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all fall out like this this would be the result of it in my life and yet God knows exactly what he's doing and oftentimes part of our problem is it's the timing why now why would you let this happen then once in a while I find myself asking God now Lord this doesn't seem to me to be the proper time what why would you take someone at this why somebody says well you shouldn't ask God why yes you can it wouldn't be on it would be unnatural for us to say okay God does whatever you say we have a privilege to say God why now well listen carefully he has the right and the privilege not to tell me why and so you know what that keeps everything balanced but I want to always understand one he's not a no-obligation always tell me why but I can tell you this he is far more willing to explain to us what his purposes are and why he allows things happen than we are willing to believe that he will and so sometimes they get blurred by these circumstances in life and we asked well God if you're a God of love why do you that why do you allow these things to happen but there are purposes and there are secondary purposes and then there there is a primary purpose so you say well let's start with a secondary purposes why does God allow these things in their life which he says sometimes is like fire in our bones we think God can't handle any more of this why does he let it happen well one of the purposes is to do what the surface in our life those things that ought not to be there that is he's in the primary process of purifying us it's the purifies and to make us righteous and holy in his eyes and so what is it that gets our attention what gets our attention with God is not pleasure and profit and all the rest what gets our attention is difficulty hardship and pain it causes us to come face to face with ourselves and with God like nothing else does and so what is his process his process is using these things that is he's going to use whatever's necessary to get our attention the surface in our life things that ought not to be there maybe some habits some attitudes some idea some relationship whatever it might be he knows exactly how to get our attention listen he's upto surfacing in our life anything and everything that does not fit who we are who are we we are those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and we're those who supposed to be followers of Jesus so would it not be like him the surface anything in your life in my life bring to our attention for confession and repentance and cleansing and purification anything that would keep him from being the person he's created us to be he has a will and a purpose and a plan for our life and therefore what is fouling up the plan what's slowing it down what's keeping us from heading in the right direction he's going to put his finger on it and he's going to do something about it so one of the first reasons for allowing these things in our life is that he wants to bring about purity in our life righteousness in our life he wants us to be godly men and women so he's going to deal with sin listen carefully not only sin but they watch this but things have not necessarily sin but that don't fit who you are it's a follower of Jesus there's just some things that you and I have no business being a part of that may not necessarily be a sin or it may be something that God doesn't want in your life that it may be okay for someone else it may be alright for someone else to be a part of or participating but not us not you for a specific reason that he has in your life because he's got something better and that doesn't fit and that will frustrate God's purpose for something else in your life so sometimes it's purity and that is secondly he is doing what testing our faith now I want you to remember this statement because it's so very very important if I should ask you do you have faith oh yes have faith to trust Jesus as my savior yes faith that God answers prayer yes and oftentimes when difficult in hardship and pain come that way maybe some tragedy or something that we had planned that God just absolutely raises the whole idea when it comes all of a sudden what happens to our faith when that God I was trusting you for that well I was believing you for that and it's not happening now Lord where are you what's happening you yeah I've prayed and believed and trusted and it's not happening now God what's going on I want you to remember this listen carefully you listening say men on tried faith is unreliable faith if it's not tried if it's not tested it's unreliable in other words you don't know how much faith you have and what tests our faith what tries our faith reveals to us the degree of our faith and reveals to us listen how strong our faith is and if it's untried then what happens if it's untried we're gonna have a problem now listen carefully once in a while you hear somebody say this is what happened in my life and it just devastated me when the person says they were devastated by something it says something to you about their relationship to God their faith in Him that trust in him it says something about how they view the Christian life it says something about how they understand that do not understand the ways of God because listen to this if God is and he is absolutely sovereign over all things if we truly believe that what he says is true and that as he has established his throne in the heavens and his sovereignty rules over all his sovereignty means his absolute total control if I genuinely believe that he is an absolute control of all things and many people don't and they'll say well if God was absolutely under can if he were absolutely in control he wouldn't let this happen that's just their judgment they don't see the full perspective of things as God does so when a person says I was just devastated what it means is they're weak in their area of faith if I believe that God is in absolute control of all things and our trust as a god who is in control then how can I be devastated by something if I believe my Heavenly Father who loves me unconditionally has allowed something to destroy me because he would not if I allow something to destroy me it's my response because God I'm gonna show you in a few moments is not going to allow anything listen to absolutely devastate you if you're added to