Identify Your Opportunities and Seize Them | Pastor ‘Tunde Bakare

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proverbs chapter 4 beginning from verse 1 to 6 here my children the instruction of a father and give attention to no understanding for I give you good doctrine do not forsake my law when I was my father's son you see it would not have a right to teach his sons if his father that's not torching and that's why they say your bottom aduba battle Iberico or naagmani Barbato even if he has no written history there was the oral history deliver from generation to generation so that you know the value system of your family now from GU GU GU GU is not bad but what did your parents teach you I wrote a whole book dedicated to my mother the woman who saw the future valuable lessons my mother taught me if you have not taken anything from home in an attic casserole did in the house of Labor Jacob said they fear of my father Isaac when I was my father's son tender and the only one in the sight of my mother he also taught me and said to me let your heart retain my words keep my commands and leave get wisdom get understanding do not forget not any way from the words of my mouth verses ready read this money we are back to our unfinished business the last segment of the series titled here my children the instruction of your father you will recall that towards the tail end of last year 2018 I gave you two sound instructions living the last one out till now in the first instruction I dare you to dream and I show you how to and if you are not here then you need to get it too because this will not benefit you except you stay with us from the beginning I dare you to dream and show you how to and the second instruction I told you to prepare now today's instruction is also very simple are you ready for it say to your neighbor identify your opportunities and system I can't hear you I cannot hear you well [Applause] this is loaded how does possible say this is critical it's huge humongous critical okay this is loaded I do not need to emphasize why you have to dream first and then prepare before you can identify your opportunities it is common sensical the breakthroughs always happen when opportunity meets preparation you can go back into the archives and ask them to give you the tape of the series preached over 20 years ago the best dreams come to pass when you are awake the best dreams come to pass when you're awake by God's grace next Sunday the only the goals and strategies 2018 another combined service I will show you that the best way to predict the future is to create it see that we make the best way to predict the future is to create it you say how can I do that you are created in His image and after its likeness have you heard that as you lay your bed so you lie on it the best way to predict the future is to create it how does one identify the opportunity and others won't seize that opportunity to answer the stiff questions let us begin exploration this morning by examining the law of opportunity tell your neighbor the law of opportunities the law of opportunity litters the entire Bible they can only be discovered by the designing in summary this law simply states that everyone male or female young or old rich or poor educated or illiterate everyone at some point in his own life we have the chance or the opportunity to go ahead in life I'm not sure you heard that but everyone at some point in his or her lifetime we have the chance or the opportunity to get ahead in life do you really capture that let's look in the scripture at least assist after 9 verse number 2 Ecclesiastes 9 verse number 2 please pay attention all things come alive - oh no I can't hear you all things come alive - all one event happens to the righteous and they weaken to the good they clean and you're clean to him who sacrifices and he who does not now you you can pontificate and the righteousness is supposed to give me an edge over those who are not righteous you be right but in natural life in this fallen world bad things happen to good people and those who choose to be righteous wasn't ready to pay the price for their righteousness because the wall system will bypass you and promote the crooked and then if we are not really really operating from a deep-seated conviction you'll abandon your righteousness let's read that one more time again Ecclesiastes 9 - ready read ah things come alive - all one events apples - the writers they do not is a warm one events happens to the righteous and the wicked to the good the claim and your claim to him o sacrifices and him who does not sacrifice okay less ad today's ecclesia sis 9/11 ecclesia is 9/11 ready read I returned and saw on the discern that the race is not a de suite no but you to destroy no bread to the wise nor riches to men of understanding no favor to men of skill give it to me in NIV let me clear this preliminaries then we go for the jugular vein of this message and I I have seen something else on the discern the race is not the sweet or the battle to this from nor does food come to the wise or well to the brilliant a favor to the learner but time and chance food come to device where does not come to deal on it you see a meal an offender go to nature they will buy you a certificate that's only chamois market I'm not kidding those guys were handed certificates on the wall MBA MBC MSC they hang in there they're traitors born traders and they know how to generate wealth what do young for death now it's a fair there are things happen to all Europe manual utero logical really poor idea that the rain that has fallen has allowed the dog and the chicken to be gather together disengage Matthew chapter 7 let me take one more scripture from the New Testament and then we can roll Matthew chapter 7 from verse 24 please pay attention Matthew 7:24 to 27 therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock and the rain descended the floods came the winds blew and beat on that house and it did not fall for it was founded under okay but everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does not do them the same event who happened to them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand and array the float the winds and beat under and great was it one verse in Luke 6 agreed was his ruin the rain the floors the winds affect everyone but some have some foundations and structures and others do not this teaches of Solomon in Ecclesiastes and that of the Lord Jesus Christ in the passage just read one of the bad weather crisis calamities opportunities and changes in Scenario affect everyone so we have the emotional intellectual financial and relational foundations to weather storms and others we not the Sun rises and rain falls on who everyone some are prepared for it and others are not the Yoruba say don't be angry I keep on saying you're bossy say improve up when is your turn to preach I bother looking if I can sing para that if you are