God of War Ragnarok All Fake Tyr Cutscenes + Dialogue - The Story of Odin as Tyr

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foreign [Music] what game do you play with me now we're not with Odin come on this is the God of War those played I know you God killer have you come from me now stay away brother let me try dear dear look you know me don't you yeah you killed the mirror no no no no no no yeah we we brought him right back yeah stay away from me you monsters stop we need him it's gonna be okay leave me alone dear listen I swear we're not here to hurt you we're just trying to get you away from me please take you somewhere safe away from Odin show Mercy this is my father we help people I don't belong out here please it's worse when he's angry I'm not a soldier are you not a leader of men Master yourself my son brought us to this place for you look at him you why you don't know me I know what you stood for you helped the Giants we're returning the favor we are leaving are you coming with us [Music] here your statue in the lake you had a spear I thought you needed a walking stick and kind thought but no thank you no but okay I I ran because I don't always know what's real is sometimes there's no shame in that brother we live in strange times everyone hears him talk we must return home can you feel that a wind blowing from over here maybe there's an exit nearby are there names by which I should call you I'm a trace you already know I'm here and that's my father Kratos how does the son of a Spartan come to speak for the yodnar my mother was the last Johnny midgard Lafayette Lafayette I remember that name she tried to help people too she's in the light of alpha now you have my sympathies are you okay these are just much stronger when you're not sitting down let me get that it's the least I can do whoa [Music] why risk Odin's wrath to free me well Ragnarok is coming I hope you knew that we thought you'd want to help freed me only to start a war no um sotia it's good to see you in the flesh again the mirror it's become of you following in your footsteps betrayal indefinite imprisonment executable torture at the hands of the old father you didn't deserve such treatment did you I will say my view was a touch better than yours we found him at the top of a mountain with tree roots wrapped all around him the only way to free him was to oh that highly Pleasant for all parties involved ah you okay the light it's it's been so long there's an outcropping just ahead the shade will make it easier on your eyes come on you said Ragnarok is coming which means balder balder is dead Borden sent him to track down a giant in midgard and then he found kratosa anyway I promise to take these two to the tallest peak in the Realms if they'd chop off my head and convince Freya to bring it back speaker Boulder I was getting to that it wasn't all kill this kill that hey we're back in the wetlands watch out it's okay come we must leave before more creatures attack we should have taken the spear defended yourself no I've objured all violence but you're the God of War I left that behind long ago if Odin starts Ragnarok you really wouldn't fight not even if I wish to foreign we go any further truth what is it you want from me you speak of Ragnarok is it a God of War you can't just find is that the tear you need Petraeus I forgive me that I am grateful for my freedom but if you want me to follow you to war s yet lead you to it and kill me now my fight is gone damage is done no one's killing you brother better that than to live to see Ragnarok we did not seek war we just want some answers I don't know how to help you it doesn't matter the Giants trusted you that's the tier we need we need you [Music] all I ask is for a good night's rest I think you killed the guards bringing me dinner perhaps now you'd like to finish the story the sons of Thor attacked us we killed them Walden tried to kill freyja I killed him but you skipped over how he fought and freed the valkyrie and that the Giants are all gone and now they call me Loki and finding the shrines are gone and we got to yotenheim they were all dead dead you think Odin we do not know I think we're getting out of here a moment too soon whoa what are those reinforcements from Asgard the annual yard will want to investigate my disappearance thoroughly are they using this guy to travel between Realms got six up his speed we haven't dared to consider they're coming down on neither believe too will the doors be okay the time process concerns has passed we must leave now extra seal it's been too long I'd forgotten Beauty tear in your travels did you ever hear the Giants talk about Loki I'm sorry that name doesn't sound familiar the Giants are were very private people makes sense perhaps after a rest a treehouse Lord here you're really alive am I I wonder okay he's just tired I promised him some food and a room to rest in ah of course you did well let's see what we can do please come inside uh we'll be right in so can we talk about what to do next there is much to consider we will speak in the morning oh okay in the morning you hold still yep oh much better thank you see sleep tight here I'm going to turn in big day tomorrow so tear sounds like promises were made let's see about getting it settled shall we if you'll follow me hey come see what I got for you I'm sure we won't be interrupting anything going on in all arrange accommodations I may need time to construct a bed for someone of your scale please don't go to trouble on my account too much space would be unsettling do you have a broom closet yes but it's where I keep my brooms that's all I need to be honest it's all I can manage all right um some food then oh nothing much perhaps some heart attack hard tack any sort of humble ships biscuit will