God is Worthy of Worship by Leonard Ravenhill

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it is that we don't often hear much about and that is the shrivel age and that's a very don't work to use for it the privilege of worship I want to read part of the book of the revelation in the fifth chapter revelation five reading from verse one yeah and I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within on the back sealed with seven seals and I saw strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof and no man in heaven or earth neither under the earth was able to open the book neither to look thereon and I wept much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book neither to look thereon and other they elders said unto me weep now behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David hath prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof and I beheld and lo in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts and in the midst of the elders to the lamb as had been slain having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth and he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne the throne and when he had taken the book the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the lamb having every one of them harps and golden vials full of odours which shout the prayers of the saints and they sang a new song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof for thou that was slain and hast redeemed us to God out of by thine own blood out of that every kindred and tongue and people and nation some years ago as a matter of fact about two hundred searched before my time there was a biographer in England he was a kind of well he was partly a biographer and party historian and he was a Christian and he found out that a businessman in London was going to Scotland not to see the historic site not to see where the Covenant oars were persecuted and buried but he went to hear preachers and it was a risk because he went by a stagecoach and and in bro would be about supposed 250 maybe 300 miles from London and that was a hazardous job they used to bug people in those days didn't know that except the folk were nice that they will velvet jackets and they have diamonds on the daggers so it was much more exciting and yet John Wesley said that though he traveled 240,000 miles can imagine that on horseback and many times at night never once was he stopped by a highwayman that's a pretty good record isn't it sounds as though God keeps his promise he'll give his angels charge concerning us this man by the name of Woodrow you meant to see the man who had been on his wonderful vacation in London Scotland and asked him what he thought about the preaching there and he said I went to st. Andrew's Cathedral and I heard the man by the name of Robert Blair and he showed me the majesty of God Scotland did have Scotland still has some of the greatest preachers in the world I forgot the name of the man who for the moment was offered the chair as the president of one of the most prestigious universities in the world Edinburgh University and he turned me down 40 years of age to just take a pass straight up the road in the fields amongst a few ordinary ordinary people they still have some great drivers in the pulpit and he said I went and I heard this marvelous man Blair he showed me the majesty of God the next I saw a proper old man well oh man he's really probably this one was old and he said well favoured I suppose he'd a little more weight than I have and he said I was thinking at the time of the revelation I got from Blair of the majesty of God but David Dixon I have one of his reprint books said he showed me all my heart now that's a big come down from seeing the majesty of God and then he said I stayed a little longer and I went and heard fair man by the name of Samuel Rutherford hmm maybe some of you have read his life stories you haven't you forget it he he wasn't the author but out of his many writings a lady called mrs. cousins wrote that him the sands of time are sinking the dawn of heaven breaks he has a lovely standing at him in which he says I've never noticed if this is true I've checked the bride eyes not her garments that heard their bridegroom's face I will not gaze on glory but I'm the king of grace not at the crowning gift earth but on his peers at hand when throne where glory dwelleth in Emmanuel's land I listened he said almost trembling little glare and he showed me the awesome hand st of God I listened with fear as Dixon unveiled to me my own heart but I listened with my eyes just swollen and my face running with tears as Samuel Rutherford showed me the loveliness of Christ now maybe when you've been to church Sunday morning you'll be able to check up and see which revelation you got from your preacher would it be the loveliness of Christ would it be that he took you by your fingers and took you down into the deep parts of your being whereas one man dares to say search all my heart the secret Springs the motives that control the chambers were polluted things hold Empire all the soul search till I saw a glance of cast its holy light through all and I by grace I'm brought at last before thy face to form and the faith very often we go out of churches we went in don't you think so there's been no deep impact on our spirit we're not eternity comes just anymore but we're not being bathing in the in the great revelation of the holiness of God you know as we've seen tonight cranny