Escaping PAPAS PIZZA BUT You Get CUSTOM HEARTS In Roblox! With Crazy Fan Girl!

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today we're escaping Papa's Pizzeria but we have heart abilities check it out there's so many things we could buy oh and they cost Robux how are we going to get it oh well I got this really cool glitch called Luke's Roblox I could buy anything with it hey I have that too no that's not a glitch that's my money yes sir and wait Crystal you have that too yeah I use it all the time check it out wa I just unlocked double jump and guys what's on the floor over here it looks like pizza sauce right um why is there a person skull nope Luke I don't think that's pizza sauce and turn back now oh no Roxy I'm scared that's my booty cheeks clapping in fear Boy watch this in your face yo but wait we're on an elevator let's hit the button boys we're going down oh no this is scary where are we going I want to go back up and it says your doom hey it literally just said we're going to our doom and uh guys are those people going inside that oh this is scary but hold up with our double jump I could yeah y that was a close one no Crystal did you just fall in don't fall don't fall the high so you respond but Roxy careful double jump it oh my Nar guys being a noobs no one's being a noob except for you are you serious right now all right you might have been right about that but you know what this means I need a better power I'm going to buy a speed coil oh that's going to make you so fast but don't buy it with my Roo don't worry I already did don't worry I already did bro you're seriously trolling yes sir I up all right really bro I did not expect to get that much speed you TR oh oh my wow did you just see that that I just did that in two jumps and it says go back now um are we going back yep see you boys later no no no look don't go back seriously we have to go this way and it says he's here oh n there's a bunch of traps Crystal test if it's dangerous all right okay it's a little bit dangerous it's a little bit dangerous there yeah and waa what Roxy how' you get there that fast though oh use your speed coil all right and W that was insane Chris areio okay can you see my face yeah and um it says I can see you oh no l did you buy a skateboard yep isn't it swaggy look careful do not wait what why did it just turn black um I'm not messing with this speed Co guys what do we do what do we do what do we do we have to find somewhere to go creeped out I'm creeped out wait a minute guys the pizza's giving us a track oh no oh no hold up you need the speed coil not to get your booty at and Roxy follow the pizzas all right all right oh right here jump jump oh nice Ed seator alligator oh myar that was way too close I think he got a bite out of my cheeks what the oh my Nara hold up Luke you have a skateboard I want that too let me use your Roblox and oh it's only 100 Roblox easy hey not my roox chill bro don't worry they're not yours they're just Luke's I am Luke how does that even work and WAOW oh bro check me out I'm grinding right now easy crystal am I swag or am I swag do you want to get my phone number uh yes I do oh W that actually work let's go I got Riz and skateboard parkour wow wow wow dude I'm literally doing tricks every time I do it I'm the coolest kid on the Block Luka oh yeah well if you were cool you would take the shortcut what the heck up the really Crystal the shortcut doesn't work because you yeated me oh my Nar but let me use speed at oop easy picking Skip and oh my nard this one's actually intense I'm going to take the Safeway Roxy are you okay no how would I be okay you got boo my boy and careful Crystal wow you're grinding right now and wow Luke you are too I'm a professional skater oh yeah nice so am I and wa we made it out of the sewers and it says oop Dom is coming wait who's Dom Crystal have you heard of someone named Dom I think it says Doom oh Doom is coming what there's totally not Doom that's going to be in the mirror why is he looking at us oh my n and wait if he's in the mirror that means he's behind us that's just Roxy oh yeah what oh no I'm creeped out right Luke let's go into the bathroom together all right let's pee you're S I heard that I was just kidding dude oh my AR nope guys is that dum look look nope he got CAU up in a cobweb oh no this is bad and I'm a little bit nervous it says don't touch the cobwebs well luckily from we got skateboards easy easy easy oh yeah my all right are you serious right now I just got jump scared don't touch it oh I think we know that now Lily but oh no guys I think we have to take this one slow and steady no Hearts will be necessary I'm scared only if you don't have a jetpack what what do you mean a jetpack Luke you got a jetpack hes check me out you got instab boom Luke I don't think the jetpack is the way my boy I think slow and steady going to win the race and oh no there is so people Roxy we made it chill Roxy don't go why Ro really bro that's clearly a trap wait what what what do you mean go Crystal am I going Crystal come come I feel like I'm about to get trap up L let's just do this 3 2 1 wa we're underground oh no and guys there's spikes but luckily it's on the side of the wall so we're safe to walk are you serious right now there's pressure plates and what Roxy's that guy pal and hey Crystal learned how to skateboard yes I'm cool oh no I need to got something even cooler than that and what's cooler than a skateboard how about a hoverboard yep that should do the trick for this one yes sir and I could still use Luke's Roblox thank you Luka no no no chill fam chill I'm not chilling that up really bro did you do that on purpose Luka stop using my Robux please sir I'm not I'm not I'm not that's just like not me and