God Provides Judges to Help Moses, Exodus 18:13-26, September 27, Sunday school lesson, Union Press

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moses is a very meek and humble man in spite of the fact that israel moved against him he still stood by them he even took the time to judge their matters but he was about to kill himself in today's lesson entitled god provides judges to help moses we will see what advice he took from his father-in-law jethro there are notes for this lesson i'll leave a link in the description below i'll leave a link above my head click that link get your sunday school books your bibles and your notes for the union press sunday school lesson is now in session join me let's go so hello and welcome to another edition of the sunday school lesson is taught by pastor rodney jones pastor of the new nation anointed ministries church of god in christ 1700 west 87th street in the city of chicago 6-0-6-2-0 welcome to your new subscribers and thank you for subscribing to this lesson if you would like to be notified as we upload our weekly lessons make sure you hit that thumbs up click the subscribe button and then that bell notification so that youtube will notify you bing he just uploaded another lesson today we got a very good lesson it's gonna be very difficult for me to teach this i got to retrain myself i had a little incident and knocked out one of my front thesis that's all right send all jokes to rodney jones sunday school gmail.com our subject matter is god provides judges to help moses exodus 18 13-26 september 27 2020 this is the union press sunday school lesson moses is a very meek my matter of fact the bible says he was the meekest man and in spite of what israel took moses through moses being commanded by god to lead the children of israel through the wilderness as they wondered through the wilderness moses was not lost god was not lost they had to wonder because god had to kill up on many of them who doubted the work of god and they doubted god through disbelief they disrespected god and the whole nine yards on last week remember in the week before that uh moses uh almost got stoned by the children of israel is what he told god he said they'd be almost ready to stone me and god provided water from a rock through moses then after that the amalekites came and began the war against him in our last week moses instructs joshua to take able men and get them he says and tomorrow i'm going to go up on the mountain or on the mount of god and that's where they will go he would stand there with the rod of god and hold up the rod of god which was the banner of god as aaron and her held up his arms as he stood up right on a stone so that joshua can discomfort the amalekites by the edge of the swarm on today's lesson they are finished with that they're in the wilderness and then there is a meeting of the father-in-law of moses which is called jethro and that's where our lesson begins exodus 18 13-26 and it came to pass on the moral that moses said to judge the people and the people stood by moses from the morning on to the evening so they have already apparently moved from the last location up until this new location jethro which is moses father-in-law he had heard of all that god had done for moses and the children of israel which is verse 1. jethro took his wife and his sons into the wilderness to meet moses he took moses's wife and moses sons because prior to moses dropped his wife back off at home with her daddy that's verse 5 then jester went to the location where moses was encamping in the wilderness verse 5 moses was camping or end camping at the mount of god that's verse 5 and i believe this mount of god could be mount horat which you'll find that in chapter 3 verses 1 which may be the same place where moses met god with the burning bush that's when he met the lord while he was caring for the sheep of jethro so jethro knew this spot and moses knew this place very well moses and jester begin to talk about the works of the lord in verse eight right while they were talking gentle says now i know that the lord is greater than all gods which is verse 11. jethro took burnt offerings and sacrifices he made them for god in verse 12 and then he uh aaron and the elders of israel came and they ate with moses and jethro before the lord god in verses 12. the bible says and it came to pass on the moral or the next day moses said to judge the people moses now keep in mind he's also a prophet you'll find that in deuteronomy 34 and 10. moses would hear each case and he would settle the concerns the matters and the problems of each of the people he would determine who's right who's wrong what the punishment or whatever the case may be the people all stood by moses and he as he heard each one of their cases and he determined the final outcome this is the answer to the question that was asked who made you a judge in exodus 2 and 14 which was asked by one of his own brethren and the answer is god did and because there it is said it was some 2 million people moses would sit all day to all night and the people would stand all day to all night because it would be so many of them it would be so many of their cases and by the time he would settle one case another case will have started and many of them were not able to have their cases heard by moses 14 and 15 and 16. and when moses father-in-law saw all that he did to the people he said what is this thing that thou doest to the people white set is thou thyself alone and all the people stand by thee from morning until evening and moses said unto his father-in-law because the people came unto me to inquire of god that's important it's important that the people come to the man of god to inquire of god at least in that day and time in today's time we have the holy spirit so you don't necessarily have to come to a man i know we pastors want to make you all believe and think that we're the only ones who have the answer and that we are the new testament moses but i'm here to let you know that you have