Was 1948 the Fulfillment of Prophecy?

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he'll chapter xxxvi ezekiel 36 and let's quickly open in a word of Prayer father thank you for your word thank you for preserving it we thank you that it's without air that it's a safe and reliable guide to all of the issues of life it's in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray amen the question that I want to take up this morning is simply this was 1948 the fulfillment of prophecy and the idea simply is this so you all know what 1948 is what happens after World War two obviously during World War two there's the Holocaust which takes place in Nazi Germany and there is the extensive persecution of the Jew numbers very the most common Roman thieves of six million Jews are killed as a result of the Nazi atrocities there are people today that deny that that that's obviously just madness but here's what happens as a result of what happens during World War two the world community determines to create a homeland for the Jew in the land of Palestine that occurs in 1948 it is common among among evangelical thinkers to then view that activity in 1948 as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy so if you would in Ezekiel chapter 36 look at his Eagle chapter 36 verse 24 for I will take you from among the heathen and gather you out of all countries notice and will bring you into your own land and so if you just read ezekiel 36:24 you could see why p would view that as a fulfillment of prophecy but what I want to suggest to you this morning is that what happens in 1948 has absolutely nothing to do with the fulfillment of prophecy and so let's try to understand why that is so we're going to be coming back to Ezekiel 36 but for the moment please turn to Leviticus 26 Leviticus chapter 26 so if we think about the timeline of where we find Leviticus 26 Leviticus 26 will be after the Exodus so Moses brings he leads Israel out of Egypt and then in the in Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy would you see as you see the activities that occur during Moses's lifetime and you see God giving the law to Israel this you see this in Exodus you see this in Leviticus you see this in in Deuteronomy in other words what God is doing is he is explaining to Israel how the Old Testament law works what he expects of them what he wants them to do what the blessings and cursings are if they choose or do not choose to follow what he said to them Leviticus 26 is an extremely helpful chapter so look with me at Leviticus 26 verse 1 ye shall make no idols then verse 2 ye shall keep my Sabbath's and there are some instructions that are given to Israel verse 3 if you walk in my statutes and keep my Commandments and do them then I will give you reign in due season and the land shall yield her increase and the fruits of the and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit and it goes on to describe some blessings that Israel will experience if they follow what the Lord man's them to do but then notice verse 14 but if you will not so the first 13 verses are sort of the good news if Israel keeps God's commandments there are various blessings that they will receive verse 14 starts to talk about what happens if Israel is disobedient but if you will not hearken unto me and will not do all these Commandments and if she shall despise my statutes or if your soul abhor my judgments so that you will not do all my Commandments but that you break my covenant I also will do this unto you I will even appoint over you terror consumption and the burning of you that shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart yes and so on and ye shall sow your seed in vain for enemies shall eat it and I will set my face against you and you shall be slain before your enemies they that hate you shall reign over you and you shall flee when none pursue with you now then notice verse 18 and if you will not yet for all this hearken unto me then I will punish you seven times more for your sins that's a very helpful verse so what you see in Leviticus is after the first 13 chapters which describes the blessing that Israel will receive for obedience verse 14 is a transition it says if you don't keep my statutes you're gonna receive these curses the first couple verses 14 15 16 say this is what you're gonna experience this is the cursing then what verse 18 does it says and if you will not yet for all this hearken in other words God's hope is I'm going to give you the first punishment and if you relent in other words if you if you if you repent and do what I wanted you to do then that'd be great but if you don't what's going to happen the punishment is going to get worse and so what you see in Leviticus 26 is there's a series of increasing punishments that God levies upon Israel for disobedience look with me at verse 27 and if he will not for all this hearken unto me so this is a increasing layer but walk contra and to me then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury skip down to verse 32 and I will bring the land into desolation and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it now notice verse 33 and I will scatter you among the heathen and will draw out a sword after you and your land shall be desolate in your cities waste so let's understand what verses 33 and verse 34 are telling us so Israel is birthed in Egypt Israel is called God's firstborn and they are brought out of the nation of Egypt God is then going to bring them into the promised land but what happens when Israel sends the spies into the promised