God's Will for One's Life

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to Ephesians we'll get started there and actually go to first Timothy too well we'll go there first first Timothy chapter 2 well thank you for this assembly we thank you for a new year we thank you most of all for Jesus Christ's death on the cross for our sins we thank you that he paid the full penalty that we deserved we thank you that salvation is a free gift that we can have simply by trusting what your son did for us and it's in his holy name that we pray amen what if started first Timothy 2 because people sometimes start with the most basic question what does God want me to do with my life I don't know if you've ever asked that and if you ever been at that point in life or what you do is you say what's the meaning of all this right the world is so complicated and there's so many things that demand your attention and life is busy what's the point of it all what is it that God would have us to do look with me at first Timothy chapter 2 look at verse 3 and we'll give you the Bible's basic answer to that question for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who will hears God's will there's two things that God specifically wills in this first number one have all men to be saved and two to come unto the knowledge of the truth you wanted to sum up God's will for your life in just a simple sentence that's that God once you have first to be saved and then he wants you to come under the knowledge of the truth and we'll talk about eat what each one of those means get with me Ephesians chapter 2 Ephesians chapter 2 the first thing we're going to look at is what's the gospel how do you get saved what do you need to do and I'll tell you that the basic misconception that people have is people think that the way they go to heaven is through some dramatic effort that I have to do this I have to go be a missionary I have to quit all my sins I have to turn over a new leaf I have to just behave a lot better than I have last time with the Bible says look at Ephesians 2 verse 8 for by grace the word grace means unmerited favor in other words it's a blessing that you don't deserve you didn't earn it for by grace are you saved through faith faith is simply belief you don't need to move any muscles to have faith all you can do you can stand there motionless but in your inner man trust something and that's what faith is for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it's not your list of accomplishments not your effort it is the gift of God you don't work for again and then notice verse 9 not of works lest any man should boast so do works have anything to do with your salvation the answer is no what happens is this throughout Christendom people are convinced that works are necessary for their salvation and Ephesians 2:8 9 says the exact opposite it specifically says that salvation is not of works now in a little bit we'll get to the role works play in your life works or a good thing to do but they're just not relevant to your salvation okay the truth of the matter is this you're saved in an instant in a moment of time when you believe the gospel when you have faith in what Christ did for you it's not a process it's not a lengthy period of time it's when you realize I'm a sinner I am guilty I deserve to pay for my sins there is the help there really is and I will go there accept Christ paid the penalty for my sins and when I have faith in what he did god saves me look with me at 1st Corinthians chapter 15 first Corinthians chapter 15 first Corinthians chapter 15 moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel the word gospel simply means good news look at verse 3 for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures the gospel is set forth in those two verses it's very straightforward Christ died for our sins was buried and rose again the third day there is nothing in the gospel that says oh but you also got to get water baptized but you also need to start tithing but you also need to start living by the golden rule but you also need to fulfill the Sermon on the Mount there's none of that the gospel is 100% what Christ did Christ died for our sins Christ was buried Christ rose again the third day all that God wants us to do is to have faith in what Christ did for us the moment that we have that safety instant that we trust what Christ did for us were saved eternally get with me Romans 11 if you would I don't know about your experience I can tell you mine when I've had conversations with people about the gospel a question that sometimes comes up is if you were to die today and God were to say why should I let you into my heaven what would you say and what's fascinating was what people say about that the most typical thing that they'll do is they'll tell you something they've done when I've asked people that question they'll say I've been baptized I'll say well I already have a church I've been confirmed they say all sorts of different things but if you notice each of those responses it's a work that they did I've been baptized I've joined a church I have church and whatever it is Ephesians 2 told us it was not of works so people answer the question with the work because they think it's a work there's something they have to do to earn it but you can't earn it God wants you to accept it by grace by simply having faith in his son that's what he wants you to do look with me at Romans 11 verse 6 Romans 11 verse 6 and if by grace then is it no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace but if it be of works then is it no more grace otherwise work is no more work in other words grace and works are incompatible there aren't they you're either saved 100% by grace or you're saved 100% by works but Romans 11:6 says you can't mix them right and if by grace then is it no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace but