Gold Recovery Made Easy: No Nitric Acid Required!

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[Music] okay guys so welcome back to the second part of the gold recovery from um trimmed Ram fingers so stuff like this um now to be transparent uh this is what we have so far from it so very little again weightwise I wouldn't even think register oh excuse me uh let me get my scales to come on ready there we go I don't even think that's going to register anything cuz it's so light uh so zero g there so look at that not even a gram it's in so um and you see my sh you would have seen I was in the UK and I met up with in Matthews and he give me some more RAM sticks so I am going to put the these into the asset and I'm going to get more to add to this thing but you don't have to sit through me doing this I'm just letting you know what I'm doing so that um people would say will be saying oh you put more in you didn't tell us about it blah blah blah so just to be transparent um I'm going to tell you how much more grams of uh cuz the last time I think it was just over 100 gr of trim fingers so I'm going to add whatever we get here so I'm going to cut them off screen I'm just going to show you the weight of them because it's only fair that you know how add it and again we'll we'll get the gold flakes on them and we'll come back so when you come back in a second we should see how many grams of ram fingers trimmed Ram fingers I'm going to adding into my solution to get more uh flakes uh because I don't want to waste too much acid on something like this even though it's only an experiment to show how it works I'd still like to maybe be able to drop some gold because i' probably get 02 of a gram maybe out of it uh of gold so maybe try and add a bit more maybe get to three of a gram or something like that of um gold so I'm going to have to get a smaller scales that'll give me points or three of a gram or whatever uh instead of just grams weigh from one gram upwards I need something that'll so something like a jewel Jeweler scales will work so um any I'm going to trim these fingers and we'll see how we have Tad okay so I have cut the um Ram fingers and we have another 20 G well 19 G of uh trimmed Ram figures that'll be putting into copper chloride and we'll eventually get the flakes and add them to that other thing so when you come back we'll have the flakes ready to go you because you don't need to see me putting this in the copper chloride and going through all that again that's in the previous video If you haven't seen it go watch it and also while I'm on the issue of ram fingers and stuff um a guy left a comment wondering what have happened to the ram fingers I did um from the eBay buy well I unfortunately had a bit of a mishap with some video footage and um it didn't record properly but this is the gold powder from that now it needs to be re refined so just to show that that what I got from them Ram finger that eBay buy so far I still have more of the gold to process yet and I still have all the chips to process but just to give an idea of how much gold we have have at the moment we have three G and I'm sure if I put the brush around there we'll get that up a small bit more but um that's just to give an idea of the Dust the gold powder so far was 3 G so um as you can see it's not very clean that is quite dirty so that does need another refine or two so the might there won't be quite Three G and there's still um some gold to be processed from that gold flakes as you can see in here in this other container that's still to be processed from that um so again I haven't finished that video I know understand that so I'm going to probably process these and add that powder and give you a little update on that at some stage as well so keep an eye and we'll re refine this powder and hopefully get it finer it should be more a Browner color I think than that dark color but anyway that's from a different thing so unfortunately the footage didn't come true where I if you remember if you see that video last I might put it here somewhere um so you can see when I left off on that video last I was trying to um get stuff to drop and I was having awful issues with it dropping and um I re refined it and whatever videoed it but unfortunately for some reason I've either mislay the video video or I cannot find it on my laptop myp laptop also I had an issue with a crashing I had to buy a new one so I still have the old hard drive so I may find it at some stage and um we we might get to see the actual process of how I got that gold powder so far but I know that's from a different video getting on this so when you come back we'll be ready to put the gold flakes into the um assets and again as say I'm doing this with two household uh items you can readily buy so again it's going to be hydrochloric acid which can be bought in any hardware DIY store Plumbing Merchants um we swimming pool supplies they will have muratic acid or hydrochloric acid or whatever other name it goes by but if that's brick brick acid uh for cleaning bricks you get that in hardware stores and um I'll also be using just general purpose bleach so they're two items that you can pick up yourself don't need hydric acid for this so um just so