GOLD in the dry creek bed !!

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hey everybody welcome back to the flower gold wizard Channel I'm a Packer fan they're on the TV in my shop back there but they're losing so I'm not going to sit around and watch that I have some really good dirt that me and my buddy Ryan found on a Dry Creek bed real close to some Creeks that have really good gold in them and I have a lot of this spot has a lot of potential and I've gotten some good gold in there in the past uh matter of fact some chunky stuff now I brought I think nine pails of that stuff home the last time I was there all dry dirty and full of rocks unclassified so I've got a system set up right here we're gonna run it right into my pond and see what we can catch let me show you how we're going to run it I basically just got started I hauled two of these pills down here into my big wash tub right here it's an old mortar tub you can see this material is just filthy full of clay but full of rocks and hopefully gold there's some of that clay right there there is a clay layer there and that's what's stopping that gold from sinking all the way down to China so I've got my smooth water sluice header set up here right here and I have a 2 000 gallon an hour pump right here going into my pond nice clean water hopefully and this is my typical run-of-the-mill Creek sluice right here let me put that down into that there and whoop nope oh never mind but I've got my vdr mat on there and I put a screen on top of it now right up here it's pretty darn close to the mat okay but I don't want that mat laying right or that screen laying right on the mat so I just put some little garden tube down here to keep it off the mat a little bit and allow that water to go through it and then have the mats the drop riffles get activated right there otherwise that won't work where the darn if that Matt's layer that screen's laying right on there so we're just about set up here I just want to go get a couple more pails dump them in there because it's easier to shovel it out of there than it is scooping out of a bucket with all those big rocks so I'm gonna go grab a couple more pails and a shovel we're gonna see if we can't uh run some of this stuff and get the gold out of it and just like that TV magic now hopefully you guys can see that the water is running on off of here and it goes underneath the screen right about here so I'm hoping that I can do all my washing of material up here and have all the stuff I want sink down in this area right here and all the big stuff I can just push right on off of the end there I'm hoping that in this area is the capture Zone on my green mat there rather than down in this area because I'll be brushing gravels off there I just don't have anything quite long enough but I still think we're going to be in business so let me go ahead and I'll grab grab one of these here just like such we'll throw it on there let's see how that works not bad there's a lot of water going over the top of all this material it's given me the opportunity to wash them off look at that nice and clean give it a pitch and uh well that's working really really well it's only it's only going down to about as far as the water was running over that screen right there and then this stuff here first brush it right off throw it right off of there oh yeah that's gonna work fine just fine I think that's a good amount of water right there 2 000 gallons an hour perfect this thing works fantastic this this header box I got here uh if you can turn that baby down to Miller table speed and uh it's really versatile and I think it's gonna pay off on a lot of things for sure so let's do a bunch of running here get some more pails down here because obviously it's working I didn't want to haul them all the way down here if it wasn't going to work I tell you what I'm fighting the traffic every darn time I turn this camera on some loud Harley goes by or some some young kid but no exhaust drags by this truck so that's it's getting difficult I'm gonna go grab a cold PBR we're gonna get busy back in a bit [Music] awesome this is working way better than expected I mean I've experimented with some screen usage in the past uh mostly in the creek but it's difficult to find areas where you can just you have the amount of water and pitch and you're able to set up a sluice right next to where you want to dig I mean the gold deposit might not be anywhere near where you have an opportunity to set up a sluice so it's difficult to find an area where you can do that but having it set up like this at home well guess what it's really easy look at all this clay in there that stuff it doesn't have much for gravels in it at all it's just a real thick dense layer down there and it was extremely dry which is why it's balled up like this so I'm just trying to get them washed off as much as I can then you give them a pitch just give them a roll right on off of here and I think we're in business the water is rolling underneath there just the way we wanted it to and the material down here it is holding on to material even though there are larger rocks settling in and on this thing so I'm hoping that we got a lot of black sand and gold up in this here area because we sure certainly did the last time we panned some of this stuff lots of black sand and there was a decent amount of gold in it too so all right let's continue another pail what is Miss wizard do when the Packers are losing putting a little bit of shellac on some rocks we got at the beach look at those honeys there's some dandies in there try to get up close and personal super colorful an abundant just you gotta have a strong back to Holly's all the way out of out of where we go you know 600 miles in yeah the things we do for love all right we're on our last scoop what about three pale tests there they are tub's empty let's take a look at us loose there it is we just dumped around there we'll give that a little swirl around get all that clay off of those racks because there's lots and lots of clay a little clay balls this is actually