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(This content includes L'Occitane Korea advertisements) [GOING SEVENTEEN] (Smooth start) By the way, ♪ How has everyone been? ♪ (Natural sing-along) ♪ We missed you, too ♪ ♪ GOING is always ♪ ♪ GOING GOING to you ♪ Whoa (Mission complete) They told us to be natural but I don't know To seem natural, the weather's warmer than expected (The king of small-talk) But your hair is so bouncy (Bouncy mood) I wanted to refresh myself But you didn't think of what others would feel? (Hilarious) Anyway, what's that? (Today's content smoothly proceeding) It's time - For what? - GOING year-end commentary (GOING special commentary) We shot numerous GOINGs until now, didn't we? So it's a commentary but an ad-lib? (It's going to be a pure commentary) Kind of - Okay - Com... Aren't they the opposite? (They only know ad-libs) (Changed from 'I Know' to 'I Don't Know') I don't know Now that I see them altogether like this, - each one of them looks nice - Exactly I didn't know there were so many logos (Today's list of commentaries) Wow, how about making GOING stickers? (Always watch your mouth) GOING stickers would be so pretty That's nice I can't wait for that - For what? - The best scenes of 'GOING SEVENTEEN' made into emoticons (Ex. We're just doing this for the money) That'd be great A lot of people are watching 'GOING SEVENTEEN' (Thx for the E.S, phrase showing gratitude) Yes, a lot of people I met a friend and the friend of my friend that I'd never met before But that person had seen 'GOING SEVENTEEN' and thought of me as an outgoing person, although I'm really introspective (HOSHI was particularly introspective) Introspective but outgoing Because you always shout at me in 'GOING SEVENTEEN' (Vocal cords inversely proportional to his personality) In the past, when we went to restaurants, people who recognized us would say, "I enjoyed your stage" or "I enjoyed the variety show" but these days, (=I enjoyed the variety show) they say, "I enjoyed GOING SEVENTEEN" This is definitely the capability of the staff members but also because we're fun (Yup!) This is teamwork There are lots of staff members who help us but we always end it as, 'Because we did well' (Quite right) If we were no fun, it wouldn't have worked - I still think it was a nice teamwork - I do, too (High praise) He's so selfish (Selfless proceeding) So for the wrap-up of this year, - Let's go - there must've been fun episodes but also unsatisfactory ones, so let's talk about them Okay SEUNGKWAN, when someone says they know everything, that's the most dangerous (The most dangerous person) I know, I know Before we watch the scenes, there are video messages from JUN and THE 8 Oh Let's watch that - Let's watch THE 8's video first - Okay (Special interview of THE 8) What? - Is he sleepy? - What is this? (Q. THE 8's best episode from GOING SEVENTEEN?) Among 'GOING SEVENTEEN' episodes... You know, I ran really fast I didn't even expect that This feels like an awards ceremony He's making his award acceptance speech But he really did a great job - He was really fast - THE 8 was so fast (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.5 Let's Go! SEVENTEEN #1) He's fast, wow! He's flying past! (His shoe flying with THE 8) His shoe came off (Late MVP award acceptance speech) I was so passionate at the moment so my shoe came off That was a really memorable moment We usually remember what we did Unsatisfactory moment (Q. Unsatisfactory ep. of GOING SEVENTEEN?) To be honest... I came back to China since September (Editing point) (Applause for the editing point) (Equipped SEVENTEEN's basic quality) He knows his editing points now Yes, that's a necessary quality (Knows GOING SEVENTEEN well) It's funny how that wasn't edited out (TAKE #2) I've actually... been in China since September so it's too bad that I couldn't join the members in the latter part of the shooting (Q. Most memorable moment during the shooting of GOING SEVENTEEN?) The... what was that episode called? The one when we went to the countryside and planted seedlings Oh, planting rice, 'VER'NON (The owner of the rice field) 'VER'NON Because that's an activity - that I'd never have the chance to try - Right Also, I won the game (The delighted dancer) so it's a very nice memory THE 8, It's such a shame that THE 8 wasn't in 'Insomnia-Zero 2' You have a lot to say to him? (Nice words) He's dead (Air-time 1000% guaranteed) He's dead after MINGYU Can we just move on? (Special interview of JUN) Next is JUN! Oh, I'm excited Why does everyone look sleepy? Hello, I'm JUN from SEVENTEEN (MC and guest) Today Oh (Q. JUN's best ep. from GOING SEVENTEEN?) If I had to choose the best episode... I'd... pick two The first is GOING COMPANY from 'GOING SEVENTEEN' Oh, GOING COMPANY Oh, GOING COMPANY? Saying nonsense about how to shoot a variety show was really fun and... fresh (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.2 Ad-Lib: GOING COMPANY #2) He's S.COUPS, right? And he's lying down, and the 's' reminds you of ace, so