GOD OF WAR RAGNAROK Full Movie (2023) 4K ULTRA HD Action

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ah hungry what's next oh storm is getting worse I'll get them ready foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] need help [Music] ready foreign [Music] is it her state is not far not again get ready [Music] laughs oh no well we're not your enemies [Applause] please don't make me do this foreign [Music] or three of us Dave we made it let us go home it's Becky it's fauna up I got it foreign [Music] go on girls foreign it's okay boy you're okay I know I missed you too where's your food still hungry come on boy you need to eat why too big there you go oh boy all right as the time draws near you must prepare yourself for what he's still eating he wants to live [Music] you're a good good a brave boy fast and strong but you can rest now okay I'll be okay you can let go now you have to let go so if not Opera they sue so it's on [Music] foreign [Music] what no it's the middle of the night night does not stop our enemies why what for training is all we ever do ever it's not enough we can't hide forever not ready we'll go time is running out the prophecy say femble winter leads to Ragnarok war is coming whatever Loki's supposed to be doing he's supposed to be doing it now my story doesn't end hiding in these Woods I should be out there finding out who I am who Loki is I will not allow you to pick a fight with gods I don't want to fight anyone I just want answers war with Asgard maybe that's what mother won the [ __ ] mother wanted looks like we never will look I have a moment alone with fenrir before I bury him [Music] foreign [Music] expression anywhere care to tell me what went wrong it's gone oh no no not fenlier how's the lad taking it dwell bury him oh damn it all right brother good night there foreign hmm [Music] Kratos are you joining me foreign gonna make me pick that one up good boy very Birds is running out my love and there is much to do brother foreign hence my bellowing you never came back from Daddy and the Wolf it's been some time pick him up before us where are you [Music] well we found the bear oh he found out Kevin he's looking all right [Music] foreign thank you Victorious let's try it the trash what first Focus heal Ed what happened you do not remember um I prayed fenrir and then I'm I'm not sure I was so sad and then I was angry and scared I remember running there was a bear charging and I charge back that had to be a dream no emotions they transformed you I I didn't know I could do that you do not do anything they overcame you that is why we must not abandon your training we do not know the reach of her abilities dangerous without discipline to control them you've already taught me discipline I need more than that I need answers answers you don't have answers only your mother had withheld what if there was someone who could help us someone that could give us answers about the Giants and who Loki's supposed to be wouldn't that help to understand where I'm becoming lotteries I might have killed you until you learn control we'll take more unnecessary risks inaction is also a risk you taught me that stop thinking like a father for a moment and start thinking like a general no no collect yourself this one foreign [Music] [Music] I didn't mean to intent does not matter [Music] only consequences [Music] what [Music] what can we do nature will take its course [Music] [Applause] all right as evenings go that was entirely too eventful you know I had met it was a bit like all times there at the moment the three of us navigating some hitherto and happened upon patch of forest in a while since you've joined us if that's what you mean ah well just tired I suppose you've seen one deer hunt you've seen them all how can you feel tired when you never sleep there are other kinds of tired lad you'll see when you're older now have a proper rest my brothers things are always brighter in the morning what was that the ball who are you can I come in I have meat you would not find me good company no I'm sure we'll find lots to talk about yeah nice place foreign foreign why are you here just do that being polite you seem like a calm and reasonable person are you a calm and reasonable person and if the moment calls for a calm I'd say the moment calls for calm you know who I am back before winter set in there were some misunderstandings incredible ones but I think we all have a better idea of who we're dealing with now what you did to his boys self-defense dying is what we easily live for and let's be honest they were kind of useless but balder he had value he was my best tracker my closer yeah his mind was gone sure but he had his uses and now he's gone because of you you follow me you have a debt you're no fun anymore what do you want foreign how about peace how does peace strike the esteemed retired God of War how about we just don't kill each other how about you stay home kick up your feet seek no quarrel with me and I'll have none with you of course it means that that one that one has to stop his search for tear yeah yeah we know what you Egypt to stop it tears always are dead he is dead you understand and then that's it there was Square [ __ ] I'll even sweeten the deal I'll let you keep the prisoner that I know you stole that's right I know you're in here somewhere you silver tongue little [ __ ] why should we believe in one of you one of your promises ever been what there he is my old partner in crime he's lost weight if he tells you snow is white he's lying what kind of wisdom is that can't the smartest head alive see past himself see that we all want the same thing all right here's the deal I know you can trust I'll settle your debt with my ax keep prayer off your back keep your boy safe that's really all you want isn't it so what do you say no don't take all day about time I've been waiting for this you're not from here we got a tradition called our blood payments it means I get appeals of you for what you took from my family you'll pick it up wait [Music] all right what's for Boulder now show me this God killer I've heard so much about it goes to the smartest thing yeah there's no one I'm capable of show me [Music] sorry about your statute here you preachy old stiff did my son die to Blind [ __ ] luck I've done that you think you can come here come a daddy get a clean slate that ain't how it works you're a destroyer like me oh no I say when we're done I'm not leaving till I see the real you get up this is the Moody you put him last even in death the [ __ ] you say moody sought Us in fear of you he died of the woods you gave him oh we got a model father here this feels familiar what don't matter wow I see why my sons fell to you even missed lesser version of you but I am not my sons and your boy our father had plans for him oh foreign [Music] there's the God of War consider your blood debt pain seeing you told you he'd make it Kratos it's injury and Brock that was quite a fight can we oh now Odin is with atreus brother I was about to look for you are you what does he want to uh pay for the roof and he invited me to Asgard Daddy I couldn't hear once he went outside I told him no obviously why were you searching for tear if I told you I was looking for him you would have said not to so you hit the truth for me I wanted to tell you I really did but now that you know there's something you should see no trust me you want to you have broken my trust then let me regain it let me show you what I found besides we haven't seen the last of Odin or Thor and clearly they can just walk in and blast holes in our home whenever they want there's only one way to get them off our backs I think I know how sir Zoe gather your things foreign are you ready go and keep that change you bastard foreign you watching well that's new [Music] come on address wait yeah I don't think he's waiting [Music] what is this slide where are we Somewhere Only Giants were meant to see these shrines tell their stories to the world but it turns out the real stories the secret stories those they kept here inside you remember the story of skoln hottie the wolf Giants Odin captured them because he thinks it'll help him control when Ragnarok starts I remember but that's not the whole story see this shows the giant setting skull and hobby free they are free is this the past the past or the future pens when you're looking at it looking like a giant see the wolves are safe somewhere in Vanna hunt it's all the first place Odin would look I suppose there they are chasing the sun and moon old habits until look the moon gets stolen somehow atreus see hottie's got nothing to Chase and they say Celestial theft is a victimless crime not totally sure who this is but someone comes along and rescues the moon and then the moon blocks out the sun I got a total eclipse I haven't seen one of those in a hundred Winters but then they chase an arrow and things go back to normal what does any of this have to do we're coming to that look here's Ragnarok do you see who's leading the armies against Odin that's a tear if he's gonna be around at Ragnarok that means he's got to be alive right I'm here can this be Odin told me he killed Tia and he trusted me at the time or so I thought what if he didn't kill him what if he's just had him locked up some more all this time we are back to IFS enough wait we are going home wait I have one more thing to show you it's just out here what is this everything I found well almost everything fast giant craftsmanship you've been to your home again no I found it in one of the other shrines oh that's right how many have you visited I well all of them all the ones I could still get to in midgard anyway I don't know what it is but it's important just like all this when I was inside one of the shrines I saw an image of tear imprisoned but I couldn't tell where there are hints inside the other shrines you mentioned black smoke and the bleeding Earth but we can never figure out exactly we yeah Century's been helping me look I talked him into it it wasn't his idea I just needed someone to watch my back black smoke leading Earth the prison being Muslim unlikely Gordon's got no presence to speak of in the primordial realms for the bleeding out sounds like a mine eye the realm of the dwarves verbs Sparkle Fame that's a good bet their minds did belts black smoke and Odin's had his thumb on the dwarves for a very long time that's it then tearsen's vital find somewhere imprisoned in a mine so what now oh come in come in now if you would just wipe your feet very thoroughly I'll wait you're not gonna wipe your feet are you okay then your bedrooms are there the kitchen is just over there any anybody need a snack Kratos snack I do not need a snack what we need is your help getting to svato Farms so we can try and rescue tear to tear alive I mean that's a what it's okay I told him everything everything you waited my son disobeying me no I I kept an eye on him on your behalf nothing risky everything very safe somebody else speak what's important right now is that we try and open up travel between Realms again said you know a way yes I do I just it's just there's it's just a lot of mud then why haven't you opened the way already man well to be frank there was something we needed your help with