do I with a pinch of salt well I'll see what I can find perhaps I'll be able to sleep tonight really sleep I could have sworn we had some crackers maybe the squirrel took his eye on me so that's what's left of tear huh Back Where I Come From we'd say he's been through a few things so have we all well ain't you philosophical is this sausage um sure why not [Music] I remember food tasting better I suppose you'd like to try cooking for this lot if I accept what huh I'm sure that's what I'm planning our next move so where are we going oh five I'm with the elves have fun you hate alphon while we move there move there oh we are seeking information the shrine of grow a young one your father tells me you found it there grow up the knowledge keeper oh maybe there's a secret there I can unlock I be better than the Sierra who saw everything I wasn't sure you um never mind that's great I'm fine hey don't go forgetting this world will get you there I'm gonna build a bigger table [Music] more for me thank you you're really up for coming with us I am whenever you're ready well whenever your father's ready I should say if my counsel might help you towards the answers you seek it's the least I can do to repay you Plus I think it will do me well to see the light of elvheim again hmm that elflight is some good [ __ ] so where did this plan come from oh from Amir of course I was merely asking how you found me and he explained the secret prophecies inside the yodnar shrines fascinating from there I'll be sent to taking stock of which shrines we'd seen at which point your father recalled finding drawers outside the Temple of Light and now that we can actually go to alphaim The Prudent course of action became self-evident nearly a last step for the world's smartest man even without feet if you'll forgive the levity I was always fond of her talks you know yeah right and it's good to see you a free man again old friend and thanks to you as well Brock these clothes do better than I deserve darn straight and never mind what Brock had to trade the landlord to get that interest the landlord uh okay here you know ratatosker of course we were just catching up in your absence of the squirrels I've conversed with he's easily the most dapper perhaps as we travel you can tell me the tale of your prior visit to the land of the elves sure I can foreign was the first time we ever Rome traveled using your temple pray you tried coming with us but Odin cast a spell on her she can't leave midgard it's terrible so then we fought our way through an army of dark Hills to get to the light you interfered in the elf War not by choice we sought to fill our bifrost and they attacked us the dark elves were covering it with their sticky hide stuff when we freed it Lighthouse came back seemed better in alphan did they now alfheim it's been so long not sure where the temple is from here but that's where we'll find grow a shrine I see the elves continue their War yeah so much for things being better now [Music] yikes thimble winter hit I'll find hard no storms have plagued alfheim's deserts long before fimble winter a Living Desert huh it was once full of life you know and music song of the Sands he called it gone now another victim of War there the Temple of Light growth Shrine is at the top good Eyes by Frost eyes is everything okay hi old friend just looting on your chests we'll be right along my dad likes Luke ah very well prayer never bothered returning to Alpine did he mamir I know I assumed the fate of his own realm took precedence wait freya's brother yes Cut From a Different Cloth that one there's a barricade up ahead what are those shiny Rocks Twilight Stone a rare material that can take Millennium to form Majestic isn't it occasionally the light of Alpine will bind to a rock and crystallize growing like on a fallen tree oh I didn't know it could do that oh foreign there's a gap in the fence over there oh very clever freya's brother how was he involved long ago fear of the Vania traveled to alfheim where he discovered a once beautiful land devastated by War using his Divine Powers he set about cultivating a tenuous peace among the elves did you mention how that peace fell apart as soon as he left I was getting to it you hear that oh no that's enough please don't need to do this we don't want to hurt you we do not have a choice [Music] they attacked us more will follow once we're inside is there truly no other way not like they're giving us much of a choice so your father said I'm just naive I suppose no just an optimist old friend I talked last time didn't realize all this was even down here it's an older Gate built to promote cooperation between the elves but it looks like it's been sealed for some time how do we enter grab that wheel and I'll show you [Music] I'll go first Petraeus let me know when I've reached halfway so uh what's happening right now this seal is meant to represent the balance of the realm when freyr was here light and dark working together in harmony how's that look atreus good I think father now you go unfortunately for alfheim freyr couldn't accept his sister's decision to marry Odin he returned to Anaheim and left this realm to its fate to be fair the Eco did set him on fire that one time should have opened you sure it's balanced yeah but the realm isn't not anymore father try pulling it the other way yeah yeah it's here you keep pushing forward fine work atreus shall we what's a dark yellow Statue doing in a light Temple that's just how they looked before the division the division yes the elves weren't always split between light and dark you know this statue depicts the elves before the war before they discovered the power of the light I've never seen the lake of Soul so volatile ah fimple winter you reckon of course making the light