whoa the hoverboard so I jump super hot boy easy and did you get boomed oh yeah yeah it hurts really bad by the way really Roxy do not fall on these vents use the hoverboard to 360 jump I can jump so high oh Crystal did you fallly Luke are you literally jet packing right now they see me flying they hating you're that guy catch me for in ony what that is not a part of the song really bro it's the ly remix dude and who wait wait I can literally skip jumps with the hoverboard guys there's more writing and it says up up up how are we supposed to make it up the ladder over there we have to climb up oh all right race you guys and with the hoverboard y yay easy pickings made it for what what L how' you make it before me it's cuz I'm a professional skater dude oh nice and why does it say he's here I'm scared and it looks like it's a pizza room Lily go first me just do it check if it's dangerous it says get to the vet Lily what's happening what's happening oh my God what's happening I'm scary what Luke uh what does she mean by that I don't know but you're going next oh my gosh all right I'm putting my skateboard on and it says get to the vent okay and guys it's black luk it's black what's going he's here he's on our cheeks for real for real creepy it's creepy Crystal do something stop what that's not helping it really Crystal stop that's all you had that dude oh my gosh don't worrys I'm about to Boom him are you sure about that cuz this dude is like scary oh no he's here and wait where does he come from oh Roxy's here where he go follow me which way which way the vents are over here Roxy jump we made it we made it just in time where are we right yeah it says you won't escape and Roxy don't jump down there it's dangerous what why Roxy really bro Crystal you too at least Luke you're not a this place looks L guys oh my God we have to jump over it oh oh bro are you serious but wait I think I hit the checkpoint boys that was crazy but we have to jump over the lasers and I know exactly what we need oh what are you going to get my boy I'm going to get the web Grappler looks like it could work yes sir so let me boom what wait I have to do like that you just heated yourself really bro come ons you got to do it again okay I didn't even have it in my hand I just want stop trying oh my gosh all right all right all right ready ready ready spider OHS in the building Bo hey boop hey Bo oh go this is really bad what is that what the you're getting eaten what guys I just broke the game what where are you I went up in vet oh no but wait I could make it really bro reallys you're trolling I am not trolling I'm getting trolled wait I'm going to use the speed I'm just going to jump really bro are you serious right now dude your butt cheeks got sliced off D just let me through it let's go easy picking and it says turn back now Roxy do we turn back or do we go inside the very sus looking vent let's go through the V all right let's do it oh my n they're doing the ohy rock cuz I can make you omy rock that's nothing to play around with these are skeletons oh my Nar bab they're super Wiggly I know right they actually look kind of silly and wait it says find the crobar we have to open this door everyone look for the Crowbar okay yo stop shaking your booty in my face bro he suck and I see the crowbar at oh no it's in this boy's head um my brother M just how do we take it yo my boy boy my boy man just take it off my hand goofy what he can speak yeah man just take it you blue goofball I am not a goofball I am OHS and you're about face but I got it boys let's open this John UPS I guess you could say these guys are hanging out what really L are they're skeletons yep but they're hanging wait that's actually funny yeah it was and wait we have to go down and wait no we're going up oh no Roxy I'm nervous well I'm even more nervous said I'm clapping my cheeks what the what why are you clapping your cheeks Roxy cuz I'm nervous oh no but wait I'm going to skateboard my way up oh yeah oh yeah come on let me what I'm so close hoverboard Yi what's good and Luke this is looking devious any mistake and we're going to get crushed all right boys see you later really Roxy first try made it oh man we have to speed through this don't mess up three two Crystal you got boom right for cre walk withy omy you got gritty on don't do that oh nice job come on LY go ly go Lily go Lily and oh nice job now Luke it's your turn and what you're just floating with the jetpack you're that go what just happened B I thought it was easy picking I just tried it again W oh my Nar but nice and guys this room seems Su I'm a little nervous and oh no whats I want to see what it feels like well at least Luc is the Lily you too well at least Roxy really Crystal you to at least wow everyone bab join the party stop joining it really guys really that is not funny bab that was so goofy why would you believe us oh my gosh but hold up this looks like a perfect job for the wax flingers oh yeah why did that actually just worked perfectly did you see that Luca yep that was super lit but wait I fell but I could use the spider web y y really bro no one saw that right everybody was staring we saw that what oh my n but wait my spawn Point's up here and whoa Roxy careful we got to make it all the way at oh no dude I'm fighting bodies hitting me that's so gross oh my gosh go go and oh jump over then I got St hey Phil watch out watch out I got to do really dude they're all eating me Js come on just jump are you serious right now I got boomed by some booties wait a minute I just realized spider SS is in the building spider wait spider oh you failed no all right yeah I failed a little bit but wait I know exactly what could help the double jump this is perfect for something like this