God Gives Victory Over the Amalekites, Exodus 17:8-16, September 20, 2020, Sunday school lesson, UGP

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moses was a very humble man he was a meek man he did what god commanded him to do and yet the children of israel murmured against him he said they're getting better to stone me god gives him a solution to give the children of israel water from a rock meanwhile the enemy comes in and attacks him what did moses do with the children of israel would you like to know join me in this lesson entitled god gives victory over the amalekites there are notes for this lesson i'll leave a link below in the description i'll leave a link above my head click this link right here get your notes get your sunday school bibles and your books for the union press sunday school is now in session join me let's go [Music] hello and welcome to another edition of the sunday school lesson that's taught by pastor rodney jones pastor of the new nation known as ministries church of god in christ 1700 west 87th street uh chicago illinois 6-0-6-2-0 welcome to your new subscribers and thank you for subscribing to this channel if you would like to be notified as we upload our sunday school lessons each week make sure you click the subscribe button below and hit that bell notification and click all that way youtube will notify you each week through your email bing brother jones just uploaded another lesson on today we're dealing with god gives victory over the amalekites where in exodus 17 verses 6 through 25 where september the 20th 2020 this is the union press lesson very good lesson very interesting lesson i'll begin at verse number eight then came amalek and fought with israel in the referendum now remember according to the 17th chapter that we listen that we talked about on last week moses has been leading the children of israel since the time that he brought them out of egypt out of bondage out from the hands of the pharaoh out of slavery that they had been some 400 and some years he led them through the red sea they went through on dry land nobody got wet and nobody drowned the enemies drowned in the red sea at the rod of god that was in moses's hand god commands moses to take them through one wilderness to another as a testing period is what i believe and then uh there were times when it would go through some red some some good places where there would be water there would be an oasis there would be plenty of trees uh and there would be food then they would go through where there would be no food at all and then they would murmur and god would provide them quail or he would provide them bread or manna from heaven then we get to this point where they begin to murmur and refer them against moses keep in mind moses was only leading the children of israel where god commanded him to lead them now they're here there is no water for them to drink they are angry with moses they begin to child with him they begin to murmur against him and moses told god they ready to stone me god tells moses get some elders take the rod that you use to strike the nile river and meet me over there and he says what i'll do is i will provide them water from the rock moses struck the rock i need to let you know that that rock that provided the water was christ jesus himself you don't believe it go ahead and look in the book of first corinthians 10 and 4 the bible said that the rock that they drank from was christ so yes christ has always been in existence and during this time esau's grandchildren uh yes by believed by one of his wives or his concubine named emelet he came and he fought against israel now it appears that this was one of those sudden attacks there was no warning he just jumped out of nowhere he was amalek is esau's grandson per genesis 36-12 they attacked them as they came out of egypt that's deuteronomy 25 17-19 which is this actual lesson so when they came out of egypt is when they receive an attack interesting to note that the children of israel is jacob and the amalekites is esau remember what happened with jacob and esau when he lost his or he sold his brother his birthright and then his mother tricked the father isaac into getting that blessing to jacob because that was her favorite son and so it looks like that there is a anger a a hatred or something that has been going through this bloodline for all this many years keep in mind now it's over 400 and some years later way over because israel was in egypt for 400 maybe 430 years so that's a long time to keep something if this is the case i don't want to make it the case if it is not the case but we do know that they attacked them when they came out of egypt the bible lets us know that they struck down those that were lagging behind they got the laggers from behind as they were coming out of egypt the bible let us know also that they had no fear of god and they lay way for israel when they came out of egypt that's first samuel 15 and 2. there was treacherous there was nomads that's what they were called saul was told to utterly to destroy their man woman infant and everything in first 15 and 3 but he didn't do it verse 9 and moses said unto joshua choose out men and go out fight with amalek tomorrow i will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of god in my hand now you look at the word choose it's a verb meaning uh to take a king look at to prove or to choose it denotes a choice which is based on a thorough examination of the situation and not an arbitrary whim in other words joshua had to go throughout the camp and find men that were qualified and he would have to put them to the test probably he would have to take them through some type of procedures we don't know but that word choose literally means to put to the test or to look at to prove he had to really see who is capable and qualified now what instruments of weaponry they had we don't know scripted don't let us know some allude to the fact that they picked up some of them swords and knives that them dead soldiers left on or after they died or got drowned we don't know all we could do is assume they could have had anything but whatever they had they're going to win this battle because they're going to be greatly used by god through moses so he had to choose out and find out who can be used and no wonder moses would tell him the word tomorrow tomorrow now what i like about this point number one is most didn't panic due to the situation or the certain attack of the amalekites he moved swiftly to establish a plan that would protect israel moses and hightail and run he didn't haul out of here heavens to murgatory exit stage left no moses didn't do that he stood the ground he stood his task he stood the test he turned oh he did not say he didn't arm himself with the weapon of man um he armed himself with the arm of god moses knew exactly who to call and who to take care of this matter it's very important for every leader to know their staff and to know the capabilities and the qualities and the giftings