December 31, 2018 "I'm Just Trying to Make it to the Other Side", Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] when you bow and be in prayer with me for every mountain that you brought me over for every trial in this last year you saw me through for every blessing Lord for this I give you praise we've seen some mountains we've experienced some trials and we've been the recipient of some blessings it's Lord we say hallelujah tonight for bringing us to the last moment of another years journey when January came we did not anticipate all we would go through but here we are and we give your name the glory now lord I pray that you would work through the frailty of my flesh take my mind in my mouth my hand in my heart use them for your glory in Jesus name we do pray amen in this last few moments of this year and the last sermon I'm gonna ask you to hear the reading of a Word of God that should sound familiar to us it records an event that is familiar to us it is recorded in the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Mark if you're able to turn to those concluding verses beginning in verse 35 and the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Mark I believe that there's a word from the Lord that sets us in order for the new year that awaits us mark chapter 4 beginning in verse 35 once you've found it if you're physically able we invite you to stand for the reading of God's Word as I read from the New International Version of the Bible prayerful that you can keep along with whatever version you have before you Mark 4 beginning in verse 35 when you're there say a man that day when evening came he said to his disciples let us go over to the other side leaving the crowd behind they took him along just as he was in the boat there were also other boats with him a furious squall came up and the waves broke over the boat so that it was nearly swamped Jesus was in the stern somebody say the bag sleeping on a cushion the disciples woke him and said to him teacher don't you care if we drown he got up rebuked the wind and said to the waves quiet be still then the wind died down and it was completely calm he said to his disciples why are you so afraid do you still have no faith they were terrified and asked each other who is this even the wind and the waves obey Him don't stop reading verse 1 chapter 5 they went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes that's enough right there do me a favor play preacher to your neighbor for a moment and tell them neighbor old neighbor I'm just trying to make it to the other side you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I'm just trying to make it to the other side I'm asking you as I have just about this whole month to pray for me I want to confess at the beginning of this sermon that there's a rough reality going on in my life that has not stopped yet and it's left me stressed and exhausted I want to be honest with you I am stressed and I am exhausted because I've got class starting in two weeks and I have not one not two not three but eleven papers due January 13th at 11:59 p.m. and I'm stressed and burnt out I'm burning the candle at both ends I'm waking up at 4:00 in the morning to write staying up till mid night to read I'm stressed and exhausted I'm so stressed and exhausted that I really don't appreciate it when people ask me how my papers are coming I know you mean well and you're trying to be compassionate but every time someone asks me how my papers are coming it reminds me of how much more I have yet to do and I gotta let you know it hurts now I'm stressed out I'm exhausted and because I'm a practicing Christian and I don't want to cuss you out when people asked me how my papers are coming Rajic my answer now is girl I'm just trying to get to the other side you see school has taken its toll on me and I am sick and tired of being in class I'm ready for these papers to be behind me I'm ready for these classes to be behind me I'm ready for this program to be but give me my degree because all I'm trying to do is make it to the other side you are there are seasons that come in life that start off with joy and excitement and expectation but at some moment they take a toll on you and put you in a place where the joy is gone and all you want to do is make it to the other side I just want this to be behind me if you've never been there you can just talk to a pregnant sister she'll tell you the pregnancy begins with joy and thrill and excitement but at some moment in every pregnancy a woman reaches the point where she's tired of being pregnant tired of the swelling tired of the sleepless nights and she'll tell you all I want is to get on the other side of delivery and walk into motherhood you've never been there just find a marriage that's on the rocks and they'll tell you it started with joy and love and Luther Vandross and they need a baker making us feel mighty good but then they hit that rough patch the honeymoon was over the thrill was gone and they kept praying Lord just get us through this season and let this misery be on the other side so we can rekindle our joy all you need to do is talk to someone who's going through round after round after round of chemotherapy and they'll tell you even though the chemo is supposed to be healing me I've reached a place all I want is to get on the other side of these treatments and get my life back in order all you need to talk to is a fan [Applause] and they'll tell you you start with joy and six and three and then you lose six out of seven games and get blanked out at home by the Eagles in the last game of the year and they were interviewing Redskins fans on the news last night and one brother summed it up well he said I'm just glad this