MONARCH Ending Explained! Season 2 Theories & Monsterverse Connections

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with Godzilla minus one and Apple's Monarch Atomic blasting its way through my heart it's been one hell of a good year for Godzilla fans and a reminder just how far we've come I don't know what this is but it's kind OFA Monarch Legacy of the Monsters has been a bit of a big surprise for me adding in this really cool element of time dilation big monster battles and a surprisingly emotional final episode there's no doubt that the finale is the best of the season and in this video we'll be going over all its Mysteries how time works here and what that ending could mean for season 2 so get in your capsules and smash that like And subscribe button because here we go the final episode begins in axis Mundi the name Dr kikura gave to the realm in between our world Earth and the world of the Titans Hollow Earth we saw Hollow Earth in 2021s Godzilla versus Kong but this place is a blend between the two think of it like like a pit stop between two places through millions of years this place has sucked in elements from both worlds creating a patchwork of Flor and fauna that have developed into its own ecosystem at the end of episode 8 Kate Randa a descendant of Dr Bill Randa who we saw at the beginning of episode 1 and who died in 1973 while on Skull Island was sucked into a portal at an abandoned nuclear reactor in Kazakhstan these portals connect our world to axis Mundi and then to the hollow Earth but a access to them is only possible when the energy around them has been stabilized in episode 9 General Pucket explains the presence of a Titan can do this allowing humans to travel through them safely but harnessing a Titan is a completely different matter luckily Dr Suzuki developed what's known as a gamma emitter which sends out blasts of gamma rays which attract Titans to it allowing Monarch crew members to trail behind the Titans in these metal capsules into the worlds Beyond both Kate and Koo however didn't get here in the safety of one of these capsules they made it without any protection whatsoever proving that travel between Realms is possible without the need for elaborate ships capsules or vehicles but what KO doesn't know is that Kate is her granddaughter from 56 years in the future that's because time works differently in axis Mundi than it does up top now the show plays fast and loose with how much time passes in our world for every day that passes in axis Mundi so I created this chart to give us a better idea of how things played out KO left our world in 1959 and when Kate arrived in axis Mundi it was 2015 KO says she spent roughly 57 days alone here thus we can conclude that for KO one day in axis Mundi equals about one year in our world now let's take a look at Lee Shaw who arrived in axis Mundi in 1962 and came back to Earth in 1982 he says he was in axis for about a week thus for Lee one day in axis was about 3 years on Earth finally there's Kate and may they arrived in axis in 2015 and reemerge up top in 2017 now we don't have an official number but I estimate that they were in axis Mundi for about 8 hours if my math is correct one day in axis Mundy would be 6 years up top for Kate and may but since they were only here for 8 hours it works out to 2 years now you'll see that there's a discrepancy there isn't a consistent one day equals 1 year kind of thing going on here this could be because time continually changes here it warps and shifts and honestly this is probably the easiest answer because it allows the writer Some Lee way see what I did there in shaping their story speaking of Lee we get this emotional reunion between him and KO although he's 56 years older than the last time these two saw each other he and KO were once in love that was before she started a life with Bill Randa in episode 6 Lee risked losing all of Monarch's funding just so that he could be with KO and from that moment on KO knew Lee would always put her before anything else thus things kind of come full circle when he'll later sacrifice himself so that she can live but more on that and whether he's actually dead in a bit with the arrival of Lee we get some of the most emotional scenes in the entire season and holy imagine finding out all at once that your husband died your son is all grown up and this grown ass woman is your granddaughter it's more dramatic than an episode of Mory we get to see Ko's encamp where she spent the last several weeks spending most of her time reconfiguring the gamma emitter that was left behind when Lee arrived in 1962 we can calculate that she found this emitter roughly 10 days or more after arriving at axis Mundi unfortunately there's not a lot of time for all of them to catch up as Lee has an idea to get them back to Earth Lee fills Koo in on some of the things she's missed but don't worry she'll be back just in time for covid Lee's hairbrain scheme involves using the capsule from 1962 to make make their way back to present day luckily down here it's only been a few weeks since the capsule was left behind and thus still has enough juice to power up this allows them to turn on the gamma emitter to lure a Titan from the hollow Earth which theoretically should allow them to travel back but KO says she is staying behind the world she would go back to isn't hers her husband is dead her son grew up without knowing her and she doesn't want to risk ruining his life again but it's Kate who convinces her to come they need her and as she agrees and the gang is ready to go we get the appearance of a Titan known as the loton dragon named after the naval ship Bill Randa served on that became the nesting ground for this creature in the Philippines as Bill Randa recalls it killed all his crew members and he was the only one to survive all these Titans appear to be a threat to humanity especially Godzilla who after gday became a massive threat with places like Tokyo constructing makeshift Titan bunkers and evacuation routes but Lee believes Godzilla isn't a threat threat that he is actually a protector