inside examination hall and you're answering question every time you you know the answer is not up he supposed to be here a preparation will determine your response to issues in life a logon called Surya Carta or logon Kali Surya para girar eco or miss a day of July ooh Oh miss Edith they are bored duro there's no point praying against terms of life now Oh Lord only disturb come your foolish check your foundation check your structure because it's natural for the storms to come for the rain to fall to check your covering for the ways to blow to check your structure and for the storms to arise to check your foundations a sewer in college sorry you're in a schooi rain : sorry urine odor are equal or miss a day would you re qu o bc de la ah she where i was at a function yesterday with mrs. B he retired a Angie who suffer meritoriously for 35 years was having a Thanksgiving service and what their and Shiva did we ran towards a second I've been looking for me I need to introduce you to this man as I know him up greeted him was chief Razak Okoye he said at 4:30 p.m. every Sunday without fail you pick his phone is away are you the man is coming on a 5 o'clock we must watch it is that this is the only church I attend every Sunday that was Jim Razak Okoye and I know we are going to put in the SICU because as they're receiving that word is doing something on the inside of them and you can't keep it in you for too long before it will arrest you before I would do a change in your life listen to me friends we are going beyond the city we are going to the clouds wherever everyone is the matters who reach them at the doorstep with a word of God and withdraw said the law can I hear amen what are you building your life your marriage your business your career on sand humanistic philosophies human ideas or this solid word of God let me put this in another way for clarity sake although we are all affected by was social lives economic background do you understand me we are affected by a social economic background we are all affected by whether we had access to education or not we are all affected by culture and family background we are all affected by it the one beautiful thing about life is that you can rewrite history you can rewrite your story do you understand me tell your neighbor you can rewrite your story if I listen to my mother I obeyed I respect of everything but if I listen to one instruction she gave me who would have died in poetry July 13 1973 apart my suitcase his mouth suitcases portmanteau we call it portmanteau birthday he's lying there in the museum 2003 shares two pairs of trousers three shades one a pulley level black shoe a body from when from butter and then one brown from Leonard's is called Knight of Paris that was my earthly possession with one shilling sleepeth my mother cried all night don't go to Legos you are going to so far I've gotten a drawer for you are the post office you understand me stay with me they will eat treat you I can see this suffering I have not read the Bible but none of these things move me as far as I'm concerned others who are going to London I was coming to Lagos to prosper did I suffer a lot more odious poopoo you know they said you are wiser you have not so far which good in you go in much wisdom is much sorrow we all have different backgrounds but we can rewrite our story if you are satisfied with your life and there's no need to change but if you are not where we are live we see have the opportunity to change course Solomon statement is true time and opportunity come to all whoever wins the race win the medal to the victor go the spoils they are not going to give the medal just for participation there are many first colonists of the land our role in a race only one obtain the crown run in such a way that you may obtain the medal goes to the winner to the victor go the spoils therefore successful only come to those who when their own time and chance happen they make the most of their opportunities those who seize opportunities are more likely to fulfill their dreams please bear in mind that this law of opportunity does not promise that everyone we have the same type of opportunities all the time but everyone will have a fair share we cannot assume that everyone would have the same sort of opportunities unfortunately life is not as simple as just choosing to be rich or successful not quite you can just wake up in the morning see I'll be rich and do nothing about it and just confess it and you become rich if that is a possibility there are many billions in this rule say with me Alby reach happy wealthy people's accomplishments in life depend on a number of circumstances some as a result of their personal choices orders are outside of your control however no matter what there is always something you and I can do to move forward in life 1967 I was brought to Juba Street East a beauty meter tool and carpentry because there was no money to continue my second disco education and they said it's better to land some trade and skills so they brought me to this Furniture Factory less than a week that I became apprentice our boss sent Sunday I'll never forget his name to go buy rice from a machine to buy rice six pairs beans three pens meet three pens sunday got there but beans six pairs rice three pens me three pens somehow it didn't get the instruction well then it got in and a destroyed and say what did I ask you to buy it I told you right six pence bins three page me three pens when you have messed up remove your clothes and the guy remove his shirt and your God took so you know what it was and there was little blood coming out I asked sundar said what happened so unless it does a punishment way you don't get it right in the night I took my by Road I left a note don't look for me I'm not lost I've gone back to where I came from do you understand me because I will not let anybody beat me like that I went back home and I said my my no matter what it would take I'll go to school I will go and be asleep somewhere but I'll go to school and I began to give myself to label and you considered one of the sons of Jacob is a is so the rest was good he puts his shoulder to level 67 or 68 no school I was earning two shillings but they from fetching water 64 times every day he's already known to you by the time I stepped into secondary school in 1969 my classmates were from for my classes in primary school but here I am today I am what I am by the great opportunities will happen to all circumstances that are negative will happen to all how you respond to them with determine what I use exceeding level failure I can conclude that okay they brought me here I have to stay here go use that occasion to send me packing I thank God for that man who beat Nepal I want you to write this down and not forget it your success in life does not depend on the number of chances you get your success in life does not depend on the number of chances you get but on the