Gods of the Multiverse | Magic's Pantheon Explained

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[Music] faith and worship acts performed by Mortals of all civilizations in hopes of receiving divine blessing or entrance into a believed afterlife Gods mythical deities of supreme power are recipients of such devotion the pantheon of gods is Multiplex a cosmos of heavenly beings as variegated as the plains over which they reside but what makes a god what is the quintessence of divinity that governs mortal souls in this video we'll analyze over 60 Gods from across the Multiverse in search of such answers to lay be the truth of godhood let's dive [Music] in for as long as cultures have populated the blind eternities so too have there existed beings in whom faith is invested higher creatures the embodiment of lofty virtues the manifestation of want and vices beings that promise much and demand far more they are entities both feared and revered the gods of the Multiverse are as distinct as the plains over which they rule and they have a long history within Magic first mentioned in the cards fonite priest in the Fallen Empire set released in 1994 gods are other Supreme deities have often been eluded quoted or otherwise referenced in various ways and through Myriad Plains Gaia goddess of dominaria natural order although unseen had droves of devoted worshippers and agents to enact her will Corona Avatar of mana and Ramos Dragon engine were revered as false gods by Mortals fooled with displays of awesome power Multiplex creatures from dragons to spirits and even elrazi have borne the mantle of deity across the Multiverse but it isn't until 2013 with the release of the original Theos block the gods truly make a grand and official appearance and are bestowed their own creature type nearly two decades after their first mention the intervening years have seen over 40 cards represented across all five colors of Mana boasting innate skills imbued with unique powers and exemplars of br ideals no two gods are alike despite their individuality there are some traits common within all of the blind eternity Pantheon that Grant such an esteemed position the first is an imperious figure a domineering Aura gods are after all n Immortal and omnipotent beings possessed of divine power from the physically massive gods of Exelon to the great force flowing through Theos Divine represented in high power and toughness statistics all gods Loom Over The Mortals beneath their purview the second uniting feature is devotion for God is nothing without seething masses of the zealous and devout who prostrate themselves before their deities and offer all their worldly possessions now this doesn't always translate literally as in the case of the devotion mechanic attached to the gods of Theos rather it is a demand it is the cost of Supplication all gods require some form of devotion whether it be a tithe of resources seen in the manacost of an ability a stipulation on hand size or number of other creatures present on the battlefield put simply no God is truly magnanimous they are stirred to action only once a follower has proven their unyielding devotion through prayer or sacrifice finally there is the Boon this is in which all of the blind belief culminates the action taken by the god at Mortal pleas they bestow Insight in large s symbolized in card draw they Inspire the masses and offer bounds to creatures in combat they Smite the guilty and maim heretical transgressors all of the abilities and effects of the gods are manifestations of their Good Will conferred onto those who Champion their purposeful beliefs when all three aspects no aless a great deity worthy of awe is born their presence a torrential shaper of board states of Kingdoms and Nations to behold the Gods in all their Splendor is indeed humbling to The Mortals across the blind eternities but gods are better known for their differences than their similarities and they are in turn molded by the plan on which they dwell into unique actors on the most conspicuous stage to explore these differences fully fly and appreciate what makes a God we must embark on a tour of the Multiverse beginning with the pantheon of ncks on the plane of [Music] Theos Theos is a realm of myth and Legend and a plane where faith is peculiarly poignant belief shapes reality thought manifests into the tangible it's precisely this innate characteristic that is the foundation of Divine Essence on the plane the Roans hold strong emotions bear Notions of virtue and vice these core beliefs these tenants of society shared by the masses long ago gave rise to their tangible personified manifestations in other words from Mortal hope Immortal form sprung and the gods of Theos came into being another trait unique to the plane is its division into three three Realms the realm of Mortals and the living the realm of the Dead that rests beneath in the Underworld and the realm of the starry firmament of Nyx that rests above wherein the gods of Theos dwell NYX is the heavens a land of incorporeal constellations that Dazzle in the night sky creatures of nxs are Divine otherworldly and the substance is equally inscrutable