told him is right he's not gonna allow it to happen and if he tests their faith and try a faith what is his goal his goal is to grow it up and if he's gonna grow it up he's gonna grow it up how not by ease comfort and pleasure what builds your faith difficulty hardship pain which you walk through and God sees you through it and you walk through it and God sustains you and you have those needs and he provides then in the next step of life what happens you look back and you see what God provided that God helped me through that and I didn't think I'd ever get through with that and so I can tell you the moment in time the moment in time when I discovered whether my faith was absolutely real or not real if I believed completely and totally what I've been preaching all these years a moment in time two o'clock on the Monday afternoon I had a phone call the most devastating phone call I could ever receive could not be more devastating under any condition I remember listening to this conversation was very brief I hung up the phone and my first response was God you're in control of my life at that moment I knew that what I've been preaching all these years I absolutely totally believed because my faith was tested if it is not tested it is unreliable and I say to you that God is going to test your faith not listen he's not trying to find out what it is he knows all about it he wants you and me to understand what our faith is what degree of faith do we have little faith wavering faith faltering faith strong steadfast immovable persevering faith that does not turn back that does not give up there does not quit God is in the process of building into us into us this relationship with him that is based upon faith and so when I think about his purpose is one of his purposes is to build faith in our life and when I think about that I think about the fact that in the process of doing so I'm gonna get tested I'm gonna get tested in my devotion to him so think about this are you will listen are you willing to do what God tells you to do when you don't want to do it are you willing to do what God tells you to do when you don't think you can do it are you willing to do what God wants you to do when you have fully persuaded that it's impossible for you to be able to achieve what he sent you out to achieve are you unwilling to be obedient to him because of something in your life you don't want to give up he knows how to test our devotion it's easy to say I'm devoted to Jesus Christ but remember what the God does Jesus doesn't work on the surface you know we say to people when you oughta quit drinking and quit smoking and quit your Morales and stop this and stop that and stop the other you know what he's talking about he's talking about deep down inside of us he's talking about creating godly character it isn't just getting rid of that and getting rid of the other it's a deep abiding relationship with him it's a devotion it is a commitment it is a reliance upon him and when he talks about our faith being tested and being tried am I willing to do what he says do when it's more painful than I think I can handle am I willing to be obedient when I don't understand why and that men have been many times I've been tested by the fact that I didn't understand why why God you just trust me you just obey me or they've been times when I've said God the truth is I just have to tell you I'm afraid I'm afraid I'll fail I don't know but you know I'll tell you this every single time you're willing to be obedient to him he's going to see you through it not most of the time every single time and here's what I discovered the tougher the more difficult the more trying the more painful the more heartache the more hurt the more sorrow the more tears is what happens when he walks you through that you take these giant leaps forward in your relationship to him because you see the tough of the things you go through the the more you know that what's coming next and they're always gonna be something coming down the pike always something what happens he's strengthening your faith building your faith growing you up making you the godly man and woman he wants you to be so he's going to test that devotion and not only that these situations and circumstances give God this awesome opportunity to do what to show us who he is to reveal his love to reveal his power this shows how he can get into our life and under these burdens and help us through them if we never had any Howard we know it if we didn't have difficulty in hardship and pain and sorrow and overwhelming things that look like absolutely we'll never be able to live through this if we didn't have those God would not have the opportunity of demonstrating to you the degree of his love watch care listen caring for you and his awesome power to provide for you what you cannot provide for yourself if these things were not true and if we didn't go through it we'd never know that so when somebody says I want to be what God wants me to be step forward when somebody says I want to learn the letter I want I want to learn who God is come forward but the simple reason he is more than willing to teach us he's ready teachers but if you think you're gonna learn those principles and learn those lessons by reading him in a book nothing do it you may learn about the principle in the book or in a sermon but how do we learn them experience it's one thing for me to tell you or for somebody to tell you what how God works it's something else when you walk through the experience and God works it in your life then what happens it isn't something that you heard that you're telling it's something that you know that you've experienced God is working in my life God is cleansing me God's drawing me up God's shaping me God's working in my heart God's doing something awesome in my life one of the primary reasons that so many Christians have a weak testimony is for the simple reason they're always trying to shove off and avoid any kind of pain hurt and sorrow and and and just act like well it's okay I can handle it and there's nothing to hear God's not in this that's carnality God wants us to face up to whatever trials he allows in our life whatever he may send in our life whatever things we caused in our life he wants us to look at them to realize what the source is and then what does he want to do listen he