God Of War Ragnarok Valhalla Tips, Best Build, Secrets & More (Gow Ragnarok Valhalla Tips And Tricks

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I just beat the God of War Ragnarok for Halla DLC on the hardest difficulty with a pretty great score which the amount of fleeting Echoes that you earned during your run so I want to share many pro tips on how I did this in this video with the four rested Stones you can get totally helping with that of course a like on the video would be awesome subscribe for more God of for Ragnarok content and let's go you maybe already have the two starting Resurrection stones from the tablet of reflection at the shore so totally get those if you haven't already and then in Greece you can also buy a more powerful Resurrection stone that gives you more Health when you get back on your feet so really great against there only to get this at the tablet of endeavor you need to have crests and there are three types of Crest and they are based on the weapons at the start of a run you of course choose your main weapon and this will determine the upgrades you get after that well if you then find a question mark door in a sanctuary and enter it you will go to a more sizable area where you find a norer chest complete that norer chest with a Solutions usually like being very close to the chest and they will get three Crest based on the weapon path you selected at the start so if you are running low on these Crest then you now know how to get them and can then exchange them for the more powerful rest stone at the tablet of endeavor in Greece the fourth and final rest Stone can actually be bought in the lower realm but only after upgrading the lower realm tablets offering at the tablet of influence on the shore like getting both upgrades means that you can get a rested Stone in the lower realm for 300 fleeting echo which is really nice like I first did not bother with both the lower and upper realm tablet offerings but they're both amazing so the lower one gives you that Redstone but both add glyphs to the inventory of a tablet of endeavor so if you are looking for something specific but did not get lucky with the chest then you can still try and see if the tablet of endeavor sells them and they can still get the glyphs with the nice perks that you want so again don't sleep on the lower and upper realm tablets offering but the runic attacks are of course also super important and did you know that you can skip the cool down so one big difference ver the regular game is that cool down on runic attacks only regenerate during combat so not when just walking around proted by the way is to use the random enemies that will spawn in the realm that you go to before going to grease to get your runic attacks back from coold down like these are just really small encounters you can just ignore them but you can also hold your Shield up and then wait for your runic attacks to come back so then you can immediately use them when you have your first encounter in gree which of course quite challenging but you can also completely skip the cool down by spending fleeting Echo to upgrade a runic attack so they can instantly use it so it's actually smart to upgrade a runic attack before going to a hard encounter because then you can immediately use it at the start of the fight and maybe even use it a second time during the encounter as well so also upgrading a runic attack two times after each other even though you have the fleeting Echoes it's not smart instead time your upgrades right and I overall think that upgrading runic attacks should be one of your priorities just make sure that you at least got the fleeting Echoes for that rest Stone in the lower realm for again 300 fleeting Echoes and you also need to have the 220 fleeting Echoes after defeating that first boss because then entering the new realm will be the only time you can buy a damage upgrade for your main weapon it's not available later on in the grease area so don't skip it it's very crucial but apart from those two focusing on the runic attacks and playing around with that instant cooldown is smart and there are also smart ways to stay alive the key here is the health looter from the tablet of reflection on the shore like upgrading it gives you 10% Health back for every legendary chest that you open and this really adds up over the course of your run but the pro tip here is to always loot these legendary chests even though the content inside might not be of value like after that first big boss you always get a relic chest but because I already like The Relic I use from the start I won't need to switch to another Relic but then I just forfeit the rewards and still get the resources and health back and this also applies to the legendary chest in the starting area of Grease again I don't need the Relic chest but I still open it if I have the left over fleeting Echoes to get health back same for the chest with the Divine triumphs I already have all the upgrades locked but I still open these chest to get health back and while you might want to quickly go to the grease part of aalla it is actually smart to stick around the lower realm maybe a bit longer than you usually do because you at least want to make sure that you have both a light and heavy runic attack for your main weapon but also use the lower realm to get some other upgrades before going to grease and to already get rid of some burdens that requires you to complete a set amount of encounters like the rewards from these burdens are great but it's of course far from ideal to to have the handicaps from the burden when racing against the clock in grease just make sure that when you stay a bit longer in the lower realm that you keep your health up and don't waste a lot of your Rage or Relic charges here save those for the harder boss fights or the red realm Tears like the first Valla chosen in the circular