that I love that him not because it's English Matthew bridges wrote a crown with many crowns I know as I as I saying that I thought one day God is going to take vengeance on every singer in the world for everybody use blaspheme the name of Jesus today for everyone who's cheated on his name who call themselves by his name and when not to take the name of the Lord our God in vain that doesn't mean on your lips it means if you profess to be a Christian that you do it's a substandard act you've taken his name in vain because somebody said if that's Christianity I don't want it anyhow I still believe the most awesome thing in the world in this twisted rotten age in which we live is to profess to be a Christian now one day God is going to take vengeance on this world I can't wait I've been waiting over seventy years nearly seventy six now and you know it gets more exciting as I get nearer the goal he was telling an assistant pastor and he would say at the end of the day world brother Len a day's march near a home that's an old hymn you won't remember that many of you hmm a day's march enira home three things in the life of the Christian number one one exercise is prayer which again is preoccupation with our needs praise which is preoccupation with our blessings and worship which is preoccupation with God remember Jesus made that woman at the well and she was worshiping he didn't argue about that but he said you worship you know not what we're commanded at least twice in two great Psalms to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness and the thought of his son the son is says all my garments in this speaking of Jesus Christ all thy garments smell of myrrh and aloes and of cassia now there's a mixture for pungent aromatic almost take your breath away indeed they would take your breath away but he's considering the beauty of Christ you see he appeals on the level that we poor mortals live we see things we smell things we taste things o taste and see he says that the Lord is good now the Lord as we reminded ourselves during the these days at least in the European concept of worship usually we stand to sing all hymns that they are visitors to America can never understand why we sit down all the time hmm.well always sitting in our cars we sit at home so why not sit in church but I'll turn an advantage of stand if you're sitting you can be looking around like this but if you're standing somehow you're concentrate more so we stand to sing and we kneel to pray and we prostrate ourselves to worship at least we should in one of my many private interviews or in dr. Tozer he said to me one day Lent let others do as they like you and I will worship God face downward not far from where I lived in England there's a little place called Burstall there's a room there they didn't look much longer than this better well maybe it was 10 by 10 by 10 by 10 it hadn't got a window in it and it was used by an associate of John Wesley a man by the name of John Nelson and he would not have any windows in his study because they distract he said he might look at the birds or the flowers or some of the air so he shook himself up in that little room yeah the chair bit higher than this with a hard back and it had a shelf at the back that wasn't to serve his meal on either he carried that to the village and he turned the chair around and he preached and put his Bible on the back of it and he said one day some men knocked him out of the jet chair and they had clogs they have a brass cap on the toe and they have ribs of I am underneath and he said they jumped on me and jumped on my chest and said we will kick the Holy Ghost out of you and he said I was very sore but I just got up and prayed Father forgive them they don't know what they're doing most of us would expect somebody to write a book about us but anyhow that was the way of life but he did not want any distraction or subtraction now we mention was it last time we were here we mentioned about the woman who brought an alabaster box of ointment which was very precious and she came in my judgment just for one thing she came to worship the Lord how do you get to that conclusion because number one she never said a word number two she brought the most costly thing that she had and worship is counseling and true worship means it's a combination as far as I'm concerned it's a combination of concentration and adoration and contemplation and meditation and fascination aberration it's excessive praise delivers joy now come on let me put you under some pressure here when last will you delirious with joy with the reality of there isn't son of God oh it's easier to say we have a home eternal in the heavens not made with hands so what supposing you had the mansion somewhere in this great state of Dallas husband say this great state of Texas and you were going to inherit everything you wanted to run it you were going to be able to live there for a hundred years with servants and every adequate thing that you needed I think you might get a little excited about it we have a home eternal in the heavens prepared according to John 14 again prepared by none other than the Lord Jesus Christ now I said we fall down we fall down to worship writes of the book of Revelation if you want to take these down you can do it or you can get a tape on this you get this again I'm not going to give you the quotes just the scriptures revelation 1:17 revelation 5:8 revelation 5:14 revelation 7 11 revelation 1116 revelation 19 4 and revelation 