CGCC | Yinka Alaseyori | July 4th 2021 | God’s Unusual Vessels VIII | Pastor ‘Tunde Bakare

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praise the lord peace can we appreciate god for an awesome awesome sunday and dominion partners week please can we just rise up and appreciate the lord he's been awesome his word has come his revelation has come on diluted cure from heaven father we are one grateful people thank you so much for being present here today in the name of jesus hallelujah please sit down pardon my voice dominion partners are non-conference voice amen hallelujah my objective this morning is just to speak to our hearts to invite all of us to become dominion partners so i'm just going to be sharing some stories they're very personal to me and they're not just coincidences they are true stories and i know god was minister to our hearts and the knowledge we've been having since this conference started we will get we will give you to the holy spirit and will allow him to use us as we all come to serve on the dominion partners platform in jesus name so some of us have no idea how many people gave their hearts and rededicated their lives to christ through moments of truth our television and radio broadcast ministry these included believers and yet to believe some believers came to the cgcc formerly known as later in assembly through the moment of truth please can you signify by raising your hand if you are a tribe from moment of truth to lra now cgcc can you stand up for recognition for just 30 seconds hallelujah wow and these fruits have abided and they are serving the lord with all of their heart thank you so much please sit down hallelujah my husband elder adewale gave his life to christ in a baptist church in 1994 at a stage in his christian journey he got tired of church until he watched an episode of the moment of truth in 1998 and a fresh fire for god was rekindled inside of him as he listened to pastor's teaching and he was convinced to come and serve god here hallelujah now just two weeks ago i was chatting with my dad my biological father you know the world is pastors in law and his daughter so my dad came to town for a very important um family activity he doesn't live here and we were talking about nigeria we're talking about them we sort of talking about the church and the man of god and he said to me you know eh pastor tony bakari i listened to that man and i was shocked why my dad is a very senior celeb prophet priest and when he said that the only thing i could say in my heart was i lord moment of truth again baby just touch this man's heart let him become a great instrument in your hand and he was saying see i mean i'm a preacher but he's the prophet hello he's a professor that was his word he's a professor of the bible you know i was just looking at the man because i know my father pastor knows my father he knows my story with my father and he kept on and on about how he enjoys pastors teachings through the moments of truth and he started dropping some other pastor's name which i just blanked out on because i was amazed and i didn't tell him that i am the director of dominion partners or anything he won't well my dad there's only one person talking and that's him you know if you know you know the man loves himself so he talks about himself a lot and i just stood there just looking at him and he went on but i could whisper that was the only thing i could do my heart that lord a draw touch his heart let him become a great instrument in your hands through the teaching of pastor or moment of truth now there are so many on her testimonies of what god is doing through moments of truth and to be honest a lot of these testimonies may not be heard in our lifetime as only eternity will reveal the impact of the moment of truth and the lives impacted and transformed through the program so many of these testimonies will only be unveiled to us in heaven that's the truth so i want i want to just encourage you that as a partner right now you're definitely part of this great army of god propagating the gospel of our lord jesus christ throughout the nations of the world now it is our desire that everyone seated here joining us online and in the diaspora will please enlist to become partners in propagating the gospel of our lord jesus christ to the ends of the earth with our father the servant overseer this is the call to action to enlist you just need to sign up you're going to see behind me now on the screen the details to which you can fill or contact us through our or shares with our brochures and sign up forms kindly fill them if you're still in the auditorium and maybe you're in the overflow and you want to become a partner you can partner by making monthly quarterly half yearly or yearly monetary contributions or you can also single-handedly pick up a station or stations to sponsor our signup form is also available online at the details that have been displayed on the screen now if you desire to make further enquiries kindly send email to us at info or you can call text or whatsapp us on the number also on your screen that number is 0805 947-0959 thank you so much for listening this morning god bless you mostly happy thanksgiving somebody praise the lord your alleluia is for the latter in assembly i want to see jesus amen please be seated good morning god bless you your own is very small mine is loud because of microphone good morning god bless you [Applause] amen please say to your navel peace to you peace to your house peace to all that you have and peace your beloved nation nigeria in the mighty name of jesus and to all our american friends brothers and sisters in america happy independence day you do not know how many americans are watching you i get to know them and i get to know where they're watching and where out there is send all kinds of things to us resources inclusive in north carolina and everywhere they connect with us on sundays and they tell me what i preach all the time you know this is god's doing it is marvelous in our sight let me see up independence america may the good lord is to america back to god's plan and purpose that purpose for her before time began in jesus mighty name let me at this juncture i welcome you all especially our first timers here at the city there and those joining our ever growing online community for the first time to the dominion partners thanksgiving service 2021 i cannot appreciate the director on his team of dominion partners all of them for an incredible incredible creative way they've conducted the dominion partners this year [Applause] thank you my daughter if you think i influenced it in any way then you don't know me i do not micromanage she did our best to come and say about this i said whatever you have authority you have responsibility function the way you know best and thank god for the results we got thank god today we pray for an unforgettable