Going Into the TOWER ! Raft Chapter 2 Update | Z1 Gaming

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i'm excited i'm scared what's gonna happen what are we doing what are we finding what is going on everybody's here welcome back to some more raft so today is the day that the update should be out if i'm pre-recording and planning this correctly today should be the day that the update is out i'm super excited because today we're gonna go explore the city we got the things opened up we're good to go you know i was actually thinking about a little bit here if everybody left the city how come these weren't open for people to leave you know like if you're gonna have your rafts and boats and stuff out here i figured they would go this way unless they left everything locked up so that they could come back or something i don't know you know we don't really know what's going on here but i'm excited hopefully you are too and hopefully you enjoy and if you do please don't forget to leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more so i have a pointy spear i think we should make another pointy spear because we're gonna be fighting a lot of enemies i would think about a machete um but i think the spear does the job just fine so let's grab the stuff to do that so i got the metal i think we need the bolt we need ropes and planks easy enough rope uh plank boom craft good to go okay so let's go ahead let's put everything back that i just got out now i'm trying to stay remotely organized it's not working out very well but you know what i'm trying okay darn it i'm trying and then we got some more delicious meats that are cooked up fantastic let's do it let's go let's rock water um let's just chug this bottle we'll fill up this one and uh we'll call it good grab that fill this bottle up let's do it i'm so excited okay all right so we have some robot friends up here now i don't exactly know what to expect i don't know what i'm looking for in this place like i don't know what i don't know what there is oh is there metal is there any metal to detect this place is huge though i have to say that um okay so we're gonna go up here could i drive one of these that would be super cool if we could man that would be so cool imagine if we could drive that oh it'd be so much fun uh okay so we gotta be careful of these robot dudes because these guys are like these guys are vicious uh let's grab our steak and bring that down here and let's eat that that's gonna give us a lot more a lot more food stuff so i guess we just kind of walk around and and see what's where i don't think so you stupid robot uh-uh nope no bad robot pickup key card so i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing with these key cards either because i think i have i have a few of them i have two key cards um hmm i don't really know so i came up let's go back to where i came up oh darn it they all like they were oh do they wake up do i just temporarily knock them out oh i think i do okay all right so we came up right here we came up right in front of that door so let's kind of just go through stuff here and see what's what look at there's all these like little buggies everywhere it's super cool um wait what these are all oh you can buy stuff here what are those those are like tokens or something doors locked from the other side oh you can buy plants and pictures and stuff well how do we get okay so now i know we need to get into here that's what we're trying to do okay all right all right hold on so um let's see here looks like we can go down that way uh it's locked from the other side so we got to figure out how to get into this building oh this is gonna be fun i'm so excited okay so let's see uh oh key cards use a key card to get in that building well hold on a second because i want to get into the building that's gonna get me into this tower i can see a zipline go from there to there and it looks like does that zipline go down onto the tower i think it does so let's kind of peek around here i don't see a zipline over here we got to be careful of robots oh there's a zip line oh there is one that goes this way is there one that goes onto this building though because i think this is the building we probably need to get into if i have the choice we're gonna leave that robot alone for now okay i don't really see a way to get into this building this is building nine what about building eight oh building eight we can get into does this one have a a zip line going to because we need to get into that building building five uh let's grab let's grab the robot we gotta be careful though this guy's hurt all right boom we got a key card okay can i get access to this building right here oh there's a notice key card reader out of order please use elevator implantation area wait what the plantation area oh let's go on this one this building's open uh okay we're going to floor four we're taking an elevator see why is there nobody here why is there no one here this is mind-blowing this place is super nice like why is everybody gone oh we're gonna get some leftovers that doesn't look good we got here some scrap we gotta be careful i don't know if there's gonna be like evil robot dudes laying everywhere that looks like a note uh that's