God the Holy Spirit – Our Helper – Dr. Charles Stanley

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[Music] next on InTouch god the holy spirit our culprit when you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior you probably thought things were gonna be rather easy for you it just may be that things got tougher for you and as a result you begin to question God where he was and why didn't he answer your prayers and why didn't he keep his word well the answer kept his word God always keeps his word he knows that all of us will face situations and circumstances in life that it's difficult for us we don't know which way to turn this is why he said to his disciples before he left he was going to send them someone that he called the helper and this helper would be with them throughout their life this helper is called the Holy Spirit because you see God has made an awesome deposit for everyone who is willing to believe him will then to trust him the Bible talks about God being God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit the three persons of the Trinity sometimes people confuse with that so I want to show you a brief diagram just to give you an idea that really they're all one and if you'll notice there is God as God the Father who's the creator and the sovereign ruler of the universe God the Son Savior and our Lord God the Holy Spirit our helper and our empower all three persons of the Trinity make up the Godhead so in this message I want us to see what God has done for you what is at your fingertips what is deposited in your heavenly account if you are willing to yield yourself to him and draw from these awesome reserves that God has place it's your account what do you do when you go through difficult times when you find yourself maybe your backs to the wall you don't know what to do how do you go to do you crowd to God probably do at some point well what I want you to see is this that God has very specifically said I have sent you a help art a helper is someone who's going to be there for you when you need him in fact this help is going to always be there so I want you to turn to the 14th chapter John because Jesus right before he was crucified the night before he told them some of the most awesome things and he was preparing them because he was going to be crucified listen the next day he was going to the cross the next day he was going to the tomb he was going to be resurrected and then another point out there he would meet them but at this point it looked very dismal he made all these promises and now he's getting ready to die and in spite of all the things he said he's going to die that overshadowed everything else so if you look in the fifteenth verse of the 14th chapter of John if you love me you will keep my Commandments and then he said knowing he's getting ready to leave them I will ask the Father now watch this here's the whole Trinity in one verse I will ask the Father that's Jesus speaking and he will give you another and capital H the helper who is the Holy Spirit that he may be with you for how long forever not a short period of time but forever he says I'm leaving you but I'm gonna give you a helper capital that is a person of the Trinity the Holy Spirit he's gonna be with you forever that is the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it does not see him and no one but you know him because he abides with you and will be in you I will not leave you as orphans I will come to you at no point since the moment you trusted Christ as your personal Savior had you ever been alone at no point have you ever been helpless you may have felt helpless but when you trusted Jesus as your Savior God's seal upon you his absolute assurance to you is the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit three persons of the Trinity your guarantee that you go into heaven when you die so I wonder in your personal life what part does the Holy Spirit and what part has the Holy Spirit had in your life you probably got saved like I did and they tell me at 12 years of age child you be a good boy in one of these days you've done your to heaven Oh being a good boy was a little tough at trebius beige but anyway that's all they told me that's it be good well I oftentimes I wasn't always good that's all that they never told me that I had this awesome Holy Spirit within me to help me to grow up help me to be what God wanted me to be help me to do what God wanted didn't tell me any other things like that the same God who saved you saved me the same holy spirit who indwells me in dwells you and when I think about people who go to church 20 30 40 50 years and that person lived their whole life and never knew the treasure of their life living within them and they never were told about him and I think about whoever you are wherever you go to church if you never hear about the Holy Spirit you need to change churches because somebody isn't telling you the whole story the whole story is God the Father God the Son and God our helper the Holy Spirit so he said to them I'm going away and I'm gonna send you another that is the Holy Spirit will be your comforter now watch this carefully what is the work of the Holy Spirit what does he do in the president's life what I want you to realize is this I'm simply gonna tell you what's true I'm gonna tell you what's true about you I'm gonna tell you about this awesome asset that God has deposited within you to help you every single moment of your life as much as you willing to call upon him trust and rely upon it believe in what he'll do for your life I'm simply saying you have God the Holy Spirit living within you and notice what he calls Jesus called the Holy Spirit helper how many of you have everything that help every one of us needed help and we have the great infinite awesome all-powerful helpful living with inside of us willing to give us direction and guidance and other help when that help is needed so let's look at it for a moment so what is one of the first works of the Holy Spirit when you were saved how are you saved the work of the Holy Spirit and when the Holy Spirit comes he will convict the world concerning sin righteousness and judgment that is one of his first works in our life is the convicted of sin to make us realize that we're sinning against God and that we need a Savior and he lives within us therefore when you and I daily in our life when we have a bad thought I say something we shouldn't treat some other way we shouldn't treat them fail to do what we need to do that feeling we get is not just a feeling that is the work of the Holy Spirit reminding us of who we are followers of Jesus and that shouldn't be in our life this should be in our life that's what should be in our life that's who you should love in other words he's at work in our life whoever you are whether you recognize it or not he's at work in your life you may think it's just you're feeling the Spirit of God is at work in your life a second thing he does are very important is in Ephesians 1:13 which says this in him that is in Jesus you also after listening to the message of truth the gospel of your salvation also