GOLD found in storage locker auction! Ebay sales and scrapping metal.

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so basically this weekend I I had some boxes lying around of some small injured and stuff that I'd taken apart in the fall and so I finally got around to listing this stuff and I photographed it I listed it all this weekend and then it's sold right away not all of it of course I have a lot more listings than this but these things sold right away and it's good so this is an auger blade from a snow blower this is the left hand blade so if you're only listing these there is a left hand and a right hand side and this one here is from a craftsman Sears craftsman and it actually says right there you can barely see it says LH on it so you got that's how you can tell this is the left hand side if not you have to go by pictures and/or just try to remember which side you take it from and when you remove it from the snowblower yeah so this guy here this is I have another one like it I have the right hand side still that's that's up there but this one sold 70 195 and 2494 for shipping $10 sales tax 1077 sales tax this is going to Quebec so the reason why it's an odd numbers 7195 is because I have a a sale going on in my store right now I made the sale when I started charging sales tax so I have a 10% sale it's just to kind of compensate for the for me introducing the sales tax twelve my items as I did up both a bulk editing for all all my 2,000 listings and so I just did a store wide 10% discount so that is a good little sale now I stole it right away so all this stuff sold right away so I'm starting to feel that I could have charged a lot more than what I within what I did for these items but you know I'm I didn't pay any money for this so it's all good I I just wish sometimes I feel like maybe I could have made a little bit more money but hey you know I'm getting I'm making money so it's all good and they're the customers getting a good deal and over here this is from that same snow blower this is a gearbox so the auger blades go right to it and there's a shear pin there and it's to share pins on to the shaft you can see how it moves like that and this is gearbox transmission these things are I guess discontinued so you can't really find them anymore from basically anything Sears craftsman is all going to be discontinued or you'll have to I think Husqvarna took over the brand and a wipey pool and a couple other brands all make these kinds of parts but anyways this guy's sold here for 130 $4.95 shipping $25 sales tax $20 and that's going to Pei Prince Edward Island yeah so there we go nice little sail and net over here is this is an engine from a lawn boy lawn work this is a vintage one this is from the 1960s and I bought this lawn mower that's going back a few years I was going back at least a couple years I went to an auction I bought this and I remember specifically them saying that it works they just probably needs to clean with the carb and but it definitely works and so that's what I went on but I had it here on my house it's been sitting around outside I had it all covered up and I just really didn't know what to do with it so I finally this fall I got around I just took the whole thing apart and I've brought all this stuff into my basement and it sat around for another couple another couple months I finally listed it this weekend and is sold that's the story on that but it pulls it it's not seized or anything as they has the pull cord over here on the other side this is iron horse on it it's 1960s nice little thing it's actually cracked in a couple spots you can see it right there this is like I tried to see if this had a replacement plate but it doesn't but see it's cracked there is cracked right there the previous owner is repair work on it hey I sold it let's see here was my sheets she fell down there yeah so eighty nine ninety five so all that for 89.95 28 for the shipping eleven six nine for the sales tax that's going to that's going to Ontario and that 89.95 I listed it for $100 and with the 10% it went down to 89 naive $90 sale for an old lawn mower engine this is a see it was see 19 engine coming down here's the floor this is another lawn boy but a different machine this machine here is from the late 90s and I didn't really sell too much off of this one but these are two that I that I did list and it's sold practically right away so this is a whole tire set down in this box and it's a belt-driven lawn mower so the back wheels are belt driven by the engine so it has a whole bunch of different parts here I just put all the wheels and all these all the components like a whole bunch of bushings and cog wheels and washers there's the bolts some plastic caps and these are the bearings for the back wheels I think anyways I put all one big lot and the wheels themselves too and it's sold it's sold within an hour of me listing it so I definitely could have listed it for more but I sold it for 5495 $20 for shipping $7 sales tax grand total 82 57 and that's going to Ontario so yeah like I said could list it for more but what are you gonna do then this is from the same lawnmower and that's just the engine shroud oh yeah engine shroud with the the pole cord on it it's one complete assembly because it's riveted on there works fine sold that right away as well for 40 bucks 39 95 1654 shipping 5:19 sales tax 61 64 total that's going to Ontario wait a minute Kitchener Kitchener oh it's going to the