if it be of works then is it no more grace otherwise work is no more work the reason I say that is people so often say well it can't be that simple you mean all I have to do is have faith in what Christ did for me and he'll save me yes that's exactly what the scriptures say the moment you trust Christ then you trust the blood that He shed for you on the cross the moment you do that God's naves you it is that simple now by the way think of it this way when Christ was on the cross and said it is finished he made the full and complete payment for your sins God didn't say well Jesus that was 99% good but someone else needs to get water baptized and then that'll beat my standard of righteousness that's not the way that it works what Christ did was fully sufficient to satisfy God the Father and all God wants you to do is to trust what Christ did look with me then at 1st Corinthians 3 now you may have something in the back of your mind that's nagging at you and so I want to deal with this so let's say you heard what I just said and you believe you said we'll wait a minute so if salvation is a free gift and all I have to do is have faith in Christ then that means that I can have faith in Christ but I can continue to live the exact way I'm living and still be saved and the answer is yes you can because salvation is not of works now what you may then say is we'll wait a minute so does that mean that someone that gets saved but lives a horrible life are they treated the same way as someone that gets saved and leads a Christ honoring life they're not look at first Corinthians 3 first Corinthians 3 verse 10 according to the grace of God which is given unto me the me there is Paul because he's the the author of first Corinthians which has given unto me as a wise masterbuilder I have laid the foundation and another buildeth thereon but let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon for other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ so what Paul says in that verse is he's the wise masterbuilder he laid the foundation who did he say the foundation was Jesus Christ so can you build upon any other foundation no any other foundation is completely and utterly worthless the only foundation that's worth anything is Christ now notice verse 12 now if any man build upon this foundation gold silver precious stones wood hay stubble every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is so the foundation is Jesus Christ you can't build on anything else but you can choose how you build upon the foundation you can choose what materials you use you can choose gold silver precious stones wood hay and stubble but what will it be tested by fire so does it matter what you build with sure you know that from very important literary work you may have read when you were little called the three little pigs right does the building material matter of course it does so look with me at verse 14 if any man's work abide which he has built thereupon so what did that person have to build with gold silver precious stones right something that would survive the fire if any man's work abide which he has built thereupon he shall receive a reward there's a reward building with the right material verse 15 if any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss the loss in that verse is loss of reward which is the subject of verse 14 it's not loss of salvation how do I know that what does the next phrase say but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire so let's make sure we understand what first Corinthians 3 is telling us what we saw earlier is the gospel is such that you get saved in a moment when you believe the gospel when you believe Christ died for your sins was buried rose again the third day you are saved that very instant you can never lose it but what then happens is this you choose how the rest of your life goes you get to make decisions on a daily basis about what you do and what you don't do and when you build with gold silver precious stones you receive a reward hallelujah when you build with wood hay and stubble you suffer loss of reward but do you lose your salvation you don't on the basis of 1st Corinthians 3 verse 15 okay give me Ephesians 1 you Ephesians chapter 1 look at verse 13 in whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that ye believed you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory so what does that all mean well let's just take it step by step and make sure we understand it in whom ye also trusted in other words what God expects you to do is when you hear the gospel he expects you to trust Christ to trust what Christ did for you on the cross they trusted it after they heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation now then notice this in whom after that ye believed you were sealed with that holy spirit of promise so here's what happens when you believe the gospel and you believe Christ died for your sins was buried rose again the third day the Holy Spirit seals you now that's profound give me a list if you would of everything in the universe that is strong enough to break the seal of the Holy Spirit nothing right Satan can't I mean just by the way just so we're clear Satan was a created being right God spoke him into existence he could speak him out if you wanted to right Satan can't interfere with anything the Holy Spirit's wanting to do if the Holy Spirit has decided to seal something then it's sealed that's it there's no you know your personal opinions and preferences really don't have much to do with anything on the matter right and what verse 13 is saying is that after you believed the Holy Spirit sealed you now that should be comforting because here's what that means the reason you can't lose your salvation is not because you're so wonderful you always do the right thing no it's not that if the Holy Spirit is sealed you and nothing can break that seal look