ones you take your success in life does not depend on the number of chances you get but on the ones you take and for the ones who take you must be willing to pay the price you must be willing to pay the price and expend the time as well as the efforts necessary to maximize them to your advantage for the ones who take the multi willing to pay the price and expend the time as well as the efforts necessary to maximize them to your own advantage to drive my points form this morning I will use three distinguished biblical personalities to illustrate this message this distinguished personalities were promoted in life simply because this is their different opportunities have been adequately prepared for them I want you to write down this text of scripture for your devotion and Bible study for Joseph I want you to write down Genesis 41 verse 1 to 16 is the first personality I want you to write down Genesis 41 want to succeed for David for David the Swiss son is of Israel the the king the prophet and the priests right now for Samuel 17 for someone 17 12 to 37 for some walls 17 verse 12 to 37 and for Daniel muscala the intellectual please write Daniel chapter 2 verse 1 to 13 Daniel to 1 to 13 Daniel - 14 to 23 Danielle - 14 to 23 Daniel - 27 - 28 same chapter 1 to 13 14 to 23 27 to 28 and verse 46 to 49 of the same chapter Daniel - 1 to 30 14 to 23 27 to 28 and 46 to 49 in the past I will pause here and read everything that's how time goes so I'm learning now because my tongue keep idea to cut them short in righteousness you 2 1 dig into the world one constant factor in the three passages just read or just given to you is clear Joseph David and Daniel prepared before the opportunities should off Joseph David and Daniel or three prepared themselves before the opportunities should oh and each of them sees his own opportunity let's begin with yourself Joseph interpreted whose dream Pharaoh's dream was ever made him the prime minister of Egypt and second in command to Pharaoh it wasn't the interpretation of the dream it was a blueprint for economic survival that he brought out of the interpretation then he advised Pharaoh to select a wise and discerning melon cuckoo as a cute The Blueprint who do you think Pharaoh selected Pharaoh had gathered all the magicians all the astrologers to tell him the interpretation of the dreams they couldn't the bottle adel remembered the young Hebrew boy in imprisoned and brought it before Pharaoh the same man was full of himself now stood before Pharaoh Pharaoh sir I understand you can interpret dreams and he said God will give Pharaoh and as of this so his imprisonment is not solitary confinement is so literally refinement every I mean mine myself died in the prison but it Tommy gave the interpretation it is say since I gave you the interpretation and the blueprint nobody can do it like me it's a lat Pharaoh look for and find a wise and discerning man who can execute this comparison or they'll obey me do you think I'm stupid all these kangaroo magicians that I gather here who could not even eat a pretty dream by our the whole of Egypt will be ruled about David let me let me read a portion of days in Genesis 41 about Joseph I read just a little portion verse 32 Genesis 41 verse 32 and the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice because the thing is established by God and go with Shotley bring it to pass how did he know that how did he know that if there was no training a near look you can't just talk any help people who know that these empty gadgets coming out of your mouth by the time he finished analyzing interpreting the dream and then brought the blueprint of how to seventy years of plenty so that when the famine will come they were not being won't Pharaoh said you are demand for the job I keep on telling you and you are yet to get it then I don't have to be part of any political party or world look for war chests filthy money to contrast election to run the affairs of this nation you'll be witnesses when it happens keep on shouting your image what are you mean it or not it has happened before is about to happen again Bagheera mera Kimagure a fool me go back mayhem a I was a butler next moment he was governor just I was a prisoner next moment he was for a minister yes there was a beauty contest that next woman she was Queen can I continue with the least well that's bad days that I didn't know madam Bible there are four there are four was all Richard Nixon's president vice president something happened to Jennifer to Richard Nixon's vice president it was tabbed out and Arafat was taken to be vice president and then Nixon went to Watergate and then it was removed he resigned and then there are without a lecture we get president a means of strength sure no man prevail say with me Kabaddi regular Bagheera who knew yourself fool me go back you know I became a threat to so many people especially in the southwest I will not mention their names one of them said all that we are black before in our life will spend billions they came to offer you in your house and he was Tita Linden let me pray about it because in quietness and confidence shall be your strength the race is not to the Swift the battery is not to destroy but you must know when your term and chance had come and you see and I hear amen how about David Debbie did not show up on the battlefield on that fateful day to take on Goliath David was not part of the army it was too young to join the military his three older brothers when the Annie all that David was sent to do was to deliver groceries to his brothers change their welfare and give some things to the captain of his brothers it was why it was there delivering groceries that Goliath showed up as he has done for the past forty days given them seminar on fear morning and evening and nobody said he preached for too long hello somebody say look let us set to these once and for all we don't all need to fight this battle give me if it kills me we all become your servant if I kill him you are become our servants you do not believe in the power of the majority of what they got us the dose you're yet to find out what God would do with a man who is totally yielded to him this guy did not come to fight it did not come for campaign it just came to deliver groceries and Goliath did what he was getting away with before and David said who is this uncircumcised Philistine defined the armies of the God of Israel are we go on fighting whenever it is time to seize the opportunity get ready for your brothers to speak against you by the grace of God the leverage I have in the quality today was because I seized the opportunity in 2011 and whether you like it or not it is no longer a difficult thing for a Christian a pastor to become a vice president in Nigeria its it is now acceptable it was fought badly and my brothers are the one spot speaking in I have said I know the nuttiness of your heart still jealous over the anointing service