GODZILLA MINUS ONE: The Godzilla Movie We Needed

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[Music] so Godzilla minus one was one of those few movies when I walked out of the theater I was absolutely amazed to about on a level that I really haven't felt in a while now I am a Godzilla fan I won't not lie but I don't think Godzilla is the reason why it amazed me for a movie with a $15 million budget it puts to shame $200 million movies the CGI is absolutely crisp and perfect the sound design is on point the cinematography is excellent done on point with Oppenheimer this entire movie is on point with Oppenheimer as far as directing writing acting uh special effects sound design this is a Oscar movie in my opinion now it deals with loss and grief and what life throws at you in the middle while the human driven narrative keeps you enthralled while Godzilla is not on screen when Godzilla is on screen he is the king of the monsters there's no doubt about that there are no plot holes no pacing problems there isn't even one thing I can really say I don't like about this movie we could have had a little more Godzilla we definitely couldn't have had less but more Godzilla is always a good thing and I don't think it would have ruined the movie all right so we're going to get into spoilers so if you haven't seen the movie yet get out of your house go watch it it's a really really good movie lookie you're so bad now I will say this I went to the cast and production staff for this movie you'll probably find some cool stuff in there bunch of them it worked on Cayman Ryder stuff anime and a few other things so if you're into that stuff you may may already know who some of these people are now we do know the director has said that he wants to direct a Star Wars movie because Star Wars is what got him into film making no God please no please sir stick to Godzilla and Japanese movies don't come to Hollywood now there's a bit of Godzilla lore in this movie we get to see a godzillasaurus our main character Kochi lands his kamakazi plane on a repair strip now this is for repairing kamakazi planes and that's it it's not an Airfield well we find out that there's nothing wrong with this plane he kind of just Sissi out and the mechanic tells him and says he he doesn't blame him for not wanting to give his life for a losing War now this is the final days of World War II that's about to end now we see some dead deep sea fish floating in the water uh this is a sign of Godzilla coming and you will see more more of this now as Night Comes the Godzilla sorus attacks and it kind of reminds me in a way of Jurassic Park in away like he's like biting down and throwing guys around I don't think he was as big as the Tyrannosaurus Rex in Jurassic Park but he was pretty large I mean he was still stomping on dudes and Wrecking Havoc it's pretty interesting scene pretty hectic uh very intense uh there's a thing they tell him to get in his plane and shoot the Godzilla because he has 20 mm guns and 20 mm guns will kill anything supposedly uh he gets in his plane and locks up and is unable to fire his guns out of fear Him and the mechanic are the only people left alive and this plays in later on but now however the war is ended they're on the way home he gets to gets to his house which is all is left is one room his parents are dead he talks to the neighbor and she's mad at him because he didn't give himself for the war maybe her kids would still be alive if she did which is pretty odd but I can understand people in grief so everybody he knows is dead you see him in a market where a girl is being chased and she hands him a baby and runs off well he ends up meeting up with her again and she ends up her and the baby end up staying there with her the baby is an orphan both of their parents died in the bombings Keli takes care of him and time passes uh like I said there is some stuff shows him having nightmares and dealing with his PTSD he gets a job retrieving Minds meets these guys they play very heavily into the into the story now as this time passes we see the B bikini ATO being bombed for the nuclear testing and we see what looks like a Godzilla eye being regenerated this plays in later but so we see the birth of actual Godzilla now we also see that there is these US Navy ships being wrecked by this monster which we know as Godzilla well ki's group gets sent out to one of these ships and they're staring at the ship wondering what's going on as their partnership gets it eaten by Godzilla literally picked up out of the ocean in his mouth and slammed down this is a very terrifying scene in fact Godzilla proceeds to chase them now they're dropping Minds at him nothing affects him they drop one mind and it goes in his mouth and kyoi shoots it well when this thing detonates it rips a chunk out of Godzilla's head like you can see inside his head the skin and bone is gone he drops dead and then you see the skin and the Flesh and the meat regenerate and he gets back up this is terrifying how are you supposed to fight this creature I mean we know you can't kill Godzilla anyways but this gives you a good graphic to go along with and not only does it regenerate but it looks like scar tissue it actually looks like he's been injured now I think this is excellent because now when Godzilla is taking artillery fire from ships and tanks it's not just bouncing off of him and not affecting him it's actually taking chunks with it he's actually taking damage but he's regenerating it back and you can actually physically see this going on I think this is an excellent mechanic an excellent Optical effect and it makes everything realer that brings the terror to the surface Godzilla is not someone you're rooting for in this movie like you are in the legendary films and stuff like that he is a monster to destroy so while this is going on a destroyer shows up and starts shooting Godzilla like I said chunks flying and he Dives under the water now the underwater scenes of Godzilla are amazing I think there're some of the best underwater CGI scenes I've ever seen in my life uh it looks