at verse 14 which is the earnest of our inheritance we don't use the word earnest a lot today but here's what it simply means when you buy something large like a house or a car you will frequently put down earnest money which is money you put down as a guarantee that you will complete the transaction we now call that a down payment used to be called earnest money what verse 14 is saying if you pay careful attention to what it's saying is the Holy Spirit was given to us as an earnest as a guarantee of what God is ultimately going to accomplish enough so think about that for a minute with me if you put down a down payment and you back out of the transaction what risk do you face you might lose the downpayment right so how many times does God the Father start a transaction give the Holy Spirit as a down payment and then say oh wow change of plans I got to do something else well sure I'll forfeit the Holy Spirit but that's no big deal because you know I can get another that's not the way that it works how many times is God purposed something and then have to change his mind because he learned something new we didn't know it's absurd right the fact that God gave you the Holy Spirit was a guarantee of it's already done I know where your end destiny is it's with me I'm not worried about having to give up the Holy Spirit so what verse 13 and 14 should do for you is they should give you comfort that what happened to you is the moment you believed you were sealed your salvation is resolved eternally will not change cannot change what require God to violate the terms of his word which he is not going to do okay that should comfort you so turn with me if you would to second Timothy chapter 2 now as we're turning there let me just wrap up with with this section and say this the gospel is really really simple Christ died for your sins if you trust the blood that He shed for your sins God saves you in that instant and the problem is here's what we do we think you know I'm okay I'm not that bad a person I'm a good person I'm more good than bad here's the deal God's standard is perfect total righteousness and against that standard we are all miserable failures and we need to just quit lying to ourselves about it we can't gotta quit think well I'm gonna get better I'm a good person no no that's gonna satisfy the Justice of God what satisfies the Justice of God is what Christ did and what God wants you to do is just the trust what he did for you the moment you do that god saves you it's that simple now we talked remember how we started in first Timothy to God's will his first will was that all men be saved and then the second thing was that we come unto the knowledge of the tree so I want to talk about the second part they're coming under the knowledge of the truth look at me at 2nd Timothy 2 verse 15 study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth what I now want to look at is there are some principles God has put in the Bible to help us come to the knowledge of the truth and those principles explain how to rightly divide God's word there are divisions within it so let me give you an example get with me Genesis 1 and Genesis 9 Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 verse 29 and God said behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth and every tree in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you it shall be for meat now the word meat we sometimes use the word meet today to refer to animals the word meat can also refer to just any sort of food it doesn't have to be animal flesh and when you read Genesis 1:29 with Huglin every herb bearing seed it's clear that in Genesis 1:29 the instruction is to eat a vegetarian diet right there's no animals that are mentioned in that verse get Genesis chapter 9 Genesis chapter 9 verse 3 Genesis 9:3 every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you even as the green herb have I given you all things Genesis 9 in Genesis 1 don't say the same thing do they Genesis 1 was vegetarian Genesis 9 says every moving thing that liveth now what this illustrates is this the Bible never contradicts itself but the Bible does say different things to different people at different times Genesis 1 was addressed to Adam Genesis 9 was addressed to Noah 1600 years later Genesis 9 is not a contradiction of Genesis 1 it's written to a different person at a different point in time and what I want you to just notice is this the Bible starts from creation and goes all the way through to the end of time God never contradicts himself but he gives different people different instructions at different points in time so for example if you were to read Leviticus 11 it's going to say there are some clean animals and there are some unclean animals but did you read Genesis 9:3 every moving thing that liveth well that's different from Leviticus 11 and what happened is here's one set of instructions here's another set of instructions here's a third set of instructions it's not that any of them are wrong they're all true to whom they are given so the most important thing for us to do is to figure out which section of the Bible is written specifically to us get with me if you would Matthew chapter 10 you what is commonly thought by folks today is that the entire New Testament is written to us but let's look and see whether that's true Matthew 10 verse 5 these twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them saying go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any city the Samaritans enter ye not but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel when Jesus Christ sends out the Twelve Apostles Peter and James and John and so on in Matthew chapter 10 he specifically tells them don't go to the Gentiles look with me at Matthew 15 most of us here in this room today are Gentiles Matthew chapter 15 notice verse 22 and behold a woman of Canaan so this this woman is a