can't say it mm-hmm you know Daniels that fella did she trip when she tried to jump the boat well he's got a forest something on his head I tried to say big morning howdy pastor hi Alvin I've been kind of expecting to see you yeah yeah I'm right toy for you sure some accent I got three women and one she is album a whole path full of women Wow better marry her be a bigamist she big bus ha ha yes sir yes cuz I mean god damn the final draw Wow I had a pair of crutches made for cookie last thing you did was hit me on the head with them not here lord I am happy you're promoted you're now huh I bet you think nothing now turning that knife on me if pubes - dammit from the first moment that my brothers both sided us with me - all up no I could go off he didn't tell you any of that titty no what do you mean - him what he'll your lives me to him he doesn't care about your lives you're not bending his nuts of course I know your capacity for that she's devastated what ever said she lost his sense of direction she made straight for the library that's all right in her library she can make for it if she likes I hear you're collaborating when I can't work around here oh you're following me oh I didn't know that oh are you going to tell dr. stork keep that crowd happy - like god damn son of a [ __ ] he's been home for two weeks they're fine how-do-you-do to get smacked in the kisser with the minute I turned my god dammit the minute I turned my back I'm sorry but Sandra just told me that I was only nuts to that goddamn line I cannot remember but I didn't die and I haven't stayed away and I want that child you're not going to have it enough there's millions of people all of you here for instance who done lots more than I have just doing their daily jobs god damn it I'm on a kite so a man stole Park sort of one around the snow back took him in and then the dead Mandan up and die with the Pomona so here well this red Hummer last one a snow slide come down boom on that main house and killing deer but didn't kill part oh so well so that will did lado stay clear if I just happen to think if you're planning on getting married or anything all those raw eggs will come in handy you're doing alright and here he is folks that red-blooded red-faced redheaded ki mana the West the mightiest horse tamer in captivity well smoke oh boy looks like my Luck's still whole I still can't phase my ass off the ground [Music] [Applause] [Music] this will give you just a rough idea of a director instructing his cast how to play a scene mr. Charles Boyer at the piano and mr. gulen the director taking the place of Joan Fontaine who was watching mr. Golding off seeing mr. Golding evidently was not at all satisfied with his rehearsal soul he will endeavor to get into character by wearing Miss Fontaine's hat and play up to mr. Bowie all right head he give hours so I stutter I come from the forest one two [Music] and now but the movie public demands a real 55 cents love scene I say that was a scorcher you always act so funny Leslie gorgeous on it give us another I say that was a scorcher you always act so funny Leslie you're gorgeous shot I say that was a scorcher you always act so funny Leslie you're gorgeous Charlotte give us enough I say that was a scorcher are you always so funny Leslie oh you're gorgeous Charlotte give us another I say that was a scorcher you always act so funny Leslie you're a gorgeous Charlotte come on give us another [Music] granny she has to do this you see she took some medicine and forgot to shake the bottle and if the case isn't settled by then I'm going to give the estate away to the Salvation Army and I knew god damn well I was going to say I'm through this thing through me what is it here he is copper Denis Daniel O'Hara alias red he's guilty at Revenue oh yes my darling a thousand times yes if he doesn't cut I don't know what my hell I'm coming too oh that must be bird now I told him to meet me yet my god damn match [Laughter] stinks just put in a medal on you for getting me fired if you'd kept your bustle inside this Juke I might have a chance to bring two zebras now what's your news oh I got a letter from dread para god damn Drake dear Drake glad to hear that you're feeling good and everything's going so well would skip that of course I'm very open Jesus Christ sorry I supposed to pretty big field sir maybe too big maybe a hundred years old of course you can never tell hey I'm not talking the dialogue but Cassie was poisoned and quite a bit later doctor tower shot in herself he hadn't been dead very long when the cook came in and found him and I forgot the rest of the line from there but it'd be great if I could remember it pretty lucky but I didn't have any to do with the murderer whatever you caught god damn it I just haven't remember bently he flew one over there and never came up never came back never showed up the summer it's drowned [Laughter] [Music] what's caught your eye Humphrey oh I can see why you're having trouble keeping your eyes focused too much for you poor fella you just rest quietly uh well the return of the man who came to dinner and the laws of the state of California left [ __ ] therefore who God hath joined together let no man put asunder and make a goddamn good room for somebody where the hairiest I accuse God for being a racketeer and I want him brought to trial with that close to it fine and now he wants $190 because he knows that's what we've got saved up mr. Johnson and I have been saving for a long time no again and now he wants $190 because he knows that's what we've got saved up mr. Johnson and I have been saving for a long time to buy a boat with tube how is that one you've got there all right March the ground quarters ground quarters what the hell is ground quarters yeah like that I'm in e-commerce front and what's that right there take a ride with it making a future for their kids has some you can't buy mints oh Christ that God been alright 25 years past he keeps from frozen surface all your hair man with me the silicon wait over that yes 13 god damnit ah geez picking out a new thing you set up for you me daddy since when do we get to be such quiet oh boy I'm sorry about that out there Kylie he's he's