unstable so the base of this light well that's the lake of souls yes after the creation of the nine Realms Fallen Souls began to gather down in those Waters when the elves discovered its potential they built this Temple to harness that energy a smashing success to say the least many of them became addicted to their Newfound power and thus the light elves were born speaking of light elves let me try talking to them again it's just to let these two do their thing brother lucky for us swearing off violence doesn't mean he can't disfigure some architecture this way Shrine away Kratos where are you going he's just looking around he does this sometimes oh curious mind carry on the temple looks so different than I remember it was all broken and covered in Hive stuff last time we were here these owls like to enhance the temple and themselves by the look of it they definitely look more dangerous than last time oh those were just a foot soldiers they'll get more Dean's rest the further up we go great the shrine is this way Kratos yeah you know so if these elves use the light to build doors and make themselves stronger what did the dark elves want with it to return it back to its source to them the natural resources of alfheim are sacred none more so than the light itself I the light now of success came at a terrible price altheimes once Lively desert withered into a storm-ridden wasteland soon after the creation of this Temple oh there friends salutations we mean you no harm here get back at least I tried I get it now why they keep fighting Dark Elves want the souls and the light left alone but the light I was going to keep using them that's the long and short of it aye so then which side is Right rarely is it so simple I'm not our place to say this is an Elven culture I said as much the last time we were in Alpine right oh clever use of your ax kratoms I'll meet you on the other side whoa wrong no another chest he's getting the hang of it I've never seen the light else and so much control over the temple you must have anointed a new Temple Guardian sparkly offers counterpart the dark elf king yes yes he's in the light now too look at this statue these crystals I've noticed them on the elves as well oh Crystal stomach Light Bridges now the light helps wear them smart almost there allow me I DLC he's beginning to enjoy the vandalism pretty soon he'll be laying waste to pottery shall we continue why must they insist on these frustrating tribes better than us brother I can't remember the last time I visited the norns nor do I wish to try there's any way to stop the elves from fighting each other had Frey or not a band in the realm a lasting peace may have formed now and we really place all the blame on fear this war started long before his arrival but he had the power to heal this land and end the war did he not he made his choice the wrong one but I'll find perhaps but not necessarily for him well I suppose we're all entitled to walk our own paths regardless of where they end tear the last time we were here we killed the dark elf king that's unfortunate I'd wondered what became of sparkly offer we had to defend ourselves but when he died he told us we helped the wrong side I see still hear something wounded out there I think so it could just be the storm perhaps we can investigate once we've uncovered the mysterious sea of hidden prophecy there the central chamber will bring us to the top once we find our way past yet another light door what's wrong I could hear Mother inside last time but I can't anymore her soul is one with the light now United by forces older than Odin himself she is at peace atreus I hope so and father went inside the light he said when inside the light of valheim yes and yet here you stand of sound mind and decidedly not incinerated you must tell me Kratos what did you see that memory is for me alone but I felt only moments pass didn't feel like moments to me I was trapped atreus overcame great odds to save me one could but only imagine well then grow his triptych awaits so did you ever meet grower many times she was plagued by constant vision so conversation was difficult to say the least we're almost there huh they've changed some stuff last time there's all this Hive stuff up here so many dark Hills I all this time I thought the dark elf came I thought all the dark elves were tear yes did we help the wrong side are you certain that's the right question I what's the right question is there a right side exactly what do you think atreus is there a right side in this War I then perhaps you shouldn't pick one I think I see something Giants always did enjoy hiding their secrets in plain sight wait until you see this oh yes here we have Growers search for her missing husband she was relentless in an attempt to find him meditated for weeks on end unfortunately she found something else a vision of Ragnarok word of grow as Vision reached Odin he sought her out demanded a private retelling didn't like what he had apparently Ironwood that's the I don't know what that is the mythical Sanctuary for Giants curious so it's in yodon I know some Giants thought so but Ironwood isn't anywhere lad it's a concept A metaphorical Paradise it's not real presumably grower requested her ashes be returned to yodenheim while her soul found peace in the light difficult to imagine owed and respecting those Wishes the champion I think it's supposed to be me you assume too much I best not to read into these abstractions so literally prophecies are slippery by Nature although some are more obvious than others Ragnarok I the end of everything so this is it there's nothing we can do to stop it there must be a way why else is this hidden look here this is what we saw it's you fighting in Ragnarok no I don't watch this that's new Asgard is destroyed [Music] but the other arms thrive [Music] she lied you are white of course she did Odin's working off a false prophecy so then we can win Ragnarok we can beat Odin we are not present in any of this but that was tear leading the charts against Asgard Plies hell's Army was there and the elves champion okay whoever that is doesn't matter but for the first time we know something Odin doesn't we just saw we can win here I won't allow prophecy to Define my choices but we just saw no atreus it's wrong [Music] there is much to discuss greatest time We Can't Stop Ragnarok but we can win it if Asgard is destroyed Odin will not be the only casualty there must be another way so what'd you say Allah to Odin Ragnarok isn't the end of everything it's just the end of Asgard just the destruction of an entire Realm to say nothing of its citizenry it's wildlife those ignorant and innocent of Odin's misdeeds enough there's much to discuss once we are safe at home we need to keep moving really worked up I think he's okay focus address [Music] here are you okay no [Music] it is over it is far from over [Music] all right it's gonna be okay tier you've seen what is to come I told you I would not follow you to war and yet here I am dragging an innocent innocent and marching towards the destruction of Asgard what choice do we have there is always a choice I will not lead you to war I won't I'm not that God anymore I don't want to fight but with you three there is no avoiding it your path leads to countless deaths unimaginable pain and suffering oh no no atreyas hold on over here you're changed ah what the [ __ ] laughs agreed off I invented oh sir hey here thanks and I'm sorry about before I no I am sorry I should never have come you shouldn't linger look I just want to do the right thing and according to prophecy speak no more of Prophecy war will not give you the purpose you seek atreus so what are we supposed to do roll over do nothing enough we will discuss our next move when we are out of danger foreign has left for the barons I've had far more than I can stomach well I hope tiers had enough time to find his equilibrium or whatever indeed I saw flashes of the old God of War in them but they were fleeting there is nothing wrong with opposing War nor opposing prophecy I suppose that's fair never can be quite sure what the Giants meant by any of it am I the only one that remembers they predicted our entire journey to jodenham if the giant saw tier Leading Armies at Ragnarok then I believe them the question is how you'll ever make tear believe it ah glad to see you back young one come help me won't you oh sure whenever you like Kratos the stew will only improve with time glad you're in a better mood yes I was a little overwhelmed before forgive me it's funny nothing seems to settle my mind quite like cooking being locked up for so long you forget how much joy lives in the little things we're disappointed in me I said that you're kind that way do your eyes say everything I haven't given up hope on you oh you really must this vision of me in your mind where I'm as good as Odin is evil the truth is always more complicated to imagine it's simple it's dangerous so you're really not going to help us you'll have my wise and faithful counsel always I wish I could do more really do but for now please allow me to cook for you a dress eat oh careful careful thank you enjoy enjoy my friends yeah we'll see about that here you are a meal fit for a champion enough I said we would speak no more of that yes of course didn't mean to offend uh I'm not offended it's just a word the word didn't clouds your judgment so you really don't think it means anything after the journey mom sent us on everything we saw in yard what was it all for don't you ever think about that every day but I cannot believe her purpose was to inspire you to take foolishness well what if the Giants are counting on me what Giants all right I'm counting on you safe to be smart but he's the Judgment of a man and not of a child but what if Loki going to Ironwood is the only way that oh atreus my son and nothing more do you hear me I'm not hungry anymore forgive me Kratos my words were chosen carelessly joints getting classier by the deck can it be I never thought I'd have the pleasure of seeing you again frigg don't call me that I haven't been that person in a long time but I'm happy to see you too I'd feared the worst for so long what you must have been through nothing so bad is what you've suffered Freya I am so so sorry to hear what happened to balder he was only a boy when I saw him last but I know he meant more to you than anything and to forbear your Vengeance in this way it's it's truly an inspiration for those of us who believe in peace the only piece these Realms will ever know is once Odin is gone believe in that so you're not here to prevent Ragnarok you're you're to bring it about I'm here to make sure Odin doesn't hurt anyone the way he heard us I can see I've upset you forgive me I am far removed from my days of diplomacy she's no less Majestic than the last day I saw her what a thing I must be to look at her Secrets hard to be stuck with this path oh okay so you don't believe in her anymore either this is not about your mother what you have done is lie wonder where I learned that that's quite enough since when do you always take his side since he became the one making sense look I was only thinking about going to Odin but I swear it's for a good reason there is no good reason to go to Odin he'll only Cloud your mind but I'd be going for us I gotta stop something bad from happening something bad did happen look at me at Freya a tear ohton did this to us what's good everyone caterwauling all of a sudden atreus wants to go to Asgard Asgard he get kicked in the head or something