Godot RPG Development

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okay welcome everybody we will start it here in just a minute I just need to get a few things set up really quickly so I'll be right back [Music] [Music] hey there Gabriel Ivan hello experience gamer okay here we go so where we left off last time we were just starting to build the UI and one of the things I thought about here is that the UI in earthbound sorry forgot my words there for a second it doesn't have actual bars instead it's all a list of menus so I made a new player UI scene and I just did this like I don't know in five minutes yesterday I added a nine patch rect that way I can have the general piece of art here and I call my frame and it's just a square frame but the nine patch rect allows me to define areas along which it's going to resize itself so if I grab this I can resize it and it'll stay kind of nicely looking pixelated and with that nice border it won't look stretched at all and then I have a vertical box container and these labels that I just called test I haven't even looked at earthbounds UI in the last couple days to see exactly what the options are in earthbound but I added that scene as a canvas layer to the player scene so now we hit play you'll see it's there and I added a super quick controller so that if you press escape it turns on and press escape it turns off so that's all that we're doing so far experienced gamers sorry I won't be able to watch the things I have to go right now but as soon as I came home nice thanks very much experience gamer I'm glad enjoy your day all right so I don't want to do too much with the player UI right now what I'd rather do first is take a look at setting up the environment and there's a few different ways that we can do the environment I really like using tiled which is a free map editor you can get at map editor org or itch dot IO if you just search for tile that's the first result that comes up I think tiled is really easy to understand it's simple to use but unity are not underneath Goodell has his own built in tile map system that has gotten quite a huge revision for 3.1 and it's only fair that I take a look at that too so I'm going to create a new 2d scene and I'm going to call this area around town map out and as a child of this I'm going to add a new tile map and I'm gonna have to have a few different tile maps I think I'm gonna call this one base and I'll make another one that I'll call mid and I'll add another one that I'll call 4 so maybe I'll rename this one from based back there we go alright um now all three of these are gonna need to have similar settings so they should be square the cell size should be 16 not 3 16 by 16 looks better and let's make a new title sets and in our towel set here is what we're actually going to start using some of the newer tools the lady you can make a single tile on an auto tile the way though used to do tile maps was confusing and a ton of work in my opinion it's similar to how you have to do crude maps now so hopefully grip maps it's the same love that the tile said tile maps have gotten in 3.1 but anyway let's take a look at our hairy tile set so we're gonna add a new tile set that we're gonna grab the art folder from tile set and fix a pack top down now again I have argument I have a link to these assets in the description I also have a link to a free version of assets that are similar to this so if you don't want to spend I think this is like even three dollars you don't want to spend three dollars totally get it you can find a free version of this there so what I want to do first is I want to work with setting up the very very base of everything actually you let's not do the base just yet let's do like a little bit of a frame around the players house so to do that we're gonna need to define an inside and outside so looking here all right I'm gonna grab a new Auto tile we're gonna go by region I'm gonna turn on snapping and there are some properties we're gonna have to set up owners so snap options we want to step by 16 by 16 welcome game endeavor how are you gonna grab here actually I'm gonna grab I'm gonna grab let's make this bigger I'm gonna grab from here all the way down to there that way I can have the inside answer and we'll do a bit mask in order for this to tile properly didn't ask you it is too big where are can I set the bid mask settings I'm gonna texture modulate Auto tell that mask mode sub tile size will do 8 by 8 I think that'll make the bid mask the size I want it to be nope that makes a bit mask too small so this should be 16 by 16 there we go so essentially I'm drawing what's inside here I'm not too bad a little tired this morning but it'll all be okay and then over here we'll do you know if I shouldn't do that I should do this I think so it's the inside here and it's the outside there and this is my first towel so I want to make sure that I'm doing this correctly so if I go back here should be able to okay so that almost worked so I did something wrong what did I do wrong now let's go look at our tile set okay then I grabbed the wrong outside maybe so I think I grabbed the right inside if I delete that and then go back to mine area here let's just get our tiles and try to make just a regular square area see what it does they're not square rectangle ish yeah it still makes somewhere oh yeah and I need to re-employ mm import no filter that looks better okay so where is it getting these tiles it's not consistent those the things so like I wonder if I save this scene and I call this areas and if I close it and then come back to it and it was still there so let's look at our scene again here relatively consistent as far as where that shows up so it's almost certainly an issue with me let's do let's do region let's reset this to be just that and then let's do the Fed mask so that we're not doing too huge of a region and then maybe I might have to chop this map up a bit in a sprite to make it work the way I wanted to so if I go back in here and I just do a rectangular area again oh wow that's worse game endeavor says it's acting as though you have two of the same bit masks on different tiles I don't think I Dix I just created this one but just in case I've been wrong before since I haven't really done any work on this let's just trash that create a new one from pixel pack top down let's make a new Auto tile let's start with something simpler I guess let's do this one bit mask and let's go around like this and that's the outside is there this is outside inside for that outside inside for that I wonder if there's an inside I guess not so if I go to okay so that's working just fine yeah I think it's ought to now cuz it doesn't know the inside that's why that's why I can't do that so I can do rectangular areas of this so I'm just gonna do that right now No there so we'll do a rectangular area there let's go a little bit farther down let's do a little bit of a break and then maybe another rectangular area over here so I've got that hmm okay now if I go back to my tile set here I want to mm-hmm play around with this just a little bit more okay so it looks like this is the dungeon section this is the