Gentile came out of the same coasts and cried unto him saying have mercy on me O Lord thou son of David my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil but he answered her not a word that interesting she comes up to the Lord says my daughter's been vexed with the devil can you help he doesn't answer her and his disciples came and besought him saying send her away for she crieth after all she can't get the Lord to help her so she goes to the twelve and says hey make him help me make him help me they go to him and say would you please do something about this she's driving us crazy notice what the Lord says in verse 24 but he answered and said I am NOT sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel essentially saying I can't help you verse 25 then came she and worshipped him saying lord help me but he answered and said it is not meat it's not fitting to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs I think carefully about what he just said there what he's saying of course is that the Gentile woman is a dog he's not doing it in an insulting way he's not doing anything there that is sinful but what he's saying is there's a difference between the children and the dogs aren't there I know some people get that confused today but there is actually a difference right and it's not fitting to take the children's bread and to cast it to the dogs notice verse 27 and she said truth Lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table then jesus answered and said unto her o woman great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt let's make sure we understand what's going on in that passage in Genesis 12 right after the Tower of Babel so maybe let's rewind just for a minute in Genesis 11 man builds the tower Babel man says we're going to stay in one place we're gonna have one government and we're gonna build a tower into heaven and God looks at man's heart and decides if I leave these folks all together unified like this they're gonna just create untold problems so what God does is he confounds the languages he creates the different nations of the earth after he creates those nations he picks one particular person he picks Abram he calls Abram out of ur of the counties and says I'm gonna make a great nation of you and what you see here Gentiles are down here Israel had an elevated position was Israel God's chosen people in time path absolutely now people sometimes think well that ended after the close of the Old Testament well no it didn't right when we read Matthew 10 when we were at Matthew 15 it's clear that Israel was still God chosen people these are the children and these are the what the dogs according to Matthew 15 that distinction was still in place now look with me at Ephesians chapter 2 Ephesians chapter 2 verse 11 bless you wherefore remember that ye being in time past just so you notice Ephesians 2 is talking about time path it's the past that being in time past Gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands notice verse 12 that at that time you were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world do the Gentiles in time past have kind of a problem they do there are aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel they're down here they're not up here they're aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel therefore they're strangers from the covenants of promise they're without Christ they're without hope they're without God in the world all of that is an enormous problem but read verse 13 but now that's the time period in which we live in but now but now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off that's what the Gentiles were our made nigh by the blood of Christ see there's an amazing change that's taken place this middle wall of partition that separated Jew and Gentile has been taken away and now they have the same level equality there's no difference today between Jew and Gentile get with me Romans chapter 11 Romans chapter 11 now as we as we begin to look at Romans 11 I want to just remind you the word apostle means one who is sent so when you read about the Twelve Apostles or you read about the Apostle Paul the word apostle means someone who is sent so look with me at Romans 11 verse 13 for I speak to you Gentiles as Romans 11 sound like Matthew 10 and Matthew 15 it doesn't does it remember how Christ answered her not a word for I speak to you Gentiles in as much as I am the apostle of the Gentiles I magnify my office when Paul says in verse 13 that he's the Apostle the Gentiles what he's saying is I am sent to the Gentiles I'm the Apostle that was sent to them if you recall in Matthew 10 Christ said go not into the way of the Gentile what that tells you is that Peters ministry and Paul's ministry are fundamentally different get with me Galatians 2 Galatians chapter 2 verse 7 one of the things that people are often taught they're taught that today we're saved looking backward to the cross just as in the past everyone was saved looking forward to the cross there's no verse it says that there also taught there's only one gospel throughout time everyone who has ever been saved is saved by the same gospel Luke me at Galatians chapter 2 verse 7 but contrariwise when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me Paul as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter so here's the hardest question of the day are you ready our circumcision and uncircumcision the same thing they're sort of different in fact they're opposites aren't they what is the prefix son mean not so circumcision and not circumcision obviously are different right now here's the point what Galatians 2 does it says that Paul had the gospel of the uncircumcision Peter had the gospel the circumcision and if words should mean anything they had different Gospels right now there are some elements that they preached that were similar but to say that