Godzilla: KING of the MONSTERS LAMP [Scratch Build RESIN FREE Diorama]

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[Music] i don't know why but youtube thought it was reasonable for me to watch all of the godzilla king of the monsters trailers in rapid succession and there's the one where he does his little rebirth thing where he bursts out of the ocean and then fires his laser fire blue bean thing up into the sky and that's an awesome scene and i really thought that that would make a cool lamp so that's what we're making here i also wanted to make sure that my godzilla was similar to that one because it's the first time that hollywood has made godzilla look as close to the original sort of um guy in a fat lizard suit as opposed to it being some sort of t-rex-esque dinosaur so i much prefer this one which is why i was happy to see that this was the trailer recommended to me so basically all i've done is i got a 3d model of one of the toys i think was like a hasbro toy or something like that and printed out a front facing view and a side view and then i was able to make my armature off of that which is just my standard aluminium build the super scopy regular clay seemed to be the best option because it sticks really well and i'm not too concerned about small details and then you just coat the whole body in it at this point i'm working on his head which i made like a oval shape cut it down the middle to make the top and the bottom and then squished it on the top i realized that his head was far too large so i just kind of pulled pieces off until it seemed about the right size so this is about half the size of the original head i started with and i accidentally squished it into a really good shape so at this point all i need to do is start to refine the features i find with anything like this because it's small enough that my fingers too big but big enough that using like the really fine detail tools i have they tend to cut and stab versus actually like smoothing things over so just the back end of one of my ball styluses tends to work the best so you can see i use that a lot to smooth things out it doesn't stick so you can get really nice blending in and then of course i've got the other side to do any of the finer details once i've got his face sort of set up then i could start making my reptilian skin fold sag things and refining the shape of the head i wanted to make the head first so that i could work from the top down then it's on to his body and as i said he is a chunky boy so i ended up using almost an entire pack of the super sculpey just to make him appropriately fat [Music] because he's a big chunky boy and he's walking around with a fairly substantial uh upper weight girth he's going to need to have big thick strong legs so we're gonna just slather on a whole bunch of sculpey and make those legs as chunky as the rest of them then we need to work on his spine and his tail so a nice big blob down the back of it and smooth it all out blend it in and then once i've got everything sort of blended in i can start working on the details for his tail i wanted like a scaled sort of armored slat kind of thing so i just rolled out some really thin sculpey on my thinnest pasta press setting cut it into strips and then just worked my way down the entirety of his tail i've done this a lot in the past to make sort of the scaled armor on creatures like these and it works really well and it also lets you add a lot of detail into it so once i've actually got the body sort of set up i come back through with my clay shaper to sort of chop some texture into it and then refine all those edges so they're obviously sharp and sort of individual slats [Music] i use the plastic over top of his skin because i don't want to actually make any like sharp knife cuts into him and the plastic lets me use some of my tools to make sort of skin folds without any obvious jagged lines so i don't need to worry about cutting the sculpey so much as just pressing it into place this works really well and you see a lot of sculptors do it but no one ever explains really why you do it and that's why you do it it also means you're not going to be pressing fingerprints into things so that's always handy to not have to worry about in the future i wasn't sure how i was going to do his body texture because i knew i wanted all the sort of fat rolls to be showing up his skin rolls to be showing up there's sections where he's got like a a scaly texture covering a fair portion of his body so i started just doing little golf ball divots and then opted to add little beads on top and then flatten them out a little bit that ended up looking the best so i do that all over his legs trying to keep in line with where i've put his leg rolls [Music] and then once i've got that i can come back through with the end of my scalpel and refine those uh those chunky leg rolls the astute observer will notice that he doesn't have any arms yet so i wanted to add the arms afterwards but i need to figure out where they're going to go so i've kind of traced out this section on his body where i'm going to slap the arms on afterwards and then it's time to work on his like chest carapace sort of thing he's got kind of a weird it's almost like a i don't know why he's got like pec muscles and that sort of thing um but i gave him muscles anyway so he's got like a weird reptile six-pack and i'm just using the end of my tool again to give it like sort of a striated muscle into where his shoulders and his neck is being thrown back i was originally going to make his arms on little armature wire and then attach that and build it out and i realized it's kind of a pain in the ass because it's hard to stick this stuff just to a single piece of wire so i rolled out a couple little sausages and then just started pinching pinching little fingers out of it to make a tiny little adorable simpson-esque hand and then come back through the tool to give it some kind of life well not life like it's godzilla but a little bit more realistic texture as far as what i would expect a large amphibious dinosaur thing that shoots fire to look like once i got two arms made making sure not to make two left arms two right arms attach both of those arms into their respective pre-designated arm slot positions and then uh start to add these little bally dealies to give it a bit of texture and make it a little bit more reptilian then it was on to figuring how i wanted his arms do i want them out like little t-rex arms like he usually has or because he's shooting up into the sky do i want to have like uh willem dafoe at the end of platoon or how do i want to do it but i opted for kind of halfway between so he's got like the praising the heavens thing as he shoots up into the sky but they're not quite so aggressive then it's on to making his spikes his spikes were simple and straightforward but god they took forever i did this basically the same way as i did all the fingers for the arms in that you roll out a big piece flatten it and then just pinch and roll each little spikes out it wasn't so bad at this point and then i remembered that he's got like three rows of the goddamn things so i have to go back and make twice as many again and attach them all on but through the power of editing you don't have to watch me do that because it was just as fun to do the first one as it was to do the last one with that finished it is now time to get started on the base and it is going to be an ocean i'd hummed and hot about making it out of resin but i wanted like some nice big waves so i figured it would be fun to try something different