oh the holder Brothers finally require the services of the smartest man alive that's it precisely not so fast how'd that get in here when the hell is it Anyway that is my son well what in all Yarns me to happen to him he's too damn tall now and he looks like that I Blame You yeah come on then let's get him something that fits at least he's just getting older you dark frat didn't you ever have an awkward Fizz in your youth hey I suppose what's done is done but you'll be putting your foot down from now on if you know what's good oh he's trying believe me all right let's gear you [ __ ] up before you go off gallivant do you know this um busted up good wouldn't you rather I just whip you up a new one important to me well I'll see what I can do in the meanwhile how about I fix you up with something to get you by the bifrost is broken now that we've reconfigured these gateways to use idrisil seeds you won't need a travel table or a bifrost lamp anymore I also used it for light okay good note I'll figure something out but first come on let me show you how it works foreign sorry one more thing although these are gifts I'm giving to you so I shouldn't be sorry and you should be thankful anyways here please be careful it's beautiful thanks indri it is beautiful isn't it it's also very useful you'll be able to find anything your heart desires with it really as long as your heart desires the locations your father and you decide and plot to travel together then yes it is a compass ah but a beautiful Compass now Scamper off [Music] we're looking for darling you have an appointment um no has anyone ever had an appointment here you collect on something pal thank uh for riding a civil dead around on Europe is going to scare me into somehow approving Esther secretion proposal I we are looking for a prisoner of Odin he's being kept in a mine somewhere some friends of ours said that you can help where did you get each of her head off with that too right she was my wife Dina and I wonder where she went after a little cooler filed failed they is dead rest of them are [Music] ones left alive after by the cross I'm afraid I can't help you with your little prisoner situation but he could have answers on how to stop Odin and free spotify'll find from the ace here now I'm not in the business of crossing the old father anymore right before you go take this what is it a fine hygiene code violation for improper transport of a rotting head uh two demerits for speaking to you all fathers give a name and uh yeah for [ __ ] up my desk a fine at your leisure okay get out of my office oh my God there's a name I don't miss hearing no one said it until you're dead just now don't let I didn't need to say it but it was written all over his face uh well fund I should say into his head he burned that into derlin's head real rebellions into Warren Swift and enduring retribution he is you know that one thing's so dangerous in a man has lack of doubt [Music] it looks like we're here come on [Music] [Applause] tear what trickery the soda what game do you play with me now we're not with Odin we're the good guys foreign I know you God killer that you come from me now only to free you stay away brother let me try dear dear look you know me don't you you killed Vermeer no no no no no no yeah we we brought him right back yeah stay away from me you monsters stop we need him wait leave me alone dear listen I swear we're not here to hurt you we're just trying to get you away from me please take you somewhere safe away from Odin show Mercy this is my father we help people I don't belong out here please it's worse when he's angry I'm not a soldier are you not a leader of men Master yourself my son brought us to this place for you look at him you why you don't know me I know what you stood for you helped the Giants we're returning the favor we we are leaving are you coming with us [Music] thank you here your statue in the lake you had a spear I thought you needed a walking stick oh be kind thought but no thank you no but okay I I ran because I don't always know what's real is sometimes there's no shame in that brother we live in strange times everyone hears him talk we must return over before we go any further the truth what is it you want from me you speak of Ragnarok is it a God of War you can't just find is that the tear you need atreus I forgive me that I am grateful for my freedom but if you want me to follow you to war or worse yet lead you to it then kill me now my fight is gone damage is done no one's killing you brother I heard that and to live to see Ragnarok we do not seek war we just want some answers I don't know how to help you it doesn't matter the Giants trusted you that's the tear we need we need you all right all I ask is for a good night's rest and maybe some food I think you killed the guards bringing me dinner so can we talk about what to do next there is much to consider we will speak in the morning oh okay in the morning hold still come see what I got for you I'm sure we won't be interrupting any goings on what are you thinking brother I am thinking I want things to be the way they were well I'd like to claim a tea again satin ships have sailed Restless I care only for your safety I know brother but wanting him too tight won't keep him out of danger the lad's determined to make a few mistakes of his own and I hate to say it I think tear might be one of them I've never seen a man broken so completely his game is fresh too much ah perhaps pretty I still wants to kill you that's an ally we could use that is not an option no I don't suppose it is you cannot sneak up on me like that there's something I have to do in midgard what well me I thought we were partners we are just wasn't sure you'd want to join me I'm visiting an old friend oh or possibly not doing that taking into account she's determined to murder you she wouldn't really oh look I think it's lovely that you see the best in people I really do and I want you to continue to see the best in people by not getting yourself murdered but we need her it's worth the risk is it though [Music] told you he's gone well have you tried calling him blowing the horns the first thing we try I'm not talking about the horn s that's not weird at all oh [Music] my God [Music] lukia what is that what is that oh that's all you're gonna say well don't let us keep you up or anything go talk what do you think it means we should have stayed home let's head back you should have stayed with cindry wait stop your father where is he not here sent you no he doesn't know you shouldn't have come he took my son what makes you think I won't do the same you're better than this nothing [Music] you would stake your life on it what do you know of me I know you haven't killed me yet so while you're thinking it over why don't you let me go and I can tell you why I came you mean to plead for your father save your breath his fate is sealed for you knows to blame for everything I cannot get to Odin nor do I need to Ragnarok will take him yeah well what if I told you that he came to midgard he came to us offered peace if we don't move against him claims ragnarok's already been averted he lies Maybe but if you know girl's prophecy you know it depends on an army of giants the Giants wait for war in yotenheim no I've been there is no giant army there are no Giants at all just me you in yodenheim you learn the truth my mother was the last guardian of our people in midgard and and that's not all the Giants have prophecies about me they know me as Loki I think maybe I'm supposed to help stop Odin somehow but since all the Giants are dead and you won't fight Odin and he's already won [Music] why are we working together now that you can fight again I am far from home okay okay but we found here maybe if you spoke to him tears alive yeah we we broke him out of sort of fun impossible the nine Realms are closed to all no we opened up the way we just don't know where to go next but if we all band together enough [Music] leave this place go into not return go before I change my mind do not expect the same Mercy for your father perhaps as we travel you can tell me the tale of your prior visit to the land of the elves sure I can I'll find it's been so long many times but she was plagued by constant vision so conversation was difficult to say the least [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what are you doing hey father she's she's gone moving [Music] the Giants always did enjoy hiding their secrets in plain sight wait until you see this ah yes here we have Growers search for her missing husband she was relentless in an attempt to find him meditated for weeks on end unfortunately she found something else a vision of Ragnarok word of grow his vision reached Odin he sought her out demanded a private retelling didn't like what he had apparently Ironwood that's the I don't know what that is the mythical Sanctuary for Giants curious so it's in yodon I know some Giants thought so but Ironwood isn't anywhere lad it's a concept A metaphorical Paradise it's not real presumably grower requested her ashes be returned to yotenheim while her soul found peace in the light difficult to imagine Odin respecting those wishes hmm Champion I think it's supposed to be me you too much I best not to read into these abstractions so literally prophecies are slippery by Nature although some are more obvious than others Ragnarok I the end of everything so this is it there's nothing we can do to stop it there must be a way why else is this hidden look here this is what we saw it's you fighting in Ragnarok no I don't watch this then that's new Asgard is destroyed [Music] but the other Realms thrive she lied you know I lied of course she did Gordon's working off a false prophecy so then we can win Ragnarok we can beat Odin we are not present in any of this but that was cheer leading the charts against Asgard plus hell's Army was there and the elves champion okay whoever that is doesn't matter but for the first time we know something Odin doesn't we just saw we can win here I won't allow prophecy to Define my choices but we just saw no atreus it's wrong [Music] there is much to discuss greatest time [Music] oh no no audreyas hold on over here you're changed ah um laughs agreed off are you invented oh sir hey here thanks and I'm sorry about before I I no I am sorry I should never have come we shouldn't linger it's funny right nothing seems to settle myself eat oh careful careful thank you enjoy enjoy my friends yeah we'll see about that here you are a meal fit for a champion enough I said we would speak no more of that yes of course didn't mean to offend uh I'm not offended just a word the word didn't clouds your judgment so you really don't think it means anything after the journey mom sent us on everything we saw in Jordan hunt what was it all for don't you ever think about that every day but I cannot believe her purpose was to inspire you to take foolishness but what if the Giants are counting on me what Giants that use the Judgment of a man and not of a child but what if Loki going to Ironwood is the only way that freyas my son and nothing more do you hear me I'm not hungry anymore give me Kratos my words were chosen carelessly you really should eat some people swear by it on almost a daily basis