same guy I didn't realize it it's going to the same person he bought both alright well that's good to know this is our cat blueberry she's very nice the kids made her these little boxes for all our cats right here on my shelving my shelving that I use for shipping supplies are and everything one of it is dedicated to cats there I have some more shipping supplies here and all my boxes up here early March beautiful day and its really nice out I love it spring is just around the corner hopefully it's gonna be an early spring guys hopefully so I'm dealing with a bunch of scrap my truck right now this giant ACR it's a big boy very big this thing here is probably like three feet by three feet some copper hanging off it there's some there's a lot of copper on the underside too it's actually sitting on a screw to a piece of plywood so I'm going to take that apart have furnace and some other scrap back here nothing fancy just loose little piece pieces back here I think there was some copper though I gotta look through that before I go to scrapyard I want to do a scrap run today for sure I want to get this all out of my truck as there's some things I want to pick up I'm doing the bathroom renovation right now I want to go pick up some hopefully pick up a vanity a toilet soon yeah so I want to take this guy apart want to take that apart some scrap here they've gave me this fancy heat pump thing the other day and that's got some copper all in it here's the other part to it it's got some brass pieces on here and some copper so I'm going to take all these Pete all these zip ties off and just try and clean this up as best I can get get whatever copper I can get out of this thing and right now my copper number one bucket is looking pretty good number two not so much but got some pieces there to bring in so I'll bring that in as well along with all this shred let see how it what I can get for it all in this bucket here I think it's just more loose pieces of tin so just start to take up all these little screws there we have a better look at it there are two really big Rad's some nice copper in there so I like this because it's only two pieces by two pipes wide you can tell the noodles there's only two two parts two pipes in the with a noodle there so that's easier to cut off once you get into like three and four like really thick rats they're bit harder to take apart but you get more money for it but these are easy to deal with here we go he just finished filling up the trunk a little bit and I cleaned up some of this scrap that thing was full of all this copper and brass so there's quite a bit of it nice little pieces a lot of stuff that it will be hard to clean up you know like this thing here you know you just cut it there it's all the weight thing on it which is hard to take off so I'll deal with that later I got a bunch of pieces there looks like these things are stainless steel there's another one there and yeah it goes fast with this tool that I have but said that's that's all pretty much number two except for maybe a couple pieces here stuff is full of oil too well it had a lot of oil and it spilled out am i TL gate oh yeah bringing the number one today and that's it along with this compressor this compressor was in there too yeah oil everywhere you know I do my best to try and clean this this up but you can't avoid it here's the big rods I did take that apart these are pretty hefty good size good weight they're actually a really really sharp two different kind of RAD these are just sharper than I'm used to maybe my fingers are just soft from being on the computer all winter all right let's get her done and I'll show you how much I make it scrap yard there we have it truck is empty I'm back home let's take a look at what the receipt says here so that one compressor the electric Payne electric motor for it ten cents a pound seven dollars and seventy cents copper number one the paint out two dollars and thirty cents a pound fifty seven fifty yellow brass $10.40 copper so I did bring in the brass in the copper to copper to pretty low two dollars a pound so 24 bucks for the copper two it's still pretty good and then I'm getting 120 a metric ton for a shred and so that's pretty high so I'm getting like a good bonus from this scrapyard because I'm a freaking frequent flyer there so it's thirty $1.56 and total 131 that's pretty good I'm happy with that so today I won another storage locker I'm on my way over there now to go pick it up hopefully I can clean it all out in one truckload I didn't bring my trailer because it's still frozen to the ice so it's just the truck they have to do another trip to build tomorrow we'll see and anyways I've bought this locker for 70 bucks and I think that's a good deal because lately the lockers have just been going very very high I was bidding on another one this morning and that one went for 320 or soar 350 plus tax and you know at that at that price there's just not a lot of meat left on the bone so to make a profit from it also but you never know what's in the locker so it's it's tempting to go higher but I remember one not too long ago it looked like a whole bunch of sewing machines and that one went up to over $700 I just can't understand I think it's it's definitely gained a lot of popularity so there's a lot of people bidding on these things right now but yeah it's $700 wow you got you really have to work hard to make your money back unless you know it's a person that has a sewing machine