really really amazing Godzilla swims up to the ship jumps up starts to attack it the ship is sideways pretty much in the air and they turn all the guns on him and Fire uh this is another example of excellent cinematography and great CGI work it looks excellent it looks believable it doesn't look gimmicky at all Godzilla is wounded drops into the ocean Kochi and M on their little wooden boat see the water start to glow blue and you see the atomic breath come up through through the ship and it's like an atom bomb going off I think this is the most devastating Atomic breath we've ever [Music] seen well and kyoi blacks out so when he wakes up we start to get some anti-government sentiment here uh because they're complaining that they know about Godzilla the US government and the Japanese government know about Godzilla but they're not going to do anything about him coming to Japan because they're too scared to make a move because of Russia uh now this is a mechanic based on history I do like how they use historical things inside of these movies to make them work that is a sign of a good writer uh the guy that directed this wrote this I am I applaud you sir I am in awe of your work uh every line of dialogue in this movie has its place and is needed for a reason and the foreshadowing done in this movie is not like in-your-face foreshadowing like some Disney products now once Godzilla reaches land all hell breaks loose there you literally see if you look close enough when he steps on people there is a pink Mist this is what I mean by Godzilla is terrorizing he is puts fear into your body while you are watching this movie he is a he is a monster which is what he is supposed to be now he happens to attack the train with no Rico on it which we'll get into that here in a little bit and she manages to escape by jumping in the water after the train she's in been bit in half it's pretty crazy and and Kochi shows up to help save her but in the end she saves him so while Godzilla's traing through the street and destroying buildings these tanks which looks like it's in front of the Capitol building starts shooting Godzilla well he turns and we get the scene with the tail and his blades how they come out and go back in and then he shoots the blast he puts his Atomic breath out and I can tell you this I did not like the Optics of that in the trailer I'm like why is it doing that well and there's an entire mechanic system to the atomic breath I think was very good so for Godzilla to use that atomic breath he has to literally hurt himself and is incapable of using it directly again unlike when we see in legendaries movies where he's just blast after blast after blast even in the older movies he didn't use it as much as he did in the legendary films although he could use it to fly it's kind of weird when the atomic breath hits this capital building we get another atomic bomb and we get a blast wave off of that we know how bombs work there's a blast wave that comes off of it when a Rec shoves Kochi between two buildings as the blast wave hits and she is blown away she should be dead at that point in fact there's a funeral for her no one should be able to survive that now this is our main character's Breaking Point she has been his Rock and helped him deal with all of his stuff so during her after her funeral they're sitting there talking and they're saying that there's a group of citizens that are going to go after Godzilla because they don't trust the government to get it done this is very interesting the way they break this down the way they work it out they bring up the fact that you know our government wasn't very nice to our soldiers bad tanks kamakazi Pilots stuff like that uh and they talk about if you don't want to do this you do not have to this is purely voluntarily we are not forcing anyone we are not our government I said there's a lot of anti-government sentiment in this I appreciate it not Everyone likes everything the government does that's the government's job in a way but so they come up with this Theory and it kind kind of reminds me of the original oxygen Destroyer but it doesn't so they want to use helium to sink him into the trench at 1500 M and then use Inflatables to bring him back to the surface causing a massive compression and decompression uh which we kind of know that about something about that about a sub that ex decompressed somewhere in the ocean trying to look at a Titanic so we it's all fresh in our minds uh but not many things would be able to withstand that so it sounds like a plan but they have to find a way to lure Godzilla out to the trench so kyoi finds this rear prop driven fighter plane it's kind of weird looking it's real though it is really a plane it was meant to shoot down bombers uh it was an experimental plane it's kind of cool looking well he has to get the mechanic from the island because they're going to kill Godzilla kind of makes sense feels like he owes him so he gets the mechanic back and they're building their their uh Freon tanks and Inflatables it was like a it's not really a montage it just plays out well they so there's a scene where they're getting ready for all this and you see this ship fly into this building so this ship is telling a underwater speaker playing Godzilla's screams hoping he'll think it's a another one of him to try to slow him down from coming ashore well that ship's several miles out in the ocean and he Chucks that thing and just goes to show his power like I said he's very terrorizing so kyoi hits the plane now it's been loaded with bombs it's set up for a kamakazi run only him and the mechanic know this so while they're out in the ocean they've got him lured over the trench they send out a dummy ship and Godzilla uses his Atomic breath and this is where you get to see like the sides of his face is all burnt up from using the blast you understand because they're like all right let's go he can't use it for a little bit of time let's rock it roll so they get him wrapped up in this mess and he's getting ready to blast and they drop him down 1,500 meters in the ocean