encounter with god for you all in jesus mighty name last sunday the holy spirit interrupted the service were you here after the elvis letter prayer they began to sing that i felt in my spirit no let's let's let the holy spirit do his job i have in my hand a compilation of testimonies that took place what the holy spirit did i'll take some of them hyper acidity healed i don't know what that is said i had an episode lately a doctor called it hyper acidity it was so bad that i could not keep anything down i kept feeling feeling this rumbling my stomach but as pastor prayed for us on sunday he kept hunching jesus jesus i felt a sensation that went from my chest down to my stomach then up and down again our first strength infused me my stomach became calm this morning i purposely took one of the meals that would have been upsetting to my stomach as if he's strong and my stomach is very calm i give god all the praise i don't know if i'm going to pronounce this well i don't know the names of sicknesses i just know the name of jesus okay lumbar spondylitis where is doctor theophilus i hope i got that correctly lumbar spun the light is healed i've been suffering from lumbar spondylitis a form of lower back pains from the spine which is age related since the past six years i'm 59 years old at the moment it became severe last september and i had to go for a ct scan i was told there was no cure but always depend on painkillers for the rest of my life i also have to do some prescribed exercises after some sessions of physiotherapy the exercises help but the pain is still disturbing as soon as pastor prayed for us today i started feeling some sensation around the area where i felt the most pain i exercise my faith unto god's glory the pain was gone after the prayers this is about eight hours after the prayers and i've not felt the pain since [Applause] this one says double dose i'm jumping some of them double dose of the supernatural i received a double dose of god supernatural torture on sunday i've had peptic ulcer my entire adult life and on sunday morning i was going to humbly request that someone should minister in my place but i gently restrained my spirit and i simply as a lord to strengthen me for the day literally did i know he had big plans for me when pastor barker made the first altar call for healing i held my stomach and stepped out in faith and as friends were going on the intense pain i felt before service began disappeared instantly usually i pop pills after meals to prevent acid reflux heartburn and indigestion but since sunday morning i haven't chewed any antacids secondly i've been plagued by insomnia for the longest time i really sleep for four hours straight every night and afternoon naps and non-existent for me it got so bad that i subconsciously trained my body to power now at least to make do with whatever little sleep he could get to be honest i was one of the reasons why god intercepted the service on sunday when papa be huh i hope you not call me that my grandchildren are allowed to say that you okay when he made the second outer call for those servants from insomnia my heart lived for joy i was on the platform ministry and couldn't step out but i stretched out my hand in faith and towards the end of the lord's garment instantly i knew i was made whole i had to travel immediately after service i not only slept throughout my trip i slept throughout the night like a baby and almost missed the 5 30am prayer hour monday morning i got back into lagos city monday afternoon and i had to go straight home for another round of sweet sleep i woke up briefly about 7 30 p.m to send in my testimony as i could literally feel in my body asking for more sleep it was stirring it was like my body was learning how to sleep again entire family healed in the cloud i would like to share testimony with you all my kids have been ill since this past thursday and i also have been having cough for which i've used antibiotics personal bulging i got anti-malaria drugs for the kids and later took them to the hospital my kid's nanny literally zoomed into on saturday and was also ill this afternoon during the service pastor placed an outer call for who was sick at the city today while i and my family were home streaming live on tv i was also preparing for walk while in fellowship i told the nanny to drop what she was doing and let her stand in front of the tv i was backing my younger kid and suddenly i felt the holy spirit i was spinning and screaming i couldn't get hold of myself but my nanny held me into a chair and dropped my son i felt the pain my body go away pastor also called on those sovereign insomnia for which i stood in the car for my mom she's been suffering from this for this for years and like wow thank you jesus for remembering her and truly there's no distance in the spirit in the spirit hallelujah i can go on and on whenever the holy spirit wants to have his way we must not block him stand up and let's thank him for all this testimony that they will remain permanent and many more will be added today in the name of the lord jesus christ father we thank you to your name alone be all the glory and all the prayers we are now the healers you are the healer we are your servants thank you for helping us thank you for being sensitive to you in jesus mighty name may i have this back then you may be seated please turn your bible with me to psalm 124 128 psalm 124 verse 1 to 8. he reads and i quote and i want you to read with me as a matter of fact i want you to stand and read this you understand me do you know why this is our story you really don't know that many people pronounce me dead many place curses on me but for god ready read if it had not been the lord who was on our side let israel see now if it had not been the lord was on our side when men rose up against us then they would have swallowed us alive when their wrath was cleaned against us then the waters would have overwhelmed us the stream would have gone over our soul then the swallowing waters would have gone over our soul blessed by the lord who has not given us as pray to their feet our soul as a script as a bird from the snare of the fowlers the snare is broken and we have escaped our help is in the name of the lord who made heaven and you may be cheated and the people said today we are going to have a very special and anointed music minister she's already in our midst if you have ever encountered forges of lies you know what that means those who specialize in forging lies they are sons of the devil because we know the resources of the devil are nothing but lies if someone resource resources our lives and falsehood is broke his bronco everything he has is a lie i know people like that from the crown of the head to the source of their feet everything about them is for sure it's a lie there are certificates lies their place of birth life their father mother life what they