season is over somebody the truth be told you come to church tonight you may not be a fan but you know what it means to tell God I'm just glad this year is over I know some of us have reason to shout and thank God for the amazing things that happened this year but their handful of folk in every pew who can declare I'm grateful that this year is over with all the hell I went through with all the things I lost with all the ups and the downs I'm just glad to make it to the end of another year and I'm sitting in Alpha Street tonight with the expectation the 2019 will be a new season that something better is on the way something that pays me more is on the way someone who loves me more is on the way something that appreciates me is on the way something that is stable is on the way something that loves me more is on the way something that respects me is on the way is there anybody here that just expects the new year to be better than the last here if so then you've come to this moment tonight just wanting to get to the other side of 2018 and start your journey into the new year and as you look out into this new year the only prophetic promise I can make you is that 2019 will bring some more storms if I know life the way I know life I come by to tell you no matter how great and glorious your last year was there's some stuff waiting for you in the new year there's some heartache waiting there's some disappointment waiting right now God is getting someone you love their room is ready up in heaven God is going to lead you through some storms in this new year and you're gonna reach the place where you've been in this past year Lord I just want to get to the other side I came by to tell you in reflection of 2018 and in preparation for 2019 that there are some sanctified survival strategies that help you get through the storms and make it to the other side to learn some of them I got to take you back to some events you're familiar with in mark chapter 4 when we get to mark chapter 4 you're going to find out it's been a long couple of days for Jesus starts way back in chapter 2 when we find out that Jesus is in Galilee that's his home where he began his ministry and over these past few days Jesus has had continual conflict with the scribes from the region the scribes lists have come to not only challenge Jesus Authority they've to question his understanding of the Sabbath and he goes back and forth with the scribes arguing about the real interpretation of the Sabbath but when you read mark two three and four you find out that Jesus biggest problem was not with the scribes his biggest problem was with another group that Mark calls the multitude let the church say the multitude when you read the multitude in mark I need you to know these are not the disciples this is not the crowd that's committed the multitude in mark is a mass gathering of people who have heard the words of Jesus have seen the miracles of Jesus and they come to Jesus for one reason they want Jesus to work on their behalf this is not the sold out for Jesus crowd this is not to carry the Bible crowd this is not the sing amazing grace crowd this is the crowd that wants something and only shows up when they need Jesus to do something for them this multitude takes its toll on Jesus they're always surrounding Jesus and you're going to find when you read mark two three and four the Bible says that Jesus has to escape from the multitude because they just won't leave him alone this multitude is so bad that they press on Jesus and the Bible says that they reach out and grab Jesus imagine being in a crowd of a thousand people who are pulling on you because they believe if they can touch you they will be healed this crowd is so bad Jesus can't even have lunch he sits down eat and the crowd surrounds him and begins pulling on him he doesn't even have time for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich this multitude ad is so demanding that one day Jesus is teaching in a house the multitude surrounds him his momma Mary shows up and the multitude won't even let Mary in the sanctuary Mary has to go to overflow [Applause] because the multitude won't scoot over on the Pew to let somebody sit on the end when the us just trying to get them seated touched by something don't be the multitude don't be the multitude Zack 'ln Jesus is so so worn out by the multitude watch this that at one point he tells the disciples listen y'all go get me a boat put it in the water and keep the motor running since then I got a funny feeling and a sneaky suspicion I'm gonna have to make a quick exit away from these folk cuz they just won't leave me alone sure enough one day Jesus is trying to teach the Word of God the multitude presses on him he gets in the boat sails off the shore a little bit so that he can then teach the multitude from the banks of the water while they stand on the shore because he needs some space and the Bible says that when the sermon is over when the benediction has been given and when the Sun Goes Down Jesus turns to his disciples and this is what he says to him let us cross over to the other side says it's time for us to make our way to the other side of the Sea of Galilee now say with me Saints when Jesus says let us cross over to the other side with those eight words he's already determined the destination the problem is that he hasn't set the itinerary you do know there's a difference between destination and itinerary destination is where you're going itinerary is what you got to go through to get there he's told them where they're going but he didn't tell them what they had to go through so watch the itinerary they give him the boat they start sailing across the sea all of a sudden a storm comes water