Going 3,819,386 Miles in Roblox Bike Obby!

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today we're seeing who the fastest bike racer ever hey L we we're not supposed to start yet you're not hey Roxy hey Roxy we're not start are you bro started early really 3 2 1 go come here Roxy you're never going to catch me I'm catching you right now I'm zooming but we're playing on the future city map and whoever wins this oh go challenge is the ultimate brow and oh gosh ly don't get hit by The Cars don't get hit by The Cars oh no hold no did bro just get squ oh no yo Roxy where even are you right now my boy are you smoking us that I just got yeated by a ball let's go like real ball wait what what look there's giant balls oh no bro oh I want them to hit my face son how are you ahead of me right now and oh gosh l oh chill chill oh no BL just got balls in his Jaws I saw that L I literally saw that with my eyeballs and I'm seeing Roxy booty cheeks no one saw that no one saw that you didn't see that look exra Pro trffic traffic what wait what oh it ski me I was waiting to go back that way bro I'm actually a noob L I'm actually a noob oh my gosh you're looking more like messy and I just fell Roxy I'm catching up to you right now what percent are you at my boy I'm already at 20 all right I'm actually trash I just fell in the easyest jump Roxy what percent are you at stop stop ignoring the question 32 hey yo okay the question you're too over again let's go ly it's comeback season it's comeback season whoever beats five Maps first is actually that guy oh gosh Luke I just got squatted you didn't see that don't laugh you didn't see that that didn't sound good my boy yeah it didn't the car literally just ate my booty cheeks and oh gosh I'm zooming out so I can oh avoid the whipping T let's go and oh I'm actually popping off right now but Roxy I just made it to 28% and you said that you're at 32 right so I should be seeing you too no 34 hey yo can bro slow down Ain't No Way Roxy I'm at 32 did bro just start beat boxing ly did bro just start beatboxing I could beat box better what what are you guys and wait I just I saw red boy I just saw Red Boy and omy Shark bow to beat Roxy oh nard we got to go crazy with this yeah hey what the what oh my gosh are you serious Shing out where are you at I'm at behind your booty yo why is my whipping team not going I got to jump what level I'm at 38 oh wait 40% Roxy I'm literally behind your cheeks I'm at 42 oh you're at 42 and I just passed the booger level Roxy sir oh gosh W clutch get away Roxy are you serious right now wait go up the Ed poo I said it first I said it first you you fell boo oh my gosh I tried to make it Roxy slow down bro watch out my way Poor Boy Turn theost L how did you just pass me oh my gosh I just used my ah never mind I was about to use my cheating jumper but that John just booed me that really yo guys actually slow down please like seriously I'm really behind no way Jose hey hey hey okay this no no did Roxy just make fun of me just made fun of my my voice I heard that Roxy you're not Sid it bro oh my slick with it bro you're not slick with it I'm turning on my booster so I can jump really really high okay once it comes I'm about to hit this John no stopping oh is that guy y all right I'm back in business no cap don't stop no I have a jump booster but wait what are you all boys wait you're at 51 61 yeah what in the I'm 59 wait 59 that means you're destroyable I'm at 55 and yo we on the RGB buildings with it that means red blue green lights ly that's what Gamers happen I told you about that no you didn't I just fell are you serious right now guys I just got yeated okay hold up hold up hold up you should have seen your face you're like you see my face really stop laughing in oh oh oh Roxy oh no Roxy I just got smoked hold up this is the perfect level for the jump boost cheats oh gosh yo oh yo y Roxy wait what Spiderman Spiderman that Spiderman a spider spider spider Spiderman bro is not Spider-Man you distracted me Roxy and I got yeated bro I know that was your plan all along and it worked oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah okay bro stop cuz it's actually working L he keeps distracting me and then I keep forgetting stop talking oh my gosh no no no yo yo yo yo now I got to actually smoke it I didn't pass you I got bed by the whip I just got bed by the whip SL blue so it's dangerous Roxy you hit the orange thing look what happens it's funny hit the orange thing that dog Bo boom and really bro not going to hit it yo you're hitting it oh my God I'm out are you serious right now the orang BR bro just passed me wait you see going backwards trash we're not just got balls in my jaws no cap that would have been really