wants to do exactly what you tell the people he wants to do we say God causes all things to work together for good to those who love him to those who call the core this purpose well if that's true then what happens whatever he allows in my life what is he up to he's up to in same thing - in your life he's up to causing something good to happen and so the unbelieving world says how could God cause anything good to come out of that well that's a good question and all of us who believe us when we walk obediently before him what happens we become living demonstrations of what God can do in bad situations in two molta stings overwhelming things and as you'll notice in the scripture he says sometimes our test appears to be as if we were tested by fire it's one thing to get a whippin with a switch it's something else for God to put the fire to you and all of us have been have said at times God give me another chance pop up about promise you Lord just give you another chance and what happens he just applies whatever is necessary in order to bring us where he wants us to be why because what is his primary objective what's his primary purpose we said these are secondary premises these things that have happened and they're important but what's his primary purpose is his primary purpose God's primary purpose for allowing difficulty hardship painsaw and all the rest his primary purpose is to conform you and me in our very character in our personality and our makeup to conform us to the likeness of his son here's what he said he said he predestined his children to be conformed to the likeness of his son does that mean we're going to look like him physically no but we have to look like him on the inside that is his spirit his humility his faith his courage his commitment that is God is working to conform every single one of us no the likeness of his son and when people draw a line of their Christian life and many people do they'll tell you well I go to church and I give a little bit and I'll read the Bible and pray but now don't ask me to I don't know what you mean by this commitment this dedication of Jesus and this being sanctified and this living a holy life and God I don't I don't know I you know I don't know about that side I just know about I'm happy going to church and listening to sermons and applying some truths and giving a little money in praying and so forth but when he gets over here to godliness and righteousness and being used of God that's I'm not there let me tell you something it is a dangerous thing to draw a line to God and tell them what you will and what you will not do listen you and I belong to him he says we have been purchased by the most powerful awesome valuable thing that ever existed when it comes to purchasing anything and that is the blood of Jesus has purchased every single one of us who is the follow of him we are his children when you trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior nobody probably told you but you gave up all rights to yourself now you and I belong to him we're the slaves of Jesus Christ and to be a slave of Christ is to be the freest person that can possibly be and so what's his ultimate objective what's his ultimate purpose his ultimate purpose is one not making us rich not making us necessarily happy not making us famous not making us things that oftentimes we hear about today his primary objective is to conform us to the likeness of his son so the question is what does it take to do it it takes difficulty hardship pain and suffering and trial and sorrow and disappointments in life somebody says you mean to tell me for me to be the kind of person God wants me to be that I've got to go through all that well let me just say this to you how many how many real godly strong men and women do you know and how many of them will have to say to you here's how God got ahold of my life here's when God really got hold of me this is when I began to grow in my Christian life this is when things really began to change in my life why because they realized that God was up to something bigger than making them wealth in famous and all the things that people want today listen godly men and women men and women who not only have suffered do suffer will suffer situations circumstances it may be just somebody else's rejection can have an awesome effect in somebody's life which brings me to the whole idea and that is we say that God has a purpose and allowing all these things well and his ultimate purpose is listen is to bring us into the character of Jesus Christ in her life which means what it defects our character our conversation their conduct all of our activities in life there's no aspect of your life in mind that he's not after the shape and to mold and the purified to make godly that's what he's up to making godly children out of all of us because when you and I were saved we had a lot of rough edges so what's he been doing all these years sanding sifting sometimes has get out of chainsaw because we want to resist what God's up to in our life and he's in the process of doing something awesome so now the question comes well if that be true what's what's the process well the process is really very a comforting because here's the first thing I would say if I don't understand the process now what I'm gonna murmur I'm gonna get confused I'm gonna be frustrated I'm gonna doubt God I'm gonna question it but what's the process well these things are very encouraging to be number one here's what you can count on you can count on that God will control it is that he will control the trials the heartaches the burdens the difficult in your life he's going to control them that is it's not going to happen to one of his children just haphazardly he's in control does he not say that no temptation no trial is common to man except that is everybody experiences these things but God is able who will not allow you to be tested and tried more than you can bear there is a limitation God knows the extent to which you and I can hurt he knows the extent to which you and I can bear pain he knows how much hurt how much weight how much burden how much pain how much lack he knows all about that and the wonderful thing about God is this in creating within us this godly character he is going to put a limitation he's going to limit he's going to control absolutely and perfectly