starts flooding the boat the waves start rocking the boat the winds start pushing against the boat and the disciples when they see water in the boat waves rocking the boat and when pushing the boat they realize we in trouble we about to die but don't worry Jesus is in the boat so they go looking for Jesus only to find him in the back of the boat sleep and they can't understand how Jesus is sleep in a storm so they wake at night hey don't you feel the water in the boat can't you feel the waves rocking the boat don't you feel the wind pushing the boat Jesus don't you care that we're about to die watch what Jesus does the Bible says Jesus stands up stretches out looks at the wind and the wave and in greek says two words co PO for mail your Bible translates it as peace be still the this Gary that's just a nice way here's what it really means see Apollo four Morrow and Greek literally means to shut the mouth with a muzzle Jesus stands up stretches looks at the wind and the wave and this what he says shut up and the Bible says that when Jesus tells the wind and the wave see a pot Oh for my Oh this what the wind and the waves say oh my bad J we didn't know that was you on the boat my apologies wind stop blowing waves settle down because even the wind's and the waves obey Jesus and after Jesus rebukes the wind and the waves he turns to the disciples and rebukes them how can you be scared you mean to tell me a little storm is all it takes for you to push the panic button in your life you mean all it takes is little contrary wind all it takes is a little rocking of your boat all it takes are some mouths running against you all it takes are some haters in their hearts all it takes is some Envy around you that's all it takes to make you believe that you're going to die how can you be a disciple of mine and be so weak and so wimpy and think that a little storm is all it takes to make you afraid jesus indite s-- the disciples by saying listen you should not have been afraid because you've got everything it takes to make it to the other side this is how you make it through the storm this is how you sail to the other side this is how you endure the storm you've got to go through what's what Jesus teaches them he tells them we're going to cross over to the other side but before that Jesus says we got to leave the multitude okay you get a little slow you catch it uh-uh we're crossing over but we can't take the multitude we're headed somewhere but everybody with us now cannot go where we're going because this journey is not the lottie dottie and everybody everybody ain't qualified to cross over with you beloved I don't know who I can appreciate night let me tell you the problem in your storm as you still got the wrong people with you you still trying to sail with the crowd with the multitude and Jesus teaches us that if you're going to sail over you've got to make a decision that there's some people have to stay on the shore why you sail across the sea can I preach right here I came by to tell someone on divine assignment that there's some folk in your life they got 22 more minutes to be connected to you before the Lord tells them it's time for you to stay where you are coz I've got to cross over you can't take everybody with you notice who Jesus leaves the multitude I just told you who them jokers were they were not committed they were not in love with the Lord this was the crowd that only showed up when they needed Jesus to do something and the Lord says that's who you got to leave behind you got to leave behind the people that used you you got to leave behind the people that took advantage of you you've got to leave behind the people that stabbed you in the back you got to leave behind the people that try to take you out you've got to learn who to leave behind now now in choice let me tell you why why your neighbor hadn't shouting yet because most of you can't discern who the multitude is you're surrounded with people that look like your friends and you have not yet learned that they smile in your face and all the wild cook ahead you're yelling saved all the while they're trying to take your place that you've got some backstabbers and you've got some envious fokin you've got too many haters and too many little petty folk around you and the Lord says those are not the people who can cross over with you so here's what God did and I'm going to put this in perspective so this last year of your life the Lord orchestrated some circumstances and situations that served one purpose to open your eyes to the real character and nature of the people you are dealing with because they had you hoodwinked they had you bamboozled they had you run amok but the Lord revealed their real nature now you were upset when you found out they broke your heart you are upset that it went down the way it did but you ought to thank God that God opens your eyes so that you would know who cannot go with you so watch this how to make it over here's the bad news you can't take everybody but here's the good news you have to take somebody read your Bible read your Bible Bible says Jesus got the boat so then we can't take the multitude but the Bible says some little boats went with them the multitude stayed on the shore but a few little boats crossed over with them because they found out that you need somebody to cross over with you I don't care how big you are how bad you are how smart you are how much money you make here is the fundamental truth everybody needs somebody sometimes pause rewind press play everybody need somebody sometime long range Anita Tonto Batman needed Robin yogi needed booboo Harold Melvin needed the blue notes and Beyonce needed some other girls everybody needs somebody sometime Bible says