great I guess everybody's against me now you must choose who you're going to be are you going to continue to lie and keep things from me are you my son choose I never get to choose just leave me alone listen let go of me the noise you found them once could you do so again I could try but I don't see how that works how are the fates of these lands are they not I would know what they know you may not find them Cooperative as long as I find them where do we search midgard but if atreus is an Asgard there's no getting him back without an army we should be raising one yes nothing like a catastrophic War to improve the situation the boy seems quite capable perhaps if you simply give him some time you are not free of blame here confusion I do not seek war where if Odin has stolen my son do not doubt the links I will go to your Nature has always been clear Kratos but you Freya or as a first Resort that's not the Freya I knew I hope the norns can give you the counsel you need perhaps mine is no longer of use here tear stop this is no time to divide ourselves further come sit please you have been quiet frankly I'm surprised you of all people would seek out fate but you know instincts haven't let us down so far let's find the norms [Music] who am I to offer him counsel I only hoped to help the boy find his answers and I failed what's my role in all this now dear you're at the center of this you always have been that's why Odin imprisoned you in the first place he's terrified of you I doubt that very much it's the truth and not just because of prophecies no one has ever United the Realms as you once did that is not who I am anymore I know that way now I've lost myself before more than once but believe me there is something beyond that and what is that purpose purpose is the path that leads you to yourself so you would have me accept my fate lead your armies into war secure your vengeance if securing our Justice is not your purpose then find another for your own sake don't try to talk me into coming the norms and their Tales of our Fates everything I've walked away from drop Mia I thought he knew these two and Nick Tech and Odin blame me for it disappearing they stole drop near we didn't steal nothing we just un gifted one never should have been gifted in the first place I will help me kill hotendal gave her your mind all that it's a [ __ ] surprise where are teeth but to even store a drop there you'd need you were saying foreign foreign [Music] [Music] oh I'm gonna miss you little one oh got it I think we were all worried about your son enough I wish you'd come with us here I know you mean well with that but to be honest I don't like who I became on our last adventure I can't be around the violence that follows him that follows you both I'm sorry I'm ready is it over no thanks to you where is atreus atreus as The Runaway returned and brought all this with him can I just hold still I told you I'm fine you're bleeding and put your blubbering [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what just happened [Music] so my fault the how walkers they're everywhere everywhere that is not your fault yes it is there was a wolf in hell it was in Chains and and I set him free I I thought that if God could I bleed and [ __ ] lied you feed gum darn who freed garm that's Madness surely not you young one if the Hound of hell is loose he'll chew through the fabric of the Realms hell Walkers are just the beginning what were you thinking ah this is a [ __ ] up of not insignificant proportions what would drive you to such Mischief is this Loki's doing enough Choice has made a mistake that we mix together [Music] Grand now if you don't mind I'd rather stay here I've had my fill of visits to hellheim [Music] don't bother tears gone right back to isolation they're back how did it go we should trouble us no further well that's a bloody relief so you put down old yarn did you yeah sort of Petraeus your decision to go to Asgard after all he's put us through I'll never understand it but I hope you at least came back with something we can use I hope so too come on let me show you what Odin's up to here's what he cares about most more than Ragnarok or anything is this mask anyone recognize it that thing oh it's a dead end he's been faffing around with that since before I knew him to be honest I thought the Giants were just having a laugh with that one okay fine no you're wrong the mirror this mask is no fraud the Giants didn't make it and only a few of them ever glimpsed it in their visions they never knew its origin but some believed it was a way to gaze into the secrets of creation itself it's an oracle much much more imagine becoming one with a source of infinite knowledge this this is why Odin tortured me so what do you think now what no it's one Obsession he never saw fit to share with me but I'll tell you this even when Odin speaks the truth his purpose is false while we're clearing the air I hope that I can be forgiven for not doing more when the hell Walkers attacked whatever reservations I have about violence they shouldn't apply when your home is under attack certainly not by Undead Abominations that I reached for a shield instead of a sword you were right to chide me for that old friend the next time the moment calls me I'll be ready well said Tia I believe you just might freya's made her room so verdant calming I don't suppose she'd mind ah much better care to join me Kratos have a seat think about your breathing try and find Stillness in your mind no hey this is where we found here you know I don't know who had a what time of it being locked up him or me as you said your prison at least out of you bye but with a view comes the ability to Mark the passage of time and watching the days pass one by one it's not something I'd wish upon anyone