have lie they themselves lie and they raise people liars if you have ever encountered forgers of lies worthless physicians and miserable comforters like the one job had in the midst of adversity and affliction then you will understand the anointed song inspired by the holy spirit and sent to the earth today for a collective benefit through adeyinka allah i'm not done yet not done yet i'm just starting if you think i'm preaching this morning god help you i came here to dance a look at job 2 11-13 will show you the scenario and what happened to job job chapter 2 verse 11 to 13 now when job's three friends who are they friends when those three friends heard of all this adversity that come upon him each one came from his own place elephants the termite oh it's a terminite build that they shoot tight they shoot you in the tire and the nematode for they had made an appointment together to calm ammon with him and to comfort him what did they come to do to mourn and to comfort with him when they raised their eyes from afar and did not recognize him they lifted their voices and wept and each one tore his robe and sprinkled dust on his head toward heaven and they true friends so they sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights and no one spoke a word to him for the sort that is grieved was very great by this time you'll be thinking in your heart what a friend what type of friends are these wonderful hi they're really money with me job 6 14-18 to him who is afflicted kindness should be shown by his friend even though he forsakes the fear of the almighty do you understand even if there was something that disconnect with god in his life you should show him mercy but listen to job my brothers have dealt deceitfully like a brook like the streams of the brooks that pass away oh i'm not there yet if you have people like a brook that just streams away and they are not standing with you which are dark because of the ice and into which the snow vanishes when it is warm this is to flow when it is hot they vanish from their place the parts of their way turn aside they go nowhere and perish you want to rely on such friends job 13 1-5 behold my eye i've seen all these my ears heard and understood it what you know i also know job was telling these miserable converters i'm not inferior to you you know they now have made them look inferior feel inferior but i will speak to the almighty and i desire to reason with god but you forget of lies you are all worthless physicians oh that will be silent and it will be your wisdom job 16. 1-5 and job answered and said i've heard many saw things miserable comforters are you all shall words of wind have an end or what provokes you that you answer i also could speak as you do if you also why my soul's place i could help hip-hop words against you and shake my head at you but i will strengthen you with my mouth and the comfort of my lips will relieve your grace people of god with friends like elephants determinate build that this white and silver the nematode you do not need an enemy just as there are pillars of progress there are also caterpillars of progress may your friends not become your spiteful critics i mean your mentor has not become your tormentors in jesus mighty name can i hear good amen they are dominion partners 31 years ago on the first sunday of january 1990 the moment of truth hit the airwaves 31 years after is still on the airwaves on both television and radio here in nigeria and across europe across europe where that station alone covers and is watched by over 12 million homes not too long after we started some angry enchanters like balaam whose book i told in public said publicly that our resources will dry up i will not be able to sponsor the moment of truth anymore liar today we have several stations home and abroad and we do not owe any of these stations are dying somebody praise the lord then at the inca last year he sang straight from psalm 120 and some out of their envy and ignorance acquiring the spirituality of a song i don't know about you but i came here with my dancing shoes to dance and to sing with a danger last year please make a welcome to the citadel global community church as he leads us in worship put your hands together [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] we need to [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what is a lord am i sleeping i'm waking [Music] up [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo [Music] thank you jesus after all we've been [Music] true [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all will foreign true [Music] how many of you can declare that the lord has done all things for you all things always you sing that song your enemy will wonder [Music] i wanna tell you don't roll along lift your response and declare [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] yay [Music] foreign [Music] i cannot after all i've been true after all i've been true after all i've been true it's not your testimony i am still standing after all the devil tried you are still standing [Music] they failed you are still standing the next people expect you to wake up this morning but yeah you are alive after those nights of mourning there is a morning for laughter hey after all i've been through hey god after all i've been true after all i've been through i am [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i need to [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the same experience you had so many pastors but they did not receive the same message [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] foreign [Music] glory [Music] you brag about god you just want to brag about god because when you expect people to stand and you see men failing and you say god faithful you just want to brag about him are you ready to dance at all oh yes daddy and mommy i want to say thank you for this big platform when i came to traffic i was wondering it's in nigeria i celebrate this this is a big platform [Music] are you ready to dance [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] myself [Music] is foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] now [Music] [Music] we are [Music] hallelujah [Music] we are [Music] are you sure [Music] i will never be ungrateful [Music] i [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] you take care of [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] i want you to dance are you sure are you sure it's the same person that i've been seeing since last week why she doesn't differently because the lord is ready to do something big for you today hallelujah [Music] hey [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] when the spirit of the lord is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] god is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you say [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hey are you giving god your