Gods Restoring Power: Testimonies from the Brownsville Revival

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[Music] so in times like these with john kilpatrick the following is a special presentation of in times like these this revival has meant so much to me i was born and married a christian home minister's home became a minister's wife but i've never been so conscious of god as i have since this revival it makes me not even want to say that person's ugly it makes me know god's not pleased with that thought pattern in my life i'm so thankful that i'm changed because i feel i can stand before him with a clean heart and if it had not been for this revival i might not have been that way as i read brenda's testimony in the magazine it is so much like mine i had withdrawn myself did not want to talk to people because of their hurt but god has healed all that hurt and this revival has meant so much to me i want to tell you god has blessed all of us but linda has been used mindedly by god as he gave the word last sunday morning was two weeks ago he says stan he's did this before call the names of your loved ones by name and god will he will save them i have three boys one in san anton one in dallas and one on leesburg florida they were not where they ought to be with god i call their names as well as their dad their sister and their brothers standing next to me before that sunday night at 11 30 all my boys had called god touched him at that very moment as he stood there and proclaimed that and i'm so thankful i am so thankful for the love of all of you and it was such a joy and a privilege i know people say to us they say sister beaten when are you and brother being going to pastor again you don't know how the lies that we touch as we just come and we sit this missionaries this ministers that are hurting and we're able to just say the right thing at the right time as the holy spirit gives it to us and we feel fulfilled and we feel that we're where god would have us to be and i'm so thankful for you john and for brenda and for steve it meant so much to us just the love of god that has been shown to us and it's such a pleasure to be here be a part uh my name's uh alan wilson i'm over from england uh we fly back tomorrow my wife and i heather we uh um at our 33rd anniversary yesterday and both of us said you know we couldn't have spent it in a nicer place you know a few years ago i was on fire for god and somewhere along the way i lost it and coming here i just know that god's unfolded a lovely plan for my life and i asked brother hill if he would pray with me to put the fire back in in me that men might come and see me burn for jesus and you prayed for me the other night and i just just felt the wonderful power of the lord so i'm going back to england and i'm going to see that place burn for jesus uh people uh as a pastor make many demands on you and they just they just drain you and um after a while uh you're just going through the motions and it's at that weakness that the enemy can come in and say you know you have enough problems of your own why do you keep on trying to solve everyone else's but god is faithful god is so faithful and i just want to go back and i just want to live for jesus god bless you pastor thank you [Applause] my name is chris dorman my wife's name is brenda we came from jacksonville florida number one why it is this weekend our 35th wedding anniversary and we said where should we go let's go to brownsville wales what else is special about us why are we blessed to be here i've seen another big chunk of a picture coming together i'm german i grew up in wartime germany then spent 40 years on africa and i've been in america for just over five years being german i'm never less involved and served in a messianic jewish congregation i've been all over eastern europe and i've seen all these things get together and what michael brown has written has again served to put the whole picture together of what is happening i shared my own messianic congregation that i could not accept the idea of collective guilt when i was younger and of course wiser but now now i do which does not mean that every man woman and child knew what was happening but god deals with nations and i saw when i was in nuremberg only a couple of weeks ago an example of the the unspeakable sin and cruelty to the jewish people and the swift retribution that god sent on that city flattening it above all that what i've experienced here this weekend just the love of god which is so much bigger than we can measure imagine and even theorize or speculate on hallelujah praise you god bless you brother thank you for the past 10 years we've been missionaries in pakistan and afghanistan and god has refreshed us and blessed us during this week three years ago he had a break out of the holy spirit over there i saw things i haven't seen in 25 years of ministry is one of those times of breaking out of the spirit and we've seen muslims come to christ saved delivered from demons filled with the holy spirit healed demons cast out over these years it's been hard too we've had some wounds some self-inflicted some inflicted by others but we found that jesus wounds he make us whole we're healed and we're ready to go back and this has been an incredible week of refreshing and new burden for souls and i believe jesus wants to make this revival a blessing to the nations the young people here like jill your family hosted us this week the broxens and patrick the bouncer wherever he is been saved six months what a man of god you think about the next steps after after revival after acts 1 8 you got to go ends of the earth and if we don't go he'll give us acts 8 1 which is persecution and make us go and i loved your word you'll bless you if you go bless you if you stay but i'm a missionary not a pastor i'm saying he'll bless you more if you go [Laughter] [Applause] sometimes in the afternoon i told you that i was so touched when i would come by and see people