the AXX Bed How about shooting lying down? (The best member for nonsense content) I think he's the best person (Respecting) for this kind of content And after GOING COMPANY, ONE MILLION WON ONE MILLION WON Million won! I love how JUN pronounces 'million won' 12 of us battling with JEONGHAN And the ending was beautiful so it was very funny That's why I choose these two (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.3-4 ONE MILLION WON) You can take my money (Breaking up) From now, I don't know you (Revealing the final amount) (Everyone getting 50,000 won each) (Q. Unsatisfactory ep. of GOING SEVENTEEN?) If I had to pick an unsatisfactory episode, the most recent Best Friends That was really unsatisfactory (Unexpected response) Really? DINO must've done bad (Teacher's fault VS DINO's fault) Really? I want to play games with the members Especially 'Green light, red light' I think that's really fun (1st choice, pillbug) JUN likes easy games so if we played 'Green light, red light', he'd be the most excited and the most thrilled (Calm when playing games) 'I! @#$% I didn't move!' He'd be like this (Q. Memorable moment during the shooting?) The most memorable moment would be 'TTT' for me Because every time we shot 'TTT', it felt like going on a trip with the members rather than shooting something So I could relieve stress and try harder in the next schedule I hope to make more nice memories with the members in the days to come This was JUN from SEVENTEEN! Applause! (SEVENTEEN looking great today as always) Whoa, JUN - JUN is cool - He's even more cooler now This is what I think They said it's a commentary, so they probably thought it was like an awards, an awards concept It turned out there was a prompter in front My arms... my arms...! L'Occitane en Provence, a luxury cosmetics from France A relaxing roll-on to relieve fatigue and stress Pocket-sized to easily put in your pocket Relaxing roll-on L'Occitane relaxing roll-on We watched the videos of the two so now let's watch our's What's this? Does anybody know? (Answer: SVT Escape Room) That's that Don't you know? - Don't you? - Oh, you How about this one? That's Battle Crew (Feels like a violent survival program) Battle Crew? - Wasn't it 'BAD CLUE'? - 'BAD CLUE' (Right) MYSTERY MYSTERY! (HOST Mr. Lee) 'MYSTERY MYSTERY'? Let's watch This 'MYSTERY MYSTERY' DK was supposed to not know - Yes, exactly - and the show had to proceed but right from the start, DK was like, 'Oh, this is Mystery Mr. Lee' Yes, and I was in panic then 'Did he already find that out?' (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.1 MYSTERY MYSTERY #1) Hey, why are you taking the food? (Getting scolded for doing something nice) What's with you, DK! You seem suspicious (King of word games) Mr. Lee, you're a mystery today (Never passes this) Mystery Mr. Lee It's just 1 year ago, but everyone seems to have a different mood No, it's been 2 years (Monthly SEVENTEEN January) This was the first 2020 project Does anyone remember an episode during this shooting? You know, the volume... (Eating within the drawn decibel) The decibel mission was fun Yes, eating measuring the decibel That was fun (Drew 60db) Let's watch WOOZI's - Mine's going to be funny - Yes I remember it was funny It's funny how WOOZI is trying his best (Over in 9 seconds) (Should've eaten with his hands) (Civilized man) I was picking up the chopsticks There must be a funny clip before WOOZI's part, too - There should be several - There's one of SEUNGKWAN That's from the previous week Hey, let's not watch it (The young radish kimchi makes him cry) It's a failure, actually I'm just grateful you're all trying hard We've done enough, let's move on (Merciful) (Crunch) (Cheerful 'crunch') What's that one? What's 'Pie in the Sky'? (Started as a penalty, ended as eating out) The one where we couldn't eat Oh, that one (The one that became a rice thief) Oh, the one where we ate meat This is JEONGHAN's content Why? Is that me? - Losers from 'Human Chess' couldn't eat - Right And this was JEONGHAN's idea (GOING SEVENTEEN 2020 EP.20 Pie in the Sky) What's the concept this time? The team that wins in 'Human Chess' eats meat (From 'Human Chess' of the May issue) And as the karaoke wish coupon I will make a reaction video of watching us enjoying pork belly JEONGHAN had a lot of wish coupons that year Yes, because I won in 'Kick the can' I really enjoyed shooting that one because it felt like we were making GOING SEVENTEEN with the staff members (Touched!) I see (A heartwarming commentary) It was meaningful because it was impromptu Then let's watch that one The one that received lots of reactions (Best content from GOING SEVENTEEN) What could be the best content? CARNIVAL, of course (Proud) (1st nominee 'CARNIVAL') (2nd nominee 'The Tag') The Tag (3rd nominee 'TTT series') I remember 'TTT' got nice reactions (Quenched the thirst with alcohol) It quenched the thirst of the people - Hyperrealism, this is right - Hyperrealism - That one really was legendary - I agree From the beginning