cuz I got to jump really really high really bro why am I actually dooky cheese BR how did you fold with double jump oh my gosh we need something even better and I think I just saw something that would work a hel hat it's a 150 Roblox thank you lukee I appreciate it my boy are you trolling me no no I actually just bought it oh yeah yeah and I look dripping tin and wa this is literally lit it lets me go up really high and down really slowly come on oh gosh oh gosh hey hey hey hey let me th it oh Roxy Roxy Rock really bro not funny dude but wait a minute you know what I just realized though what did you realize well since you guys are right there I can put my heli hat on it really are you oh guys this is not funny M try to jump to the edge oh yeah yeah yeah you're right let me go all the way right over here like this a little bit more forward just a little bit more forward like this then jump all no spider oh my n hes your stuff is useless hey are you serious you know what I'm just going to do a first try the normal way nuh not possible what totally possible I'm going up I'm going up Crystal are you peeping me right now way to do it oh yeah oh yeah wait I actually that this is the best way to do it cuz if you're a professional like oh yes let's go good job bab but hold up it says Dom this way Dom this way hop on guys do we want to go to Dom yeah I want to see if he's L all right let's go to D boys what the guys what's happening what's happening I'm scared oh we stopped last second guys hop over nice job dude and oh no we have to jump around lava Luke don't be a new Roxy what was that I tried to use my speed Co are you serious wait let me use my hover board and up okay I might be a noob yep you was trying to swag but you died boy really dude all right well I'm going to catch up and get in first place cuz you're not that guy pal wait hel hat is actually perfect for this hel hat what's good Roxy let's see who makes this to the end first all right well Boop heli hat again and it says this way and Roxy this looks actually seriously genuinely seriously actually serious dude oh are you okay that is so hard I know but not hard for a profession now and wait I'm going to hel all the way like it's easy P really no one saw that though right me all saw it Crystal didn't see it though right I bab oh my go you too Roxy but wait H halfway like really oh my gosh falling I didn't see the bottom but wait I'm going to try and do it legit because I don't want Luke to actually beat me that would be embarrassing so let me really bro the first jump hes I'm going to beat you boy slow down my boy slow down and wait I think the hoverboard is actually perfect because it's not too crazy but not too not crazy so let me go slow but steady to win the race just like that and no no l are you serious why am I actually a Cano bro come on just try your spider webs oh yeah that would be perfect for this so let me stand right here aim it up there and oh wow wow wow W I need to be right hey why is it trolling Ms the item is dooky boy I know and wait I think it's because there's an invisible wall right there oh wait I'm actually about to be a genius so it doesn't let me skip it so let me jump over here parkour 2 and then boys y'all ready for my idea I could just spider web all the way on over like that why is it actually trolling come on dude spider over it's not working the spider is trolling but wait I did it and the exit's right over here everyone follow my bosom all right I'm right behind it hey and what the it says run home huh what are you talking about guys we're outside and wait we're outside the pizzeria that's where we started yep that means we're almost home oh yeah yeah and it says run home oh gosh um I'm a little bit nervous so yep can we hold hands this Forest is scary actually yeah let's hold hands all right hold hands with me Luke hold hands hold hands let's go super duper slow Why didn't it get dark Rox why do I hear scary creepy laughing separa no no don't separate oh no Roxy where is the boy where's the boy ah Roxy I see him where did I go I don't know anywhere but next to that guy Lily run Lily run my no this is creepy wait helicopter hat and oh no guys I just saw a in oh no oh no oh no where do we go Luke um he might have just touched my booty cheeks so oh no you got boomed up yes me and Lilian Crystal what did we do I'm just going to run straight through oh gosh that is not smart he could be G anywhere Luke we in the G is he he's over here Luke run where do we go we have to make it through the forest oh no Roxy's actually on my butt Roxy's actually on my butt Roxy's actually on my butt wait it says almost home Roxy we have to jump over the fence did we actually just do it and um Crystal Lily how's it going for y'all horrible babes do run really fast all across ah I made it oh nice job and wait a minute guys we beat the Pizzeria and W is this the playground I'm on a seesaw Luke I'm on a seesaw oh I'm hopping in oh my gosh that's lit are these swings Roxy oh my Noy oh my go Luke come on hop on with me wait why are we going really fast this is lit no I just got eated oh not wait Roxy how are you doing that Luke how are you doing that Crystal how are you doing that this little colorful thing pick one all right let me pick this one and oh oh my not it just gave me a super lot boost okay guys I think we beat it and I'm out of the map how do you get there oh no and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye
Channel: OmzBlox
Views: 1,088,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Omz, Crystal, Roxy, Luke, Lily, Escaping PAPAS PIZZA BUT You Get CUSTOM HEARTS In Roblox!
Id: z6lo3o6Gnjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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