getting too big for his britches that's the problem with Kelly's getting too big for his britches he's getting too big for his britches look at the wrong side of camera [Music] no honey doctor I can't help it it's orders all right I'll tell you her name uh her name what the hell is in a always subject to your approval doctor dog doesn't eat dog Oh huh not a practicing physician now what the hell oh I say if ever there was a stupid 14-karat dumb cluck what I have a zonad exam and that's me do you believe me now I'll be god damned if I know what the hell is say chicory oxygen she's cried like a hell of a time now we are boys a small come on lift it all right Dave keeper how do you think for a second that we're gonna come in this crummy goddamn place again don't play which me what's that has the posture in that would you feel about her you thought it was all over but it wasn't still there I could goddamnit still in your father forty what all remembers and sadly I tube doing up something to break away with a broadcast say something is a chilly say something quiet Maggie you know that one of my cardinal principles is never to interfere in anybody else's wife yes I arrived in white tie and Tails to be met by to be wheat Butler's who very crafty proceeded to take my trousers off I was then assured in my lemon yellow shorts god damnit have you ever met our friend [Music] sherry my own if you really must know the truth and I bloody well gone again on the same god damn live but sherry darling I've been so worried now seeing you in this chair this chair fits my Fanny is nothing else ever hands who would have thought an hour ago I'd be on my way to South Carolina life is just full of surprises will you both stop this violent headache shall I tell you how little through the South Seas like a silver scimitar or would you rather hear how I finished a three-act play with one hand whilst making love to a Maharajah with [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] you sorry guess I had your hat that's alright I had yours well then I must have yours then you've got mine say oui girl certainly have trouble with our hats you give me mine or I'll hit you with my beaded bag mr. Flynn was always one for exercise he got those big shoulders playing tennis his big arms from golf his big chest from swimming and you ought to see his great big but can you blame a fella feel Ike's to ride horseback well mr. Flynn seems to be making eyes at someone what Errol gets this looking as I look out girls it only means one thing [Applause] [Music] and oh boy look at the little nubber he's promised a screen test this time careful my little pigeon there's a Seahawk after you mr. Flynn's in a bad way but he claims these eyes are helpful when he eats in a restaurant with one eye he can watch his dinner well the other watches his hat and coat the glamour boy in action Oh Errol you kiss so divinely oh I used to be a Boy Scout bugler I still can't face my aunt's off the ground [Music] all right now take a deep breath and hold it I'll try not to hurt I'll try to get that goddamn dresser I want to see hospitable please I want to see her life torn apart please mrs. Kennard don't get yourself excited I know you have a great emotional distress but let's try to be reasonable by going to the police what will you gain not for well my blog address raise it up I thought perhaps you were did you find out that you were afraid of night that's the wrong goddamn lie isn't it I said my name was Rex Durant well her up I in a poll right here you know I never drink on an empty stomach get me something to eat my child no no no no no not that ridiculous thing nice is some caviar yes in here is it decently chilled LS plessis what oh my goodness just imagine 10 million people listening at one time what a colossal invention in miniature our poor Oh a letter came this morning if I can find a goddamn thing where is it alright now take a deep breath and hold it I'll try not to hurt ya I'll try to get that goddamn dress ah no no make it eight will you ate at my hotel lovely to talk to you goodbye [Music] there there is an object lesson in how not to act with a man seem to have spilled your drink lefty potty isn't but smug take a deep breath and hold it I'll try not to hurt too much can we do it over yeah crash what are you doing here practicing my broken-field running Oh drink no thanks ah hey you know I haven't been in an apartment like this for a long time it's been two years since I was in New York how does it look to you not the same as any other place these days but good you're looking blooming oh I'm fine you've been getting any lately overtime you mean yeah this is a deplorable situation and something's got to be done about it I'm not gonna stand idly by ad can't you understand that I did I don't want to go to the Dan oh I know you're trying to be a good sport about it but I'm going to get to Dan I take a deep breath and hold it I'll try not to hurt too much [Laughter] did you notice anymore blonde wife Regan was supposed to run off with who doesn't did you know that Eddie want on the gun god dammit come must be difficult for a man who has spent a lifetime stirring of us sir sir god damn a knowledge the judge didn't Anna come at your invitation and didn't you try to get rid of him because you knew that your husband was coming home unexpectedly that's not true and didn't he refused to leave because he knew the crabbers from the era scram doc I had another one of those goddamn fits could I bring a friend of mine Steve trilling along he has fits every day hello hi Andy was quite a snootful you had last night thank you ma'am there you're still surprised Wyoming God did you judge it all women are gamblers Emily otherwise we'd never get married not all women are mr. president mr. McComb how do you do mr. president a pleasure indeed sir hmm Jesus Christ Annie your handle that cigar like a monkey handles a coconut I beg your pardon mr. president [Laughter] damn [Music] every time we rehearse succeed you pull that same trick now you know an actress many sensitivity family darling what are you Sally this is Stanley Blake Sally Sally called one of those lovely things that isn't meant to last