part (Where Alcohol-VENTEEN started) we drank It didn't feel like we were shooting so I liked it (The attitude of a faithful broadcaster) It was a culture shock for me, too It received great reactions How many views has it hit now, DK? - 6,220,000 views - Wow I loved the intro This No working - That was great - The foot volleyball was so funny It's been edited out, but we played a lot of foot volleyball The karaoke was fun, everything was fun (Potion creating fun) We always need some alcohol I love that mood The best was this one VERNON sleeping (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.44 TTT #1 (Hyperrealism Ver.)) But wait a minute, one person is missing VERNON isn't here (He's breathing) (He left to breathe) Why are you sleeping (Devout) like this? (Sleeping and realigning his spine) He's sleeping devoutly Oh, it was S.COUP's birthday that day - No, it was THE 8's birthday - WOOZI and THE 8 We celebrated THE 8 and WOOZI's birthday (Mild) (Spicy) Oh, THE 8 had that hair then His hair was really... It doesn't fit him (Subject matter being filled up) Let's say that in next year's Insomnia-Zero (Very introverted) Let's go WOOZI, have you tried that before? - I just did - How was it? - Probably just a single glass then - It was okay Haha! (WOOZI's admitting in a fidget-spinner-style) (This video includes some truth and lie) Should we start Insomnia-Zero now or what? 'It was okay'? In 'Insomnia-Zero 2' when he admits something, (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.29 Insomnia-Zero 2 #1) he's actually a bit stubborn So he doesn't admit right away, but does it indirectly 'Oh, I tried it and it was okay' (The greeting of truth) Oh, because he's embarrassed Rather than saying, 'It was this' (Best compliment) 'Oh, it wasn't bad' But all the while, look at HOSHI's face Look at him It's not bad His eyes (Let's watch nice shots repetitively) (Captured moment) They captured that It was my first time drinking kaoliang liquor I want to see that one ♪ Ddurut ddu ru ♪ I want to see JOSHUA doing that Oh, that's in the video JOSHUA was so funny - I watched the clip again - Me, too I love the question mark (Hilarious) (Soul) (Discovery of the genius vocalist) Please replay it one more time, sorry (10 points) Encore, encore That's a vibe that requires alcohol (Sober now) He's happy but he has to hit the note, so his voice box was raised (Seized by the collar) It's funny because it's JOSHUA It's so funny how they put a question mark on top of JOSHUA doing that - Let's shoot 'TTT' one more time, we must - Oh, it's so funny (Permanent embarrassing moment) This is so embarrassing Let's go with foot volleyball Let's look over JUN through foot volleyball I think the Bald seagull came from here (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.44 TTT #1 (Hyperrealism Ver.)) (Attacking mental power) Wow, JEONGHAN has a huge forehead - Keep your cap on - Why? (Quote maker) You look like a bald seagull I've heard of the bald eagle but a seagull is a first (Honk, honk) Oh, foot volleyball was fun - We love this kind of activity - But everyone's so bad at it (They like ball games) It's so funny how we're all sincere But I heard we're not supposed to make homemade wine like that People saw us making homemade wine like that - and said it's wrong - Exactly They said no one drinks like that (It's all the same when digested) We drank the extract It did taste bitter I want a fancam of JUN playing foot volleyball SEUNGKWAN acts as if he's good, but he's not (Hilarious) (Kept their true friendship after this) SEUNGKWAN started commenting then SEUNGKWAN just has to be the leader in sports (Nominee of the leader-illness) Yes, he has a leader-illness Yes, so I was happy in 'Racket Boys' I'm so happy about this scene What? (Footage=Happiness) Me hitting my head (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.45 TTT #2 (Hyperrealism Ver.)) - MINGYU! - Argh Are you okay? Oh, MINGYU Wow... We can have even more fun next time (Meaning he doesn't want to work) Let's go with 'hyperrealism' again I love the editing GOING SEVENTEEN also became popular through the SVT Playground, too Oh, the Playground That was fun Wow, the intro was different then It's the old intro (22-second intro) - That's from 2019 - Memories, memories My choreography The merit of the content of us playing together (Storage of past memories) is that people become happy watching it It felt like going back to the childhood days Yes, it did for me, too It was like when I played in the playground as a kid You know, the sweat from when we play in the playground (Sweat in the playground is 'childhood') is different, it did feel like childhood We have to watch DK running forward in the 'Kick the can' from this episode That was hard, too Hey, MINGYU, come out from back there Oh, DK is there (So funny) (The content full of sincerity) I kicked full of sincerity (Was a main character in a different way) I ran thinking of being the main character - Oh, this reminded me of that - What? In 'TTT' 'You will