everything that you're not deal with in life because remember it's not his goal to destroy us or to sink us it's God's goal to create character therefore what is he going to do he's going to put a limitation on he's going to control it a second thing he's going to do is this he's going to design God designs listen the difficulty and the hardship and the pain according to us personally now think about this for a moment God is not going to place on you something that you don't particularly need he's not coming after some area of your life which is absolutely obedient so think about this whenever there's an area of life in which you and I found ourselves in pain or suffering a difficulty hardship remember this God is after something he Taylor makes the difficult in the pain even though it may cover a lot of people for us we're to respond in a certain way it may be to strengthen effaith it may be to sift out as we said something in a life that shouldn't be there but whatever you're going through in life at this moment he's controlling it secondly he has he has tailor-made it so that it fits you and me at this moment he knows exactly what it takes to get your attention in my attention in the area in which he is working in a life he's always listened he's always directing it towards something specific does that mean that he only works in suffering and trial heartache know sometimes it's joy sometimes it's pleasure sometimes it's prosperity God knows exactly what it takes to get our attention he doesn't use the same thing all the time he doesn't use the same issues all the time sometimes they're deep emotional things that a person goes through that that are very provid that no one knows but them but God is using it in their life sometime it's something outward maybe some physical sickness God has something specific in mind he Taylor makes all of these things for specific reasons and the ultimate goal is what Christlikeness in our life so he's got him all in control they're all designed and not only that sometimes he uses discipline that is he doesn't punish believers he disciplines the believe because punishment is the vindication of God against something of somebody because of their sin discipline means that God works in their life in such a way to do what to build us up to get us back on track and to make us who he wants us to be so sometimes we'll use disciplined to bring about those issues in life sometimes listen because of sin then he allows things now life have nothing to do with sin whatsoever it's something that somebody else does that affects you somebody in your family or somebody in your job of what if it might has nothing to do with sin whatsoever God uses listen he uses discipline in our life when we've sinned against him he uses difficult and hardship in our life has nothing to do with sin in order to do what note to bring us into oneness with him sometimes it show us his will sometimes listen to increase our faith to increase our courage so that we will be obedient to him because he knows that some things he requires of us are very very difficult now remember one of those tests in my own life that and the truth I resisted it just to be honest yes I did I had pray until God all the reasons I shouldn't do it I did my best to convince him for months they had the wrong person and I named several people that I thought would be much more capable and much more gifted and much better at the whole issue in other words I could just help him out all he needed if he just asked me because I know I couldn't do it and the truth is I was afraid patient God one morning I got up walk to the door of the hotel getting ready to walk out I can still see that doorknob it's like God said to me don't put your hand on the doorknob until you want to do what I say do I dropped at the end of the bed crying weeping I resisted him out of fear genuine and I had lots of reasons I could tell look girl let me give you the reasons yeah these are very convincing is surely you're gonna listen to this and he listened but then he put me to the acid test don't put your handle that doorknob to walk out of this room until you are willing to do what I say and trust me I can look at it several times in my life when the situation has been just that crucial and I want to tell you the best of my heart's knowledge every single time you say are you afraid yes here's what I'm afraid of I'm afraid of disobeying God when he makes it so crystal clear to think that I would have to that I would disobey him and then have to live and remember what I did yeah I'm afraid I fear him because I reverence him and I know that what he wants in life is the best for every single one of us and if I want his best I must be willing to be obedient when I'm afraid when I don't like it when I don't want it when it hurts too much when it costs too much and it'll make me either too lonely or too this or too bad or whatever but that's not the issue this year's this what's God's goal what's his purpose and you see once you get back to the purpose and I realized that his purpose is all for my good and that whatever's going on in my life it's going to be for my good then whatever the issue is there's that step sometimes we take and I can't a sometimes it's like we just fall off the cliff god I'm gonna have to trust you because he has never let us fall and falter when we obey Him he's up to something good in your life don't resist the difficulty in the hardship and the pain listen and if you find yourself resisting remember this okay so you're resisting but ultimately deep down inside can you honestly say I know that I don't like it and gut and I'm resisting in fact sometimes you can just sort of enjoy saying nope nope nope because you know deep down inside when the final test comes you're gonna say yes god yes yes yes no matter what I'm willing gods up to something good and sometimes it's painful and the issue is this and this separates the Saints from the people who claim to be Saints am I willing to be obedient when everything looks tough when I'm hurting when I'm sorrowful when I'm alone when there's nothing else left am I still willing to be obedient to this loving God that we talk about in the Word of God another thing I want to notice is this is that his trials listen are progressive he said what do you mean by that well I hate to tell you