God Of War Full Story Of Kratos Complete History

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foreign men ask for the origin of Kratos the true tale was never known the truth is that Kratos like all men began Life as a child born out of wedlock Kratos was the child of a shunned woman there were rumors as to who the father was rumors that grew more and more preposterous until the woman finally left her small village she swore a new life in Sparta Kratos would never know the truth never know who his father really was but childhood in ancient Sparta was a brutal existence children deemed fit and strong were trained to be Warriors the protectors have Sparta the weaker children were caged sent to the mountains to fend for themselves they were not expected to survive and while Kratos escaped the fate of the weaker children his brother was not so lucky born as loyal sons of Sparta the two brothers trained and dreamed of one day joining the ranks of the great Spartan Army That Never Was to be don't let your guard down demos [Music] farting Warrior never lets us back at the ground even in depth a Spartan stance tall for battle you are a farting are you not yes craters [Music] after the Great War with the Titans the Oracle had foretold the demise of the Olympian gods and the destruction of Olympus she saw that it would be brought about not by the hands of the Titans who thirsted for Revenge but by the hands of immortal a mocked Warrior whoever controls the marked world controlled the fate of Olympus has okay he messed memories [Music] forgive me most they came to retrieve the marked Warrior a mark they saw on the body of Dimos as he was taken away in front of his brother's eyes little did he know bring him to him to death realm of Thanatos a place no mortal had ever dared said [Music] there he would remain imprisoned with no hope of Escape he would suffer years of punishment and torment at the hands of the god of death at first the belief that his brother Kratos would come to save him kept him alive [Music] but as the years lapsed demos lost all sandals of Hope and with it any thread of humanity left in him the anger the Vengeance ceased within him and laid dormant for decades with little sanity left was this rage that made him endure believing the day would come when he would once again face the brother who abandoned him a single event would forever change the course of kratos's life his Destiny his has been set in motion the loss of his brother would leave an indelible mark on him a memory he could not forget as he vowed never to falter again Kratos adorned a red tattoo on his body in honor of Dimos a tattoo in the very image of his brother's birthmark this tattoo would become a somber reminder for the man who would become a god the warrior known as The Ghost of Sparta once a captain in the Spartan Army Kratos had begun his command with only 50 soldiers but soon his numbers grew to the thousands drunk with power he was feared by all except one [Music] oh [Music] his wife was the only one to Brave his Fury how much is enough Kratos when will it end when the glory of Sparta is known throughout the world the glory of Sparta you did this for yourself his desire for Conquest knew no bounds until this day The Barbarians to the east numbered in the thousands and descended on the Spartans without Mercy the battle lasted near ours while their young Captain faced the end of His Brilliant career and his life but to Kratos victory was worth any price even his soul Aries destroy my enemies and my life is yours that desperate call for Aid will come to haunt Kratos for all his days the sky is split apart and the God of War stepped through descending from Olympus saw the makings of God mere mortal mortal Ares would save Kratos he would turn him into the perfect Warrior his servant on Earth only a simple pledge of loyalty was required my life is yours Aries from this day I shall carry forth you a will sealed as promised Aries rescued his new disciples bringing forth the power of a God destroying those who would Slaughter Kratos and his men as for craters know me a sword and shield would befit the newest servant of the God of War foreign forged in the foulous depths of Hades once attached the chains remained so Chained and seared to the flesh a part of the bearer's body a permanent reminder of kratos's pledge in return ultimate power The Rage of Aries exploded from within but soon he would learn the true costs of such power of course too high even for Kratos to pay memories of what he'd done in the name of Aaron's areas memories of how he become a servant to the God of War a beast his Humanity robbed and replaced only with the will to murder no one was safe those who offered resistance of any kind were dealt with quickly they've built this Temple to offer prayers to Athena this entire Village stands as an affront to Lord Ares burn this Village Burn It to the Ground emboldened by the God of War kratos's Army was ruthless feared throughout the world for their brutality all that mattered was Conquest in the name of Kratos their great leader he feared nothing but there was something about this Temple something forbidden all his instincts told him he should never cross its threshold never step inside beware Kratos the dangers in the temple are greater than you know but the village oracle's warning fell on deaf ears his ambition would not be denied [Music] in that instant the glory he had reveled in turned to horror the image of his two final victims would stay with him for all his days with that act Kratos knew he could no longer serve his master he had but one calling now the death of Aries he would murder the God of War even in death the memories the Visions would not fade for how could he forget spilling the blood of his own family cruel trick orchestrated by the God of War a child how they were left in spotted you are becoming all I'd hoped you'd be Kratos now with your wife and child dead nothing will hold you back you'll become even stronger you will become death itself but is the Flames consume the temple Kratos realized his true enemy was The God Who once saved his life the same God who had now taken everything from him from this night forward the mark of your terrible deed will be visible to all the ashes of your wife and child will remain fastened to your skin never to be removed and with that curse all would know him for the Beast he had become his skin white with the ash of his dead family Ghost of Sparta had been born Aries you will die for what you did that night [Music] your mind is troubled but your skills are still without equal do you have business with me I do but this is not the matter to discuss it I see no other way you have no reason to trust me Spartan I only ask that you try thoughts are not your own but I can help you I believe these belong to you use these items to steal your mind Kratos do not let illusion deceive you have the Visions ceased [Music] I see only you God you will need this skill for the path ahead and what path is that [Music] the path of Freedom Kratos Freedom yes Freedom free yuris who relentlessly hunt you in the name of Aries and ultimately eat them from your bound to the God of War break an oath with a God [Music] of all the minds in question mine is not the one to worry about [Music] you waver from sound mind to illusion in the beat of a heart is that any life for a great warrior who's on here cannot know I speak with you who draw them away you endelfy Kratos seek the oracle foreign you know I'm one of the furies who forged your bond you would have killed me before I could even speak then tell me what has brought you to this betrayal of your own kind it was you the Injustice of your oath that made me doubt them is it possible that through all your suffering you still do not understand why why he still our creators the God of War has been plotting for years I was brought forth by the joining of the war God and the fury Queen in Rage and Insanity Aries hope to conceive the perfect Warrior that I was only a disappointment to him it was my mother's who spared me they gave me the task of keeping the Earth's though my burden was great I was determined to be of service to those who said they loved me you Kratos it was the final task of your bond that made me question the actions of my family foreign [Music] it was she who revealed to me the plot of Aries to overthrow Zeus but he needed the perfect water Aries molded you to take down the very walls of Olympus Aries destroy my enemies in my life is yours to make you behold and only to him Aries and my mother's devised three blood tasks spilled the blood of your enemies the blood of innocent the blood of your very the past is the past you now seek to rectify and I will do so without the aid of a fury oh my God not much further now Sparta inside there are the eyes of Truth the very same eyes my mother's ruthlessly pulled from Alessia and I learned of the plot between my parents to overthrow Olympus I could not believe alethea's words then she showed me the truth the God of War would bring down the very walls of Olympus if you and I sought to warn Zeus but when Aries learned of our attempt he sent my mothers after us the eyes were brutally ripped from my beloved became a prisoner in her own Temple Ares and my mothers knew that if the eyes of Truth were hidden in their wicked clot would not be revealed and soon they would Reign Over The Gods themselves to keep their plan in motion they need you backspot they will stop at nothing until you return to Lord Ares Aries will have to find another to do his bidding I know he will set things right when I learned that my mothers were close I came to what we have special plans for you myself all this effort and you still fail [Music] foreign would come to his Aid satisfied the sisters were turned home with their prize within the walls of their prison they would delve into the broken Warriors soul and entice Kratos back to his place servant of heirs thank you it has been too long never never again [Music] come on [Music] hello kritos what's wrong you seem confused Kratos having trouble remembering us other [Applause] but then again we were rudely interrupted by my sister Electro was never wonderful manners I am quite skilled at teaching respect [Music] for what you've taken I owe you that you're not the best you can offer your rage means nothing [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] I have been away far too long you can see her in the morning come [Music] [Music] [Music] in time you will forget all that you have lost can be yours once again this is what keeps you in service to Lord Ares then this is what you shall have it it is not real I can be your reality the hard part is over spotting you have committed the ultimate sacrifice offer yourself to us completely and you shall live in Blissful illusion never then let death be your reality [Music] what is the meaning of this [Applause] you have made a poor choice but you shame Sparta oath foreign [Music] I lost everything because of you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God they were not there by chance Kratos [Applause] you think you want truth like truth will only bring you pain [Applause] [Music] my death will not free you from this madness [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I would not have been strong enough to choose your path Spartan orcos I would have taken with my mother's offered I would rather live in truth I fear you may come to regret those words Lord Ares still holds your bond this cannot be before you killed them my mother's once again made me your oath keeper for you to be free I must die by your heart I do not understand if you do not release me my father will retain power over you but even worse I will live in Eternal torture I have spilled enough innocent blood there is no other way spotting destroy the oath kill Aries have your revenge [Music] I was never the warrior my father wanted me to be please all I ask Ed me an honorable death [Music] with the death of orcos the Blood Oath to Aries was finally broken and the painful truth rushed back to kratos's mind the truth of the murder committed the slaughter of his wife and child the Carnage forged from his Relentless ambition surfaced in perfect clarity and became the visions that would haunt him all of his days [Music] [Music] foreign Madness but still tortured by the truth of his past Kratos left the only home he'd ever known and set out to undo all that he had brought suffering for years Kratos the once great gem now knowing is the ghost of Sparta pledged himself championed in return he hoped only to rid himself of the nightmares that haunted him for far too long for now his only respiratory his only relief from the sins of his past [Music] foreign craters have been called upon by the guards to confront an Unsinkable evil Unleashed on the city of Attica by the invading Persian army fulfilling his commitment to the gods Kratos defeated the Basilisk brought forth by the Persians but this small victory would not satisfy the man who had come to be known as the ghost of Spartan this is all you would have to is there nothing else seen the sun plummet through the sky and the world Plunge Into Darkness Kratos knew this was not a sign from the gods what treachery is this setting his sights on the glowing Horizon Kratos made his way toward the mysterious light more effort than Kratos could possibly know the temple on which Kratos stood was the sun Chariot of Helios the very Chariot that the fire seeds pulled across the sky every day allowing the Brilliance of Helios to shine down on all mankind Kratos what madness has befallen us Kratos there is not much time Olympus needs you I grow tired of the Gods request Athena I have given enough now take these Nightmares From My Head it is not for you to say when your servitude ends you will earn your freedom in time for now Olympus needs your unquestioning obedience the god of the sun has been torn from the sky this temple on which you stand is the Chariot without their Master to Reign them the five states have driven the sunshine into the Earth and without Heroes there is no one to keep Morpheus from seizing permanent power many of the gods have fallen into a deep Slumber soon all was succumbed what would you have me do you must find Helios and return him to the sky lest the world of Gods and Men be lost forever only his light can release the grass of Morpheus Athena as the seeds pulled Kratos away from the grip of Morpheus they crossed