be scammed in 5 years' This one 'You are harmless' (GOING SEVENTEEN 2019 year-end special TTT) You... If you believe this, you will be scammed in 5 years You're that innocent and harmless You can't live your life on your own! (The reason for a team) Oh, how funny How about other episodes? Any recent ones? There are memorable moments in each episode, the funny moments, aren't there? (Best scene from GOING SEVENTEEN) Say the ones that come to mind (Nominee 1 'Four Wheeled Rider' Water balloon item) I got lots of Kartrider water balloons The weather was great then Let's watch the water balloon scene We just have to see DINO get hit - DINO did get lots of them - DINO was really... (Adverse effect of 12 older bros) He got hit by his team and the other team I think I changed my clothes twice that day Oh, this one's funny Guys, you die when you pick the water flight missile here (Shower stall OPEN) (Automatic car-wash) You're just having fun Why are you saying the water flight missile? You should just go Same team Just shoot He looks so happy So harmless (Introverted harmlessness) This is why others think you're outgoing Didn't know he was on the same team (Party only I had no idea about) It's scary approaching from behind I love your face (Happy about the overflowing love) DK has great reactions You have various facial expressions I thought I was in a water park You have different expressions for each click (Hilarious) (Manager of the water park) - Who shot that? - HOSHI (Harmless) Introverted, really? (The manager happy his business is soaring) He looks so happy (Happy now, too) What's another legendary episode? For me, 'BAD CLUE' and the one he did recently Human clone (Nominee 2 MINGYU from 'BAD CLUE' & 'EGO') The scene of his realization was so cool (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.34 BAD CLUE #1) If someone was trying to avenge... Park Junki? Park Junki's revenge... Is it me? (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.28 EGO #2) Oh, I get it... I'm a human clone It's me In 'BAD CLUE', the conversation between MINGYU and THE 8 was so cool because they were to in character So it was so much fun (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.35 BAD CLUE #2) Is it you? THE 8, are you pretending in front of me? Are you pulling an act? - I know it's you - It's you Huh? In the next 'BAD CLUE' we have to become the character We have to become fully aware by studying the previous day Wait, then is the narration in 'BAD CLUE' and 'EGO' similar? It's a bit different It's like the horror genre of GOING SEVENTEEN A mystery Talking of that reminds me of the horror special (Nominee 3 'The Tag') 'The Tag' That received nice reactions, too There are funny episodes in GOING SEVENTEEN and also horror ones that are popular Wasn't that one the one with the most views? The viewers may think the place is lighted and we can see well But I couldn't see a thing downstairs I could barely see thanks to the camera It was almost pitch black for real - The people with the masks were so scary - Yes - DK and I were locked in a room - Right (For about 30 minutes) The video included a brief scene of that - But we couldn't get out of the room - Yes (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.28 The Tag #2) Oh, nothing's here Then why are you being so scared? For me, from the GOING SEVENTEEN of 2021 'Best Friends' was #1 That or 'Insomnia-Zero 2' for me 'Insomnia-Zero 2' and 'Best Friends' were shot around the same time - Yes - So the mood then was very friendly - That's why THE 8 and JUN may be sad - Right - It was so fun, but they weren't there - 'Best Friends', I completely understand Among all the 'Green light, red light' I saw in my life, it was the most fun (His thoughts from the bottom of his heart) There's nothing comparable with that Seriously, among every single activity I did so far What's 'THE 8 and the 12 shadows'? Oh, that's the one where the 12 of us copied him That's where Lacking-TEEN was formed (First appearance of the small drum) We had the small drum The episode with the biggest budget was probably the one on the deserted island - Yes, 'Treasure Island' - That was huge We were borrowing an island and I didn't think we'd actually go to one (Congrats, GOING SEVENTEEN on TV) That episode was aired on television, too Oh, 'MOUSEBUSTERS' was also fun That was so exhausting It was hard even catching it In 'MOUSEBUSTERS', what we did after the main game was more fun (When grape was in season) The grape game! (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.33 MOUSEBUSTERS #3) (Grape from going out of his mind) Grape, grape, gra (Action genre) Grape, grape Grape Gra - The grape game was legendary - It really was (Recommending watching again) That was crazy I liked the chase It was our first time doing a chasing game then - Yes - Our first chase It was a somewhat large-scale chase We were all sitting down given up but HOSHI suddenly came running (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.33 MOUSEBUSTERS #3) I