a broken window so we should be able to hop out hold on let's see what was it what was the other direction uh anything good oh this place is super cool i would love to be able to like claim one of these apartments oh if we could do like base building in the city we could claim the whole city oh that'd be super cool oh duct tape oh i need a machete no i don't have a machete oh i didn't bring this stuff for a machete um okay we might have to go back and grab a machete if that's something we're gonna need that's not that's what we're gonna need i can already see right now so the tape we're gonna need that let's just go back grab that let's sleep and then uh we'll come back all right we're back with the machete i actually went ahead and made another axe as well because i want to make sure we had like all the tools that we could possibly need uh all right so machete perfect being careful why did they tape up the door look at all these fancy books a safe biofuel to explosive powder very nice wait so why was this room blocked off though was it just because of that biofuel and explosive powder like that's it there's nothing else in this room all right let's uh let's go let's get out of here let's go through this window that's broken oh what is going on this is super weird it's actually really weird to see zip lines here because like uh why would they need them you know what i mean like they have elevators and all kinds of crazy stuff so why would they need a zip line going anywhere oh there's a whole bunch of scrap up here okay well i guess i'll just pick it up might as well uh so we're trying to get to this right here so we go up there and go in there and see what this like towery thing is because you know the tower like the center part absolutely that's that's the place uh well shoot there's no other where can i go anywhere else from here no we needed to go right uh we needed to go up there okay let's see if this door was open right here is this door open no so it looks like this is as far as we can go in this building that's weird unless i'm supposed to crawl along this ledge right here oh okay i mean i guess it works uh super sketch but it worked oh my gosh bolt scraps hinges heck yeah okay is there was there a way in did i pass like a broken window by any chance don't go that way that was death oh we need to go right here because that looks like it'll take us into there so we need to get into this building right here but that's the one that says that we have to use the plantation elevator and wasn't the plantation we already went through that unless there's a unless there's a building that's called the plantation all right so building six is definitely the building that we need to go into and it says notice okay so key card reader outer please use elevator implantation area oh that was the duct tape remember i said if we needed three duct tape how much duct tape do we have i know i just found one uh so we have one duct tape oh so you know what i probably have to go in these buildings explore and get the duct tape in order to uh in order to go back down there and get this oh i see what's going on here uh see what's going on okay so let's see if we can get to this building over here i guess we're gonna take this robot out again okay we got another key card i'm pretty much trying to stockpile these at this point uh we're gonna see if we can get into this building right here because we need we need duct tape oh looks like we have to take out another one all right let's see how do we get in here we have to go through all this trash and garbage and stuff looks like people are like blocking this off like making a blockade or something out of it uh that's the way in right there ow you got me yeah jerk i was doing so good i was doing so good and then i got got okay all right uh let's shut the doors there's a stair axis right there but we can't go into it okay so floor eight i like how there's no other buttons except for eight it's like what happened to these buttons all right we're going in anything i'm gonna jinx myself i'm gonna jinx myself okay i'm gonna do it i like that there's no enemies inside the apartments because that would just be like a constant scare fest and why can't i just take that knife you know what i mean like i have a crude spear can't i just take take a knife we gotta be on the lookout for duct tape like that's the biggest thing right now is the duct tape oh we got a token oh so you can find tokens around here okay so duct tape's probably in the duct tape room another token yes we're rich we're rich beyond our wildest dreams oh there's duct tape oh i almost missed it i almost missed it okay i thought it was gonna be the duct tape room all right let's go in all right we got a safe another thing of duct tape okay so we have three duct tape uh oh we got titanium ore nice well now i want all these coins i want all these tokens so we can buy stuff all right let's see let's go out here there was definitely a zip line going wasn't there a zip line on this building i thought there was one on this building oh there's one right there okay uh anything get up here where's that one go to that one goes to there but why would i want to go there i wouldn't unless i wanted to zipline