best this morning foreign [Music] [Music] come on [Music] oh [Music] foreign everybody [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign give you [Music] you are [Music] hallelujah oh bless the name of the lord praise his holy name magnify him today where is like unto you all god among the gods wrists like you glorious in holiness fearful impressions thank you jesus [Music] praise the lord [Music] okay then all right now job chapter 12. verse 1 to 25 so that we can have a full understanding of the context of job's answer to his critics he reads and i quote then job answered and said no doubt you are the people and wisdom will die with you but i have understanding as well as you i am not inferior to you indeed who does not know such things as this i am more mocked by his friends who called on god and he answered him that just i'm blameless who is ridiculed a lamp is despised in the thought of one who is at ease i'll give you three different descriptions for that one line a lamp is despised and the thought of one who is at ease it is made ready for those whose feet sleep the kinds of robbers prosper and those who provoke god are secure in what god provides by his hand but now as a beast and they will teach you and the birth of the air and they will tell you or speak to the earth and he will teach you and the fish of the sea will explain to you who among all these the beasts of the field the birds of the air the earth and the fish of the sea who among all these does not know that the hand of the lord has done this in whose hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind does not the ear test words and the mouth tastes its food wisdom is with aged men and with lent of days understanding with him a wisdom with god and wisdom and strength he has cancelled and understand it if he breaks a thing down it cannot be rebuilt if he imprisons a man there can be no release if he with all the waters they dry up if he sends them out they overwhelm the earth with him as strength and prudence the deceived and deceiver is he leaves counsellors away plundered and makes fools of the judges it loosens the bond of kings and binds their waste with a belt he leaves presses away from that and overthrows the mighty he deprives his trusted ones of speech and takes away the discernment of the elders he pours contempt on princes and disarms the mighty he uncovers deep things out of darkness and brings the shadow of death to light he makes nations great and destroys them he enlarges nations and guides them it takes away the understanding of the chiefs of the people of the earth and makes them wander in a pathless wilderness there are four major issues in the entire passage of job 25 the first critical issue is in verse 4 job described himself as a just and blameless man mocked and ridiculed by his friends who had become inspiteful critics miserable comforters worthless physicians and forgers of lies you know if anything bad happens to you that's when you know your true friends prosperity is not the true test of friendship it's adversity a rich man will have two sets of people in large quantity false friends and true enemies but in the moment of adversity you know those who truly care about you i've found some in the cause of adversity in my life second critical issue in verse number five job reminds he said or reminded his cree seek his critics that a lamb is despised in the thought of one who is at ease say that with me a lamb jesus spies in the thought of one who is at ease it is made ready for those whose feet sleep i give you three explanations to a man at ease sitting in his well-lit living room a lamb may be just a decorative accessory do you agree with me if your living room is well lit and you find all kinds of lamps there it's decorative accessory not because you need that lamb you have all the lights the place is where lead is you just want to show off with decorative lines you really don't need it but a man who is walking on a narrow road on a dark night without street lights even touch light will be a blessing because that torchlight could prevent him from falling into a ditch or falling into a pothole see the condition of your route go and walk in the dark night without light and see what will happen to you so when job said that he said you guys at ease you really don't need any words of comfort or anything so keep it on me feel free to do so i've been salvation tobacco dear come along register even if there's no street light no touch light if you are god's child instead of falling into a ditch god will say they'll thunder lightning to show you light that you're about to for somebody praise the lord second explanation i do not know the condition of canon street these days but when we lived in a booty meter canon street was a street for beggars how many of you lived in automata before from the beginning of the street to the end of it there were beggars there each beggar had three things that he carried how many things they sit like this they put a ball in front of them somebody said boo that's their begging bowl is in front of them they put a lantern by their right side close to the begging bowl and they have a walking stick now release regular walking secret huge i mean strong they hold it to a passer by say ah what does a blind man needs a lamp for huh the lamp is not for the blind man it's not the man with two eyes who is helping him to watch when any pig pocket wants to pick something from his bowl then he will understand that people understand what they call bugatti chanda sometimes god will give you light and illumination not for you but for the sake of others who are still blind for jesus said i came to the world that those who have eyes will not see they will be blind and those who are blind will see and somebody who says will begin to guide you and say don't go that way no don't it's because you have your begging bowl you have the walking stick but you can't see but that person who can see when i say that's not the way to go but if you look at that text number three if you look at it very well this is something that is deep look in the middle column of your bible the word lamb will have a little letter by side and if you go to the middle column it will tell you disaster now means what disaster so contextually what job said to his critics is that anyone not facing a major crisis or adversity can despise those going through sin and then you begin to pontificate you know why you are in your trouble and this is the reason you are in trouble because you are not in it you despise the person going to trouble it is it is easier to be critical than correct point number three in verse six the three the third critical thing job zeroed in on the tents of rubber uh who prosper and whose stains are secure though the provo god such robbers and those who provoke god in this passage include counselors judges kings princes mighty