into the underworld but in the Land of the Dead they could go no further for these beings of light were not welcome in Hades foreign ERS found himself on the very edge of Hades the land where no mortal had set foot here where the souls of the Dead walked their fated path Kratos knew that for him this was merely the beginning [Music] thank you home comes to the very man I am a slave to No One Cara we share a common Faith Kratos neither of us from our torture be gone they're just not yet your time [Music] having defeated Care on Kratos journeyed deeper into Hades and closer to his goal for in the distance the bright light of Helios illuminated all of the underworld [Music] 's attention [Music] to Kratos it almost seemed an apparition upon seeing his daughter Kratos realized that all that he had been working for all that he had wanted was within fridge years of service to the gods had not delivered him from his pain never had it used the burden of his past and now Calliope was found [Music] where are you [Music] craters looked at his daughter was nowhere to be seen in the middle of the rooms had a graceful figure a figure he recognized All Too Well Persephone wife of Hades Queen of the undead where is my daughter witch choose your words carefully Ghost of Sparta you address the goddess of the underworld your daughter as well she lives among the pure souls and the Elysian Fields lead me to her have you forgotten Kratos the Olympians need you they Slumber at the hand of Morpheus I have Faithfully served the gods yet they do not give me what I ask I grow weary of their demands the Gods on Olympus failed me too Kratos I was betrayed by Zeus and tricked by my husband Hades now I am to stay in the Underworld as Queen of the Dead to serve the fallen and care for them as my own children Persephone I demand to see my daughter as you wish if Calliope is your true desire I can help you but be warned goes to Sparta the world of man will suffer because of your choice I care little for the world and it's suffering where is she you all to see your daughter again you must become worthy of Elysium cast your weapons of The Forsaken tree and let it release the evils of your past only then will you be free of your sins and be granted Passage Divine Gates my child why did you go I am here now child and I will not leave you again I have watched over you pathetic Mortals for a thousand years and it is always the same serving yourself before the needs of others has always been your flaw but no matter for now you sir my purpose it is time for all that came before to end the Titan will fulfill his role and finish what I have started I released Atlas you as you were pathetically disarming yourself Atlas completed the task I set him out to do with the power of the Sun in his hands it is only a matter of time before he destroys the pillar that holds the world and Olympus with it but why do you think it was my choice to Wed a man I did not love live a life I did not choose I was betrayed by the very gods that once saw me as their own but no more once the pillar is destroyed the world will revert into chaos and what is to become of you I will have my peace and be free from this miserable existence I will perish but it is my choice father I'm scared in your selfish choice to be with your daughter you have caused her ruin no Elysium Falls to Kratos she will perish no I will not let the Gods the choice was clear to him yet impossible to make to stay with his daughter meant the end of the world and the end of her to stop Persephone and Atlas would mean forsaking his daughter forever while his hatred and anger for the gods grew ever strong he knew there was one thing to do [Music] at that moment Kratos knew his Destiny was not with Calliope the fates were never that kind [Music] Spartan witnessed the end foreign [Music] [Music] foreign but I ask Ed where are your Gods now Kratos [Music] why do they not come to your Aid I do not need the aid of the Gods my path is now clear to me I will serve them and they will keep their promise to free me from my past I asked you responded what good is the promise [Music] one day you will regret what would you ever done here cursed to forever hold the world on his shoulders greater Penance than even Zeus himself had placed on the titles the fate of Atlas had been sealed and the goddess Persephone oh there's no more Kratos had saved mankind but that mattered Little Thing by forsaking his daughter he had abandoned the only person he ever cares but he had long sword and finally found was now forever lost [Music] foreign Chariot Rose higher in the sky and the might of Helios Shone once again on the world Morpheus retreated to the Shadows Kratos gained little satisfaction from his victory with years of servitude in front of him he would need to confront his past and fight to reclaim the humanity he lost on the day his dark Legend was born foreign [Music] [Applause] was the sea endlessly sailing from one Harbor to the next in service to the gods of Olympus all his hopes rested with them I have Faithfully served the gods for 10 years when will you relieve me of these nightmares we request one final task of you Kratos your greatest challenge awaits in Athens where even now my brother Ares lays Siege speed Athens is on the verge of Destruction it is the will of Aries my great City Hall Zeus has forbidden the gods from Waging War on each other that is why it must be you Kratos only a mortal trained by a God has a chance at defeating Ares and if I am able to do this to kill a god in the Visions they will end complete this final task and the past that consumes you will be forgiven have faith Kratos the gods do not forget those who come to their aid leaving the rotting carcass of the Hydra behind Kratos set sail once more his greatest Challenge and freedom from his growing Madness lay before him in the ancient city and with that act Kratos said in motion the events that would lead to his downfall Kratos as Athena herself has foretold but you are late perhaps too late to save Athens or is it Athens you have come to save by the gods why would Athena send one such as you stay sticker of my head choose your enemies wisely Kratos your brute strength alone will not be enough to destroy Ares only one item in the world will allow you to defeat a god Pandora's Box which lies far beyond the walls of Athens hidden by the gods across the desert to the east but be warn Kratos many have gone in search of Pandora's Box none have returned Kratos had traversed the desert of lost souls bested the deadly traps of Pandora's Temple and escaped Hades itself there was but one task left Zeus do you see now what your son can do you cast your favor on Athena but her city lies in Ruins before me and now even Pandora's Box is mine would you have me use it against Olympus itself Kratos returned even from the underworld best you can do father send a broken mortal to defeat me the God of War foreign [Music] s of years Pandora's Box was finally open power of the Gods Unleashed [Music] just a mortal every bit as weak as the day you beg me to save your life I am not the same man you found that day the monster you've created has returned to kill you you have no idea what a true monster is Kratos your final ways Raiders Burns bones but to break it is to truly destroy him to recognize this place Spartan the location of your greatest failure is a chance you can undo the Deeds of the past the nightmares that had haunted Kratos for the past 10 years had now taken form and substance [Music] past stood before him [Music] Kratos what's happening where are we by the Gods This Be Real [Music] Aries there is nothing you can put in mind take us all see God of War film once but you'll never have them again you cannot save them Kratos you gave them up in your quest for ultimate power price to pay for everything you gain not that price I didn't want them to die no price is too high for what I offered her and you rejected me oh God now if you have no power no magic all that is left for you is death oh not not again you should have joined me Kratos shouldn't get stronger by the Gods the battle was not over the guards it seemed had a final gift for Kratos now you will see how strong I am remember Kratos it was I who saved you in your time of greatest need I haven't forgotten Ares I remember how you saved me that night I was trying to make you a great warrior you succeeded [Applause] [Music] Kratos had done me impossible Immortal defeating a god Aries was no more the city had been saved would Thrive again Fina read me of the memories that haunt me still you have done well well Kratos though we mourn the death of our brother the gods are indebted to you we promised your sins would be forgiven and so they are but we never promise to take away your nightmares no man no God could ever forget the terrible Deeds you have done [Music] Aries tactics were brutal his path of Destruction had to be stopped but now there is an empty throne in Olympus and a new God of War is needed take these stairs Kratos they lead to your ultimate reward [Music] and from that point forward throughout the rest of time whenever men rode forth to battle for good cause or for evil they did so under the watchful eye of the man who had defeated a god they were driven forward by Kratos the Mortal who had become the new God of War Kratos the ghost of Sparta had taken his place amongst the Olympians as the God of War the Bloodshed the Relentless battles had finally brought him here Ares was dead and though Olympus beckoned visions of his mortal existence still haunted him close [Music] Kratos knew that this was not a mere vision for with the Gods nothing was ever as it seemed the vision of his past said Kratos in search of answers answers that lay in the temple of Poseidon deep within the city of Atlantis this is not a wise course of action Critters it was a dream nothing more the vision still haunt me a thief but this Vision I can change Perhaps it is a vision best left unchanged there is more to this than you know please foreign what treachery is this another trick of the Gods no my son it is me [Music] your father brought me here I have waited so long my father we do not have much time Kratos your does not have much time [Music] he lives trapped in torment still me but he's gone told me that he was sorry I had no choice but to lie you must listen now the Temple of Aries inspired holds the secret that will lead to your brother the road will not be easy but you must help him you must create those he needs you this why would you do your father forbid me to tell my father who is my father kratos's mother was not long for this world before she passed Kratos demanded she tell him the truth his mother knew the price she would pay she revealed the name of kratos's father but it was time at last for her son to know who he was [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] finally I am free find your brother Kratos go to Sparta find the most he needs mother what have I done with her last breath she released the weight of her burden and finally found the peace she had long sought [Music] but for Kratos the rage was almost fate had once again pushed him to the brink of Madness Airness the daughter of Thanatos the god of death a ghost of Sparta the godsless your brother just outside you cannot stop me nothing can it is not too late to turn back Kratos no good will come of this journey return to Olympus and leave me your brother was a threat to Olympus Kratos what was done had to be done forgive me you were there why why didn't you help him I was there for you Kratos had to be saved you should have saved him I should have saved him there is more to this than you could possibly know Kratos [Music] it's all you give me [Music] I will save my brother and you will stay out of my way [Music] [Music] brother you are safe now um you let this happen to me you were supposed to protect me did you think I would forget did you think I would forget I will never forgive you brother [Applause] you left me get up fight me I hate you Kratos teared my daughter spot and now you will follow for it [Music] foreign never lets his back hit the ground right brother I will not lose you again [Music] trouble the fight is not over [Music] the oracle man that spoken truth the mocked Warrior shall bring about the destruction of Olympus foreign [Music] he took your brother when it should have been you none of that matters now nothing you do is have your own choosing the gods do not decide my face Thanatos the gods decide and the sisters of Fate make it so are nothing but a porn in a game you don't even know is being made [Music] now is the time prayers the beginning of the end [Music] foreign [Music] nerve [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you come now I have a fresh clock [Music] [Music] you are free now [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] by the Gods what have I become death the Destroyer of worlds [Music] [Music] it is done you have let go of that which made you mortal your ties to this world are severed you are ready to God [Music] it is not over the gods will pay for us foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] now only one [Music] thank you by defeating Aries Kratos the once mortal Ward became the new God of War however Plato soon found himself alone on Olympus shunned by his fellow Gods but Kratos had no need for the love of petty guards he had found a new family in the Warriors of spies gaining songs from his past and Connor to battle Kratos another city is ready to fall soon All Shall know the glory of Sparta [Music] enough Kratos a city you destroy the wrath of Olympus grows soon I will no longer be able to protect you I need no protection do not forget that it was I who made you a god Ghost of Sparta do not turn your back on me I owe you nothing then you leave me no choice Kratos had turned the pain of his memories into hatred hatred for the gods who had refused to free him from the nightmares of his past deeds and so he went to roads to deliver the final blow that The Siege City [Music] [Applause] [Music] you conspire against me [Music] Kratos I do not need your help Zeus I can take down this Beast I offer you more than health craters I offer you power I offer you the Blade of Olympus it was displayed that ended the Great War and defeated the Titans drain your Godly Powers into the sword Kratos only then will you reach your full potential why do you Aid me now foreign thank you [Music] placing all of his godly