business but anyways so I'm here with my little man here parker hello just having a little snack of oranges before our big Locker clean-out and we're going to go head over there now we'll be there in about ten minutes and we'll see what we can find there goes Parker all right guys it's really not a lot to show you in here because it's so dark and especially where my locker is down here and plus there's this ventilation system right there and so it's super loud but I'll turn my flashlight a little bit get a little peek see what's going on about thing right here this locker it's super dark in here but as you can see it's just piled up all the way boxes all the way back there so definitely two trips right down in there I can see a filter clean filter queen the vacuum cleaner right down in there microwave so it's gonna be lots of interesting things anything in here I hope hopefully we'll see what's going on some tools is attached right there CD racks I just boxed some stuff which I love all right so we're gonna start loading up just have a little trolley I helped her and yeah see how far we get today all right we're making good progress got this dresser up here it's pretty light and inside here just some audio equipment the five disc CD changer I would sell those for a couple bucks everything seems to be no bad smells or anything which is really good sign this air conditioner here is full of dust so everything's pretty dusty but least there's no bad smells got a Kenmore sewing machine it's an attachment for a bristling vacuum cleaner after just drop some movies and couple cool boxes nothing special but this one actually has a lock so we're pretty curious sure what's in here yet I don't think it's that it could just be the humidifier let's take a quick look I just tell us tell us that's good I like towels for rags and stuff yeah well we can never have enough towels I think all right let's go get the rest of this stuff making good progress hey Parker we made it we fell asleep on the way home did we did a lot of work but come on Mike we're going to go open up that box okay Spencer you got the bolt cutters what's inside the mystery box stuff that put it all in there like that and push down you can do it put on a little more but the handle on oh wait no yeah is it is it oh you think about okay I'd get the pliers in there yeah yeah yeah the coins I know money where are your money cool bit open it let's see oh I don't know no it might think it's just uh it's just many sets it's going fixit's and this is all quarters 1999 it's like a quarter set why is this that is silver coin cleaner okay that's that's good another coin set there a point set there oh yeah ocean Giants stay order I believe it's not silver oh yeah 1998 sterling silver 50 cent coin 50 cents 50 cents yeah let's see he open that up honey I think they this is like a cross from the world let's celebrate the year 2000 gold solid gold coin stamp stamp okay steps are okay oh yeah just one big stamp right there cool I've said all right wow that's pretty heavy there's a lot of weight there but let's think we got a lot of just random points yeah we found some coins Oh God a little bit of liquor this guy here dry gin no hasn't been opened it's very old but this stuff doesn't go bad right white rum little bit of vodka fine brandy it's quite a bit there tequila peppermint schnapps and here's the stuff that we're going to keep a little bit of clueless and that one's just a little bit there and that is pretty much full Lula and a sealed Bailey's so we'll keep those good because we like that but through tabal there's a friend that I have that usually that took my last batch of liquor I'll just give it to him again and he you know it's reciprocal relationship so we give and take all the time yeah it got nice block here with all the knives they're pretty nice nice ones actually broken but there's some other nicer ones in there so that can go to flea market for a couple bucks and to practically brand new fried pans on keep in use sewing machine that's gonna throw that out and more glasses and stuff down there this is like some sends merchandise hockey stuff so like stoop or like nice there's actually a watch in there a standard watch so some stuff that we can go through there is lots of VHS in this locker unfortunately that's subscribes of things to get rid of this these three box or fee HS so there's more at at the locker still also found this in the Walker it's a snow pusher thing so it's not it's just snow blower but you can't really call the snow blower it's more of it use the pusher so again you know that's going to be a few bucks of flea market probably like 10 or 15 so far so good and I'm gonna finish unloading of the truck they got ready for another load tomorrow the next day and now we actually did two more truck loads after since that last clip that I took so I got my boys out here helping right now and we're going through this box right here what do we got here guys yeah that marker it's a shiny spider Joey nobody likes spiders but let's see what we got here going to shadow well it's a jewelry anything gold these are some gold in here I think there might be yeah I think so yeah look at I could not try to see the what says here on this one no it's any stamp usually what you can see on the inside of the ring with a 10 karat or 14 karat or something some sort of stamp on it anyways lots of shiny yep that's a shiny anyways my camera is telling me low battery so I'll