that took place at home I love what David did he looked at him say is the erotic if your own life has no purpose my house is there not of course I might just designing to go and fight this but - or his record there is a purpose here can you see this uncircumcised philistine defined the armies of the God of Israel do you want me to just hold my peace and I began to talk why shall be done to the man who takes on this giant and they were related in fact tax exemptions you know paid tax in Israel anymore the king who put you in a place of Hana and guess what yes even added another thing she that girl that was next to the King the last parade that be you tempt a teenager with a girl and David there was okay I have to be careful because it was ingrained in him it was a woman's man at the age of thirty already has his wives I'm not giving you license to go and do what David did you need to look at the consequences of Moreh tumble in his life and learn from it you can join the same bandwidth on if you want your first son to your second son to Kia first if once your daughter raped because they don't talk about all those consequences when you are going to run into it does it Debbie did it I'll do it you learn your lessons the hard way go for me are you listening to me okay when David heard the terms eventually they brought it before the king listen to this very carefully David was not part of the army but if they are Greg is CV when they were looking for someone to play D have they said it was a man of war so what but who was he fighting the law was training him on the backside of the desert do you understand me is the ears trained my fingers took battery and many hands for work by bare hands I can break a bow and brush metal into pieces I can leap over a ball I can jump through a truth it was been trained now do you think it was it was okay for the one who rode the Lord is my shepherd to be face-to-face with a lion what was God looking at when the lion came to take one of one of the Sheep what was God looking at when a bear came to take the ship God was preparing Debit for the inevitable and if I tell you what the inevitable is you not believe you think the inevitable is Goliath no Goliath was stepping stone to the inevitable God was training him for that day when the king said even you are young guy is a man of war from his youth he will eat it for breakfast is that les was here King I need to give you a testimony I was attending to my father's flock then The Lion King and I jumped at the lion took the ship out of his mouth and talked him into pieces then a bear came I didn't know was Marika's off but I jumped at it a Good Shepherd was prepared to lay down his life for the flock a Good Shepherd is naughty but it's not it's not it's not not higher I'm looking for another word what the people who kill butcher a shepherd is not a butcher looking for lunch or the King agenda that a lion a gentle and a beer the God who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the path of the bear they would relieve one means first from this uncircumcised Philistine and then he would deliver him into my hand well Saul did not have such experience of Nadia botany algebra it was a tourist in Israel contigo brought someone Tala it was not batter of heights do you understand me imagine when the preparation was going on David did not know that God was training him for the day of his opportunity when he will reveal him to all of Israel and that they came what kill Goliath a stone a sling none of those know it died twice he fell down dead and his head was cut off using his own spear or using his own served what killed Goliath was simple if you don't have relationship with God you cannot go to such battle is that you come against me with spare and wood I'm coming against you in the name of the Lord of hosts the god of the armies it was the name of the Lord there was a high tower for David and a destruction weapon against any do you understand me do you know when's saw as job was he Abner not was he have not that time okay the end of the army he said who saw is this young man is I don't know tell your neighbor who no no galore monkey gogo market in every time you would no no go no I love what I read my Bible proves the Bible says it took the head of Goliath in his hand God would give you miracle with evidence that cannot be denied in the name of Jesus not only that the Bible says in broad day Emma Oh Goliath into his tent they what happened to desert or Goliath it was his first food he kept it in the tent when your first food leaves your hand does not live your life they've got another batteries ahead where God is going to return it to you multiply proportion so that that that one search will become or have a multiplying effect that those who follow you on my soul who get one shot for him Sarah wants everyone who follow we have its own search that's why you must understand the Bible that that is not going to come knocking at your door when I'm there it's not going to come when the pastor's are there is going to come when no one is there and you must carry your own sword and stand toe-to-toe with it never can I hear amen [Applause] you really don't know what I love in this story you want to know when eventually go before the king whose son are you I am the son of Jesse the Bethlehem idea servant do you know who your dad is you confuse do you understand your DNA again Apoorva Nara or materially but be a real ninja I cannot be your father and you you will lock you do not know how to live a very orderly life that's not me I've demonstrated that before you for thirty years god forbid you clarity be any of it because a bastard is not one born out of wedlock in the New Testament is one without discipline anyone with a father does not just as a bastard is illegitimate you cannot afford to be an illegitimate child and this for the world do you understand me you must know who your father who is your father whose son are you I'm the son of Jesse really understand can I can I go a step further I was in Malaysia if dr. Jonathan David is watching this novel nothing one of his sons claimed to me is a dr. backer the way call me Anita was trouble I said yes for you to help me he said dr. Jonathan David has really taught me and fed me and is my spiritual father but this other man from the Caribbean is giving me a platform to minister and dr. Jonathan David does not give me such platform who is my father I said I will answer your question next session and I preach the message try to if you don't know your father ask your mother except she's been sleeping around the mat didn't greet me anymore tell you anybody we don't know your father ask your mother she should know I said she was drugged or confused he may have ten thousand instructors you have only one father Paul said he said I have begotten you through the gospel don't misrepresent us outside don't put your hand in things I've led by russian and