GODOT VFX - Fireball Projectile Effect Tutorial

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today let's see how a quick and easy Fireball can be done in [Music] good I believe this is an awesome exercise in case you are in a rush and want some quick Fireballs for your games or to expand your knowledge in terms of visual effects in GTO so without further Ado let's jump right into this by the way I made all of these available on my patrons page where you can get many more assets for your games links below so let's begin by creting a note 3D and rename it to VFX Fireball andore tutorial and with right click add another sh node for a GPU particles 3D which is going to be used for a sphere let's go ahead and create a new particle process material and in draw passes we can actually use this sphere that comes with goo new sphere mesh here we go let's say the amount is one here I'm going to select the parent by the way and push it up just so it isn't intersecting the ground and now the idea is to disable the Gravity by saying it's zero on the Y and if we move this around as you can see the sphere is Left Behind which is not useful once you are going to use these with scripts and fire the fireball basically we can fix this in drawing by turning on local coordinates and now it follows the object in time let's also say the FPS is 60 and that's pretty much It lifetime of 1 second and now the idea is to control the size down here in the display as you want 0.3 0.5 or 0.7 I'm going to leave it at 0.7 the most important part now happens down here in geometry in material override we want to create a new shape material if we click here we want to say new Shader make sure it's a visual Shader in spatial mode and we can rename it to pan Shader tutorial basically it's a scrolling Shader which is going to be super useful to create the sensation of a fireball now let's select the Shader itself so it opens up down here in here we want to create a texture 2D parameter that we can rename to main text drag a line from down here and create a sample texture 2D this is the basic setup which means now we need to multiply this with color the fragment color you can multiply these two together with a vector four and connect to the albo and for this basic setup all we got to do now is decompose this Vector drag a line from here and connect the W which represents the transparency to the alpha up there here we go looking good as you can see now we have shaded parameters and we have our main texture where we can assign in quick load this text which I'm going to show you right now how to create in a software called material maker which is done with godo it's a node based tool to create materials and textures you can download it and once you open it up if you search with right click for vorono you'll find this note and then you can control if you want to scale it in the x or in the Y but essentially I'm going to increase a little bit intensity and Randomness and then with right click export with 2048 by 2048 to my project as a PNG once you have the text assign it to the Shader to the main text and essentially then you want to switch the mode instead of mix we want a blend additive it becomes transparent the dark areas become transparent essentially that's cool another thing we can do in our Shader is after we sample the main text we can connect this to a power node replace the connection create a fla parameter call the main text power and say the default value is enable yes and it is one this power node will allow you to control how much you want this varanoid to be dissolved as you can see and the cool thing is if you go up there in display in color Curves in the color in ra mode we can say five for the r and two for the G and here we go we are starting to see something that looks more like a fireball you can control how much dis solve you want in this main text power parameter but let's move on to the next part which is to pan to be animated right all we got to do is connect something to the UVS of the main texture and if we search for UV function you can see the function is punning and then all we got to do is create a vector 2 parameter default values is 0 Z and rename this to main text speed we could connect this directly to the offset but it won't move automatically to be animated we need to multiply this with the time variable multiply Vector 2 yes and connect to the offset of the UV function and all of these can be connected to the UV input of the texture 2D of the main texture godo compiles the Shader automatically and we can see the main text speed exposed and now one for the Y and it will scroll and create this awesome feeling that's right looking pretty cool it looks like a fireball but we need to add some contrast to this add a child node new GPU particles 3D for a flare let's already create processed material new process material and for the draw passes this one is going to be a quad in the geometry you can in the geometry we can create a new standard material 3D click it it will expand and we can say that transparency it's Alpha and the blend mode is premultiplied Alpha let's already assign a text down here quick load I'm going to assign this texture right here which I'm going to show you right now how to do so I'm going to use material maker again but this time I'm going to search for shape and use this circle as it is but we have this black background which is not useful so to remove it we can use colorise and say the first key the alpha is zero which is transparent and as you can see the black background goes away awesome and now with right click in our preview to the window we can export as a PNG once again to our project I'm going to rename it to Fireball flare 02 once you got the texture assign it to the albo and then in shading we want to say unshaded so it isn't affected by the lights and in vertex color we want to turn on use albo so we can control its color directly in the particle system and as you can see if we move the camera around this doesn't follow the camera it's only facing One Direction we can fix that in the billboard by saying the M this particles billboard Port here we go looking good now let's take care of some things for example let's say the amount is only one and that in time it's 60 FPS let's also say in drawing it's local coordinates so it isn't Left Behind anytime you are going to shoot this with the script and now in accelerations let's disable Gravity by saying it's zero here we go and yeah it's covering our Fireball our sphere down here in starting we want to say it's minus one so it's rendered below the sphere we still don't see the sphere because this is really white really strong and you can control its size right here by the way yes but in color curves we want to say it's something darker so we can create some contrast I'm going to choose something brown dark or a dark red that looks really nice yeah I think this is way too big let me decrease it oh yeah it is working the scale because down here on the material in a billboard we want to say keep scale now it will keep the scale of the particle system that we set up here yeah I'm going to go with something like 0.8 0.9 around those values you get the idea all right looking good we got a very simple and straightforward Fireball obviously you can improve on top of that and Test new things but you have the basis to play with now how do we create these Trails right well since goo by default doesn't have ribbons or Trails we need to open up blender for example and create our own meshes it's actually very straightforward what I'm going to do is Select everything and press delete and then with shift a we want to start with a plane we can enter init mode with Tab and with contrl r scroll up until we have a couple of lines like eight