just show you real quick there's that little thing there but basically I just filled up the entire my whole thing here so 1% went from 89 percent of 1% the silly GoPro I hold the whole bench is just full of stuff I got all these boxes here I have to go through all these boxes back here so we got a lot to go through I guess let's just go unpack everything in and we'll show you all the good stuff at the very end I think that's going to be the plan there is one cool thing here that I found it's a gameboy with the box it is a limited edition light blue and Gameboy pocket I mean it limited edition comes with three games we have super RC a super RC am RC pro-am another one here but I can't see it so our flying game Staller something and pac-man the batteries inside are exploded so I'm gonna have to plant some new contacts I'm sure I can find them on ebay no problem anyways this cell is very well is this a limited edition blue I saw the box actually sold for quite a bit $200 simply for not just the box I thought that was ridiculous looks like it comes with all the insides in there - yeah so I got the Gameboy and the box says that's awesome that's gonna pay for the whole Locker it's just that okay so I'm gonna get into the good stuff now you guys remember seeing this box in an earlier clip it was it's really good a lot better than I thought it was gonna be first off this guy here it's a nice little spider crystal spider it's by there's a stamp on the bottom here it says Ivana I looked it up and it's Ivana Trump's loin it's vintage I'm guessing sometime in the 90s don't see any comparables online except for a couple that were selling at around 50 bucks so I think I could do that I think I could get around $50 it's actually really nice and this year is sterling silver with a pin on the back it's nice alright so some other stuff in here are some pins some little bit costume jewellery and this nice Rocher okay and I think back here so I already went through it all I mean look at that it's heavy this is just incredible alright should I dump it all out these hoop earrings we're actually in this box here this is 14 karat gold earring and his price tag on it 500 bucks and everything else I found in these little baggies so I didn't add any baggies here they're already in it so there's a whole bunch of these little earrings that's some chains in the bags little hoop earrings they're more chains or chains these chains here so I didn't really open these up yet or and look at them there's some earrings for earrings there so do those already and then I added this bag D there was just a whole bunch of loose little pieces but you loose little pieces floating around so I had to put them all in this little baggie there's one piece here I'm not sure if it's gold or not I'm not too sure it's like an evil not sure if that's gold but anyways there's all that that's just a lot of gold so some of these have stones and I don't know anything about stones so if you guys know anything about what I should do with this please let me know in the comments because I'm I don't know what to do yeah well he's not expecting this at all so there's some diamonds in those too and there's a diamond in this one that was about it there was actually there was one other ring and we're actually keeping it my wife wants to keep it it was a really nice gold ring as well so that one's missing a stone and and you just got all these chains and there's one with the cross and I've looked at pretty much all of these and I have been able to find the stamp it on the on the coupling here on the linkage using my phone to define this the stamp to look at this stamp so they can focus in on that but oops so you can see there says 10k well if you can see that yeah anyways that's what I've been doing with this is just using my phone camera because I don't have magnifying glass but yeah that's heavy this piece here it has just just a metal clasp here that's steel as it sticks to the magnet everything else has a stamp on it I forget where it was but I think it's 1010 K this one here is 14 as a stamp on the ring as clear as day some of them don't have it it's pretty hard to see yeah 14 so yeah the pretty much all like 10 and 14 I think I saw one 18 karat piece anyways Wow this is just incredible that's just a heck of lot of gold this is just a food scale so it's not very accurate but it's all I have right now this one here it's like a medical bracelet not sure if this actual plating is is gold it's not magnetic it could be something else but I'll just go with it there's the cross one and some other pieces there this one is really heavy whole bunch of rings oops alright we just went over 100 so I'm weighing it with the bags you know so this is just this is just a rough guess you just went onto one of those internet sites there for the gold calculations and I did it and I rounded down to 110 110 grams because there's lots of bags and there's some other attachments and stuff so so let's say for argument's sake is 110 grams of gold and I did at 10 karat gold even though there is some 14 and 18 carats in here so I just did that Wow gold prices are crazy right now so the in scrap gold value it is three thousand six hundred and ninety two dollars in US dollars that is two thousand seven hundred and seven dollars wow that is crazy that is crazy well I am I have to camp her her if I don't get anything else out of this locker this pile of gold is worth it just a modern-day treasure modern-day