land the spies come back and say we don't want to do that there's Giants there so what God decides is fine Israel you're just gonna wander in the wilderness until the generation of adults that didn't want to go into the Promised Land they die and I'll bring the next generation in in Leviticus 26 God is prophetically telling Israel what's going to happen he's hoping they obey his commandments and if they obey His commandments they'll be blessing but the law anticipates Israel's disobedience if you don't obey you're gonna get this punishment and if you still don't obey you're gonna get this one and if you don't obey further you're gonna get this one and what verses 33 and 34 talk about is here's eventually what's gonna happen even though I brought you out of Egypt and I brought you into the promised land if you continue to disobey me what's going to happen you're going to be expelled out of the land what happens after David they you know the first king of Israel you know is Saul then the next he's followed by David who's king and then you know that he's followed by Solomon and then after Solomon Solomon is followed by his son Rehoboam during raha Boehm's reign Israel is divided the ten northern tribes are split off they're called Israel the two southern tribes remain that's called Judah Israel quickly goes into idolatry basically immediately and then Israel will be conquered by Assyria Judah is not destroyed as quickly Judah lasts longer but Judah ultimately is conquered by whom Babylon right Nebuchadnezzar so what you read in verse 33 in verse 34 in Leviticus 26 is ultimately fulfilled right Israel is cast out of the land so if you think about the condition from 586 BC when Judah is conquered Israel is then kicked out of the land then they are subsequently brought back into the land look with me if you would go back to Ezekiel 36 Ezekiel 36 and maybe I should finish a little bit of Israel's chronology real quick during the Lord's earthly coming so if you think about the Gospels the Lord comes in Israel is back in the land obviously but what happens shortly after the Lord's death grown resurrection well Israel is conquered you know they're under a Roman occupation they're subsequently expelled from the land and from the end of the first century forward by and large Israel is out of the land when started in Ezekiel 36 so between let's just call it you know right here between somewhere around right in here to 1948 Israel's not in the land when people look at Ezekiel 36 24 they say AHA zekiel 36 24 is God is God's prophecy that Israel will dwell in the land so when 1948 occurs it is the fulfillment of what Ezekiel 36 had indicated would happen okay look at Ezekiel 36 verse 6 and the point I want to make as we look at at we're gonna look at verse Peres we don't look at both chapter 36 and chapter 37 my contention is this Ezekiel 36 and Ezekiel 37 are about the establishment of the new covenant with Israel so we'll look at the verses and see if that's true and the new covenant with Israel does not start until after the second coming so look with me at Ezekiel 36 verse 6 prophesy therefore concerning the land of Israel and say unto the mountains and to the hills and to the rivers and to the valleys thus saith the Lord God behold I have spoken in my jealousy and in my fury because you have borne the shame of the heathen now it's fascinating in the first part of Ezekiel 36 God is actually speaking to the land itself you see that you see where it says prophesy therefore concerning the land of Israel so this is a prophecy prophecy about the land and then notice what it says and say unto whom the mountains and to the hills into the rivers you can see it's gone speaking a prophecy to the land about what's going to happen so look at verse 12 yay I will cause men to walk upon you notice even my people Israel and they shall possess thee and thou shall be their inheritance and thou shalt no more henceforth bereaved them of men so verse 6 and verse 12 is talking about Israel dwelling in the land of Canaan now by the way just so you're aware keep Ezekiel 36 but get Genesis chapter 5 or 15 I'm sorry Genesis 15 as you think through the question of Israel possessing the land and as you think through the issue of what exactly is happening in 1948 let's look at the covenant God made with Abram Genesis 15 verse 8 in the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram saying unto thy seed have I given this land now notice what he says from the river of Egypt now what is the river of Egypt to reference to anyone have any idea it's a reference to the Nile River now notice what it then says from the river of Egypt unto the great river the river Euphrates and I don't have a map convenient to make this point so let me just do it this way so this is the 12 tribes of Israel at the time of the allotments that were to them so it's that's the the relevant time frame Egypt is over here the Nile is is way over here okay so it's it's way over like this that Euphrates if we're doing this to scale the Euphrates is off the edge of this chart it would be well over here it would be in what is modern-day Iraq so now think about Genesis 15:18 what does God say to Abram what is Abram gonna possess he's going to possess all the way from the Nile River all the way over to the Euphrates now you tell me can 1948 possibly be the fulfillment of God's promise to bring Israel into the land I actually spent some time doing this as an interesting exercise to do my opinion is that Israel today currently occupies 2% or less of the land that God promised