power into the weapon and rendered Kratos and Mortal vulnerable to the arms of death bloodied and beaten he knew that to have any hope of survival he must retrieve the Blade of Olympus [Music] foreign foreign Army Kratos dragged himself up from the dirt [Music] you yes I am forced to attend to this matter myself Athena refused to undo her mistake imagine caring for a creature such as yourself why why would you betray me it is you who would betray me am I to stand idly by while Olympus is threatened cats are already staged by the blood of a god do not let Eddie's face be Nile the gods are Petty and pathetic and your wound is weak I grow tired of this insolence I am the king of Olympus all right way that is the way of the Gods you must vow to Forever serve me then you'll leave me no choice submit I would rather die [Music] it did not have to be this way my son this path is of your choosing a choice from the gods is as useless as the gods themselves even now as you draw your last rest will continue to defy me everything everything creators will now suffer because of your sacrilege the beat of Olympus cycle ends here [Music] [Music] foreign as the life drained out of Kratos the arms of Hades reached out to claim their prize but there was more resting on craigslist's shoulders than he could know Kratos was destined to bring about change so severe that it would shake the very pillars of Mount Olympus his death was something that I could not allow foreign destroy my enemies and my life is yours [Music] fight spot you are not meant to die here this is not the end who are you I am the Titan Gaia ever present mother of Earth I have watched you become a powerful Warrior and I have been with you through all the events of your life but I can no longer simply watch we will help you death is an escape Kratos you are a warrior of Sparta not a coward only a coward accepts death I am no coward then you must fight I will show you the way to the sisters of Fate only with their power will you defeat Zeus [Music] foreign Zeus must be stopped Chris the story of Revenge has been told before you know of the mighty Titan Chronos so fearful was Kronos of the oracle's prediction that his own children would rise against him that he decided to imprison them all in his belly Reyes stood by and watched as her children were devoured one by one but when the time came for the last of her children to be eaten she was unable to Bear another such loss and devised a trick to save the baby Zeus [Music] Raya commanded the eagle to secretness he was taken to an island far beyond the watchful eyes of Kronos [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] because I who cared for him it was I who kept him safe [Music] I nurtured his desire to free his brothers and sisters from Kronos but my foolish Act of compassion would haunt the Titans forever for inspiring Zeus we allowed him to return to us with vengeance in his heart he betrayed all of the Titans for the sins of just one sins of his father promise go back Warrior there is no passage here you will never make it across think you can but you cannot do you hear me it's my wings that will make it across it is my test do you not know who I am not heard of Icarus it is my fate to make it across this is my test sisters will grant me an audience not you you will die white Warrior you will die I will reach the sisters of fate and I will use your wings to do so the sisters will not allow you for a fallen God to be the light [Music] [Music] wait wait perhaps the sisters have sent you to help me I realize now [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh Kratos steal the arrogant and foolish Warrior you have not changed and how do you plan to defeat the king of the Gods by taking the Blade of Olympus back and driving it into Zeus's heart it holds the power I once wielded as the God of War the Blade of Olympus I have not heard that name in many years since since the end of the Great War bloodlust and power raged within Zeus his desire to rule over Mortals was intolerable to us foreign [Music] it was a war that we knew the Titans must win if we lost it would mean an end to the Golden Age of the Titan rules peace and prosperity for mankind would be no more [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] despite my capture then Zeus created a powerful weapon to end the Great War a weapon forged from the heavens and the Earth the Blade of Olympus I punish you to the darkest pits of dauntless oh my God foreign the torment of the underworld banished to the darkest pits of Hades I would have destroyed Zeus if you had not put me here slave of the Gods I no longer do the bidding of the Gods Atlas I have stomached a betrayal for the last time show me the way to the sisters and I will kill Zeus once and for all what [Music] now I have the type the type then tell me how to find the Temple of the sisters of Fate none not even a Titan know how to reach the sister's Temple but it is said he who finds it who wield great power I have given you the last of my magic's garden and I will help you across the Great Catholic but that is all I can offer [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] control my destiny I see Gaia has filled you with her lies I have warned you let me pass you have always you die you do not defy fate Kratos so we have opened the events of your life [Music] and now that life is at an end we control your destiny foolish mortal foreign [Music] [Music] change your past and set your future is the power [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] use them as a gateway to return to the time when Zeus betrayed you [Applause] even now as you draw your last breath you continue to Best Buy me no matter what how can this be the sisters of Faith have aided you unexpected the sisters are dead I underestimated you [Music] a mistake I do not intend to repeat [Music] [Music] thank you thank you let your display spot your Kratos [Music] foreign foreign I do not wish to fight you Kratos but I will defend Olympus cannot possibly win the fates have already deemed me Victorious foreign [Music] why do you say you sacrifice yourself to save Olympus I do not seek to destroy Olympus only Zeus Zeus is Olympus he brought this to himself because of fear Kratos fear felt by his father Kronos fear that brought the Great War a fear that drove Zeus to kill you [Music] his own son his son just as Zeus was compelled to destroy his father Kronos held to do the same no sun should destroy his own father I have no father Lord after God will deny you Kratos they will protect Zeus live so that Olympus will prevail if all on Olympus would deny me my Vengeance then all on Olympus will die I have lived in the shadow of the Gods for long enough but time of the Gods has come to an end [Music] [Music] remember Kratos you'll have the power to control time itself [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Aries and Athena are dead and I wield the blade we can win the Great War but not in this time together we will destroy the penty guards and we will see Olympus crumble before us with me Gaia H we have faced far worse than this one Fallen mortal but we are the Gods The Mortals worship we who rule over this land we who will not be swept aside by this petulant fool Brothers put aside the petty grievances that have splint on us for so long the lights we will stand together and I will wipe out this place Olympus will prevail foreign I bring the destruction of Olympus foreign a victory that ended the Great War and brought forth the reign of Mount Olympus born from the depths of the underworld rooted in a river of Souls our Mountain emerged out of the chaos as it grew so too did the might of the Olympians he created a world of Peace a world of prosperity a world that lives in the shadow and safety of my Mountain a mountain that has come to be the absolute measure of strength and power [Music] now on this day that power is to be tested for Mortal Kratos seeks to destroy all that I have wrought [Music] Brothers put aside the petty grievances that have splintered us for so long that unites we will stand together and I will wipe out this plane Olympus will prevail foreign [Music] [Music] foreign thank you [Applause] something asked me I cannot move Kratos really [Music] foreign [Applause] leave the sea and face me you you disrespected the gods for the last time Kratos foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] should have kept you where you belong [Music] no matter how many gods fall there will always be another to stand against you they will fall as well the death of Olympus means the death of us all foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can no longer hide behind the skirts of Athena Athena is dead because of the rage that consumes you little what more will you destroy the hands of death could not defeat me sisters of Fate could not hold me and you will not see the end of this day I will have my revenge excellent child I will tolerate your insolence no more [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] not yours [Music] foreign [Music] I have died as a god having suffered the ultimate sacrifice I have been denied release I I will defeat Holiness I will have my revenge [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign the gates of Hades have never held me death cannot hold those purpose I have missed you Spartan I I don't My Sacrifice has brought me to a higher existence still appeared to be an Olympian appearances can be deceiving creators so can the children of Olympus perhaps remember my death came by your blade my blade was meant for Zeus be quick with your words as we speak the war for Olympus rages on and Mankind suffers let them suffer the Zeus to destroy the king of the Gods you must seek the source of the strength the flame of Olympus you won't sacrifice yourself to save Zeus and now you seek to destroy him what is brought about this change [Music] perhaps these will earn back your trust these are the blades of Exile they will help guide you on your journey to the flame remember as long as Zeus Reigns there is no hope for mankind destroy the flame craters and the Very foundations of Olympus will crumble [Music] welcome make yourself at home this this time you won't believe it [Music] is [Music] for us hey since how many sins have you committed against me oh that's right Alliance what else my brother the sign and now you're not forgotten that it was you but said my beautiful queen I will see you suffer as I have suffered your soul is mine [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you laughs stop [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can it be does this mean Lord Hades rules no longer god of the underworld dead ah Hades deserve to suffer though I thought his death impossible though Olympians overestimate themselves interesting I want to keep that in mind Spartan you need of a God to use a Hyperion gate Kratos and that one has not been used for centuries I'm sure it's broken otherwise I would have seen my beautiful you know Kratos I wasn't always like this a monster I was once the most prized Craftsman in all of Olympus Zeus rewarded me with my marriage to the beautiful Aphrodite my mother Hera bragged my talent and the day you killed Aries was the day my world was poured for me that day Zeus became the fiend you now know worst of all [Music] he took my beloved daughter Pandora my reason for living I spend my time here trying to recreate her I failed again and again she still lives partly I can feel it you you Kratos you can bring her back to me your child is not my concern but surely you can understand you were once a father too remember your purpose Kratos the Twilight is upon us his death is our only hope understand this Athena Zeus will die foreign thank you Spartan the blood of cronuses when quickly you must help me help you yes child quickly I suffer greatly I tried to return to battle but without me you know I had no choice you must help me [Music] [Music] Kratos do I need nothing to you you were a means to an end Gaia nothing more because I must faces the Titans must take down Olympus no this is my War not yours [Music] wow Kratos it's getting close I told you I cannot help you but you're the only one who can I know it I trust you shouldn't [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] look who it is Kratos the ghost of Sparta the Fallen God the cursed mortal to catch a fly from the ass of Zeus it's not worth my time a coward's words Kratos you don't try to catch me because you know you know you Kratos where are you off to today kill any family members lately oh that's right you're off to kill your fathers Zeus [Laughter] won't happen can't happen Kratos is on a Fool's errand again never never learn never never change Kratos the fool who killed his own blood Kratos the fool among Mortals and gods forever have a cursed forever ever doomed consumed by Vengeance to his last breath the Spartan lights the way to Dusty death hahaha Pandora's Box what is the meaning of this your eyes do not deceive you Kratos it is the same box you opened years ago the power to kill a God still rest inside I release those Powers when I killed Ares no trapped inside that box there is a stronger power it has been missing from the world it all began when Zeus triumphed over the Titans in the Great Wall who's understood that the evils born from that battle if left free would destroy the world of man and gods to contain these evils Zeus commissioned Hephaestus to build a vessel strong enough to hold them see three hate he locked them all away in the Box in hopes that they would never again infect his reign when you opened the box to kill Ares you drew from the forbidden palace [Music] after witnessing your Victory fear ripped Zeus thank you but the flame is deadly how can I recover the Box with its namesake Kratos destroying lame the key to our revenge this will be difficult Sergeant a simple child will not trouble me Athena I hope you are right Ghost of Sparta you may have Brute Force but you lack speed hahaha you've been lucky in Battle Spartan and but your luck ends today foreign [Music] I will not be vested by a mortal I thought Spartans fought with honor and yet you seek to kill me when I have no way to defend myself not fair but you have your own sense of Honor right Kratos and what does that honor brought you nothing but nightmares of your today you may defeat me but in the end Kratos in the end he'll betray only yourself okay [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Bravo Bravo our hero has arrived Applause for another bastard child just in time for the final laugh hair you look terrible there still wanting to kill my husband I suppose no I seek revenge can say that I blame you since you killed my son Aries fear of you consumes him his fears will not matter I'll bring to that Hera I seek the child Pandora that wretched little thing my son hephestus created well we can't have you do that my dear destroyed him hello brother this is not between us isn't it you were always Zeus's favorites the air on Olympus affects your thinking Zeus think about it brother while I was stuck cleaning the audience Stables he chose you to destroy Ares not convinced how about this while you're being crowned the God of War I was sent to find an Apple they called them labors ha perhaps he did allow me to kill the nemian lion but he made your name known amongst the people a fierce Warrior a killer made a hero a man made a god this time brother this time I will destroy you call it my 13th and final labor to become the god of war and claim the throne for myself we'll see about that [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] I hear something he's close just tell me how to find you the Labyrinth Pandora Pandora what's happened where are you my son your title with matters you cannot possibly understand stay away from this this thing Zeus Zeus Aphrodite I knew you would return to me Kratos tell me is everybody conquered another God of War that is a question you should ask your wife I seek the Labyrinth I thought you sought only the flame what could you possibly wanted no stay away from her stay away from Pandora Kratos you are the reason she is in The Labyrinth the reason I live here in hell I have done you no wrong Hephaestus oh but you have Spartan you opened the box I did what had to be done clearly you don't understand the evils of the Great War could not easily be contained towards the Box in a power greater than the gods themselves the flame of Olympus is the raw metal took shape I realize the flame was the safest place to protect it the lock was set all that was needed was a key a way to retrieve the Box created from the very heart of the flame the key to Connor life of its own Pandora child neither living nor dead I grew to love her Spartan and she grew to love me as her father when Zeus came to take the box I hit Pandora away I told him that storing the Box on the back of Chronos would be the safest place after all who could best the Titan I lied I did it to save my child surely you can understand that it was your trial using the box that revealed my deceit Deuce tortured me until I confess the truth of my beloved Pandora for men yeah don't you understand if you take her to the flame understand this mythical I will stop at nothing to destroy Zeus but if you you're right smart and if it means the death of Zeus I'd be happy to help you perhaps yes yes of course we'll need the awful a stone with it I'll make you a weapon I have weapons ah but not like this this weapon will give you the retribution you so rightly deserve the stone rests in the pit of Tartarus bring it to me and I will help you foreign [Music] [Music] I know it was you who killed her Spartan who has scored I live in torment because of you after you took the box from Pandora's Temple Zeus was consumed with fear he banished me to look in some charges I was tasked by the gods to kill Ares you sorry helps me absolutely sponsored [Music] foreign what's up I know that you are here somewhere Show Yourself craters foreign [Applause] three wow [Music] hey what's up your faith is now in my hands I will make you into a bloody state foreign what's up why do you free crackers foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign you sent me to my death no no no calm yourself Kratos I knew you were up to the challenge I truly needed the old flow Stone you'll see you'll see make it quick a weapon such as this can't be rushed this will be worth the wait a fine weapon like note foreign ah [Music] oh my God my beautiful Pandora peace Pandora look at me [Music] you I told him to kill you I told him the day you were born to kill you but he would not have it my stupid husband took pity and now look what you have wrought look at this look at it they're dying because of you everything is dying because of you the sun is gone the ocean swallowed the land disease infects what remains I am doing all I can to keep them alive but you your ruthless murdering of the Gods has caused all of this you think this Garden is not protected your brute strength may have vested Hercules but your simple mind will never find a way out I look forward to watching you die here as an old man you you simple Morgan how dare you challenge us you think you can just walk away we aren't finished what have you done what have you done to me you coward you destroy all you touch [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign he told me to never talk to you again told me if I did hurt you the way he hurt my father he told me he would kill you come I can show you the way thank you Kratos our journey is far from over Pandora by its end you I know I look it but I'm not a child Kratos I'm not afraid I understand what lies ahead I saw Zeus torture my father I saw him beaten because of me it should have helped him but I was afraid a Festus did what every father should do fear is its own kind of darkness in that Darkness I heard what the God said about me he called me a monster words mean nothing perhaps but in their words I heard fear the fear of an ash-covered Warrior fear of you as the fear in the gods rose mine was replaced by hope is from a weak Pandora Hope Is What Makes Us strong it is why we are here is what we fight with when all else is lost [Music] this is what hope delivers child you should learn that now foreign [Music] foreign [Music] laughs [Music] there it is I can see it Kratos in the darkness the fires of Hope will set us free [Music] Pandora no you know why I'm here you brought me here to do this I will find another way no Kratos there is no other way let me go no child I am not a child you're hurting me [Music] put it down Zeus your obsession with this this thing has become somewhat of a nuisance my son release the girl Zeus don't confuse this object this construction of hibiscus with your own flesh and blood but perhaps you already have halves your quest for Pandora your pathetic attempt for atonement from the family you slaughtered has caused nothing but havoc on Olympus look around at what you have done [Music] I see only what I have come to destroy taking pity on you has been my greatest mistake who's just as taking pity on this thing will to be your greatest mistake there's nothing here it has everything to do with hers [Music] [Music] ha [Music] all right [Music] all right [Music] Pandora [Music] craters do not matter into the flame this is what I am meant to do you know that please push Kratos you know this is the only way don't listen to our greatest once in your pathetic life don't fail don't fail her like you failed your family and Dora [Music] foreign [Music] wow empty after all you have sought after all you have sacrificed it ends in another stunning failure [Music] [Music] [Music] such chaos have much to do after I kill you face me far it is time to win this yes my son it is time the reign of Olympus ends now girl you live my world it bleeds because of you yet you have left me no choice you are born has failed you Kyle perhaps you should have chosen the other one enough die together foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm thank you [Music] all right [Music] I [Applause] am um [Applause] [Music] [Music] nothing the darkness lies as the fear in the gods rose wine was replaced by hope [Music] [Applause] [Music] is what makes us strong it is why we are here it is what we fight with when all else is lost [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] two three [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] ers freed from the bondage of Olympus and cleansed in chaos mankind is now ready to hear my message look around you Athena the world stands in ruin what good is your message go if you must but first I insist you give me the power from inside the Box that can't be true I can see it in your eyes you used my power to kill Zeus you still have it as we speak don't you understand [Music] when Zeus gathered all the evils and placed them in the box I dreaded what would happen if it was opened again I've summoned the most powerful weapon in the world placed [Music] I told you it was empty that door was sacrificed in vain she died because of my need for vengeance you must be mistaken you used my power to kill Zeus I saw you do unless when you open the box you release the evils to the Gods infected them changed them [Applause] Zeus himself fell prey to the dark evils this is why he became so enraged and obsessed with your death he was consumed by the evil I thought the power I placed in the Box was never released all these years I assumed you drew from the evils inside to destroy Ares but I was wrong the power you took from the box is mine from it you gained the strength that Zeus could never destroy a strength great enough to overcome fear locked deep inside of you Kratos it has remained buried trapped by your guilt and the failures of your past when you killed Zeus you must have allowed something to awaken it what was it Kratos Hope Is What Makes Us strong it is why we are here it's what we fight with in all else is lost what was it Kratos all I remember is what I have lost that is why you should give me the power I understand its true meaning and where it belongs I trust you to do the right thing Kratos you shouldn't you owe me this Kratos I owe you nothing I made you a god I sheltered you from the wrath of Olympus I delivered your revenge on soon it is dare strike me down again [Music] my Vengeance ends now how could you ah you fool what have you done [Music] [Music] that was meant for me they will not know what to do with it oh you disappoint me Spartan [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] found some [Music] get in the boat boy [Music] [Music] foreign that is enough foreign feels different everything is different boy try not to dwell on it yes sir [Music] foreign foreign [Music] there to always see my mother hello there do I see my father hello there do they call to me oh there do they call to me [Music] oh there do they call to me oh there do they call to me well then do they call to me [Music] [Music] she's ready [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] says [Music] I'm sorry squeeze this knife it was hers now it is yours [Music] it hard she knew Joey now now [Music] what are we hunting you were hunting Which Way in the direction of deer okay uh this way damn fine woman she was apart from her taste in men of course she was a special woman she wanted to protect people she was here she saw every step we took before we took it like she was always with us watching over us you're getting us home is my request upset you f is a natural part of life my love I wish only to be prepared for when my when my my Mortals must do such things I am glad to have you prepare with me you prepare for a distant future there is much time ahead of us better a few that will exist without me whenever that day comes for you and for our son we will always walk together Kratos you will always be a part of me I will always be a part of you when you were gone that part of me dies as well feel your absence culmination of Love is grief and yet we love despite the inevitable we open our when the Pirates spend and you have gathered my ashes spread them from the highest peak in all the realms you will do this for me to grief ly is to have loved fully open your heart to the world as you have opened it to me and you will find every reason to keep living in it [Music] people are there inside boy [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that thing was trying to kill us it's not like you don't get angry in a fight anger can be a weapon troll it you get a long time I'm better now fine come on then you want me to hate you I want you to try [Music] ow what do you try again why are you doing that too slow try again cut it out weak again again stop it again your anger you can get lost in it that hit is difficult and you atreus are clearly not ready what was that quiet come on now there's no use hiding anymore I know who you are what's going on do you know him more importantly I know what you are boy beneath the floor now well you told me never to go down there who is that I do not know what's he talking about I do not know get in [Music] just tell me what I want to know no need for this to get bloody I thought you'd be bigger just definitely the one Long Way from Home aren't you what do you want oh you already know the answer to that whatever it is you seek I do not have it you should move on and here I thought your kind supposed to be so enlightened and so much better than us so much smarter and yet you hide out here in the woods like a coward [Music] you do not want this fight I'm pretty sure I do leave my home you you are going to have to kill me for that to happen hmm I probably warned you finally you would not listen ing no no no no no no fine might down how incredibly disappointing come on then only what I want oh stops real soon why are there two bets leave my struck a Nerf did I [Music] hiding slow and old you should never have come to midgard you talk too much foreign foreign [Music] leaving so soon yeah when Odin sent me here I just needed answers but you you had to act all proud throw whatever you have for me I'll keep coming that old body will get out but before I end this I want you to know one thing I can't feel any of this foreign [Music] eyes you can't hurt me nothing can this fight is pointless your struggle is pointless didn't have to be this way perfect you can't win I feel nothing but you you feel everything and you you keep trying I'm not my brother and if anything what I wanted it wouldn't have ended this way but no let's finish this [Applause] [Music] I hope that you love everyone I'd faced would finally make me feel something that you can't [Music] [Music] all right oh was he he knew me did he know my past oh find me after all this time [Music] what do I do oh son is not ready kill your asses to the Top Mountain God [Music] foreign [Music] I do not know how to do this without you but we