I just don't understand why is there all this stuff about Loki champion and iron would have none of it he's just so mind if I give you the best advice you've heard all day and possibly ever sleep that's when All the Troubles of your mind work themselves out sure fine sleep sounds great I mean it I do too get out of here ID already gone foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] whatever I wish I'd known I was a God in alphon I wouldn't have felt so bad about killing so many elves what's going on is that a mask I gotta get out of here [Music] okay he should pay for what he said about mother oh we're God you can do whatever we want please please wait please stop foreign much better knife than mothers please stop [Music] where am I easy huh [Music] I'm not finished with it yet the pain is made from the bark of the Ironwood trees they absorb the memories of the forest so that the paint remembers too memories of the past of the future [Music] I'd hate to get blood on it oh it's really you uh you know who I am what's wrong waiting my whole life for this moment [Music] huh you look weirder than I imagined oh sorry [Music] um was that mean kind of damn it I'm already messing this up it's just you're the first person that I've talked to and a very long time [Music] and weird can be good thanks [Music] let's start over I'm angry Boda you must have a lot of questions uh yeah follow me you'll get your answers soon enough well some of them ready yeah I'm ready hit I've seen this before where we scattered mother's ashes it was on the wall everything had happened already it's the way it said but this part was damaged oh that's us it's in the bag [Music] huh I wonder who he is no no it's not right that can't be what happens [Music] oh no no this isn't real iron was not real the ungar's not real none of this is real hey hey you're okay you're okay it'll be okay look at me hey hey hey hey hey hey hey calm down calm down it's fine hey hey breathe good mine's good see it's okay Let It Go come on back foreign sorry I don't know what happened don't worry about it it happens to everyone that happens to everyone not the wolf part but getting scared about your future that cannot be my future it says I serve Odin and my father dies there's just no way look this is the only way things turn out the sooner you accept that the better foreign forget about that now forget the future forget Loki you're a giant and you're clearly coming into some powers that you don't understand yet come on let's take a walk you can help me with something and I'll teach you you know giant stuff come on I got it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] marbles wait you've seen these before not these but I found a few in midgar where inside your mother's murals that's you're more out there what are they just look [Music] The Artsy roller hey careful [Music] Bara Giants these belong to the Giants [Music] these are they had a choice they could stand yodenheim waiting for Odin to find a way in to slaughter them or they could hide my father helped whisper their souls into these before he died he passed them on to me the knees how they are your responsibility [Music] are you sure huh [Music] that's what my mother saw you're supposed to know what to do with them when the time comes and when's that I don't know set back this is a lot of responsibility it is it's all yours hey you okay yeah yeah no I'm just I'm done I guess now that I've given you those my part in all this is over you could always come with me we could fight out in together fight alongside you I wouldn't disappear from your damn mirror halfway through I understand well we shouldn't break up the set don't you think let's keep walking a shortcut good girl you can do it yala I believe in you let's give y'allah a break I meant what I said before you know buy your paintings they're really good are you trying to cheer me up yeah is it working ask me again oh damn time [Applause] [Music] shut up too late to why now damn it who was that Carla she enough what's wrong with it I can't feel anything there's nothing to feel Carla was put it slow away you know where she lives what are you gonna do I've buried enough wolves this winter follow me almost got it foreign I can't feel anything just like the other one you took it soul there's not much more we can do hold this what are you doing I have a least favorite Giant did you what never mind this one no you can't your mother said I'd know what to do with these yes eventually I just gave them to you I know but they can't hide forever right and we can't just leave it here to die sure [Music] I actually don't know how to do this part okay together then thank you thank you wait that's it where's it going that even work I don't know here but you're giving up already they're your responsibility it's not I just think they're better off with you okay are you certain call me atreus okay enough whining and even remember in a moment [Applause] tell her no because we are going to stop her I've avoided this for too long not well no should be thanking me what good does a soul to anybody just a vessel for pain damn near and view I'll distract her you free the wolf then we break The Cauldron sure no we can't hide forever [Music] [Music] I told you never to come back here that's right look at me there's so many things I've forgotten and you refuse to be one of them it doesn't have to if Ragnarok is coming wouldn't you rather face it together Destiny everything for anybody [Music] ah you brought afraid get out of my house to here follow me over there gotta destroyed that cauldron where's his way across you hiding state away from that no stop it no oh God oh what did you go I saved you um I should have thrown you to the Wolves right after I pulled you out of your mother get out you just got out no foreign you think you've done something here granddaughter you are nothing and no one will ever remember you not even Loki you'll just be a forgotten chapter in his story he'll be too busy morning his father I see you again with your parents you sure it's all right to leave her here what if she comes out looking for she used to leave me food what she'd say she didn't care about me but sometimes I'd wake up and I'd see a loaf of bread sitting next to the fire pick just the way she always used to he's not a monster you know she's lost foreign so prove me wrong one two three go fine [Music] you coming or what oh no you don't almost there [Music] you've really made me work for it work for it he wrote a magic Fox the whole way flokey atreyas thank you I'm sorry she was so hard on you me too you still don't believe it do you I can't think I'm being stupid I think you care for your dad so much you can't conceive of a world where you let him get hurt foreign I need to show you something laughing my mother's I wish it weren't empty but I know how it feels to lose a parent to lose both your mother may be gone but your father you've still got time to say goodbye I know what you're trying to say and I appreciate it I do but I don't know we've got to be more than a bunch of stars with our endings already written what happens to you now foreign like I said once you're gone my part in this is over stay I think your part is as big as you want it to be what are you gonna do [Music] no idea I can't just sit back and let my dad die I gotta get back [Music] huh Stars here are different you just are I am gonna see you again sure okay now close your eyes and hold that tight you don't want to lose it home think of it repeat it [Music] like that oh no other Home other Home other home [ __ ] [Music] foreign for two days I do not lie to me again why did you come here alone do you seek death no more than you then why why [Music] what is it you will not tell me I have tried to walk this path with you we follow you everywhere but you don't believe in any of it and still I follow because all that matters is that you are safe but that's not all that matters who's keeping you safe you sure about that what do you know I can't talk about it but I just need you to trust me you kept secrets but I trust you that's not the same why not you hate things mother hit things you had good reasons and so do I why can't you just later come on now hurry up [Music] every agony every violation imagines wow [Music] she was our friend [Music] oh waitress luxurious [Music] [Music] Maybe for the moment you're of more use to me this home oh really you will tell the truth when I return now I must set things right we'll take him oh your majesty a pleasure to see you again do not let him out of your sight you heard him Sunshine come on get a move on what is it do you want I refuse to remain bound to this realm we travel to vanheim well guess it's just your sin one gateway to Manheim coming right up wait foreign [Music] what do we have here oh one ice and another God to do his Dirty Work Thor too busy we'd be lots of Odin huh picked a dangerous place for sightseeing then no no need for threats brother oh I know that voice [Music] you know I'd cut off your head but it seems somebody beat me to it hi oh quite observant brother oh you're no brother of mine he sold my sister to that prick we broke it a piece oh get you now thank you where is it [Music] and where is my sister some dungeon and Asgard is she even alive answered me settle for blood stop what is that why do you speak in her voice it's me Envy there's no time to explain just listen these men are in my service I'm here to reclaim what's been taken from me it's too late you can undo what's been done I can I will now let them pass so let me serve my sister oh put them down sorry we got off on the wrong foot there stranger I'm pretty used to only seeing Ace here in these parts that typically get friendly faces that that is a friendly face right his name is Kratos and no the Acer and vanheim yeah we've been occupied since ah I lost count what is your plan I still got working on it um brother I think I could be of use here if my counsel is welcome I'll take what I can get your mission will go considerably smoother Without Me In the Mix come back for me when you're done foreign something's not right open Barrel tree roots found in Odin's damn knots that's how I did it come on wow it belongs to Odin no it protects wherever they are I have it in that case [Music] she will guard them with her life foreign [Music] oh God oh it's going back in we will not let it cool [Music] I have to break his hold on me and you are in the way ah [Music] laughs [Music] [Applause] yes ow get out of the face [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh my God is it done [Music] it's over that's that's really and now that you have what you seek I suppose this is the point where I forgive you or I kill you [Music] have you decided to be honest I don't think I can do either there's still a part of me that is so angry and it'll always be it'll always be angry but no you are not the one who needs to die I do see that look everything that's happened between us no need to explain not to me [Music] watch for that [Music] I do not regret saving your life and never will but the choice between life and death should have been yours to make should not have robbed you of that choice [Music] foreign we learned the Giants rescued them from