touched you so you're released now When? (Already released) In 5 minutes In 5 minutes? Then I should make it quick (Where it all started) You went because I said 'in 5 minutes' (The villain in spotlight again) WONWOO was the villain Why are you here? (LOL) I was really scared then (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.33 MOUSEBUSTERS #3) Why are you here? (Welcome) Wait a minute Let's go, go get him Wait (HOSHI captured alive) (Giggle) We're like detectives - That's a great scene - That's like 'The Outlaws' For real Who's that in the back? (Lost in wet memories) I was hit all over the face It was like you were the criminal (Anyang watering can) I wanted to get him so bad You guys were so serious 'Oh, they seriously wanted to catch me' Wow, that was a legendary scene It was like a movie Oh, I remember JUN saying, 'Wait, don't do that' 'Just kidding' (Hilarious) (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.32 MOUSEBUSTERS #2) Right here! Right here! I'll use the skill (Using special skills) Halt! For 10 seconds! Just kidding (He has no skills) Just kidding 'What the' (Taking note for next time) That was really smart of him Oh, the 'Ad-lib: Seventeen's got Talent' (Holding down his reactions) Oh, that was fun JUN did a musical (Multi-talented people) You guys are great We did a lot of things - There - That's JUN JUN His name is Moon Arthur Moon Arthur and his life is a musical (Charming musical vocalization) (Accommodative person) JUN does well when he's told to But it's kind of embarrassing (Enjoys secondhand embarrassment) I love this That solo number (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.23 Ad-lib: Seventeen's got Talent #1) Since your name is Moon Arthur, show us A little bit I wonder how he'll make your way out here? ♪ I don't know how to make my way out ♪ - Where are you going? - ♪ But I'll live my life ♪ ♪ What should I do ♪ (End of musical) (Open ending) (Interpretation) He only knows 'I'll live my life' That's the only line he remembers from the song And he has to go on with it but he doesn't know what comes after that ♪ What should I do? ♪ (Hard-working genius) It's so funny he's trying ♪ Excuse me ♪ ♪ A glass of soda, please ♪ Oh (So funny) (Lingering feelings) There was a sense of realism Did we come here for a commentary, or to just watch? (Saying it's that fun) I love this, my cheekbone hurts To be honest, that's the pressuring thing in variety shows It was in GOING SEVENTEEN so we seem at least that much comfortable It's the synergy effect that's great (Not Nxxflix) Anything else fun to watch? 'Kickball' was also fun, I think (I love ball games) 'Kickball' was fun, yes We were kind of... upset then (A beautiful game where everyone lost) We were upset because of the kicking (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.16 Kickball #1) Nice throw Foul (Bad throw) It bounced too hard The ball was afloat The pitcher Then how about I pitch like this? (Kneel down when you're upset) I apologize I still remember how he kicked the water ball - I didn't know he'd kick it - The miracle of the water ball We have to watch the water ball scene Let's watch it Oh, the water ball We have to respect him for this Haha! (Hilarious) (Vivid pain) It really did hurt You're all so mean using the water ball then coming forward I mean, the water ball is impossible to kick high And making the pink the foul line is too harsh Right Then a ground ball isn't allowed either? - It is, but it can't touch the pink - Argh What does that even mean? (Solid career as a spy) DK is on our team (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.17 Kickball #2) Oh, nice! (Tenacious bunt) Oh, nice! (Can't defend because it's too heavy) Run, run, run! - Wow, he kicked that - He missed once It was too heavy for WOOZI, too I caught it and was like, "What the?" (like the eyebrow scratch) We should play easy games like that Yes, a dynamic one 'Don't Lie 3' was also fun 'Don't Lie 3' was legendary 'Don't Lie 3' JEONGHAN said he really felt betrayed by me Yes, and THE 8 also felt betrayed THE 8 became sulky (GOING SEVENTEEN EP.10 Don't Lie 3 #2) Who found the money? MINGYU did S.COUPS I got it Police, you were on our team, too The police is on the citizen's team (Executing justice) He worked with THE 8 and I but suddenly saved his reputation money and everything, and then left (Involuntary nonpossession) So we were like, "What the?" It's citizen vs broker, right? No There's a mafia S.COUPS knew everything all along (Took the airing time, too) "It's citizen vs broker, right?" What I didn't understand today is this You get a hunch, right? There's a possibility, although not much But I felt none of that today I know what you mean It felt the same for me, too Yes I didn't get a hunch When there's a mafia, I get a suspicious feeling, but I didn't But it's cool how you recognized that You really did a great job When someone's so excited and says, "What if there isn't a mafia at all?" Then two people here have to roll over laughing But when we were like, 'No mafia?' DK was like this (I did not laugh, Your Honor') (Hilarious) (Personification of pure and harmless) 'How did they know?' Both of them didn't know what to do Look at their eyes shaking The end of season 3 is like this? What? I can't believe my hunch (What's with my reaction?) (So funny) Everything's centered on him He doesn't care about us It's just, 'I can't believe my hunch' for him (Crying out my hunch middle of the world) It's not 'What's going on?' 