22 8 and you remember perhaps in Genesis 17 there came a servant they came somebody rather in dazzling splendor to the tent that Abraham was in and Abraham fell down at his feet Jesus went into the upper room and his resurrection and again they fell down at his feet there's an experiencing grace which I guess most of had a hope so called justification that's God in His infinite mercy when we've repented of our sins and ask his forgiveness he he eradicate solve a record of our sin and to play on the word as we do to children sometimes sometimes justification is just as if I'd never done it he's wiped the record read that here is justification and sanctification is as high above justification as justifications above the sinners state by the same token there's an experience in God an experience of prayer and prayer is on this level but intercession is as high of the other above into intercessions at high above prayer as adoration is above praise I don't think many people ever enter into this experience to tell you the truth worship is my conscience quickened by the holiness of God worship is my response to the activation of the spirit in my heart therefore if I'm done of comprehension about the things of God he's not going to provoke me he can't provoke me because I don't have the spiritual susceptibility to respond to the things that got this thing in his word now I don't know how you get on with the book of the revelation it still mystifies me for me it's a book of mystery it's a book of majesty and it's a book of misery because it shows me the ultimate doom of the wicked you know somebody has said I've said this before maybe that in this day in which we live that had just three kinds of people in the world those who are afraid those who don't know enough to be afraid and those are know their Bibles how in the world of people get through a world like this unless they have a foundation that cannot be shaken remember at the end of Hebrews 11 everything that can be shaken will be shaken that the kingdom that cannot be shaken may remain God is going to break up this universe is going to break up all world systems in order that he may glorify his son everybody as old their lives to Jesus Christ whether they're living or they've been dead a thousand years they all that life to God and at the end of the journey he's going to make everybody pay for their deficiencies for their sin for their selfishness for everything else that this jammed up their lives instead of yielding that life to God now I think this is one of the most awesome chapters in the book of the revelation revelation 5 I saw in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne a book written within and on the backside sealed with seven seals notice the angel I noticed a strong angel crying with a loud voice 13 times in the book of the revelation it engines crying with a loud voice there's nothing secretive about it this is everything as we sing an old hymn or we used to sing in an old hymn when the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more it's going to be some day when God blows out the Sun when God brings every army every government every system to a standstill that finally we may stand there before his eternal throne it's breathtaking to see this nickel I think of all the things in eternity this is one of those awesome things an angel proclaiming with a loud voice and says who is worthy to look on the book to open the book and to loose the seals thereof now no man in heaven on earth neither under the earth was able to open the book now what is the book in my judgment the book is the title deeds of the universe they were forfeited by by Adam when he sinned and the scripture is very clear that this world is in the lap of the evil one the scripture calls him the Prince of this world the scripture calls him the god of this world and he says there's no man who was found worthy to open the book you know men have time to put this world back together again so many times as I've said to you before that nursery rhyme you know you called it so easily two children Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and Humpty Dumpty had a great fall that's theology you wonder the child didn't understand that you don't so how could he understand it unless I told you of course you've been illuminated but Humpty Dumpty's actually is mankind for it's a picture of an egg of course and Humpty Dumpty falls off the wall and as we say so often anybody can scramble eggs who can unscramble them once there was a fall a fall of man Humpty Dumpty fell off and broke to pieces we've been trying to put him back together again the Babylonian said they'd do it remember that great city of Babylon was built that the by permission of Allah the great the king at that time the king of Babylon had a wife who was used to living in mountains and it was very flat so you may remember anyhow not the fact but you remember the historic fact that he had a mountain built in the middle of the city for her and one of the seven wonders of the world at least the old world I don't know about today but one of the seven wonders of the world was the Hanging Gardens that were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and Babylon thought he could put mankind together again and it ended up in all it's never end you it's a slur now to say a city's like babbling they couldn't do it the Greeks thought they could do it without intellectual splendor and yet you know most of those leading Greeks those