from there drop and then zipline from there over there i mean i guess that's i guess that's an option but i have to i'd have to take a leap of faith right here we have we have three duct tape i think we're good i think we're good let's go let's go see if we can fix this this elevator because i i think it i think it only needed three duct tape ah the stupid butler oh oh they only have a range they only have like an area that they they patrol so once you get out of that area you're good to go sorry i'm leaving i'm not even gonna mess with you i got plenty of key cards right now we're good we're gonna hop out of here we're gonna go back down into the plantation see if we can fix the plantation elevator and then get up into uh in that tower all right back to the darkness actually i think we're pretty close to the plantation elevator if i'm not mistaken i think the plantation is like literally right around here yeah right there plantation all right so we gotta get i think it was over there right there oh that's not an elevator that's like an electrical box maybe this will stop the uh stop the electric floor uh i fixed something not the floor it sounded like it came from that side it says elevator did we fix oh we opened a door oh shoot i gotta get through there ow elevator uh oh it's red uh i feel like that means we're not gonna be able to use it i almost feel like we have to drain the water first yeah we can't use the elevator let's go see what's in that room right there this is like all blocked off i feel like we need to fix the watery floor and maybe drain the water oh there's more voltage right there and i bet you i need more tape i can almost guarantee we need more tape to fix this requires three tape darn it uh all right we need three more tape and then we can hopefully fix that and get rid of the floor and maybe the elevator will work again all right so we gotta get ella we gotta get um we gotta get tape so we might as well just go pretty much in all these buildings now i don't know if we only need three more or maybe there's gonna be something else that we're gonna have to fix in order to make this work but let's uh let's just go in here and check things out it'd be kind of cool if you could like sleep in some of these rooms oh there's two floors on this one let's go for number six first all right let's see what do we have any scary people tokens always looking for tokens got okay we got some tape i was wondering i was like man that tape was fairly easy to find oh soap man imagine if we could just take in like an actual shower right now we've been on a raft for so long there's soap right here there's like a water thing oh it'd be so nice there's obviously electricity because like there's power hey look at another roll of tape so i'm thinking that we might need to find more than three more tape [Music] oh my god oh my gosh i said specifically that i like that this didn't happen oh they won't come in the elevators oh my god ah i hate you so much i hate this so much i was like oh it's so nice that we can just explore this in peace i should have done uh we got a paddle we got a cooked beet let's go and cut this open see i would have expected the thing to be behind this door okay mild heart attack i'm fine everything's fine bolts glasses all kinds of things we're getting all kinds of stuff no coins in this one though i didn't see any coins my inventory is like almost completely full um i'm gonna have to start getting rid of some stuff i'm just gonna start eating like the cooked food and see if there's anything like craft or something like that to get rid of some stuff nice balcony nothing out here okay um was there a way to go this way no okay cool so let's go to the next floor good gosh okay so they don't go into elevators that's actually good to know that was terrifying i'm not gonna lie now i know to expect it though okay see anything anything outside no you got a zipline right here that's good all right i'm carefully opening doors last time there's a rat in this building right here is there one around this corner is there one in here okay i'm not seeing one uh we got another token i have three duct tape again so in theory we could go try to fix it but i'm almost worried that we're gonna need we're gonna still need more okay is there a rat in here no rats okay looking good looking good so i guess we'll go ahead and pop on this zip line and go over here well what's the point unless there's something that opens up over there all right let's go okay um more there's more tape okay we're gonna definitely need more tape we might as well just try to find as much tape as we can we got a coin things don't look too tore up in here oh i see a rat friend i see a rat friend he's not a friendly i'm gonna kill him with my pokey stick surprise i saw you first son oh this one's stronger i saw you first you didn't get the jump on me no sir new sir new sir it would have though i'm not gonna lie if i would open that door and it jumped out i would have just it's yeah it would have been terrifying uh can i push this button okay hold on standing back rat or robot let's play a game rat or robot oh nothing okay cool all right rat i'll see a rat more tape let's see anything else oh some goodies what's outside