to represent this heaven ly Force theor roian gods are both enchantments and creatures studded with Starlight their enchantment symbolizes the core idea or value from which the God is born and in which they are Supreme Exemplar the plane of Theos is deeply inspired by the mythology of ancient Greece and as such its Pantheon of gods are shaped by the mold of their Olympian counterparts the gods of Olympus resided high on their Mount and although they took ke interest in the actions of Mortals they remain distant rarely interacting directly instead they would send forth Divine Messengers or tools crafted of their Essence an echo of which we can see in both the creatures and artifacts of nxs this ethereal Enchanted substance is born from the God's realm and sent by the pantheon of Theos to Aid their cause Greek mythology is also one widely founded on oral tradition in which Grand Tales were spun around fires extoling the Deeds of the Divine as well as those Mortals caught in Heavenly minations a mirror of the ilad is found in the compiled works of the thead which can be found in numerous flavor texts throughout Theos sets again like the Olympians the Thor roian Gods Rose to power after overthrowing the primordial Titans either slaying them or banishing them for eternity in the Underworld Theo's deities are capricious and inconstant the gods share in Mortal emotions Harbor their own prejudices and participate in ambition their nature further solidifies the fact that thoan deities are crafted from Mortal thought 15 Gods reside within the pantheon five major deities that embody the five colors of mana and 10 lesser deities each affiliated with a two-color pair resp abant helot is the god of the sun embodiment of white mana and its beliefs he is the God of Justice and Judgment of light and order with his radiant spear heliad blesses The Devout and condemns the reprehensible in cards like wrath of God and helo's intervention we see the sun god stirred to a the latter reading I bring a dawn that no night can follow blue LED FASA is goddess of the sea and embodiment of insight she guards closely Arcane knowledge and commands the fiercest sea creatures with her mystical bident unpredictable in temperament and crushing in strength thosa is much like the waves over which she commands her power seen in tidal wave and grip tide as dangerous as the surf is hidden beneath our tantalizing Secrets the goddess offers to those worthy of her boon the virger of theosis forests are looked over by niia goddess of the hunt she is the embodiment of Nature and its ferocity and its unbridled growth as the text of Nalia's huntmaster States nature is stillness and savagery in equal measure with her bow she patrols Theos wildlands protecting its untrammeled beauty from poachers hunters and brigin nyia is as UNT tamed as her lands the manifestation of uncivilized animosity and Nature's Beauty red aligned peros is God of the forge of Ingenuity creativity and passion a master smith he creates truly legendary weapons and armor from within his molten furnace peros is God of inspiration and progress only by dismantling the old can room be made for the new which we hear in the flavor text of magmatic insight Chief among the tenants of peros is that one Must Destroy in order to create the god of the forge is master of fiery lava which he uses to melt ore shaped by the incessant pounding of his great hammer Artisans and Crafters look to peros to capture his ingenious Persona lastly aobos god of the Dead dwells deep within the underworld as overseer of all who have expired with a whip that stretches the realm black aligned arabos snares all whose lives have run and drags them to meet eternity at his side as the god of death arabos creates miasmas and poisons to wither and ruthlessly hunts The Returned Undead who have escaped his infernal realm his personality is one of indifference his charge is a necessary but thank one as we hear in the flavor text of dictative arabos I take no pleasure in your suffering but it is necessary once you accept your fate you'll find eternity more tolerable the minor Gods each represent one aspect of nature or emotion and are masters of their domain Kix God of Horizons and ancient insights holds dominion over po potential the future and the Unseen he is the primordial Oracle and along with clus older than the other gods kenos God of storms is a Fickle Lord of explosive knowledge and Arcane wisdom he is the embodiment of Fury and sudden breakthrough master of epiphany ketra is the green and white align goddess of fertility of bounty and harvest she watches over the farmlands and Vineyards that sustain Mortals and she's woried by farmers and gardeners across Theos clus God of Destiny ensures the tapestry of Fate is not undone and weaves ceaselessly its pattern she held the deposed Titans imprisoned within the Underworld for centuries which we see Illustrated in The Saga The Binding of the Titans for a brief moment the plainswalker Zeno supplanted clus among the pantheon and nicks when he ascended to Divinity as the God of Revels his short tenure ended when he was slain by the plainswalker elth Terell AOS