'I'm getting gooseflesh because of my hunch' 'It's unbelievable how I got it right' Exactly, nothing about us (Rediscovered himself) Everything's about himself (No one said they're dumb) We're not dumb - It's amazing how we figured that out - Exactly Let's watch the first night - Do you want to see yourself die? - Yes - 'Yes' - Let's move on - Who died? - No citizen died Look at DINO's expression here The doctor is crazy (The doctor played an active role) 'Wow, I did it' 'Wow, I did my job as a doctor' That's what your face says - 'I'm a hero' - 'A hero, indeed' No It's not like that 'Oh, if it goes on like this, will my plan proceed?' Nope (Admit you're a hero) You're just this (Modesty banned) Yeah (I'm the hero) 'Today's my day' I was watching all this and DINO was just so funny Oh, it's so dry in here My lips are chapped Okay, great, it's moist now ♪ I want to buy you a pretty necklace ♪ I don't need a necklace, thanks ♪ I want to drive you in a cool car ♪ ♪ But all I have ♪ ♪ is L'Occitane ♪ ♪ Smells good ♪ (Delivering your moist heart) ♪ This ♪ (L'Occitane shea butter hand cream) Shea butter will keep your hands moist We did the MBTI faster than expected (About 2 years ago) Yes, before it became a thing MBTI is a thing these days Yes, it's cool that we did it before it became popular I want to try the MBTI one more time You already did it 11 times Yes, but I want to do it again (Habitual MBTI addict) The Four Wheeled Rider, too We shoot when it's really popular It seems the staff members identify the flow the quickest and apply it on our show I also thought 'SEUNGKWAN BOO's Past Life Destiny' was fun (First single MC) Oh, thanks What was the episode we did on Chuseok? 'Tribal Games' 'Tribal Games' was also fun It had that mood of the past That and 'Let's Go! SEVENTEEN' WOOZI... I liked it when WOOZI was the host - Yes - WOOZI is good at it I'm not sure - But Hyeonseok expects a lot from me - Yes, he does I don't know why Your sense of humor match his I like it, it's fun To be honest, we don't always have fun shooting it Yes, I sometimes wonder, 'Is this the right way?' 'SVT's Kitchen for Two' was also a bit... (Hurt) What about that? I had a hard time then I actually thought the other episode would be less fun that The Paxxx Baguexxx one (Spicy eyebrow project) Oh, the ad with me applying chili paste It was always hard in the Ad-Lib episodes (Familiar smell) I kept saying, 'It smells like 'Carnival'' But there's only 'Carnival' that feels like 'Carnival' so far I love Ad-Libs, they're the most fun Now that we all have trust (Doesn't say this) 'I'll just try my best' 'Please make it good in your way' - They're the best editors - Exactly And in the Ad-Libs, JEONGHAN does a great job Strange things I didn't understand so I was like, 'This isn't it, what's with him...' This is improper (Sincere person) He has no respect and it's inappropriate But when I watch the episode I'm the only one not reading the room That's actually right (What?) (Everyone knows he doesn't read the room) I can hear laughter from inside I love it when the camera director laughs It's time to play a round of foot volleyball, huh? (Alright) Let's play, directors At first, I didn't know GOING SEVENTEEN will hit so many views like this I didn't know it'd be this much fun So I just did the shooting light-heartedly But now I have a sense of responsibility Because there are a lot of viewers I actually try to relax more I think that's important Yes, when we're comfortable, our chemistry is real My dad came to the set before, right? He was so surprised that we were all enjoying the shooting He said we all seemed professional (Heartwarming) That's the charm of GOING SEVENTEEN Yeah Isn't there that one? The questions from CARAT and CUBIC (Viewer Q&A) They sent us questions Let's have a look, then DK, read it for us (Thinking about the show all the while) Read the fun ones SEUNGKWAN, pick the questions - The ones a major entertainer can spice up - Got it (SEVENTEEN working today, as always) I'll go to the beginning of this year first 'In ONE MILLION WON,' 'if there wasn't a place for the members except for JEONGHAN to discuss' 'and the members didn't say that betrayal wasn't allowed,' 'would you have stood on JEONGHAN's side?' 