house section this is the kind of like outside barrier section and then this is all the grass stuff so let's make a couple new single tiles here for the trees so let's do this yeah and we'll add coalition to it and then do another new single tile it's this with collision there as well and yeah let's see how we can do with that so if I go back to mid here oh I want to save the tile set as a resource so we're gonna call this tile set and then there we go mid is what I wanted to that to be on and then this is going to load from source areas tileset that's better all I see that has that like around it huh okay so let's get rid of that I can do this kind of thing right now I'm just playing around sorry if I'm being boring for you guys I haven't done too much with too much with kiddos talent settings let's see we've got some hellos Kelly Sampson says hi all hello Kelly Sampson how are you and FC Barcelona that correctly says hello encore hello how are you alright so let's go back and look at our towel set a little bit more here so it looks like they have like a little branching segment so go do know you didn't want to do that how can I lick the tiles I've already made they need an auto tile out of this so if I go to [Music] anthropomorphizing so you're fine gaming Dever isn't the dude with your teddy bear videos I don't know you'd have to ask him got a job after studying your video wow that's awesome good job for you it's the best way I've ever heard Paul berry described Paul Bearer just read cool your videos awesome cool game endeavor I'll have to check out your channel apparently I'm not very knowledgeable about stuff all right so now how do I choose the tile I've already made I'm kind of just messing around with videos new tile map system well new ish came out with 3.1 but I made an auto tile out of this patch of grass and I want to add to it these little like linking areas here but I don't know how I can do that so let's just make a new Auto tile entirely then and let's do the bit mess here like we did before and then I can't do a middle one and I know if I add that let's go back to this okay so I think I can make it so that the bitmask is 3x3 though so if I go I want to do yeah there we go 3 by 3 so oops there we go and I want this to be 3x3 bitmask so now I have to do this but then that allows me to go down the middle here and here up there alright so let's go back oh wow that messed everything up okay that I just make nothing work now yeah I just made nothing work all right good job good job mr. Taft all right so let's um clear all this out right now I'm just kind of playing around with using a tile map if you want to later I can show you guys how I made that Louisville editor for the match three game using the tile map system it's actually way easier than you think it is a lot to teach oh it went through four all right so I'm gonna I'd this is probably super boring this is a very good content but I'm just gonna I'm gonna delete this texture again and we're gonna add it as a new top again I'm really annoyed this this pack is really cool but they don't have the inside corners for this grass area which i think is a little annoying all right so I can always make it myself if I just popped into a sprite but hmm maybe let's take a look at how this would work in tiled here cuz I'm curious to see how this would work in tiled so let's make a new tile set and I'm gonna call this I wouldn't be able to do this tile set stuff without a tutorial video in front of me I watched it once but retain very little yeah it's um I don't know godot's tile set tools are way better now than they were you pardon me they're way better now than they were but I don't know there are some things that Godot does that and I love Godot so don't take this is si me saying something bad about it but there are some things Godot does that are just like why would you do it that way it doesn't make any sense to me anyway but maybe that's just because I don't know I'm gonna marry her condition like that and it's a the style set as good to RPG I'm gonna save it in a desktop folder don't you tell maps alright so now let's make a new terrain and I'm gonna call this outside ground walls or yeah that's fine and then if i zoom in here we're gonna go here and then let's go here for now if I go back to my tile set here my terrains outside ground walls see how much like that works the way it's supposed to but I did the exact same sections in Godot style map and it didn't work so if I go back to Godot now and I make a new Auto tile I need these for the inside and I need these for the outside so if I grab all of those my sub tile size is 16 I don't need my separation I don't need navigate I don't need any of that stuff I don't think tile mode is auto tile my bit mask is 2 by 2 which is fine and then I'll do good lord I'll do bit mask outside and then inside here just like I did in tiled and maybe it's because I expect it to work like it's tiled and it's not maybe that's my fault but if I jump back here and I go to back here we'll see it's working now good lord that's very frustrating game endeavour was here he can testify to the fact it's us it wasn't working at first okay it's my first oh good luck at your first day at sea varsa I don't know how to take the fancy see ya us Americans so much better now you used to I hated dealing with us I know um especially if it was a unity cuz unities tile map features were just so lacking you'd have to place them all individually and then you'd get the stupid lines so this is better this is way better so let's make like a little area for a house to be okay so didn't have like a your little player house here several cusses game endeavor I have no idea if that's sarcasm or not you tell me you have no idea what I'm talking about but I'm pretty sure it is so yeah all right so let's stay here and let's make like to make tiles for what goes under here so back to this I want a new single time I just want it to be that let's go back here and my new single tile go down from there in there in there and then if I go back to my tile set I want another new single tile which is just that one okay that's actually not too bad psycho Mansoor says thanks for your tutorials you're welcome game endeavor winks so I'm assuming that's a yes to the sarcasm alright so back to our town set let's do another single tile out of this one so you puts a yellow around the single tiles and it puts this kind of tealy around the Auto tiles but I wonder why I couldn't have selected it earlier or maybe it was just me being me okay so now ideally I would like to be able to break this without it messing everything up here up but I don't think I can which is why I have the mid-ground because now with the mid-ground using the same tile set I can go back in here and I can make like a like a staircase area so I'm gonna make a new single tile staircase if I go back here and I put it on the mid-ground now I think I can make this go like that there's probably some endcap tile so let's see stay on the mid-ground if I go here yeah there are so I'll make a couple new single tiles one out of that and want to have that so if I go back to the area around the home