Gold Recovery from 1Kg Square Flatpacks

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all right so here we are with the little package that could this thing was purchased back in the beginning of February first delivery attempt was the 19th of February and I forgot about it until yesterday which was the 23rd of March 24th of March um so I went to the post office this morning and sure enough they still had it uh turns out that it came from Kiev Ukraine so here we go with opening it I gotta admit I went ahead and popped open the box on the back so let's pull that out let's see how much that weighs well here I doubt that plastic weighs a whole lot this is supposed to be 2.4 pounds or 1090 grams 1109 grams 1.109 kilograms maybe that's for the packaging so okay so so far so good this all looks like it's flat packs four-sided flat packs which I cannot believe that because it was not in the description as such but let's see I'm a little hopeful that that is the case so we'll just unwrap this here foreign not sure how this was wrapped up this way but all the little metal blades were left on these things and as a result sticking to the plastic look at that looks like one alone little too late that I see it's plastic for the way and look at this almost solid thin flat packs I'm gonna count these up now and organize them all right so I want to lose and I bought a garden torch and an extension adapter to go into my propane tank I feel like I've been wasting a whole lot of propane just by trying to use my smelting furnace torch so I'm just going to try to burn these chips manually and see how it goes [Music] this is another 25 of the chips from Victor in Ukraine I don't know if I can burn all of these at once so I've got double that again I'm just going to start with that for now I've also got some leftovers from the first batch um and the wires are still on there I'm just going to throw them all in not the best approach or the cleanest approach but um it'll do I'm definitely not getting a hundred percent so I'm not exactly sure how to get 100 yet and I want to make progress so I still got a few small bits of chips in there doesn't really amount to much but foreign [Music] because one it's really easy to forget and two when I'm watching a lot of those videos online I have a lot of questions about oh what just happened there or what just happened there because something was different and they didn't explain it all right I have a little bit left to put in there I'm gonna put the cap back on this and Shake It Up to see if I can maybe lower it a little bit I see that got some burning I could have done on that one I don't want to spill so I'll put the chips in here like so good [Applause] all set I'll put the lid back on this if you use this kind you gotta kind of halfway line it up give it a little bit of squeeze and it'll get right on there really nicely push that down nice and tight and I'll tighten this down and always pick it up and just give it a good squeeze loosening and falling apart all right and it's going to go on the top because you're wondering it's about the balls inside there it's the ball Milling these things for dinner here on one side so it doesn't walk across available on me sounds good so it doesn't walk across that way it doesn't ever seem to walk this direction so I'm okay usually ashes from the other freshly milled chips I'm just gonna drop these ashes in all right take this right over here to the grew that or not but the grill is now on even let's see if this incinerates it a little bit better than the other Bond did all right here's mine wires container pull these in here all right and you can see there's a little bit of carbon dust down here we'll definitely be rinsing this off into the bucket my gravity's not right put water in here and pour all the dust out all right all right here's the second grouping of Victor's Ukraine chips these are all the four-sided flat packs I only tumbled these for 12 hours so hopefully this will be okay also the other these I tried to I tried to insulate these in a different pan and I swear they didn't incinerate as well so I'm going to go back to the other pan I'm going to dump all this in here and I'm going to sift through here oh look at that these incinerators really nicely all right a lot of wires I can see in there all right these are bound for the incineration process I'm going to put from the other pan I'm gonna put the last 25 percent of the chips in here and then I'm going to dump that in the other pan to see if it will incinerate better and then we'll be ready to start doing our gravity separation with water no reason to suspect they're any different than the other ones but let's go ahead and try it anyway I hear very little hit in this just a few pieces of iron all right now that's Bound for the incinerator and we're gonna put a new set of chips in here the last set of chips in here and then soon we'll be ready to hit these with some acids all right chips going on we're gonna start these covered up here we go let's see we'll set the timer for 30 minutes for these and come back and check them all right all of my main chips are in here I'm gonna add some water to that and then I'm gonna rinse all this stuff out and add it to there as well all right here's my setup here I've got my ashed chips in the white bucket I've Got My Water Rinse and overflow here in this yellow in this orange bucket there's a I've got a