it wasn't a lot of boats it was a few boats because the Lord wants you to learn you don't need a whole lot of folk you just need a few folk you need a few folks that pray for you you'd only need a few folks that care about you you only need a few folks that are walk with you you don't need a few folks that are sit down in your house and cry with you all you need is a few good folk now to who I can appreciate night why won't you know that if you got a few folk that love you if you got a few folks that call you if you got a few folk that check up on you baby you are blessed beyond measure and you've got everything you need with a few folks the challenge is to be discerning about who the few should be that's why I love Bible the Bible right here teaches you how to figure out who your few should be can I tell you how to determine who want to go with you the Bible says that the folk that crossed over with Jesus were the ones who were in boats which means that this folk had boats to sail in with the Lord now I told you a few minutes ago Jesus told the disciples give me a boat put it in a water to keep the motor running so there are some folk in the multitude when they saw Jesus get a boat they said we gonna get a boat when Jesus got in his boat they got in their boat when Jesus started to sell that way they went that way cuz this was the crowd that said whatever the Lord is doing is what I'm gonna do wherever the Lord goes is where I'm gonna go your problem is that you're surrounding yourself with people who are not trying and striving to be like the Lord when you look for your few don't just look for tall dark and handsome don't just look for lips hips and fingertips you gotta find somebody that has the Lord in their hearts I need some folk who want to be like Jesus I need some folk that want to do what Jesus did I need some folk that want to act like Jesus acts I need some folk that love God like the Lord loved him and when you get that crowd let me tell you how you know they're called by God I love the Bible Roger watch this Jesus gets in the boat a few boats start to sail they all encounter the storm and the few boats don't sail back do you miss it try it again Jesus gets in the boat a few boats sail with him they all get caught up in the storm and the boats that sail with them did not turn back they stayed with him in the storm because that's what you really need in like listen any Joker can stand with you in the sunshine any fool can get your back when the Sun is rising I need some folk that a rider died better stay with me when the storm it's my way y'all y'all y'all don't get it up here here imma read to you turn with me in your Bible to the gospel of new addition right here chapter 2 verse 1 on a perfect day uh-huh I know that I can count on you uh-huh when that's not possible tell me can you weather the storm because I need somebody who will stand with me through the good times and the bad times they'll always be right here for me do me a favor such somebody and ask them can you stand the rain [Applause] well and on this last night of 2018 I know you want to thank God for the car he gave you I know you want to thank God for the outfit you got on I know you want to thank God for the money in your hand but I want you to thank God right now cuz you can identify a few good folk there stood with you in the rain there stood by your side that did not abandon you that did not run from you is there anybody here who knows I had a few good folk that took my back I thank God for the few folk that stayed with me so watch it watch a bunch of in order to make it over you gotta have some good folk who stick with you through the storm so these disciples realized they had a problem they did what any good disciple ought to do they talked to Jesus and watch this and when they talk to Jesus Jesus talked to the storm you missed you missed it they talked to Jesus and when they talked to Jesus Jesus turn around and talk to the storm because they found out what you should know by now when you have a little talk with Jesus which I had a prayer warrior right here and and you tell him all about your troubles he'll hear y'all and the Lord will answer there's somebody in this place tonight last year you had a talk with Jesus and when you talk to the Lord the Lord talked to your storm the Lord talked to your supervisor the Lord talked to your spouse the Lord talked to your friend the Lord talked to your finances when you talk to God God will talk to your stuff come on tell your prayer changes things can I get deep for a minute can I show you how powerful prayer is I wanna make sure you get this Jesus is in a boat and there are a whole lot of other boats in the storm but Jesus is only in one boat okay I'm a pop quiz Jesus is in the storm they're a whole lot of other boats how many boats is Jesus in Jesus is in one boat which means the only boat that talked to Jesus was the boat Jesus was in it's only one boat that had a talk with the Lord now when they in the storm all the boats are affected but because one boat spoke to Jesus when Jesus spoke to the storm every boat was blessed I wish you wasn't stuck on slope just somebody ought to be grateful that the power of prayer is that when God answers her prayer your life is gonna get better when God blesses him you're gonna get a blessing God answers his prayer and bless my life okay okay [Applause] somebody don't get it um I'm actually questioning you gotta lie to me be real um have you ever had the Lord do something in your life that you didn't pray for I mean I mean has God ever shown up and dropped some in your lap that you didn't even know you needed is anybody's knows that he does go exceedingly abundantly above what you asked that