the holy spirit and the book of john says he will show you all things he will reveal things to you to come he will teach you and guide you into all truth you have the holy spirit within you you have the connection of god verse 16 when they have been matter they come unto me and i judge between one and another and i do make them known the statutes of god and his laws so moses father-in-law notice moses sitting and judging the people while the people were standing being judged by moses from morning to evening now moses was a meek man he was willing to help the people all night problem is he had to put his life on hold he has to put his family's life on hold many don't understand reverend needs arrest as well he has a family and family issues and problems as well he and his wife have some disagreements as well moses dedicated his life to helping the people of god and he shows leadership skills in that he went out of his way for the people point number two is gentle questions moses's actions he says what is this thing that i'll do us to the people now king james says to the people the amplified and other ones says what is this that that you are doing for the people and not necessarily to the people moses was not doing anything against but for the people this thing jethro says was referring to the fact that moses was sitting and judging while the people were standing to be judged uh from morning to evening jethro calls it a thing throughout this whole entire lesson what is this what is this thing what is this that you're doing jethro asks moses a twofold question number one why are you sitting by yourself alone judging the people number two why are there people standing by you from morning or to evening waiting to be judged the problem was not in judging the people excuse me but in having them wait while standing all night to be judged it was a whole lot too much for anybody to handle moses says because the people come unto me to inquire of god the word inquire is the verb meaning to seek the people don't know god know much about god they only know god through moses and his interceding for the people to god moses gave the people godly answers and principles to their challenges they came to moses to ask about the will of god that's a key note preachers when they come to us our only answer should come from here right there this is where the answer comes from now from here but from here maybe from here through here every answer when the people of god come to the men of god their answer should come from the principles and the doctrines of god not a personal answer not if i was you this is what i always do honey child i wouldn't take that if i was your girlfriend hello somebody don't let that man do that don't let that woman no no no no no no all of our answers when the people of god come to the men and women of the lord their answers should come from the holy script what does god say then we have to rightly divide the word of truth make sure you give them the proper answer based on their situation when the people have a matter between each other they come to moses the word matter is a masculine noun meaning word or speech or a legal cause if they have a verbal issue or if they have a legal cause they will bring it to moses when the people have a dispute they come to moses and moses goes to god that's why i'm really technically i'm gonna put a pen here that was one of the reasons why we have the deacon's board and the mother's board the dickens bought bed on the right that's the right hand of the pastor and the mother's boy the women dealt with the technical personal issues of the women at the church pastor does not need to know all of your business and all of your information if there's a matter bring it to the church mothers the church mothers godly women seasoned women tried in the fire women would pray unto the lord and then god may direct them toward the pastor then sister and mother the mothers and the pastor meet in the office with the door closed but the mothers is in there pastor pray and then they seek god for an answer brethren you bring yours to the to the deacon's boy y'all understand what i'm saying because too often people want to bypass the others just to get directly to the pastor and sometimes he can't really preach because he's bogged down with so much he's saying she say stuff and i don't allow he say and she said at the home church because god has placed the church the people in my care and i have to make sure that one member does not move afflict or anything against the other member no i'm not in everybody's business but if the church dies because of that i'm the fellow that's going to be held accountable for it so every leader should settle a dispute with the word of god and the leaders should give godly principles and answers to those disputes tell the people to do what's right even if it's your wife verse six when they bring the matter to moses he then judges between the people the word judge means to decide to make a decision as an arbiter or an umpire moses judgment would be law after he heard from god moses was the supreme court system prior to creating one moses does not stop at hearing their matters he make known the statutes and laws of god once he hears the matter step two is give them what god has said this is how the people of the church understand scripture every time there's a matter a dispute an issue a problem when you bring it to the men and women of the lord they ought to pray number one seek god for godly counsel and number three they are to show you in the bible for instance if you have ought against your brother all means anything go to him and him alone if he does not hear you take two or three more as a witness if he does not hear them take him before the church not one time did he say take him to the pastor not one time and the word church is a very important word it may be ecclesia it may be whatever but it may be the gathering of the main people the same individual not the babies just because you're an usher's boy