segments then we want to go up here and turn on proportional editing and select the sharp mode with these two vert selected right here we want to use G to move them only on the Y AIS a little bit backwards like this you can control the influence of the proportional editing by scrolling up or down by the way and then we want to scale this with s only on the X increase the proportional editing and then press zero so we have a point the end basically with that being done with contrl r we want to create another Edge right in the middle you can click and then press Escape so it stays right there select everything with a and then with shift d duplicate this and then press Escape so it stays in the same position and yeah disable proportional editing for this part right here because we want to rotate this only on the y- AIS 90° we are creating this cross shape which is going to be our Trail now with the everything selected I want to move this backwards so the pivo is right there in the beginning as you can see cool let's rename this to Fireball Trail tutorial something like that and then with contrl a we want to apply all transforms with that being done we are ready to export as a wavefront which is an object to our project I have a models folder on my project and I'm going to rename this to Fireball tutorial 03 export here we go back in Goo now we have this mesh right here and we want to add a new sh for a new GPU particles 3D call it the trail add which represents additive let's create a new particle process material and in draw passes we want to say quick load and select the fireball Trail we just created right here we go yeah it's falling down let's disable that in accelerations gravity let's say it's zero and up here in the amount only one oh and in time 60 frames per second at least and in drawing turn on local coordinates so it follows the parent here we go you can move it backwards you can scale it up and down all right it may seem like we are only seeing one face by the way but the other faces are there the Shader is not rendering them we are going to take care of that in a moment because down here in Geometry want to assign a new Shader material click it in Shader let's do a quick load so we can select our pan Shader tutorial the same Shader we created for the fireball right and very importantly we want to make this unique right here so we don't change the settings of the sphere let's click the visual Shader right here so we can say in modes that the call is disabled so we can see both faces here we go now all we going to do is assign in the main texture this texture right here which I'm going to show you how to create right now with material maker once again basically the idea is to search for the shape node because we want the polygon with four sides we can increase the last value which will fade in the square and then with a transform note we can stretch this in the X with the scale X just like this you can then adjust how much it fades and how much it stretches but it's entally then you want to search for the voro or any other noise and drag a line from the transform and search for the math node in here we want to say that A and B are multiplied we want to multiply the transform with the vono this is what we get but it will look much better if we say in the varo the scale X is three and then we stretch in the X just like this and then all we got to do is remove the black background and for that we can copy this this colorized node select it and with right click export with 2048 by 2048 and that's it now back to goo and assign it to the main text this might happen to you if this happens don't panic because if we go back to blender all we got to do is rotate the UVS I'm going to drag a new window select UV editor and enter edit mode with tab on the right window with everything selected as you can see this is our UVS and they are facing the wrong direction so all we got to do is Select everything with a press R and rotate 90° then press enter and that's it press tab to go to object mode and with this selected we want to export as a wave front as an object and replace the one we have in our project and that's it as soon as we do it this looks more correct now as you can see this is being rendered in front of the sphere so if we go down here inserting we can say the offset is minus two and now let's scroll this on the main text speed on the X a value of something like minus one or even more if you feel like it and then you can adjust the power node if you want to dissolve a little bit the text right let's go to color in display say it's five two and one for the RGB this is way too strong going going to decrease it to 2.5 1 and 0.5 here we go much better if you want now you can go back to blender and increase the poly count it will be a little bit heavier but it will look better in the modifiers you can add a subdivision surface and then you can export this again replace the one in your project and it will look a little bit better as you can see but it will be heavier all right so now you can adjust the scale I'm going to decrease a little bit as you can see it was too long all right something like this because we have still another trail that we want we can duplicate this one and call it the trail AB which is essentially Alpha Planet but it's a term that I use for any particle system or trail that is dark in the process material let's make sure we make this unique as well as in Geometry make this material unique and the visual Shader right here make it unique as well otherwise we will be changing the trail additive right and on Shader right now what we want to say is the blend mode is going to be a mix for example you want to make sure your Trail additive is like this and your Trail AB is a little bit darker as you can see because now for the trail a let's first say the offset the Sorting is minus 3 or minus 4 whatever but what's important is that on the processed material on the display on colors we want to say the RGB is 0000 so it's completely dark because we want this to be a little bit longer and wider as well as you can see I'm going to actually make the additive a little bit smaller yeah and then we can say that the color is a little bit transparent so it isn't too dark as you can see and we have now a fireb which I think it's pretty cool considering the length of this tutorial right so yeah that's it for I made all of these available on my Patron page it would mean a lot if you guys could support me plus I'm going to give you access to this project and many many others as well want to say thank you to each Patron that supported me last month and as usual a quick shout out to the top tier Patron which are Alberto Saras alen Al Dre reer David Molina di Mar Lu amama Eric Phoenix Frosty 40 gr blab even Jacobi Casey Miller Leandro deu Le ult Matt B Matthew Parker Mi nastasa mik Bell Owen aome pay easy Pier Maru pren radioactive bullfrog Revenant games rvr Shan agular very whatever Marta will poon Vlad mja Kim and sang so thank you all for watching and I hope to see you on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Gabriel Aguiar Prod.
Views: 2,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, vfx, godot tutorial, godot, godot effects, godot vfx, godot visual shader, godot visual shader tutorial, visual shader, godot shaders, visual shader tutorial, godot particle system, particle system, godot particles tutorial, particles, particle effects, godot particles, particle effect godot, particle effect, godot fx, fireball, projectile, godot fireball, godot projectile, godot particle effects, projectile tutorial, fireball effect, godot fire, fireball vfx, effects
Id: ECw8kK7xBIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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