one ham on get me kill goings on hey what's the matter you unhappy about something what is it is it love said my life you cut it you know it's two years since I've been in New York how does it look to you well I'm about the same as everybody else these days but good you're looking blooming oh I'm fine just fine well I don't know whether you've laid any like hey golly Moses where do you want the remain sin is it that bad what happened Mike seal East New York women are certainly nuts oh hi don't think though right ha ha knocking myself out of honey Sally I want you to meet Van Johnson the actress you say I meant to tell you I fixed up a little lab on the porch I hope you don't mind I found a table I could use I had to extend the gas connection a bit for the Bunsen burner look I hope you don't mind we get a god damn regret heaven that yeah why hope you know why well we're ready to listen what's the deal well huh just like it says that oh Christ it's nothing are you comfortable in the house very Josephine's a fine cook I'll probably end up getting fat yeah I hope you don't mind I meant to tell you that if I got the line right I was gonna build a laboratory on the god damned 4 oh ma you don't know where I could find an apartment do you why sure Joe how about the King's honor King's Arms where's the king's arms around the Queen's ass really really I still king face my ass off the ground [Music] sir Johnny Rocco was more than a king he was an emperor his rule extended over beer the slot machines the numbers racket and it does another forbidden enterprises he was a master of the fix Jesus I sure hope that's right Mary oh no you get up you turn right around and leave oh but Mary you heard me I planned for for you is how you were gonna see me that wasn't gonna be like this you get out and count to 20 and then come in and Jane all right Mary Oh John hiya Fred oh that's my tails I get 20 years no bow I'll take my chances with this holy Oh God and they're already choosing up sides for the next war whoo-hoo oh Christ there he comes again mr. Wilson we want to show you with a teletype to astral that up melvin all who profess and pose those questions may be letting in the way of truth and hold the faith in unity and the way through right I hate myself well you don't have to besides it's not true I'm not losing Karen I hope you're right Sam patience them love are synonymous and my patience is just as great as my love you have to have a lot of patience to read his crappy dialog yeah and they're already choosing up sides for the next war whoo-hoo oh Christ there he comes again Seneca what are they kid [Applause] that goddamn thing won't work mr. frosty let me tell your story it's from Tolstoy it seems that a rich man encountered a peasant working in the fields and he was so contented with his humble job that had made the rich man curious he asked him what would you do if you knew to tomorrow I'll be a son-of-a-bitch hi why didn't you tell your mother you why didn't you tell your mother he was coming home frankly I wanted god damn I'm sorry and they're already using up sides for the next war who whose oh Christ there he comes again why didn't you tell me then why didn't you tell your mother he was coming home why didn't you tell your mother you was coming home answer me that frankly I wanted some time alone with you well that's Frank enough what for me I asked because the last time you saw him you struck him and knocked him down that's why the father is supposed to strike anyone he's fine kill it damn it I think I understand that night in the church when I first met you it was pretty obvious that Oh shucks you admit it what are you saying right I believe some words words what words they went like this but we of the United goddamnit and they're already choosing up sides for the next war whoo-hoo oh Christ there he comes again watching Oh God with only 300 odd days left in 48 New York spinsters organized a leap year club and lay plans to trap that hard-to-get animal the American bachelor [Music] where else you're all members of ilithyia club our slogan is get a mate in 48 now we are gathered together discuss our plans girls how will we get our man madam president and fellow members I feel that we girls evolve and change for used by the wrong men now it's our chance to chase the right men let's pick out what we want and let's go after it I suggest this attack a good car a good job and then get him alone my girls we've got to plan this operation carefully men are no longer convenience while they're with me oh there I lost it up okay honey chil try it again my girl we've got to plan this operation carefully men are no longer convenience buy with me then just a plain decision let us close our meeting with our chair one two three dance don't you think we'd be too crowded Oh y'all gotta get it oh here we go Nazz well [Music] this is sport [Music] go to your license place wheelchair [Music] I like this do you shave oh yes sir would you like a demonstration oh sure am I saying and you have much experience no sir you're my birth one sit down not a waiter oh no sir wait to tie I'm still breathing hell here we go pardon me my mistake oh my what are you doing here well it's my insurance is in order sit down let me finish her up I only shave once a day if you don't mind well might as well take a trim as long as you're happy I'm there I'll be going here I wanna get the hell out of here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they all say the Brooklyn cowboy and I have believed them often Maxie
Channel: Old Is Best
Views: 181,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golden age of hollywood, classic hollywood films, classic film bloopers, classic film fails, vintage films, 1930s films bloopers, 1940s film bloopers, 1937 film bloopers, 1938 film bloopers, 1939 film bloopers, 1940 film bloopers, 1941 film bloopers, 1942 film bloopers, 1946 film bloopers, 1947 film bloopers, classic film outtakes, vintage film outtakes, old film bloopers, old film outtakes
Id: HN0cgiLDvy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 10sec (5110 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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