Odin and brought them here beautiful now a far cry from the sheets of midgard snow I've grown accustomed to no it really is you [Music] you returned to us at last yes uh let's celebrate you reclaim the throne will rebuild me and you against the world huh just like the old days I'm not staying I don't understand you're here maybe together we can take back what's ours I only just got back what's mine I still have work to do you've seen what's left of the realm right do we really mean that little to you you question my loyalty vanheim turns its back on me oh you still can't let go of that old fight it was my duty to save as many of our people as possible my responsibility one you didn't take seriously then and from the looks of it one you don't know you think this is a game to me yeah we lost everything to that Maniac you called husband the Man's family set me on fire how did you expect me to react like my brother like the boy that used to have my back no matter what and who I always supported no matter how selfish is choices I expected you come and find me that no matter how hurt or angry you wouldn't to me Freya please [Music] I thought you were dead yeah I've had to live life times I thought it last awful words I said to you [Music] know what that's like knowing that your own selfishness hurt the person that you cared about the most oh freyja I mourned you oh I missed you so much [Music] and I hearing me [Music] thank you but I won't bind myself to another realm when I finally I'll send help though and I will come back [Music] this hasn't been your home for a long time has it oh yes do what you gotta do all right all right that's enough he's all got nothing better to do than gawking at Family sorting squabbles come on you two not you for two games you better screw his head back on and I mean tightly so you're back are you ready to answer me about what where did you go you see was it Odin what is that what you think do you deny it answer me did you go to Asgard no of course not but so what if I did it's my future it's my life you are my son then why don't you trust me if you want me to trust you then tell me the truth the truth is you're being a complete [ __ ] logic you know that's no way to change a man's mind he doesn't have any faith in me it's fine if he keeps Secrets it's fine if mom did that is not fine her secrets I'll have to be stuck with this path oh okay so you don't believe in her anymore either this is not about your mother what you have done after lie wonder where I learned that that's quite enough since when do you always take his side except he became no one making sense look I was only thinking about going to Odin but I swear it's for a good reason there is no good reason to go to Odin he'll only Cloud your mind but I'd be going for us I gotta stop something bad from happening something bad did happen look at me but fear a tear Odin did this to us what's got everyone caterwalling all of a sudden atreus wants to go to Asgard Asgard you kicked in the head or something great I guess everybody's against me now you choose who you're going to be are you going to continue to lie and keep things from me or are you my son choose I never get to choose just leave me alone listen let go of me what the [ __ ] a chance it's injury just just try to keep control [Music] foreign [Music] Charlie please please Charlie [Music] hey big guy I'm here now don't you worry I need to get you warm [Music] you're gonna have to stand to let me into that house I think you can do that [Music] come on Charlie you have to do this all right I can't help if you don't Emily Emily [Music] good good boy you're welcome foreign can't stay I just can't let my dad die too there's got to be something I can do it's okay buddy think he's here for me I'll be okay I think [Music] okay I'm ready take me to him wow [Music] oh dear [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh I'm just getting my bangs well there's I'm gonna see this way except the big wall is there a gate to go through nope not unless you're an AC or God but I guess you know that if you were an ace or God me no I'm from Edgar what no [ __ ] me too I'm skilled here Loki hang on are you all from midgard yep the uh all father say this from the desolation gave us a safe place to settle but we don't go in there can't get into the city unless you know Magic you you don't know magic do you a little bit yeah what no [ __ ] do you walk through walls not yet ah couldn't I just climb over it that without any gear no aren't you afraid of dying oh yeah I mean look at that but oh no wait you know the all father um sort of his Apprentice no [ __ ] what is he teaching you I'm not sure well how many other students I don't know how long you staying you don't know okay I'm gonna go climb that wall now [Music] okay I can do this I can do this almost there hello no uh hi so what part of the enormous wall made you think oh visitors must be welcome I was sent for actually by Odin the all father sent for you great then why are you out there and not in here why don't we ask them together hmm are you finished now what could Odin oh Father King of the Acer possibly want with the likes of you that's between me and Odin [Laughter] I think you could pull me up or no I don't think I will I think maybe I'll drop you no no no no no yes I'm going to drop you goodbye they come mad the all father's gonna be when when he finds out you killed his guest low key of the yotinar I am not your enemy I will be the judge of that that is the great lodge which the all-father built with his own hands I'm sorry if that is a letdown for you real power you see does not need to flaunt it emerges when the time is right don't you agree hey whoa hey helmets I brought you a practice wow I do have to say Loki I am profoundly unimpressed you should probably stay down great knock it off like it or not he's our father's guest I thought I smelled something more steps you're not gonna like other sins really and how do you intend to stop me looked into my eyes you tell me let me sick man Rocky you made it I am so honored I I see you've met Heimdall he reads Minds for me the boy is false all father this young man who is my guest is covered in mud care to explain he means to betray you is that true Loki you a little trickster uh I'm just messing around of course he means to betray me huh Heimdall why else would he come I've given him no reason to trust me not yet but he's got some very big questions and I have so many answers to get what are you up to dismissed go gladly and you clean yourself up Heimdall will you just relax were you intending on killing me first thing see what that's not good enough for you get out of here 's a lot I know very perceptive but sometimes he just forgets to think you know hey I got some places to be yep just over here feel free to come and go take what you need poke around as you please you're not my prisoner and more importantly I am not your father all father there's a situation that needs your attention you missed welcoming our new house guest say hello to Loki this is him here in our home how nice my diplomat everything all right new midgard the refugees are fine the situation is with the dwarves you know who is back yeah it's always something put those books down we got another stop to make uh sure whoa Loki right gotta say the irony of this isn't lost on me this was his room you know his my brothers your brother Modi ah your brother really I had no idea uh-huh [Music] and now it's yours enjoy third first daughter relax you got some pretty small shoes to fill [Music] we're better off without him okay [Music] trust me [Music] walk with me [Music] uh don't forget your sword [Music] [Music] a someone will clean that up yes I I understand yes do you see me nodding and saying yes I understand I I um all right you see this is you not letting me talk no hugin I I don't need my ears clean I need you to stop croaking and and and accept the answer you know I'm about to give I was just looking at this that old thing I've had that since huh who can remember you have a name Ingrid really sure why not take it if you like it that much for real consider it a perk of the job thank you I mean really and they say I'm the bad guy come on let's walk [Music] you're welcome what is it that's what drives me you feel it don't you feels like knowledge truth all truth all the answers you can find out why we're here learn how to change our Fates stop Ragnarok for good maybe save the people we love how I was a young God when I found it spent lifetimes studying it following every clue down every dead end looking for and finally unearthing this shares the same mystical energy it opened a crack can we just look inside I wouldn't recommend that what's the broken mask for recognize any writing on it these aren't from the nine realms [Music] from smoldered Earth and obsidian Spark and a field of battles never fought are you certain because if that's the clue I know what it means and what's that keep working with me and find out you don't have to kill anyone you don't have to betray your father or yourself come on I know you felt what I felt the answers are in there let's get them I mean you translated this language like it was nothing if I do help you What's Next Door get down here oh Father don't do that what's next is chasing this down take this and this stealthy side of beef let's see where it takes you I don't promise anything no it says Happy Hunting and you go easy on him you hear me moose behind the rest of the Mask is here it's where our father dropped us what do you think take that and do your damn job listen Modi had some problems but he was my son and the only reason you are mush right now is because of that broken piece of wood look clearly neither of us can do this Mission alone and I want to impress the odd father just as much as you do you don't have to like me but we're gonna have to trust each other just a little bit Trust it's here this is the spot well where is it in the lava I don't know right no no ah damn it some advice sticking your hand in lava is Never Gonna feel good I wasn't thinking good it's better that way all right let's get out of here oh try to play me again you're an okay kid still a giant and I'll revelant kill you too all right what did you do Loki the rift got brighter look you did it look one of these phrases is complete now we can read it all but you can't translate it not yet see I got a little Theory I think if we can find the rest of this we can use it to look into that without you know losing an eye or worse look at this we make a good team don't we don't we make a good damn team just like you don't bother you both behave out there Thor was really great I've learned a lot from him you learned something from him really now okay what did you teach the kid nothing what could I possibly teach him exactly ah I was wondering where that went actually I had a pretty good idea change of heart I'm not really sure why I came to Asgard but I realize now it wasn't to be a spy I need you to know you can trust me and if I'm gonna help you take this to the end I need to be able to trust you and trust is earned I get it take this figure out the rest of it if you're staying that is you're gonna tell me what you're really looking for in there