Arena so I think it's kind of Handy to know a run true Valla that will easily get you the six targets that are needed to go to there if you're of course earlier into the story of the DLC then you need less for Hall chosen enemies before going to tear so from that first encounter that you have to do in the circular Arena I start my run by going to the right and then up here here namly find another Valla chosen a bloom realm there which means it's pretty easy and then after defeating that go down and then to your right you will find another blue realm tear now after clearing that continue and then on your left hand side you find a red realm tear so a more challenging one it's smart to have your runic attacks ready for that one your Relic and some rage after completing this one head outside towards the chest get the chest and then on your left you will find a yellow realm there and also here nice to have some powerful abilities ready to be used then when successful we want to head this way so to the other side from where you came from and now you're back at the starting area now it's time to buy some upgrades we'll share some tips on that in a moment but first real quick let's finish this run so from the tablet of endeavor here just go right go up like this and there you'll find a blue realm there to give you the final Target that is needed before going to tear so you can go to tear immediately but if you're feeling good and keep your health and rage up while clearing the realm tears then it's totally smart to stick around in grease a bit longer the difficulty timer namely does not affect tear for me he was always a purple health bar even though I got the skill level increase I did see some other people get the skill level there but I'm not sure how you get that either way if you can manage then it's smart to get more powerful glyphs and other upgrades from the realm tears in Greece do the special encounters by entering the doors with the skill as the rewards for those are pretty great too there are also these chest in grees that are protected by a small group of enemies I recommend that you go after them but first focus on clearing the realm te and doing the doors with the skill killing the enemies protecting the chest will namely take some time and opening a chest won't increase the timer so things will get difficult way quicker than when fighting the enemies in the realm there so stick around a bit longer in gree before going to tier if you think you can handle yourself and then you will become even more powerful before the final fight it helped me to make my Relic Focus build even better so when you have five targets and go to that starting area with the run I just told you about then we want to open some chest and the most crucial one is the perfect lift chest cost 5,000 fleeting Echoes you will have that after doing that run and now you can get some amazing powerful perks you want to look out for the soulless assault as this can give you Relic charges back on successful hits I save most of my rolls for this chest so I have a higher chance to get this soulless assault glyph and so far it always worked out it's namely really insane with the hild of scof I kind of went over this tactic in my previous video but now I found an even better build around it and you can use it with any weapon you pick at the start so having the H of scul for this is important you can get it from The Relic chest after the first boss and also from The Relic chest in the grease area but after defeating the Berserker King which you can also do on a lower difficult if you want then you will get it as a permanent unlock and can then select it at the shore before starting a run I will leave a link to that previous video for if you haven't watched it yet with a full explanation on how to fight the Berserker King in the video description so with soulless assault you can get charges back for the hild of skofnung that normally only has one charge so they can use these green swords that deal damage and basically stun lock enemies way more often but it can get way crazier because if you also find The Reckless refresh as a silver for perk then getting hit while using a runic attack or Relic will restore a portion of the cool down or restore a relic charge use and this happens surprisingly often combine that with the Fortune's refresh a gold glyph you can also get in a chest in the starting area of Greece which gives you a moderate luck chance increase with the luck stat that when using a runic attack or Relic you immediately restore 70% of the cool down or immediately get a relic charge back combining these three perks with the H of scull no is insane it means that you can always have this Relic basically active which made the tier encounter way more manageable on the hardest difficulty now maybe you noticed that I'm mostly rocking the spear like if you want a more in-depth build for different weapons let me know in the comments down below and of course subscribe for way more God of War content a like on the video would be awesome you can also watch that Berserker King video with way more like rewards and other things by clicking on the screen I will speak to you very soon goodbye
Channel: JorRaptor
Views: 94,845
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Keywords: god of war ragnarok valhalla, gow ragnarok valhalla, god of war valhalla, jorraptor, gow valhalla, god of war ragnarok, god of war ragnarok update, god of war valhalla tips, god of war ragnarok valhalla tips, valhalla god of war, god of war ragnarok valhalla update, gow valhalla tips, god of war ragnarok valhalla tips and tricks, ragnarok valhalla, god of war ragnarok best build, god of war ragnarok valhalla guide, god of war valhalla tips and tricks, gow ragnarok valhalla tips
Id: bbHCs4e-PzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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