bad okay wait oh bro just went backwards I see you what is you doing bro oh no oh no yall are getting close I got to go fast fast fast fast f got to go fast fast I got to go fast f I got to go faster faster Roy Roxy Roxy me and luk just got hit by I just got hit by a card that was not moving I literally just ran into it like a total Noob oh my gosh no one saw that though so luckily I'm coming in close right now oh po you're going to get hit by a train not happening cuz I'm himothy bro and oh gosh where's the trains at yo yo where's the really bro are you serious BL jinxed it oh gosh I just made it pass it twice oh no w come it's comeback season guys it's comeback season is Insight oh no to the end yo can y boys chill can y boys actually seriously genuinely chill I'm actually speed running right now no mistake y you're last we all made it but guys you have to beat multiple levels you have to go to the next level I'm going to the next World excuse me I'm speed running through I'm hitting World wait I have the checkpoint right quick bow so the game knows that I'm good pal guys we just unlocked a brand new let's go to the lava level I'm in first place I'm in first place and this is the second one and now you all going to get smoked oh yeah and you have to slow down hey wait not my problem I'm so loing popping up in my screen dude oh no sounds like a you don't feel bad for him no I don't feel bad I still I know Roxy using this cute little voice to trick me I know it's a trick Luke I know it's a trick I know Roxy like the back of my hand I knew it Roxy you're a dinosaur F I got to go fast Roxy you're not beating me bro I'm already at 7% just like Sonic bro I just got eaten by lava wa hey no you're not Roxy I'm at seven dude what you mean you're at seven I just got eaten by a lava you're at seven I'm already at 10 you what you did not pass me if you're actually being serious right now yeah what you are not at eight you're never going to beat me dude yes I am yo oh my gosh my bike just got stuck over here where is y'all boys an old man just passed me an old man just passed me are you serious that's how slow you are no you are the old man I am not the old man hold up is that ly in front of me when did you get ahead bro oh my not bro you're cheating I just teleported duh what did you just say you teleported him bro naturally naturally is this is crazy what does that mean bro cheating oh my gosh Two Can Play That Game ly I'm beating this with my smart wait someone just teleported in front of my face wait ly did you actually P boy is you cheated for real dude I would never cheat I cheated oh no ain't no way I'm catching up right now ly I'm super locked it I'm using my bouncing coil balls I'm clutching up I'm at 17 right now Roxy wait did I say 17 I about to say 18 oh gosh wait did did I say 34 I I mean 35 ain't no way you're big yapping bro if you're actually at bro so what just happened I just got mushroom no caps but oh Lucas oh kiss you are this level is so hard you're getting smoked byy poo how did you do it first try because I have my bouncer on but fine I won't use the bouncer anymore cuz you cheated so I cheated but now Roxy are you actually cheating cuz there's no way you're that high of a level my boy it's actually 35 look on the leaderboard I'm not even I'm not even cing my BR why is he actually being serious bro Rox at 27 this is hard this you don't want to get to 37 it's so hard bro that stage 27 Oh no you just got passed wait I didn't you got you fell and oh gosh there's knives there's knives wave missed it ly I'm smoking on that level yeah how far away is that from you dude cuz we're at 30 I think about to be 32% No Cap oh no 31% that level's easy at 40 are you I'm 39 Jo can you stop talking to the butt oh gosh I almost got Spike to the side but I'm not going to let it happen bro oh yeah and Roxy I'm pulling up on your block what did bro just say Roxy you speaking like Spanish with that oh are you serious right now I'm saying your mama yeah all right look Roxy thinks that he's funny no no now I got to beat him I didn't want to actually have to lock in Mama all right wait all right who's there Roxy who's there it's SS OHS who OHS and L no are you serious bro Luc Lucas oh W clutch no no I actually just the most insane clutch bro bro oh my gosh ly the game is rig for failure it's like the system's designed for me to not win or maybe you're just trash I'm not trash bro what even are you at what's your progress bar my boy I'm at 30 what oh now you're actually catching up low key Roxy are SM bro 50 oh oh oh spin move y are you serious right now rock is at level 50 bro what are you at my dude what are you at my dude I'm right on your cheeks son you do not see my butt cheeks