when God answers God gave you more than what you asked for I finally figured out why God goes above what you asked for because when God answers somebody else's prayer the overflow of their answer causes the abundance of your requests so you gonna work with a co-worker that you can't stand she gets on your nerve every day [Applause] now the reason she's so difficult it's because she's been on that job so long and the supervisor has never given her a promotion or raise but the reason the supervisor never gives a promotional raise is because the supervisor has a drinking problem but the reason the supervisor has a drinking problem is because the supervisor is miserable at home with his wife now the reason the supervisor is miscible at home when his wife is because the Wight has some issues with her mama that ain't been resolved and so all because a wife has issues with her mama you are not dealing with a co-worker who you can't stand so one night a wife would an issue bounce down and ask God to reconcile her with her mother when God answers and reconciles the wife with her mother the wife starts being nice to her husband and the husband stops drinking and the husband becomes a good supervisor who recognizes your co-workers ability and gives them a raise and gives you a promotion and so you got a promotion that you didn't even ask for because God answer the prayer of a woman you didn't even know when God answers their prayer in a bless your life you know what that means that means we got to change some stuff at we've been singing the wrong song around here we've been singing that song somebody prayed for me had me on their mind took the time to pray for me let me say something that song is a little flawed because you can take the for me out you don't have to pray for me you just pray and when the Lord answers your prayer the ripple effect is that my life is blessed all I need you to do is talk to God and when God shows up for you God shows up for me they wake Jesus up Anthony and watch what they say this is funny they say a lord teacher don't you care that we're drowning if your King James you know it this way carest thou not that we perish does they wait Jesus up aren't you here to say say Lord we are perishing we we we somebody say we first-person plural there in dining everybody everybody on this boat is dying including Jesus Lord us is dying [Applause] and part of the reason I believe Jesus is upset it's a Jesus must look back and say do you really think that I am gonna die in a boat do you think I came all the way from heaven through forty and two generations to be born of a virgin in a manger only to get in the middle of the Sea of Galilee and die do you think the wind and the wave have the power over the Son of God you must have lost your mind I did not come here to die on a boat in the middle of a sea I've got to get to the other side cuz on the other side there's a woman with an issue of blood who needs to touch my garment on the other side there's a blind bartimaeus whose eyes need to be opened on the other side there's a lame man by the Pool of Bethesda on the other side there's an old rugged cross that's got my name on it and what gives Jesus assurance is that he sees himself on the other side and beloved here's the problem with most Saints in the middle of a storm you have no vision of yourself on the other side listen if you're gonna cross over you got to seat yourself over you've got to see yourself on the other side of sickness you got to see yourself on the other side of this shutdown you've got to see yourself on the other side of this program you've got to see yourself on the other side so I came down here to mess with you tonight and ask you a question when you look in the 2019 what do you see to be a favorite looking somebody just ask them what do you see well since you don't have an answer let me help you I give you a sneak peek I see you walking in the favor of God I see you as the lender and not the borrower I see you with those student loans paid off I see you with that new job you've been waiting oh I see you with a ring on your finger I see you with a baby in your arms I see you but I don't recognize you cuz you lost 15 pounds I see you you got to have a vision of yourself on the other side okay I gotta go I'm tired it's about midnight watch what happens they wait Jesus up just said listen listen you got what you need you got a few boats with you that's all you need you've learned the power of prayer then when you talk with me I'll talk to the storm I need you to have a vision for yourself on the other side and watch it when Jesus gets up this gets me every time he does not talk to the disciples first he talks to the storm now I see it just don't make sense to me that that Lord if you know I'm panicking I need you to talk to me first I mean that's the way it should have gone down Lord don't you care for perishing hey HJ cool out don't worry about it I got this calm down and then turn to the why is it that the Lord talks to the wind and the waves before the Lord talks to the disciples I wrestle with that thing on weekend the Lord finally gave me some insight Jesus enlisted the reason I didn't talk to the disciples first because I already talked to them I told them everything they needed to know read up a few verses to the next verse and read and before they got on the boat I already told them we are going over to the other side I already gave them the destination and Jesus does not talk to them as if to say in the storm you ought to remember what I've done already told you I told you before we got in the storm you know this reminds me of this reminds me of being raised by some old school parents how many all had old school parents okay