they're the same just ignores the words on the page is there more than one gospel in the Bible yes there is because there's more than one item of good news in the Bible so what's critical for us is to understand who's our apostle today what part of the Bible is written to us well our apostle is the Apostle Paul he wrote Romans to Philemon and that's the part that is specifically addressed to us get Ephesians chapter 3 verse well it will look at verse 1 and I'll just say this as we begin this passage Ephesians 3 is one of those passages where if you grasp what it's saying it will make the Bible very clear if you fail to grasp what it's saying the Bible will be extremely confusing to you so look with me at Ephesians three and I'll tell you what I think this passage will prove Ephesians three demonstrates beyond doubt that Paul received new revelation different from Peter and the twelve so look at verse one for this cause i paul the prisoner of jesus christ for you gentiles notice even that it says for you gentiles could Peter have said that Matthew 10 go not into the way of the Gentiles verse 2 if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which has given me to you word one of the things that's commonly said about dispensationalism is that it didn't exist and it was invented in the 1800s well you can see the word there in Ephesians 3 - and it's been there for a long long time ever since the Holy Spirit wrote the original scriptures so notice verse 2 the dispensation of grace was given to a particular person who was given to Paul it says it is given me to you word it was given to Paul not just so he could put in a safe deposit box and store it but for him to distribute verse 3 how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery let me tell you the error that I'm trying to refute what people typically say is Peter and Paul were preaching the exact same thing that's what's typically said and so what people do is they take the whole New Testament they take Matthew Mark Luke and John the Gospels they take Paul's writings they take Hebrews to Revelation they say they're all saying the same thing because they believe that Peters gospel and Paul's gospel in the sing but when we were in Galatians 2 didn't it tell you that they had different Gospels one had the gospel of the circumcision and one had the gospel of the uncircumcision well if they had different Gospels than their messages are different but notice what Ephesians 3:3 says how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery now think with me if you would when Paul's on the road to Damascus what's the reason Paul's going to Damascus he's persecuting the church does Paul know what the church believes yes that's why he's persecuting them right verse 3 says how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery let me ask the question this way did Paul need revelation from God to know what Peter was teaching or did Paul already know and that's why he was persecuting the church see he already knew it Paul didn't need a vision on the road to Damascus to say hey Paul I want you to teach the same thing Peter's doing that would there would be no point to that because he already knew what Peter was preaching that in fact what Paul was doing was persecuting the church because of Peters preaching you follow me so if he got revelation it had to be different it couldn't be the same thing how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery now look at verse 5 and if you want to say that Peter and Paul are teaching the same thing what do you do with this verse which II and other ages was not made known so the content of Paul's preaching was it known prior to him not according to verse 5 look at verse 6 that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs is that what Jesus Christ said in Matthew 15 when he called the woman of Cana and the dog didn't say she was a fellow heir he said if I were help you we would be like taking the children's bread and casting it to dogs they weren't fella where's then because that was time past right Gentiles were without hope then they were aliens from the common with those strangers from coming to promise it was different from what it is today they weren't fellow heirs verse eight and to me who am less than the least of All Saints is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentile Peter couldn't have said that the unsearchable riches of Christ notice verse nine and to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery now notice this next phrase which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God so this mystery that Paul taught where was it from the beginning of the world it was hid and where was it hid it was hidden God doesn't say it was hid in the Old Testament doesn't say it was hid in the scriptures it was hitting God now I realize that what happens in life is when men have secrets they get told don't they that's just the way that it works but if God had something it stayed hidden until it was revealed what that demonstrates is that the content of Paul's teaching was different it wasn't the same as Peters God gave him a specific message Jew and Gentile fellow heirs in the same body okay now here's what Ephesians 3 does before going on what it does is it shows you that if you would if you come to the New Testament and you say Matthew Mark Luke and John Hebrews to Revelation Paul's epistles they're all the same thing and I can just make them all fit together what you're having to do is you're having to squish things together not the same the right way to understand it is to understand there are there's different content there written to different people at different times and then you can let it say exactly what it says you don't have to change it I don't know if you've you've heard this for sure if you listen to radio but you ever hear radio and people say well a better rendering of that