stands as fairy man and God of the passage over the rivers leading to the underworld he guides The Souls of those who've expired to The Eternity that awaits afara stands as Patron goddess of civilization of the polus and communal progress she protects the Great cities of Mortals against all threats Twins irois and mogus are Heralds of violence and War the former for Glory the latter for unscrupulous Slaughter Fara goddess of Affliction is Lord of disease and Medicine of death and life that keeps nature cycling her priestesses are well-versed in poisons and their antidotes lastly is Phoenix God of deception and duplicity who exploits mortal desires to pursue selfish ambition fero's Pantheon of gods bestow Their Blessings from afar each having powerful static or activated abilities to utilize they only manifest physically however when sufficient devotion is cast to the heavens in their name once mortal prayers are answered in this case when the devotion of a particular color is achieved the gods descend as enchantment creatures with impressive stats their Divinity is further symbolized by the indestructible mechanic gods are after all difficult to slay and so too are the values they Inspire Theos Gods battle one another through their devoted to secure Primacy within the pantheon and alter the fate of the Mortal realm beneath [Music] them the sunbaked dunes of amunet vibrate with the strength of the Plains deities the gods of omet in contrast to their thoan counterparts don't stand aloof and Untouchable preferring instead to actively participate in the plains religion and walk among their host of supplicants this we see in the card renewed Faith the flavor text of which reads to see Gods Among the people part of their daily lives it's inspiring inspired by the cultures and practices of ancient Egypt amonet Pantheon assumes a similar physical appearance all gods are amalgamations of human bodies with animal heads the gods are beded in Gold they are domineering and each is a manifestation of natural phenomena ruling over abstract Concepts and domains of reality it's unclear what ancient amanet religion looked like for long ago the Elder Dragon nickel Bolas usurped control of the plane struck and rewrote himself into its history as the omnipotent and supreme god Pharaoh crushed the minds of the Gods and bent their Wills to his own to further devious plans in the god Pharaoh's new religion Mortals are trained from birth to fight and die in the five God trials each administered by a patri deity oketra the true is the wide aligned God of stability order and unity of purpose she values cooperation Above All Else and oversees the first God trial the trial of solidarity which forces initiates to work together to overcome obstacles her philosophy is on display in the flavor text of Ino katra's name in which she espouses the Collective Strength of the masses a single grain of sand is insignificant but a sand storm can reduce pyramids to dust stand with your crop become the storm oketra also patrols the hecma the protective barrier that surrounds the city Oasis of nakto moon firing glistening Arrows with deadly Precision at monsters and horrors of the deep desert kefnet the mindful is the blue aligned God of insight knowledge and prognostication his Ibis head and wings are symbolic of the intellect he embodies kefnet believes that mental acumen and cunning are the Warrior's most important traits like the body the Mind must also be sharpened and plans must meticulously beay in advance the mindful watches over the trial of knowledge in which initiates are subjected to dizzying puzzles must walk reality bending mazes and overcome mind shattering obstacles only those quick of thought succeed as is referenced in the flavor text of illus wrappings no amount of strength can help you overcome my trial you must be ready to foro your body and favor your mind kefnet is also guardian of the hecma drawing from the luxa river's blue Mana to strengthen the mystical barrier ronus the indomitable is the cobrae headed God of strength manifestation of green Mana savagery will and wild growth tonis all things derive from strength it's fuel for endurance speed force it engenders dauntless bravery and the tarity to overcome any threat no matter the odds he bestows vital blessing on those deemed worthy as Illustrated in the card gift of strength ronus oversees the third trial that of strength where initiates are subjected to voracious predators and must overcome harrowing Trails fraught with poisons and natural barriers only through unshakable will can they secure Victory ronus curates and administers a managerie of the most exotic dangerous creatures that can be found across the plane the black aligned God bontu the glorified stands as God of ambition crocodile headed to signify her aggression and ruthless cunning bontu is the manifestation of Black's ideas of power selfishness greed and pride she offers much but demands great payment as the god of ambition bontu espouses self-confidence and self-growth it is weak to rely on others all actions must be to the advancement of the individual bontu is also the god of death and her viers oversee