real real who you remember my roof my house my rules huh you remember old school uh you tell your mama I'm a call to police she say you gotta get to the phone first [Applause] I was raised old-school Mike there was no timeout in our house timeout is however long it took you to get up off the floor after your mama knocked you out let me tell you no yo screw this how nas old school because whenever we went to the store before you go in the store old school parents had a conversation with you normally no school here's the way the conversation win ah we about to going to store ah don't touch nothing don't ask for nothing and you ain't getting nothing so listen before we get in this thing I want you to know the rules don't touch nothing to last nothing and you ain't get nothing and if you went in that store and you touch something or ass or something mama would grab you didn't I tell you before we got in here don't ask for nothing don't touch nothing and you ain't get nothing every time you panic in the store the Lord wants to grab you and say did not tell you before this thing got started I told you before your enemy showed up no weapon formed against you would prosper I told you before the shutdown I'll supply all your needs I told you before hell broke loose all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and the Lord says remember what I told you I told you what was meant for evil work for your good I told you weeping only endures for tonight and joy comes in the morning I told you they that wait on the Lord shall renew that strength do me a favor encourage somebody tell them remember what he said I've got to go I'm tired long day I'm stressed I'm exhausted I got a paper waiting on me when I get home she said listen I didn't talk to the disciples I already talked to them and the Lord says maybe I didn't talk to them because they don't need to hear something they need to see something so watch this the storm is a setup for Jesus to show how strong is he realizes y'all don't know me so in order to show you who I am I've got to take you into a storm that allows me to reveal my power so you can come out of the storm knowing who I am and I want to suggest you that every storm in your life ain't nothing more than an opportunity for God to teach you more about who God is can I help somebody the storm is a classroom in the storm God is showing you what he's able to do and if you've been listening and if you've been learning God shows you some things in 2018 that are meant to get you ready for 2019 if you've been paying attention and if you've been watching God move and if you've seen how God has answered and you know it was the hand of God that did it then God says you have come to the end of your class and now I need to know did you learn what I tried to show you you do know that you are now at the end of another semester God has brought you through another year of God 101 and at the end of every class on the last you've got to take your final exam I don't mean to scare you but I came now for Street tonight to Proctor your final exam God has sent me at the end of this year to give you the final exam to make certain you learn what he tried to show you don't worry it's an oral exam you don't have to write nothing down he just got the answer a few questions are you ready for your final exam I want to see if you learn something question number one won't he make a way for you question number two won't he answer your prayers question number three won't he moved a mountain won't he open the door worried take care of you if you know the answer touch your name and tell them God is able God is able well I've gotta leave y'all now happy new year each and every one of you but watch the good news the good news is that when Jesus speaks the winds and the waves obeyed him and everybody wants to shout about the wind and the waves but that ain't the shout this shout is not in Chapter four the shout is in Chapter five cuz the next chapter begins like this and they made it to the other side Hey and can I tell you why you ought to praise God cuz it's 12:06 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me a favor give my buddy a high-five and tell them welcome to the other side welcome to a new year welcome [Music] [Applause] I made I made [Music] [Applause] [Music] I made it the storm winds blew but I made it the road was rough but I made it I lost some folk but I made it I walked by myself but I made it by the grace [Music] welcome to the other side hallelujah God thank you for the other side come on would you pray with me God we are standing in 2019 Lord I remember in 1999 when they thought the world was coming to an end and here we are some nine years later hey lord I thank you that we made it to the other side there's some storms behind us but we made it there's some disappointment behind us but we made it last year wasn't the best year but we made it and lord I just thank you that I'm standing on the other side Lord for every mountain but everything you did to bring me over I thank you now Lord there's some work for me to do in this new year there's a new me way to go me to catch up with him [Music] Thank You God for bringing me and the few I gather with me over the sea now you that my loved ones made it thank you that some of my loved ones are at rest with you but I made it and I don't take that for granted I don't take it lightly I made it to the other side in Jesus name
Channel: Alfred Street Baptist Church
Views: 69,969
Rating: 4.7764568 out of 5
Keywords: Alfred Street Baptist Church, 2018, NYE, #nye, #pastorhjw, I'm Just Trying to Make it to the Other Side
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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