pickle jar in there that holds the initial drop of the ash when it fills and overflows hopefully any gold that would have flown over from the original gravity Separation Will sink down to the bottom of that jar and then I will rinse that jar out after a while and see if I can collect any additional gold from there this blue bucket is just just the water that I'm going to use I've got some Jet dry here in this little white Ramekin and what I'll do with that is once I pour the water into the white bucket I will put a little drop of Jet dry on top of that water to break the surface tension and get anything that might be floating on top to sink into the water give it a good mix all right here we go oh foreign that's coming off of here is just because I'm using some of his dust but most of it's steam I'm using warm and hot water you can see in the top here the there's some floaties the this ashy mixture is rather than hydrous so it's not going to want to mix with that water very well and we'll just gently give it a stir with the stir rod let's do some sort of film on the top it does not look like oil I'm assuming that's just super thin Ash all right let's get this just a little what's up so this jedra I'll break up that that top layer of stuff and I'll continue to break it up here you don't want to use too much that dry because it will create um bubbles and the bubbles hold gold and other stuff in them I'm gonna try to get as much of these floaties off the top of the water surface as I can that's like pour a good bit of that off and do it again all right got myself a new bucket of water started this stuff here to try I'll have less and less of that oily stuff at the top as we go through here this is starting to look much better a lot of metal in there still crazy I'm expecting two grams out of this one kilogram of chips that's how it's looking so far foreign seems to be left is the broken up tumbled silicon dies that I really wish I felt comfortable pulling out before I ball milled the rest of the the carbon but I don't want to miss anything so I'm gonna do that I'm thinking I just might Heat this back up in the pan and see if I can sift some of this metal back out of there let's do that all right tomorrow I changed my mind rather than putting these pins for the the copper and everything from those chips back in the frying pan and using gas and stuff um I'm just going to heat them up on the in this tall form two liter beaker and once I heat them up and get them super bone dry I will then go through again and I will put them through the sifter all right I am just going to shake this stuff up let the smaller particles sift down I don't know how in the world I got so much metal in this but all I can think of is somewhere along the lines I just didn't do any kind of pre-screening in one of these so I am literally just pulling it out with my hand so I'm just shaking it down I'm gonna pull it out like this I'm going to dump it all in here and I'm gonna wash all this stuff again but for now I'm just gonna pull this stuff out as much as I can and then I will um sift it I don't want to get any of the actual ball milled silicon chips because I don't want to take the risk of capturing any of the gold in there but I do want to get all that stuff out so I'm just going to get as much as I can by hand and then I'm going to put the rest of it through my good old classifier all right here's as much as I wanted to do I'm going to put them to the classifiers and then what goes through here is going to go right back into the same beaker I'm going to start with hydrochloric acid tonight all right there's still a good amount of metal in there but it's far better than it was so I'm just going to put this back in here I'm going to give this a rinse out so I'm sure nothing is left in there [Music] this is just a good old tap water hydrochloric acid to this from my previous hydrochloric acid in here and put on the Heat and see what we can get okay I don't know if I recorded that or not but I poured the hydrochloric acid from this Beaker and do this one it's about 800 milliliters and I am going to turn the heat on and we're going to let this cook I got my my blocks and my makeshift holder in place so it doesn't blow off in the wind or boil off when this thing begins to Bubble it'll more than likely be like a day or so that I've got this thing on a hot hydrochloric acid okay this has been on the boil this has been on heat and air bubbling through it for two days now I am going to top off the hydrochloric acid all right we're going to cover it back up I'm bringing it back up to about a thousand milliliters to let everything kind of mix together I'm going to take it off the heat and in maybe 20 minutes or so I'll stop that that aeration and I'll let it settle out hopefully all the non-gold metallics are out of there by now and um I'll do a Stannis chloride test make sure it's got no gold or any other precious metals in the in the mix they're not going to filter this liquid the hydrochloric acid into this flask slowly pulling it over oof it looks really saturated assume that means that we're gonna need to do an do another hydrochloric acid boil and that's fine we're always signing up for a good amount of time that was going to take to do this when I decided to use hydrochloric acid instead of nitric acid I think we're just gonna pause this to the Oregon get you a shot of that of the filtration process filtration's