on the mid-ground make some endcaps here this feels like cheating because I'm putting it on top but I know that if I go back to the background and erase just those two tiles let's actually make sure I go back to the background and erase yeah totally messes it up so we'll leave that on okay okay we're not doing so bad now we're not doing so bad okay so anthropomorphic totally fine to do it that way that's why I have the different layers so you can have like a background which your background can be like all green tiles and then your mid-ground can be just like a path on that and so on and so forth so you can just keep building up diamond ever says disable auto tiling select the tiles and it's an option up top so select the tiles oh there we go disable auto tile so if I disable auto tile now it's turning off mid-ground Hey look at that all right cool thanks for the tip man all right so let's put these caps on where there should be so that I'm not doing this kind of hokey way of doing stuff or would it be better if I did because there's like a wider staircase would it be better if I did that so let's make a new single tile that's just these three let's see how that is oops so I want to to meet [Music] and then this that's better this way better let's put this here okay cool [Music] let's take a look at chat here really quickly single-letter want to reopen it in Photoshop maker right left in middle lighter than have them collisions only in certain directions RPG maker for the win yeah I mean this tile set I'm using I think I have a link to it in the description it's $2.99 I think on each side I oh and I don't know I think it looks really good it's better than anything I would have need so I'm totally fine with throwing the dude who made this a couple shoutouts I follow them on Twitter but there is that three things and yes there is a long delay I this is how much of a new volume to streaming I just found out today that there's an option where you can turn down your chat delay but you have to set it before you start streaming and I didn't find it until I already started the stream so I didn't want to restart the stream so hopefully next time I stream it will be better I just said stream like all of the need so many times stream stream stream okay I'm going to let's do another single tile for blue and then I know that I can do like a bill if I just drop like the area first Auto tile back on and then I know that there's like a paint bucket fill somewheres in there oh hey I didn't realize they had these rotate tools that's kind of and they have flip tools too that helps me so much that's really cool okay that looks pretty good well now yeah game endeavor I'm I'm a noob never once have I ever in my entire life claim to be an expert at any of this stuff anybody who thinks I am you are you're sorely mistaken I am sorry to tell you I know I don't need to do this it's just I find it with my obsessive there we go no let's go to the mid-ground here and let's make a house in tileset I'm gonna go super simple with this house and I'm just gonna use one of the pre-made structures yeah it's probably fine if I just do this as a new single tile and grab all of that I'm on the ground Oh mankind is invisible that's why Hey [Music] there we go that's better no let's do it like here now there's that weird thingy thing between the house in the background so let's go and make our area around the house of better let's do it as a single tile here and that matches there probably isn't an inside corner so I'm probably making some problems for myself here in just a moment but for now I'm okay with doing it this way so let's go back to our tile set so I want actually let's do this instead I haven't looked at chat in a minute so give me a second all I'll check it out it's too much clumps that looks a little bit better and now if I put that's not too bad right let's take a look and see what chad has too soon switch off of the visibility of the foreground really quick and fix the background so I can fix it here instead of having all that on the Midgard I don't know why I did all that I'm a good I can fix it here on the background by doing what game endeavor suggested and disabling Auto tile and then I can use this to fill these in properly and that way on my mid-ground I can have just the house that makes way more sense this is why this isn't an actual tutorial video this is just me learning how to do stuff like a new all right cool now if I go to the mid-ground let's erase this stuff so that it's just the house on the mid-ground layer like it should be there we go that's better can you right-click I drop very different texture from existing ones so you mean if I right-click one of these tiles or you mean in here yeah right clicking doesn't seem to do anything in here that's how I choose different tiles good lord that makes so much more sense now all right okay anthropomorphize that background no no no your foreign mid is lower on the left on the right oh hey you're right if you right-click could you pick up the orange instead of the yellow ground nope right-click deletes is that how it works in yeah I didn't know those arrows existed either game endeavor I kept saying there has to be a way that you can select already selected tiles because they even have these special like yellow for single tile blue for Auto tile so that makes everything so much easier okay so now I want to do you collision do I have to reselect the whole thing earth this is a weird way to have to do collision it's like I click the tile and then I click the shape and then I quickly toggle quickly tile shape tile it seems there has to be an easier way this has to be a me thing again collision where cohesion numerical position where collision where and then I want to do you those single tiles so if I go back okay hold on if I just go all the way back here back in the towel said I want to choose the end caps there we go so the end caps are going to get collision as well region instead of collision collision man man okay I think there's okay humans ever says I think there's a keyboard shortcut for i dropping tiles but those key vines never work for me you think too in collision like that is bad last night I had to do polygon collision intelligent required yeah no I know it's not too bad I was playing around with one that had curved edges before and like doing that polygons every time is not good not have him tell us with clear backgrounds wanted say the sheet of part 6 it so you can have all background stuff with me yeah anthropomorphize Gris I was talking about whether or not I wanted to open this up in a sprite and change stuff or move stuff around her group stuff better alright so I did all that collision for a reason I want to test something out here let's add our player to the scene and let's bring you here I want to see if the collision is gonna work the way I expected to okay it's something so here's another issue I've had before those lines that appear that happens in unity all the time I've had it happen here but I thought that was something I'm supposed to be gone with 3.1 so clearly it's not so I'm gonna need to look at how to fix that okay let's also go