God of War Ragnarok - The Story of THOR the Destroyer All Thor Scenes + Dialogue

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foreign Odin is a destroyer he has proven this namesake time and time again specifically nearly wiping out all of the Giants of yotenheim but in God of War Ragnarok we get to see how this Destroyer was made and the parallels between his journey and the journey of Kratos the real tragedy of this story though is that Thor despite his terrible actions never gets an opportunity to lose that moniker and no longer become a destroyer let's start off with some of the terrible terrible things that Thor has done and then follow his story in God of War Ragnarok come here how many stories have you told about Odin and Thor and all the bad things they've done let's see how many we can remember seems like Father could use his memory refreshed my memory of them requires no refreshment they updated our home yeah but I'm talking about history all the other people they've heard let's see okay there was thaw more Stone Mason hi he quattled with his son went into the night to find him found Thor instead and there was Tom or son creamther who built the walls of Asgard and whispered something of important stuff there before his betrayal and assassination there was grower of course the knowledge Department prophet of Ragnarok Thor murder husband and Odin covered it up before doing her and himself can't forget a mirror the first giant or didn't carved him up to form the Realms from his body and let the torrent of his blood nearly drown every giant alive what about the Giants of Jordan hunt they all seem dead when we finally made it there that remains a mystery though admittedly it sounds like the Asia God's dream what about fjorgan Thor's mother was a giant wasn't she indeed she was the circumstances of her demise were murky at best but not sure I can blame Odin for that one he wasn't the same after oh I know at Wisconsin the queen of the hunt I she sprung the auden's affections so we tricked her into killing her father there was Stark out of the mighty the yodnar military leader slandered by Odin tricked and murdered by Thor and there was three in the Canon the giant king who stole Thor's hammer Odin traded him Freya to get it back and sent Thor in Disguise to mother his entire talk who else ah grew near the Broadway the Stone Giant I mocked by Odin murdered by Thor enough of this but there's more I do not care or with Odin is not the answer what was that the ball foreign I have meat you would not find me good company oh I'm sure we'll find lots to talk about thank you nice place foreign foreign why are you here just being polite you seem like a calm and reasonable person are you a calm and reasonable person if the moment calls for a calm I'd say the moment calls for calm you know who I am 34 Winters set in there were some misunderstandings regrettable ones but I think we all have a better idea of who we're dealing with now what you did to his boys self-defense dying is what we ACL live for and let's be honest they were kind of useless but vulgar he had value he was my best tracker Mike closer yeah his mind was gone sure but he had his uses and now he's gone because of you you follow me you have a debt you ain't no fun anymore how about peace how does peace strike the esteemed retired God of War how about we just don't kill each other how about you stay home kick up your feet seek no quarrel with me and I'll have none with you of course it means that that one that one has to stop his search for tear yeah yeah we know we know stop it tears always are dead he is dead you understand and then that's it there was Square [ __ ] I'll even sweeten the deal I'll let you keep the prisoner that I know you stole that's right I know you're in here somewhere you silver tongue little [ __ ] why should we believe or whatever you one of your promises ever been what there he is my old partner in crime he's lost weight if he tells you snow is white he's lying what kind of wisdom is that can't the smartest head alive see past himself see that we all want the same thing all right here's the deal I know you can trust I'll settle your debt with my ax keep prayer off your back keep your boy safe that's really all you want isn't it so what do you say hello don't take all day about time I've been waiting for this you're not from here we got a tradition called our blood payments it means I get a piece of you for what you took from my family you'll pick it up [Music] that works for Boulder now show me this God killer I've heard I did not seek that fight with your brother I don't care how were you ever a god [Music] you're [ __ ] hopeless you spit on my son's memories I can't believe they lost to you come on you know my class the ghost of the harder thing yeah you insult me holding back like this go go let me see the monster inside [Music] that's for Magic sorry about your statute here you preachy olds if you're not fighting dirty you're not fighting right stop holding back good [Music] you should be better than this okay [ __ ] oh I've done that you think you can come here become a daddy get a clean slate that eight hours you're a destroyer like me wow oh no I say when we're done I'm not leaving till I see the real you know oh no way my boys fell to this show me who you are [ __ ] God this is the god that murdered a Pantheon as they heard his feelings laughs this is remotely you put him last even in death the [ __ ] you say moody sought Us in fear of you he died of the woods you gave him oh we got a model Father Again this feels familiar but don't matter come on this is the man who faced down secret the valkyrie Queen I could give a hot [ __ ] about your fatherly advice I want to see them I will end it clever won't beat me [Music] ah foreign let me see him come on I see why my sons fell to you