banasura's don't be part of the generation that are eating with both hands and forget about tomorrow you understand me they were only way when the rubber hits the road they're going to hide in the fear of efcc is the beginning of cowardice if you have not stolen they say DSS is coming you won't catch cold but as a FCC your blood pressure I can't remember who gave me who told me the story of a man trying to locate a bra because he had soiled his name and sold his hands and was waiting for his son to just past jab or pass his exam so that they can relocate properly and while he came it was written at Ahmedabad is that I just want to know what is called in physics chemistry biology amounts all letters for that's what we have been waiting for his physics chemistry and biology see mats see and then he had cocoa on the dog all he had was here CC he fainted why you afraid of the FCC if you have not done even they won't come for you David eventually fizzy navigable who what was the inevitable for maybe it wasn't Goliath that's why I never bothered himself to write once and to them to show his victory over grant no no he knew that was the Lord not him Wenger was testing him with the Leo and testing him with a bear it was getting him ready for King Saul who tremendum all the days of his life that's why you read in your Bible proverbs 22:15 a wicked ruler over poor people is like a roaring lion and in charge of bear so when God brought those animals to train David it was to prepare him for the onslaught of King Saul and I hear amen for the sake of those sons and daughters of mine in colleges in institutions of higher learning in tertiary institutions a reclamation one person apart from Joseph and David the man done here just like many different universities today Daniel his companion spent three years learning the language and the literature of the Chaldeans in the university of babylon they came out with Bachelor of Science degree in wisdom and strategic thinking but after the exams the King received them into his presence and interested them would add questions like Queen Sheba did with solo model and in all the questions were asked none was as wise as Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego there were 10 times wiser and all the astrologers and wise men of Babylon why because they denied themselves for ten days to prove a point please know that Daniel and his companions who are not the only students in the college however the time this for spent per person in their hearts not to defile themselves with the king's person of meat and drink the time they spent in self-denial in sir preservation in sir preparation in personal development ultimately yielded results when golden opportunities presented themselves proof at always ask them this question I will ask it again they they the three Hebrew boys refused to bow before the golden structure on the plain of Dura Hamas anniversary the golden statue on the plain of Dura sounds alike okay at the sound of dulcimer if you not bow your ball and the three of them refuse to bow we have was done here was your vacation the deer refused to come to the parade when all I expected we I was he this is my humble opinion I wasn't there neither were you there but my humble opinion is when Daniel recalled the dream that the king did not remember an interpreted it and it was a blueprint of that golden statue that he can now use to erect this on the plains of dura when the parade Accord Dania was only hide tables with the king why the King got frustrated before him he cannot make him do what he doesn't want to do anymore tell your neighbor I'm an exception to the rule I'm an exception to the rule I'm an exception to the rule I'm not an exception to the rule even when I have to obey the rule I will submit to God O king we are not careful to us are you in this matter our God whom I serve as a but I'm sure the address running in Daniel will be pumping that as a goal for you guys go for it guys go for your God is going to show and maybe Nabu made a mistake Nabu made a mistake he said to the generals I want you to hit the funnest part of seven times more when it was just four or five times it was not hot enough for God to enter when I got to the seventh degree God said that's my fire this is not my fire Nabu did not know fire does not burn fire that those people on fire for God and throwing them in sci-fi I cannot happen see just the same way they threw Daniel into the Lions Den Lions don't eat lions Daniel displays such a wisdom the hell and put the whole of Babylon in his grips for 60 years uninterrupted who fix Nigeria this nation will flourish in my lifetime this nation will work in my lifetime in the mighty name of Jesus tell your neighbor this is your chance this is your opportunity this is your time your enemies would testify self-denial supreme asset preservation Pastner look I could have put my hands in so many things it wasn't that the winner of that is I died to death because how can you give me a portion of the whole that belongs to me I would have shortchanged myself when they done would declare out it looks like big money the whole thing is yours why settle for less than the best talking about identifying opportunities and seasoned them I want to relate these seven things to you write them down and do forget them points to ponder my dearest sons and daughters in our common faith today's opportunities will catch you by surprise do you understand me opportunities will always catch you by surprise so that if you are not a lot even already you miss them imagine David listening to the threats of Goliath it would not see that opportunity because every one of them including the king they were hiding indicate opportunities will spring the surprise on you they will come when you least know that's why I was repaired in advance what others saw in yourself in David in Danielle and actually been there all along if you are true leader you already possess the talent necessary to lead you are true leader those things are already there you need to go to those who can help you find children like prof. those who can properly mentor you and bring that thing inside of you out so that when the day of a monition come you are not panicking examination is loaded with opportunities no tests no testimonia do you understand me number two please note that the talents and the divine endowments possessed by leaders are latent there like potential energy it takes understanding and courage to then turn them into kinetic energy their potentials in UDL attained they are ready within you but it would take courage to turn them into kinetic energy prove us 20 verses 4 and 5 prove us chapter 20 verses 4 & 5 the lazy man will not plow because of winter what wiII happen to him if we beg your inhabits and have nothing now next verse counseling the heart of man is like deep water but a man of understanding withdraw it out if you can submit yourself to those