if you see my butt cheeks what really bro what color are my but Che you just got HS of spikes are you serious right now and then lava and then you see Luke's cheeks and then you're behind me cuz you stick like cheese Barker Y no no no no no y'all really think y'all could talk trash up in this JN yo oh gosh n ly ly cuz n you actually got me messed up bro your trashy Bo how did you do this how did you do it now see you wouldn't want to be cuz you smell like cheese bro stop talking that trash before I got to smoke y'all boys I don't want to have to do this guys but now I have to Roxy what level is you at bro what level is you at seriously my progress or my stage your progress okay 577 oh my God you don't want to get here it's actually like impossible okay okay okays I died yeah I am oops are you using your bouncy coil yeah bro I'm not using my bouncy coil you're a cheaty Baka I'm not a cheaty Baka look no bouncy coil required wait Roxy what level are you at my boy I passed it oh 59 uh Luke why do you say I had enough and then went silent and then clicked by skip level and then talked again and pretend like he actually did the level legit why did he just do that for that he just cheated he just cheated oh my God no I did I'm bouncing like a fr now how hard even is this level I just beat the level Roxy that was hard and wait Roxy bouncy hey it bounce me the wrong way what the what hey bounce me Li a mushroom Li a mushroom how much I'm not telling you cuz if I'm close to you're just going to skip levels and you're going to cheat cuz I know you have Luke's Roblox account I know you do I know you do you have his credit card actually have all the Roblox I have 1 million on it a gamer that's what I knew Luke it's your Roblox it's your Roblox no it's not my daddy works for robblox every kid says that every kid no your dad doesn't work for Roblox Roxy yeah he does then he gives me like a billion robblox every second and he gives you like zero every milon why what is bro talking about all I know is got passed by the stinky green butt no no no no no no no you got me all the way messed up I'm locked in well you're locked out are you serious hey yo why was ly actually right um I'm cing boy n no no no no I'm cheating now n you got me all the way messed yo no no no no no I'm super cheating I'm super cheating I'm putting on my motor cuz I'm a beast n no wait Roxy what what are you at bro what are you at be honest 60 uh 76 okay 76 Roxy getting past yo yo yo yo get out of my way Roxy po what is happening right now guys y I'm actually locked in I watch out Roxy poo yo yo yo watch out luy B with the sussess what are you guys even saying right now I want to be involved I'm coming okay okay what level are you guys at Ry what's your progress 81 82 no no no yall really got me messed up no yall got me messed up no look serious y actually got me messed up yall actually got me messed up do it my gosh I'm getting meow meow meow meow meow why is bro role playing as L what are you doing Lucas why are you meowing okay okay hold up jump Jeeps yo Luke I'm actually getting trolled right now I'm finding alternative never mind I was about to try to jump and cheap but that did not work okay let me just time this right okay I'm 91 yo can you actually chill Roxy like genuinely like just yo yo I just spin around something move leave leave leave can you guys stop yapping I can't focus when I have babies yelling in my ear okay okay I'm locked in are saying a trick ass uh omy poo is locked omy poo is locked poo is lock Roxy what level are you on right now my boy just say it just say it just level 100 oh my gosh wait what world are we going into next Roxy this is the last in final row so this is the most important one what are you going into let's go to okay we're going to Spring World and bro about to get a lead yo Luke did you beat it yet tell you did guys chill I didn't even load yet youell like Pur bro bro talking about you didn't even load yet Luke I'm at 92% bro going at 1% you're trash I'm not trash it's just I'm getting very unlucky locked in locked in locked in Spring worlds which one is it which one Spring World okay I made it spring world world world I'm I'm hyperventilating right now okay world Spring spring spring okay spring I'm spr this one's super easy wait are you serious right now where are you at Roxy you literally just have to go straight I'm on level 10 y wait is that 10% or stage T oh there's a bounce pad where we dropping boys progress that's my progress okay progress and oh no this is mad easy bro hold up Motorcycle Plus jump boost on this going to be insane bro oh yeah are you serious right now Luke I think I might be the only person to ever have died in this level I just died at 4% bro oh NOS