the process of embalming and mummification within nocton she presides over the trial of ambition the fourth God trial in which terrible choices are impressed and dubious sacrifice must be made to achieve success initiates are forced to compete against one another and use each other in any way possible personal glory is valued over ties of loyalty or bonds of friendship we see the brutality exacted by this trial in the art of cruel reality red aligned hazarat the fervent stands as God of zeal and administers the final trial she Bears the head of a jackal to symbolize her ferocity her fervor and her role as guardian of the afterlife hazarat prizes strong emotion and religious intensity among initiates only those who prove their Ardent fanaticism toward the god Pharaoh are worthy of his Boon haz's final trial culminates in a gruesome fight to the death in which all initiates Slaughter one another for Glory and renown and a place in the afterlife those who die a glorified death are reborn as eternals blessed by the god Pharaoh himself the sole survivor of hazard's trial proves themselves the most zealous and capable of Mortals at which point they are honored by death and impaled by hazarat spear all champions of this trial are celebrated by the masses there are characteristics that Unite all of amun's gods the first is their static abilities each God is indestructible highlighting their Divinity and superiority and they possess a keyword ability in tune with their color of Mana all gods require devotion they can't attack or block unless you have met their demands and proven worthy of their aid finally each God bestows a blessing in the form of an activated ability after beseeching them and offering tithe in the form of Mana the gods Grant favor and divine Insight these abilities all work seamlessly to provide the unique flavor of Aman's Gods with the recounting of hours and arrival of nickel Bolas God Pharaoh it's revealed three other gods exist within the plains Pantheon these Gods forgotten and imprisoned are fully under bolas's thw and enact his terrible devastation to highlight their corruption all all three have color affiliations aligned with bolas's own blue black and red Mana the imprisoned Gods the Scorpion Scarab and Locust gods represent desolation and Destroy nakto Moon kill the other gods save hazarat and secure for Bolas the plane and army of zombie eternals these three aren't indestructible but symbolic of their power over death are returned to hand after they've been slain in indicative of their inexorable March the four monocolored Gods murdered in the hour of Devastation make a second appearance as lazotep plated God eternals Twisted to subservient and are made to lead basis invading Army in the war of the spark the God eternals still bear a keyword ability coinciding with their color alignment and offer powerful triggered abilities that highlight their continued Mastery of the domains over which they ruled in life it's interesting to note that in this set we receive the only printing of a ravnik God in ilh har the rore woried by the grul Clans ilar is the Primeval embodiment of Nature's Wrath of chaotic destruction and its coming is meant to Herald ravnica's ruin the demolition of civilization this we he in the flavor text of rubble belt bore some gruel Druids believe that bore Wars are spawn of the great ilh har the mighty razore who will one day rise and level the city the Norse inspired plane of cim with its multiple Realms supported on branches of the world tree boasts its own impressive Pantheon of gods it's a plane where legend where story and Renown are the most prized possessions and where all manner of Warriors seek to prove themselves against daunting Tas asks Norse mythology is passed through scalc poetry rousing Tales of virtue and vice sagas of how the gods Ward against one another as well as the beings from among the other Realms inspired by this the plan of cim and its gods are deeply steeped in lore and in the prideful boasts of those seeking immortality through poem in keeping with Nordic tradition cimes deities share many similarities with Mortals of the plane and personify profoundly human attributes they are not omnipotent and omnipresent unlike the aloof and unreachable gods of other Plains cims intermingle with those less Divine they are corporeal and present they have ambition passion character strengths and weaknesses they aren't Incorruptible or Immaculate instead bearing the darker sides of morality and life which makes their plight more compelling and arouses sympathy cims gods are known as the Scotti a race and family that transcended their mortality centuries ago when they overthrew the ancient inir gods and usurped air powers as their own the Scotti imprisoned the iner whose descendants became cims race of elves the Scotti family derived their Supreme powers from the essence of the world tree by em bibing the cosmos most Elixir is increased strength agility and Longevity conferred on to them as is their defining ability to walk the cosmic void between all 10 of the plain's Realms this is a novelty among Gods thus discussed and distinguishes the scoty from