God Knows You By Name - #ThursdayThoughts 09-16-2021

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hey friends this is scott cooper director and producer here at parkway production studio parkway church in madison mississippi i was developing this thought here in the studio and my good friend ben folen came by he works in children's ministry here at parkway and after he had left i remembered something he had told me a while back uh his grandmother had passed away stella folen at i think it was 97 years old and she had had all these amazing journals and ben had shared just a little quick statement that she had wrote in one of those journals the statement said creativity is the ability to see that which is waiting to exist and the timing of being reminded of that was perfect because it tied into the verse that had been on my heart for today's thursday thought exodus 31-1 says that the lord said to moses see have called by name thessalon the son of ery son of ur of the tribe of judah and i have filled him with the spirit of god with ability and intelligence with knowledge and all craftsmanship to devise artistic designs to work in gold silver and bronze in cutting stones resetting and carving wood to work in every craft the context here is that bezalel was being called to be the master architect of the tabernacle of god that would be used in the wilderness he and his team not only created the tent but all the furnishings thereof it's amazing when you look at this that god called bezalel by name from his mother's womb bezalel had been given the talent ability and purpose that would one day be used for god god knows you by name and when he fills you with his spirit you are placed on holy assignment to do a work that will advance his kingdom bezalel's talent was probably a little weird growing up there he wasn't a mighty warrior like joshua he wasn't a brilliant spy like caleb or a mighty priest he was working with gold and silver and fashioning furnishings but these people had been slaves in egypt they were traveling across a desert they were nomads living in tents it wasn't exactly the lap of luxury and so all this skill set seems to be a bit odd for his environment but then you really begin thinking about when it gets called to build the tabernacle and that by human hands the lampstand is crafted the mercy seat is crafted the very dwelling place of god by anointed hands is constructed and i would love to compare it to you because when you are given the spirit of god it gives you the ability to craft light and bring it to a world that is in darkness he gives you the ability to show mercy to those in need of mercy and most importantly he takes this flesh he redeems it and he allows us to be the dwelling place of almighty god hebrews 11 3 states by faith we understand that the universe was formed at god's command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible creativity like grandma fallen said is the ability to see that which is waiting to exist don't underestimate the spirit of god that dwells in you for the very wisdom and knowledge that god placed in bezel l from what i understand and what i could read this was the same creative force that god utilized to lay the very foundations of the earth he knows you by name the giftings that he has placed in you the talent and the path that he has set you on when he filled you with his spirit whoo is for the advancement of his kingdom on this earth to bring forth those things waiting to exist so why does this matter to me why does this story resonate with me uh because as a a silly young lad growing up i didn't quite understand why i was making all these stupid videos i was just doing it for fun but 11 years old at a mississippi youth camp he took the time he called me by name he filled me with his spirit and and this non-traditional little off little weird talents that i had making videos and things he took that and it's the very reason he developed it in me that you're able to watch this video today i pray that you find that purpose that god has for you i pray when that spirit enters you that the all knowledge and talent and understanding that you might have looked at once and been like how can this be used for god will be used for him i pray a blessing of god over you that you might find that be blessed today in jesus name you
Channel: ParkwayChurchMadison
Views: 12
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Parkway, Church, Apostolic, Conference, Dillon, Jerry Dillon, Missionary, Jesus, God, Lord, Pray, Prayer, Holy Ghost, Baptism
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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