Golang is Taking Over BaaS!!! - PocketBase

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what can I say go is the programming language for decades to come it's gotten a rapid adoption in a back-end development and cloud computing more and more her back-end and a cloud Technologies are built in go nowadays such as a torsa Leica kubernetes and a darker and now we have pocket base pocketbase is a lighter weight backend as a service offering within in go it allows you to deploy a performance back-end with a minimum tingering as a developer pocketbase is one of the most hip recognizable and established a project built in go as of recently but should you use it in your upcoming project as well we'll find out in today's video before we get started make sure to get your free golang cheat sheets at golangdojo.com cheat sheet that's it let's get into the video thanks Wallace it's Tommy the golang ninja here and let's get started what is Bass pocket base is a popular bass product similar to Firebase bass stands for back end as a service it provides a fully functioning back end ready to be deployed right out of the box it typically contains pre-written components such as user authentication database management remote updating push notifications Etc the idea behind bass is that you as a developer can sit back relax and Outsource most of your back end setup bass offerings help minimize the need for Designing and deploying server-side code where other bass Technologies fall short bass offerings also come in various shapes and sizes Firebase for example provides a set of sdks that connects web and mobile Frameworks with a cloud provider Suite of products which in firebase's case is the Google Cloud platform these cloud provider bagged bass Solutions with all the integration and features that come with them are typically the most convenient to use these Solutions provide sdks for everything from analytics to serverless functions to machine learning but as they are essentially marketing funnels for their respective Cloud platforms these Services tend to lock you in and leave you with little choice but to use their product Suite Firebase for example gives you no choice but to use Google's proprietary nosql solutions for data storage if you decide to switch vendors Down The Road Not only will you have to rethink and redeploy your entire back end you'll also have to contend with migrating your database from a bespoke nosql model keep in mind Meanwhile your app is running hot in production if that is not enough to make you shudder consider that you might even be forced to switch fenders parse was Facebook's ill-fated attempt at venturing into the bass space until it was shut down in 2017 leaving developers frantically rebuilding their back ends while the possibility of the same thing happening to Firebase is remote as we speak Google's long roster of killed products really isn't reassuring okay so what should you do instead is there an alternative to Firebase that doesn't try to lock you in certainly there are quite a few options that aim to be the open source alternative to Firebase these open source vendors typically aren't backed by large Cloud platforms and offer a basic Suite of services similar to Firebase without trying to lock you in Super Bass for example is open source and uses the industry standard postgresql for data storage instead of some proprietary models while Super Bass also offers managed hosting you can host Super Bass on premise on another Cloud platform or on your toaster the trade-off you make is the direct access to Google's Advanced Services like machine learning that are otherwise provided by firebase's sdks but if you value freedom from the win items of Google this is definitely a trade-off worth making pocket base and where it shines this is still one glaring flaw of Super Bass it's written in typescript and obviously we all know that go is the superior alternative to node.js and that's where pocket base shines at first glance pocket base looks exactly like super bass except it's written in go but look closer pocketbass is a highly performant back end from user authentication to real-time database to even an admin dashboard all in one single binary first of all it should go without saying that by virtue of being written and go pocketbase incurs a smaller performance overhand than most of its Alternatives if you'd like me to make a speed comparison between pocket base and Super Bass leave a comment below secondly performance is not the only killer feature here now unlike other bass offerings pocket base does not support serverless functions but but pocket base itself is extensible and can be used as if it were a back-end go framework any custom business logic can be bundled into the single binary that pocket base ultimately compiles down to and deploying this one binary is simply nice now keep in mind pocket base's monolithic approach can limit scalability in some use cases but unless you're thinking of building the next Tick Tock which let's face it you're probably not it's hard to imagine a use case that pocket base can't handle as far as side projects go remember we're talking about a bass that's implemented in go here unlike Super Bass switches implemented in a kiddo language with pocket base we now have a bass framework that gives us the developers the granular control we need for our web mobile or desktop applications while still enjoying Speedy deployments now it certainly may not have all the bells and whistles from Firebase but it is a performant lightweight bass alternative that's implemented in the best programming language of go how do you feel about pocket base do you think it's the most amazing project of the year or a pointless copycat to Firebase let me know in the comments below before you go please do make sure to head over to golangdojo.com cheat sheet for your free golang cheat sheet like subscribe and turn on your notification bell too and I'll see you ninjas in the very next video [Music]
Channel: Golang Dojo
Views: 16,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golang, learn golang, go lang, go language, golang tutorial, go programming, golang for beginners, golang 2022, golang package management, go modules, go workspaces, go workspace, go work, go mod, go sum, gopath, govendor, godep, go dep, go vendor, fireship, fireship pocketbase, fireship firebase, firebase, pocketbase, supabase, fireship supabase, baas, backend as a service, golang baas, golang backend as a service, golang framework, golang showcase, golang pocketbase
Id: xhSqouL7elY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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