scholars that we had always talking about well homosexuals and Greece couldn't put it back together again and then Rome came with its strong are my dear sweetheart and I used to live in the city of Bath in England it was founded in 55 BC there's a bath there the only hot spring in in England around that you have statues of Tiberius Caesar and Julius Caesar and Caligula and all the other famous guys that they couldn't put it right again you know in 1912 there was a class of people in England called the Fabian socialists and I remember every time we picked up newspapers or my fog did and I heard people talking they were talking about HG Wells a red bearded rebel by the name of George Bernard Shaw Julian Huxley the web's adjustor an elite group of super intellectuals who in 1912 said we can put the world right we don't need the Church of the Bible of Christ we can pull down the hills of wealth filling the valleys of poverty make the crooked places free we can change the world by intellectual and biological processes that was two years before World War one at the end of the World War One 1919 they weren't very sure nineteen into 1939 20 years in which the church I believe had the greatest opportunity she's had since Pentecost and she loved the whole thing 1939 not kept up came Hitler remember Nostradamus had said that in 1939 he said in the fifteen hundreds there'll be a war in Europe led by a man by the name of histor well he wasn't far out I'd give him the name - for that not history said it would be history but it was Hitler and we had a wall till 1945 at the end of the war in 1945 the man was going to put the world right by intellectual and biological processes and changing the educational system by 1945 he wrote his last book mind at the end of its tether he said and he said there's no hope for Humanity what a dismal thing he'd written his outline of the world history is written crux ansata that got him into table with the Roman Church but you see these men of all felt that somehow remember Swinburne glory to man in the highest for man is the master of things and there are some people still foolish enough to think that somehow we're gonna fall to say again a rabbit out of the bang human nature is totally incurable we were down in an area I won't say where it is may get into more trouble but it's where all the millionaire's came in the yacht's a Christian brother came and he shot one and a quarter million dollars heaven help him at the judgment see Eirik to sail the sails cost half a million dollars on that super yacht had a crew of 23 you know I looked around those folk I'd intended on one thing not one thing they rushed to the tavern that night the run to the dance halls at night they could not find comfort they just just mesmerized like so many Christians are with materialism you know when I sing a hymn like cranberry and many cars I never sing it's true I always think of my good friend John there he likes that him crown me with many crowns coming the Lord of peace people say today we've lived so long so so many Wars is the no answer sure there's an answer the answer is in the Prince of Peace the answer is in the greatest remedy that was heaven given to man in the Sermon on the Mount the most majestic thing ever uttered by the most majestic man who ever lived have you ever wondered how it is that we'll the world can accept you so easily when it couldn't accept him the holiest man that ever lived never did one wrong thing all his life and yet they were booting him kicking around spitting on him cast him out of his home cast him out of the synagogue and yet you and I somehow I expect to be treated so nice so comfortable there's an old hymn that says is this vile wall the friend to grace to help me unto God you see the scripture is very explicit and I can't preach it all off this river it says if we suffer we shall also reign with him now all of life is over here in this fist captain here's somebody on the Slone he has a title deeds of the universe and no man listen to it no man don't you think Alexander the Great could do that he come to the world by the time I was 27 what about some of these great men down here what about Hezekiah and Isaiah and Jeremiah and Ezekiel what about the Apostle Paul surely here's a he-man he's a strong man in the spirit can t you walk up can t volunteer and bow the knee and say Jesus I'll take the book out of your hand or the one on the song and he said no man was found worthy and then he says I wet much you know that word is only used twice the Greek word there wept it isn't somebody who's just feeling a little hurt and it's somebody weeping with anguish it's the same word that's used in Jesus when he looked at the city called Jerusalem and he's singing his heart you insane people Almighty God has given you the greatest men that ever lived about there's a Evangelion may about major prophets who have minor prophets and you've destroyed every one of them all Jerusalem thou that killest the prophets and he waits over its stupidity you tell your preacher for me that a wet eyed preacher will never preach dry sermons the several people comes at the altar without being broken is the preachers are not broken and they've no right to demand brokenness unless they've broken in God's name is there anything more exciting is anything great in the world to preach and the gospel of the grace of God oh I had a couple of fellas came to see me this week they rub my nose in the dust they didn't know they were doing