men and elders who act as if there is no god and there is no tomorrow these are the companions of satan making sure that is funded is broke if i bankruptcy at calvary all the kingdoms and the nations of the earth that belong to him now belong to christ the keys to his own kingdom the keys of death the keys of hell are not in his hands anymore so anyone can access his terrain and do havoc there except a strong man is bound he can go into his house and do exploit but it takes the keys to the house has been taken away it's broke it's busted is disgusted it's bankrupt but you see this robbers who stand secure as human agents such counselors princes rulers prophets bishops apostles like judas iscariot he was a thief i don't know why these things shock you because you you are thinking in your mind you must be talking about somebody i'm talking about you and i are you a thief are you stealing from god how can god rise up in the whole book of malacca and say this whole nation has stolen from me if there are not too many thieves in the house he was talking to priests we are the one given opportunity to satan to still have little coins in his pocket these rulers act as if there are no consequences for their actions they are securing their things they do dastard things but god will give them time and when they don't repent it would destroy their nation you ready there didn't you there is one who makes nations great and then destroys them so when those counselors of evil those pretentious men of god members of the synagogue of satan who stream in the depths of satan namely the love of money who gives the council of balaam for the sake of popularity and honor and grief again when they continue a time comes when god will reign judgment on them and destroy their nation and people will be lamenting i said we don't seem to have any solution god is not perplexed by what is going on in nigeria he's going to fix it [Applause] let me share with you the conspiracy of the wicked leaders of israel you will see the list so don't give me a look and say is he not critical of other people i'm talking about us you and i body of christ instead of advancing the kingdom of god and the kingdom of heaven we are busy building our personal empires flying our jets and taking pride in we now have number three ezekiel 22 verse 23 to 31 and the word of the lord came to me saying son of man said to her you are a land that is not cleansed or reigned on in the day of the conspiracy of our i can't hear you you're not talking to me i can't hear you is he talking about politicians here the picture of the church is a picture of the city leave politicians alone raise righteous men that will slide them and push them off the mountain because they are pigs the conspiracy of our prophets in our midst is like a running lion cheering the prey they have devoured people they have taken treasure and precious things they have made many widows in our midst our priests are violated with the next one in life these are israel's wicked rulers what who was mentioned first you need to wake up and smell the coffee who has been mentioned next i priests have violated my law and profaned my holy things they have not distinguished between the holy and holy anything goes now have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean and they are hidden their eyes from my servants so that i'm profaned among them next these are the rulers our princes inner miss are like wolves just like the prophets sharing the prey to shed blood to destroy people and to get this harness again back to the prophet before you get to the people you have prophets you have priests you have princes now you have prophets again what did they do they said the lord is with you i wonder what they got in to tell blurry when they go there i wonder what they tell the vice president i wonder what you tell the governors when you go to see them flying about and greeting governors and not telling them the truth judgment is here a prophet splashed at them with untempered water saying false visions and divining lies for them saying god said the lord god when the lord had not spoken the people of the land not the people prophets priests princes then the people they will just follow you understand me then the people of the land have used oppressions committed robbery mistreated the poor needy they wrongfully of praise stranger so i sought for a man among them who make a wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land that i should not destroy it but i found no one passer i want you to study this past similar revelation i want you to study this all men of god seated here how many people did god agree with abraham that if you could find this number of people in sodom he will spare them how many people what was the last figure 10 some mathematicians have calculated that abram stopped at 10 because he knew lot had a wife that's true lord had two daughters that's four the two daughters we have two husbands that six the two husbands we have for that mother each that's ten that with all the investment in the life of lord we only built a house and did not build an altar everywhere you see abraham he preached his tent i shared that with you in the morning prayer today a piece is done and he built an altar go write your bible if not at any altar in sodom he was a man a righteous man grieved but he was grieved for nothing he was enjoying the blessings of satan it looked like the garden of god but he did not know wicked men were there abraham asked for ten and stop at 10 the lord said if i find 10 righteous men there i will spare sodom what destroys sodom is not sodomy what destroys sodom is not the gay culture what destroys sodom is not lesbianism homosexuality what destroyed god i mean sodom was not what god found there it was what he did not find you could not find ten righteousness and you know what now he came to jerusalem in sodom the agreement was if he could find ten but he came now to his own place do you know how many people was looking for jeremiah chapter 5 give me verse 1 one one one all of us are now up to one person your generous pretenders your general overseers what you're serving overseer all of us are not yet up to one the dead god find one man in nigeria then you find out what god can do with the man who is totally yielded to him he's looking for the corporate man but we are so divided we are so encumbered by our empire building they've forgotten the assignment of god give me jeremiah chapter five run to and fro through the streets of jerusalem see now i know and seek in our open places if you can find a man how many if you can find a man if there is one there who has accused judgment who seeks the truth and now we pat on her why couldn't god find any man there i'll tell you why are you ready because the churches there are nothing but charismatic jews verse 25 when i tell you that we are the problem god has in