and sometimes in the afternoon thursday or friday i'll come by and just walk through the crowds and ask them just tell them how much we're so glad that they're here in town but they always ask the same question what does the revival done for you and when the bart lottie's came and they're really blessed people they said what has the revival done for you and i've been thinking about that and i think each member there's a responsibility on us that the revival had better do something for you too but what it has done it turned my home to a sanctuary before the revival i hope i can get through this we were going to sell our home and put it on the market and god sent the storm and what the devil meant for our evil he turned to our good but he said i'm giving you your home back but i want you to open it up during this revival to primarily missionaries and let them stay here and they expanded it he allowed me to talk to a friend who has a motel on the beach and he says i asked him i said i want you to give me at least two days a month free to let a missionary stay there and he said i'm going to give you four and i tell you when your home's a sanctuary you leave church here and i love church here but when we go home we have church and we've had the kids come from evangel and we always pray for them and god always moves but i'll tell you that god will turn your house if you let him into a mini brownsville and you can when you have friends there there can be a touch on their life that they can't get here it can be in your home and i thank god that he and you know this because i've shared it with you but he can take calamity don't curse what calamity does because he can take it and make it for something good in your life about six months ago my wife wanted me to come to survival i didn't want to come and uh where you from i'm from here and uh so uh i came with her and uh i didn't remember it i promise i didn't remember it we got home she wanted to come back and i told her i had never been that's so i started coming back i saw my son my oldest son who drank alcohol he visited bars i saw him change right before my eyes i said there's got to be something going on so i came to this church and i started listening the shaking bothered me steve brought four children up young adults and uh kind of showed me that that was everybody didn't have to do that to be a christian then i had problems with being slain in the spirit and we were sitting in the pressure section one night that was the only place we could go and the preacher in front of me fell out on the floor and i says man this has got to be something this is awesome so one night i chased steve all over this building to get him to pray for me and uh he prayed for me and uh i laid out on the floor and uh that helped but my youngest son had run away i asked him to pray for my son my son is now home he's got a job the people are praying said he's one of the best workers there he came back with a totally different attitude and this little woman right over here that's hardly five feet tall got me in this church and nobody can get me out of it i promise you that yeah and how the lord works the night i gave my testimony i got fired from my job one week later i had another job making twice the money i was making before i got fired well uh what did you what did you see here and what did you experience that made you really want your husband to come first my son came and gave his life to christ and i prayed and prayed for him he was raised in church and when he came he he was just we couldn't believe it i had to get here and we came and he didn't even realize he had come the night he came but god has changed our family he's saved my son he's healed our marriage he's just done so many wonderful things for us we think we have to be here every time the door's open we can't make it but god's so good to us and i praise him for it god bless you girl amen wonderful okay with you let's see uh hang on just a second let me let me go through here right quick and see what we got yes ma'am hi okay because i want to be able to talk this is this is burning inside of me okay my husband is the deacon in the catholic church for those of you that don't know that it is this equivalent of an associate pastor he can do everything except consecrate the host and the church we were at odds with one another for many many years because i had decided to go the way of the holy spirit and he had decided to go the way of what the church rules were in the catholic church it caused a lot of friction in our home but the lord blessed us anyway i was getting a lot of people saved from the catholic church in our home for years my husband never stopped me but we had prayer meetings and so on well this friction continued to the point where there was so much persecution in the catholic church that i had to leave i thought my home and my marriage is going to break up for sure but god assured me that he would keep my marriage together so for years my husband even though he said i approve of you being outside of the catholic church inside of our home it was cold war i thought no way is there ever going to be unity between my husband and i when we came down here to orange beach alabama almost three years ago we knew both of us that the lord was leading us to come here for a purpose a spiritual purpose not just for him to retire but to come here for a spiritual purpose we didn't know what it was until two weeks after this revival started i saw your program on television steve hill was preaching up a storm the next morning on sunday morning the holy spirit said i want you to go to that church i got up in a flash and i told my husband where i was going to go i came down here got slain in the spirit for two hours straight when i was laying there on the floor the lord said you tell your husband i want him here i went back with that order from the lord just thinking oh my god please help me he's got to come when i told him i said honey