for people who can't get their hand nitric acid there is another way of doing it so this is the way so we'll go and get on to that right guys so um I have got a better scales which give me more accurate uh readout so let's get that on and we'll see hopefully we can get points of grams cuz so here we go that's the gold from it and what have we got we've got 1 G exactly um so let me just make sure yeah 1 G it's coming up at exactly 1 g of gold flakes so that was from 100 G of fingers trimmed fingers we got 1 g of gold flakes so now the next part is we're going to um put them back into the speaker and we're going to um add the hydrochloric acid so again uh that's nice and clean nothing left in there so yeah we're going to add the hydrochloric acid to that and just our regular bleach so again as I was saying this is uh for people who can't get nitric acid and they want to know whatever way is there to um get to dissolve the goals FL into a solution and then get gold powder back at the end well this is the way I do it I use um bleach as an alternative to um the NIT nitric acid um so it just be Hydrochloric would bleach and that's it uh there's no no need for nitric acid so again hydropic acid you can find it in most uh hardware stores plumbing stores garden centers I think even have them uh swimming pool supplies uh stuff like that will have hydrochloric acid or M moric acid and bleach it's just a regular household bleach that you use for cleaning so that's what I'll be using so let's go outside and oh very important guys this is um very toxic so that's the only thing even though they're two household items what we're essentially creating is chlorine gas here so like essentially this could kill you so don't do it don't this is for entertainment only and um showing how I do it so I'm not telling anyone to do it this way but this is how I do it and again it's outside and um it's very dangerous so be very very careful if you are going to attempt it um I don't take any any responsibility for anyone that's going to do this and and don't take proper care and make sure that their health is the first thing to look after and never mind the gold flakes so anyhow that out of the way um let's go outside and see how I get on with this okay guys so we're outside now and um in here I have my bleach uh just my normal household bleach in there and uh we have our spirit of salt which is hydrochloric acid so again that can be used for cleaning bricks and stuff like drains and all that sort of stuff so it's just regular household item so we're just going to cover the gold flakes so that should be enough to get it going and all I'm going to do I'm just going to add a few Mills of the bleach to the solution I'm not going to saturate it or do too much um cuz again it's not it's only 1 G so we just have a couple of drops of bleach put in there and you can see already there's a reaction taken place so we let that go the thing about bleach um and doing this is you have to add and add and keep add in because um the bleach does dis dis uh disappear which essentially gets used up really quick so you will have to add more so um we're going to let that work away I'll cover the top and we'll let it work away and again stay away from it uh don't be putting your head in over the fumes do it outside do it under a fume Hood um wear proper protective gear so can I have the gloves on when I'm doing this and um I let that work away and I have more bleach and I have more bleach and again it's quite hot today um so I will have to be adding because the heat will make the bleach be used up quicker as well so it's essentially don't get a good effect on a hot day but we let it work away and we'll come back when in a while and we'll see how we're getting on so I let it leave for an hour or so and we'll see what it's like in an hour's time okay guys so it's been about an hour and um we still have gold fakes so it means I'm going to have to add more bleach to the solution um so we'll put another few drops of bleach and I'll keep doing this every hour until everything is dissolved so we have more bleach here in this little container so again I'll just add some more bleach and I'll let you see what I'm seeing when I add the bleach you can see we get a reaction so I'm going to keep doing that um until we start to get it down less um gold you can see there's a color in the solution I hope you can see that but there is color going into solution so we'll leave that and I'll keep doing that every hour and um keep adding a bit more until I see there's no more gold flakes left and um then we'll come back once we get to that stage okay guys so um here we have our solution after I think everything has dissolved in it so I've left it I don't know must be a week in there all together I said I was going to come back every couple of days and check it but I just left it because the weather was bad so I let it um disolve away so everything seems to have dissolved in it um it seems to be gone but it's very cloudy so we're going to filter it and um see what it looks like so so there's a lot of little bits in there uh floating around and you can see what's left in here little bits of Gunk and stuff like that so um using our distilled water from