oh another token all right i'm liking the tokens oh there's another token does it say how many tokens i have um i think this is probably something kept in my book huh uh we have six tokens right now we have five tape is there a rat in here rat no there's not okay we got a crate that's handy my inventory is completely full though that is not good um can i just drop that yeah there we go see food is looking good water's not looking so hot right now we might have to make a trip back uh we'll try to finish up this area okay let's see where this elevator takes us we're on eight uh i guess we'll go to zero we'll leave and we'll go drop stuff off oh that stupid rats get the bejesus out of me that first one i'm still getting over the first and second one i knew it was there that first one was terrifying so what can we get with our tokens just curious i didn't really look i looked past them real quick a piano is eight a boombox is six machetes five a backpack is five shoulder pads boots uh uh s some soups a bottle a bunch of like plants and stuff uh you know the way that this is looking i'm not gonna lie i'm feeling like i'm feeling like we might be able to uh make a base place in here like i wonder if we could place like planners and stuff down in here and like watering machines and stuff it'd be kind of cool i mean well i mean i guess you could take off i guess you could take a piano on a raft but i mean like why i don't know i don't know all right let's head back to our raft let's get some water uh drop some things off not play with these bots right now because i don't need any more key cards and uh yeah all right we're back we're good we have stuff we have supplies we have room um you know what we're gonna go try to fix this thing again we're probably gonna need another three tape and i'm one short right now but just in case we're not i wanna make sure i'm not wasting my time looking for things that i don't specifically need right now all right there's the three for that i'm telling you we're gonna need another three oh yeah we're gonna need another three because the elevator's still not working all right so do we just go look to make sure we just need three let's go look just to make sure oh more strawberries uh maybe where's the there's not a box in here though is there well what am i missing here i don't see any okay hold on why did this room open up what did what did this room do for us there's this jug that keeps popping out of the water right here is there something underwater that i have to do here there's no way i would be shocked to death let's look no i walk right on top of it i don't sink in no okay i must be missing something here oh it's right there ow look at that three tape [Laughter] all right let's go grab her another tape oh there's two of them no i backed right into another one stop it stop attacking me you stop it hey there went one spear i'm glad i brought another one okay al i don't have the spear on me though it's in my backpack no no no no stop it i need to get in my backpack okay i got it i got it i got it this one's gonna wake up okay all right key card okay key card i need a key card from you too now is this building that we can go into okay i don't think we've been in here yet so hopefully we can find some tape hopefully this is the last this is the last batch of tape we're gonna need uh eight okey dokey then all right let's see uh looking for rats first not seeing any rat okay no rat i'm literally one tape away i need one singular tape rat nope oh another coin you can bet we're going to buy the piano like absolutely the piano in the boombox how absolutely everything else is just nice to use all right rat i'm waiting no no we're at there's the tape there it is do we keep looking do i keep looking for more tape just to make sure i probably should well this is interesting a little parkour action here is this open no huh then what was the point oh this way maybe yeah oh we got up here a little something anybody hiding anything good there's a crate right there and a coin there's a crate and a coin right there and this is this how meant to get there there's nothing else up here i think i can hear a rat in here i think i heard one through the floor uh okay let's go back into this apartment let's go the other direction i bet you there's a rat in the other one i'm expecting you now ah there's another thing in duct tape we just need to collect duct tape in in groups of three basically just go through every building and see if we can find all the duct tape because we might have to get we might have to get another one i don't know right no okay good oh geez the stupid music changed it scared me okay we got another token it must be midnight it is midnight it's dark time uh oh then we're supposed to jump from there to there i mean i guess we might as well there's nothing else up in these buildings we didn't go out on this balcony looks like it goes the same way though it does all right we're gonna go down to right here okay that i was gonna say that door better be open all right let's see rat [Music] we've already been in here i just missed it i've already been in this building okay well we have the three uh we have the three the three stuffs what level are we on eight