starting to slow down a little bit as that filter is getting loaded up I finally put a clamp on my suction on my suction pump because of just the screws Baroque loose against the plastic housing and it was just making a whole lot of rattling noise so I've only found something that I could squeeze it with enough to to quell that rattling foreign settle all right I'm gonna give this one more hydrochloric acid boil just because it looks clean to me but about 200 milliliters in there and we're going to turn the heat on let this cook for a little bit came out this morning found the liquid head all but evaporated overnight so I just topped it off at 300 milliliters this is after I've boiled in hydrofluoric acid again for another 24 hours all right so here is after I've boiled it for the second 24 hours in hydrochloric acid this is the first Hot Water Rinse I hope that shows up there's my coal to the bottom of my Beaker from the one kilogram of Square flat pack looks pretty nice that was a clean filter so what I'm doing now I'm trying with these hot water washes I'm trying to get as much of that copper off as I can it's looking pretty good thank you let's stir that up here again the objective here is to try to get as much of that copper off of there as we can from my hydrochloric acid soaks that gold settles down really quickly that's awesome all right Next Top for this is I'm going to add some form and then I'm going to start dropping in Nitric probably 4 4 miljitas to about 90 degrees Centigrade and let it cook for a little bit make sure we dissolve all that gold and we'll add a little bit more nitrate until the reaction stops foreign ers it Heats on watch glasses on let's Heat this up to 90 degrees it's currently sitting at 80 degrees Celsius so I'm going to go ahead and get a little bit of big acid looks like a boat milliliters four milliliters next door let's see pretty vigorous reaction already starting we're gonna let that do its thing for at least an hour and a half all right it's been about an hour and 35 hours and 40 minutes and looks like the reaction is pretty much stopped I'm gonna add some more muriatic acid and some more nitric acid and see if we can start the reaction back up again so I'm gonna added about 100 milliliters now we're going to add some more Nitric there's another two milliliters I'll cover this back up and give it a minute to see what happens so you see the I don't know if you can see that or not but the temperature dropped back down to about 68 degrees Celsius when it gets about 90 and we show that we're still not having any more reaction I will consider that done now let's do a quick Stannis test of this oh yeah that's good oh foreign I'm gonna pour this into the two liter Beaker and then evaporate some of it off here I've got the chips AR on here no settling both no sulfamic Macau 900 milliliters I'm gonna a lot of that's worth it made it down to about 600 maybe 500 milliliters and then I will add sulfamic to enoxate and I'll do a gold drop hopefully that'll be either tonight or tomorrow morning all right might as well start recording so I messed up I left this morning around a quarter of nine and I left my large two heater Beaker on here on the hot plate uh evaporating away more of the loop but I had about 300 milliliters of of AR in there well I came back to find that the entire thing had dried up it looked like this this is not it but it looked at that same type of consistency except that all looked like it was gold so I panicked and threw some hydrochloric acid in there really quickly the hydrochloric acid did dissolve some materials but not everything so then I just added two milliliters of nitric acid to this and I've got it back on the heat I've transferred everything to a smaller 500 milliliter beaker we're gonna see if I can just dissolve everything here and then just work out of this 500 milliliter beaker I think it's all recoverable I just panicked for a minute so I shouldn't have done that but anyway there it is and I'm outside so lots of fumes being produced I'm gonna go back inside now I'm gonna do a little round of testing I've got my test strip right here and I'm the first thing I'm going to do is just test again to make sure that I've got golden solution my solution is still hot positive positive stainless chloride test creeping up with a little bit of yellow I understand that means there's some Palladium in there possibly as well now I'm going to do a pH test I want to compare and see what PH we're sitting at looks to me like we're at a one we're gonna bump up this temperature and then we're gonna add some sulfamic acid to it let's give it some time to increase temp all right we're about 85 degrees Celsius doesn't seem to want to be on any higher maybe not maybe my Faith's not doing its job let's go ahead and add this sort of famic I'm getting the expected reaction out of that and just a little bit at a time super small amounts oh foreign I should have a catch plate sure a little bit more is that their reaction slowing down significantly but it's still happening I'm just gonna mix this up a little bit maybe this next small little addition will be it still getting a little bit of something let's see foreign sitting on the bottom we have one more pop for just for good measure yeah that's nothing okay I got another 150 milliliters of water this is tap water but it's a filtered tap water so not exactly straight tablet I'm gonna