cannot stay here foreign there was so much I thought you're all right I am all right come on gather your things we are leaving I thought I wasn't ready you are not so we have no choice now prove me wrong yes sir [Music] [Music] foreign address what did you do I'll try us we don't know we belong to anyone he doesn't he's my friend boy was following my command then help fix this hold here please hold I said he's losing blood kind and all the realm and you shoot him you needed food target practice target practice I'm I'm so so sorry keep that pressure on the blame is mine I should have kept a closer eye will he die I will not let him you the arrow cut a tight way inside him find both ends and hold them tightly foreign start with the left side grab it and hold up now the right side hold it tight good now pull them together line them up you're a witch I can't finish the healing here my home is just beyond the trees there you will carry them he must not die [Music] good he seems stable and calm for now great Falls Way that bow is a little big for you isn't it my mother made it for me should I go into it I've never seen you in these Woods she must miss you being away from home sheep she's dead or taking her Ashes to the highest peak in the Realms ashes it was our last wish boy I'm sorry for your loss we're here you live in a tree not in it below it heavily look is he friendly oh boy I promise you he's safe he won't hurt anyone quickly [Music] Place him on The Stave there keep him still foreign it's better this way yeah my father doesn't like people either boy well you don't hold him still before he hurts himself good [Music] I need two more things fresh red root grows just behind the house can you pull a cluster what else hi I know you're a God not of this realm but there's no mistaking it [Music] he doesn't know does he about your true nature or his own that is none of your concern the gods of these Realms don't take kindly to Outsiders trust me I know when they find you and they will they'll make things difficult the boy will want answers that will be my problem whatever you're hiding you cannot protect him forever but you're right doesn't concern me I also need Lamb's Crest do you mind it's a white petal flower in my garden just a handful [Music] fine Lambs Chris foreign would this help I dropped it when you were chasing the animal what's wrong with me with me if I I'll take better care of it from now on oh exactly what I need so he's gonna live when we are leaving wait not without thanks you want solitude this Mark will hide you from those who might make your journey difficult [Music] [Music] there's a shortcut below the house that leads safely out of these Woods follow this path down then head towards daylight will we see you again it's much or as little as you like now get out of here come boy it reads sacrifice your arms to the center of the water awaken again the Cradle of the world what throw our weapons into the water can someone be a problem for you are you gonna do it [Music] the ax did not return foreign [Music] World serpent [Music] ER stay cool foreign [Music] wait there's a shipwreck way over there see that and there's a statue of Thor except I can see a lot more of him now what a dropped oh that must be why the beach wasn't there before see and there's the mountain look it that building leads from the foot of the mountain to that Golden Temple it was all just under the surface except for the Statue good thing huh there's even a dock there next to the flag [Music] hey back boy what is that we must find another way up the witch wish she was here then she could get us past this my magic is useless against the black breath and there's no way around it Odin soughted that long ago making sure you can finish your journey why would you warn us I was busy saving my friend if you remember the black breath is a Corruption of magic even I can't dispel only the pure light of all time is strong enough to break through but that road is long what does this goal mean to you it's everything follow me why help us maybe I see more of myself in you than I'm willing to admit Maybe by helping you I'll make up for a lifetime of mistakes or maybe I just like you even though we shot your friend even though you shot my friend yeah [Music] yeah where must we go to a realm beyond your own this Temple has been asleep underwater for almost 150 Winters it needs only the light of the bifrost to reawaken it's this a bifrost to create travel between realms it can capture hold and transfer the light of all time place the bifrost there what now give it a moment the temple needs time to wake up from its long slumber it is from this room and this room alone that you will be able to cross between realms what you see before you represents the temple in which we stand as well as the realm towers that encircle the lake of nine outside all the Realms exist in the same physical space reflections of each other these doors the towers outside and the nine Realms are all intertwined and co-existing on the branches of the world tree separated Only By the bifrost Light of all time this place can focus and control that light and is this the world tree only an artistic representation of it no the idrisil is much much more than this Tree of Life is bound to the fate of the world just as we are bound to it the tree nourishes our soils the Dew from its leaves feeds our valleys and rivers the tree's very existence supports all of creation along its vows its life energy interwoven into the tapestry of Life birth growth death and rebirth every strand transcending time transcending space everything comes back to the tree so that's how it works but I'm guessing you are looking for a more practical answer yes very well the bridge you pushed outside is currently positioned to lead to the realm of Anaheim instead turn the wheel to our actual destination all time wait is this moving the big bridge outside yes the wheel turns the bridge and the bridge aligns to the different realm Towers on the lake outside wait there there's no tower on this one and that's why realm traveled to yotenheim is impossible without a tower for the bridge to lock into the sequence can't begin every realm has a travel room that unlocks the bridge to that realm I'm giving you the one for alfheim now you can lock in your destination we're ready remember to take the bifrost you don't want to lose that foreign [Music] gentlemen I think you can spot the light I can barely see it something's wrong see that column of light on the horizon it's housed in the heart of a ring Temple we'll find what we need there no no no no no damn it not yet what's happening to restore the bifrost magic you must step into the light but be very careful hmm She's Not Dead she not likely um the light it's making the whole Temple reappear it's the source of all of it wait singing I hear I hear I told you I heard her do you think she's in there ah that really hurt I feel like my angel's on fire stay here we use it as a last resort foreign still what is this [Music] okay [Music] you know I love him I just wish it was better I know he can be so if he tries I'll try but if he doesn't please come back I know you're out there somewhere [Music] so far no no what have you done why did you do that I pulled You Out Boy I was gone only moments it's hard time I didn't know what to do you left me here again why don't you care that's impossible go before they come back I hope you got what you needed we make a piece of that chisel and be gone before they even notice uh oh yeah boy surrender the old farmer demands it no good this fight is my boy go [Music] where do you see oh no brother the little freaks got a bow what are we gonna do yeah Italians [Applause] [Music] how did you know you have no idea you're son of a [ __ ] [Applause] sickness fever has returned no it hasn't boy my coffin the blood the boy's sick he needs Flair no [Music] I'll be all right I'm fine see Andreas come on you already speak it learning to read won't be that hard I know how to read boy just not this tongue you're halfway there already then okay so the room represent a lot of different things some animals wait oh am I going too fast sorry not that about something yeah I do smells like rain you ruined everything but I'm that [ __ ] hammer everyone's gonna think I might need to be a joke but if I kill you no one's gonna laugh at me [Music] oh you dumb that your father's dude or did you get it from your mum stupid and lovely shut up you know anything about my mother oh it's true but I'm gonna get to know you you're gonna be my new brother right after I finish killing your father whoops as they got broken back this isn't over the boy [Music] you have to get into Freya quickly there's no other way [Music] take the boat fears isn't far right now open the door we need your help woman do you hear me it is urgent I'm still a God go away the boy has fallen ill foreign this is no ordinary illness the boy's true nature your true nature fights within him [Music] I did this to him will you help me of course there is a rare ingredient found only in helheim the keeper that protects the bridge of the Damned I need its heart oh the realm of the Dead do you know what this one it is a land of unyielding cold fires cannot burn there and no magic in all the nine Realms can create Ablaze as for the dead your Frost ax will be useless you'll need to find something else [Music] then I must return home dig up a past I swore would stay buried who you were before doesn't matter this boy is not your past he is your son and he needs his father [Music] this Rune opens the bridge to hellhype when you are there do not under any circumstances cross the bridge of the Damned there is no road back understand oh boy hey Molly you must hurry through my garden there's a path leading to my boat take it return home dig up your pass do whatever you need to do just bring me back the bridge Keeper's heart prayer and last we spoke I was no you are right to distrust the word of a god no need to explain not to me not for that I will keep him safe some mother's promise foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Athena [Music] get out of my head [Music] [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] there's no way you can hide Spartan put as much distance between here when the truth as you want it changes nothing pretend to be everything you are not teacher husband father [Music] but there is one unavoidable truth you will never Escape you cannot change you will always be a monster I know but I am your monster no longer [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the heart you have it yes [Music] back of your hand [Music] you're still ill I can break the fever but to heal he must he must not so simple help me prop him up did I tell you that I have a son too it's been forever since I last saw him at his birth the runes foretold a needless death babe in my arms was so small helpless I knew right then I would do anything to protect him no matter the sacrifice that's everything I did I did for myself I let my needs my fears come before what he needed and I couldn't see his resentment until it was too late don't make the same mistake have faith in him I know the truth isn't simple but nothing is when it involves your child it is a curse the boy has been cursed I will not [Music] I'm better now I see that is he well enough to travel for now they won't happen again I promise see that it does not [Music] foreign are you not better I know you overheard my talk with Freya you think you understand but you do not why do you say nothing you said I was cursed you think I'm weak because I'm not like you I know I was never what you wanted but after all this I thought [Music] maybe things were different you do not know everything boy no but at least I know the truth truth the truth I'm a God boy from another land far from here the man but the truth is I was born a god and so were you boy say um can I turn into an animal [Music] to an animal no [Music] no I do not think so God too no she was Mortal but she knew my true nature I had hoped to spare you being a god it can be a lifetime of Anguish and tragedy that is the curse what sorts of things can I do can I fly or turn invisible I don't feel like God I do not know the reach of my godhood over time we will learn blame me me for what you did to magnet my own father called me a coward [Music] looks like he did more than that move it well pick up where he left off no he was beaten not worth killing he should pay for what he said about mothers I said but we're gods we can do whatever we want [Laughter] that's what I said to your mother right before I gave it to her what are you doing this is a much better knife than mothers you killed against my wishes you lost control haven't you been teaching me to kill I've been teaching you to survive we are God's boy and that makes us a Target from now until the end of days you are marked so I teach you to kill yes but in defense of yourself never has an Indulgence nobody cared about him anyways what's the difference there are consequences to killing a God why how do you know how do you know no what your tone boy whatever so how do we get back out what's going on well that was mildly terrifying maybe our presence is upsetting Norman gander's belly no something is wrong what's happening here nothing good glad that's over is he getting hit what is that we must hurry couldn't agree more brother [Music] foreign boy I'm good I think I'm getting kind of used to this what happened to him something we did oh something else a dead Giant [Music] certainly was look for real we can still trust her right until we know for certain keep a distance the world's serpent what's happened here we hoped you would know you are far from home I'm looking for my son the two of you you helped me see things more clearly you do not know where he is then no but the woods and Fields speak his name I know he walks here in midgard [Music] long ago before you were even born why are you standing so far from me what's wrong Something's Happened there [Music] I had a feeling hurting the big snake would bring the two of you out in the open do you have any idea any idea at all what you have cost me my boy mother [Music] I'm here don't run away oh I'm not going anywhere mother I know that you're still angry I know that how you feel hasn't changed but I want you how I feel how I feel [Music] I've spent the last 100 years dreaming of this moment I rehearsed everything I ever wanted to