to them as part of the Abrahamic covenant in other words they're gonna occupy a huge part there like Jordan and Lebanon they would occupy an enormous part of Saudi Arabia they would occupy parts of Iraq and so the the land that they actually occupy today is a very small area and it's it's less than 2% of what they will ultimately occupy back to Ezekiel 36 now look at verse 24 for I will take you from among the heathen and gather you out of all countries and will bring you into your own land that's the verse that people typically point to and say 1948 is the fulfillment of that verse will read verse 25 then will I sprinkle clean water upon you and ye shall be clean from all your filthiness and from all your idols will I cleanse you so when verse 24 happens and Israel dwells in the land what's going to happen at that time they're going to be clean they're going to be sprinkled with clean water they're going to be cleansed from all their idols is that the case today it's not the case today so let me draw something and you tell me what it is so what is that that is what people call the Star of David now does anyone know the verse in scripture where the Star of David is mentioned it's not so get Acts chapter 7 scripture has no such thing as the Star of David but it does have a couple other stars get Acts chapter 7 and Amos chapter 5 Acts chapter 7 and Amos chapter 5 Acts chapter 7 and in acts 7 look at verse 43 acts 743 yay he took up the tabernacle of moloch that's a false God false god of the ammonites I believe and the star of your god remphan figures which he made to worship them and I will carry you away beyond Babylon what Acts 743 is talking about is that when Israel engages in idolatry it gives you some of the false gods that they follow you recall this remember how what did Solomon do after he was after you know in the process of his reign he took to him of many what wives and what did the wives do they turned his heart away and the the reason why is what Solomon did is he married all of these idol-worshipping non-israelite ish women and he ended up engaging in the idolatrous worship that they did what you see here in acts 7 is that one of these false gods is represented by what a start Luca Mian Amos chapter 5 Amos chapter 5 verse 26 Amos 526 but ye have born the tabernacle of your Moloch and Cheon your images notice carefully the star of your God which he made to yourselves the reality today is this Israel today is not in the land because they've been sprinkled and made clean and cleanse from all their idols they haven't yet they will that will happen in the future but it hasn't yet and you can tell simply by the flag what God they're worshipping right let me go and put it this way is the official religion of Israel today the worship of Jesus Christ it's not that that's that's not what's occurring it's it's very clear that what what's occurring is really Amos chapter 5 and Acts chapter 7 so go back with me to Ezekiel 36 Ezekiel chapter 36 Ezekiel 36 verse 26 a new heart also will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and will give you an heart of flesh notice verse 27 and I will put my spirit within you notice this and cause you to walk in my statutes and ye shall keep my judgments and do them well verse 27 as you know is not happening today the thing to notice here is this what so often happens when people teach the Bible is they grab a verse that they like or that resonates with them I'll give you an example a lot of very common verse that people like is in Psalm 37 delight thyself in the Lord and He will give thee the desires of thine heart and what happens is that verse resonates with people they're like this is great I delight myself in the Lord and now I get everything I want and the motivation is people like the verse because it accomplishes something that they want but verses have contexts right in other words the verse exists inside a chapter it's written to a particular person or group of people at a particular time and it's it's illegitimate to just grab a single verse rip it from its context and say this verses for me you have to understand the context and is that verse in context actually intended for you so what people do in ezekiel 36:24 is it says look israel is going to dwell in the land 1948 their dwelling in the land e therefore how hard can it be 1948 is the fulfillment of Ezekiel 36 but if you just read the context what's going on in Ezekiel 36 is it pertains to God establishing the new covenant with Israel and the establishment of that new covenant is he puts his spirit within them he cleanses them from all their idols he sprinkles them with water they're made clean that is not at all what is happening today during the dispensation of grace look at Ezekiel 36 verse 28 and ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers and ye shall be my people and I will be your God that is absolutely absolutely going to happen when the new covenant is established but that is not unfortunately what is happening today look at verse 36 so skip down to verse 36 then the heathen that are left round about you by the way when it says the heathen that are left round about you why does it say the heathen that are left round about you what happens at the second coming the second coming God takes vengeance on his adversaries doesn't he so when it talks about the heathen that are left round about you it's saying these are the heathen that remain after what just happened at the second coming verse 36 then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I the Lord build the