double the amount of solution hopefully that raise the ph to around two all right sulfamic acid was added water was added let's take this down off the heat I'm not gonna take it down I'm just gonna turn the heat off I'm gonna do another pH test yeah I think that's around too from what I understand now that's cool any leads or silver chloride will drop out of here as it cools when it is totally cool we'll filter it and after we filter it then we will drop the gold with sodium sodium metabosulfite that will raise the pH level to somewhere between two and four which will allow the SO2 to be formed in the gold to drop out of solution okay we'll be back when we're ready for that stuff got the suction hooked up turn that on let that start here we go it looks pretty clear as it is I'll see some jump down there coming up acid water using distill because that's what I have out here now but definitely awesome all right you want that filter let's get another look at it it's looking crystal clear see a little bit of color left in there let's see the color started to fade right a little bit of watch class on that I can use a little bit of pay your Gap to make sure we don't create a vacuum seal there either just in case like it wouldn't happen but since it's so windy we're going to cover this up and just let this continue to vacuum so next 25 minutes filtration is all done I'll take our funnel out of our beaker Lamar flask right I'm expecting about two grams of gold so I'm going to zero this out age okay [Music] foreign s close enough it makes up I just take water with this hands on here hopefully we'll get a nice up here completely black wow that was fast but I see I still have some at the top that did not one solution so I'm going to get some more sodium metabosulfide together one second this is really good to see I guess this is what it looks like it's definitely a layer on top it's been about 10 minutes I didn't get a chance to do this immediately so I am going to start this again and this time I'm going to Stir It Up a little bit hope this is coming out all right we shall see if that works I forgot to do a Stannis chloride test I don't see any color change in that looks like we got all the gold yep all right back on the heat here's my watch class not sure if I'm going to put it on there all right here we are after about 35 minutes on the heat it's a pretty decent drop I mean it's there's a lot that still has to settle out of there yet still smell the SO2 so I'm gonna take it off the heat put it somewhere out of the Wind here's my goal drop it's been about 18 hours since I did a gold drop and I haven't had this lit off yet haven't looked down inside it yet pretty excited to see what that looks like looks pretty interesting do that [Music] got some floaties on top let me see if I can spray them down yep just that little bit of spray or has pushed that thank God I can see it dropping right now we'll give that just a minute to settle all right here's my setup I have my thousand milliliter Beaker because I'm gonna do some hot water washes into this 500 milliliter beaker with a gold drop in it open we can catch this on a pretty good video I'm going to lift this up so you can look down inside slowly pour off the gold like that that's nice that's what you want to see your gold sticking together all right let's move this out of the way let's start with our first hot water wash and try to get the stuff that fell on the sides off the sides no sir let's see some gold floating over the top and that's okay I'm gonna come back through and blow this off anyway let's get another hot water wash let me try to break that up a little bit I gotta say it's gold that gold is looking pretty good if you recall we soaked it in hydrochloric acid before we even dissolved it the first time so that gold was looking pretty good before we even dissolved it we got a lot of those base Metals off with that subtle all right now we're going to take this container we're gonna take this gold and we're going to put it on a hydrochloric acid boil for a couple hours be back with you when I do that all right here we go we're going to start our hot water hydrochloric acid oils we're going to install a hydrochloric acid oils there you go and we'll see this back in probably two hours right this ultimate on for approximately two hours it's looking pretty good I see absolutely no color change whatsoever so I really don't see a need to so I really don't see a need to continue with any additional boils I'm just going to go ahead and filter this and take it straight to The Crucible all right hot water boils coming up all right there you go wash that off looking really solid I'll do that one more time off camera all right let's go ahead and capture this in the filter paper [Music] [Music] oh [Music] goes to The Crucible [Music] [Laughter] thank you [Laughter] [Laughter] foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] let's take this over to the boiling hydrochloric acid and get it cleaned up some hydrochloric acid to this small 50 milliliter beaker and turn on the heat and we're gonna just let this boil for about a half an hour or so
Channel: KKR Renewables
Views: 41,896
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Id: 9t7SNR0Gyfg
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Length: 63min 33sec (3813 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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