lesser version of you but I am not my sons and your boy our father had plans for him [Music] foreign [Music] there's the God of War consider your blood debt pain told you he'd make it Kratos it's injury and Brock that was quite a fight can we oh now Odin is with atreus oh no I'll go get a Gateway ready come on man ain't a long walk well good to see you making new friends ain't that meal there pack a punch you know we made that hammer right you have mentioned it I know that wasn't ever sure you were listening at least it was good to see the ax hold their own kind of the point after all great like it or not he's all father's guest I thought I smelled something more steps you're not gonna like other sins really and how do you intend to stop me look into my eyes you tell me let me sick man Rocky you made it I am so honored I I see you've met Heimdall he reads Minds for me the boy is false all father this young man who is my guest is covered in mud care to explain he means to betray you is that true Loki you a little trickster uh I'm just messing around of course he means to betray me huh Heimdall why else would he come I've given him no reason to trust me not yet but he's got some very big questions and I have so many answers to get what are you up to dismissed go gladly What's Next Door get down here oh Father don't do that what's next is chasing this down take this and this stealthy side of beef let's see where it takes you I don't promise anything nonsense Happy Hunting and you go easy on him you hear me moose behind the rest of the Mask is here is where our father dropped us what do you think take that do your damn job so where are we going what the [ __ ] am I supposed to know all father thinks that you know what you're doing so do it I was gonna get that with those arms oh Ingrid nice move you can maybe help [Music] you were awesome where are we supposed to head now checking up there looks like there might be a ledge we could reach if we too slow hey you can't just grab people like that no what else bro you are I need a bigger child there's things up there hitting us with fire use your bow already [Music] you know I took my blood demon from your father for what happened to my son but I haven't taken it from you what do you mean later don't want to keep the all father waiting speaking of which mask right we need to head through those rocks hey can you yes that just imagine what it can do double bow you want to talk about blood payment what about the Giants you killed they were my family they were your people too the Giants were blight on the nine Realms and I ripped every single one of their deaths let's just change the subject you know uh last time father and I were here we beat every one of sirder's child I think you could don't play listen Modi had some problems but he was my son mosh right now is because of that broken piece of wood look clearly neither of us can do this Mission alone and I want to impress the all father just as much as you do you don't have to like me but we're gonna have to trust each other just a little bit Trust [Music] yep good form overall but not aggressive enough to my opinion you're more than welcome to step it up this is me trusting you kill them you've had enough yet okay so where's the mask saying though the mask is uh pulling this way we'll have to find some way down sure thing I wasn't playing you by the way the trials are fun don't you ever have fun you're so different from your daughter she said never you're ready Thor what the foreign you didn't die over there did you no but I was thinking well that's your problem the trials are just past that Cliff might be something you do first we deal with them yeah come on Thor just check them out what have you got to lose time that's right just try it you getting tired another ogre can I get some help here this is short on time foreign [Music] the All fathers waited hundreds of winters he can wait a little more it's fun it's fine stay right here yes sir that should keep him busy for a while hopefully come on traveling of course we were mountains of corpses by the time I finished great you want to help down here I wouldn't think you'd need my help if you need all those trials or did you just watch hey let's take you so long thank you you wouldn't believe the scores of these things I just killed it was glorious I think you're right she'd be faring better than you at least foreign [Music] yourself well enough I was trusting you somewhere too let me check so which way is that mask pulling you looks like we need to head through that gate Thor ain't that impression real God stuff you are a God you're damn right and so am I it's here this is the spot where is it in the lava I don't know [Music] ah damn it some advice sticking your hand in Marvel is Never Gonna feel good I wasn't thinking good it's better that way all right let's get out of here don't try to play me again you're an okay kid still a giant and old revolent killing me too what did you do Loki the rift got brighter look you did it look one of these phrases is complete now we can read it all but you can't translate it not yet see I got a little Theory I think if we can find the rest of this we can use it to look into that without you know losing an eye or worse at this we make a good team don't we don't we make a good damn team just like you and Boulder you both behave out there or was really great I learned a lot from him you learned something from him really now okay what did you teach the kid nothing what could I possibly teach him exactly you always this hard on Thor seems like you're mad at him or something oh getting nosy getting personal no I get it but it's nothing like that it's well to be honest it's the only language he understands and I'm serious go ahead and try being nice to him see where that gets you hey you're back foreign how was