set may be Odin himself huh look at that you really did it how and all the nine realms you managed to kill Heimdall I knew our spear would do the trick well happy Ragnarok everybody let's drink true I'm doll's dead I can't believe it there's no stopping it now Odin swore peace only so long as you spilled no more Acer blood I refuse that deal yet he honored it but now but what you and I know better than anyone that Odin's promises never last we have the advantage now it's time to bring him down no none of you understand what's coming Odin's Vengeance will be his only concern not his only concern the mask whatever knowledge it unlocks that's what Odin wants more than anything if I go back to Asgard go look if I can finish what I started there awaken the mask get answers maybe that's our way out of this but I gotta go soon before they figure out what's happened you are home do not ask me to put you at risk again he's at risk where he stands Kratos we all are anything we do or don't do is dangerous right now but Odin needs me trust me I'll be safe there from a tactical perspective am I wrong I don't much like it but it is our best play dividing audience focus with biased time and give us a pair of eyes in the enemy's inner sector but truly a source of infinite knowledge you can't let Odin have it I and once he has what he needs from you then I lose my Leverage I get it I'll be smart father I can do this remember our promise you too [Music] I'm back everybody you made it I'll get here do you want to set the table if you're ready to stay see I told you the key would get him home because you tapped it with a hammer Dwarven magic makes no sense right lunda one time made me a breastplate out of dog barks you're back I can't figure that one out are you okay I'm fine I just hope unlocking this thing was worth the cost you have it what did it show you I didn't get to use it they found out about Heimdall I had to run but at least Odin can't use it either but if you didn't get any answers from the mask all you've done is steal Odin's greatest treasure just after your father's killed his most loyal Ally none of us are safe even here so we have no choice we find cerder sound galahorn and bring Odin to Justice now you'd incinerate every soul in Asgard and call it self-defense does he ever suggest plans or just crap on everyone else's the obvious plan is staring you in the face we don't need Odin to use this we can slip into Asgard and do it ourselves right under his nose we gain the knowledge we need to shatter this prophecy of War once and for all except begging your pardon you don't have a way into Asgard the Big Horn don't they oh so you expect them to sneak into Asgard blowing a horn that sounds across all the rounds I expect you to you to bunch please just think about it oh don't look at me to come Master mind your skin game but I'll listen soon as you got what you need here Kratos what do you think this mask the easy answers that it promises I know this shortcuts always have a price you have carried it what do you think I think it's a chance at worst we'll have something Odin wants his Leverage at best if it really gives us all the answers then we can make our own path Nobody Has To Die hmm Grand now all we need is a way to Asgard I know I've been a burden to you all I know you've questioned why you even pulled me out of that hole I have to but it's clear now this is what I'm needed for this is my purpose one last time I will pick up my Spear and I will lead us to Asgard it's me not a way to Asgard where's that idea been this whole [ __ ] while that's a fair question brother phew who the hell does God you would have gotten us all killed and we needed to give Loki time to find his destiny here it is it's all led to this if we can get inside I'm going after Odin I will not stop you we can do both spot on brother if the Mask doesn't give us an out we'll still have that drop on him works for me let's do it then and quickly before he sees us coming he does hate surprises slow down your damn Spruce I still want to hear the details on this uh new way that Asgard you got spill it it's an ancient path we can't reach it from here let me collect my themes and I'll show you you ain't got no things and where are you going with that mask Rock that belongs to the kid he earned it all you've done was make passable dirt soup Brock it's okay no it ain't this ain't right all the pieces ain't welding together true like what's with him calling you Loki anyway you know that ain't his name hey I'm talking to you you never shut up [Music] all the things you didn't let go of the boy and face me tell your brother to throw me the mask and you've got a deal if he dies down now wasn't part of the plan but if he guys we are square for Heimdall and honestly you got a bargain I will kill you plan on that so nice spending time with you again Freya please can't be in two places at once Frank oh hey I don't move you don't move don't do anything you want crap I regret many things killing you will not be one of them hi I'm in control here throw me the mask now too bad son looks like war after all please you have to save him you have to you can't maybe if I go back to the lake yeah ah I know where you're gone and I forgive you gotta stop yeah let's go foreign [Music]
Channel: VGS - Video Game Sophistry
Views: 58,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God of War Ragnarok All Tyr, god of war ragnarok tyr real, god of war ragnarok tyr death, god of war ragnarok tyr is odin, god of war ragnarok tyr betrayal, god of war ragnarok tyr scene, god of war ragnarok the story of
Id: Ql3KZfymJos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 43sec (4243 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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