who have understanding and operate in that rain they will help you draw it out and when you need it you be skillful enough to deploy it proverbs 24 34 proverbs 24 verse 34 no that's not adding up go on top of it give me 33 aha a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to rest so shall your poverty come like a prowler and your need like a nap mom what is the relevance of these when others are tending causes painful training you have the purchase price of wisdom but you're a fool and the bagua has a question why is there the purchase price of wisdom in the hand of a fool since it has no heart for it you prefer to sleep you prefer to slumber do you understand me and then you want us to be in the same class this you may not believe it but I will say my own we are not going there with class in heaven or if you don't believe it if you think we are going to then is everyone shall receive the reward for what he has done in the flight it can be the same party take away packet party pack no eyewitness aim on earth are we going to be some in heaven he shall want you and to me he shall form you are to me you refuse to apply yourself to libo the purposes whatsoever delay their hands upon shall prosper you know if your stock idiots they talk of multiple streams of income without applying their heart or the dynamics of labor involved to birth it it shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of you planted you put 10 10 ion inside fire at the same time you call it multiple seams of us to Pete the secret of success is doing one thing well now but other things there is one thing I do mary has chosen one thing that is needful what is the one thing in your life that's what we've both other things not doing this business doing that business doing this business doing five business at the same time it doesn't work that way if you care to know the leaders who river most now work on pages of history through timely display of courage either the battlefield on the boardrooms they did so because of preparations do you know what courage is the thing courageous braggadocio the area boys are fighting and you are going to stop them because we have chest no current is Kurata on the fire now when your character is tested you remain rocket write this down when you attempt what nobody else thought possible whenever you attend what nobody else thought possible your leadership skills wish I thought what were you doing Uganda proof what were you doing Uganda why Uganda you're now covered Nigeria you have not even covered legal but deep was calling on to deep and in distant is going to go around Africa somebody was willing to pay the price do you know that when probe go to Lagos he was right in Okada yeah no cow from America every name is Professor it was brain and Okada catching a cutter nobody will see that does the preparation that will meet opportunity one day and then when you hear Institute up days and dad and that and his teaching and is going like this and you think you got also repeatedly oh yeah I like they admitted come aboard a lot they a limiter was my classmate in second risk you just threw me not to tell this story anymore I was wondering for the school and were getting laurels but two schools invited or same day African child Grammar School and a back with a grammar school and because I've been at my grammar school several times and one day I decided to go to Africans short grammar school that was where being a Daniel and I met for the first time were represented by programmers we just write is the same topic write it out for me I wrote it out for him and he crammed it and the night before a repetitive performing as a perfect just just written your confidence tomorrow is there any goddess or the whole everything else grandiose there as a distinguished ladies and that fellow debaters it says he couldn't it just run through the whole number three because of our time I want to live here before $12 close amen number three someone here may say like the Yoruba people young man where is a new J that his dilemma wants to dance the different styles of dancing that are littered in him but because it's lame does his predicament these are excuses with upon ourselves to explaining we are failures in Jim Benoit row as a new how many live people at one the Olympics of the of those who are otherwise able they don't they have another proverb Ebola or tan you see that they have done but they don't have bullets such excuses but attempts at explaining away your failures the David bring any weapons to the battery daddy that they have an assert that they have any spare even the smooth stones a peaked it was the brute that refined stones not him it brought all that he had shepherd's staff Shepherds bag and Shepherds pouch Oh sada with Misha pastor scheppers bad and suppose pouch look at our seniors this person understood yes I did he wonders two types of shadow it took five Stoll's God was guiding his hand wittingly because there are five giants in the land of the Philistines it turns five smooth strong but it used one his assistants were usually meaningful do you understand then it to define smooth stones and put them in the Shepherd's pouch and then took the Shepherd's pouch and put it in shape as bad what what are you doing David what are you doing Mary team I hope you're hearing me how can you you have face to face with battle right on the battlefield the weapons you intend using you first put them in a pouch then you put them in a shepherd's bag why don't you just use them no my life is he with Christ in God do you understand me so when it took just one good lion say am ia dog what are you that you are coming against me Wistar am ia dog and I began to curse him in the name of his girls listen to this look at how heavily fortified Goliath was the only space left just for him to be able to see if it was the only space in love was what God needed when God is ready to destroy your enemy they will use their hands you know they they were trying to I always like to rehash it like this and then we jumped on Goliath and excuse me your salt please may God give the weapon of your enemy into your hands in the mighty name of Jesus don't use those excuses don't explain a way your poverty confront your poverty we gots riches and abundance not explain it away number four this is critical please don't confuse opportunism with opportunities don't confuse opportunism with opportunity there are too many opportunists in the church and in the world opportunism and opportunity are different they're not the same thing let us define both of them for clarity sake are you ready this is Webster dictionary this is not dossier the Lord opportunity by definition is a stroke of Fortune which presents itself and kinda be grasped or lost opportunity by definition is a stroke of fortune which presents itself and can either be grasped or lost that is opportunity is a circumstance providing a chance of