you could keep your little tricks to yourself hey y n no no n no bro is actually trying to play with me like I'm not that guy double cheese uh and what there's a bounce pad you all right ly yo where we landing at bro yo oh no Roxy what do you ATO Roxy what's your 22 24 oh no oh no oh no oh no bro there's a Zone bro we playing Zone Wars with it y I actually locked in I didn't die one are you serious Roxy well guess what you just got passed by arms yo we outside progress stury oh yeah yeah what's up Roxy smoke smoking on that Roxy pack oh gosh oh gosh excuse me Rox you're not that guy buddy I son I'm di let's go and wait you know what just to make a fair I'm going to switch my bike back to my normal biking tent and I'm not going to be using my bounce pads let me just jump off all M really Roxy it's not a mistake cuz you're way behind ohy what wait how are you actually catching up by doing that bro just yelled oh no no no no no bro just we it bro bro I just weaved it and Y Roxy guess what ohy PO for the dub OHS is that guy you're not that guy excuse me Roxy cuz I am that that guy yo what's up yo Roxy in for the first place Steel come here boys you're not coming for no first oh no blood just got yeated blood just got yeated I already at 53 how are we already at yo yo yo I'm about to get super the super the mushroom out hey are you bro the mushroom literally just said yo bro you're not that guy and ye me the wrong direction dude are you serious musroom got chest issues oh my God going like crazy fing that over here ohar luki any last words I'm literally catching up right now I'm genuinely not catching you're not that guy you never wear that guy you're not that guy guy guy guy you sure about that I'm over the kives oh no oh the the KY let's [Applause] yo uh Roxy any last words little bro you're getting smoked I'm going crazy I'm already at 71 can you guys slow down for me okay yeah yeah I'll slow down for you psych wait hold slow down for me though Roxy you di thank you for slowing down for me cuz I'm that no no no a you didn't see that Roxy you didn't see that I saw that with my bare two eyeballs watches are you serious my butt cheeks I saw yo yo yo bro said balls and then bro said butt cuz you're like cuz LC is in front of you hey it's not working guys I am getting TR and oh I'm not out of the game yet e it's too easy oh my Roxy I'm behind your what yo yo yo yo the bounce P work if you have a fat butt are you serious right now my butt's not fat oh my gosh wait ly where do you at bro yo this doesn't work no no no no no bro I'm getting troll bro yo can you guys please show just 85 wait what level are you at I don't want to talk about it it's not are you still in the 70s no no I'm not still in the 70s I'm not totally at 75 I'm not no I just said 90 I just I just said 89 I'm at 91 I can see you in my dust I'm going turn around yo stop Roxy are you serious right now should have trial should have trial Roxy uh wait there's L your trolling failed because I'm zooming right now wait what how you still me yo Roxy where are you at bro where are you at Roxy just 95 oh no 95 try hard yes no no you're not that guy no no watch out boys I'm going to take the dub look who was at 97% Roxy got smoke all right see you guys later I'm going to win this challenge bro I'm that guy and Roxy I made it to progress 100 jum I walk still though yeah you know that right you're still a movie uh blood did not win no bro that's all count I'm doing the hardest one winter world I'm going he this actually for all the marbles cuz I lowkey did cheat no cheating allowed guys no cheating allowed completely legitimate gameplay lowy legitimate gameplay I don't need any cheats cuz I'm just so good oh no cuz I'm about to be looking if y'all boys chea why is it still loading I'm in I'm in hey let me let me I can't Mo yo yo gave me a popup give me a popup oh my gosh I'm zooming right now I'm zo Roxy bro just loged in faster than us oh no it's like we're games I'm tired of losing yo Roxy I'm about to come for your booty notice I didn't say Luke cuz you're not even competition L you're not even competition oh no I'm top three and you ain't even three Luke you're three in top three my boy cuz there's only three of us oh no Ro are four Ro are four oh no I'm pulling up Ro disqualified what did bro just say I'm four in the top three n no no no now I got to smoke you bro's talking that trash and oh in between their ring with Y Roxy where did you at bro wait hold up hold up hold up am I ahead of Roxy right now uh you're in front of what level are you I'm actually I'm behind everybody I talk about it I don't want to talk about it wait awesome trick shot with you're behind wait you're behind yeah Roxy I'm behind yeah I'm behind