ruined places and plant that that was desolate I the LORD have spoken it and I will do it to state the obvious that's not what the heathen around Israel think today is it do they recognize the true Lord no they're busy trying to destroy the people of the Covenant that he is that he has promised so look at his eco 37 Ezekiel chapter 37 verse 12 therefore prophesy and say unto them thus saith the Lord God behold o my people I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves and bring you into the Land of Israel and ye shall know that I am the Lord when I have opened your graves o my people and brought you up out of your graves that's obviously the resurrection that occurs into the Millennial Kingdom after the second covenant verse 24 and David my servant shall be king over them obviously that hasn't happened and they all shall have one shepherd they shall also walk in my judgments and observe my statutes and do them verse 25 and they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant wearing your father's of dwelt and they shalt dwell therein even they and their children and their children's children forever and my servant David shall be their Prince forever verse 26 moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them it shall be an everlasting covenant with them has that happened yet obviously not verse 27 my tabernacle also shall be with them yay I will be their God and they shall be my people and the heathen shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them forever all of that will be fulfilled exactly as it is written but it will not be fulfilled until the Lord returns at his second coming establishes the new coming with Israel and causes it to be fulfilled those verses just simply aren't what's occurring during the dispensation of grace here with me acts 2 so in short when people look at 1948 and they view that as the fulfillment of prophecy I would suggest to you that that just doesn't make any sense because when you look at how those prophecies are fulfilled it's gonna look very very different from what happened in 1948 look with me at acts 2 verse 34 for David is not ascended into the heavens but he saith himself the Lord said unto my lord sit thou on my right hand until I make thy foes life footstool now what I want to do here for a minute is as we look at the chart I'm gonna hide the dispensation of grace so in other words what did the timeline of history look like prior to acts 9 and it looked exactly like this I want to try to convince you of something now you can decide for yourself I would argue that it is not possible for the prophetic scriptures to be fulfilled during the dispensation of grace I'll say that another way anything that you read about in the Old Testament anything that you read about in Matthew Mark Luke or John whatever prophecy it is that's contained therein is not and cannot be fulfilled during the dispensation of grace every prophecy I believe will be fulfilled but I don't think any of them are fulfilled or can be fulfilled during the dispensation of grace now let me see if I can persuade you of that so in acts 2 and let's back up just a minute we looked at verse 34 in verse 35 but go with me to verse 16 but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel and it shall come to pass in the last days saith god I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy verse 19 and I will show wonders and heavens above and signs in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapor of smoke the Sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great notable day of the Lord come now think with me just for a minute about Daniel 9 Daniel 9 contains a prophecy of seventy weeks the weeks there are weeks of years in other words there are groups of seven years so if there's 70 weeks it's 490 years and when you read Daniel 9 what it basically says is after the 69th week Messiah is cut off and that leaves simply the 70th week the 70th week is what's known as the the seven years of tribulation so after the 69th week what you expect to come next is the 70th week when you read Daniel 9 it's fairly clear that between the 69th week and the 70th week there's some gap of time in other words when we have the end of the year when we have December 31st the very next day is January 1st so 2018 ends in 2019 begins the next day but when you read Daniel 9 what happens is the 70th week begins when the prints of the Covenant in other words when people would call the beast or the man of sin when he signs an agreement with Israel for seven years so in other words the 69th week ends Messiah is cut off the 70th week doesn't start the very next day it starts within some period of time after that when the prints of the Covenant signs the Covenant so you have the the first 69 weeks it ends Messiah is cut off and then the 70th week begins shortly thereafter when the Prince of the it signs the covenant with Israel okay so when you're right after the cross in x2 you expect this to come along shortly not the very next day after this but you expect it to be soon in x2 when Peter stands up he confirms exactly that he says this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel the Prophet Joel when he talks about the Sun shall be turned into darkness the moon into blood before the coming of the great middle day of the Lord he's talking about the events that occur right before the Second Coming okay so I'm gonna say this again slightly differently if you stand right here you don't think that the Second Coming is exactly seven years away it's more than that because the