translate that and I'll tell you everything and on that young man you can trust me foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign no news I'm afraid plan do you not Rewards you found them once could you do so again I could try but I don't see how that how are the fates of these lands are they not I would know what they know you may not find them Cooperative as long as I find them where do we search midgard but if atreus is an Asgard there's no getting him back without an army we should be raising one yes nothing like a catastrophic War to improve the situation the boy seems quite capable perhaps if you simply give him some time you are not free of blame here infusion I do not seek war but if Odin has stolen my son do not doubt the links I will go to your Nature has always been clear Kratos but you Freya or as a first Resort it's not the Freya I knew I hope the norns can give you the counsel you need perhaps mine is no longer of use here tear stop this is no time to divide ourselves further come sit please you have been quiet frankly I'm surprised you of all people would seek out fate but you know instincts haven't let us down so far let's find the norms that's a good laugh lovely creatures but temperamental by reputation in my line they keep children away from the lost by telling them a kelpie would drown them of course no kelpiano would do such a thing unless it was disrespected it walks on water I no mystical water steeds to speak of in Greece brother there were the hippocamps they serve the sea guard I battled one upon a Titan that might not be her favorite subject [Music] foreign Hideaway never doubt it would make it Kratos Freya and mimir's head enter the home of the norns tentatively [Music] they have finally reached their destination [Music] Kratos speaks first I seek my son you know the child is an Asgard no you seek what all who search for us see to know the ending to your story the ghost of Sparta furrows his brow menacingly he resists the urge to grunt more he fails you come to us piteous archetypes seeking freedom from your scripts as if knowing your lines would Grant you the power to rewrite them [Music] you will die Kratos of Sparta there is no Destiny Park the protagonists are speechless they do not understand there is no Grand Design no script only the choices you make that your choices are so predictable merely make us seem prescient when my son was born shut up eat your prophecy said he would die a needless death and he did because you could not let him go because he thirsted for Revenge and because you killed gods but what Kratos did it was not out of hate should I bring him a crown then he still slays Gods but now he's sad about it you are the sum of your choices nothing more and because your choices never change you will learn that Heimdall intends to kill your son and Asgard and you will do what you do best and then Ragnarok the skies burn the curtains fall exhumed Omni again he misses the point focusing on the second act to the exclusion of the final a common mistake in storycraft he Stomps away followed closely by Freya I enjoyed your story Kratos pity it has to end so soon [Laughter] [Music] well that was educational let us leave this place happily oh that's better I can feel things getting more normal already wait that tree well isn't that interesting what is this that's the Noose brother the one Odin hanged himself with as part of his endless mad quest for secrets of life and death and what have you what are you doing it's a charged object significant to Odin perhaps I'll find a use for it drop Mia I thought he knew these two necktie and oh didn't blame me for it disappearing they stole drop near we didn't steal nothing we just un gifted one never should have been gifted in the first place I will help me kill hot and all neither you mind all that it's a [ __ ] surprise we're artists but to even store drop near you'd need you were saying so now you intend to kill him down violence cannot prevent violence Kratos I truly thought you understood my son is in danger foreign [Music] [Music] ah [Music] a oh I'm gonna miss you little one oh got it I think I thought you didn't believe in fate we are all worried about your son enough heimdall's a threat not only to atreus to everyone he's Odin's left hand and he carries The Horde that begins Ragnarok if we have the chance to eliminate them she's just as likely a trap because the bastard knows your intentions Kratos I've never seen anyone so much as lay a finger on him not one well I gathered what's fit for Gathering how long will it take we'll have to go to spartal fine to get the rest of the materials not to mention we'll have to visit the lady oh that's a relief ow Kratos whenever you're ready [Music] the lady no idea what he's on about brother ah time to go see the lady I'll take it from here oh no this whole thing were my idea I'll speak to the lady I never get to speak to speak to the lake there are reasons for that Brock will go what no no no you heard him quit your friend I ain't gonna miss nothing what the um no you pimp shrimps think that'll keep us out think the [ __ ] again Brock where are we this here's your stop abandoned service time direct to the forge I'll meet you up there come on Brock foreign I um I think foreign [Music] give her your head foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] hello hello the [ __ ] was that she acts like I weren't even here mermaids don't speak to our corporeal bodies speak to a part of our soul pops specifically you might be missing [ __ ] [ __ ] game exchanger you Alliance cat scrubber I knew it I died I [ __ ] died the [ __ ] you want it needs a blessing yeah well the one to give us a blessing just [ __ ] off into the two it needs the blessing of a great blacksmith what no no I can't bless [ __ ] I don't have all my soul [ __ ] the blessing wouldn't mean squat it is the nature of a thing that matters not it's for [Music] all right [Music] made this weapon strike true may it be wielded with wisdom may it be put down when its job is done [Music] Let Us return home where is everyone now a good time I just want to talk dad to Dad speaking of which imagine my surprise when atreus came knocking at my door he's doing well by the way and we'll continue to do so just as long as I return to Asgard sometime soon besides our friend here has a has a whole lot to live for arguable run along now but behave yourself new spear never much care for Barack can't deny the dwarves Talent who came to speak speak I don't really want war IO Kratos all that blood on your hands on your son's hands I want peace as much as you do perhaps we can find it together he's lying I know a boy of ours is everything I expected so clever kind he's sure he's yours a kid you really ought to be very proud he is the key to peace in our age to break free from all this fate and prophecy my son is not your key oh God do they not have metaphor in your Homeland or rather did they I'm sorry that's not fair I know you're not the god you once were and now is your chance to prove it return my son or you may meet the god I once was and what kind of God is that great toes what do you even know of godhood in your lifetimes has anyone ever worshiped you ever prayed to you can you even imagine that kind of love no you don't care about Mortals you don't care about anything beyond yourself beyond the monster who kills without cause you fear what you can never even hope to understand is it any Wonder that you're a boy is in no rush to come back to you don't listen to him brother trying to get in your head so this drop near spear you're prepared to use it to protect atreus I am no one's Champion but his nor no one's God that may be my form it is not my nature do you understand I guess a difference of opinion is hardly the most I'm setting aside for this Alliance as long as the plan is to kill Heimdall the rest matters little there's also the bit of news that Odin has some inkling of what we're up to I thought I heard Ravens damn it what did he say why stress and More Lies what did you expect you think he lies that atreus is an Asgard no on that I'm afraid I believe him then the rest matters little thank you I saw a Gateway near here overlooking the bay we can get to it with your spear I think where are you going brother sleep so we're just keeping blindly on there now hoping we don't walk that long until Ragnarok is that your plan foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign you all right he is innocent we are not our failures we are not who we were we must be better atreus is our future keep him safe Kratos [Music] protect our sons [Music] Happy Days [Music] huh foreign ever do to you um building Focus something my father taught me that could work not yet so what you focusing on anyway controlling my emotions I'm dog keeps trying to make me lose my cool I can't give into it through hey it's through hey be cool training without me is that a that a good idea training I mean I I think it's a great idea but uh once your mom be mad if she finds out good point but did you consider no I didn't that didn't hurt also anyways grandfather wants to see you oh grandfather right okay uh here then take this and uh send my regards to sip lady Sif and Trace see you later intrude bye fruit weird can be good the two of you I swear [Music] what's in the jar melt curd mom's favorite it's his way of helping my grandfather's in this study catch up later [Music] I finally figured it out this is where you killed emir isn't it first Giant tell me can you murder a landslide smother a storm he was more a force of nature a vessel of power I was young foolish so an opportunity to create something more I know you think it's cruel but I did what I had to to protect my own [Music] if I build your house here what's in there I'm gonna trust you I'm trying to tell you in the wake of amir's death I saw something the rift possibly the birthplace of reality I looked inside and something was there looking back at me it whispered to me things I couldn't possibly comprehend but I knew they were true when I planted me I thought it was over that I'd never see inside again and then I found this and I knew that it which finally let me see the answers you see son I don't know where I go when I go there's no Valhalla for me Ragnarok cannot be the end I need to know there's something more than this I need to know what happens to me and that's the truth I swear on my last good eye that's the truth the writing on here talks about a cold breath breath wind it's got to be hell on you saying I'll take it and I know just the person to accompany you I'm trusting you two can handle this responsibility you can count on us oh I forgot to mention Heimdall will be joining you what a privilege for all of us oh whoa whoa whoa hold up you don't want to walk into the blistering cold of hell time without this every Lao should keep you nice and toasty you're welcome ah the mirror said even Odin can survive the cold in hella you believe everything that old goat says it's rude too bad your first time outside Asgard has to beat a hellhunter now we're gonna make the most of this the mask so close besides I we looking at the same thing maybe he's locked up for a good reason I can feel what he's feeling it's a giant thing look just