and i've seen a few different channels and makers and creators and builders do it out of aluminium and glue so i've rolled up a whole bunch of little pieces of leftover aluminium i had lying about and then it's just a case of sticking those onto the board in kind of haphazard ways there was not a whole lot of planning to this i just knew that i wanted it to be everywhere so a little hot glue to hold all these pieces down and then once i've got them all secured in place i'm going to go over the entire thing with a thick layer of white glue or mod podge i just use mod podge in this case because it was what was on hand white glue would work just as well or any glue that will hold firm and won't uh it won't dry up while you're trying to do it hot glue is not the best option just because it's gonna dry it's gonna cool down before you can actually apply the top layer onto it so the reason i covered the entire thing in glue is because i want to go over the whole surface with a single sheet of aluminium what this will do is it will cover all those little pieces i had so there aren't quite so many sharp random sort of edges on it and it will make it one solid piece so that i haven't got any obvious things sticking out and then the last step before we get on to painting is to cover it again in another coat of white glue or mod podge or whatever it is you have on hand this serves three purposes one it gives it a nice firm coat so that it holds it all in place you don't need to worry about it falling off two is that it's gonna soften some of those edges so that they aren't quite so sharp and three it'll allow the paint to adhere to it because paint's not going to stick to aluminium at all so you need something for it to stick to it sticks pretty well to mod podge so that seems to work pretty good as a surface and then we're on to the painting so the base coat is all in white so i'll cover the entire thing in a basic white spray and then come back through with a dark c blue i say dark c blue but really i just took the blue i had and mixed it with some green so that it was a nice dark sort of murky oceany color and then it's going really ham in all the lower sections so i want to highlight what the deep parts will be in this really dark and then come back through with a slightly greener but still blue to highlight where the waves will start to come up out of the bottom then the final step is adding my lighter blue just onto the edges where it's going to start to reach the top then once i've done that the final stage as far as the water is concerned will be adding a clear coat so this is the vallejo polyurethane spray and i think i did about four coats before it was finished beauty of this is that it really starts to make it look like water it's not dull and flat and it also protects it obviously it's polyurethane so it's a lot stronger than just having the paint on it so then we're on to painting gojira himself so a black undercoat to just basically cover up that horrifying flesh color that is super sculpey regular and then i will start to add some greens in so start with a really dark green and blend that into the black a little bit and then add a little bit lighter green going throughout i didn't want to go too light because i still want him to be mostly black but i did want him to have sort of a greenish tint to him because he is a reptile i also went over it with a nice sort of light watery blue dry brush for no other reason then i thought it would look nice and you know what it does look nice it's also pretty much invisible once it dries you can't see it at all so it's kind of like a a nice surprise for the astute observer now i wanted to try something different with his spike so when he fires his little flamey thing up in the sky his spikes light up but i didn't have to put a bunch of little individual leds into it because the sculpting of that would be a bloody nightmare so i opted to use some glow-in-the-dark pigment which i had lying around the stuff is sort of as you can see like an off-white when it's dry and then when you shine some uv on it it turns into this nice fluorescent blue i tried mixing it with mod podge to see how it works and whether it would dry translucent or it would look snowy uh fortunately it kind of turned out pretty well i went back over it with a black dry brush to cover up the majority of it once it gets a little uv light it looks pretty good now for the actual flame itself i had some of these brilliant blue led strips lying around so i took a couple of them and wired them up to just a battery pack which put on the underside and then i jammed it down his throat i took a big drill bit and just drilled a hole straight down through his throat out his bottom which will hide the cable and i can run it down through the oceany under layer and then to make the flames i'm just going to do the old cotton ball trick where i hot glue the lights with some cotton ball and then stretch it out attach it all the way around and then tweeze it so it's got sort of a nice flame bally effect to it [Music] [Music] and then once you light those blue leds up underneath it looks it looks pretty sharp i'm pretty pleased with that i just use a little bit of hot glue to attach godzilla onto the base once i'd run the cables from his bum down through the base of it and then the last thing we really need to work on is filling in the gaps where he's sitting so i took some high gloss thick gel acrylic medium here which is used for mostly it's used for painters that sort of thing but it dries translucent and you won't even really notice it's there except for building it up so it won't be this obvious white um and then i'll spread that around and then come back through with a little bit of cotton ball cotton i guess um to add the water spray from sort of his movement it's a time-consuming process but if you take your time and you make sure that all looks good it will look great i know that's not much of a statement if you take your time to make sure it looks good it'll look good but you know do it anyways just just do it humor me then the final step for the water is to go through with a nice white and highlight basically all the edges of the waves sort of where they're breaking over this is going to make them stand out really nicely and it's also going to separate each of those pieces from the other sort of wave that's coming up go a little bit thicker on top and then once i've gone through and covered all the ridges a very very very dry brush over all of the little nooks and crannies and dips and that will highlight a lot of the waves as well then the only thing left to do will be to add a black frame around the outside of it and i think we're ready to call this one finished [Music] as always thanks for taking the time to watch the video if you liked what you saw and you want to see more of it hit that subscribe button little notification icon will let you know when another one of these drops and i've got some fun ideas coming up so until next time we'll uh we'll see you later cheers [Music] [Music] you
Channel: North of the Border
Views: 520,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godzilla, Kaiju, King of the Monsters, Godzilla 2021, Godzilla vs King Kong, DIY Lamp, Godzilla Lamp, How to sculpt Godzilla, Godzilla Kind of the monster Diorama, Aluminum Water, Aluminium Water, LED Lamp, How to sculpt monsters, how to make a lamp, LED fire effects, Cotton ball fire, Godzilla Breath, Godzilla Atomic Breath
Id: XQI0yTksMG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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