we already get a level six i think we already went to level six yeah we did because the door is already open all right let's go uh let's go replace this this last well hopefully the last thing all right fix you last door opened the floor's not electrified anymore we're good oh what's this electric purifier as in for water an electric water purifier what oh no way elevator this is loading bait okay let's go to the elevator all right i'm looking for rats you know there's rats here somewhere all right we're at floor negative four right now uh eight oh oh i'm so excited i'm so scared and excited i'm ex i'm excited i'm scared what's gonna happen what are we doing what are we finding so this is the building happy something happy birthday i'm not gonna give you that false sense of security i know there's a rat here somewhere meant to scare the bejesus out of me because i think i'm safe and i'm not there's one right there huh i see you can handle it i knew it i knew it see false insecurity happy birthday oh i want to go check that out oh no there's a rat i know what exactly how it is no it's this is there something shiny right here is that it's just a book look at all these presents that i can't even open oh we got tokens nice [Music] all right uh a pool table man this is like a bachelor pad here i like it yeah they got all kinds of drinks they got all the good stuff all right so what's over here rat i know it's out i know you're out here oh this is like a big huge patio area oh oh look it there's tokens everywhere there's tokens everywhere oh yay okay all right this must be like a this almost looks like a restaurant kind of thing because like look at all these tables and stuff like that like this is not just a single person's house all right i'm not seeing anything all right let's go out here this is where we wanted to go this is the building but we need to go up there and then okay all right not sketchy at all i'm not gonna lie i'm a little worried of uh making that jump oh jeez and then we're gonna have to go up a floor out the window into there and then we're gonna be able to this is exciting all right let's do this okay we're good oh look there's the grand piano oh this is like this is like the penthouse okay definitely lots of club action giant rat that's what i want a piano you can't get me i'm going to shoot you with an arrow right in your butt oh where did you go man that rat seriously ran upstairs well i'm not done looking i want to look around i want all these tokens guess we're following this rat upstairs this is a bad idea okay let's go in here rat look at this place oh my gosh four four floors of fun this looks like a good time let's get the power kicked back on let's get this place live and back up let's open her up must be right up there trying to get me all right let's go get it come here bud where are you stupid rat yeah there you are i knew you're here jeez you're like non-stop attacky huh there you go now you're gone okay cool oh those rats are pretty scary though i'm not gonna lie those are those are like my least favorite enemy in this game oh we got a crate hinge bolts glass just looking for uh looking for tokens looking good looking good last floor and then it's up to the tower right all right okay don't mind me i'm uh i i'm i'm non-domesticated i just walk on whatever i want to now because i've been at sea for so long all right well it's time oh my gosh we are here no no no no what happened i like looked away magical elevator all right hold on let's look around extra we're not missing anything all right we're going up the elevator or we're going down i actually don't know do i need wooden scrap and stuff like that not really all right floor number one first then number two oh we're on floor number one let's go number two okay emergency bridge launch oh does that launch all of the bridges uh i don't think oh i got a note i was like i don't think we got a code for this tangora project artisan road what exterior lane oh no the barber street oh it's the numbers of the it's the numbers of the buildings oh man so i need to figure out which buildings are which numbers and then that's going to be the code for this place well that's not going to take very long uh i don't know what this is that's scuba mask burger shop barber shop and something else um but let's okay let's look let's go what's this large storage large storage oh it's about time i have like 100 of those chests all right so emergency bridge launch oh we're outside oh and there was a ladder right there oh i wonder what's up there oh this is super exciting this is so exciting can we like what if i jumped off of this down there oh that's a long ways down i'm too scared i'm too scared to do it all right let's go find these numbers oh we got another note what's this note saying no sir they haven't done anything hostile they're just chanting sounds melee we can use the water cannons yes sir i am armed but if i may speak freely we have no reason to no sir yes sir tully says shoot to wound i feel like i have seriously missed some notes here how have i did i not pick up notes like was there notes missing oh we're on the main street now oh we're on the main street okay so we need to go all right so first number is going