Divine ranks on other Plaines nothing innate or inalienable marks them as Gods only through the cosmos Elixir and their connection to the world tree can the Scotti maintain their status it's perhaps this inherent weakness and external Locust that has also stripped cim gods of the indestructible keyword what furthers their remarkable nature is that the Scotti are double-faced modular cards the reverse of each God represents their legendary and formidable arms companions or associations whose own Renown is as exemplary as the gods themselves Mercurial fickle and selfish the Scotti are interested only in inre increasing their prestige in undertaking mythical tasks to carve out their Legend and strengthen their notoriety they don't watch over Mortals but rather participate in their Endeavors 12 gods are counted among the Scotti and bear familial connection aland god of the cosmos and Kima god of the voyage are both blue aligned and as such curious contemplative and knowledgeable R Journeys the Realms accompanied by Haka an allseeing Cosmic Raven kima's aoan and wand lust rarely keeps her in one place long she seeks adventure and Discovery across the cosmos the mystical Omen ke symbolic of her adventurous nature Alon and Kima bore three children torol the red aligned God of Fury and thunder seeks challenge in all things rash and possessed of indomitable will Toff Endeavors to Glory through actions worthy of story armed with hammer and lightning he does battle with all manner of fell beasts his sister bery is god of poetry story and boasting she is creative and passionate weaving tales that Stoke hearts and Kindle emotion she seeks the warmest Hearth the largest feast and the biggest casks of drink it is said that her horn harnell is sustained by powerful magic and its text reads like her well of stories be's horn never runs dry Kori is the green aligned God of kinship nature and ancestry she communicates with all wildlife and is inspired by the vibrant landscape we see her accompanied by many Denis of the forest Kori is also interested in preserving her Scotti family mediating differences and engendering a cord among Gods this we hear in the text of her ringart Crest kori's love for her family knows no bounds sisters Essa and turrid came into being when aland used runic magic in an attempt to commune with the world tree thus joining his family as God of the tree Essa is unequal in her knowledge of the world tree and the cosmos she uses this connection to distill from the tree sap the cosmos Elixir that grants the Scotti their power which we hear in the card Revitalize Essa alone knows how to distill the essence of the world tree into the cosmos Elixir a magical substance which grants the Scotti God family immortality turrid meanwhile is the black aligned God of fright and Ill Omens legend purports that her Shadow has a Sinister life of its own and attempted to kill her in its thirst for death though she defeated it her Shadow continues to haunt turrid and she must appease its rapacious hunger with Bloodshed she Bears a lantern whose flickering flame holds her murderous Shadow at Bay another adopted child halvar is the wi aligned god of battle and honor he embodies self less loyalty and unflagging tenacity he is an inspired leader an Exemplar of the warriors's ideal Cole the forge Master crafted halvar sword of the Realms a tyrite blade that can slice through the cosmos itself we see alvar's militant prestige in the card rally the ranks valki the black aligned God of lies and deception is rumored also to be one of alund and kima's children the trick dalky causes Mischief in Mayhem across the realms for personal Amusement a purveyor of Anarchy he's not to be trusted unfortunately little is seen of valky as the Plaines Walker tibolt imprisoned him and impersonated the god of Lies Yorn the god of snow and winter is alon's brother and associated with green blue and black Mana as an accomplished tracker Yorn is accepted as one of the Wild's own hence his strong backing of green his knowledge and skill bring Enlightenment he listens to Nature to clean its Secrets affording him access to Blue Mana but as the god of snow yor brings with him Winter's cold death an aspect of black Mana he travels with his walking staff curing the mystical rhyme staff charged with icy power Redan god of the Worthy is the wide aligned God of Justice and fanaticism she is steadfast in her conviction and believes Injustice must be rectified By The Sword she AIDS imperiled Mortals especially the besir clan who share in her vision her legendary Shield ful Mira is a sign of benevolent protection rumored to be unbreakable finally there is Egon the black aligned god of death despite appearances Egon is the oldest among the Scotti cursed with aging backward he is wise but custic his pessimism and Gloom are infectious armed with Scythe to symbolize his reaping of the Dead Egon is content to sit atop his throne knowing that in the end all join his domain though not technically a God the cosmos serpent coma is worshiped by the elves in the Air's old connection to the serpent is what many believe granted their Godly status Exelon is a plane of