really really fun to do at uh rather than sitting around classifying in a creek all day and then having a lunk pales around what not I mean I still have to lunk the pails home but we always like doing new stuff around here and this thing worked really really well really well and that turned good and black down there for sure it's holding on to lots of material lots of Black Sands so I'm not even gonna let this thing run for a little while I'm gonna go ahead and set the camera up we're gonna take this thing apart see what it looks like let me turn my battery off yeah awesome oh they got a black sand in there all right let me get this screen off we'll see what it looks like underneath all right we'll just slide that hopefully slide that right on out of there to some rocks kind of wedged in the edges here a little bit and this is my first time trying it I didn't even try this off camera yet this might be a little more difficult than I thought let's see here what are we gonna do right now all right time out what's going on all right we had one little rock stuck in the side there holding the whole works up so we'll go ahead slide that on down like such [Music] like such open there we go there's lots of rocks caught in that thing too we'll have to take a little time and unplug that thing sooner or later but we do have a good amount of material trapped in here and it looks quite black uh let me see if I can spot any gold at all here I don't I think there's just too much material in here like I said I didn't let it clean out at all so let's get this stuff into the shop next to the fridge or wonder we're gonna do a little cleaning but first let's take a little up close and personal look before I take this out into the shop like I said that thing loaded up with black sand that's what we were looking for we want to capture as many concentrates as possible and we certainly did and when you when it starts turning black like that you know you're catching the right stuff it's a little bit blonde up in here yet but I have no doubt that there's going to be some black sand under that stuff as well especially in these little spinnerettes you have good and black for sure all right enough Jack John let's grab our beer easier concentrates do some panning what are our baby boys do when the Packers are losing well they lays around the yard and chew on soup bones yeah that's right he's a good boy sure I tell ya Rigby has three of them oh check that four of them big glutton all right here's things first we gotta grab a little something out of the fridge I wonder oh all right let's get this stuff into my tub here got about a quarter full of water a little bit easier than doing it into a five gallon pail oh my goodness this stuff isn't just packed with black sand holy cow all right a little more there we go that was easy flip this baby over just like that nice and clean Splat I'll give that a little bit of a rinse grab some of this your water all right let's pan that puppy out all right thank you oh yeah that's heavy stuff right there before I get too involved here I'm gonna check this stuff for magnetics where's my magnet I got a number of magnets here go ahead and Jab that one in there oh my goodness look at the oh poof ball of magnetics on there that is insane insane wow all right well this might be a little bit more difficult than I thought let's continue that was a lot we'll just take our time do this nice and slow I'm gonna leave those magnetics right in there and that water is plenty good and dirty already that's for sure so let me do a lot of this off camera because I really want to take my time that spot is intriguing and I don't want to lose one flake and here's our gold it's pretty darn good it's not the Bonanza I was expecting but it's there's really nice looking pieces in there lots and lots of this stuff here lots and lots of micro micro fine powder but there are a number of pretty good sized pieces in there they got some shape they got some texture I'm quite happy with it look at that we also got blamo let's see if we can get focused now this here piece of I I'm not sure if that's copper but it's an old-timey bullet and I'm not even sure it feels like a little smaller than a 22 I'm really not sure what caliber that is that could be a 22 all wore down over the years who knows we got another small chunk of lead and this little whatever that thing is there now get that to focus maybe maybe not there it goes I think that might be a piece of copper like it looks like an old A fitting to something or another but there's a piece of every a little picture of everything together Ed gal darn glare in here I tell you I'm happy for sure what do you think about that my team might be losing but we're winning I think that spot has a lot of potential now we took samples from three different spots there one real close to the bridge one a few I don't know maybe 10 20 feet away and then another one the same distance away Upstream just a little bit and like a couple of dummies we didn't mark which fails came from where so now we're just going to run it all together and see what comes out of it but that that half or close to a third or whatever it was that we ran today was well worth it there's some nice chunky stuff there and I do believe that if we move a lot of those big rocks over there in there because we're just shoveling whatever we could grab into pales and bringing it home but if we go down there and really meticulously work that area bring uh more concentrated material home I really believe that we're gonna find something special there and rhymes with nuggets so until the next episode like share subscribe please do leave a comment it helps build our Channel check out our patreon page in the description box below flower gold wizards out what the heck is going on out here geez the Packers aren't losing that bad foreign
Channel: Flour gold Wizards
Views: 16,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gold prospecting, Wisconsin, Michigan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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