into player C really our player UI and let's make sure that that's invisible by default there we go that's better now I'm gonna need to have collision on edges here which means there should be a special tile for that hopefully so if I go back in here is there a special tile oh is it this one I'm gonna pretend it's these here and here and that I was supposed to have those around the thingy thing so I want region cool so let's go into here let's do collision square there tile square okay okay so if I go back in here on my background layer turn off auto tile and then but now that part right there with the cap looks weird but that looks better doesn't it all right Kelly totally get it so if you want to bail out that's totally fine there's gonna be more unity stuff very very soon so totally fine if you don't want to try and learn in a second platform when you you're struggling to learn the first one or when you're just learning the first one that's totally fine yeah i disabled the filters and I've gotten so the only time I've had these lines before is when I was working on my school laptops with my students so is there something in project settings sir MSA is disabled I have no idea for is a good level or not for pixel-art I need to worry about shadow atlases or shadows no no this should have anything to do with us default color and none of the I'm gonna do with 2d it can't be [Music] okay is it vsync that's doing it that doesn't make any sense yeah it's not vsync that's doing it cuz it's not vertical per pixel transparency okay I know this is boring just watching me reading menus so I'm gonna finish this soon pixel snap where is pixel snip was that was pixel snapping the quality and I just missed it [Music] the cap should have an auto corner I agree with you I don't know why the cap wouldn't have an auto corner because it looks way better like this than it did with the stairs just in nowhere where else would be would be part of the tile no I don't think it would anyway maybe part of the import settings it's like three days dream sighs I'm oh would lossless on the map repeat filter MIT Maps NS drop a SVG oh you can use SVG's with a good [Music] [Music] rendering quality I missed it Thank You diamond ever okay oh there it is it's right there good lord I just I saw the GL es - and immediately thought that it had nothing to do with the G oh yes three render all right cool thank you very much man or woman person human being Michael that's way better thank you so now we can actually move on to doing other things so I want to go back here to my mid ground I want to add some I'm gonna add some using the tile out of that and then what are you what are you doing why are you what okay that was weird [Music] should I have like an even further background maybe it's duplicator foreground since that's the one that doesn't have any weird things changing to it and I'm gonna call this like super background I might want this to be like a parallax background later but for now what we're gonna do this we're gonna load our tile sets from areas and we're gonna do I'm sure somebody in chat has already made a comment about this would give me a second note look Oh but because I already mr. Taft there we go so that's better and then I want to make a single tile I guess I could have just done good lord I could have just done the whole thing and in that way sometimes I'm just not thinking straight so they something like that and then on the actual background no that's not the part I wanted to delete and then the Blues don't match of course they don't sometimes I'll do something I'm very smart and then it'll take me like minute to catch on to the fact that it was not very smart okay I'm just let's just yeah [Music] so here's what I think it's supposed to happen I think you're supposed to have that dark blue because it's part of the actual here it's part of this one and then you're supposed to have it go to these cloudy backgrounds so I'm going to put the cloudy backgrounds up here and then maybe there's like a dark blue the white tile and if there's not I'm just gonna move on and start dealing with something else okay so if I go to my tile set okay so there's these tiles these are probably meant to be like dark blue to white and then in here Oh see that looks so much better now okay all right and now if I turn this back on I can get rid of this whole section here that already looks so much better and then I'm sure it's gonna bother some people if I don't do this right now okay cool so we're getting some winwaker vibes here depending on how you feel about one Waker to be good or bad all right how does that look in practice that's not too bad all right cool let's take a look at chat I'm sure there's some people yelling at me for some of the weird things I just did okay so I'm getting a very Pokemon but okay holy cow there's a lot of chance I missed however it seems to only be happening on the details yeah but I mean fixes that fixed it Harriton son son nice to see you too Michael bending I just started playing with a fix perfect Cameron unity I could not find equipment for godot there was some articles about adding a script to the camera and rounding float signatures yeah so you would need to make sure that the camera is only moving on one pixel units which indeed oh I don't think you actually need to round floats to integers you would just need to make sure that it's every time it changes it's only changing by an entire pixel so I don't think you would need to float or to round that different angry bear I know the idea was earthbound but I'm getting a Pokemon but yeah I mean it's ever spent had first of all I found his eight directional movement so it's I can see where you're getting a Pokemon but his shoes are the same color as the ground that's weird indie dev says from India watching stream at night I'm good to see you and yes I call myself mr. tap sometimes and yes the ocean could be animated that would be very cool I just I suppose you could enemy like maybe just these tiles or something like that or make other layers of it I don't know this is not we're here for it so let's make some let's make some limits to the player camera so in the area around home let's make a quick change to the player script to make it so that we can limit the camera easily so this is gonna be more of a player controller it's make reference to player cam is the camera 2d and then in ready we're gonna use a function to set the camera limits so we're going to view function set camera limits and I figure out what the variables for camera limits are called I'm camera to de their limit so we got left okay so it's left top limit left my mid top limit right let me put him maybe he turned out this new thing that might make it so it don't mean it's moving on month pixel intervals anyway so let's make some export variables set the left limit to negative 100 by default set the right limit to 300 by default set the top limit to negative 100 by default and the bottom limit to well go 400 by default I'm just picking these numbers out of thin air which is why I'm making them exports so I can easily change them and then when we do set camera limits we're gonna do