this but it's the truth by progressive I mean he increases the weight of the burden he increases the temperature of the heat and he increases listen he increases some time the length of that trial whatever it might be what is he doing is God being unkind is he being ungracious is he being unloving is he is he just being thoughtless no here's what he's doing he's making watch this carefully he's making us who we really intruded wanna be we just don't like the way we'd rather lead it and read it in the book of something that's not the way it happens and so because God loves us so much because listen he sees the potential you don't see what your potential is you don't have an idea with your potentials but God does and so what does he do he says was to get rid of this in your life and so he sends some trial some difficulty how some hardship some pain some sorrow something that you think would absolutely break you forever God's not in the use he listen he just want to break your spirit but only your will to be submissive to him and the truth is sometimes we thank God this is far as I can go this this is it God that I can't handle anymore you know what he does he just pushes us that much further you know why here's what you'll find yourself doing thanking God he didn't listen to you God loves us too much to leave us where we are and so he's gonna be progressive that is there's some things not think about this how loving is that some things have God tested us at the age of 18 we can Allen no words he knows exactly what you can handle at which age he knows exactly what you can handle because of your temperament your personality he knows exactly what your spiritual gifts are he knows exactly the strength and the weakness he knows the areas of weakness he knows the areas of strength he knows exactly how to tailor your life and mine in such a fashion that what He desires for us he will work out in our life but it requires submission to his will and it requires the attitude that we find here in first Peter and that is listen here's what you have here's what he's doing he's testing us and trying us and growing us up and so the question is how does God measure our growth you and I can look in our Bibles and I always encourage people to if God lays the scripture in your heart put a date down by it and awarded to the describes what he was doing and the truth is that our Bibles ought to be our devotional Bibles or whatever you read ought to be sort of a living written biography to some degree of how God's worked in your life because the truth is we ought to be growing and some things back yonder that God tested you with you think well today those tests are meaningless and for example I'm sure in my own heart things that I used to were in fret over did not even face me why because I've been through enough of that that I see that you know what just he handled that just trust him he wants us to live in the spirit of with us with a quiet spirit with a subtle spirit with a guided spirit listen with a spirit listen that is not ruffled by the storms of life but one that looks at each listened that each situation and circumstance in life listen not only as a challenge but a privilege God is about to give me the privilege of taking a step forward growing me up making me more like him making me to understand his ways listen when you begin to understand the ways of God to preach the whole series on that when you begin to understand the ways of God it's amazing what you quit worrying about what you don't fret over what doesn't bother you well you look back and said that used to throw me for a loop loop then even bothering them all why because it's evidence that you're growing now listen carefully God measures our growth by the way we respond to difficulty hardship pain suffering loss and sorrow disappointments how we handle temptation that's the way he measures it why because you see what you yielded to today or yesterday you would not yield to tomorrow because of what he's done in your life what you thought you had to have yesterday not even an issue today what you worried about yesterday doesn't even faze you today why it isn't because God is in a different it's because he's growing you up so you have to decide do I want to be just one of those floating Christians who goes to church and read the Bible to pray or do I want to be a godly man and woman so what we have to do is make a choice how will I'll respond the difficulty hardship and pain sorrow and suffering will I be devastated by it I'll lose my testimony over it well I'll weep and cry and beg plead and murmur and cry out like a baby for help Oh will I say God thank you very much that you love me enough to trust me with this pain trust me with this heartache trust me with this loss show me how to respond and walk obediently before you and all of you to accomplish the purpose listen I'm either gonna waste my are they experts hours and trials I'm going to profit from every one of them what makes godly men and women who impact the lives of of us those who willing to take advantage of the heartache pain suffering in trial to learn to trust him and to walk in this way and to watch what he does in your life and you've heard me say it and I said it many times this is where I look at life trust God obey Him watch him work he's up to something God's always up to something in your life if you want his best listen carefully and I've lived long enough to tell you absolutely this is the truth you trust him you obey Him he will give you his very best he will do in your life which you could never imagine no matter how many difficulties what you think you've lost what you think you've given up what you think you've laid aside I'm here to tell you God will more than multiply that if he will trust him he loves obedience and he loves faith and he loves to see them in your life in my life because he's doing what growing us up to be godly ask yourself this question what do you desire in your life for your life more than you desire to be a godly man a woman and there you put your finger upon an idol that God will go after to remove from your life it's a whole lot better when you're now willingly surrender it to him so he doesn't have to put the fire to us to burn it out amen father how grateful we are for your love and tenderness and kindness and the ways that you