wants to be free the piece must be behind him trust me all right let's start with the lock not near its teeth oh you're welcome mangy mutt let's look in the chamber he was guarding you absolute unqualified more you know that thing tears holes between Realms right well I suppose I should expect nothing less from half breeds don't call me a happy I will I will leave him alone it was a mistake no the mistake was allowing you to granny guppy show me and find out oh [Laughter] and what are you going to do exactly you see everyone takes it easy on you because they are afraid of your father I am not that fat drunken utter piece of trash hey again yes yes the dumb does not fall far from the tree very well then give me a message you have a lot to learn little girl starting with who your family is and who it is not just to wait until I'm a valkyrie oh you really believed the all-father would allow that to happen please do not let this little weasel feed your delusions any longer that's so close stop he just wants to make you mad yeah well it works well ah you toddlers are boring if you are finished throwing your little tantrum we should go now because I cannot wait to watch you explain this mess to the author oh it's going to be glory hoagin foreign damn he's not here let's check his study oh boy is he going to lose it father will have my back may I come in I heard what Heimdall had to say I'd like to hear it from you what happened it wasn't there I was wrong well we all make mistakes on but freeing garm that was a big one chaos is already spilling out into the other realms we're safe here in Asgard but everywhere else I think I want to go home now okay if that's what you want I meant it when I said you're not a prisoner here it's your choice go clear your mind I know you'll be bad but before you go I'll need the mask back it's not that I don't trust you you understand The Company You Keep oh and Ingrid please need to go [Music] Loki when you do decide you're ready to continue our work here Hogan will be waiting for you in your old home you screwed up doesn't change the fact that you're welcome here oh and say hi to mimir for me [Music] [Music] foreign father off your back El prayer I will draw them to me is it over no thanks to you where is atreus atreus has the runaway returned and brought all this with him can I just hold still I told you I'm fine you're bleeding and put your blubbering [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] they're everywhere everywhere but it's not your fault yes it is there was a wolf in hell who's in Chains and and I set him free I I thought that if God could I bleed and [ __ ] Lord you feed gum guard who freed garm that's Madness surely not you young one if the Hound of hell is loose he'll chew through the fabric of the Realms how Walkers are just the beginning what were you thinking ah this is a [ __ ] up of not insignificant proportions what would drive you to such Mischief is this Loki's doing enough leave him Tres has made a mistake and that we will fix together [Music] Grand now if you don't mind I'd rather stay here I've had my fellow visits to hellheim [Music] foreign it's a good plan let's move foreign can't we try and [Music] again ah all right I'm on it you hear that where is it let's go please work please work I'm sorry understand yeah [Music] what happened we gotta find him come on foreign [Music] sorry I heard you it's over now I promise fan are you good boy thank you yeah I missed you too didn't know if that would work [Music] we did it oh is this possible it's giant Magic I've been learning things in Asgard this has nothing to do with that more secrets no promise we're not someone's trusting me to keep like you kept your promise to Mom see what I can do when you trust me oh huh what's wrong falling back into my old ways angry distrustful with you now and before [Music] I chased you away without you I got Reckless overconfident made stupid mistakes I don't know why I thought I could do this alone you were right no on our journey together you have grown into a warrior worthy of your namesake I was the one who was not ready you don't have to be who you were just because I'm not there let's make a promise I'll listen for your voice in my head when you're not there to guide me and you do the same all right I need to know you'll be okay without me we'll try this I am sorry father he better let's go home [Music] foreign how did it go we should travel us no further well that's a bloody relief so you put an old gum did you yeah sort of Petraeus your decision to go to Asgard after all he's put us through I'll never understand it but I hope you at least came back with something we can use I hope so too come on let me show you what Odin's up to here's what he cares about most more than Ragnarok or anything is this mask anyone recognize it that thing oh it's a dead end he's been faffing around with that since before I knew him to be honest I thought the Giants were just having a laugh with that one okay fine no you're wrong Amir this mask is no fraud the Giants didn't make it and only a few of them ever glimpsed it in their visions they never knew its origin but some believed it was a way to gaze into the secrets of creation itself it's an oracle much more imagine becoming one with a source of infinite knowledge this is why Odin tortured me so what do you think now what no it's one Obsession he never saw fit to share with me but I'll tell you this even when Odin speaks the truth his purpose is false either way it's a mistake to let it distract us is Heimdall our Focus or not that I'm going back to vanheim if we're not taking the fight to Odin I should help my brother stand against him we will join her when we can [Music] foreign Union unexpected but welcome you know us can't be is that who I think or you're Shifty bastard it's almost good to see you again and for once in the shape of a man or nearly so that's how they got your head out of your ass maybe now you'll stop being such a half-blind fish drunk over sex liar he was more of a pig than I ever was I do not know you not recognize your handiwork Hilda's beanie remember when we first met Frey in the woods I've tried oh I am so so sorry about that praise poor her advisor and friend counselor to the van here and yes well exiled admit God I was trapped in my ball form and then you shot me at my command no my arrow I mistake forgotten Heim needs our help more than ever even years come just watch where you aim that bow of yours my hide's not so thick in this room we can head out whenever you're ready where are we going I have a favor to ask I'll explain on the way here goes nothing thank you [Music] just like inside their shrine [Music] thank you if I do this wait only bind you if you let it do what's necessary not because it is written [Music] no hey Elsa [Music] good choice lad [Music] they have a gift for us a way to call them anytime we need them Kratos atreus that Eclipse was your doing I take it thank you for coming Big Bear use the diversion to escape what about your brother we know where they're holding him now Bayless already prepped the explosives if you're with me we can leave as soon as you're ready I could use another shapeshifter's help go with him atreyas I will Aid Freya yes sir for you envy [Music] completely giving away your position [Laughter] what idiots all right no if it isn't Queen mistletoe myself hilarious by the way been a while I'm dull and you must be the little half-breed's father lucky day you have a lot to answer for Sunshine YouTube trainer better at traitor of an Odin's lap dog hmm foreign is mine I can help I know but you are needed elsewhere he's right you know sizzles wasn't looking so hot last I saw I know you didn't want this but we know how this ends see you soon well we both know that's not true but don't worry frigg I'll be coming for you and your brother as soon as I am finished here thank you no what you got having fun yet oh well you and me then foreign you actually hit me [ __ ] that's all this is ah wait what is going on in that empty bed oh no no no no I'm going to spare me out of pity well this is good you may live is this about the Little Rock oh now I am definitely going to get him this is your final warning I don't think a warning is going to cut it you think you get to just walk away no that is not how this works you do not get to decide my fate dead sunshine this isn't who you want to be all right all right we gotta be close right come on you're right keep going we're almost at the river where's the boat let's throw it in the river hurry now that won't hold them for long whoa freyr's boat they will regroup we should go foreign [Music] [Music] foreign relax [Music] it's flying we're flying I knew it would do that we have guests two come on there's another one I knew this was going too smoothly uh little help [Music] out [Applause] [Music] though your friend know yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] Linda we need cloth and boiling water red root and Lamb's grass and now I know you think I never staunched a bleeder before oh now don't you go worrying boss I didn't go through any of your stuff while you was off being tortured damn it Linda easy heck he says it made for I'm the one who stuck you like a damn Pig no offense hey Freya we're just taking over entirely hold still she'll just get you stable so I can take you to Century's house the rest of my herbs are there we'll protect the realm in your absence the four of us vanderheim's in good hands but it's injuries house whatever that is your boat nope your boat no I take it see all the skies Sun yourself on its bow you look like you could use it make a van here God proud all right gave you his boat nice he left me no choice [Music] because it was necessary not because it was written [Music] off look at that haha he really did it how in all the nine realms did you managed to kill Heimdall I knew our spear would do the trick well happy Ragnarok everybody let's drink true I'm dolls dead I can't believe it there's no stopping it now Odin swore peace only so long as you spilled no more Acer blood I refuse that deal yet he honored it but now but what you and I know better than anyone that Odin's promises Never Last we have the advantage now it's time to bring him down no none of you understand what's coming Odin's Vengeance will be his only concern not his only concern the mask whatever knowledge it unlocks that's what Odin wants more than anything if I go back to Asgard go back look if I can finish what I started there awaken the mask get answers maybe that's our way out of this I gotta go soon before they figure out what's happened you are home do not ask me to put you at risk again he's at risk where he stands Kratos we all are anything we do or don't do is dangerous right now but Odin needs me he trusts me I'll be safe there from a tactical perspective am I wrong I don't much like it but it is our best play dividing Odin's focus with biased time and give us a pair of eyes in the enemy's inner sector but source of infamous infant you can't let Odin have it I and once he has what he needs from you then I lose my Leverage I get it I'll be smart father I can do this remember our promise you too [Music] I hope you know what you're doing I do too son well I