say to you every word to make you understand exactly what you stole from me foreign but now I realize I don't need you to understand anything I don't need you at all back off Kratos this has nothing to do this path you walk vengeance will find no peace I know you I'll deal with you later family first this again foreign [Music] [Music] help yourself can you mother no matter what what I do or say you won't it won't stop interfere in my life I was just trying to protect you I I've made mistakes I know but you're free now you have what you want try to find forgiveness we can build something new [Music] we can never forgive you still need to pay for the lifetime that you stole from me I have paid I have paid foreign [Music] seeing me dead will make things right [Music] [Music] I didn't know enough [Music] what no father why why do you even care you you could have walked away the cyberlains here must be better than this oh [Music] know [Music] [Applause] [Music] no no no no no no no no my boy my dear sweet boy [Music] Freya you chose this I will rain down every Agony every violation imaginable upon you I will parade your cold body from every corner of every realm and feed your soul to the vilest filth in hell that is promise he saved your life and robbed me of everything everything you were just an animal cursing on your cruelty and rage you will never change and you do not know me I know enough does he [Music] boy listen close I'm from a land called Sparta I made a deal with the god that caused me my soul I killed many who were deserving and many who were not [Music] I killed my father that was your father in hell is this what it always ends Sun's killing their mothers their fathers no we will be the gods we choose to be not those who have been who I was is not who you be we must be better [Music] well I guess we are the bad guys now in her eyes yes but she could never make that choice foreign look we're on the Giant's fingers I can see the highest peak ahead right over there we did it [Music] we did [Music] what are you doing [Music] I have nothing more to hide foreign [Music] can we go now we're so close boy [Music] carrier [Music] wait father something's happening [Music] tracks it's smaller look she's arguing with a bunch of giants she knew Giants foreign the first time we met the world serpent but how and our fight was Baldur just happened wait they knew everything that was going to happen [Music] the dragon in the mountain the stone Mason all these drawings our story oh Woody but what does it all mean that I was not the only parent with secrets [Music] you didn't know she was a giant [Music] I'm a giant why didn't she tell us she sent us here knowing we would find this but why not just tell us the truth the mother would have had good reasons [Music] while they was never set to find me he was tracking her all along not knowing she was only ashes she had a plan for us I trusted whatever it is besides she hasn't been wrong yet [Music] come on we're so close to the end now yes yes we are [Music] foreign she was here she saw every step we took before we took it like she was always with us watching over us leading us home let's finish it foreign [Music] no we do it together son [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] they really are all gone there's nothing for us here come what's up I get that mother was a giant which makes me part Giant and parka Android mortal right I guess there's just one thing I don't understand my name on the wall the Giants called me Loki okay that's the name your mother wanted for you when you were born she must have called either to her people but why a question for another day let us go home [Music] okay this old dude sleep way ahead of you the ball who are you [Music] [Music] atreus are you ready yeah but I had the weirdest dream female winter was ending and Thor came for us here at the house it was only a dream but it felt different it felt real it felt like the future then we will worry about it tomorrow today there are still things we can do [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hungry what's next oh storm is getting worse I'll get them ready foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you need help [Music] ready foreign [Music] is it hurt it's her it's not far not again get ready [Music] laughs oh no Freya we're not your enemies [Applause] please don't make me do this foreign [Music] or three of us Dave we made it let us go home it's Becky it's fauna up I got it foreign [Music] go on girls foreign [Music] you're okay I know I missed you too where's your food still hungry come on boy you need to eat why too big there you go oh boy all right the time draws near you must prepare yourself for what he's still eating he wants to live [Music] foreign boy fast and strong but you can rest now okay I'll be okay you can let go now you have to let go so if not Opera they sue so far it's on [Music] foreign [Music] what no it's the middle of the night does not stop our enemies why what for training is all we ever do ever it's not enough we can't hide forever not ready we'll go time is running out the prophecy say femble winter leads to Ragnarok war is coming whatever Loki's supposed to be doing he's supposed to be doing it now my story doesn't end hiding in these Woods I should be out there finding out who I am who Loki is I will not allow you to pick a fight with gods I don't want to fight anyone I just want answers war with Asgard maybe that's what mother won the [ __ ] mother wanted looks like we never will look I have a moment alone with fenrir before I bury him [Music] foreign [Music] expression anywhere came out to tell me what went wrong it's gone oh no not fair how's the lad taking it dwell bury him oh damn it all right brother good night there foreign hmm [Music] Kratos are you joining me foreign gonna make me pick that one up good boy very bye time is running out my love and there is much to do rather where's atreus hence my bellowing you never came back from Buddy and the Wolf it's been some time the trash where are you [Music] oh grab him [Music] laughs [Music] let's try this let's race Focus heal foreign I prayed fenrir and then I'm not sure I was so sad and then I was angry and scared I remember running there was a bear charging and I charged back that had to be a dream I I didn't know I could do that you do not do anything you must we must not abandon abandoned we do not know the reach of your abilities dangerous without discipline to control them you've already taught me discipline I need more than that I need answers answers you don't have answers only your mother had some she withheld what if there was someone who could help us someone that could give us answers about the Giants and who Loki's supposed to be wouldn't that help to understand where I'm becoming latreyas listen to me I might have killed you until you learn control we will take more unnecessary risks inaction is also a risk you taught me that stop thinking like a father for a moment and start thinking like a general no no collect yourself this one as yeah [Music] [Music] thank you I didn't mean to intent does not matter [Music] only consequences [Music] what what can we do nothing nature will take its course [Music] [Applause] [Music] as evenings go that was entirely too eventful I had met it was a bit like all times there at the moment the three of us navigating some hitherto and happened upon patch of forest in a while since you've joined us if that's what you mean stop well just tired I suppose you've seen one deer hunt you've seen them all how can you feel tired when you never sleep there are other kinds of tired lad you'll see when you're older now have a proper rest my brothers things are always brighter in the morning what was that the ball who are you can I come in I have meat you would not find me good company no I'm sure we'll find lots to talk about yeah nice place foreign you could have told me before I poured why are you here just being polite you seem like a calm and reasonable person are you a calm and reasonable person and if the moment calls for a calm I'd say the moment calls for calm foreign back before winter set in there were some misunderstandings regrettable ones but I think we all have a better idea of who we're dealing with now what you did to his boys self-defense dying is what we easily live for and let's be honest they were kind of useless but Bulger he had value he was my best tracker Mike closer yeah his mind was gone sure but he had his uses and now he's gone because of you you follow me you have a debt you're no fun anymore how about peace how does peace strike the esteemed retired God of War how about we just don't kill each other how about you stay home kick up your feet seek no quarrel with me and I'll have none with you of course it means that that one that one has to stop his search for tear yeah we know what you've been up to stop it tears always are dead he is dead you understand and then that's it there was Square [ __ ] I'll even sweeten the deal I'll let you keep the prisoner that I know you stole that's right I know you're in here somewhere you silver tongue little [ __ ] why should we believe or whatever you one of your promises ever been worked there he is my old partner in crime he's lost weight if he tells you snow is white he's lying what kind of wisdom is that can't the smartest head alive see past himself see that we all want the same thing all right here's a deal I know you can trust I'll settle your debt with my ex keep prayer off your back keep your boy safe that's really all you want isn't it so what do you say hello don't take all day about time I've been waiting for this you're not from here we got a tradition called our blood payments it means I get appease of you for what you took from my family you'll pick it up [Music] oh I see why my sons fell to you even missed lesser version of what I am not my sons and your boy our father had plans for him [Music] foreign [Music] there's the God of War consider your blood debt pain seeing you told you he didn't make it Kratos it's injury and Brock that was quite a fight can we oh now Odin is with atreus brother I was about to look for you are you what does he want to uh pay for the roof and he invited me to Asgard Daddy I couldn't hear once he went outside I told him no obviously why were you searching for tear if I told you I was looking for him you would have said not to so you hit the truth for me I wanted to tell you I really did but now that you know there's something you should see no trust me you want to you have broken my trust then let me regain it let me show you what I found besides we haven't seen the last of Odin or Thor and clearly they can just walk in and blast holes in our home whenever they want there's only one way to get them off our backs I think I know how sir so we gather your things foreign are you ready go [Music] and keep that change you bastard foreign you watching well that's new [Music] come on address wait yeah I don't think he's waiting [Music] what is this slide where are we Somewhere Only Giants were meant to see these shrines tell their stories to the world but it turns out the real stories the secret stories those they kept here inside you remember the story of skoln hottie the wolf Giants Odin captured them because he thinks it'll help him control when Ragnarok starts I remember but that's not the whole story see this shows the giant setting skull and how do you free they are free is this the power the past or the future pens when you're looking at it spoken like a giant see the wolves are safe somewhere in Vanna hunt it's not the first place Odin would look at a pose there they are chasing the sun and moon old habits until look the moon gets stolen somehow atreus see hottie's got nothing to Chase and they say Celestial theft is a victimless crime not totally sure who this is but someone comes along and rescues the moon and then the moon blocks out the sun right a total eclipse I haven't seen one of those in a hundred Winters but then they chase an arrow and things go back to normal what does any of this have to do we're coming to that look here's Ragnarok do you see who's leading the armies against Odin that's a tear if he's gonna be around at Ragnarok that means he's got to be alive right I'm here can this be Odin told me he killed Tia and he trusted me at the time or so I thought what if he didn't kill him what if he's just had him locked up some more all this time we are back to IFS enough wait we are going home wait I have one more thing to show you it's just out here what is this everything I found well almost everything fast giant craftsmanship you've been to your home again no I found it in one of the other shrines oh that's right how many have you visited I well all of them all the ones I could still get to in midgard anyway I don't know what it is but it's important just like all this when I was inside one of the shrines I saw an image of tear imprisoned but I couldn't tell where there are hints inside the other shrines you mentioned black smoke and the bleeding Earth but we can never figure out exactly we yeah centuries been helping me look I talked him into it it wasn't his idea I just needed someone to watch my back black smoke feeding Earth the prison being Muslim unlikely Odin's got no presence to speak of in the primordial realms for the bleeding out sounds like a mine eye the realm of the dwarves perhaps Sparkle famous that's a good bet their minds did belts black smoke and Odin's had his thumb on the dwarves for a very long time that's it then tearsen's father finds somewhere imprisoned in a mine so what now oh [Music] [Applause] tear what trickery is this Odin what game do you play with me now we're not with Odin we're the good guys thank you this is the God of War those plates I know you God killer have you come from me now stay away brother let me try dear dear look no me don't you you killed the mirror no no no no no no yeah we we brought him right back yeah stay away from me you monsters stop we need him what leave me alone dear listen I swear we're not here to hurt you we're just trying to get you out for me please take you somewhere safe away from Odin show Mercy this is my father we help people I don't belong out here please it's worse when he's angry I'm not a soldier are you not a leader of men Master yourself my son brought us to this place for you look at him you why you don't know me I know what you stood for you helped the Giants we're