operate in our life that bring you honor and glory I pray the Holy Spirit we'll sink these simple truths into all of our hearts in such a fashion that to be that kind of person will be the dominating thought of our life every day so that you can use this to the maximum of our potential and will thank you for it in Jesus name Amen now let me say a word to you you may not be a Christian and you're thinking no wait a minute I thought if I became a Christian I could avoid all that no here's the difference as it is without Christ you are having to deal with all this by yourself no purpose and you are fighting against it every day when you make the Lord Jesus Christ your savior and trust him then you have the person he called the Holy Spirit to enable you to abide with you to walk with you to strengthen you to encourage you listen and to enable you to face those things in life that we're talking about I want to encourage you to face your sin and ask God to forgive you for your unbelief in him ask God to forgive you for your sin the way of life telling that you surrendering your life to Jesus Christ that you do believe the witness of Scripture that he went to the cross and paid your sin debt in full once and for all and that you yielding your life to him then all of a sudden even the things that you are going through even as an unbeliever all of a sudden you're gonna see them in a whole different light and rather than discouraging you you're gonna see them as possibilities but God to do something awesome in your life why because he loves you unconditionally still ahead on InTouch dr. Stanley returns to discuss life principle 22 from the life principles Bible to walk in the spirit is to obey the initial promptings of the Spirit life principle 22 from the life principle Bible says to walk in the spirit is to obey the initial promptings of the Spirit which means to do what he says when he says it without having this said over and over again that is the initial promptings means simply this that when he gives us guidance when he tells us something to do we should do it right then the Holy Spirit is our guide God sent him to be our guide and our counselor both in small and large situations in life so when it comes to making decisions here's what you can rest then the scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit was given to us to be a helper that's what Jesus called him he's also there to give us guidance in those big and small decisions in life not only that he's there to help us discern what is the difference between what's good and what's best what is the will of the father versus what do I want to do they help us to discern what other people are saying for example when they want to give us their opinion the Holy Spirit is the one who enables us to be able to fully understand what is God really saying to us likewise he's our comforter we get in those situations or hurt and pain he's there to comfort us and how does he do that he does that by taking us back to the word and reminding us of what the word says about a particular situation God's full of comfort the scripture says also in this 14th chapter of John that he's our teacher he's the one who really teaches that people like myself and others who have the maybe the title of being teacher but the truth is that's the work of the Holy Spirit we may convey the truth but it's the Spirit of God within you teaching you the truth he also says that one of his responsibilities is to convict us of sin and to convict us of righteousness and judgment that is he's the one who puts a pressure within us to help us to see what's really going on he enables us that is he empowers us he strengthens us he equips us to do those things that we need to do he's the one who determines the spiritual gifts that you and I have to live out our life and to serve the Lord what an awesome gift is the Holy Spirit an awesome gift from God to an Abell you and me to be the persons God wants us to be now we get lots of emails from people who ask questions about situations that they're going through and I want to read this one from Chris and Ontario he says I've had problems with blasphemous thoughts but ten years now I'm constantly living with guilt and concern that I may have committed the sin that God may not forgive how can I be sure that the Holy Spirit is still in me well let me just say this Chris first of all if you receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior that is you accepted his death on the cross his full payment for your sin you ask him to forgive you you accepted his forgiveness received him as your Savior you are forgiven and the Holy Spirit is still in you there's not a single verse in the Bible somebody says but wait a minute now what about that sin that the Bible speaks of that God does not forgive is called the unforgivable sin you can't commit that once you trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior your sins are forgiven past present future you may go through difficulty trial Satan may tempt you he may bring up all kinds of thoughts as you mentioned here in your email you still a child of God you need to get into the Word of God and believe what he says you are forgiven you can put on the full armor of God according to Ephesians chapter 6 you can shun you can reject you can refuse these blasphemous thoughts and God has the victory for you that's the work of the Holy Spirit to help you believe call upon him cry out to him ask him to help you to lay this aside and they claim what is yours he'll give you the victory you are not lost once you trust Jesus Christ as your personal Savior then for example here is an email from Rebecca and she writes about two and a half years ago my husband up there
Channel: Eliza Howard
Views: 68,027
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Keywords: WHY DOES GOD ALLOW ME TO EXPERIENCE DIFFICULTIES, charles stanley daily devotion, charles stanley devotionals, charles stanley ministry, stanley charles, in touch ministry sermons, in touch ministries daily devotional, dr charles stanley in touch ministries, charles stanley today, in touch ministries charles stanley, intouch org charles stanley, dr charles stanley daily devotional, in touch ministries with charles stanley, charles stanley sermons online
Id: tindztK985E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.