it one was going to come back to night he hasn't come but he's living in Tyler now he's a young man from India God told him to come here and link up and I hope we can link up with him God gave him a vision there in poor India the 24th of April next year better put it down there Betty and the other bet in all the rest of you 24th of April next year is to be a day of prayer and fasting for world wide revival great he said look I've got a letter here from dr. Cho dr. Choi's preaching I think this week actually in Dallas he's the man who has a nice little church there in Korea in Seoul it has 250,000 members huh I don't have some church that's a denomination 250,000 people and he showed me the letter in which he said brother John I cannot be in the pre-meeting myself but we shall pray with you because every night in our church every night of every day in the year of coming every night in the year is a whole night of crowd in our church dear God you know Church in America where they pray all night once a week when I was a boy we used to pray for career in all its heathen darkness and superstition another and now they have prayer meetings every night in the week and then they have a prayer mountain with about 4000 people on the prayer mountain every night in the week oh I felt like saying could you shut up for a minute we build out churches why in god's name you would give them so big a lady wrote me this week we're going to build an auditorium a new auditorium seating 9000 people for what to usually the now Sunday morning because shouldn't be surely in life if they've 9000 Sunday morning they won't have 1000 Sunday night if you want to know how popular the church is you go Sunday morning if you want to know how popular the preacher is you go Sunday night if you want to know how popular garbage you go to the prayer meeting and he loses every time well that was part of my misery the other misery was a man came in from Africa had been in Nigeria I said how are things that all brother Raymond you'd love to go to Nigeria he said if the service starts at 7:00 o'clock the congregation comes at five hours they come in their hundreds and they pray and they worship and they have their adoration and man you Oh Lissie anybody could preach there an atmosphere prepared for two hours with prayer and intercession and supplication and and an expectation you know I saw often nothing happens when we go to church because even though expectation it's going to be like Sunday pretty dry and your faith rewarded mm-hmm does it have to be that way are we gonna have to take shiploads of our pastors took to Nigeria where people walk 10 miles to the meeting and he said brother India that they pray oh you should hear them pray that you should have them pray for two hours and then the meeting starts at 7:00 and then it finishes between 9:00 and 10:00 and then they slip home and there's a curfew on the city because they've had some trouble and you said they slip home and and leave the wife and children or leave the husband and the children and then they slip back to church and you can't go out till 6:00 the next morning so they go back to church at the 11:00 o'clock and they create show six in the morning Oh Lord we kind of want God to bless us because we give him a dollar in the Sunday morning offering huh Lord you die for me but I'm not dying for you we say lord help me to live for you he just wanted to live a hey I want you to die for him if they didn't get you to die for me and see about the living part won't be any problem about that now come on here is John John's in this awesome situation oh look look look again when did you last go to the sanctuary and again somebody like mr. Blair showed you the majesty of God we very very very seldom have an unveiling of God as I've said before when did you last tiptoe out of the church Sunday morning breathless because should you know the confrontation with God or as I said before and I say every meeting I go to did you even come to this meeting tonight did you come here to meet God or did you come to hear a sermon about him do you go to church actually to have a confrontation with deity with holiness hmm don't you go because you're in the choir or your dad is a pastor or a deacon I mean it's just really a love relationship we bother crutches enough in our worship Charles Wesley's wonderful hymn geez you live with my soul that will Christ out all I want dig up if he was we turn the world upside down he isn't all we want so many other periphery things perishing things of Claire's I think Amy Simpson : John has had a vision of the Lord Jesus Christ what is he like terrible terrible oh I think when I see him they'll be wonderful no no no you sang tonight low the tokens of his passion though in glory still he bears on the resurrection they didn't know if it was him he show them his hands and his feet they were pierced and I believe those are eternal eternal monuments every time we see him haled are once despised Jesus held our Galilean King they got to see him in all his glory John laid his head on the bosom of Jesus and heard that divine heartbeat and he knew you said God doesn't have favorites sure he has favorites always didn't always will when you insolent to the death chamber of the Jairus daughter he took with him who Peter James and John when he went on the Mount of Transfiguration he took with him Peter James and John and it is John who declares without Peter James and John there was a special affinity between him and