returning the favor we we are leaving are you coming with us [Music] thank you here your statue in the lake you had a spear I thought you needed a walking stick oh you kind of thought but no thank you no but okay I I ran because I don't always know what's real is sometimes there's no shame in that brother we live in strange times everyone hears him talk we must return over before we go any further the truth what is it you want from me you speak of Ragnarok is it a God of War you can't just find is that the tear you need Petraeus I forgive me that I am grateful for my freedom but if you want me to follow you to war or worse yet lead you to it then kill me now my fight is gone damage is done no one's killing you brother I heard that than to live to see Ragnarok [Music] we do not seek war we just want some answers I don't know how to help you it doesn't matter the Giants trusted you that's the tear we need we need you all right [Music] all I ask is for a good night's rest and maybe some food I think you killed the guards bringing me dinner so can we talk about what to do next there is much to consider we will speak in the morning oh okay in the morning you hold still come see what I got for you I'm sure we won't be interrupting any goings on what are you thinking brother I am thinking I want things to be the way they were well I'd like to claim a tea again satin ships have sailed Restless I care only for your safety I know brother but wanting him too tight won't keep him out of danger the lad's determined to make a few mistakes of his own and I hate to say it I think tear might be one of them I've never seen a man broken so completely his claim is fresh expect too much ah perhaps pretty Freya still wants to kill you that's an ally we could use that is not an option no I don't suppose it is you cannot sneak up on me like that there's something I have to do in midgard what help me I thought we were partners we are just wasn't sure you'd want to join me I'm visiting an old friend oh or possibly not doing that taking into account she's determined to murder you she wouldn't really oh look I think it's lovely that you see the best in people I really do and I want you to continue to see the best in people by not getting yourself murdered but we need her it's worth the risk is it though many times but she was plagued by constant vision so conversation was difficult to say the least [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what are you doing hey father she's she's gone yes [Music] keep moving [Music] the Giants always did enjoy hiding their secrets in plain sight wait until you see this foreign here we have drawers search for her missing husband she was relentless in an attempt to find him meditated for weeks on end unfortunately she found something else a vision of Ragnarok word of Growers Vision reached Odin he sought her out demanded a private retelling didn't like what he had apparently Ironwood that's the I don't know what that is the mythical Sanctuary for Giants curious so it's in yodon I know some Giants thought so but Ironwood isn't anywhere lad it's a concept A metaphorical Paradise it's not real presumably grower requested her ashes be returned to yodenheim while her soul found peace in the light difficult to imagine Odin respecting those Wishes the champion I think it's supposed to be me you assume too much I best not to read into these abstractions so literally prophecies are slippery by Nature although some are more obvious than others Ragnarok I the end of everything so this is it there's nothing we can do to stop it there must be a way why else is this hidden look here this is what we saw it's you fighting in Ragnarok no I don't I can't watch this then that's new Asgard is destroyed [Music] but the other arms thrive and no didn't dies she lied you know I lied of course she did Odin's working off a false prophecy so then we can win Ragnarok we can beat Odin we are not present in any of this but that was tear leading the charts against Asgard plus hell's Army was there and the elves champion okay whoever that is doesn't matter but for the first time we know something Odin doesn't we just saw we can win here I won't allow prophecy to Define my choices but we just saw no atreus it's wrong [Music] there is much to discuss greatest time [Music] oh no no audreyas hold on over here you're changed laughs yeah agreed oh are you invented ah no sir hey dear thanks and I'm sorry about before I I no I am sorry I should never have come we shouldn't linger all right it's funny right nothing seems to settle myself eat oh careful careful thank you enjoy enjoy my friends yeah we'll see about that here you are a male Fit For A Champion enough I said we would speak no more of that yes of course didn't mean to offend uh I'm not offended it's just a word the word didn't clouds your judgment so you really don't think it means anything after the journey mom sent us on everything we saw in Jordan hunt what was it all for don't you ever think about that every day but I cannot believe her purpose was to inspire you to take foolishness but what if the Giants are counting on me what Giants hi I'm counting on you safe to be smart that is the Judgment of a man and not of a child but what if Loki going to Ironwood it's the only way that oh atreus my son and nothing more do you hear me I'm not hungry anymore forgive me Kratos my words were chosen carelessly what were you thinking I I wanted to visit Fenway for two days I do not lie to me again why did you come here alone do you seek that no more than you then why why [Music] is it you will not tell me tried to walk this path with you we follow you everywhere but you don't believe in any of it and still I follow because all that matters is that you are safe but that's not all that matters who's keeping you safe I do not need you to protect me you sure about that what do you know I can't talk about it but I just need you to trust me you kept secrets but I trust you that's not the same why not you hate things mother hate things you had good reasons and so do I why can't you just later come on now hurry up [Music] every agony every violation it matches oh you do not want this [Music] she was our friend [Music] Victoria's Victorious [Music] thank you [Music] Maybe for the moment you're of more use to me this is home oh really you will tell the truth when I return I must say things right I am we'll take him oh your majesty a pleasure to see you again do not let him out of your sight you heard him Sunshine come on get a move on what is it do you want I refuse to remain bound to this realm we travel to Anaheim well guess it's just your sin one gateway to Anaheim coming right up laughs [Music] [Applause] yes ow get out of the face [Music] ah [Music] I got it [Music] foreign [Music] it's over that's that's really far and now that you have what you seek I suppose this is the point where I forgive you or I kill you [Music] have you decided to be honest I don't think I can do either there's still a part of me that is so angry and it'll always be it'll always be angry but no you are not the one who needs to die I do see that [ __ ] everything that's happened between us no need to explain not to me [Music] not for that [Music] I do not regret saving your life and never will but the choice between life and death should have been yours to make have robbed you of that choice foreign [Music] he better screw his head back on and I mean tightly so you're back are you ready to answer me about what where did you go did you see was it loaded what is that what you think do you deny it answer me did you go to Asgard no of course not but so what if I did it's my future it's my life you are my son then why don't you trust me if you want me to trust you then tell me the truth the truth is you're being a complete [ __ ] logic you know that's no way to change a man's mind he doesn't have any faith in me it's fine if he keeps Secrets it's fine if mom did that is not fine secret it's hard to be stuck with this path oh okay so you don't believe in her anymore either this is not about your mother what you have done is lie wonder where I learned that that's quite enough since when do you always take his side since he became no one making sense look I was only thinking about going to Odin but I swear it's for a good reason there is no good reason to go to Odin he'll only Cloud your mind but I'd be going for us I gotta stop something bad from happening something bad did happen look at me at Freya a tear ohton did this to us what's got everyone caterwauling all of a sudden atreus wants to go to Asgard Asgard kicked in the head or something great I guess everybody's against me now you lied keep choose I never get to choose just leave me alone listen let go of me it's injury just just try to keep control come on [Music] Menards you found them once could you do so again I could try but I don't see how that's how are the fates of these lands are they not I would know what they know you may not find them Cooperative as long as I find them where do we search midgard but if atreus is an Asgard there's no getting him back without an army we should be raising one yes nothing like a catastrophic War to improve the situation the boy seems quite capable perhaps if you simply give him some time you are not free of blame here you encourage his foolishness is confusion do not seek war but if Odin has stolen my son do not doubt the lengths I will go to your Nature has always been clear Kratos but you Freya or as a first Resort that's not the Freya I knew I hope the norns can give you the counsel you need perhaps mine is no longer of use here tears stop this is no time to divide ourselves further come sit please that's a good loss lovely creatures but temperamental by reputation in my land they keep children away from the lost by telling them a kelpie would drown them of course no kelpiano would do such a thing unless it was disrespected it walks on water I no mystical water steeds to speak of in Greece brother there were the hippocamps they served the sea god I battled one upon a Titan that might not be her favorite subject [Music] foreign Hideaway never doubt it would make it Kratos Freya and mimir's head enter the home of the norns tentatively [Music] they have finally reached their destination [Music] Kratos speaks first I seek my son you know the child is an Asgard no you seek what all who search for us see to know the ending to your story the ghost of Sparta furrows his brow menacingly he resists the urge to grunt more he fails you come to us piteous archetypes seeking freedom from your scripts as if knowing your lines would Grant you the power to rewrite them [Music] you will die Kratos of Sparta there is no Destiny Park the protagonists are speechless they do not understand there is no Grand Design no script only the choices you make that your choices are so predictable merely make us seem Christian when my son was born shut up eat your prophecy said he would die a needless death and he did because you could not let him go because he thirsted for Revenge and because you kill gods but what Kratos did it was not out of hate should I bring him a crown then he still slays Gods but now he's sad about it you are the sum of your choices nothing more and because your choices never change you will learn that Heimdall intends to kill your son and Asgard and you will do what you do best and then Ragnarok the skies burn the curtains fall exhumed Omni handle again he misses the point focusing on the second act to the exclusion of the final a common mistake in storycraft he Stomps away followed closely by Freya I enjoyed your story Kratos pity it has to end so soon now a good time I just want to talk dad to Dad speaking of which imagine my surprise when atreus came knocking at my door he's doing well by the way and we'll continue to do so just as long as I return to Asgard sometime soon besides our friend here has a has a whole lot to live for arguable run along now but behave yourself blue spear never much care for Brock can't deny the dwarf's talent you came to speak speak you don't really want more do you have Kratos all that blood on your hands on your son's hands I want peace as much as you do perhaps we can find it together he's lying I know that boy of ours is everything I expected so clever kind he's sure he's yours a kid you really ought to be very proud he is the key to peace in our age to break free from all this fate and prophecy my son is not your key oh God do they not have metaphor in your Homeland or rather did they I'm sorry that's not fair I know you're not the god you once were and now is your chance to prove it return my son or you may meet the god I once was and what kind of God is that great toes what do you even know of godhood in your lifetimes has anyone ever worshiped you ever prayed to you can you even imagine that kind of love no you don't care about Mortals you don't care about anything beyond yourself beyond the monster who kills without cause you fear what you can never even hope to understand is it any Wonder that you're a boy is in no rush to come back to you you won't listen to him brother trying to get in your head foreign [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Kratos you all right he is innocent our failures we are not who we were we must atreus is our future keep him safe Kratos [Music] protect our sons [Music] Happy Days [Music] oh my God [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what just happened so my fault the how walkers they're everywhere everywhere that is not your fault yes it is there was a wolf in hell who's in Chains and and I set him free I I thought that if God could I bleed and [ __ ] Lord you feed gum guard who freed garm that's Madness surely not you young one if the Hound of hell is loose he'll chew through the fabric of the Realms how Walkers are just the beginning what were you thinking ah this is a [ __ ] up of not insignificant proportions what would drive you to such Mischief is this Loki's doing enough leave him Tres has made a mistake and that we fixed together Grand now if you don't mind I'd rather stay here I've had my fill of visits to hellheim [Music] foreign it's a good plan let's move foreign can't we try and yeah [Music] oh wow all right I'm on it [Music] you hear that where is he starts please work please work I'm sorry is that yeah [Music] what happened we gotta find him come on foreign [Music] sorry I heard you it's over now I promise defend are you tomorrow good boy yeah