Adventure and exploration of myth made manifest and of treasure hidden in the ruins of time the plane is oriented as a hollow sphere encasing an internal star this orb of light and life is revered as chimil progenitor of all things though not printed with the god as seen in its card the inner sun chimel is the god mother creator of exelon's deep gods and herself deified as the inner sun and three-fold Sun by the humans of the sun Empire on the plain surface avatars exist as manifestations of the three-fold son's power kinali the white wakening son tonali the red burning Sun and iali the green verdant Sun but again these are not gods in their own right that title is exclusive to exelon's deep Gods worshiped by and presiding over the olte peoples within the hollow core dozens of deep gods exist but only five are recognized as Primal deities extremely powerful but like many other gods in the Multiverse subject to the vories of emotion each of the five is embodiment of one color of mana and deeply vested in its philosophical Essence this cycle of gods mirrors call times and that they are double-faced the front represents the deity and the reverse side is a legendary land depicting their Temple of devotion exelon's gods are unique in that they require no devotion or feat when First cast only when they are vanquished and replaced by their Temple are we made to do an offering and plea for their return this is symbolized in the activated ability of each Temple which can only be used once we've proven our faith in the God's cause ohare talk deepest Foundation is wide aligned God of civilization a three-faced triumvirate deity each Vis represents past present and future respectively and they are the patron God of oltec culture and ancestry Talk's message of unity and Community is presented in the text of their Temple chimil gave the EK life oer talk taught them how to live together blue aligned oare pakati deepest Epoch is the god of time of magic and Arcane wisdom Patron God of scholarship and mages it's pakati wisened Mastery of spellcraft many seek to emulate the God's rule as tutor reflected in its Temple's text chimil gave the old Tech time oare Pak Pati gave them the tools to learn its lesson oare ashonil deepest might is the red aligned God of passion and Zeal the patron God of Warriors fire and storm ashonil is as fickle as its elements often conflicting with gods and Mortals only to then rush to their defense in crisis the God's Mercurial temperament and aggressive nature strengthens others through difficulty as the text of its Temple implies chimil gave the ultech passion oare ashonil challenged them to harness it O'Hare cim deepest growth is green aligned God of cultivation and natural Verger a quiet but everpresent and necessary God cam is the patron of gardeners Farmers Lush jungles and teeming forests a force of natur natural beauty and nourishment its connection to the wildscapes heard in its Temple chimel gave the ttek sacred lands Oar cam brought them to life the black alligned deep God was long ago slain and its power usurped by akot the great betrayer a bat God of night and darkness akot stands in opposition of chimel he is master of demons creator of vampirism curse and revered by the Legion of dusk he is a murderer a glutton and possessed of selfish ambition aots used dark rituals to defy death and secure great power the nature of his treachery heard in the temple of the Dead chimel gave the olch peace in death akot ripped it away Jim's child whom he destroyed lives on in spirit as the Ancient One god of the ancestors the ancient one has a two Mana alignment and a more traditional devotional requirement in line with other ples deities in that it can't attack or block unless its mandate is met the gods of Exelon are innate shape shifters able to present themselves in Myriad appearances perhaps echoing their own incomprehensible nature they are unique amalgamations of ancient Mesoamerican deities from whom they are inspired there are Myriad other gods that exist across the Multiverse a nearly inexhaustible list impossible to complete many of them have not received a proper printing as a creature with the God subtype but have been mentioned in stories cards texts or illustrations sellon of sea and sky is the murol patron deity on dominar Mara her blessing sought by the underwater Empire of vodia the plane is host to many other entities or beings who are worshiped as Divine but fall short of the requisite God Printing and dominaria isn't alone what follows is a list of honorable mentions across the blind eternities of aspirants seeking godhood perhaps looming largest is yoth the black aligned father of machines and deity of fxia who merged his Essence with that of the plain and once commanded unparalleled power Gaia the green aligned God of Nature and the Angelic plain Al carera who birthed an entire realm of devotees are likewise seen as Divine Corona manifestation of dominaria Mana exuded an overwhelming aura that demanded obedience during her short tenure as false god on the plane of zindar the three eldrazi Titans of immense destruction and born of the Void were once woried as Gods by the