please please believe me this is not me trying to get you to do one more thing i said the lord is telling me that you have to go to that revival my husband said okay if it's really the lord i'll pray about it well he came here a couple of days after he came down here he went to the altar not only once but he went up to the altar three different times he just couldn't get saved enough he says to everybody i thought i had it all together he says i preached i did everything he says but i didn't know the fire he said i didn't know what it was really like well it even got cinched even more because we came to the first pastor's conference and right up there we were sitting up there and when you prayed for all the pastors right after the fire fell you know when the superintendent or i don't know who it was was up there you came around like that and i told you i said the lord is telling me that i said that he wants me to join my husband back in the catholic church and i just thought how can i go back i left with all this persecution how can i go back well it wasn't so much that the lord wanted me to go literally back to the church but to join my husband in ministry at the church you know so pastor comes around like that i look at him and i said the lord is telling me that i got to go back with my husband in ministry and you looked at me and you were so drunk in the spirit that uh you probably don't even remember but you looked at me and you said put your hands on his head and i'm thinking no not me you're the one that's supposed to put your hand on his head and you said put your hand on his head okay i put my hand on his head and fire shot out of him into me into my husband i fell on top of my husband pastor fell on top of both of us i can still feel it right now when we were down there on the ground i mean on the floor i was like i said we were dog piled and then they got you up and my husband after he got up he said the lord told me when i was down on the floor he said he said you are the root you are the root see all that division that had taken place for years he thought she's just some little fanatic you know all the time crazy for the lord and this was the lord vindicating it all my husband now at the catholic church has had an open door at saint thomas by the sea catholic church in orange beach and the lord has given him an opportunity there by the pastor who is there to preach every sunday that's where he's at right now and he preaches like steve hill he he even made a gavel steve he made a gavel and the people there just he says mary he says when i preach he says all i see is mouths open and eyes wide open he says they can't believe i'm preaching judgment to them there's more [Applause] we also went last month no in october we went to california we wanted so badly to take this revival fire over there because it was prophesied that california would be the last one to get it we went over there and the former church that i used to belong to which is the rock christian center made an opening for me to be able to minister and to preach to the women it was spontaneous all i did was go just to be at the service with the wimp and god just opened the door and the pastor's wife who is also a pastor said come up here start telling them about brownsville i told them everything about brownsville and she said pray for them i prayed for them and i was there from 10 o'clock in the morning until two o'clock in the afternoon praying they even brought the children out of the nursery to get prayer we no this is the rock christian center this is the one that i used to belong to before in california my husband and i had planned to just have a meeting in california in a home for just family and close friends and it wound up being a standing room only we wound up having to have two services like that because people are so hungry in california if there's any of you that the lord is leading to go to california please go please go pastor i am thankful to this church i am thankful to everyone here i am thankful to all the staff and especially you stephen pastor for bringing a cold war to an end quickly is the operative word i guess yeah i'm used to being in control but i'm having a hard time tonight so you're gonna have to bear with me they had to scrape me up off the floor across the street to get me over here to come and testify i want to make this short but i believe that god's going to speak to somebody and i want you to hear 20 years ago i was a young soldier serving in germany and i was addicted to heroin and i was an alcoholic and my life was a mess and there was a revival that god sent to where i was in bamberg germany a revival and in that revival jesus christ reached down into my life and save me and put his call upon my life and a chaplain was an a chaplain that was stationed there at that time who was instrumental in bringing the revival allowing the revival to take place mentored me and loved me and and discipled me and it was during that time that god put his hand on my life and i'm going to take you now down the road journey real quickly something happened over the years i wasn't brought up in pentecost friends i was brought up lutheran and there's a lot i don't know i've been in the assemblies of god since 1980 and i have to confess to you that i have not seen much that has affected my life like i've seen here i'm just confessing to you friends i'm telling the truth in love i am a chaplain with first ranger battalion in hunter army airfield savannah georgia i love soldiers and sitting over here is a dear friend of mine pastor jack moon i wanted to just stand up i love him love him stand up brother friends i've been out there working for jesus doing the lord's work on empty on empty do you hear me on empty and pastor jack said to me he said i was going to his church and i'm not home much and that puts a strain on life in and of itself i have four children and a wife and he said brother you you need to come with me to macon