Supabase vs Xano

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one of the most common questions we as a software development agency get from our clients is which backend as a service platform is the best to work with today we will look at the two of the most popular low code back-end tools out there Super Bass and Xeno and see how they compare against each other hey guys my name is Sanjay and I'm a CEO and a co-founder of kalda calda is a web app and mobile app development agency and we've done quite a lot of projects both on Super Bass as well as on Xenon on Super Bass we've done more than 20 projects which earned us a supervised certified agency title on the other hand we've done more than 15 projects on Xeno as well which obviously gives us a lot of experience and this is our take on which of the tools is a better one to develop your mobile or web app with okay so the first important thing to understand is the difference between the platforms from the perspective of what kind of projects or apps they were meant to be used for is better for projects that need to be built quickly and you don't want to do all of the extensive backend coding so for example if you're building a web or a mobile app where you need to interact with the database and don't want to build the backend from scratch designer is a perfect option for you on the other hand Xanax still in theory offers you to build more complex custom applications but for that you'll need some kind of third-party services and integrate them with your Xeno database Super Bass slogan is built in a weekend and scaled dominions which to us is a perfect description of what Superbass actually is you can build more more complex model bust and more scalable applications with Super Bass mostly due to the fact that it offers more complex features such as secure data storage robust user identification and real-time updates overall Superbass offers you a quick development process while on the other hand you can still scale your app to Millions so to sum up Super Bass is better for projects where you have to create applications that are more scalable more complex and have many complex features within them on the other hand the Zeno is better especially if you don't know how to code and if you need to quickly set up the back end without having to go through the hassle of actual coding I would still mention that we use super bass even in smaller projects because it offers us a quick development process even though on the other hand it's still very skillable okay but who is nano more suitable for and Super Bass what kind of development knowledge do I need to be able to work with each tool even though xano interior does not require any actual development knowledge because it's a pure knockout too we still think that the learning curve is is quite steep to work with Zano you have to have some basic understanding of some basic software development principles such as how the apis work and basics of data modeling the only thing that you don't need to know is the actual code SQL might come in handy but is not necessary or is not a must Super Bass on the other hand requires actual development knowledge for you to use super bass you'll need experience working with SQL data modeling and have an understanding of authentication Concepts you'll also need to know your way around real-time communication websockets serverless architecture and hosting services to be honest with you even if you are not a backend developer with the help of AI tools such as chai GPT you'll probably be able to set up the full project on surveys but on the other hand it still comes in handy if you actually know how to code sure that makes sense but how can we compare the two from the perspective of features included in the solution Thanos main feature over Super Bass is the actual full no code approach to development this is very helpful for people that just started with the software development process but in basically in all other departments web experience in our opinion Super Bass also has some features that you can do without without the actual coding but if you want to do more complex features such as real-time communication or some of the other features that you need within more complex apps you'll definitely need to code Super Bass has a better built-in authentication system they can connect with custom SMTP servers to authenticate users and reset their passwords while Xeno has some similar features you would need to use some kind of third-party services to to be able to do that which in many cases is a bit overwhelming Super Bass offers real-time database subscriptions which designer does not have this lets your app instantly receive updates when data changes in the database this enables real-time features such as notifications or live feeds Super Bass also has dino typescript Edge functions while the cyano does not have a similar feature Xeno has an inbuilt module to build custom functions with JavaScript but does not support importing many of the bigger libraries which makes the the full feature not as good as one would want so for more complex features or more complex applications overall Super Bass again wins I'm building an app so think about the future what if my app ever pops off and I need to scale it while the raw scalability of duplication relies on the actual application architecture efficient database design and implementation of both Solutions in your app in our opinion Super Bass wins because it's better for more complex motor bust and more scalable applications based on the actual usage of both back-end syntax that we've developed we often see that super bass performs better with more users on the app than Xenon in the end the back end is only one part of my app so how does each solution integrate with other platforms such as flutter flow or drive bit overall both platforms integrate quite nicely with their complementary front-end Solutions as they want to coexist with them many of them have built-in Integrations but we see more of that with Xeno with other fully no coded front-end Solutions such as browse Studio this is obvious because they want to allow people with no actual development knowledge to build simpler applications still in our opinion with platforms such as flutter flow which are a bit more complex to work with Super Bass has been a bit smoother with integration so far which of the two is more secure when it comes to security both are definitely safe while zyno has more security certifications you can restrict the user's access to data much more with super bases row level security in general the safety of of the app is more reliant on the pure implementation of security measures that you as a developer do let's not forget one important part of my decision about which platform to choose what cost does each platform bring to me super basis Pro Plan for 25 dollars per month is 95 of cases enough for you to scale the app to tens of thousands of users this is quite literally insane you'll also get most of the features that you'll ever need with the development of your app for the fancier stuff you can still pay for the team's plan which is 5.99 per month but still very reasonable considering that you won't switch the team's plan until you've actually started to make money with your app so once you've once you've scaled it Super Bass charges you additionally for the file storage but still it won't break your bank Xeno on the other hand is a bit pricier for many of our clients the launch plan which stands at 59 per month wasn't enough so they had to purchase the 1.99 per month plan that's almost eight times more than super basis Pro Plan on the Enterprise level which is compared to Super basis team plan the prices are not disclosed but in any case it doesn't make sense to use xano once you've actually scaled your app in any case right so which of the two should I choose them look in in the end it's totally up to you and your needs if you're building a quick prototype or simple MVP and have little to no back-end experience than xano is the tool to go with but in our opinion for anything else Super Bass means we've worked with both and in most cases our clients have been more satisfied with projects done on Super Bass well that was helpful thank you Andrea and thank you for watching also make sure to subscribe to our Channel and to follow us for more tips and tricks on mobile and web app development bye foreign
Channel: Calda
Views: 2,368
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Id: urTBUWS8ov4
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Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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