Celebrating Men - Godzilla Minus One

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[Music] this this film this film is the antidote if you are suffering from severe Hollywood sickness all the complaining we do the videos we make criticizing Disney Marvel Star Wars jeez Hollywood in general all the things that drive us crazy about modern Hollywood the bad writing the Bland characters who have completely flat story arcs the general lack of care and talent well this film this film Godzilla minus one this film doesn't have any of those current problems that are dragging modern Hollywood films and TV down into the gutter this film has no work agenda no Force diversity no latest social message bombardment just creative people making a great film with a great script Godzilla minus one also has that one thing that seems to go missing a lot in recent Hollywood monster movies and that is it's character-driven and the characters are so well written and portrayed that you could literally remove our big lizard friend here and you would still have a good film a film about the struggles of a returned serviceman returning home to the ruins of his former life and dealing with the shame of not being the hero he thought he should be Godzilla minus one is a film about what it is to be a man during times of Crisis the pressure to be brave to make sacrifices to provide and care all these things were explored in the this film yes a Godzilla film but there is one thing everyone is getting wrong about this film but we'll get to that later clickbait this is a film about being a man men are celebrated in this film we better warn the W tards and unlike a lot of the recent Marvel and all of the Disney Star Wars content let's not talk about that the characters in this film actually feel real they act in a real manner they speak in a real manner thanks to the help of some subtitles they have believable relationships and God forbid there is even a love story an element of Storytelling that Marvel and Lucas film have mostly removed in the fear of upsetting the latest attention seeking cancel group the characters in this film are allowed to have flaws and problems to overcome and learn from which is such a relief after watching so much of the Hollywood garbage race I can't and we haven't even got to the Lizard King yet and boy is it glorious when he turns up this Godzilla is a killing machine none of that overused sympathetic villain here this Godzilla is no Accidental Hero like the American Godzilla movies he doesn't save Humanity by fighting other monsters no this Godzilla is here to destroy and kill and let me tell you he is great at the destroying and killing part in this film you feel the power of Godzilla and the fear he brings unlike the Mindless explosions and and destruction you get a lot of the Hollywood big Blockbusters where the loss of human life is unimportant and glossed over here the human toll has gravity and we feel it it feels that lately Hollywood has forgotten how to ride truly scary monsters they always feel the bloody need to give them human emotions thankfully in this film the human emotions are saved for the humans where the monster they're just a killing force of nature quick break so I can help you set the mood at your house with the Galaxy project an awesome little device that will make your holiday special ever want to look up to the night sky but you don't want to leave the house well now you can with the amazing Galaxy projector this cool little device will transform any room into a planetarium and give it a truly unique look and feel and best of all it's a smart device set the RGB colors brightness rotation speed and onoff timers all from the app it's fully customizable it will also work with your Amazon Alexa or Google assistant so you can keep those hands free for the important things okay Google set the room to a maximum s deduction oh baby oh robot head I think my clothes just fell off and it's not just for the land room oh no this portable device can transform any room into the heavens the kitchen the bedroom even the bathroom the Galaxy projector is also energy efficient so you can sail through the Galaxy every night and not worry about those power bills and with Christmas Around the Corner the Galaxy projector makes the perfect gift who wouldn't want to be gifted the stars get your Galaxy projector by clicking the link below and use the discount code robothead to get 15 % off that really makes it a great holiday gift get the Galaxy projector this Christmas for yourself or a loved one and turn any room into the robo head Dreamland oh robote head take me to another Stratosphere the story for Godzilla minus one is set at the end of World War II and revolves around a kamakazi pilot who decided not to go through with the whole Human Sacrifice part of his job so already 5 minutes in we have an interesting character a guy that must deal with the fact that in his culture he's going to be considered a coward that has led his country down in a war that his country just lost his journey to find some type of peace is moved Along by all the people he meets in his journeys from his fellow soldiers to the people in the destroyed town he calls home all of the characters around him have their own story they have their own story arcs to move through our Pilot's neighbor has a better story and gives a better performance than most of the leads you will get out of modern Hollywood these days and she's just one of many our pilot meets a young woman a baby and a team of new work colleagues and all of them are interesting and by the end of the film we care about all of them we want every single one of them to survive which is the opposite of what we normally feel in these type of movies usually we're on the monster side there are story elements dealing with love loss bravery dignity and what it is to be a man which his work colleagues really try and help him with but not in the Hollywood cliched way they want him to be happy but they're happy to point out when he's getting it wrong all of the relationships in this film were written by someone who actually understands people the relationships have depth the characters haven't been written to teach the audience a lesson in the latest Twitter social Trend they all written for us to feel something about human relationships you really feel that the Godzilla minus one filmmakers really want to entertain Their audience which is what good film making should be all about weird concept I know there's also some nice insight into how the Japanese View the war and their part in it as well as how their soldiers were treated by their own government yes all of this in a monster film and there's another thing that was good that's right the big lizard who combined with the sound design and the amazing score rocks this character-driven monster story is so good that every time Godzilla turns up the excitement level Peaks because the film got us to care about the characters all of them and we're on their side not Godzilla for a change but there's something that everyone 's getting wrong about this film clickit there's been a lot of talk regarding the production cost of this film $15 million us to be precise and how this film looks amazing for the money spent but I don't agree with that because this film looks fantastic regardless of how much money was spent I was more captured by the look of this film than I've been by any other film for a long time for me tangible models and sets look far more cinematic than CGI overloaded film making which ends up looking more like a video game now that might have more to do with the films I grew up with and might brain connecting more with models that actually exist but I can't help it I loved how this film looked you just can't beat well done practical effects mixed with good CGI and the CGI in this film is used in a way that resembles doing it practically which lets your brain go with it and I'm a sucker for a good monster attacking train scene I think that goes all the way back to when robot father showed a young robot head the 1976 King Kong that train scene set this little robot head off on my journey of monster love that King Kong film taught the young robote head quite a few things about [Music] life I also believe that problem solving drives creativity when you haven't got endless money to throw at ideas and problems you have to be smart and creative and that's just what they did here quick update the director just said that it didn't even cost 15 million he was Ed is saying I wish it were that much take note of that Disney you money laundering scammers the director tekashi yamazaki who also wrote the film as well as working on the special effects sure you did enough there buddy has stated that he would love to do a Star Wars movie as Star Wars is the reason he got into film making imagine if Disney would let someone like this just go off with a small budget and do their own thing who knows what we would get but instead we have dayon blowing $250 million on a SOA God help us so don't wish for big dumb movies wish for big smart movies wish for more films like Godzilla minus one because you can have both monsters and a good story and go see it at the cinema [Music] [Music]
Channel: Robot Head
Views: 163,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godzilla minus one godzilla minus one 2023, godzilla, mothra, king ghidorah, anguirus, rodan, mechagodzilla, mecha-king ghidorah, minilla, hedorah, ebirah, kamacuras, megalon, jet jaguar, titanosaurus, biollante, gigan, gabara, king caesar, varan, kumonga, manda, battra, gorosaurus, baragon, spacegodzilla, orga, zilla, baby godzilla, moguera, destoroyah, megaguirus, monster x, kaiju, godzillasaurus, godzilla jr, kaizer ghidorah, little godzilla, shin godzilla, gojira
Id: T1UsfQZW8pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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