his hand not satan not lucifer he has stripped him he has thrown him out of heaven there's no place for him there anymore he catch you here to make sure you give no place to the devil we are so scared about devil jeremiah 5 26 for among my people among where when i say this and please read your bible before you judge my comments and think i'm fighting church people i'm not fighting you i'm fighting us for among my people i found wicked men they lie in weight as one who says that's your evangelistic campaign you have target audience ministry to bankers ministry to millionaires ministry to these ministry to that all in the be to get to the apost so they do what they like and all your accounting is money that is coming in attendance and you do a lot of heavy publicity to bring them in because we need money for the gospel god can use anybody is god broke can he order for what he cannot pay has he ever done it before for among my people i found wicked men they lying away that's wrong with such snails they set a trap they catch men as a cage is full of birds so their houses are full of deceit therefore they have become great and grown rich and they have a paraphernalia what do you do when you go for what's that thing that they do at uh um oh god help me lord trade fair they have paraphernalia of things that can show you their latest automobiles they are latest jets dimensions they're living for them that's god's blessing idiot everything here no matter how much spent on it will be renovated with fire everything babylon will lose all our treasure in one day and they'll be crying babylon the great is falling god is not going to have competition with gold if you think your money impresses god think a second thought today they have grown fart they are sleek yes they surpass the deeds of the wicked they do not plead the curse because of the fatherless yet they prosper and the right of the needy they do not defend shall i not punish them for these things says the lord shall i not avenge myself on such a nation as this an astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land the prophets prophesy falsely you can just see the prophet's prophet lie and the priests rule by their own power and only by the holy spirit they become brutish they do not seek the lord and my people love to have it so what what will you do in the end don't you love to have it so are you ready for blessing this morning are you ready god is going to give you treasure we pleasure with our measure he's going to give you treasure with pleasure that measure they look for dictionaries and look for the right words and they psych your brains preach it may your seat broke and you're not thinking they will tell you the less is blessed by the better they caught it out of context forgetting that melchizedek force gave to abram the communion and did ethical adjustment in his life before abraham responded which is tight and melchizedek did not demand for that he was free will they will treat you the less is blessed by the better they say yes our father is blessed he is better than us go read your bible you say he will give to the rich be poor there's a balance there's a balance i'm not here to take advantage of the flock because i was time before god to give account one day and that day is fast approaching because the lord is coming the head of the church is coming back he's coming for his own give me ezekiel 45 let me show you the profile of this princess what they do is you you think they can get away with all that is happening we were the dining yesterday and all kinds of things are being spoken by experts in a in a in a security system did i personally comment i said these people don't know god they can't fix these things by themselves and when god is ready he will push one button ask about you ask idiom in the da ask libya gaddafi ask all of them who you think they are mightier than mighty ezekiel 45 6-9 i'm not looking unto any man for anything my eyes are set on god for fulfillment of destiny here is a word to the prince the prince who did language decree to take over land as much as he needed and for his friends here is the word of the lord you shall appoint as a property of the city an area five thousand cubits wide and twenty five thousand long i just entered the district of the holy section this is god mapping out the governor's house it shall belong to the whole house of israel that that governor's house you cannot convert it to private jews after uh you know my journey get ready all of you converting government property and paying peanut for it and rejoicing that you have accumulated wealth you will not spend it oh yes you will be spending it on sicknesses and diseases until you repent your children will be worthless a lot on the street many of your sons will be drunk addicts why because you are robbing entire people the priests shall have a section on one side and the other of the holy district and the city's property i'm bordering on the holy district and the city's property god was so specific extending westward on the west side and his word on the easter the land shall be side by side one of the tribal portions from the west border to the east border why is god this particular the land shall be his possession in israel and my princes shall no more oppress my people but as i give the rest of the land to the house of israel according to their tribes ready read god says the lord god he now all princes of israel remove violence and plundering execute justice and righteousness and stop this possession my people says lord god i want you to talk to the tent of robbers this morning stop this possession my people don't say the lord stop this possession my people is looking at you your crop is full now it's about to run over you are getting last morning stay with me one more time again in all all princes of nigeria stop dispossessing god's people in jesus name people of god although satan is broke and bankrupt jesus stripped him of all his stolen wealth at calvary yet his rebellious allies whether princes or priests or prophets still give him access to the world of nations but guess what the day of reckoning of such rebellious people has come god almighty will get rid of them so that the triumphant church can arise in our land and destroy the agenda of the wicked god promised to join the wicked within the church and the nation and he will do it he will begin from his house when men of world begins to vomit their wealth you'll be here do you understand me if we judge them how swiftly say that we will judge them strictly isaiah chapter 1 verse 21 isaiah 1 verse 21 i'll read after verse 32 pay attention how the faithful city of abuja where you spend five times more than what was spent on washington d.c how the faithful city has become a harlot it was full of justice righteousness lord you need but now murderers your silver has become draws your wine mixed with water