still want to hear how you did it you mean how we did it uh yeah trades listen I can't let you go back without this a hammer your key please you ever need a way out of a bad situation throw this down hard and say wergy one use only working thanks injury hope I don't need it me too Ben made it back hey this is your wool oh stop doing that oh we're having a moment it sort of looked like you were having a moment I can go no sorry this is fender it's okay Ben she's uh no I was right about your knife huh I'm glad you found a place for us so me too hey uh how'd you find me here Loki this is my marble and where are you heading off to you back to Asgard hey I'm actually using him uh huh anger Boda look once I see this through I'm Gonna Know everything how to save my father had to stop Ragnarok and maybe hopefully had to bring our people back Loki those are all very Noble intentions that he's Odin you have faith in me right of course I do I just hope the story you're writing for yourself is the one that you truly want you would you take care of Finn while I'm away I'll take good care of them oh night boy be careful Loki foreign okay all right I just gotta help Bowden complete the mask foreign doll's dead happened to know something about that anything well I mean everyone hated them sure sure but have you seen anything something noteworthy I mean you know he did sock through pretty hard while we were out maybe someone found out that even I I don't know are you suggesting my son had something to do with this I don't know honest well I had to ask never believed you had anything to do with this I'm glad you're back so I figured out what went wrong I mistranslated the word here did you know I thought it said beyond the Cry of cold breath but it actually reads the Cry of first breath well that's somewhere else entirely I know where that is young man you've done it again go take the mask take the sword take the bird find Thor going to knifelheim I see too crossed through I'm it's fine [Music] hey Thor seems like it might be a bad time so if you need a moment I totally understand no rush but right where I thought you'd be you shouldn't be here you shouldn't have brought her here what are you doing relaxing did I say no rush I meant we should get going right we don't want to keep the All fathers quiet he's right you should get going don't do this it's already done let it be known the God of Thunder is good for two things killing Giants and pissing me [Applause] any man who disagrees will greet mjolnir with his face this isn't you Thor hmm hugin is waiting outside please just I said quiet boy no no I swear that really wasn't enough you could be helping more don't you think ing too much seriously all right [Music] what if you started again right now just put down the grab his arms let's get him out of here ah I'm sorry you had to see him like this no no it's fine really hey I'm strong but you gotta help me out here oh come on it's not that far foreign get up 30 . you are going to needfulheim with Loki all father's orders you have to get up I know you're disappointed no no no no that was a glorious fight yeah if you don't even say you're sorry this time can you because what's one more broken promise grandfather treated you like crap you were struggling I get it but you can't just we're here for you [Music] mom and I are here for you even when you're here we love you you know that I just thought this was behind us all right can I get you a water or something [Music] all right it's here gotcha that was close um thanks or wasn't about to lose that map okay you did it we are on the verge of great things all of our work together welcome I'm sorry you are here why his father murdered heimdell for said he has proof take him no leave him alone I command it you said no more Ace your blood would be spilled you said family comes first you don't think that this is retribution for him being here he's put your granddaughter in danger he's made your son miserable Loki didn't kill Heimdall his father did your daughter is old enough to make her own mistakes and your husband started drinking again all on his own dismissed you too a word [Music] he's not protecting us magni Modi our boys we used to tell them stories by the fire do you remember we would carve those wooden horses we would play and laugh until the sun sank and they fell asleep in our labs they were thrown at the all-fathers problems like brittle knives to a mountain face and for what if through it's next in their beds turn my father against me my daughter I have no idea what's happening you know finally thought of something I can teach you right now since we better be right century oh you sure know how to plan an exit Petraeus um foreign the easy answers that it promises I know this shortcuts always have a price you have carried it what do you think I think it's a chance not worse we'll have something Odin wants his leverage at best if it really gives us all the answers then we can make our own path Nobody Has To Die hmm Grand now all we need is a way to Asgard I know I've been a burden to you all I know you've questioned why you even pulled me out of that hole I have to but it's clear now this is what I'm needed for this is my purpose one last time I will pick up my Spear and I will lead us to Asgard excuse me and a way to Asgard where's that idea been this whole [ __ ] while that's a fair question brother phew who the hell does God you would have gotten us all killed and we needed to give Loki time to find his destiny here it is it's all led to this if we can get inside I'm going after Odin I will not stop you we can do both spot on brother if the Mask doesn't give us an out we'll still have that drop on him works for me let's do it then and quickly before he sees us coming he does hate surprises [Music] slow down you damn Spruce I still want to hear the details on this uh new way to Asgard you got spill it it's an ancient path we can't reach it from here let me collect my things and I'll show you you ain't got no things and where are you going with that Rock that belongs to the kid he earned it all you've done was make passable dirt soup Brock it's okay no it ain't this ain't right all the pieces ain't welding together true like what's with him calling you Loki anyway you know that ain't his name hey I'm talking to you you never shut up [Music] all the things pulled in let go of the boy and face me tell your brother don't to throw me the mask and you've got a deal if he dies no no wasn't part of the plan but if he guys we are square for Heimdall and honestly you got a bargain I will kill you plan on that so nice spending time with you again Freya please can't be in two places at once Frank foreign hey I don't move you don't move don't do anything you want crap I regret many things killing you will not be one of them hi I'm in control here throw me the mask now [Music] [Music] too bad son looks like war after all please you have to save him you have to he can't you can't maybe if I go back to the lake yeah [Music] I know what you've done and I forgive you [Music] should get his job yeah let's go bro [Music] foreign [Music] now now we kill Odin and anyone who gets in our way cheers come what where it does not matter where are you going we are done [Music] you can't run away from this Kratos Odin won't stop until we stop him we need you here foreign [Music] I'm so sorry no [Music] no I don't want to hear it you don't know what sorry means foreign we're not letting Odin get away with this would that be the Odin you invited into my home oh but some of us were bigger fools than others aren't we I gave you everything my skills my friendship my home my secrets my treasures and you just kept taking and now what have I got not even my family [Music] you want sorry this is what sorry looks like I what can we do we there is no way there's only you no matter what the cost so what you can do is get the [ __ ] out of my sight come on Chase leaving me more now you wish foreign [Music] [Music] you're back are you with us good it's time time for what did I ask time to unite the Realms against Odin once and for all tears try to unite the Realms the real tear everyone loved him and even he failed then we better not fail or there will be no one left to try this is Ragnarok an audience already heard of a blasted plan we have yes we've lost the element of surprise more than that we have only one way to Asgard and it's not subtle yellow it means we enter from tears Temple here asgard's wall is here Odin's host of ainhairyar will hold the space in between which means we need armies of our own as many as we'll answer the call numbers Odin won't see come in and that's just to reach the wall to breach the wall we'll need to find satta ratatoska was able to procure this all three of us will go I know just where to look it's Splendid allies then who do we think we can get the whole adventure to hellheim try to recruit the army of the dead and I'll return to all time to unite the elves just like that unite the elves after centuries of War wow they really like me and all fine and you to that I'm yes to find secret and muster the free Valkyries Nick Gert has no Army normanheim nor jotenheim that leaves only svarlheim I'll go to spartal fine syndra are you sure I said I'll go so be it good luck to us all foreign [Music] hello we seek a fire Giant go away what just happened hey that wasn't we deal with these [ __ ] yeah if that is serger he's got a lot to answer for as you said we need him I won't help you who are you who you seek and what's left on him why won't you help us I don't want to elaborate will die right because you've got so much to live for not me her so what's the point of all this you keep separate from sinmara just so you can sit here and wait to die at least if you joined with her you'd be together again we are together without her heart she's got mine it's not much but it's enough but you're not even have you ever been in love it's pretty good and Odin will succeed all Realms save Asgard will fall he must die true but I won't sacrifice her any more than you would him sorry [Music] come wait [Music] those blades may I see them [Music] yeah it's primordial fire in those they are not of these lands shouldn't matter yeah that could work What could with those in here and I'll become your monster but I don't want her involved at all but the prophecy says you two have to combine sure this will work what have I got your way before not here follow me [Music] ah [Music] [Music] blades wow move [Music] this will hurt ah no hard by fire her heart behind them you get Ragnarok it's time hahaha [Music] how long do you think this is gonna take Valkyries Odie must have said that get away from there foreign [Music] [Music] disorder are you there will you help us attack Asgard uh great foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] can I sleep here tonight [Music] foreign [Music] I can't [Music] when I will tell you a story if I fall asleep promise to finish it tomorrow no close your eyes there was an old man who chopped wood for his village every evening he all the logs on his back and delivered him to his people but the logs were heavy and he grew weaker as time went and one day through down the logs as he could no longer bear their weight Andy