plain's Mortal denisons their history and identity warped by the passage of time kelc was revered as kosy the trickster emo as a myia of wind and sky and ulamog as the deity Oola of the depths this is highlighted in both the art and fiber text of the shrine of The Forsaken Gods the Gods Know to the merfolk As aula amiria and kosi were nothing more than false memories of a monstrous Trinity the elrazi Titans ulamog EML and kelc and these eldrazi Titans share many similarities to the gods of other Plains they are of great proportion and power they are exceedingly difficult to slay and they Grant board warping effects upon entering the field not only can they be Gods but the Titans have likely destroyed other gods in ages past in their Relentless consumption of plains here on zindar we also see the elemental omnath as a Divine manifestation of the pl's primordial and chaotic mana on the distant ancient plain of Kagawa exists the cycle of five monocolored Spirits possessed of supreme power and worshiped as Heavenly embodiments of each aspect of Mana these miin each deal in Divinity counters alluding to their godhood they share in other gods indestructibility and they have Hunden shrines erected for the prayers of their adherence if the god type existed during their printing then perhaps they might have been included in the multiverses expansive Pantheon o kagachi the mightiest and first of the Kami the embodiment of the barrier that separates the plan's physical and spiritual realms and its Guardian is also thought of as Divine next comes the enigmatic cycle of creatures called Nephilim that appeared on the plain of Ravnica these mysterious beings were thought of as the old gods entities that embodied and existed in ancient Ravnica before the Advent of the guilds they were woried by the cultists of yor and the flavor text of each Nephilim hints at the mighty destruction Unleashed upon their wakening unlike other gods they don't make demands or accept offerings that cannot be reasoned with appeased or beseeched they are pure embodiments of the plain's vastness wander and wrath with that said I think now it's an important time to make the distinction between a God and an avatar avatars like the Nephilim are a subtype of creature separate from a god despite many being worshiped as such by Mortals of the Plains avatars are more closely linked to the plane from which they are born and the lay lines of Mana that seee beneath the surface they are powerful entities meant to represent aspects of the plain's very nature projections of its Essence unlike gods they care not for worship they listen not to prayers they have no personal agendas no secret Ambitions they are irreconcilable implacable similar to the world's Souls they are merely representations of the PLS themselves embodiments of forces Beyond Comprehension we see them populate multiple ples from the hydr progenitus on Alara to Titania the Scion of darkness and Mula on dominaria the plain of lorwin and Shadow Moore birthed a cycle of 10 Spirit avatars each affiliated with two colors of Mana whose powers are documented in the Sear's Parables purported to have shaped Shadow more in total 110 avatars have been printed across the known Plains of the Multiverse their contention and similarities with the gods goes far to obfuscate what it is that truly makes one Divine so ends our tour of the multivers pantheon an awesome display of some of the most powerful beings that exist across the blind eternities they preach virtues they embody vices they demand supplication and they demonstrate the great energies they wield the gods of most ples share surprisingly in Mortal Foles they have Ambitions and flaws despite a pretense of benevolent magnanimity the gods can be rash and fickle at times raising entire civilizations due to supposed transgression while other times they Grant significant ific an bounds and protect those within their warm embrace despite their Multiplex differences and individual characteristics there are some attributes shared across the gods of the Multiverse aspects that Grant access to this illustrious and exclusive station thanks so much for watching and listening to this video on the gods of Magic the Gathering let me know your thoughts as to which plane holds the most powerful Gods which Pantheon is your favorite as well as your own insights and suggestions for future videos in the comments below and if you're a fan of Lauren storytelling be sure to subscribe to the channel check out the podcast where content is uploaded frequently I want to thank my amazing supporters over on patreon who make all of this possible and I couldn't do it without their fantastic support if you'd like to become a lore luminary for access to me a great Community written scripts and early video drops head to until next time go forth and explore the [Music] Lord
Channel: The Lorebrarians
Views: 28,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MTG, Magic: The Gathering, lore
Id: J3Y5EuQ2ks0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 18sec (2778 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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