of your staff so that if a problem arise you will know exactly what to do so this is the first time israel will go into war and this is the first series of attacks of the amalekites point number two this is the first mention of joshua's name uh we know that he was the minister of moses we will find that out later that's exodus 24 and 14 moses instructs him to choose out men to fight he was the servant of moses as well we will find that out later in numbers 11 and 20. so he was moses minister and he was the servant of moses and joshua had to know who's in the camp and what are they capable of doing and can they meet the description for handling this task are you good to be on the usher ball are you good to be on a deacon are you good to be on the choir can you lead a song can you play guitar can you strum a bass can you hit a drum just because you're related to me doesn't mean you qualify for the test ah i'm gonna keep on moving he was chosen by god later to lead israel into the promised land that would be joshua the first chapter verses one and five and then lastly he would be moses's successor moses didn't know that but god did that's numbers 27 12-23 moses says he will stand on the hill tomorrow could be because the battle could have possibly calmed down or they could have been given threats at this moment we don't really know but i do know that joshua would need some time to find out who because there was a whole lot of them he would need that time so i believe that will be another reason why he would say on tomorrow scripture does not say how many lives were lost but that the weak ones were targeted that's deuteronomy 25 17-19 which is why all the weak ones need to be in the center he says he will stand with the rod of god in his hand moses has faith that the step that he's about to take will benefit god's people he will now stand on here with a weapon but not the weapon of man but the rod of god it's interesting to note that god called it moses's rod that's chapter 17 verse 5 yet moses calls it the rod of god interesting to note that moses called israel god's people in exodus 32 and 11 but god called israel moses's people exodus 32 and 7. interesting to note that moses said god brought them out of egypt that's exodus 32 and 11 but god said moses brought them out of egypt exodus 33 and 1 exodus 32 and 7. this is the same rod that moses used to smotist the river and it parted that's chapter 17 and five all let from verse nine verse 10 so joshua did as moses had said unto him and fought with amalek and moses aaron and her went up to the top of the mountain now look at this he said joshua did the word did is a key word in this lesson because the word did means to accomplish or to complete joshua completed the task of selecting those who would go to battle he didn't stop until he completed the task that's important that's vital that we take the instruction step by step and don't stop until your assignment has been completed you can't retire you can't quit you can't faint you can't give up you can't sit down you can't stop or nothing because what you're doing is going to determine whether or not this whole camp wins or loses so the first thing we notice is the obedience of joshua to do exactly as moses says in war everyone has a task to perform each person must know their position and stay in position until further notice each person must use their weapon or their gifting to fight in this war had joshua not submitted to the orders of moses the israelites may have lost he or had he not submitted joshua may have died because this commandment came through moses but apparently from god and had joshua disobeyed joshua probably would have died just like many of the israelites died that's why they were in israel or in egypt for 40 years because they had to die out so joshua fought with emily notice joshua didn't ask no questions neither did he go up on the top of the hill and most didn't go down into the valley where the war was moses aaron and her all went to the top of the hill each person's position is paramount to winning this is the first time we hear of her just like aaron um joshua and just like the amalekites aaron is the older brother of moses who would be his high priest later it is loving that this older brother would take orders from the younger brother verse 11 and verse 12. and it came to pass when moses held up his hand that israel prevailed and when he let down his hand amulek prevailed but moses hands were heavy and they took a stone and put it under him and he set their own and aaron and her stayed up his hands the one armed the one side and the other on the other side and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun so number one the battle is now in full force and every man is manning his position and the war is going on joshua is in the battlefield fighting with the men that he have already tested and chose moses aaron and her are not in the battlefield but they're on the top of the hill interceding for the people of god point number two is when moses holds up his hand israel prevailed look at the word prevail it's a key word it means to be strong to have great success over someone or something it means to have advantage this rod denotes the authority of god in the presence of moses i'm a beast i'm going to say something to you we don't need a physical rod now pastors the rod noun is the holy spirit who leads and he guides he comforts he protects he gives us he shows us and he reveals us he is the rod it's not in our hand as a great authority and strength that we're going to beat the people with no it's in the heart leading and guiding us on how to shepherd and lead the people of god because as pastors we are what's called an undershepherd and jesus is the chief shepherd we got to give an account to him i need you to know that the pastor doesn't have a pastor no he is the pastor that's ephesians the fourth chapter verses 11 and 12. we have placed pastors over pastor but if god did not call you to pastor a man cannot place you over him as pastor um not if you are the pastor i'm gonna keep moving because y'all ain't gonna like bro jones on today israel will notice that as long as moses keeps the staff raised they win this may be used for future references to show israel that moses is the man that god have called to lead them in the new testament church it is the holy spirit in the old testament it was one individual in the new testament it is five also this shows that god is fighting against the enemy through the rod of god through the man of god and i'm gonna keep it moving point number three when moses allowed his hand to rest the enemy prevailed moses while standing still has a part to play in the battle he has to hold the rod of god in his hand as an emblem of interceding for the children of israel each leader must understand that we cannot stand by and do nothing yet our weapons are not colonel but they are mighty i believe that second corinthians 10 and 4. just to my guess aaron and her uses godly wisdom