your princes are rebellious and companions of thieves who comes to steal who comes to kill who comes to destroy the devil comes now prefer to steal and kill and destroy but he has companions princes priests prophets people your princes are rebellious and companions of thieves everyone loves bribes and follow after rewards they do not defend the fatherless nor does the cause of the widow come before them therefore the lord said the lord of host mighty one of israel i i will read myself of my adversaries is anybody listening to this and take vengeance on my enemies i will turn my hand against you and thoroughly put away your drugs and take away all your alloy no more mixture i will restore your judges as the first on your counselors at the beginning somebody said new nigeria come quickly afterwards it shall be called the city of righteousness the faithful city zion shall be redeemed with justice and are penitenced with righteousness the destruction of transgressors and of sinners shall be together and those who forsake the lord shall be consumed for they shall be ashamed of the terrible trees which you have desired and you shall be embarrassed because of the gardens which you have chosen for you shall be as terrible who sleep faith and as a garden that has no water what's going to happen at the end dry up the structure be as tender and the work of it as a spark and when tinder meets spark what's going to happen both will burn together and no one shall quench them lord let your water run sweetly in this land in the name of jesus christ let now the tent of robbers remain secure in our land in the name of jesus distinguish between the stinging and the generous the wicked and the righteous in the mighty name of jesus let the righteous rise so that the people can stop groaning in this land in jesus name now listen to this all the pastors here pastor esther every second this is what is hindering the militant church what i've just read to you is why the church is now where it should be the moment they are taken out of the way then you roll into isaiah chapter two isaiah chapter two beginning from verse one the word that is that the son of a more soul tell your neighbor you can see the word it can manifest it can become flesh it can become real you can see the world the word that isaiah the son of amer saw concerning judah and jerusalem now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills all nations shall float people are going to be asking nigerians what happened to your country how did you do this i will be able to tell them this is not the work of any man this is the work of the holy spirit it is destiny calling we will get it done we will fix it nigeria will be saved nigeria will change nigeria will become great in my lifetime in the name of jesus christ why because the mountain of the lost house shall be on top of all the mountains and shall be above all his and all nations shall flow into many people shall come and say come let us go up to the mountain of the lord to the house of the god of jacob why he will teach us his ways and we will walk in his face why are people not asking for god's way because right now the tents of roberts are secure it's so bad in isaiah 59 that he says if any man is doing right you'll be a victim because truth has fallen on the streets and equity cannot enter they want to bribe you suck you in and stop your mouth forever minus me in the name of jesus christ i want you to stand to your faith we are going to pray now psalm 147 verse 12 to 15 ready read praise the lord o jerusalem that's house of peace praise your god o zion for your strengthening the vast of your gate he has blessed your children within you i decree i declare i prophesy you are blessed you are blessed be on the curse you are establishing an oppression you are protected beyond terror you are the blessed of the lord and you are offering with you in the name of jesus he makes peace where in your borders and fills you with the finest wheat he sends out his command to the earth his word runs very swiftly i stand on the authority of god's word and today i call the father let your world run strictly in this nation get rid of the wicked within your church and within the nation in the mighty name of jesus so that the militant church may arise and restore god's order in our land oh yeah open your mouth and pray let your ward run swiftly let your world run strictly in the name of jesus let your word run strictly let your word run strictly let your word run strictly in the mighty name of jesus let your word rush reply in jesus mighty name people of god it's time for righteous men and women with righteous indignation to put paid to satan's activities in their domain of influence start conquering him in your own home off limits to the devil let the devil know you cannot have access to your home you cannot have access to your life you cannot have access to your body your body is a temple of the holy spirit he cannot have access to your finances he cannot steal your gold he cannot steal your silver he cannot steal your wife he cannot choose your choice children in the name of jesus say it again today satan you can't have my goal you can't have my you silver a thief you are broke you are bankrupt you cannot access my finances you cannot access my wealth it is my god-given wealth i'm spending from the pocket of jehovah i thank you my father my god in the name of jesus such righteous people who fear god and uphold justice and fairness to all are the ones that will enlarge and make their nations great when you hear god mission makes nations great it's because he has found the david he has founded daniel he has founded joseph he's when when god finds one of them he begins to pour into that one go and read the blessings on joseph alone the bible says let it be on the head of him who is separate from his brothers don't get messed up by getting mixed up don't try to impress anybody by joining their clique and their club god is looking for woman it's called one man majority goliath understood that give me one man to fight with me the vision of paul confirmed it a man of macedonia saying come and help us may you become the accurate man may you bear that god's man in god's place god woman in god's place doing god's work in god's way at god's time so that all of heaven can begin to smile over you and raise you up to fix your domain of influence in the name of jesus christ well every righteous man with a righteous indignation is god's idiot for the restoration of all things do you understand me he's come down he's waiting to take us away he's not coming to fix these things he's putting his word in our mouth to fix the atmosphere to change everything around us to create the type of nation we want not a lawless nation we are might will be right but a lawful nation we are right we'll be mined in the name of jesus how many of you want the lord jesus to come