verse would be the original Greek says and what they do is they want to change the English text to match what they think it should say well I will tell you a much better thing to do is this to simply let it say what it says to whom it is said right let me ask you this which is harder to do to speak the universe into existence or preserve a book for a couple thousand years which one's harder right it's pretty hard to create the universe so far only one person has done it right what happens though with Christians is they often think well you know errors have crept in God didn't preserve it exactly right and so we're having to recreate the original and all that stuff that's that's sort of silly talk right if God spoke everything that exists into existence do you think he can keep track of where his word is yes he can and so you have the word in the King James Bible exactly as you should have it and you need to believe it not fix it not try to correct it not try to change it it's exactly the way it should be you just need to rightly divide it as God told you alright get with me 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 and we'll go ahead and we'll wrap up here what we've seen is salvation is is simple today salvation is Christ died for our sins was Brad Rhodes getting the third day you get saved in a moment when you believe the gospel and by the way don't don't go driving on the road without being saved that's the bad decision right I don't you've seen but like people drive like maniacs right so don't go don't go driving on the road without having resolved your eternal destiny by trusting in Christ and the second thing we saw that you need to understand is your apostle for today is Paul if you want understand the Bible when I understand the Bible is true read the whole thing but the part that is specifically addressed to us today is written by the Apostle Paul and I want to just show you your future destiny here here's first Thessalonians 4 verse 13 but I would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep that that in other words dead that you sorrow not as even others which have no hope maybe you've been at funerals before of people that are lost that's a very sobering thing right because as bad as this world is it's great compared to the alternative not being saved and so when you when you're at funerals like that there's true sorrow there because there's no hope right things just gotten worse verse 14 for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him what that's a reference to is this at the catching up of the body of Christ what happened as the Lord returns for the for the church and when he does he brings those Saints that have that have already died with him verse 15 for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain there'll be some Saints that are still living which are alive and remain unto the coming Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God that's the sounding of a trumpet and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord you know one of the great things many of you happen to experience this yet but you will is you know what happens to these bodies they just get worse and worse don't think they age and they deteriorate I was thinking I was thinking bout this today you notice how what happens over time that your body continually collects new scars right and the scars don't go away but over time you add new ones guess what would happen if you lived in this body for say ten thousand years you know what you'd be covered in you'd be a big mess right and it wouldn't feel too good but praise the Lord here's what happens your future is this God did not design for you to stay in the body you have forever and isn't that great what will happen is at the catching up of the body of Christ the Saints that are still alive will be caught up first Corinthians 15 says you'll get a spiritual body you'll get a body that's designed to function in the heavenly places and what you'll do then is you'll meet your deceased loved ones in the air and then you'll be taken into heaven get with me Ephesians 1 if you would Ephesians 1 and I guess there's one thing I want to address here I realize there's people on TV to say God wants you healthy wealthy and wise and if you just send them a nice check all the problems in your life will be solved well that's just not the way it works folks and people that have the gift of healing today I noticed that none of them go to pediatric cancer centers probably a coincidence now they don't because they can't heal them right and the reason why they can't heal them is because of Ephesians 1:3 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ now notice this who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ when you got saved what God did is he promised you he guaranteed you all spiritual blessings in heavenly places he didn't guarantee you all carnal blessings are all financial blessings are all earthly blessings life on this earth can be a mess okay it's filled with sickness and disease and heartbreak and all kinds of problems but this life how long does it last it's just a blip in the light of eternity we have a glorious future that awaits us in heaven hallelujah the most important thing is just to resolve that you're going there because Christ did at all when he died on the cross for your sins amen father thank you for this time that we have thank you for the Saints we thank you for your word that you have preserved for us that it's perfect it's without error we can rely upon it and trust it fully we thank you for all this in Jesus name Amen gave the
Channel: Columbus Bible Church
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Id: IIuyjnlLQpo
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Length: 50min 40sec (3040 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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