the Savior that disciple whom Jesus loved and yeah that same man would lean they slept with Jesus eaten with Jesus fasted with Jesus cast out demons and Jesus and every other thing each shared in the majesty of Jesus and when he sees him in resurrection splendor he says I found his feet as dead well they'll ask you in God's name what do you think you're not going to do Oh doctor tells you used to say to me Len if there's anything he'd ever tates me these fellows who think they've gone too buddy-buddy with Jesus when they see him I sold you for twenty years I went so many songs I gave out some of the thousands of tracks I did this that the other I believe that worship is adoration I believe it's speechless adoration John seen him his hair as white as snow his feet are like burnished brass his face is like the Sun in its strength his eyes are like living coals like can you imagine that I heard people say I don't like to look so so in there his eyes go right through me oh my his eyes will go right through us in that day hmm hail thou once the spies of Jesus hail thou galilean King the head that once was crowned with thorns is crowned with glory now God is gonna get every bit of praise that he should have had out of every redeemed person even though they were not redeemed he's gonna say well all that you missed in your lifetime you're gonna have to pay it back in worship and adoration once before you go to eternal hell I went much eyes eyes let me down Jerry Myers let me down the Apostle Paul can't do it they say no man can do it no one was found worthy to open the book and one of the elders said unto me weep not the Lion of the tribe of Judah hath prevailed to open the book and loose the seals thereof and I beheld verse 6 in the law in the midst of the Solman of the four beasts in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as it had been slain I think that lamb is mentioned 27 times in this marvelous book of Revelation with the book of Revelation is not only the end book at the end of the book but it's about things that happen after the end of the book and after the end of time and I'm sure that this John was there when John Baptist said away there in the wilderness behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world and he's seen Christ as the sacrificial lamb as the Passover lamb we'd not there's one of us prevailed and he came the 7 and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat on the throne that would their lamb is very interesting because it's usually gained in Greek only twice in the New Testament lovest thou me Lord you know I love thee feed my sheep lovest thou me II Peter's with it to you about this he doesn't like the pressure feed my sheep Peter you really love me yes feed my lambs remember in the Old Testament they used to have to keep a lamb for three or four days they could keep it in the house and then they shed its blood they actually Greek about I guess here actually means my pet lamb my pet lamb alone is able because he's not only that lamb is the lion I'm told that there's nothing that celebrates if you want to call it that celebrates its anger more furiously with with greater power than an infuriated Ram it's more serious than the lion that is in its error in its capacity Jesus Christ is the pet lamb he is the Passover lamb is to take the burden think of it by one man sin by one man's disobedience that was it no I didn't commit adultery oh no I didn't steal no I didn't beat somebody up one man's disobedience you see we think people have to commit vulgar things horrible sins sins that you you couldn't even mention a name well maybe you could these days on TV or something they're just bloody and the horrible sexual perversion yeah I almost make him under throw up and yet the greatest sin in the world isn't one of those the greatest sin is to say I rule my life will not let god rule it you see this worship where adoration is so wonderful that one day there was a person in heaven and he was the most glorious cherubim every precious stone was his covering I think he was not on the head of the Angels he was head of the cherubim and the Seraphim and then he saw that the Angels veiled their faces that cherubim couldn't look up God how in the world will you and I look on him when the Sun gets too bright you put your shades on you say oh well that's more comfortable well angels don't have shades and so they look through that they through their wings to gaze upon the holy one in Isaiah 6 and then with two wings they cover themselves because they couldn't bear the blazing light of God's eyes upon them like his eyes of a flame of fire the Lamb glory glory dwelleth in Emanuel's land and it says here that the the Lamb came and he took the book what is the book well the sealed book was a standing sign of an alien it alienated or lost territory let's put it as simple as that and unless there somebody can come forward and take the title deeds after the one that sits on the throne and I believe this is the last great thing in eternity I may be wrong and we can't enter into our final inheritance that are two things we've got the gate yet and I'm looking forward to mine you he men may not we're gonna have a body like unto his glorious body now that would be wonderful right no they will check your blood pressure no angels running around heaven taking your blood pressure you know no headaches Gabriel doesn't come and save you want an aspirin this one they gonna have a body like unto his glorious body