treasure hunting Wow okay well please guys let me know in the comment section below what do you think I should do okay because right now I'm thinking that maybe I should go to a to a jeweler and maybe I should go to a jeweler and have all these things these things are praised you know see there's stones in these so maybe these stones are worth something and I can get them removed and then just two straight melt value I don't know I don't know so let me know in the comment section below what you think I should do alright I appreciate it here we go gold my new favorite thing you see all these boxes here I did three trips to the storage locker at Baron back with my truck eight foot box just completely full and there were so many boxes and I'd say 90% of these boxes were full of just junk she's absolutely junk I'm talking about like old Tupperware and everything was just stained and old and dirty luckily it wasn't smelly but it was really nasty but yeah like Tupperware Christmas books all documents bills dishes lots of dishes VHS some CDs just you know kitchen utensils bathroom stuff just a lot of junk this so yeah most of this is just empty boxes there are some boxes with dishes that I still have to find something to do with that these got one two three four boxes here they're just full of CDs just and you know I'll have to take a closer look at them but you know it's a lot this person's taste is not quite mainstream so lots of thing a closer look at this and so there's just four bins here I've just loose scrap steel stuff that will bring to the scrapyard yeah that's half of a tent this is all garbage bags that I've done so far there's four five six and there's another in the sheds that's seven bags bunch of portal albums that look like they were in a flood just pull documents and so yeah this is all garbage here that I have to throw out dishes you know stuffy's I don't know what's it here mostly just Christmas stuff in there that's full of documents and old books oh boy so I mean it's it went well but now I just have a giant mess to clean up there are some few knickknacks you know we got some old vintage cards that I can sell there's a coin it's just a quarter knick knacks Pepsi coin organizer so this is just a lot of you know $5 or less items you know this year I'm not sure if that's soapstone I don't think it is I think that's just been a stone carving so you know it's worth something that's chipped some old some rocks you know so I could sell this stuff at the flea market for a couple bucks so I actually haven't finished going through this one here but looks like all Christmas stuff drill bits I'll keep those I did find three SNES games but no console Super Mario NHLPA hockey and Jeopardy Coleman stove in the box that's a couple bucks I think it's just all yeah just all stationary stuff in here some paper whatnot so I can use some of that this one's kind of interesting so I found some more booze and they're all just the little hotel bar fridge types so whole bunch of them something that I've never heard of before there's all the liquor I pulled out of that locker and that logo isn't that cute look around royal blue from act of Austria that's of nice other world knickknacks you know Oh Tim this is a big a vintage tire gauge it's all steel I thought it was pretty nice it may be worth something off to look it up little screwdrivers is a it's that these ones some of them I have had quite a bit of luck selling online as a vintage hand tool and I've sold ones like this with the wood handle before you know for like 20 or 30 bucks a bunch of the lighters and this one here like cigarette lighter goes like that it's like in the shape of a little cigarette and this one here it's the disappearing bikini tight and these are quite popular I think that's the Zippo it doesn't say doesn't see if that's original is it full on the bottom but it's still I'm think I could probably saw after about 15 bucks I've had people at my flea market ask me about the Pens you know it depends where the bathing suit disappears people always look at first stuff like that none of the the glassware that I found was actually kind of nice like this piece right here is actually really nice-looking I don't know anything about Cristal for all I know it could be a very valuable piece so I'll have to do some research and on that one right there that's going to be it for this video I'm going to sign off here and get to work smash up all these boxes and and cleaning up the my driveway so I can actually drive through here once again anyways if you liked the content if you liked the video please make sure you hit the like button down below subscribe and hit the notification bell for more videos to come in the near future that is it so thanks for watching have a good one
Channel: uberism81
Views: 6,046
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: scrap, scrap metal, scrapping, copper, aluminum, brass, shreddable steel, stripping wire, making money, sourcing for eBay, selling on eBay, making eBay listings, reselling, auction estate sale, how to sell on ebay, how to save money, selling used parts, dumpster diving, selling on Craigslist, selling on Kijiji, selling used stuff, electronic waste pick up, #scrapmetal, #scrapping, #metalrecycling, #scraplife, make money recycling, make money from garbage, entrepreneur, ewaste, recycle
Id: hVhlvp7lCB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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