'Or been loyal?' (Confident) They would've definitely stood on my side All 12 would've done that (Loyal to JEONGHAN) Because there's no chance And it's also fun for the show I think it would've been such a chaos 'WONWOO is always the MC in 'Debate Night'' 'What does WONWOO think about the given topic?' WONWOO isn't thinking I don't think about anything I just watch (A true MC) And you're also a bit nervous I can't help that when I'm the MC among our team All the eyes are on me (Working hard) I was also nervous in 'Insomnia-Zero' 'I was always curious about this In 'BAD CLUE',' 'what's the rope?' I think the staff members should answer this 'The rope was to tie the criminal when the lights go off so Junki's ego doesn't move' 'It was the only way' So MINGYU had to be tied until the lights went off Because if Junki's ego doesn't move, there's no murder? But he was tied But that was for a brief moment (Untied before the blackout) Nothing happened, so he was untied again If I'm tied at night, my ego will come out So I had to be tied then (The viewer's point of view) Wow, I realized that just now If the story changed, then we would've thrown a party and went home That could've happened And drink homemade liquor there 'Is HOSHI really going to the tiger's den?' I think so, soon (The response of the staff member) 'We prepared meeting the tiger long ago' 'But the tiger grew so big It's hard to meet the tiger now' (Can't meet because of the tiger's puberty) That was real (SEVENTEEN's imagination comes true) You actually prepared that for real? They have to live, too, so... 'Is WOOZI's favorite color really pink?' (Doesn't want to reveal yet) Nope They're surprised at DINO's ability 'Did DINO learn to do theater of situations or is it just his talent?' He has talent, but DINO also learned it He took acting classes for GOING SEVENTEEN (Life eaten up by GOING SEVENTEEN) I think DINO's talent comes from this He watched 'Gag Concert' so much when he was a kid I loved comedy shows The shows that are all prepped (The importance of early education) That really had a great impact 'The hardest episode in 'GOING SEVENTEEN'' Rice paddy JOSHUA was there the entire time in the rice paddy For me, 'SVT's Kitchen for Two' (Successful hardship project) 'SVT's Kitchen for Two' was really hard It was hard for me when I wasn't funny (The pressure of a singer) Understandable, yes 'If I have a friend I want to introduce SVT or make into a CARAT' 'what episode of 'GOING SEVENTEEN' should I show him or her?' I'd choose 'TTT' That's our true selves - I'd choose 'Best Friends' - Me, too, 'Best Friends' I think we should be adequately cute 'How about becoming our fan?' (Salpuri praying for a new fan) (There are all sorts of preferences) They could become a fan through that It'd be better to show all 13 of us since it's the first time - Yes - You're right 'If you could film an episode of GOING SEVENTEEN out of Korea,' 'where would it be and what would you be doing?' There are so many answers to this I want to go everywhere We could pay homage to a movie or something For example, 'Fast&Furious', but we're not riding real cars We're riding carts (Four wheeled trip around the world) Is it Four Wheeled Riders season 2? We're just acting in electric cars? That could happen, or there could tons more So, 'Are DINO's back hair and HOSHI's fringe okay?' (A very innocent question) (Real) Oh, this person knows something (High praise) Perfect for GOING SEVENTEEN We're sorry, but the response to this can only be done when the members are sleeping (Legal gossip) We should ask again What do you think, CARATs? (Same question) What about you? 'Among the episodes that are not seasonal,' 'is there one you want to be made into a season?' I want a renewed version of 'Mystery Mystery' Oh, me, too I didn't film that, so same here (Not authorized) Let's try season 2 And a 'Best Friends' regularly Oh, the school concept seems nice Every time the college entrance exam is taken, the 'Best Friends' special comes And every season, we visit our old school (Hasn't been discussed with the school) Nice, going to our old schools (Downtown baby) Then visit my school, too I hope we do film abroad some day They're curious about the episode you didn't expect to be successful 'Ad Genius SEVENTEEN' 'Carnival' (Emotional) 'Carnival'? (Feels like a random pick) Don't you always think it won't do well? I really thought 'Carnival' was doomed (So dear) (JOSHUA is innocent, the staff is guilty) But I get a feeling when a certain episode seems to succeed So we ask the staff members to upload that episode quickly Yes, because we want to watch it Among the questions about 'TTT' 'Why is it suddenly morning when you're all playing hard in 'TTT'?' (Solemn) There are parts we can show you, and the other parts we can't That's all (Mysterious idol) Rather than someone suddenly gone sleeping, while we're all having fun, we want to show your scenes of all of us together (While drinking: Someone suddenly vanishes) There were times the ending wasn't neat Probably because we weren't working 'Will MINGYU skydive?' (Excited) No, stop it Please send us a response, will he? Let's try it Oh, the staff answered, 'Let's go' (Just saying) Let's go! (Will arrive on time) I saw a true devil 'Did JOSHUA and DK reconcile in 'Insomnia-Zero 2'?' They ate together yesterday (They now share the same table) Oh, right Honestly, whose fault was it then? Whose fault was it, DK? (Was the chicken first? Or the egg?) It's not been figured out yet It was my fault (Happy ending) Everyone, DK and I are close So no need to worry Wait, in 'VER'NON - VERNON sang 'I AM THE BEST' - Yes 'Did he sing that because he wanted to be the best in getting out the earliest?' 