possibility opportunity is a circumstance providing a chance or possibility about opportunity listen to it very well opportunism is the practice of grasping at opportunities without regard for moral considerations opportunism is the practice of grasping at opportunities with our regard for moral considerations it is the practice of adjusting your policies in the light of each new situation as it arises are not according to principle or plan an opportunist or one who is opportunistic is a man or woman who practices opportunism look at what made Esther the Queen the Queen I love the story of Esther if you read in your Bible what happened you will understand what made Esther the Queen you want to find out was it a beauty beautiful women what was a competitive edge as such of the two verse 12 to 18 I want to show you the difference between opportunism and opportunity Esther chapter 2 12 to 18 each young woman's turn came to go into King Ahaz arose after she completed 12 months preparation according to the regulations for the women for those were the days of their preparation apportion six months with oil of myrrh and six monthly perfumes and preparations of beautifying women many preachers do not understand this that the purpose of the anointing is not to show that the purpose of the advance is to cover the filthiness of the flesh now I will take a whole year to prepare a queen or a woman for one night stand with the king just repeat one year preparation sir all the filthiness all the wrinkles are all gone before going before the king let's read further das prepared each one woman went to the king and she was given whatever she desired to take with her from the women's quarters to the king's palace can I explain that to you the person in charge of the of the ladies who bring them to a perfume Paulo as they choose what you like many of them opportunism kicked in they began to grasp was them of your perfume Oh pure poison seduction you buy them how you buy the obsession and passion there's a similar to buy ooh raga guru so he put one in the air put one in the nose put one here put one other hand put by the time she got to the cooking the king was confused but the time came for Esther what late in the evening when ting and the money she returned to the second house of the women to the custody of shall gasps I'm coming to decode that for you because there were two units involved one was to prepare then the other was to fleece them I will show you their names to the coastal areas gasps the Kings you know look at the crown kuba Hines and France or Germany when you go to Germany you bought brand-new when you go to Belgium you buy to Congo use God do you understand me okay again unless the clean the lighter in her and call for her by name she will never come again now when the turn came for Esther the throttle of the I beheld the uncle Mordecai who are taken as his daughter to go into the king she requested nothing but what a guy the Kings eunuch the custodian of the women advice and estopped a feeble in this side of also ha the rest part all kinds of perfumed they put in the head rebooting the northern put in the mouth cascara mascara a dilapidated house needs a lot of pinching here on the sermon the the painter dishes gas that my money gas is this your real self tilde n e+ of of party certain lady Amara perfume washes yeah by an admission has ever happened to use you stay with people I want to throw up because of the concussion the bleaching and all that they have done to their skin you look at their fingers do not a black no white no yellow no drink look look at their neck at the Apple also you you you understand me so they bleach I think they are bleached - why - why to be whiter you want to bleach no is his skin tuna I study no requests for anything except what they advise like the type of the Holy Spirit in knows what perfume would turn on the King and gave her that one and once you appear before the King because he here is my queen there's a difference between opportunity and opportunity they both had the same thing let me show you the names of the people grow up a few turns the King upon do you know what turns God on no man knows what is in the spirit of man except the spirit of man in like man and no man knows what is in the heart of God except the Holy Spirit and it when it begins to intercede for you according to the will of God you and the epicenter of this will and then you please God let's look at the two names of the eunuchs in charge of the women who took part in this beauty contest a guy a guy means meditation meditation world groaning and separation that is it was speaking word to them they were meditating but the ones who are fortunate ik did not even listening to the word mama lately obviously women who go to hotels sorry every soup every the one day we use the one who know a couple question one mother cook or neutral Arab one cookbook well dadadada whoever perfume the desert and then water could they use it those things were supposed to be used there and live - as gas I call him Sangeeta it means he depresses the fleas or it ashes the Sheep to flee a sheep is to remove the coat a wool covering the Sheep so when you're under charge gasps you're covering is gone that's what opportunism leave people into you're covering will be blown and you become vulnerable to the enemy when number five as Christians even when opportunities present themselves we must never jump at them without considering a moral compress and now the holy allow the Holy Spirit to guide us and the choices we make even when opportunities present themselves we are not led by opportunity we are led by the Holy Spirit Paul the Apostle said when I came to truss and it door was open before me by the Lord I found no peace in my heart I departed him away from Macedonia second Corinthians 2:12 2:14 second Corinthians 2:12 2:14 listen to Paul the Apostle for Dhamma when I came to wear truss to preach Christ's gospel and a door was opened to me by who by the Lord I had no rest in my spirit because I did not find I trust my brother but taking my leave of them I departed from Macedonia look what is here the Lord opened the door step in my friend is a but there was a chick in my spirit and no peace God was testing whether I will be led by opportunity or led by the Spirit of God we are not led by opportunities we are led by the Spirit of God look at acts 16 is that we wanted to go to my issue the Holy Spirit for bidders we wanted to go to bethey Nia the Holy Spirit for bidders and that one was sleeping at night in the place of race I saw a man of Macedonia say come to Macedonia and help us through their that gospel got to Europe God knows the timetable the schedule may I bother you with the word trust and the word Macedonia is important Macedonia means a duration trust means penetration God knows when to penetrate God knows when to adore if you are led by opportunity you just grab things and then