i'm gonna move on we're not talking about that right now so he points the people to god and his word his answers to them come from god he says he make it known which is a verb meaning to know to learn or to make one known two things the statutes and the laws the statutes is a masculine noun meaning regulation or the ordinance or the decrees of god what are god's decrees and the word law is a feminine noun meaning instructions once we understand god's decree now he gonna give us god's instructions how does god say what should we do new living translation says i inform the people of god's decrees and give them his instructions verse 17 and 18 and moses father-in-law said unto him the thing that thou doest is not good thou would surely wear away both thou and this people that is with me for this thing is too heavy for thee thou are not able to perform it um thyself alone jester mentions the word thing at least three times right now his main concern is not about moses judging the people but the system the thing that he's doing the way he's doing it he's sitting judging them from mourning tonight they're standing being judged from morning and night many of them have not even had their case heard and now they've got to come back again because it is said that there was some two million people that came out of egypt it's 70 that went in but some 2 million that came out and jethro says moses you're going to wear a way and he will wear the people away and the word where is the verb meaning to wither to language or even to faith they gonna fade away and you're gonna fade away you're gonna end up drying up and draining yourself and you're gonna die because you're doing something that you cannot handle i know pastor i know preacher i know shepherd you want to do everything but you cannot you're going to kill yourself and you have to understand the church is the bride of christ you have your own bride at home and the people of god typed amen so this thing is too heavy for moses to do and to do it by himself because moses has a family who needs him he needs to attend to them they need to attend to him and moses himself needs to rest as well because when we do too much we can't hear from god 19 and 20 says hearken now unto my voice i will give thee counsel and god shall be with thee be thou for the people to god word that thou mayest bring the causes unto god and thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws and shall show them the way wherein they must walk and the work that they must do so now jethro begins to give his instructions to relieve moses of this thing jethro says that moses hearken unto my voice and he would give moses counsel in the word hurricane literally means to listen with the intent of obeying and the word counsel means to console or to consult or to advise jethro will now give his son-in-law advice on how to handle this thing first moses was must hearken he must listen with the intent to obey and then jethro says i'm going to give you wise advice or wise counsel on how to handle this never too big to take instructions or counsel or advice from someone else regardless of how big you are jethro is somewhat invoking the presence of god upon the life of moses he says toward god what i'm going to read how that says he says in verse 19 and god shall be with you he is invoking the blessings of god upon moses remember jethro just hears about what god done to them for them in the wilderness and with the egyptians and now he knows that this god that moses serves is the true living god now he invokes the blessings of god upon his son-in-law then he says be thou for the people to god word the word god what is a preposition meaning against or in front of moses was to continue to be the people's representative before god he was to continue to bring the people's cases to god moses will not have the final answer to their problems god will moses is the representative of the people to god or to god word or in front of god or in the presence of god and of god to the people new living translation says now listen to me let me give you a word of advice and may god be with you you should continue to be the people's representative before god bringing your disputes to him jethro says moses needs to do two major things teach them and show them teach them the ordinances and laws show them the way that they must want and show them the work that they must do remember an ordinance is a decree and the laws are the instructions teach them teach them literally teach them teach them open up your mouth show them in their in the in the scroll in the book in the chapter in the bible or whatever and then show them how they must walk and show them the work that they must do 21 and 22. moreover shalt provide out of all the people able men such as fear god men of truth hating covetousness and place such over them to be rulers of thousands rulers of hundreds rulers of fifties and rulers of tens and it lets them judge the people at all seasons and it shall be that every great matter they shall bring unto thee but every small matter they shall judge so shall it be easier for thyself and they shall bear the burden with thee so moses is to teach and show the people the law and what they must do gentle as that moses himself must provide he must provide because it comes from leadership all the way down from god through the earthly leader and then on down uh the qualifications of these men he says abel which means that they need to be qualified before you appoint them to a position i know that they're your nephew and they can play a mean set of drums but that don't mean that they would be a good deacon i understand that uh that she's faithful because she's at church every time the door's open she's single and she don't have a job and she's just looking for something to do i'm just saying that doesn't mean that they qualify for the job that's key and very important that we place people that are qualified for the job and we understand their qualifications just because they got a high