believed he said you having also believed you were sealed in him with the Holy Spirit of promise now what does that tell you watch this carefully a seal in those days meant something was authentic something was authentic it also spoke of ownership and also spoke of protection we have within us an awesome protector and so he says the Holy Spirit of God has sealed us now what does that mean to you for example who had been taught that you can be saved and lose your salvation that's not true listen God doesn't break his own seals he sealed you which means just what we said you owned by God God is living within you you're under his divine protection and everything we need he has provided and so when we think in terms of the Holy Spirit we're not talking about some spirit we're talking about the person of the Godhead living within you has sealed you now what does that say about people who think and be saved and be lost watch this who can break a divine seal the devil can't you can't you wouldn't want to and so here's what God say when you trusted him as your personal Savior he sealed you as one of his children you offer ever a child of God now I know what some people are thinking well that means well I can just send like the devil and I'll be say try the Holy Spirit within you first of all will convict you and make you miserable he's going to make you miserable for years if it's necessary keeping reminding you that you're living an ungodly life you're living a holy life God isn't pleased for that you're gonna miss blessing after blessing after blessing and then people wonder what's wrong with my life what's wrong with your life is sin in your life he's ignoring the Holy Spirit who's trying to say Lord look look what you're doing that's not necessary that is God's awesome love the Holy Spirit has sealed you with a divine heavenly seal you are his he's your helper then a third thing he does and this simple way of saying what we have saying in Romans 8:11 he indwells us that isn't something that the Holy Spirit's up in heaven and we are down here and it's a long ways I'm not sure and then we go listen to this but at the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his holy spirit who indwells you that is we have a gift that is an eternal gift and that's the Holy Spirit marked by his ownership so when I saw this one you and I sinned against God we are violating his principles violating the very person he sent to seal us to make us one of his own to be our helper we are his children we are under his divine leadership he says he indwells us I wonder how people would live if they thought every day I meant well by holy God if you thought in your life every single day when you wake up in the morning that your indwelt by holy God because you are the Holy Spirit he's there to Enduro us to enable us to do anything and everything that he was required of us a full thing he does is he teaches us listen the 14th chapter of John the 26th earth but the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance now think about this the moment you now received we have the teacher the teacher above all teachers within us he's the one who helps us understand the truth he's the one who helps us can they truth the other people he's the teacher for example when you find yourself in a difficult situation and you're looking for a passage of Scripture Lord what should I read he the one who would show you how to go he's the one who will interpret the Word of God he's the one who will encourage you he says he's a helper he encourages us bringing us to the right passage helping us to see what God thinks about our situation what the circumstances are we have this awesome asset that many people ignore in their life and they'll say a lot of read the Bible much because I don't I don't understand it how do you learn to understand the Word of God about reading it and by trusting the Holy Spirit thank how many times you face the difficult situation in your life and what did you know you turn to a passage of Scripture or you would just flipping through the Bible and this particular first hit you you think God you know I needed that yes he does that's why he led you there watch what he says he says I'm sending you another capital H helper we have a divine supernatural godly helper within us to help us in every circumstance of our life and then of course he will guide us when he the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth so somebody says well you know I'm trying to make a decision in my life and I've evaluated this and that the other and I'll talk to this and so have you talked to God the Holy Spirit who lives within you is willing to give you guidance in every single decision you face when you're making a decision in your business making a decision your personal life relationship to others financial whatever it might be then you ask him to give you direction he will give us he will show us the truth when when he comes he will guide us into all truth that is you can't think of a question about your life that in which you need something that he won't show you what to do he's there to show you to give you divine guidance and direction what about your children for example you want your children when they get into a situation they don't know what to do they want you to come to them as parents and ask and trust you to help them and so we get into situations in circumstances and we don't know what to do what do we do we run ask some what else it's okay to ask somebody else but you should ask God first if you will ask the Lord first lord give me wisdom and direction he says he will guide us into all truth whatever I need in direction he's more than willing to show us if we're willing to take the time to ask him and believe what he says and sometimes if you ask him about something what he tells you is not going to be as easy as what your friends tell you but first of all they don't know anything about it anyway they just know partly but the Holy Spirit of God is willing to teach you and to show you exactly what to do in every single situation then I think about what he says that he does in and through us and Galatians chapter 5 22 here's what he says he says the fruit of the Spirit that is this is what he produces in us see if it's in you the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control you see any of those you need I need them all and the truth is we all need them all well look at look at this someone's giving you a hard time and you feel very impatient but you can really afford to do that you can't be impatient you have the Holy Spirit to give you his patience sometimes for example somebody that you just don't love they do in fact you they're just obnoxious and you think you sit in church and listen to sermons and you stand up and sing and you pray but deep down in your heart you can't stand them so what so what happens you ask though let's really let me tell you something it it will be amazing and how God to change your attitude so it's somebody that you don't want anything to do with now you don't tell him how to do it you just say Lord you know I don't love them I bet this is