1941 Film Bloopers - Part 1

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here we are teasing y'all tonight mr. on the road will you take me back to the state with you well you know talk about that later huh how about a drink Allison I'm paying you to get that football but forget about Rosario god damn but I'm sorry stole the hitch hi yeah the conductor was going my way mm-hmm nice of the park you have here if you like bananas mais mom $50 fee Senor you'll get it well get me Madison Hernandez in Schaefer wait a minute how many Molly I'll take over it's a fine car yes here oh oh look here you lying maniac I wouldn't work for you if I never had a job but not really I've got one and I'm getting your fast I'm out of time I'm making a fresh boat up for him son of a people have laughed at my comedies and gotten up and gone home but they'll be stirred by this play and they'll stay in their seats in the Aral a yellow there year is because you didn't have anything to do with it because it was Amanda's idea because she was helping me on it are you helping me on it that's helping me and I don't know I'm very glad I did it I suppose you think Amanda's a complete idiot I think she's a clever idiot but an idiot never the same holy mackerel my play opens I have my fingerprints taken my hand a stone married the things has happened - - now here's a guy that's laid plenty of eggs in his time both at home and abroad but they're coming home to roost now well it's a foul trick to play on the guy we both know I wouldn't dare open my mouth about the money I put up maybe you think I'll just sit by and let him get away oh god damn it well don't worry leave me one hurt we've done it before them to remember oh pardon me I didn't mean to break in on you like this Brenda mm-hmm imagine you cooped up in an office no Sun no air no lines not a goddamn thing what do you think I'm doing in the last four years taking arrest you're out all day in a hundred 20 degree heat up to my knees in swamp rescue does that look like you do no well now Nick what I lied to you now can you imagine a beautiful girl like mrs. Anderson being married and happy with a dope like that and that's as far as I can go Nick what are you gonna do back there in the States I've got a job at the coast-to-coast doors I system to the general superintendent plenty of dope to but you can't marry this man you're not only for all nice yes before your father gets here but this girl's been do what now look young fella did Collins actually threaten her no he was very careful not to her yeah I know the lie I know the lie I know the lion what dainty little toenails you have my dear what have we got to lose you don't have to go back to the States is an iron gate behind you well well fancy meeting you again whatever coming what are you waiting on Oh my friend you do all this for me oh you are my brother my sister my mother my grandmother my grandfather oh I beg your pardon I have that hand in my pocket all the time oh man oh man
Channel: Tikilizzy
Views: 42,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1941, film, bloopers
Id: 9vyP-B6mMfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 13 2008
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