'Or was it actually his favorite song?' Oh, I did think of that (The rapper's punch line) Oh, really? I AM THE BEST in getting out? Yes, but I didn't find the right timing to mention that, but the editing did it They mentioned it in the editing? How thorough That was a fun question There are lots of questions asking for behind the scenes When we filmed 'EGO' They want to know the behind the scenes of MINGYU filming 'EGO' alone at 1:00 AM (Helping him get into the mood) We made him scared I just let everything go and just hoped to come back alive I didn't even get makeup that day I was just so scared It was really scary There was only the moonlight outside (Filmed in the middle of the day) Wow, like a movie It must've been really scary We filmed it when it was bright outside It was a kind of fear I'd never felt in my entire life I mean, the place itself was spooky DINO and I went in the morning, but still Yes, it was so scary The person waking up shouting gave me gooseflesh GOING SEVENTEEN grew bigger and there were lots of extras People helped us a lot, I want to say thank you to them (SEVENTEEN is also grateful today) There are lots of people asking what our favorite content is For example, like 'Let's Go! SEVENTEEN' and 'Kickball' the type of content requiring physical activities Or number 2, Ad-Lib contents like 'GOING COMPANY' or 'Debate Night' (Clearly not 3) Number 3, like 'ONE MILLION WON' or 'Don't Lie', content requiring mental skills and wit Oh, all of them are fun Every single one is a lot of fun It's hard to choose Oh, then what's the least favorite? The toughest? (Talent and interest are different things) Mental fights are so hard Games requiring mental skills are complicated I think 'Don't Lie' and 'ONE MILLION WON' are in different categories You're right 'Don't Lie' is like Mafia Anyway, they're all the same for us - We like all of them - All of them are fun What I realized today watching the videos is that easy contents where we can show our innocent selves seem funnier Let's play Freeze tag in the playground next time I like GOING SEVENTEEN because we try various things Yes, GOING SEVENTEEN should be diverse (End of Viewers Q&A) This is it with the comments Anyway, anyhow, we have a lot of nice memories with GOING SEVENTEEN Yes The episodes were fun so the commentary is fun, too - Exactly - I was actually worried How could we make this fun? There were a lot of things to say Thinking there will be more of those logos makes me excited I think it's comfortable and fun since we're filming it together There must be great scenes that we missed today Yes, there are tons left that we couldn't watch today - There were too many - I suddenly remembered a great scene Which one? SEUNGKWAN falling on his butt in 'Human Chess' (Yes, a great scene, indeed) It suddenly popped in my head Yes, we all probably have a particular scene in our minds What I felt today watching the videos is that I'm really grateful to the staff members of 'GOING SEVENTEEN' We're so fortunate We met great staff members We're blessed And the viewers gave us ceaseless love and support We will come back with better contents next year Why are we saying this looking at the monitor? (Not a prompter) (Saying thanks through the wall) We want to say thank you but the concept is us talking to each other, so We should (A true conversation) make it up with better contents next year And for each of the shooting there were times we had to film early in the morning, or somewhere far away We also did our best, really Anyway, anyhow Let's have a bowl of warm rice soup (A heartwarming bowl) I was thinking of noodle soup Then rice soup and a glass of soda (Done) Yes, and JUN and THE 8 will be back soon We have great chemistry when all 13 of us are together Exactly How should we end this? 'Thank you, happy new year' Happy (2022, Happy new year) new year Stay tuned for the next GOING SEVENTEEN Thank you for this year, and the next CUBIC and CARAT, thank you Just become our fans, all of you (We will come back with a more fun content soon) (NEXT GOING) Okay, check the message Oh, S.COUPS' glasses The shadow looks like your mustache Haha! Let's see before you take them off Oh, right here Yes It looks like snot Keep them on
Views: 2,680,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 에스쿱스, 정한, 조슈아, 호시, 원우, 우지, 디에잇, 민규, 도겸, 승관, 버논, 디노, SCOUPS, JEONGHAN, JOSHUA, JUN, HOSHI, WONWOO, WOOZI, THE 8, MINGYU, DK, SEUNGKWAN, VERNON, DINO, 세븐틴, SEVENTEEN, セブチ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 22sec (2302 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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