play your cam in the mitt left is equal to your left the mint I'm it right is equal to write my minutes and it taught top limit Claire km gone bottom bottom okay I can third four more four on floats I've not seen the colon equal thing before alright so antropomorphic colon equals is here it doesn't need to be here I could very easily have just done tenth movement equal to vector 2.0 the colon equals is here to type JD script and by typing GED script it is more efficient so in the future when I start a new series I'm going to be using typed GV script instead of just plain old GT script but you don't need to do it this way I could have done export and then in parentheses int and then var limit left equal to negative 100 but by doing the colon equals I'm so okay the weight GV script works this is how I usually describe it when you create a variable you're creating an empty container for something to go in Gd script doesn't know immediately what size that container should be until you tell it what size it should be so when you make a variable to go in the container then Gd script changes the container to fit that variable by typing it you're telling it what shape container to make it first so it doesn't have to decide what container should be later on if that analogy makes music oh okay it started towards the in Crete video on fixing camera reasoner II okay so anyway and then in ready will do set camera limits so then in our scene here area around home is this two tiles three so we'll make the left limit negative 48 and I'll make the right moment I don't know we'll go 128 top limit I'm gonna set to be 0 I'm not sure if this is how the camera 2d works so they might need to take the offset into account but I think I don't and we'll make the bottom limit for just to see how it works all right cool that is how it works nice that one little change makes this look so much better that's crazy all right so I forgot how big I have my window set to be 270 so we'll make the bottom limit to 90 I'm just guessing here there's not really any room for the camera to move around in here so let's make the camera a little bit smaller so that it doesn't quite look let's make our zoom level let's even go a little bit and then one of the ways that we can add screen shake is by adding a camera kick that you can actually do without animating anything we can just use [Music] okay so they've all seems oh no didn't mean this one all right there we go so we got some camera movement here the ocean should probably be lower or at least the horizon should be lower horizon should probably be like here and then like blue above it that would look even better all right that's that's pretty good though I'm liking this so far alright so here's our first area yeah that's good let's make a new scene and we'll call this so 2d scene we're gonna call this town Oh anthropomorphic if that work resetting the scroll box I hoped it would work but I'm always kind of amazed when things that I do work how I think they should yeah I want this out of different houses so we're gonna I could make this just inherit from so like I could make a base scene class and I could make it so that area and town both inherent from that base class but I want to use slightly different tile sets with them but I could still I don't know I'm okay with this background deeply actually before i duplicate that but set this to have 16 by 16 cells and I'm haven't done anything with 2d physics yet but we're gonna call this mid ground and we're gonna call this foreground all right actually before I go too far I keep changing my mind I'm gonna call this call it not seen but place generic place and then we'll save this as its own scene save it there and now I'm making you inherited scene from that see I say I'm not gonna do stuff and then I end up doing it anyway we'll call this and save scene safe all right so let's start messing around with our tileset here so we're gonna make a new talent set even though it's going to be based on the same image because I just want to keep the tiles kind of separate so we're gonna add this and I want this to be like in town so let's make it new let's make a new Auto tile and let's go with the sidewalk here first see the sidewalk is neat improved maybe that let's do bit mask alright and then if we go back to town let's do some sidewalk here so let's actually so he's going to come in from his house in like this is like the little town so we're gonna make this set up so that we've got its make like city blocks here and then we can put the buildings on the blocks if that makes any sense okay [Music] except this should be on the mid-ground and not the background the background should be like just Street and threw for more if I 100% should do that I 100% should start with a piece of graph paper and draw everything out so nice wide streets but the city blocks don't all have to be the same size you and then I'll do let's do another one down here I wonder if you hold shift if it'll let you draw a straight line it does okay that's good that's helpful now since I have both an inside and an outside let's make a weirdly shaped block - so we'll do something that goes like sit there down a little bit over down and then maybe there's like a I don't know like a little town square over here to the right I'm sure there's an easier way to fill this in other than drawing over every single part but I don't know what it is and I'm finding this kind of relaxing all right that's not too bad so far okay let's check out chat here really fast we're on chat delay I know shift + alt drag to make a rectangular photos thank you very very much game endeavour so so maybe my keyboard setup weird maybe it's yeah for me it's shifting control nice is way way better okay let's do almost a mirror on the other side oops there we go that's not too bad it's shift control for me I'm playing I'm working on my PC right now actually my Mac is my my laptop I did so much work on it because it during Hank prep period if I finished all my work I would get to make a video mr. monkfish hello alright and then let's make one more quick flock here just like that okay cool so now let's go to our tile set let's get just like a square of asphalt so let's do [Music] let's just do that one let's go back to the town and then with our newly found ability to draw rectangles enjoying some blacktop I know there's a way that you can make it so that it does randomness inside the tiles or even just a weighted randomness I would just need to do a little bit of research to remind myself how to do that okay I'm getting kind of entranced by this is this fun when I taught my students how to make top-down games before whenever we get to the part where they get to use tile maps they always get kind of like I have to give them a time limit on it otherwise I have some students it will spend like a week making tile maps it's not your bad anthropomorphise fine I have nothing against Mac or PC I like them both all right so let's go to let's go to our tile set here see this is the reason I liked this tile set usually I would just be using the Kenny one but I kind of liked how this has like all of these Street things in it so