and we'll see this come into play when Godzilla fights off the lot and dragon as they make their escape this is a departure from Godzilla minus one where Godzilla is definitely the bad guy during one of the Dragons attacks a cable connecting the emitter to its power source is disconnected and thus Lee Ventures out into the chaos to put it back together as the capsule is sucked into the portal he knows that there's too much weight and then he must sacrifice himself if the others are to live so he lets go his Last Words being thank you and I love the juxtoposition of Kazakhstan 1959 and here where we can see the two of them holding on to each other this time it's Lee who lets go but is he gone for good considering KO survived down here it's entirely possible first he didn't necessarily fall from a huge height so there's that he'd then have to survive the energy blast which is also not impossible but then there's the question of what does he do from here if you look really closely the emitter which KO used to send signals top side rips off just before taking off we'll also see the capsule arrive in the year 2017 with no emitter attached to it theoretically it's still down there with Lee all he would need is a power source and considering this place is filled with weird upside down lightning blasts maybe he can make something work we also know the laws of physics act differently down in axis money so there's a lot of potential for finding ways to have him come back but what if Lee made his way through that portal anyway it's totally possible that if he let go he'd get sucked up to considering his weight is far less than this giant capsule which got sucked up this then raises the question where did he go or when did he go or did he get to the hollow Earth itself it hasn't really been explained in the show how to get to the hollow Earth we've only made it halfway there to axis Mundy now when may Kate and KO arrive in their present day which they find out is 2 years later in the year 2017 members of Apex cybernetics are already waiting for them including canaro and Hiroshi like Kate canaro has has had a very tumultuous relationship with his father who kept a secret second family in America and fled off to Alaska abandoning them in the final episode we do get some answers as to his motivation he wanted to draw out a Titan to prove these networks of gateways leading to the worlds of the Titans exist he wanted to prove that his mother and father were right if he can do this perhaps he can prevent another gday and if that meant abandoning his family to save the world it was a sacrifice he was willing to make Hiroshi believes that humanity and the Titans can coexist which makes it all the more interesting that he and canaro end up allying themselves with Apex cybernetics this is the company that in Godzilla versus Kong aims to control Titans and imprison them basically making them Humanity slaves that hardly sounds like a peaceful coexistence now the events of Godzilla versus Kong in which Apex uses neuralink technology to control a Mecca Godzilla to kill the real Godzilla take place 7 years after after Kate and may arrive topside so there's a lot of stuff that can happen in between this time period that the Monarch writers can play with it was hiroshi's math that led Apex to know where Kate May and Koo would emerge and check out this spherical device that almost looks as though it's either stabilizing or controlling some beam into the portal could it be some sort of new version of the gamma emitter or something else entirely perhaps a way to control these portals in Godzilla versus Kong we know that there's eventually technology that allows humans to travel to and from the hollow Earth so maybe this is a precursor to that and after 58 years KO is reunited with her son Hiroshi who is technically older than her now and also gets to meet her second grandchild canaro but the presence of Brenda Hollander the executive of Applied experimental Technologies is of serious concern to may may used to work for Brenda and expose that a was conducting cruel scientific experiments on animals at the end of episode 7 we learned that Brenda made some sort of deal with Apex cybernetics thus bringing her into the fold with Hoshi and canaro who are now working for them an alarm siren goes off as May asks Brenda what the hell is going on to which she replies only everything I ever promised you Brenda told me that together they would change the world so this is likely what's happening as we pull out of the hanger we see that we're at apex's research station on Skull Island the home of Kong and Brenda doesn't seem too concerned that this giant Beast is only a few hundred meters away perhaps Apex has some sort of way to deal with him I also found it odd that there's this random red helicopter here it seems like a very distinct Choice it's important to note that Monarch also has two outposts on Skull Island Outpost 33 and 236 these were put in place to watch Kong and ensure the protection of the island so it looks like season 2 is going to have a big showdown between Apex and Monarch with Skull Island as the potential Battleground but now I turn it over to you what did you think of Monarch season 1 I want to hear your thoughts and theories in the comments below thanks for watching be sure to like And subscribe and for more bad takes you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at thinkstory YT until next time remember Daddy loves you very much
Channel: Think Story
Views: 86,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monarch, monarch 2023, monarch legacy of monsters, monarch ending explained, monarch season 1, monarch explained, monarch ending, monarch season 1 ending explained, monarch legacy of the monsters ending explained, monarch review, monarch breakdown, godzilla, monsterverse, monarch time explained, legacy of monsters, apple tv, apple plus, monarch season 2, monarch theories, monarch king kong, monarch godzilla
Id: _fTkKZ4b73M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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