it did Father behave himself yeah I mean better than I would have expected I guess did you think that I would be well it's pretty good sword I'm not angry I'm concerned you know that's not what I want for her you don't want her to have a sword it's not about having a sword it's about what you use it for I think you know what I mean yeah I do and I don't want that for her either okay you don't have to worry she's a smart girl smarter than her father [Music] well when you're right you're right [Laughter] uh come here [Music] it's different Thor's room everyone back home would freak if they knew I was in here wait what am I doing in here [Music] foreign [Music] I just don't get it the mask bringing the giant that killed my sons here why I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you stop letting a wife think boy if she's clouding whatever's left of your brain this isn't about her no it's about your limitations accept them and move on now go smash something will you honestly I liked you better as a drunk okay come here She Hates Me Thor my little girl you can't keep undermining me like that training her behind my back she's gonna do what she wants wouldn't you rather I at least help know where she's going keep her safe no I'd rather us be a team I'd like you to back me up for one you're ruining what little relationship I have left with her I'm doing the best I can to keep this family together if that were true you'd stand up to your father for once in your life you're right honey no you're right what kind of example am i setting seems the only thing I can do right these days is destroy everything around me we just we need you here I need you can't do this by myself [Music] what I've been trying to Envision how Thor and Seth came to be such better parents their food than they were to magni and Morty here's how I imagine it Seth go straight and hopes that raising a good daughter will redeem their past failures though our struggles she gives him an ultimatum after some breaking point or other like what he did to Modi that 90 founder oh that's a death guess and if that ultimatum worked well good for them truly hey mimir do you ever notice the word talk to his hammer oh still doing that is he yeah is he like Charming the steel or things fell or something no just a wheel come here why doesn't Thor look like he did in that statue we saw in the lake back when it was still a little late it did the fuss then Thor saw it second sculptor was a great deal more complementary so that explains why Odin's statue doesn't quite look like him either heimdall's dead happen to know something about that anything well I mean everyone hated them sure sure but have you seen anything something noteworthy [Music] you know he did sock through it pretty hard while we were out maybe someone found out even I I don't know are you suggesting my son had something to do with this I don't know honest well I had to ask never believed you had anything to do with this I'm glad you're back so I figured out what went wrong I'm just translated a word here did you know I thought it said beyond the Cry of cold breath but it actually reads the Cry of first breath well that's somewhere else entirely I know where that is young man you've done it again go take the mask take the sword take the bird find Thor going to need for time I see too I'm it's fine [Music] hey Thor seems like it might be a bad time so if you need a moment I totally understand no rush but I right where I thought you'd be shouldn't have brought her here relaxing did I say no rush I meant we should get going right we don't want to keep the all father quiet he's right you should get going dad don't do this it's already done let it be known the God of Thunder is good for two things killing Giants and fishing me [Applause] any man who disagrees will greet mjolnir with its face [Music] this isn't you Thor hmm hugin is waiting outside please just I said quiet boy my name is that's enough oh yeah through I'm getting our weapons what happened you could be helping more don't you think [Music] ing too much seriously [Music] the door is right there [Music] thank you foreign [Music] that's good [Music] oh Odin be mad I'm killing him you're already dead foreign again foreign what if you started again right now just put down the grab his arms let's get him out of here I'm sorry you had to see him like this no no it's fine really hey I'm strong but you've got to help me out here come on it's not there laughs Thor get up ah 30. you are going to needfulheim with Loki all father's orders you have to get a pointed no no no no that was a glorious fight if you don't even say you're sorry this time can you it's what's one more broken promise thank you grandfather treated you like crap you were struggling I get it but you can't just we're here for you [Music] mom and I we're here for you even when you're here we love you you know that I just thought this was behind us foreign let's make this quick when I heard you get back to Asgard just get us to that mask piece who looks up to you I hope you know that don't need a lecture about parenting from you just find the thing Loki you really keep trying to I don't even know what you did right have giant son of a powerful god with impossibly high expectations how could I ever know what that's like you know I'm not trying to do anything I'm just pointing out we're not that different I got no interest in bonding over shared blood okay I just want to add one more thing can't be yourself you also might not feel like you can follow your own path that doesn't sound familiar to you at all so we've got some similar lighters what does it matter it seems stupid to gripe about the things we can't change says we can't what are you going to say when you see them again sift and through it I mean if All fathers please it doesn't matter I don't