he called for a death to come to him and when depth arrived [Music] thank you [Music] foreign damn fine woman she was apart from her taste in men of course she was special woman she wanted to protect people she was here you saw every step we took before we took it like she was always with us watching over us you're getting us home is my request upset you f is a natural part of life my love I wish only to be prepared for when my time comes my Mortals must do such things I'm glad to have you prepare with me you prepare for a distant future there is much time ahead of us I wish to better a few that will exist without me whenever that day comes for you and for our son we will always walk together Kratos you will always be a part of me I will always be a part of you when you were gone that part of me dies as well feel your absence culmination of Love is grief and yet we love despite the inevitable we open our when the Pirates spend and you have gathered my ashes spread them from the highest peak in all the realms you will do this for me grief please is to have loved fully open your heart to the world as you have opened it to me and you will find every reason to keep living in it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what's going on it is time I'll meet you outside father sir [Music] foreign s to escape my past start a new life I can hide no longer I do not want this war [Music] we have suffered enough prophecy did not lead us here nor will it win this battle Wars are won by those that are willing to sacrifice everything is the cost of vengeance be it Odin has taken so much from us already the Realms have suffered enough no matter the cost this ends today I'm going out in a blaze of glory means that Odin Burns to I'll be a big fat smile on my face for Brock foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign Towers falling and if Logan goes after nipple I'm next they're trying to shut out Ragnarok you've got to stop those war machines foreign [Music] Ingrid well we got work to do you three follow dress Freya with me watch our flights to the war machines [Music] looks like the giant giants made it after all looks different he is different but when I was away uh never mind the A and Harry R's link to Valhalla my sisters and I must sever It Go still no sign of divorce injury won't let us down we have to trust him rally all you can make for this fall of Hunter my bloody type he showed up foreign [Music] [Applause] more or less what you wanted huh I didn't want this close your heart to it close your heart who are they Guardians Odin took them in they shouldn't be here they're not soldiers who didn't put them in our path to die it's War or so one by those who are willing to sacrifice everything what are you doing what's up listen closely you feel better pain because that is who you are and you must never sacrifice that never not for anyone I was wrong with Chris I was wrong open your heart to their suffering and does your mother's wish in mind as well today's we will be better [Music] but what can we do see the size of that thing I think we're gonna win I mean if they don't kill us first why have you stopped Ragnarok is here we finally have Odin right where we will stop voting sacrifice we will breach the wall and reindeer's flaw Army Petraeus and I will be enough it may be but we will die Seeking Justice not vengeance can that weapon break open the flaw and way to find out you three get those people to safety wherever you can find it we will see it done Fred and I will do what we can to slow Ragnarok listen up mindless before Odin will not get away if he does don't help me I know [Music] protect him I will help us ever trapped and meet you at the wall go go address thank you you really had me believing you that we didn't have to be enemies dude you're okay my mom was right about you all along you're a killer just like your father and you're here to kill us all no just Odin did you go she's a friend friends don't bring the end of the world to each other's doorstep Loki you're right you're right I I made some bad decisions you do that a lot I'm not sure that's a defense it's not a defense I just want to make it right is kielder okay have you seen him why wouldn't he be what are you talking about Odin is willing to sacrifice in the Guardians he put them along the wall to try and deter us knowing they can't fight their deaths are just meant to slow us down why would he do that and how am I supposed to believe you because he's right the two Odin is who he's always been mom why are you here what what hell sacrifice anyone had a problem with one of him the Guardians your friend or family any of us I'd hope that your father would stand up to him but now it it has to be you Mom what are you saying I never doubted that you would make the finest concrete these Realms have ever seen but not for him do you understand but our family was our own we can be one again a real one what he's doing is wrong [Music] he said if we held our ground we'd be safe he said we owed him you don't own your death oh [ __ ] [Music] dad will never let them get a grandfather then go with him he'll listen to you are you ready to go find the rest of your people yeah I love you Mom I love you too finally [Music] shoot it laughs well done son well done the great light that's where we gotta go yeah yeah I didn't want to listen that may not be our biggest problem right now get back to your sister you must hold back Ragnarok this fight is mine but if I could just take a trace of the mask and do not look back my son trusts you so I trust you I am done with you and your son no more [ __ ] games I'm allowed to kill you enough [Music] don't act like you don't know [Music] come on [Music] all right the [ __ ] are you waiting for your daughter my son calls her friend if you try to hurt her I would not you know What I've Done yes but what will what will you we don't change I destroy us no more no more for the sake of our children we must be better [Music] why isn't he dead are you talking who told you to do that you don't talk you don't think I think you kill it's a simple [ __ ] concept Sith was right about you I just didn't want to see it what is this are you broken I am your father take the hammer and kill who I tell you to kill no I didn't want this I did not want this dude this was all therefore they've done this to us to our family [Music] [Music] so was this everything you hoped for was your plan really all that much better than mine I hope you got exactly what you want not quite yet I think you're the only one who can craft a binding spell [ __ ] I spent many long Winters thinking about what I would say to you as I watched you take your take but now I realize there's only one thing I need you to know you have no hold on me anymore and that's my Frick I forgot how good you look with wings oh husband you always sought knowledge well now I'm going to teach you what it's like to lose everything bow to your queen I always loved you you know you've never loved anyone [Applause] father prayer you did it Loki oh no no no no no no more fighting no none of that matters now this is your moment Loki will try to hide you from me but this is your destiny champion of the oat knot only he can put on a mask only he can gaze into the truth of creation unfolds the secrets of life and death no more doubt no more confusion going for this basket ask it the question this is your choice son I trust you no no no no no why did you do that what was it all for you choose to be nothing [Music] so be it this was our chance Loki I could have had my answers I could have learned the truth you took that away from me I could have made things better we could have made the nine Realms better this was never about the Realms or me it was about you you destroyed everything my home my family my kingdom you did those things your choices you killed your own son it wasn't my choice I had no choice there's always a choice you have to stop you can choose to be better no I can't I have to know what happens next I will never stop why'd you have to say that soft nine Opera softener his son [Music] [Music] foreign I swore I would never Rob from you the choice between life and death I have waited so long for this moment and now that I'm here [Music] I don't need this to make me whole he stopped his Madness that's all that matters [Music] that's what comes next [Music] it's Ragnarok he's here time to go go where exactly you didn't exiting stuff follow me quickly not you have to go well there's time [Music] [Applause] don't be afraid no matter what happens I'll be with you but your path is your own follow it and you'll end up right where you're supposed to be huh fairies wake up atreus wake up ah glad you've come back to us ah hi where where's my father somewhere here in the hold he'll be glad to see you thanks her all right who's that huh yeah we know him [Music] maybe one of these days I'll surprise you huh you already have [Music] I don't know you're in good hands [Music] thank you for saving us [Music] I decided it would be better if I wrote the ending myself you haven't told your father yet have you told him about what come on giant Visions I already saw it I get it [Music] every part of me is telling me this is what I have to do I I just don't know how to say it come with me got something I want to show both of you I do not wish to intrude this is for you too foreign mother [Music] my Shrine and yodon she destroyed it she didn't want us to know her faith we fought our own path because of her he went against her own people our people to protect you it don't all open I'm sorry [Music] father I I need to talk to you about something there are other Giants out there and I've got to find them I think I know where to look but they're my responsibility [Music] I need to do this alone I I don't want to do it alone but I need to it's hard to explain does it frighten you that is why like you taught me yeah we survived today because of your choices with a girlfriend [Music] son you are ready [Music] remember our promise Loki will go address the trash remains [Music] take care of everyone [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ever imagined and what now [Music] there's much to do much to rebuild [Music] could you join me hi [Music] together [Music] foreign [Music] oh come on surely he'll be along it's his brother let's hope so loss can do things to a man he made it we can begin [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] cat's bigger the more you take away
Channel: GameClips
Views: 32,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God Of War, Kratos, God Of War Ragnarok, God Of War Ragnarok Full Movie, God Of War Movie, God Of War Ragnarok Movie, God Of War Kratos, God Of War Ragnarok 2023 Full Movie, God Of War Ragnarok Cinematic, God Of War Cinematic Movie, God Of War Ragnarok All Cinematics, All Cinematics, Cinematic, Cinematics, God Of War Ragnarok Full Movie Cinematic, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2023, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, Action Movie, Action, 2023 Movie
Id: egOhzKcGbig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 319min 35sec (19175 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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