let's do a new single tile for that next week oh is it because I have auto talent oh that looks fine oops there we go took more gives you two I don't think you can I don't think he can get at YouTube just by it's not YouTube isn't Santa kami endeavor says I think it's a I think it's the priority setting to do randomness but a from my experience it could be walkie wonky yeah I honestly this is the most I've experimented with kiddos newer tile map settings since 3.1 so this is kind of fun for me all right so let's do some let's do another single tile let's do this sorry I stopped talking it's just just find this really fun oh cool okay let's do jump to our middle ground here before we do that and save our asset we're going to call this town and then that way we can apply it to the mid ground as well cool all right so now in here so the park doesn't have any inside tiles they only have the outside tiles so we can't if we use Auto tile on that we got to be a little careful but like look at all these cool things like stop signs and stuff that's awesome let's do I think that's a door you got some buildings you got some railings anchor okay that's what that's supposed to be let's do a new Auto tile from Park masks all right so let's go back in here let's make a nice you get a nice part kind of like in the middle here I just learned how to do that and I already forgot to use that looks nice I like the contrast of that green against the purpley asphalt let's make another little park over here then let's make like almost like a Boulevard here and for randomness another one up here that's fun so long as I'm having fun yeah that's all that matters I guess mr. monk fish says I don't know whether I should use tilesets for my project I might have separate instances of terrain elements with collision shape I want to size down the best approach if you're using it well unity can do it too but if you're using Godot when you're making a tile so like if I go to the town here and if I look at one of the tiles I already made come on okay there we go it wasn't let me zoom around so like on this individual tile I can add a collision shape to it I can do some stuff so that it may or may not work with the 2d lighting system I can add navigation elements to it so there's a lot that you can do on a per tile basis using the DOS tile map system it's way better than it used to be it used to be that you had to make individual objects and then I had things to the objects and then save the whole seen as a resource file it used to be it's just a pain in the butt so it's not that bad unity has a similar system now too but you need to get the 2d extras for it to work the way you wanted to all right let's try making a building here yeah I want this to be in the background so let's make I can region map okay it's to red brick I want to grab let's do this as a single tile okay I think it does yeah let's go back to our mid ground [Music] so we'll to you - this is like a building that's a little bit recessed from the street and then right next to it will have this little like pillar hmm I want that to go up higher so if I go to the tiles in it can I do and then let's redo that alert so that we have the top away from the bottom or actually let's just do this as a new single tile back here that doesn't look good said how old because it's got the I see it's it's kind of sketch out the sides of the building person there is a importer for tiled maps in fact I was so sure that I was going to end up using tiled this video not only did I have tiled up but I have I have a github plug-in already cute it that I I was thinking about downloading and then I have something from the Godot asset library but this is forget oh three like you said so I did I I don't know if it'll work for three point one but I was certain I wasn't going to like slash understand godot's native tile map settings but they're not as bad as I thought they were what happens if I do yeah I like that let's go back in here [Music] so let's grab a door back to the mid-ground let's put a door let's make this kind of like recessed there and then that's let's grab is a new tile this when I grab that yeah oh there is so we'll do like this and then we'll have like a window it doesn't look great in fact I wanting to tell you to us when she departs oh it works understandable Matthews unfortunately my answer to that is not very satisfying so unity is great unity is an amazing engine that is very usable with a ridiculous amount of resources out there however the unity is very rickety the way it is right now they haven't rebuilt their core engine in about 10 years I think so they just keep adding stuff on top of it so it feels very very much like they just keep slapping stuff on something that needs to be rebuilt from the bottle but you anything you'd want to do with unity you can do it like big dough is in my experience with it so far powerful and relatively easy to use especially for newcomers however being that Godot is just recently starting to be picked up by people who do things like this there's not a ton of resources out there for it so I mean even though it's easy to use for newcomers it can be more difficult to use compared to something like unity because there's not as much as many resources out there for it so so Matthews Mota asks isn't that supposed to change with thoughts dot says unities new big push towards away from object-oriented programming and towards data oriented programming so with that push community is remaking their engine to be much more powerful that is 100% true but even their own material has almost nothing with how to work with thoughts let alone how to work with typescript so yes it's supposed to be better but better at the cost of losing all of the resources that people have made for unity because I mean like if you watch a c-sharp tutorial that's that's not going to work with thoughts and I'm eventually they're gonna make it use not type scripted c-sharp but even then the entire like the whole way that you think about programming in C sharp is gonna be different verses and thoughts if that makes any sense so my answer to your question is the one that is the best one between unity and Godot is whichever one you feel like you can make something good in and if you feel like you can make something good in game maker studio that's awesome you feel like you can make something good in RPG Maker MV that's awesome doesn't those engines aren't any worse necessarily than unity there they're only being held back by what their creator can do and if the Creator can do good stuff with them then they're good I played games that were made in RPG Maker MV that were fantastic and I've played bad games I played good games made with unity and I play bad games made with unity well you can so you can access dots in there preview packages and even with the preview packages there's not very many resources out there and 3k is doing videos about it but his videos aren't aren't as in-depth as his previous material I don't know that's just my thoughts okay so back to what I was doing here I think it grabbed the wrong door so this is something that definitely feels like it would work better