won't have any blood in it because he left his brother the cross and he said that Bobby my body doesn't have blood it has flesh and bones he didn't mention blood he'd left his where am I gonna have a body like unto his glorious body it's a good job we have because you know heaven so wonderful if we didn't we'd burst at the seams or we burst at the veins or something he came and took the book out of the hand of him that sat upon the throne oh won't it be awesome to see that it doesn't say we will fall at his feet but do you mean McDaniel when he saw the the one that appeared to him he says all my strength left me I I passed out I'm sure we can have a reinforced two glorious body John felt his feet as then the woman brought alabaster box of ointment do you wonder you know I wondered I can't prove this you can't disprove it but I think maybe that when the Apostle Paul was caught up into the third heaven that he had a vision of all this I think Moses had a banquet they have in Egypt when all the lust and lying and women went topless in those days what's new Under the Sun and they they they they spent days and days of the feast and they had a vomitorium when they got full reticula throats and threw it up and came back an eighth like the Romans did I don't know how long that marriage supper of the lamb is going to take but it's going to be a very very awesome thing to sit down with Abraham and Isaac and all the saints of all the ages just because one day we repented of our sins and what do we give Him we gave him nothing but corruption we gave him nothing but failure we were doomed to the last eternity our names are already reserved in Helen II he crossed our names out me he put them in the book of life that nobody can touch he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat on the throne and when he had taken the book the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down here you are they fall down notice in verse 10 of the previous chapter the four and twenty elders all fall down before him that sat on the throne and they worship him they worship Him the gain worship is something that we do face downward I am not quite sure that we can worship God in a crowd to tell her the truth have you noticed when they show pictures that they Ayatollah Khomeini and others there in Iraq and other countries they show your mosque with hundreds and hundreds of what men nor women and they leave their shoes outside because they won't bring the filth of the world into the holy place and God says to Moses take off thy shoes from off thy feet that's contamination you've been walking this way now forget all that and you come and stand in my holy presence I believe that when that bush was on fire it was a Shekinah glory of God that was their God invaded it you think that Moses ever forgot that vision when he was languishing on that bed with all those heathen and he renounced what because you see there's a fundamental thing in worship and it is sacrifice and the Hebrews 11 says he chose rather to suffer affliction with the children of God rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season choosing the throws of Christ who told him about Christ well I'm convinced the Holy Spirit did the spirit that brooded over the face of the waters and out of chaos he brought cosmos after total doubtlessly brought light that vision that Moses had it was easy to surrender after that sure I'm gonna preach on it Sunday night you wanna come and hit me I'm going towards and just outside Oral Roberts this place doesn't know I'm going but anyhow I'm going up there and I think I'm gonna preach on Moses coming out of that great Kingdom and then 40 40 weeks no no no never try 40 hours by yourself shut the door let nobody in take the phone off 40 hours you'll think it's 40 years by the time you're through put the cat up put the dog out stay by yourself but not for 40 hours not for 40 days not the 40 weeks for 40 years ah yes he done down Main Street in the bank plane everybody's saluted and said his Excellency Moses he's the son of Pharaoh's daughter he's gonna be ramasees the third he's a marvelous genius read the seventh chapter of our acts of the Apostle he was mighty n---word he wasn't another two because he stammered but he was a statesman he was 19 deed he ruled other people and that man suddenly is transferred from all the excellency and a silken couch somebody using ostrich feathers to keep him cool at night they had no cooling system and now he's at the back of the desert with some stinking sheep boy that's a comedown isn't it ah oh yes come on now you stand up and sing almost without a tear or an emotion were the whole realm of nature mind that were present far too small love so amazing so divine shall have my soul my life my oh well he shouldn't put that measure mean it but it didn't say that originally demands my soul my life my all does Christ have to give all and I give him on me a measurement of what I have am i in control of what I have I like this great American him my faith looks up to thee I preached in that church on Boston Common and asked that we had it because it was written there my faith looks up to thee as thou has died for me it says all may my love to thee pur warm and changeless be a living fire there's only one way can be a constant living fire and that it's the gaze on His Holiness gaze on his majesty gaze on his beauty to worship him if we really worship God we'd never backslide if you worship God if you saw through into eternity