in supporting moses as he intercedes for israel they place a stone on the moses because moses is getting tired the battle is taking a long time when he lets his hand down they'll lose when he holds his hands up they win israel has to now see a couple of things number one they have to see moses the leader standing there now they'll see that he's the one that god places there to lead them number two they'll see that moses is not standing by himself moses is holding a rod called the rod of moses or the rod of god this rod lets them know a couple of things that they're only going to be able to accomplish this task because of the rod of god because of the authority of god because of the presence of god and number two the man who's holding this rod is the one that god has chosen to leave them and to hold this rod everybody cannot have the rod of god in his hand so they take they place a stone to prop him up and then one stand on the right and the other stand on the left and they hold up the hand of moses as long as they're holding his hands up now the children of israel are winning through joshua and those chosen men so do you see how every man has to play an active part in this battlefield and in this war and everyone has to be stationed in the proper place and you have to manage your pulse and you cannot come down because now the battle is on and each person has a task and has to play their tasks and their part only uh moses is not going to go down there and take joshua's position joshua's not going to come up and take moses position because they will lose the battle so moses hand were stayed or they were secured or they were steady verse 13 and 14 and joshua discomforted amalek and his people with the edge of the sword and the lord said unto moses write this for a memorial in a book and rehearse it in the ears of joshua for i will utterly put out the remembrance of amalek from under heaven moses aaron and her were on top of the hill interceding for israel joshua is in the battlefield fighting against amalek with the chosen men joshua has now discomforted amalek and his people at the edge of the sword or the mouth of the sword or because of the sword look at the word discomforted it's a verb meaning to lie prostrate to cause one the light prostrate it means to weaken or overwhelm one's enemy in battle so joshua overwhelmed the enemy he caused them to lay down as dead because they died although god can win this entire battle with no human usage he chose to use man as he worked through them point number four is the lord commands moses to do two things concerning this situation he says writer in the book of memorial as a memorial and he says rehearse this in the ears of joshua what he says for i will utterly put out of the remember the remembrance of amalek from under the heaven or from under heaven the lord just placed a curse against the head on emily emily is going to ultimately be wiped out and his remembrance only lord knows at this time that moses will be replaced by joshua so he tells him to rehearse this in the ears of joshua the lord has his reasons for having moses to log this in the book one when you look at the word memorial it's a masculine noun meaning memorial of course remembrance a record or a reminder this word conveys the essential quality of remembering something in the past that has a particular significance saul was told to utterly destroy them man woman and infant so on and so forth first seven fifteen and three but saul was disobedient to god and he didn't do it david took an active part of and destroying them as well uh dealing with the ziggler you know overtake pursue and recover that would be first samuel 27-8 and first samuel 30 and one and then it was finally finished uh in the reign of hezekiah that would be first chronicles 4 and 43. joshua would be the one to deal with them in canaan when they entered the promised land so this is an insurance under joshua that the lord is going to fight those enemies or the amalekites and they will ultimately but he's going to do this from generation to generation we're going to find this watch this read this in deuteronomy 25 and 19 therefore it shall be when the lord that god hath given thee rest from all thine enemies round about in the land which the lord that god giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it the thou shall blot out the remembrance of amalek from under heaven thou shalt not forget it and that was really is going to be when they go into the promised land which joshua would lead them they were supposed to wipe out the amalekites but they didn't do it they were hard-headed and so therefore god left their malachites and he refused to destroy them to punish israel when israel go would go into sin and so god will he left their enemies because they didn't destroy the enemies to punish israel when israel went into sin and that's what they did they were going to sin or or punishment or slavery for 10 years or for 20 years or for 30 years by those enemies who they did not destroy that's a message by himself verse 15 and verse 16 and moses built an altar and called the name of it jehovah nisi for he said because the lord has sworn that the lord will have war with amalek watch this from generation to generation so at the conclusion of this battle moses builds an altar he calls the name of this altar jehovah nisi which means the lord our banner because many soldiers fought under a banner they fought under which called standards but the children of israel is going to fight under the rod of god as moses held up the rod that rod of god was the banner of god and so that they would fight and prevail under the banner of god and he called it he built an altar and also was made to be dedicated to a deity and in this case it would be the only true living god and to worship him and also to give it a name the lord our banner so the lord said he will war with emory from generation to generation each time a generation of the americas will show up god will show up and war against them i'm gonna stop right there i'm not gonna move on no further if you like this lesson please give a thumbs up and make sure you leave some comments what did you like about this lesson and let's let's have a discussion and make sure you share this with somebody maybe you will be responsible for impacting and changing someone's life who need to know something pertaining to this lesson remember my model teaching the word of god in the spirit of excellence and the model of the sunday school a child saved is a soul saved plus a life amen you
Channel: Rodney Jones
Views: 4,299
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: Rodney Jones Sunday School, International standard lesson, union press, That sunday school girl, the lesson, Union Gospel press, UGP, Bible study, Rodney Jones, God gives victory over the amalekites, sunday school lesson for september 20, Exodus 17:8-16
Id: tnazOP3fMWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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