seven years don't start ticking until the prints of the Covenant signs the agreement with Israel but you also don't think it's a thousand years away you think it's within that generation you follow me so you you think it's less than forty more than seven okay that's the timeframe you're looking at you would think that this right he'll here will happen within your lifetime based upon Daniel nine Peter stands up and he says this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel so in acts 2 Peter confirms what you would think based upon Daniel 9 okay now in acts 2 verses 34 and 35 the Lord said unto my lord sit thou on my right hand and then it says until I make thy enemies thy footstool so as of right here the Lord is seated at the Lord's at God's right hand and he's going to stay there until he returns to make his enemies his footstool now get acts 7 in x2 the Lord Jesus Christ is seated look at acts 7 verse 55 this is describing Stephen but he being full of the Holy Ghost looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus notice standing on the right hand of God and said behold I see the heavens opened and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God so notice what's happened as you go from acts 2 to acts 7 and roughly 1 year has ticked off what's happened well Second Coming hasn't happened yet the 70th week hasn't started yet but has it gotten closer yes because the Lord has gone from a seated position to a standing position because what is he about to do he is about to make his enemies his footstool here's what I'm saying as you think about Acts 9 as you think about x2 as you think about Joel 2 as you think about acts 7 every single thing in the Old Testament is pointing to the fact that Daniels 70th week the Great Tribulation is about to begin right everything would lead you to believe that now we know that what happens is God calls a timeout so think about this with me if you would during the Lord's earthly ministry he says multiple times this generation shall not pass away till all these things be fulfilled was he lying of course not he can't lie so he couldn't have been lying but yet that generation let's be honest it's passed away hasn't it well how do you explain that well the reason why it's passed away is that what God the Father did is there was a mystery that God introduced that put the prophetic calendar on hold the prophetic calendar must have been put on hold or the prophecies would have been fulfilled right the Lord says this generation shall not pass away till all these things be fulfilled Peter says this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel and he talked in anything quotes Joel - and it's talking about the second coming Stephen says he sees the Lord doing what standing all of those evidence point to the fact that the tribulation is about to happen and yet it doesn't why not and the obvious answer is God decided to put that program on hold for a period of time he didn't get rid of the program he didn't decide he wasn't going to fulfill prophecy what he decided was he changed the timing of the fulfillment look with me at revelation 19 revelation 19 verse 11 and I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true who is that Jesus Christ right and it's Jesus Christ at what event it's the second coming clearly now notice what the rest of the verse says and in righteousness he doth judge and make war revelation 19:11 is about the Lord Jesus Christ returning at the second coming and what does the Lord Jesus Christ going to do to the earth he's going to judge it and he's going to make war we've talked about this before in Revelation there's verses that talk about blood flowing for 200 miles absolutely staggering right the human body contains roughly five to six quarts of blood do you know many people have to be slaughtered to cause blood to flow for 200 miles that's that's the devastation that occurs at the second coming when scripture says he returns to judge and make war that's absolutely what happens get with me Romans 1 Romans chapter 1 romans chapter 1 verse 7 to all that being Rome beloved of God called to be Saints now notice this grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ in every single one of Paul's epistles he begins with grace and peace somewhere within the first several verses Grace and peace is the opposite of judgment and war so what's the opposite of war peace obviously what's the opposite of judgment grace the reason why Paul says grace and peace at the beginning of each of his epistles is he's describing the spiritual character of the dispensation of grace in other words if there was no dispensation of grace if you stand right here with Stephen what do you what do you expect to shortly follow and the answer is judgment of war you expect the tribulation to occur you expect the plagues you expect wrath to be poured out you expect all the things that are described in Revelation to occur paul says grace and peace in each epistle because he's reminding his readers that the fundamental nature of the time prayed in which we live is a time of grace and peace it's different from what was going to happen during the prophetic program now just imagine this with me if you would people think 1948 is the fulfillment of prophecy ezekiel 36:24 is talking about what's going to happen over here after the Lord returns takes vengeance on his adversaries and it establishes the new covenant and resurrection Israel into the land you follow me if you if you're looking for the fulfillment of Ezekiel 36 24 you don't get that without all of this