I missed you too didn't know if that would work [Music] we did it oh is this possible it's giant Magic I've been learning things I'm gonna ask God this has nothing to do with that more secrets no I promise we're not someone's trusting me to keep like you kept your promise to Mom see what I can do when you trust me oh foreign falling back into my old ways angry distrustful with you now and before [Music] I I chased you away without you I got Reckless overconfident I mean stupid mistakes I don't know why I thought I could do this alone you were right no on our journey together you have grown into a warrior worthy of your namesake I was the one who was not ready you don't have to be who you were just because I'm not there let's make a promise I'll listen for your voice in my head when you're not there to guide me and you do the same all right I need to know you'll be okay without me betrays I am sorry don't be sorry Father he better let's go home foreign here goes nothing thank you [Music] just like inside their shrine [Music] thank you if I do this wait to only bind you if you let it do what is necessary not because it is written [Music] oh okay [Music] good choice a lot they have a gift for us a way to call them anytime we need them Kratos atreus that Eclipse was your doing I take it thank you for coming Big Bear use the diversion to escape what about your brother we know where they're holding him now bayla's already prepped the explosives if you're with me we can leave as soon as you're ready I could use another shapeshifter's help go with him atreyas I will Aid Freya yes sir [Music] completely giving away your position [Laughter] what idiots thank you oh if it isn't Queen mistletoe myself hilarious by the way been a while I'm dull and you must be the little half-breed's father lucky day you have a lot to answer for Sunshine YouTube trainer better at traitor than Odin's lap dog hmm foreign is mine I can help I know but you are needed elsewhere he's right you know sizzles wasn't looking so hot last I saw I know you didn't want this but we know how this ends see you soon well we both know that's not true but don't worry frigg I'll be coming for you and your brother as soon as I am finished here thank you no what you got having fun yet oh well you and me then foreign you actually hit me [ __ ] that's all this is ah wait what is going on in that empty bed oh no no no you are going to spare me out of pity well is it good you may live is this about the Little Rock oh now I am definitely going to get him this is your final warning I don't think a warning is going to cut it you think you get to just walk away no that is not how this works you do not get to decide my fate dead sunshine [Applause] this isn't who you want to be all right this mask the easy answers that it promises I know this shortcuts always have a price you have carried it what do you think I think it's a chance not worse we'll have something Odin wants his leverage at best if it really gives us all the answers then we can make our own path Nobody Has To Die hmm Grand now all we need is a way to Asgard I know I've been a burden to you all I know you've questioned why you even pulled me out of that hole I have to it's clear now this is what I'm needed for this is my purpose one last time I will pick up my Spear and I will lead us to Asgard excuse me but if you got a way to Asgard where's that idea been this whole [ __ ] while that's a fair question brother phew who the hell does God you would have gotten us all killed and we needed to give Loki time to find his destiny here it is it's all led to this if we can get inside I'm going after Odin I will not stop you we can do both spot on brother if the Mask doesn't give us an out we'll still have that drop on him works for me let's do it then and quickly before he sees us coming he does hate surprises [Music] slow down your damn Spruce I still want to hear the details on this uh new way to Asgard you got spill it it's an ancient path we can't reach it from here let me collect my things and I'll show you you ain't got no things and where are you going with that Rock that belongs to the kid he earned it all you've done was make passable dirt soup Brock it's okay no it ain't this ain't right all the pieces ain't welding together true like what's with him calling you Loki anyway you know that ain't his name hey I'm talking to you you'll never shut up [Music] all the things pulled in let go of the boy and face me tell your brother not to throw me the mask and you've got a deal if he dies now now wasn't part of the plan but if he guys we are square for Heimdall and honestly you got a bargain I will kill you plan on that so nice spending time with you again Freya please can't be in two places at once Frank hey I don't move you don't move don't do anything you want crap I regret many things killing you will not be one of them hi I'm in control here throw me the mask now [Music] [Music] too bad son looks like war after all please you have to save him you have to you can't maybe if I go back to the lake [Music] I know what you've done and I forgive you [Music] should get his job yeah let's go [Music] foreign [Music] what do we do now now now we kill Odin and anyone who gets in our way cheers come what where it does not matter where are you going we are done [Music] you can't run away from this Kratos Odin won't stop until we stop him we need you here hello we seek a fire Giant go away what just happened hey that wasn't we deal with these [ __ ] [Music] that is serger he's got a lot to answer for as you said we need him I won't help you who are you who you seek what's left on him why won't you help us I don't want to elaborate will die right because you've got so much to live for not me her so what's the point of all this you keep separate from sinmara just so you can sit here and wait to die at least if you joined with her you'd be together again we are together they're hard she's got mine it's not much but it's enough but you're not even have you ever been in love it's pretty good and Odin will succeed all Realms save Asgard will fall he must die true but I won't sacrifice her any more than you would him sorry [Music] um wait [Music] those blades may I see them [Music] yeah this primordial fire in those they are not of these lands shouldn't matter yeah that could work What could those in here and I'll become your monster but I don't want her involved at all but the prophecy says you two have to combine I'm sure this will work what have I gone to my before not here follow me [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] blades move [Music] this will hurt laughs I don't know you're really painful part My Fire her heart bring them ah you 'd ever Ragnarok it's time [Music] foreign how long do you think this is gonna take Valkyries Odie must have said that get away from there foreign [Music] [Music] disorder are you there will you help us attack Asgard uh great I came to these lands to escape my past start a new life I can hide no longer but I do not want this war [Music] we have suffered enough prophecy did not lead us here nor will it win this battle Wars are won by those that are willing to sacrifice everything foreign if that is the cost of vengeance it Odin has taken so much from us already the Realms have suffered enough no matter the cost this ends today of going out in a blaze of glory means that Odin learns to might as well be a big fat smile on my face for Brock [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right y yourselves yeah yeah the Muslim Tower is falling and if Fulton goes after nippleheim next they're trying to shut out Ragnarok you've got to stop those war machines not an ideal start wait indeed we don't have time I know just wait [Music] Ingrid well we got work to do you three Apollo address Freya with me watch our flights to the war machines foreign [Music] [Applause] more or less what you wanted close your heart to it close your heart who are they Guardians Odin took them in you shouldn't be here they're not soldiers oh didn't put them in our path to die it's War s are one are those who are willing to sacrifice everything what are you doing you feel better pain because that is who you are and you must never sacrifice that never not for anyone I I was wrong open your heart open your heart to their suffering that does your mother's wish in mind as well today so today we will be better [Music] but what can we do see the size of that thing I think we're gonna win I mean if they don't kill us why have you stopped Ragnarok is here we finally have Odin right where we will stop voting but we did not come to sacrifice the innocent we will breach the wall at Reaper's floor what army atreus and I will be enough it may be but we will die Seeking Justice not vengeance can that weapon break open the floor a way to find out you three get those people to safety wherever you can find it we will see it done Brad and I will do what we can to slow Ragnarok was not fightless before see if he will listen to reason Odin will not get away if he does I know [Music] no protect him I will help us ever trapped and meet you at the wall go go address yeah I didn't want to listen that may not be our biggest problem right now back to your sister you must hold back Ragnarok this fight is mine but if I could just take a trace in the basket do not look back my son trusts you so I trust you I am done with you and your son no more [ __ ] games yeah and this time I'm allowed to kill you your family [Music] [Music] come on [Music] what the [ __ ] are you waiting for your daughter my son calls her friend if you try to hurt her I would not don't you know What I've Done yes hmm I destroy us no more no more for the sake of our children we must be better foreign [Music] are you talking who told you to do that you don't talk you don't think I think you kill it's a simple [ __ ] concept was right about you I just didn't want to see it what is this are you broken I am your father take the hammer and kill who I tell you to kill no I didn't want this I did not want this no dude this was all therefore they've done this to us to our family [Music] [Music] so was this everything you hoped for was your plan really all that much better than mine I hope you got exactly what you want not quite yet I think you're the only one who can craft a binding spell [ __ ] I've spent many long Winters thinking about what I would say to you to you as I watched YouTube but now I realize there's only one thing I need you to know you have no hold on me anymore and that's my freak I forgot how good you look with wings oh husband you always sought knowledge well now I'm going to teach you what it's like to lose everything huh bow to your queen I always loved you you know you've never loved anyone [Applause] father prayer you did it Loki oh no no no no no no more fighting no none of that matters now this is your moment Loki will try to hide you from me but this is your destiny champion of the oat knot only he can put on a mask only he can gaze into the truth of creation unfolds the secrets of life and death no more doubt no more confusion going for this basket ask it the question this is your choice son I trust you no no no no why did you do that what was it all for you choose to be nothing [Music] so be it this was our chance Loki I could have had my answers I could have learned the truth you took that away from me I could have made things better we could have made the nine Realms better this was never about the Realms or me it was about you you destroyed everything my home my family my kingdom you did those things your choices you killed your own son it wasn't my choice I had no choice there's always a choice you have to stop you can choose to be better no I can't I have to know what happens next I will never stop why'd you have to say that soft knife his son [Music] so far [Music] what do we do with him I swore I would never Rob from you the choice between life and death foreign for this moment and now that I'm here [Music] I don't need this to make me whole we stopped his Madness that's all that matters [Music] who comes next [Music] it's Ragnarok he's here time to go go where exactly you didn't exit ing stuff follow me quickly thank you not let's go well it's time [Music] don't be afraid no matter what happens I'll be with you but your path is your own follow it and you'll end up right where you're supposed to be huh fairies wake up atreus wake up ah glad you've come back to us ah hi where where is my father somewhere here in the hold yeah I'll be glad to see you thanks Sarah foreign [Music] foreign [Music] she destroyed it she didn't want us to know our faith Ford's darling path because of her she went against her own people our people to protect you they don't all open I'm sorry [Music] father I I need to talk to you about something there are other Giants out there and I've got to find them I think I know where to look but they're my responsibility [Music] I need to do this alone I I don't want to do it alone but I need to it's hard to explain it's frighten you yeah that is why you must do it like you taught me yeah we survived today because of your choices to trust who to girlfriend [Music] son you are ready [Music] foreign I promise Loki will go Petraeus remains [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] what did you see in there brother [Music] one I had ever imagined and what now [Music] nervous much to do much to rebuild [Music] could you join me I need you to it together [Music] amen [Music] thanks for trying yeah they are brother oh come on surely he'll be along it's his brother let's hope so loss can do things to a man you made it we can begin [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what gets bigger the more you take away
Channel: GameClips
Views: 475,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God Of War, Kratos, God Of War Ragnarok, God Of War Kratos, God Of War Full Story of Kratos, God Of War Full Movie, God Of War Movie, God Of War All Cutscenes, God Of War Kratos Full Story, God Of War Kratos Story, God Of War Full Story, God Of War Kratos All Cutscenes, God Of War Kratos Full Movie, Kratos Full Story, Full Story, All Cutscenes, All, Cutscenes, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2023, 2023 Movie, 4K, 4K Ultra HD, HD
Id: NVWtjwsDVXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 434min 59sec (26099 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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