how many of you want to go and join him now this is the problem we have in the church do you understand me we are asking come down oh lord calm down oh lord no he said i came down i'm sitting here i've given you all the tools to restore things and then bring me back it will take agents of restoration to bring the lord back we are going to fix nigeria this is not this is not election campaign nigeria will change in 2021 [Applause] i say it loud and clear for everyone who cares to listen and we will judge the world we'll be able to examine it hereafter the change we're expecting the change of gods would take place in nigeria in 2021 those who will run the nation will imagine 2021 before 2023 in the name of jesus say to the father let your word run swiftly in the mighty name of jesus give me acts of the apostle chapter 3 verse 18 to 21 acts of the apostle 3 18 to 21 i think i draw the veil here and we'll continue next time from here acts 3 18-21 but those things which god foretold by the mount of all his prophets that christ will suffer he has does fulfill somebody say fulfill but those things with god foretold by the prophet by the man of all his prophets that the christ will suffer he has does fulfill jesus has done his part whose part is waiting to be done your part and my part let's redone repent therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the lord what did i call you just now agents of restoration you need first and foremost to be refreshed do you understand me you yourself must be watered before you can water water other people ah oh god you must be refreshed you must be refreshed you must be configured you must be realigned you must come into alignment from the father you must leave the tent of robbers that seem secure they will soon be blown down a time of refreshing is there and you'll be refreshed in jesus name and when you are refreshed what will happen and that he may send jesus christ who was preached to you before whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things where god has spoken by the man of all his holy prophets since the world began everybody shall restore i can't hear you heavens must receive jesus unto the time of restoration of all things which was spoken by the mouth of the prophets of god seeing the world begun is nigeria in the mind of god is it going to be a bloody nation like this full of banditry full of terrorism full of all kinds of resurrect insurrection no no no that's not the nigeria that god has designed the new nigeria is on the way therefore this present one must swallow and vomit the wicked in the name of jesus christ he will swallow them he will vomit them nigeria will be saved nigeria will be changed nigeria will become great in the mighty name of jesus and that in my lifetime in my lifetime you're not going to be writing this to allah and the man really prophesied but he didn't see it know what my ears have heard what my mouth has spoken my hand will handle in the mighty name of jesus we'll fix this nation this nation will be fixed by you and i we accept responsibility for this change in jesus mighty name lift your hands to heaven and begin to thank god for today the tens of the wicked are secure not any longer not any longer satan is broke satan is bankrupt we are not going to be his agents we are now weaker leaders of israel prophets priests people princes god is raising a new breed without greed a radical opposition to corruption men and women boys and girls who choose to win by righteousness our righteousness will answer for us in times to come in the mighty name of jesus fifth year into this ministry and so many critics out there there saying nasty things about us and i remember the day i prepared a document to publish in the newspaper dr okay day was with me that day and i showed me what i prepared to expose expose this man who was saying nonsense about me a young convert a former muslim he said pastor but how many people who read it i was so angry that i didn't have opportunity to let the whole world the truth that happened he left my room and i was reading alex ness's book their pastors and christian workers and in that book he said he was in brazil he traveled to brazil with maurice cerullo to go and teach the nations and left his associate pastor to run the cathedral in uh toronto and that man fell into sin and the publication that came out from paige the pastor of social cathedral fell into adultery he returned to the country and took his paper and started writing it's not me he's my associate pastor the way you have put it everybody will think it's me and he was going to send it to them and the holy spirit said to him did you not raise him it's you the fall of one is a fall of all so he said he couldn't send it i quickly took what i'd written and thought it was then god spoke to me he said do not respond to anything until after five years how many of you remember because i shared it said don't reply until after five years and gave me these four words that have sustainment today number one god will not forsake the righteous say that with me i can't hear you number two god will not justify the wicked the righteousness of a righteous man will answer for him in times to come and the wickedness of a wicked man will pour upon his own head i thank god i did not respond and i heard unto that word do you know what happened on the fifth year go and check your calendar that was when the first born of pastor deborah came to marry at the lottery in assembly i thank god i beat god and i began to sing that day if you are there if there is any love do you remember the song oh you want to sing it with me i've forgotten oh she's waving ahead you remember those are old foundation members i can't remember the song now it just flew [Music] one was grateful it's me if ever there was a lover you are if ever there was a savior you are if ever jesus my king if ever one was grateful it's me that was my son on that wedding day and i put it on national television that evening what is the summary of this don't ever repeat evil with evil repay evil with good and you always try on your day of rejoicing is around the corner god will not frustrate or punish or destroy the righteous no he will not forsake the righteous he will not justify the wicked the righteousness of a righteous man will answer for him not immediately in times to come and the wickedness of a wicked man will pop on his own head happy anniversary happy happy what is it now happy thanksgiving service dominion partners thank you director thank you leaders it's been nice to see you and it's nice knowing you and we trust god for a wonderful time in the days to come
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Id: n4HMM0cZ1ig
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Length: 110min 51sec (6651 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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