need you to solve my family problems for me just find the mask just get out of here you're enjoying the freedom out here without fother I uh well yeah I guess it's different from what I'm used to in a good way looks like we got to get up that Cliff which I think no thinking foreign it's better when I know it's gonna happen Thor I am hope everything goes okay when you see Siff and do it again well hoping's better than thinking that was close um thanks or wasn't about to lose that now okay we did it we are on the verge of great things all of our work together welcome I'm sorry you are here why his father murdered heimdel for said he has proof take him no leave him alone I command it you you had no more Ace your blood would be spilled you said family comes first I think that this is retribution for him being here he's put your granddaughter in danger he's made your son miserable Loki didn't kill Heimdall his father did your daughter is old enough to make her own mistakes and your husband started drinking again all on his own dismissed you too a word [Music] he's not protecting us magni Modi our boys we used to tell them stories by the fire do you remember we would carve those wooden horses we would play and laugh until the sun sank and they fell asleep in our labs they were thrown at the all-fathers problems like brittle knives to a mountain face and for what what if through it's next you kill my son sleep night in their beds turn my father against me my daughter I have no idea what's happening you know I finally thought of something I can teach you better be right father I'm worried about Thor why last time you fought you couldn't beat him what happens when we meet him again what'll be different from last time last time you were not with me wow thanks [Music] but he didn't follow us from midgard Curious he'll keep Thor busy at least foreign [Music] looks like the giant giants made it after all that looks different he is different but when I was away uh uh never mind later the an area's link to Valhalla my sisters and I must sever It Go still no sign of the dwarves injury won't let us down we have to trust him rally all you can we will make for this fun of Hunter dad will never let them get their grandfather then go with him he'll listen to you are you ready to go find the rest of your people yeah I love you Mom I love you too finally [Music] shoot it [Music] let's go well done son foreign yeah I didn't want to listen that may not be our biggest problem right now get back to your sister you must hold back Ragnarok this fight is mine but if I could just take a trace of the mask and do not look back my son trusts you so I trust you [Music] I am done with you and your son foreign no more [ __ ] games and this sun I'm allowed to kill you do not need to do this we do it's what we are can you be enough fighting time [Music] enough don't act like you know [Music] you attack my daughter no I did not you bring me to my home my family let's go [Music] one of us died today oh everything was fine foreign [ __ ] foreign [Music] what the [ __ ] are you waiting for your daughter my son calls her friend if you try to hurt her I would not don't you know What I've Done yes I destroy us no more no more for the sake of our children we must be better foreign [Music] are you talking who told you to do that you don't talk you don't think I think you killed it's a simple [ __ ] concept was right about you I just didn't want to see it what is this are you broken I am your father take the hammer and kill who I tell you to kill no I didn't want this I did not want this no dude this was old therefore they've done this to us to our family [Music] looks like I gotta do everything around here outside [Music] mom stop it I'm fine gosh gosh Loki so glad you're both alive you have no idea and I'm sorry Thor he was he tried you know I'm sorry I couldn't do more nothing will fix what you're feeling but I hope there's some comfort and knowing Odin's gone there are absolute absolutely is Loki it was an honor to fight alongside a giant know that will you stay here in midgard for a bit then I've got something I need to find I'm working with Hilda's Vini to get the rest of the asgardians to Anaheim to help rebuild then I hope it can be a fresh start for them and you oh and through I hope you find what you're looking for good luck see ya Loki take care wait a bloody moment is that Thor's hammer and his daughter I'll make you proud dad well good for heart didn't I tell you all there because I'm gonna see Half Crazy to say it but I've got a good feeling about that rude girl never mind in what family she came from I quite agree she's an impressive young woman I thought you might well I ain't never seen anyone quite so Austra because when she laid eyes on you back at the hole like Layton Gerardo she was apparently quite eager to learn from all the Valkyries now that she has mjolnir I expect her next stop will be to begin training with secret I think brocken's injury would be happy knowing that hammers finally with someone worthy to wield it and a future Valkyrie no less
Channel: VGS - Video Game Sophistry
Views: 184,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All thor scenes god of war, God of war ragnarok thor, all thor scenes god of war, thor god of war ragnarok, god of war thor, god of war all thor scenes, god of war ragnarok thor fight, god of war ragnarok thor scenes, god of war ragnarok thor and odin, god of war ragnarok the story of thor, god of war ragnarok the story of, god of war ragnarok thor, god of war ragnarok thor vs kratos, god of war ragnarok thor death, god of war ragnarok thor and atreus, thor god of war, thor, vgs
Id: raZS1eXaLIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 6sec (4386 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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