to be uh tranquil street i don't know what that is i don't know if it's like a diving thing or something okay so let's see let's find there's the barber cosmetics where's tranquil street let's go let's like walk around and see if we can find these uh find these things so we're on exterior lane cereal lane was one of them exterior lane i don't think it was oh it was the burger shop on exterior lane oh burger shop right here okay so that's number eight all right so uh we need to mark this is there a way to mark this i wish i could just like can i just draw an eight right here so that one was easy um partisan road bizarre and tranquil okay so let's see what we got down here there's tranquil oh arcade oh geez excuse me i i i'm sorry but you need to stop i wonder if they were talking about the robots someone behind me no okay all right so the arcade is number four got it got it and the arcade was oh it's a vr headset got it okay so that was number four so we got four and eight so now we need the barber and then the partisan road uh partisan road is right here main street partisan okay let's go back this way oh floating fashion okay so that's number three so that's our last one and then we have the barber shop which was uh which was over there we gotta go figure out what number that was okay oh i love these puzzles they're so much fun oh geez not you can we just like forget this ever happened all right uh seaside barber is numero uno and that is our last number right there all right so we have the numbers let's go do it let's hit the buttons let's see what happens oh i'm so excited all right press number two oh man so it's an emergency bridge deployment which is what i thought those things on the outside were emergency bridge deployment all right oh what just happened what did we do what did we do what just happened emergency bridge deployment what did what did i just do i have no idea okay we gotta go look we gotta go look we gotta go look uh okay let's go back down to zero or maybe we should went to number one i don't know what just happened we just launched something what did what did we launch oh it's getting dark okay let's go let's go sleep real quick and i want to kind of see what what the heck did we just we launched something oh there's a note right here new note added okay let's go sleep so it's daytime uh we're gonna see what what what did we launch i have no idea we just launched something off the top of this thing okay i don't see anything something definitely flew out of the top of that like what did it what did it do was there uh we finally managed to get a working engine on one of the golf course the boy helped me take it out so we could carry it back to the boat i wish i knew where we were going the boy keeps asking me um i'm hoping we can find some place to try let's try again when we find each other hannah okay emergency bridge deployment what did we do i feel like we launched something into the water you know what i'm gonna go through i'm gonna open up all these gates like i don't see the point but i'm gonna open them oh there's a thing right there there's a thing right there what is that was that what we launched off oh it is that was the part that was sticking to the top of this thing what did we just launch is it a boat is that a fancy new boat oh my gosh that'd be so funny we get a brand new boat what did we launch i feel like i need to get on my raft i need to get my raft to go over there i have no idea i have no idea um i have to get around this dome it's right on the other side and uh oh my gosh i'm so excited so i think we're probably gonna have to have some engine power to get there uh so let's go ahead do i want to fire up the engines yet yeah we you know what we might as well and we'll just drive ourselves on over there we'll just do that okay so activate engine activate engine oh wow these guys really don't want to move this thing right now do they um i might have to remove some planks because we added so many planks and i think these go based on planks so let's take that out and they went my axe let's take these all out because i added all of these and before we were good yeah they're starting to spin up a little bit faster now how about now ah still not good enough oh that was it there they go there they go now we're cruising now we're cruising okay all right so engines are based upon how many uh how many things you have in the uh how many of those okay all right all right let's do this oh i'm so excited what is it it's that emergency bridge which makes me think it's some kind of boat because like why would you blow the top of it off if it's not some kind of boat i'm hoping it's a boat hoping we have a new amazing raft it's no longer gonna be called rap it's gonna be called yacht because we're gonna be sailing in style okay i don't see it yet i know it's i know it's like right over here or it's right there it's right there it's right there i can see some of it loaded in i think oh it's right there it's right there in front of us it's right there in front of us if i look this way you can actually see it okay oh i'm so excited for this come on engines you can do it you can do it oh oh it looks like a boat it looks like a boat it looks like a boat i'm