georgia because there's a pastor's conference and pastor kilpatrick's going to be there i didn't want to go i don't know why nothing against you brother i was busy doing the lord's work and i i guess i had a lot of excuses but i went and in the morning session brother robertson just spoke from his heart and he i know he could probably say it better than i can but he basically just stood there in front of us and from his heart just confessed of years of ministry and doing it in his own strength and god was dealing with me i didn't stand a chance but i'm used to being in control i'm a proud person and in the service that evening people were getting prayed for all around me and they were going down in in droves pastors and there i stood and nothing was happening in my life and i was struggling and i was struggling and i and and i know that you instruct your people blessings i don't know where this came from and i'm not accusing any of your people pastor but i heard a voice as audible as you hear mine right now and it said your stubbornness that's all it said let it go and i don't know if you remember but i was standing all by myself that's a lonely place and this dear man came over and just radiantly looked at me and stood and put his hand on my shoulder and said son god wants to bless you if you let him and i broke all of that order in my life all of that discipline just went running out and here i am this airborne ranger we're supposed to be in charge of our faculties we're supposed to be in total control and i totally lost everything but in the process of losing everything i gained so much more you see i'm still throwing the dirt on the grave of that person i died that night and i came to life again i came to life again god is moving and in our my brother's church he was so gracious and he said you need to just come and tell the people so i stood in front of the people i hadn't had a chance to talk to my wife you know you just don't do that you know to your wife she has no clue what's happening in my life so i stood in front of the congregation and i just confessed and see there's a lot i'm not telling you because the operative word is quickly [Applause] i'm trying to be a good soldier sir but when the lord put me down friends he put me down and he showed me what i was but more importantly he showed me what he wanted to make me and when i stood in front of my wife and in front of my children in front of the people and i just confessed openly and unashamedly and i said i'm i'm not the man that i should be i'm not the man that i should be forgive me and friends i'm it's not it's not i've never slept with another man's wife i've never done any of those those things that you you would consider despicable sins but i was just on empty and friends that's a sinful place to be pastor i don't know who i'm speaking to but there's somebody here tonight that's running on empty and you're stubborn let it go let it go let it go and god will change your life i stood in front of that congregation and i just poured out my soul and before we could get any kind of semblance of order which is now a way of life for us people just began to come forward people just began to come forward and this has been an ongoing thing at this church it's just turned everything right side up i went back to work i went back to work and i don't have time to even tell you all the things that we do it's not important but i went back to work and you just don't go back like that and and not affect somebody and and and i began to invite people we did it we we prayed and god told us go to the friday night service pastor worry i lost you i concur yeah dynamic we went to that friday night service and i just began to invite rangers to come i would just go up and say come and i'd give them an invitation to come and they began to come and god began to pour out his spirit and god began to save them and i looked down on the floor and here was rangers a bunch of bald-headed fools for jesus hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah friends you don't understand you don't understand you don't you don't put a ranger down god puts a ranger down [Applause] oh friends i'm telling you when you see that when you see people who are hard people who kill for a living people who take life for a living and to see them prostrate before god broken and needy it'll change your life it'll change your life friends i brought my family just quickly i brought my family you're doing good brother ah you're doing real good i brought my family here and i want i want my family to know pentecost at any cost i want them to know what it is and i brought my family here i brought them to this place this summer we we we we diverted our block leave to come here and we went out and stood in that line to get in here and brother hill preached the message and the message was on forgiveness upon repentance and forgiveness and he and we had to police up our chairs and we had to move back there and i have two teenage boys and all my children praise god and are saved but they but there was missing something very very deeply missing in our lives and we stood back there and as part of the invitation brother hill said now i want you to look to the person that's standing next to you and only if you're sincere and only if you mean it and he brought out acts chapter five and boy it made me nervous and said don't bring that upon yourself speak the truth and i'm standing next to my 14 year old boy and i'm going oh jesus you know he's standing next to his father this isn't going to work and behind me was my other son and behind and next to him was my chaplain assistant and as he was instructing us as to what we should do before he could even complete his instructions as he was speaking to us my son dropped down to his father's knees just like this he just dropped down here like this and he grabbed a hold of his my legs and he squeezed with all of his might and he looked up into my face and he said