um you see a little bit of him taking some damage stuff like that then they pull him back up well while they're pulling him back up all the Inflatables come to the surface Godzilla's at like 800 meters so the two ships are pulling like hell trying to get Godzilla up out of the water and he's so heavy they can't well in kind of a rise of Skywalker moment I hate talking about the movie uh all these tugboats show up all the people that decided they weren't going to take part have decided to come and it's kind of comical seeing all these tugboats hooked to these two ships trying to pull Godzilla up it's kind of comical and it's kind of heartwarming at the same time I thought it was pretty good I got a slight chuckle out of it now they get Godzilla to the surface and I tell you what they did some pretty good CGI here because is like his eyes are buggy uh his skin looks all weird weird like he's going through the decompression like they really messed him up doing that but they did not kill him so as he's going for his Atomic breath Kochi flies the plane directly into his mouth and it explodes removing the top portion of Godzilla's head now this is very graphic there's not blood spraining everywhere or anything but you literally see Godzilla with the top half of his head and the atomic bre that he was ready to spray everywhere just consumes his body and he drops to the bottom of the ocean now we do see that kyoi ejected from the plane it was equipped with an ejection seat it was very rare for some Japanese planes now we get back to land and Kochi gets a telegram that noro is alive now this a very touching scene while he's headed to the hospital we see the pieces of Godzilla regenerating because of course you cannot kill godz Godzilla this is Godzilla minus one the next one should be Godzilla I completely understand we're always going to get get a Godzilla movie we all know you can't kill Godzilla Godzilla has to come back however this is not the weird part we're going to talk about some fanfiction Theory crafting here in in a minute once Kochi reaches Naro she asks him if he was done fighting his War he collapses into her arms crying now she's one side of her face is bandaged up she might be missing an eye we don't know she looks pretty off she did have time to put her makeup on she did have time to put her makeup on it's the only thing I could see wrong in that scene and the movie ends and it zooms in on them hugging and you see this thing looks like a tattoo on the side of her neck but it's moving it kind of looks like Godzilla's regeneration it kind of doesn't I have a fan theory that Godzilla was after her when he came on land he literally bit the train she was on and when she was on the ground he was right behind her so they would turn and he would turn he was chasing her whether we knew it or not I think it's a pretty good idea I mean I don't think she got G cells from the blast she may have and for those of you that are not Godzilla fans those are the cells that Godzilla is made out of G cells so let me know what you think down below about that I think it's pretty interesting I I supremely uh think that's how it's going to go there's something about her maybe she's tied to Mathra uh who knows maybe she was exposed to something about the same time well no she would she would had to have been exposed to it before the bikini atol testing uh because that's when Godzilla was born and she was with uh Kochi at that point but overall I think this is the perfect Godzilla movie it could have used more Godzilla but who doesn't need more Godzilla everyone does less Godzilla would would not have worked I think they took their time and crafted an excellent movie I think this could be movie of the Year this is up there with Oppenheimer with me as far as movie quality now I am a Godzilla fan so I am biased if you think differently tell me down below but I give this movie a 10 out of 10 like I said everything was on point there was no holes in the plot there was no boring dialogue everything had a purpose you were well informed you didn't have to make anything up in your head other than like that little Theory crafting part right there which we don't know about that that's the next movie hopefully but I didn't have to justify to myself why a certain thing worked and a certain thing didn't I like the part where the community as a whole came together to defeat Godzilla was not the military uh it was a bunch of men and women working together as a very good message and I think that's a lot of what the problem is now we don't have a good message it's either a bad message or a political message or no message at all this actually has a good message in the movie we do see some humans go through some bad stuff and I'm kind of glad I got to see post World War II Japan as an American I always wondered about it um now I'm sure it wasn't a onetoone depiction or whatever but it's an interesting thing for me to look at I know we have Godzilla X Kong coming out I've seen some of the toys for that they don't look very good Godzilla with pink spikes no uh but yeah let me know what you think below that's what I got this is a 10 out of 10 I supremely enjoyed it I think it's movie of the year let's get some more stuff like this instead of the boring stuff we're getting now yall have a good one drop a like comment sub you know how it works [Music] later [Music] Chey is that [Music] you
Channel: WookieBeBad
Views: 19,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godzilla minus one, godzilla, godzilla minus one trailer, godzilla minus one review, godzilla news, godzilla x kong the new empire, godzilla x kong, new monster movies, godzilla minus one 2023, monarch legacy of monsters trailer, monster movies, movie review, takashi yamazaki, monsterverse, shin godzilla, gojira, theory, lore, ryunosuke kamiki, jurassic world, godzilla minus one atomic breath, godzilla minus one trailer reaction, godzilla minus one movie review, kaiju universe
Id: fox-KsRaIZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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