happening first you follow me in other words when you read Ezekiel 36 and it talks about Israel dwelling in the land that only happens because there are some events that took place prior to that the Lord returned destroyed his adversaries and brought Israel into the land my point is this picking a random prophetic verse and saying this verse is fulfilled today during the dispensation of grace is a total misunderstanding of what the dispensation of grace is the dispensation of grace is an interruption of the fulfillment of prophecy put another way looking forward to the fulfillment of prophecy I want all the prophecies of the Scriptures to be fulfilled I want God's Word to be fulfilled exactly as it is you do understand the next prophecies that are going to be fulfilled or not joyous ones they're not the sort of ones you print out and you put on the refrigerator because it's an encouraging thought for the day the next prophecies that are going to be fulfilled are all about destruction and wrath and war and famine and death and those are the next prophecies are going to be fulfilled in acts 2 when Peter stands up by the the power of the Holy Ghost and quotes Joel's prophecy no one said we should put that on a pillow right that's not the kind of prophecy that it was so when people today look for the fulfillment of prophecy during the dispensation of grace let me let me put it this way when prophecy starts to be fulfilled it's going to lead to a very dark place right it's going to lead to the deaths of millions the beautiful thing about the dispensation of grace is that it is an amnesty before judgment is being poured out let me have rewind and put it this way if you stand in in in acts 7 what is the state of the world at that time well based upon Ephesians 2 all Gentiles at that time are without hope without God without Christ in the world they're essentially hopeless the condition of Israel at that time is largely hopeless there's the kingdom church which is described as the little flock because it's little but what was the State of Israel as a whole the state of Israel as a whole is their stoning Stephen to death because he's speaking the truth to them through the Holy Ghost so if you look at the state of the earth in acts 7 the Gentiles are without hope which is 99 you know whatever percent of the earth and then the vast majority of Israel has just agreed let's stone the guy that's speaking to us through the power of the Holy Ghost at that moment is it perfectly legitimate for God to say hey I'm done with this you rejected my prophecies in the Old Testament I sent you my son you rejected him I sent you the Holy Spirit and you stoned the guy that was speaking to you through the Holy Spirit you don't want me fine and he would have been perfectly justified in pouring out his wrath on a god rejecting earth but what he did was he in His grace said I'm gonna withhold judgment I'm gonna call time out and I'm going to create this one period of time when a Gentile can be saved by grace through faith without even having to join up with Israel because that's what he needed to do in the Old Testament right a Gentile apart from Israel was without hope so what should happen during the dispensation of grace is there should be billions of Gentiles that say hallelujah we were without hope God has given us salvation full and free we just need to believe it no one today should be saying you know what we need we need the prophetic program because what we could really use is a really good destruction that's what the longing for the prophetic program is today during the dispensation of grace the sad unfortunate reality I really hope I'm wrong on this next point the dispensation of grace does not end with the masses of the Gentiles falling at the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ and thanking him for salvation by grace it ends in a time of apostasy in other words so we live on a planet now that has I haven't seen the most recent number seven billion to eight billion people what fraction of those have actually believed the gospel of Christ and are saved very few they need to believe that because they live during the time when it is easy for Gentiles to believe and be saved when this period of amnesty ends what's going to happen is Gentile direct access to God is over it will return to how it was the middle wall of partition will exist the distinction between Jew and Gentile will exist Gentiles will return to being without hope and they'll get saved through Israel and then of course the prophetic calendars prophetic calendar will play out exactly as it's written so I'll just wrap it up by saying this it doesn't make any sense for someone that understands the mystery to think that prophecy is being fulfilled today the very reason we have the dispensation of grace is to delay the fulfillment of prophecy so people read the newspaper and say well this must be in Ezekiel no it is not the very reason for the dispensation of grace is to withhold and delay judgment not to fulfill it amen amen it's a wool pause there and pick up at 11:00 lord thank you for this time thank you for your word we rejoice in your goodness thank you for the dispensation of grace and the free offer of salvation it's in the name of Lord Jesus Christ we pray amen
Channel: Columbus Bible Church
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Id: qdvr0fSd444
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Length: 51min 6sec (3066 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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