daddy i need forgiveness and as if that wasn't enough i looked behind me and my other son was on the floor i i don't know what's going to i don't know i don't know where god is friends i'm telling you you talk about a river it's a flood right now for me my sons are transformed my family is transformed we are not the same people we are not the same people and i praise god for it friends i want to just encourage you don't be stubborn don't resist just yield just yield to him and he will change your life i am so deeply honored to be here there's so much more that i could tell you there's one last thing i want to tell you and that is one of my rangers came and we had a we had a healing service and he came on crutches and he was baptized that night and our friends i saw him get get in the tank and his ankle was all contorted and his foot was swollen i've seen ankle injuries before and we had to help him into the baptismal tank and god poured out his spirit on him in the tank he was flopping like a fish [Applause] and we had to help him get back up out of the tank and then we gave opportunity to come and get in line for healing and there was another chap in there friends god's pouring out his spirit on chaplains i see some of my brothers right here and another chaplain was in the service and he prayed for him and they anointed him with oil and they just prayed for him and he began to move down the line and he grabbed a hold of the chaplain and he said i'm on fire i'm on fire i'm on fire he goes bro what's wrong he says my foot's on fire my foot's on fire and he had his shoe it was one of those ski shoes and he had it loosely on his foot loosely and he took it off and and and and the other the flip side of all this is going on this is kind of going on off to the side i'm trying to preach a sermon and he took his shoe off and right there in front of god and all of us his foot was restored friends he began to dance he began to jump he began to shout he's ecstatic and god's put his hand on his life and he's accepted the call to go into the ministry friends that's what's happening too that's the other side it's over i'm done friends that's a that's a sign of real revival and if i'm here again i'll tell you more god bless you [Applause] i i do thank the lord i was telling them over in the staff meeting this morning that when i came here our church was about half of this section right here a little church over there with a sawdust floor and some rough benches a little handful of people and that was in 1941 and i can i'm like brother bush i've seen a lot i've heard maybe i haven't seen it all but i've seen an awful lot great great change and i just i could never ever ever begin to thank god enough for what he has done of course in my personal life but uh it's been been some mighty changes taken place we've always had a wonderful wonderful church but when i see the growth and i see like was talking about the souls that run to the altar that's what it's about now i was the one that the later referred to a while ago that i had said i didn't come every night of the revival i live and i can jog up here in six minutes from where i live and uh but i come on tuesday night to the prayer meetings and i can come on sunday mornings you think she's kidding when she says jog she ain't kidding how many miles how many how many marathons you've run i haven't really run into marathons i did a 5k yesterday and uh you did a 5k yesterday how many of those have you done well i've got about a 135 to 40 first place awards for but see i didn't have so when she says she can jog up here in six minutes you better believe she means what she says proceed on that uh those awards i got though see it was not in it through any special thing i did i didn't have any competition let's see i thank the lord every day for my health i really i realize not a lot of people my age have the health and strength and all that i do and i do thank god for it but i'm just so thankful for this revival it just thrills me to no end to see that people run to this altar see the hunger that's so many people have talked about the hunger but when you see the hunger in the hearts of people and you know when they stay out there like you said from two or three o'clock in the morning until six the next evening ridden hours and hours before that they've got a need they've got a need and they've got hunger in their hearts that's one reason i don't come every night i could come every night but i said well that's one more seat i can give up some i talked to a lady one day and she said we drove 10 hours and got here and couldn't get in the sanctuary she said i cried though she went to the chapel and they did bring them back over here but the next day they were over here that's before they started waiting till six and they said she was over here about mid-afternoon getting their seats you know but when i see that i tell you it just thrills my heart and i feel blessed and privileged beyond measure to have been a part of brownsville these years that i've been here i just thank god you all know the story is screwed don't you you see before you an ex scrooge and it wasn't the three spirits of christmas that changed me believe me was all that was a power of jesus christ that's that that took an angry hateful bitter woman and changed her i mean you don't know i mean it's just like i have staff at work under me and you should see my evaluations on it she's a new person so it'll help you on your job huh i got a raise and i got a promotion yeah you got a raisin a promotion i got a raisin a promotion and people enjoy uh working with me and i can't i can't get enough of it it's like i never read the bible i never knew jesus before in fact i saw you this hard hearted bitter woman saw you on a tv one night on the corner there just for a few minutes only watch for a few minutes saying you can't make it on your own you got to be part of a local church so it took me a few months to come here on sunday morning so