this part of it would work better in tiled I'm a hundred percent certain and what you could do is you could just make the tiled map and import it as a PNG and then hand draw your collisions on it see this window has a shadow in it well there's thing without the shut up so let's grab this is a single tile does I have a weird seamers it yeah no it's just me and it's not enough space let's get rid of that that's not too bad sorry I stopped talking because I was thinking so I guess the best way to do this would be for me to make each of those window slices its own tile I know this is riveting YouTube right here this is this is gonna bring all the subscribers to the wall to the to the channel so let's do that let's do that let's do that and we have two tiles it's one way to do it yeah okay so let's go back into our mid-ground here I just wanted to eat all of this and then right so dear here and then here in there and there okay this is getting better now and then it's just right there and then we'll do oops wrong door again so this story and then do a well no I guess that was fine put that there and sorry like I said I know this is is probably super boring YouTube content content experience here we go it's weird so weird seeing between those two I think unless I'm just out of my mind which is incredibly possible there we go what is this a door for ants game endeavor that's why I couldn't stream ID so enough for half an hour complete forgetting when I was trimming yeah I mean this isn't the most interesting thing for me to be streaming but if I'm gonna make a video about actually using this then I'd better know what I'm doing and I think it's fun to just mess with it alright so we need a roof roof can't just be this again can it no wonder what the what the author used canary each dot bio so this is the author of the towel set 8-bit canary okay so they used that weird outside rim okay let's try doing that then this rim here I wonder and Stu this is an auto tile to continue working with Auto tiles now I don't want that region this one and then we'll do bit mask around here but then for the inside we'll do this let's see if it'll work like that I probably I just picked the wrong path can I give that Thailand name so that it's just easier for me to actually find it can I give this Thailand name okay I can give it a script I can give it a name haha there we go okay cool I just wait to you happy about that there we go all right how does that book this assists I don't know it has visuals that's more captivating than you think probably true yeah game endeavor says it's probably more engaging than coding you're probably right Matthews mode I did not make these assets they're purchasable on a big Kenard I on H dot IO is where I got him I think you're like three bucks Kenny has a RPG urban pack that's really similar to it and that would probably work just fine for everything we're doing and his to be completely honest are probably laid out of it better which version of your kiddo yep I'm Todd Gibson asks which version of Godot am i using this is 3.1 the right side of the first two windows is not correct so this one okay so let's fix the right side of the first two windows so if you're anything like me it's going to bug you so I will fix it there we go and then this should be there too there it was a lot of time I spent just to make one little teeny tiny building in my little town I'm trying to lay out here whisper whisper am i whispering I don't mean to whisper this isn't an ASMR stream okay now I want to shift everything down because there's too much ID concrete between that little Boulevard but I'm not gonna do that all right um let's mess around with some stuff let's go to the foreground tileset let's load the tile set that we're using town and let's to add some fun stuff here so we'll do a new single tile this really should have transparency around it do you new single tiles for the stop signs are they angled like that to show that it's pointing and yeah they are huh I think these are windows for like a storefront okay let's get back in here let's grab just put some trees down see because if if this were transparent I could put a tree right there and it would look fine because so I really should bring this into like ask the author if I can bring this into a sprite and make some changes so that I'm not changing something that I don't actually it's not too bad let's but you never have too many parks in the city that's too close there you go Oh whispering about candy Stylz that being better laid out well I mean he's only made like I don't know seventy thousand assets or something like that dude's got some practice yeah same with Austin treat I agree because earlier like here I could have moved that house up so that like it could look like the house had like an overview of the CEO or something all right so I'm gonna add just some more details here and see like I could put this little dude here we're transparent around it but as it is either like I have to put that stop sign so far in this is where it should be and I got to put it there oh wait is that the yeah I'm just gonna have stops that that direction nobody going this way has to stop they don't have to stop it off so we'll do [Music] here that make sense I would stop sign there I played this out super weird I'm the one who did it I got nobody else to blame Lolo says I think you should use stairs home what do you mean better yeah no it's super oh thank you should go that way and this should go no that way well except I'm not in England so you put this one there and I'm gonna put this one here and then I think back down to the background and no it's not what I meant to the mid-ground there we go cut that Boulevard short and then this one's okay this one's okay this one's okay all right cool anybody who drives in only to waste stops yet you're going this way you just go as far as you want if I were thinking I would have made these streets a little bit wider and then I could put down like little lines but that's okay for now all right let's see if I can make his second building faster than I made the first building let's go let's start with the door in a reasonable location and put it there it's a blank spot on either side that's TV no I want more widows than that so let's do this one here and we'll tease Mir Mir now we'll go even more and then here then cap it off with one of the Cappy thingies that's a technical term Kathy thing he goes there and then in other direction we'll do here and then we'll cap this off by another Cappy thingy technical term TM see are good tiling speaker in practice I would love to see a tiling speedrun I mean I know there are people who do like those time-lapse videos of them making stuff Oh what am i doing I can just do this now okay second building definitely looks better than the first but I don't like that surface so I'm gonna disable auto tile and I want to give it a different surface let's go back to our towel set here and let's just do this so back to the foreground and I want just this no hey come on now that's not too bad this is starting to look pretty good I like the way this turned out this all needs to be moved down