Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire - Didn't see that coming...[Review]

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[Applause] what is going on guys welcome back to another freshy baby another fresh episode of media Madness another fresh happy today Godzilla X Kong the new Empire has released baby at least in the US and I'm going to be going over that I'm going to be giving you my two cents on that but in my previous video before this which I will put in the link down below I talked about the monster verse has it has it been any good I talked about the highs the lows the man click that link down below no more time's going to be wasted y'all we're getting right into this so right off the bat guys this film has a really cool opening it wastes no time at all on giving you some Kong action on giving you some cool creatures in the hollow Earth bits of this just like in Godzilla versus Kong you see some kooky oddl looking creatures and you see him again in this they really double down on giving you a taste of what this weird little world has to offer and honestly they do a pretty good job there's a really good sequence with Kong in this setting traps man going Kevin mallister on everybody up in this thing also within the first 30 minutes I could already confirm that this film has way better pacing than probably any of the other monsterverse movies so far I was really impressed to see that they consistently entertain there's some really really fun bits and uh you don't have to wait too long to get to them also in the marketing I could tell this but watching the final product I could confirm this the coloring in this film is great man it pops going back on the first 30 minutes of this film I actually experienced PTSD and you're probably wondering why well I'll tell you the deaf character the deaf girl in this film I don't even know her name to be honest with you matter of fact I don't really know anyone's name in this film just cuz I really didn't care so there's that but she gets a vision in class and starts writing down symbols and just images and the way they did it it came off to me exactly like Transformers Revenge of the Fallen less cringey not jumping over desks and disturbing the whole class but nonetheless it was a very early 2000s e scene I can't confirm though that there were no other moments like this and this was pretty much the only one writing what off I just said about these Soundwave Vision drawings there is some very convenient writing in this that just kind of pops out of nowhere just to move the story along and you know while I can excuse it because this is just a big dumb fun monster Creature Feature it is very very obviously convenient you know when you really think about it just kind kind of lazy there were two scenes in this that really stuck out to me in a funny way uh there was toy pushing in one of the scenes where you could see literally some of the figures that have been released on the line for this film on a character's desk and I just thought it was really funny that they were pushing that also there was a very very clear shot of what looked exactly like a shot out of a Volkswagen commercial I literally laughed to myself and yeah man the score in this film and the music overall is some very odd choices but honestly once the movie kind kind of got its Vibe going on as far as a Cheesy dumb just throw popcorn in your mouth have fun time kind of could get behind the 80s beats and syn and even songs from the80s and I was like yeah dude I'm digging this a big problem that this movie is probably going to face is that there is lots and lots and I mean lots of scenes of plot points overall spoilers film has a very fun adventure Indiana Jones Jurassic Park kind of feel about Midway through the movie where they're kind of you know diving into the hollow Earth aspect of things and really in the jungle and stuff and I could really dig it but once it hit the beginning of the third act there was a plot point where a civilization came in and it just kind of threw me off a little bit kind of felt out of place to me and almost more unrealistic than the Titans themselves how they got there why they're there how they survived that long who knows you meet a big pack of Apes man there's been Apes living on this Hollow Earth how Kong hasn't figured that out or known they've been there for years and years and years just as he's been there for years who knows on that as well in those Apes that you meet in the movie there is actually an ape that is a copy and paste version of Koba from Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and I was laughing my butt off about it the visual effects in this movie are fantastic if you've seen any of the images or trailers from this movie you'll know exactly what I'm talking about the only visual effect shots that looked weird to me were the ones involving many Kong I don't know his name again I don't really care about names in this movie I know Godzilla and Kong and that's about it mini Kong is very very oddl looking especially when he moves he kind of looks weird I don't know if it's his eyes I don't know what it is but looks off speaking of Kong and Godzilla Godzilla is really not in this as much as many Godzilla fans would maybe like he feels more like a supporting role and less like a co- character in this and um it's very much a Kong story but guys I I had a blast with this and I am really really happy to report that I I give it a pass man I I recommend this movie If you're looking for just a fun kill time just turn your brain off and I know that's kind of a lazy excuse nowadays where we say you know it's fun if you turn your brain off this is one of those films you just got to turn your brain off you got to have fun and just know what you're know know what you're buying a ticket for you're buying a ticket for two Titans and maybe more beating the crap out of each other set in a weird cooky World Universe whatever you want to call it this is definitely worth experiencing with that surround sound on the big screen this was very much built for that and guys again this is just a fun time so yeah I recommend it do you plan on checking this out this weekend and if you have already comment down below tell me what you think man do you like this what did you like what didn't you like what points do you agree with or do you want to ridicule me in these comments hit me up man let's do this bro anyways hit that subscribe hit that like God bless stay fresh and [Music] peace
Channel: Media Madness
Views: 16,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pnmdAwYZYWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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