i started coming here on sunday mornings and and uh my husband came he didn't want to come he wouldn't even take communion at those times you know he said i don't believe in this stuff and i said well i just keep coming it says well you want to go to revival and he said revival's just like sunday morning because we hadn't been to revival before that's a different revival revival you know so [Applause] i can't believe you was a scrooge i was i was i was i really wasn't i just can't i can't get enough of the work show us how you used to act um don't don't go back to the former things i think it's wonderful so you've been here for how long now i've been uh i joined in september and i've been coming for about about a year i first started it and it's just like so god just changed your whole personality oh he did did you come to the altar for salvation i came it took a lot it took a lot have you ever been saved before absolutely not you've never been saved i knew i was going to hell i knew i was hellbound i believed enough to know that i was hellbound i knew it and and and i was so afraid to die that i do you know and i had no idea what hell was about so you were lost you were a sinner not in church but you knew if you died you was going to hell i knew i was going down so when you came here and the altar call was given what did you feel how did that conviction feel i'm going to heaven i'm going to clean you when you were sitting there and he was preaching and conviction fell on you that you needed god how'd that feel oh it's like i'm just a worm i'm just a worm so when you came to the altar what happened just it just started to lift you know it just started to lift i finally felt worthy you know and it's just like being the scrooge was uh just all the hurt when he was a scrooge you couldn't help yourself could you no you just had a bad attitude and a bad personality you just he just was bound by that yeah absolutely so what happened as soon as you got saved did your personality change right off it started changing you people noticed you know people noticed because i wasn't nearly as hot tempered and the weird part about it is i deal with so many people can you imagine what do you do i'm a public accountant [Applause] well hallelujah i mean it's like you put me in dealing with people because i work in employee benefits so i have to like talk to employees about their plans and everything and i get oh you're so you know i think to myself oh you're so stupid how could you possibly not understand that you know and dealing sometimes with cantankerous clients you know and i said oh i don't know how you know the firm just had that i worked for just had a lot of faith in me because i work for a good firm it's like the lord was must have saw the hurting in my heart before all that you know because he put me in a good firm and they dealt with they dealt with a lot with me but they're real happy with me now did you tell it did you tell them what happened to you here at brownsville yeah i tell them yeah some of them some of them's been down here they don't they don't i bet since they saw the change they really want to come back don't they i think so probably if you could reserve me a couple pews i'd probably fill him off the step craig is um he got saved here at the church on what was it mother's day mother's day of 1992 1992. it's hard to believe you've only been saved four years man you've made some quantum leaps in god that's because god's had his hand on my life ever since i was born i was abandoned by my parents when i was two years old i lived with a lady that was a prostitute for another two and a half years and she abandoned me and by a miracle i was driven from new orleans louisiana all the way to orlando florida to a friend of hers house this isn't what i was planning to say pastor but i just want to tell you about god's grace on this people in this day and age that we live in and she went to a friend's house and she told the story and she said what do i do with him she said i don't know let me call my sister and she called her sister and they talked for a while she said i really don't know what to do let me call my pastor they called the pastor they said bring them over let them play with the kids and we'll call the state of florida and see what they say to do 32 years later that pastor is my father by god's grace and his mercy so that's okay so they told you to just play with the kids there for a while and he's going to call a pastor and so he took you he adopted you he adopted me when i was 10 years old i lived with him all that time and god put me in that place and he kept me there now all the hell that i grew up in and i remember every bit of it pastor i remember the beatings that i took from some of the men that came and slept with my second mother the cigarettes and the alcohol that they would give me at the parties and laugh while i would sputter and spew and cough and that ruled my life until i came in this church in 1992 and i came here because my wife this wonderful wonderful woman that god gave me had given birth to our first child and i'd asked my wife over the last several years prior to that to leave me to get away from me and just leave me alone and god didn't see fit to let that happen she she's an incredible woman of faith and a gift a gift of god to me and on mother's day i said you know i by the way i've been to your church once before and it was for an easter cantata and the power of god was so strong i ran out the back door before the service was over because i knew i couldn't take it because i lived in this kind of glory when i was a young man so anyway mother's day i said i'm going to score some points with my wife here i was thinking about expanding my fishing outfit that i had going and uh so i said i can go on mother's day because they'll talk about moms hand out some flowers give somebody some dinner and i can sneak out the back door and everything will be okey dokey well that wasn't what god