you would have seen in a video where I got that device for making distilled water so this is what it's perfect for just clean out the container so we let that um work away and we'll see what it looks like when it's fully filtered so come back when it's fully filtered okay so we have um filtered it uh still kind of Cloudy looking so I may filter it a second time through some cotton wool as well and stuff like that to try and get it uh that little bit purer but um you don't need to see me do that again so when I come back we'll be ready to um drop the gold so let's go drop the gold okay guys so um we're getting ready to start dropping this gold so the filtering is finished you'll see that in a second out there and we're about to drop the gold so first off I need to um get my um measurements out cuz again as I saying we're looking at um maybe uh third of a gram is what I'm expecting maybe might be less it' be nice if it was a third of um but nice was more but I'm not expecting more um so we'll be mixing up some of the SMB so for this SMB as you see here we have the sodium meta by sulfate so I'll be mixing that in there and I'll probably just put in a gram to gram and a half of that CU there will be a certain amount of acid that will use up uh that has to be neutralized as well before the gold drops out so um hopefully a gram and a half will be enough to get the gold dropping out out uh to get me my 3 g of gold um so we'll get this measured up so let's get that going so we'll turn on the scales get that set to Zer G uh we'll open up this container so this is fresh if anyone knows I had trouble before dropping gold and I think it was because it was out of date um the SMB so hopefully now we'll get it going one that it won't be out of date so we just want to get up to gram and a half or maybe just slightly over it it doesn't matter oh too much we'll go with two G we'll stick with 2 G and um we'll go with that so again distilled water in there I'm not going to um it just be distilled water again very important don't use anything other than distilled water so that's dissolve fairly quick um so as you can see we've dissolve that fairly rapidly into the liquid so let's go outside and um try and drop this gold and see how we get on no guarantees it's going to work first time cuz sometimes it just doesn't we'll have a look and see what happens okay guys so here we are outside and um as you can see the solution is is just leave that there for stirring in a second the solution is fairly clear after filtering um I've put it into a catch jar in case we get a little bit of overspill uh which can happen and um we just leave that aside for a second and we're just going to add the SMB to it and we'll see what sort of reaction we get um sorry sorry about the noise as well neighbors are um at the moment they are power wash so there's a bit of noise but anyway we'll get on with it and we'll see how we get on with this this gold drop will it um will it happen instant or will it be a slow process hopefully an instant one oh and just like that it starts to rain so we'll try and get this done before we get too much [Music] rain here we go no reaction yet so we might have enough SMB put in we stir it and see if anything happens we starting to clear a little bit I'm going to have to put a little container over the top to stop any rain going in [Music] but as you can see very slow to do anything so we might leave that and let it work away and um add some more SMB in a while when the rain stops and see have we got any good reaction to it so we'll come back in a while and check and see what happened now it's um still raining but I just wanted to show you that it has cleared up a lot um but it's still got that little bit of gold tinge to it so it's trying to do a drop but I think we need to add a little bit more SMB um but we let it let it live for another while and if I need to add more smv I will well I have left it overnight to settle and what have we got well as you can see in the center we have gold well not quite gold gold powder so um what are we going to going to do well that's like what are we going to do uh well what are we going to do uh we're going to filter it off of course so straightforward just try not to disturb too much of the gold down at the bottom or the powder should I say cuz it's not quite gold yes well technically it is but it's a powder instead of a an actual gold finish but so we're going to filter off this liquid this liquid will be tested to make sure there's still no more precious metals in it and um we will dry the gold so let me just push this to a side for a second so you can actually see so down in the bottom if I zoom in there is our gold powder now it's not 100% refined or 100% um cleaned yet but it's very close to it so we're going to let this filtering carry on and um come back when I'm finished filtering and we'll see what we've got when we dried it out and weigh and see what we have so let's see how we got on okay so while that was filtering um I decided to rinse this again and you can see we still got the gold down there so I've rinsed it out a few times so I'm going to filter that again but I just wanted to come back and talk about something else as well before