I'm PCH I lied I'm oh no you li no no no no I just spped on the ice bro my wheels was not getting no traction Luke my wheels bro my wheels bro these jumps is no joke oh no but guess what I'm boun like a FR boun like a FR Roxy is a baby no yo I hate these mushrooms the mushrooms are actually El trolling I found the motion you're not supposed to jum you're supposed to just let it happen bro and I let it happen and Roxy about to get destroyed byy cuz I'm I accidentally put on my cheese I actually didn't mean it and then it yeated me up oh oh yeah what's up Luke check me out I'm doing a 360 with it oh gosh I missed I'm still at 24 bro I missed cuz I tried to do a cool trick shot with it oh my gosh are you serious right now okay come on let me get over bro let me get over and are you serious bro Roxy I just got yeated in my face bro oh my gosh how progress are you I'm at 34% I can't get past this super big one really Roxy really bro just talking trash balls in my jaws weave it okay okay okay Canon oh canones what's yo can bro not have fun l l he's having too much fun right now L I'm not going to lie no I'm in last place oh again yeah Roxy what place are you in right now what what's your prop 46 wait hold up 46 I see the cannon Roxy I see the cannon I'm pulling up to a right now can these nuts really ly really tell them that's not funny that's not funny Roxy oh wait I just hit the Canon too yo Roxy yo Roxy guess what bro wait there's another Cannon Luke we're going Canon for Canon right now ohar oh brought it up instantaneously oh no I'm going far with it landed perfectly and Roxy what are you at bro where you at cuz I'm at 50 no my gosh oh no you're 63 how is that even possible my boy that's actually yo chill with the yo yo can bro can you yo Roxy stop trying to be funny like a coup dude I'm actually getting trolled right now and I don't like a one bit hey let me in oh let's go I'm at yeah guys good game good game why are you saying good game Roxy like you're actually doing good you're not three I'm at 80 something I'm 81 yo how is he cheating like that ly bro I another Canon let's go 83 Roxy can you actually like slow down I told you I'm going to try hard I'm not I'm not I'm not even kidding no l we have to lock it in if we actually want to even stand a little bit of a chance cuz bro is going insanely brazy right now lock in dude lock in going insane okay L just said that cuz he died right there I know he did I hit the checkpoint I can't die oh W clutch H candy came with it oh we're at 50% right now so you should slow down yeah can you please BR I'm at 89 can you please slow down Roxy like actually no I'm going to get to 100 before all you guys my no bro no no no no see wouldn't want to be yeah you no no I'm done with this I'm done with this I'm done with this good game good game should I beat it no Roxy chillo backwards I'll wait I'll wait at the last jump yeah wait please dude we are so far at the last jump go n bro am I actually about to get third place and be the worst one out of the group bro bro oh Yeahs what do you actually at D I'm like not try to say that so Ro to go I'm actually at 83% I missed a jump oh no boy you Trasher than trash cans yo I'm not Trasher than trash cans I'm just getting super trolled right now don't P why am I missing them nah bro the game's actually out trolling right now I maybe I have to get some more momentum let me go crazy with a B oh you here no I'm not here no bro oh my gosh no I'm skipping the level n no n no no this actually crazy this actually crazy how much what I don't have I you have to do it the embarrassing way is it cuz it only works on normal bikes let me try my normal bike okay come on come on come on come on Canon yes yes hold up hold up hold up are you serious it's cuz I had a motorcycle so that means cheating made me lose Ain't No Way Canon wait you have to Canon you I'm still at 80% bro I'm still at 80% it's actually embarrassing I'm at 97 and I'm about to win should I win uh wait die so then we actually have a chance cuz right now you're way too ahead dude just die I'm I'm only at the last jump if I jump I'm going to win so bro how about you just die cuz you just not do that there is no way to die inside the barrier just jump off bro just jump off trust trust trust actually are you yo you're passing me yes hold up there's actually no way there's actually you pass me yes oh my God wait they actually pass you I don't know if you're try I don't know you're TR please help me I'm right here yeah no
Channel: OmzBlox
Views: 102,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, Omz, Crystal, Roxy, Luke, Lily
Id: OewVL1daMes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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