ordained for you to do that day and i ran to the altar before you ever made the call pastor and i've been in this church ever since these people have nurtured and loved me but what i really wanted to say was that growing up in all that hell as a young man i didn't want to see my children ever have to go through anything like that but as we look at the world that we live in now and see the hell that's going on and see how rough it is and how day by day exponentially the destruction is becoming more rampant i was fearful raising those children wondering what in the world was going to happen to them and pastor says this revival is coming like i said i've got a godly wife she's raised those children brought them up in the fear and the admonition of god been careful to teach them consistently but when you mix that with the continual abiding presence of god that comes in your home when he moves in like he has here at brownsville i don't have to fear anymore i told you several months ago we were taking a trip to atlanta this summer and i looked up in the rearview mirror of the car at 11 o'clock at night at a christ church choir tape on and my little four-year-old boy had his hands raised in the air tears pouring down his face and he was praising god at four years old and just a few weeks ago he came down and gave his heart to the lord he begged his mother to let him come to the altar and steve you said before can i hold this for just a second so i can look at him because i want to let steve know how much i love him you said that god told you to make sure that you preach the gospel so an eight-year-old child could understand it my four-year-old son understood what you preached about and there's no question in my mind don't despise a child when he wants to come to the lord you let him come there's no doubt in my mind that my son has already had the experience of his life with jesus the next week on friday night again he said mama i got to go to the altar he started tugging her shirt and she said well son you went last week you gave your heart to the lord do you remember that he said yes mama he said but there's sin in my life he said i've been fighting with my brother this week and steve it's because you're consistent and the other thing i want to say to you men is that my son every every boy's got to have a hero they're going to have them and the world's offered up all these idols and icons and sports figures and athletes and all the things that they've had to offer but you know who my son's heroes are people like bob and john kilpatrick and steve hill and dick reuben and mike he doesn't know you yet but you're going to be on the list soon because you're one of my heroes and for my son to be able to come up to you guys and tug on your coat and they get down on their knees they look into their eyes they talk to them and when they pray with them they pray with them with the same fire and sincerity that they pray with a vile center that needs to be made clean and that's going to stick in those boys lives and their hearts and they will never never never forget this you see when you you see these men of god but when you can approach them and you know what that reminds me of it reminds me of the compassion of jesus when he said suffer the little children let them come unto me and see that's how i know you guys are full of the love of god because other people's children can be annoying unless there's a zeal and love from the father that runs out of you guys and i love every one of you steve hill man i know you've sacrificed greatly but i thank you from the bottom of my heart because my son is saved and he knows who jesus is and he knows what salvation is and he knows what sin is and he knows without the blood of jesus that he cannot he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven thank you all so very much used to be slim enough to do that myself thank you lord i'm 22 months old in the lord before i came here i know about god now i know god before i came here i know jesus is my savior now he's more he's my very best friend before when i open the bible it's reading now when i open the page god talks to me before when i sit into a sermon i can hardly understand five percent of it in language speaking not even spiritual meaning now almost i can repeat the whole preaching a little exaggerated before people thought i milked now god touched my lip i can speak before i don't know what is prayer now i know what you ask is what you get before when i saw an open door i back up now i look for open doors and rope fluid before i have many burdens many yokes now i lay them all down on this order and jesus took care of all of them before i don't know how to obey all the commandments how to keep all the hard teachings now god gave me power i know how and i will be a true christian let me ask you this where are you from stephen hills florida florida what is your nationality british hong kongese from hong kong from hong kong and how long have you been a christian 22 months in the lord i said it in the very beginning yeah yeah okay bear with me i thought like a two-year-old is it did you say people thought you were mute yes i should open my mouth you wouldn't talk no you're doing good brother i don't even answer you you wouldn't even answer people mm-hmm god just opened up your tongue open up your mind ask for it i need your initiative may i say all christians need to ask for it our job is to preach the gospel you got to open your mouth to talk people can reach your mind but god knows what you want just wait for you to ask thank you god thank you lord that's wonderful listen thank you church leaders thank you brownsville assemblies thank you god bless you son you
Channel: RevivalFireOkie
Views: 771
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Id: Yo2Z7uRsU9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 42sec (3582 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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