a bit so that the horizon is like right there and then I like the way the town's turning out even if I am fighting with the tile set a bit I'm gonna oh i'll DM the author on twitter and ask if it's all right with him if I make some transparencies all right let's see what else do I want to do before I go oh okay so one of the things that is on my list of stuff to do a tutorial on for the Godot match-three is how to make a level editor and the way that I can do that so I'm a properly shifting gears we're gonna look at the match three project for a second here so I'm gonna save all my scenes let's go back to the project list where abruptly switching gears here bear with me so if we make even if the doors are meant for handsome to a stop step alright so in here if we go to our actually let's see let's make it a child with a grid and this is gonna be a tile map and then the tile map is gonna be square cells should be 64 by 64 that's good need to make a tile set now in our tile set here I'm going to add from art and then this is going to be a new single tile and I want this to be yeah that's fine I mean I forgot these assets are 128 by 128 bits it's fine like this so I'm not only going to use the ice as an example here [Music] okay sorry I was reading chat there for a second so I'm gonna use this I'm just going to use the ice as an example of how you can do this so if I go back to my time up here I'm gonna rename this to obstacle layout now back in here I only really want just part of that so that's ginger tell me really quickly let's just do that one section there so if I'm looking at this let's say I want ice to be like in just the corners here so what I can do is lay these out here see one two three four five six and you can see as I'm mousing over and there's a coordinate for it we already have a system in this match three tutorial for how to translate coordinates into grid positions so what you can do is in the grid script here I'm going to make a really quick change and let's make a reference to that so we'll call this level editor and unready of our level layout is equal to your dollar sign obstacle layout and then [Music] before use actually let's do it where we spawn ice sorry for the abrupt shift from top-down RPG to to this so I want to look at spawn ice all right so if I spaces is not normal what we can do instead of this so let's comment all of this out is we can say all at bar temp is equal to another layout dot and I want to get the like the actual to decreed from here which is actually I'm gonna have to remind myself how to do this so let's do our temp is equal to there's a way that you can get just the specific coordinate in a tile and I thought I need this off top my head but apparently I don't so that's just the thingy thing that's a technical term there thingy think so I want to do dough down that coordinates so in the tile map node let's go to the three point one documentation it's out there we go itself and so there's get you sell and there's get sell and then you can use this to set sell so what you want to do here is to save or I in wit from Jay and height ice spaces IJ is equal to level layout get cell J so we want to say yes all right I'm gonna ask him back to this I thought I knew how to do it on my head but I don't let's look at chatter they quickly before we go that's your mark that layout is running against entry on the right okay I'll change it it's been like this for the last like three videos so I'll have to change it alright probably more than that probably since I switched to getto 3.1 okay I'm going to I'm gonna stop this cuz this is better if I just like actually explain it so this is gonna have to wait for when I can explain it better so I'm just gonna change that back to how it was and I'm gonna delete the obstacle layout and delete the unready reference to it so I'll come back to this later there we go let's save that okay so looking back at our little RPG project over here really all I did today was play with the town map which was fun for me I don't know how much fun it was for you guys the other thing I did a cypher and play with the tile map is set the player character defaults or camera to plots go to area around house here I set it so that the camera doesn't go outside of the scene but it still follows the player around even if we do have some weirdness going on here it looks way better with that curving around it and then we started to set up a town that inherits from a generic place and that was a lot of messing around with stuff Aleksey I absolutely am going to make a tutorial on that right now I'm just like so it takes a lot of work to make a tutorial so like I have to practice all this stuff on my own anyway and make notes for myself so this last week stream in today's stream is about me going through doing it like raw without any practice first and then when I make the tutorial I will have had practice so it'll work better and that way I can make it better structured and just better overall so yes I will okay so I'm gonna close down the chat about her in the stream in about five minutes are there any last-minute questions anybody has for me [Music] let's just see what our player looks like in here well I'm waiting for Jack delay to catch up with people at top a minute zero to 70 they're not all good ones game endeavor I I wouldn't be in the refactoring nightmare right now if I made fewer tutorials a week all right so let's have him obey the laws and just stay on the street or the sidewalk let's not having to walk everywhere yes otherwise I don't know the videos where I like I have a definite plan and I know a hundred percent what I'm doing more definitely come on better than the ones where I start without with just an idea of what I'm doing in no notes and I just wing it I always end up having to refactor those so I'm gonna put this little dude area not a good spot for me to take a screenshot to make the e so close up there and this will be the screenshot for this extreme let's even take that screenshot now let's grab this let's make it back no I do not want to save it yes because you were quoting we I know you met mine oh mine not test oh I see there's how I did this video the videos I've seen of yours are pretty good in turn okay guys um I am going to go take off and eat some lunch and then I'm going to make a Godot tutorial video or two for today and I have some projects I need to go over including anthropomorphic very much for joining me for the stream I'm really looking forward to starting this Goodell RPG series I'm going to be good and I learned a lot today I hope you guys did too so yeah switch over to the ending soon but the microphone should still be going thanks for stopping by game endeavor thank you have a great day everyone [Music]
Channel: Mister Taft Creates
Views: 3,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godot, godot tutorial, godot rpg, godot rpg tutorial, earthbound, earthbound tutorial, godot earthbound, gdscript, gdscript tutorial
Id: AGyBw-og034
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 45sec (7065 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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