we get to weighing that up um a while back people know that I bought some ram off um eBay which is a little bit of a running bit of humor on the lives with eway mik and a few more of the regular Scrappers so I said eventually come back to it so earlier you would have seen what I had in the gold powder so far and I said I still have this to do so I'm going to Chuck this into some bleach and um hydrochloric acid do the exact same again um so in the future when you see when I Am weigh up all my gold powder from that um original so with this was what I have so far uh from that actual Ram um if I can open the jar without so I have that so far um so again in the future when I come back and I weigh this and it's more it's because I've added the rest of it to it I don't need to show it on video because it's the same process of what I've just done here but it's just when I go to eventually getting around to doing the chips and stuff from that Ram that I bought um you know where the extra bit of powder came from um it's from the the remainder of the uh gold foils from the ram that I bought that time on eBay so just to be transparent later on when I'm going to be doing that you know where it came from so it's not going to be a surprise to you guys so but anyhow that's for just wanted to be clear on that and let people know about that which which will be coming up in a while I'll show the actual way of that powder and be only a 5 minute video or something like that it's just so people keep updating people on that on that process cuz again that's still an ongoing process I still have all the powder and stuff like that from when I was experimenting with the um chips as well and incinerating them and that I have to do a video on that and stuff like that but anyhow um I dig grass so again after washing the powder it looks a lot less um so maybe some very fine powder has gone into the filter but hope hopefully the filter catches it has if not it's just the way it transpares it's um some of a what probably was not gold powder but let's try it out let's get the way this time and see what it is hopefully a third of a gr but I don't think so looking at that I don't think that's a third of a gram but you never know might we a bit more than we think okay guys so here we are for the weigh in because we've dried out the powder doesn't look like much but we'll soon know um so before I wait why not down the comments now put in your your um your guess on what that is how much have we got um of this fine gold powder uh what do you think it is um weightwise and um do you know what I'll weit up offscreen and we'll do a short maybe yeah we'll do a short and we'll show the result so in the meantime why don't you guys have a guess on what we have leave it in the comments and um we'll see what I ended up with so just to kind of give you an idea there of what it is and um I'll do a short and you'll get it later on the week so sorry about that guys but we'll see who watches my video all the way to the end and um we'll see from the comments and we see how good you are at guessing what gold we got there how much we got of that so um that's it really guys you'll see the short video which eventually I'll link to here um for you uh won't be the straightaway linked because um we'll wait until we see a few guesses before we put the short up and we'll see how close people get to it so um as always appreciate you watching my video that shows you how I get get down to the gold powder from them gold um trimmed fingers without using anything other than household items that you can buy regularly for your household so your um hydrochloric acid again you can get that for cleaning drains you can get it for cleaning concrete you can get it for cleaning swimming pools bleach again an everyday household cleaning item and um even for dropping the gold out this stuff here the sodium meta metab byi is an actual can get this for people who are making their home brews so your own home brew beer so hear that in Matthews um you can even get your hands on this for making your own beer um so again it's an everyday item that you can get yourself so thanks for watching as always please give a like and uh don't forget to have your guess on how much goal there is is there a gram is there less than a gram is there A.1 of a gram two of a gr 34.5 you guess it put it in the comments and we'll see who gets the closest see how accurate you are guys so as always thanks for watching and um why not give it a thumbs up and till the next one keep on looking for that gold
Channel: Scrapping Irish
Views: 5,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold recovery, gold, gold extraction, hcl, bleach, nitric acid, hcl and bleach gold recovery, gold refining, recovery, scrap, scrapping irish, no need for nitric acid, chemistry, acid, nitric, experiment, e waste recycling, trash to cash, precious metals, scrap gold, how to, ewaste, scrapper, scrapping, scrappers, scrap chat, urban mining, hydrochloric acid, household chemicals, gold recovery from ram, scrap metal, make money, gold recovery from ram finger, ram gold recovery, e-waste
Id: EpPpuSy6fyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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