school education and just because they got uh school teachers whatever in the secular world don't mean that they would be good for teaching in the sunday school i'm just saying because when you get to church in the body of christ that's a gift that comes from jesus per ephesians 4 11 and 12. so they have to be men that fear god they must fear reverence honor or respect god before they can judge his people if they fear god they won't handle his people any kind of way they won't lie to them if they fear god then they must be men of truth these must be honest men men of integrity and honor the honor system before you place them over and then he said that they must be men that hate covetousness which is a masculine now denoting profit gain or dishonest gang they will not take bribes when judging the people of god they hate covetousness they won't be judging for the purpose of money i don't preach for money i preach because i've been gifted and called to do it i don't teach my channel is not for money i do it to open up the gift that god has given me so that the people of god can learn of the lord everything points back to god i'm thankful that many uh have been sending finances for the channel and i'm thankful believe me it's much needed as well place the men over the people as rulers over a set of people let the men who meet these qualifications be judges over the people all season long they will judge the smaller matters in any matter that's great they were to bring it to moses and moses will do that so that they can help carry the burden that moses would have on his life and i believe we still have that in action as we speak thanks to his father-in-law 23 to 26 if thou shalt do this thing and god command thee soul then thou shalt be able to endure and all this people shall also go to their place in peace so moses hearkened to the voice of his father-in-law and did all that he said and moses chose able men out of all israel made them heads over the people rulers of thousands rulers of hundreds rulers of fifties and rulers of tens and they judge the people at all seasons the hard causes they brought unto moses but every small matter they judge themselves so jethro says if you do this and if god commands you so remember it's all about the will of god every good idea is not a god idea it says then you will be able to endure once moses takes these steps and obtaining his help the people will be able to go home in peace the people won't be standing around moses from day to night each person will have an opportunity to have their cases heard by the new judges if there's a heavier matter they will take it to moses and moses will judge the matter they will be easing his case and then the church will be able to move on moses will be able to endure because there are other things that moses has to do moses chose the wise men he chose what he called wise men out of the all of the tribes you find this in deuteronomy 1 13-18 they were known by others so they were wise men they were known by others because we had to go with the honor system and understand something moses had to choose him that means to pick after he scrutinized after he tested after he put them to the test after he tried them he then prayed and everything that it wasn't it was a long list they had to meet the qualifications because it was too many people for moses to know so he chose wise men they were known by others he chose the chief of the tribes and then moses charged them to bear or to hear each case between the brother and and then judge and moses says to them not to have respect of persons in this judgment he says hear the small ones and the greater ones so listen to the small details listen to the great detail but don't bypass the small ones because in your eyes they don't mean nothing he says you shall not be afraid of the face of men for the judgment is god's is what moses said this is a very good lesson as i always say i'm loving these lessons i want you to continue to move forward in the lord and make sure you stress to your classes that everything we do is based on god is based on his word is based on the holy spirit is based on the movement of god every answer we give people is based on the principles of god the principles and the doctrines of holiness whatever the word of god says that's what we're doing don't change the word because the person that you have to judge is related to you if your wife is out of order if your husband is out of order you have to do what's right and if we can do that then the church will be able to move on the people would know god they would know the word of god and they would get stronger with god so god provides judges to help moses so moses don't kill himself he don't kill the people he don't lose his family because preachers we have wives and children we have a family that we have to care to and that cares to and for us as well if you're liking these lessons leave a thumbs up make sure you leave some comments below what is it that struck your attention what is it that you like about this lesson and then lastly make sure you hit the subscribe button subscribe to this channel if you have not subscribed and hit the share button maybe somebody needs to hear this particular lesson so it can help to impact and to change their lives so that they can get a better understanding as to what steps they should always do y'all pray for a brother i finally made it through remember my motto teaching the word of god in the spirit of excellence and the mother of the sunday school the child saved is the soul saved plus a life amen you
Channel: Rodney Jones
Views: 4,600
Rating: 4.9661016 out of 5
Keywords: Rodney Jones Sunday School, International standard lesson, union press, That sunday school girl, the lesson, Union Gospel press, UGP, Bible study, Rodney Jones, God Provides Judges to help Moses, Exodus 18:13-26, UGP Sunday school lesson for September 27
Id: zhPo5l4ZGCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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