the reason I don't and I need I need just what you said God you just got to love them through me you will be amazed what God will do your life have changed your attitude your thinking oh Lord I didn't know I wasn't that obnoxious myself and so what everything begins to change what and listen patience joy peace goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control all of us need self-control where do we get it we trust the Holy Spirit to exercise self-control through us that's what you're telling Holy Spirit I want you to exercise self-control what I see what I do what I hear I want your control in my life not mine he will exercise that through us and so as you and I yield to the Holy Spirit here's what happens all non gifts of the Spirit the Spirit of God begins to work them into our life and so what happens their life changes and then he also has as one of his responsibilities to remind us look in John 14 the 26th verse for all it and he says to them but the helper capital H the Holy Spirit the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you now think about this these twelve disciples had walked with Jesus for three years they had seen a lot they had heard a lot from walking on water to feeding 5,000 to healing bartemaeus to raising Lazarus they'd seen a lot now watch this so their life was consumed with this miraculous life but all of a sudden he's gone and they're over here watch this they had no notes they didn't have a notepad they didn't have a computer they didn't have a Bible they think about what where that left them all they had is what they remembered how much did they remember imagine walking with him three years and seeing this and that and never knowing what was going to happen - doubting him here and there and so and all of a sudden he's gone this is the reason he said to them sit down in the city of Jerusalem until you be filled in dude with the Holy Spirit who will bring all things to your remembrance think about how much you remember when you have read the Word of God we are gifted with a treasure called the Bible and the Holy Spirit a teacher our guide the one who helps us to interpret it you can read it you can hear it but most of all you apply it God didn't leave us empty so when you trust Jesus as you save you you receive this awesome treasure of the Holy Spirit so when you think about that think about how sufficient is and then of course he says he will equip us with spiritual gifts in the twelfth chapter first Corinthians one of spiritual gifts well for example they're probably seven major spiritual gifts does the gift of prophecy of teaching of mercy encouragement of service of giving have administration all gifts probably fall into those seven and so the truth is watch this you have a spiritual gift and so he gives us the gifts and exercises those gifts in our life according to what he wants us to do what he's called us to do somebody says oh I don't have any gifts yes you do you do have gifts it's a question of asking God to show you and thinking about what you do what you need to do what you need help in and he'll show you what that is then of course he empowers us in that first chapter of Acts verse eight he said you will receive power after that the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall be my witness that is he will release within us the energy and the strength and the authority to do whatever he wants us to do that's the promise of Almighty God when you think you just can't go another step what do you do you ask the Holy Spirit to help you to give you guidance to give you strength and energy you can watch this the Holy Spirit is practical the Holy Spirit does for us what we cannot do for ourselves he has equipped us in every single area of our life then I just mentioned one other and that as he says in Ephesians chapter 5 18 be filled with the spirit which simply means this continually allow the Holy Spirit to live in your life give you guidance give you direction fill those needs whatever those needs may be to be filled with the Holy Spirit means we're to live in the conscious presence of the Holy Spirit living with us in order to help us and enable us so that no believer has a legitimate excuse for not obey God he has equipped you to do whatever he wants you to do he has equipped you to have enough of what he wants you to have to understand what he wants you to understand to be the person he wants you to be you have not honored the promise but when he seals you as a child of God you are equipped to do and to become whatever God had in mind when he brought you into this world now think about the people who've never heard that they're just living out their life the best they can haven't you heard people say well how you doing just doing the best I can that's no way to live the best I can is not very good the best he can is awesome absolutely awesome the best he can do so the Holy Spirit is our helper our friend our sustainer provider he's everything Jesus said I'm going away but I'll send you the helper and when he comes here's what he'll do so let's go back for a second to this chapter 14 chapter I will ask the Father and He will give you another helper capital H that he may be with you forever not fortunately that is the Spirit of Truth whom the world can't receive they don't understand it because it doesn't because the world doesn't seem unknowing but you know him because he abides with you and will be in you I will not leave you as orphans I will come to you now where do you get it more encouraging than that amen you should be praising the Lord thanking God but who he is in you that he hasn't left you to do it yourself whatever you do in life it's not you to just do it yourself you have four times he called the Holy Spirit the helper to enable us and to help us do his will Amen father had grateful we are we could never thank you enough we praise you for for giving us the Holy Spirit in our life every single day to enable us to do and to be what you've called of us I pray the Holy Spirit has spoken to every person here today that every personal walk away encouraged in their heart reminded in their heart challenged in their heart or convicted in their heart and you have something for them to do that this year will for their life and I pray that they'll surrender to that we love you and we praise you and we bless your Holy Name and we pray this in your wonderful blessed name Jesus amen if you've been blessed by today's program please visit us at intouch.org e [Music] in touch leading people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthening the local church this program is sponsored by in touch ministries and is made possible by the grace of God and your faithful prayers and gifts
Channel: In Touch Ministries
Views: 311,358
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Keywords: Charles F. Stanley, Charles Stanley, In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley, In Touch Ministries, Preaching, Bible teaching, Dr. Stanley, Intouch ministries, intouch
Id: sin24aHsByA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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