just saying it looks like it has floaty stuff on the bottom of it okay so there's a ladder right here all right let's get the edge of our raft as close to this as we can uh i think we'll be good i think we'll be good right there and just saying that looks like a thing it looks like a boat all right drop the anchor let's go and turn these off all right we are here we've arrived what is it what is it what is it what is it oh what is it let's go do i have to dive in there like this oh gosh do i have food hold on we gotta go let's grab some food and water and stuff like that first okay you know what i gotta put i got plenty of bananas we're good let's do this oh i'm so excited what is this thing we got our pokey stick oh there's a ladder i'm telling you this looks like it would be a it is this is a boat okay so what's the note uh i won't bother with apologies i know that you couldn't have done better uh tangaroo was built on a purely theoretical basis using engines that had been barely have been barely been tested staffed by fools that weren't ready for the task ahead uh tangora was doomed for the moment we set out to see we had to make it to dry land the wrath people whipped themselves onto the bubble i thought we were we were trying to come in but if we had taken them in we wouldn't have lasted three days those rioting outside think i was wrong to give the order to shoot but they weren't the ones having to make the tough decisions i wish i had made a better choice it's why i had the pets rounded up to stop people from doing anything too desperate when the food ran out they can call me a monster if they want they need one now anyways a big old monster trapped in the cockpit with two dozen idiots that used to run the world what i did will help them focus give them strength to leave this place one way or another and when everyone else is out of here i will be the last person to leave tangora oh what okay so it's kind of a mess in here we got a crate so oh what's this oh water tank blueprint oh we got another note varuna point and more is coming in the third chapter there's a spot for a thing oh this is super cool i really wish we could i'm not gonna lie like i wish this was ours and i wish we could just drive this around i think this would be so cool like put all our stuff in here uh okay so that's the way and that's the way out i don't think there's anything to do with this there's not okay so that's that's it oh it would have been so cool if we could like it drove this and it's like all right let's set sound away we go oh that would have been so cool that would be so cool okay so is this it is this this is it this is everything huh there's nothing else here this was the last ditch effort for this person uh was there is there anything else outside i want to look around outside make sure there's nothing else i want to make sure that i'm not missing anything i do think it'd be like absolutely epic if we could use this but i don't really see the way to do that i don't think there is a way and i also i'm actually kind of curious too because how did this thing like get from point a to point b like where's the engines where's all the stuff like where's the control room and whatnot oh this is super cool this is super cool i'm so glad that we made it out here oh this was neat so that that's the update there she be and we do have coordinates for varuna point and that's coming in the third chapter oh my gosh this was a this was a good update i love this this was it was a cool story and uh yeah so we have more raft building we can do we have more things we can unlock we have a bunch of tokens actually how many tokens do we have we have 22 tokens so we could go through and get a whole bunch of uh well we could at least we could at least get the um we could at least get the piano and stuff like that i mean like absolutely we got to get that uh yeah that was cool man i was i i was i was hoping we could take this and then we wouldn't have to worry about shark attacks anymore like we'd obviously stop to worry about food or water but i thought i was like oh maybe maybe just maybe we won't have to worry about the shark attacking our stuff anymore oh that would be so cool to sail around on that thing oh but yes that's gonna end it thank you again for coming out hopefully you enjoyed if you did please don't forget to leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more and with that i will end you with the update that was exciting leave a comment down below did i miss anything is there anything that's super new and exciting that i should be checking out but uh yes thank you again for coming out you have a fantastic day and i'll see you in the next one bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 149,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raft game, raft lets play, raft update, raft survival, raft 2020, z1 gaming, raft z1 gaming, raft gameplay, new update, caravan island, raft chapter 2, new content, raft new update, raft zipline, raft playthrough, battery charger, survival game, raft caravan town, raft game chapter 2, raft survival game, raft chapter 2 steam
Id: 6qyc8EZZCSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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