it backfires on you it backfires completely on you and you have yourself to blame but it went to Macedonia and then ended up in prison yes because God had the pastor of the Philippian Church in the prisons and that's the only way you be saved all of Ukraine God said my mother because of my father gossamer I don't know how you saved up is your wheel is your wheel if you keep on interested in issue a wheel can I hear amen [Applause] yes my sixth point a preacher receive it in matters of identifying opportunity and season them world will always proceed how what will always proceed how for Psalm 117 let's go to David again first Psalm 117 26 and 27 for Psalm 117 26 and 27 then there is spoke to the man who stood by him saying I can hear you I cannot hear you what shall be done for the man who kills the Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel for who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the Living God and the people answered him in Richmond are saying socially be done for the man who kills him now what was the preoccupation of David's mind here what if David was preoccupied by how do we know mu you are Cindy giant you have seen is mo you have seen the one in front of him like another giant Carini shield you have no weapon at all if what does not hit you first and how his refers to paralyze you like Zechariah how can these things be what must precede how don't let how intimidate you that has never happened before does nomina cannot happen God keeps on breaking his own record why should you not how intimidate you because how is very challenging if a guarantee not intercept when Marisa how should this be I know not a man the angel said to her God does not need this seed of demands it does not need the egg of the woman it just need your womb was incubator because if your egg is involved you'll be steamed do you understand this now party girls will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you do you understand me don't let how intimidate you please write this down don't forget it if how was not a problem someone would have already figured it out if how was not a problem somebody else would have figured it out if the pathway to success were wealthy a Jew already be crowded if the pathway to success were already very lead and very brilliant and everybody can identify it you will be crowded the only reason God is asking you to go the extra mile is because there is no concreted I've taught you many times there is no traffic jam there there's no traffic jam on the extra mile nobody wants to go so if you pay the price of going the extra mile you have a free ride the pathway to success is never well leaked that's right now crowded many people are intimidated by how they drop the award this bring me to my last comment today the last point all progress in life began with one question what needs to be done that's what all progress in life begins with what needs to be done and somebody needs to be asking the question why not you and why not me what needs to be done to fix Nigeria what needs to be done to guarantee good governance in Ireland what needs to be done to Redistributor is in this plan and to restructure a lopsided country economy and quality why needs to be done somebody needs to be asking that question and people are correct must rise and say if not me who and if not now the way don't be intimidated by how focus your attention of what needs to be done time has come for you sons and daughters brothers and sisters to be a lot in the spirit to identify opportunities and to system with good hands be always ready to identify them and step in by faith if I didn't Oh big or thirty years there will be no loitering and there'll be no Citadel global community church because I obeyed now obedience must come continuous don't limit your God don't limit yourself they are to dream prepare now and let opportunity miss your preparation seize the opportunity baby did not come to the battlefield wanting to fight but it sees the opportunity Daniel was not trying to outshine his classmates in the Babylonian University but it sees the opportunity Joseph was not trying to impress the King in fact the butler's forgotten him and all about him but God kept him there still on to the appointed time he went to prison said I will not be slave of Potiphar forever become a subject of the state when you committed crimes a state vessels so it was a ready subject of the state and Pharaoh can now appoint him to higher higher platform that will cause even Potiphar to bow to him for the mention of the name of Joseph every Gyptian must bow and at the mention of the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue confess this is my third and final instruction to you identify opportunities and see them with both hands don't let how intimidate you do you understand me keep on asking the question what needs to be done stand to your feet bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name I thank you father of glory King of Kings blood of law thank you for what you are doing in this house thank you as to bring dreams and visions and prophecies to your children grant them the spirit the courage to go for it in the name of Jesus that they may make a difference in a perverse and crooked world thank you father that everyone who appears in Zion is strong these people are not weak they're strong grant them grace not to be intimidated by how but we'll keep on asking what needs to be done what must I do what do I need to do how do I make my own contribution how my impact is sailed how do I leave this war better than I met it how do I live this charter and I met it how do I live lives that I taught better than I made the people let me grass Lord to make a difference in Jesus mighty name and the people said if you are here dreams different kinds there are nightmares the ones that the Holy Spirit give is his language I'll put my spirit upon all fresh young men shall see visions the old men that drew dreams except you have the Spirit of God on the inside of you are you led by the Holy Spirit or you have given your life to Jesus Christ type of dreams we are talking about is my wishful thinking it's not that dreaming is something coded in heaven planted in your heart so that you can make a difference and fulfill destiny if you have not given your life to Jesus Christ this is the moment to do it and say Lord Jesus come into my life I want to make a difference don't go away without praying that prayer to God today the Lord I need you to save my soul to deliver me from every form of nightmare that destroys me in the night season in Jesus mighty name and it will come to you if you reveal Jesus to you the Holy Spirit would you into green pasture can I hear amen
Channel: Citadel Global Online
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Length: 91min 42sec (5502 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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