you never never never let anything or anybody get you down you never expect to get good treatment in a world like this not even from believers very often if you haven't discovered it you will discover it's easy to stand the criticism us what does it say in someone about the sinners the criticism of sinners contradiction of sinners that's not too bad you don't expect much else you get contradiction of sinners it's criticism of saints that gets you down particularly when they trying to choke the way that you're trending with God when you're treading on the higher elevation when you've made a decision that makes them look a bit shabby because you've made a deeper commitment if you want to avoid that way let's go back a minute here into this fourth chapter and six before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal in the midst of the Sun and round about the throne were four beasts full of eyes actually that's a bad translation in the real translation is for living ones they weren't beasts in the sense that we think of animals for living ones full of eyes before them behind the first living one was like a lion the second like a calf the third that the face of man the fourth was like an eagle and the four living ones have each of them six wings and they were full of eyes within and they rest not day or night singing what holy holy holy is which was and is and is to come and when those beasts gave all those living ones gave glory and honor and thanks to him that sat on the throne who liveth for ever and ever the four and twenty elders fell down before him that sat on the throne and they worshiped him that liveth for ever crown me with many crowns the lamb upon this rock the four and twenty elders that eyes are suddenly opened to the majesty of Jesus and they take their crowns and they cast them down as one hymn writer says till we cast our crowns before the lost in wonder and love and praise and they cast their crowns before him and they worship Him that liveth for ever and ever now here's an interesting thing notice there's a doxology here if you want to go through these I'll tell you what they are in Revelation 5 and verse 6 you'll find a two-fold doxology I'm not going to refer to it except to tell you Revelation verse no revelation 1 and verse six revelation four and verse 11 a three-fold doxology revelation 5 and verse 3 13 a four-fold doxology and revelation 7 and verse 12 there's a sevenfold doxology let me read that to you notice again all the Angels stood round about the Sun and the elders and the four beasts and what did they do same old thing they fell down before the throne how in the world do we keep standing don't let me ask you this I feel a bit of anger almost in my how in the world can church be so dead and preaching be so boring with a God like this to glorify wine gods named are we going through eternity every Sabbath day and forget the stinking world around us and come out with a perfume with eternity upon us within the veil Freda Henry Allen says within the veil phenomena as thou gav'st us upon the matchless beauty of his face canst thou become a living revelation of his great heart of love his untold grace within the veil his fragrance poured upon thee the woman took the alabaster box of ointment she washed his feet with tears not water dried the feet with a hair of a head not a towel pulled the ointment upon him that was worth a king's ransom and then she dried his feet with the hair of a head what happened the fragrance she poured out on him came back on her isn't that sound a bit like the folk in the Acts of the Apostles they took knowledge of the being with Jesus you think anybody ever gasps when we leave just say those people have a look of eternity they've irradiance in their faces I say what happens of those fun an English critic said he went outside of an English church and he said he watched people go in it they looked as though they were going to the dentist she said they waited and out and they came out I thought they'd been I tell you again that if the Holy One the Living one the Christ and glory came into our Assembly if he walked in our midst like he walks in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks we'd either go out so radiance on top of the world with the world of flesh that were beneath our feet and nothing would move us out on the other hand we got ice warmer with tears that there are millions of people who could have this and they go into eternal hell because there's no middle ground back to this 18 chapter 5 and when he had taken the book the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the lamb having every one of them harps notice there and golden vials full of odors which are the prayers of the saints ah the Good Book says that prayers never die what are these under the arms of the prayers of saints keep this in mind you younger particular gods delays are not denials the schedule is his not mine not the shed you religiously it's his I'm not there to give him advice he graciously mercilessly says come unto me and and lay your burden at my feet but the timetable is his they fell down before the lamb having every one of them harps and vials which are the prayers of the saints and they spent a new song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals that has redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation so to hell with communism the world is about end up in a communist state I still believe there's going to be a super revival a revival of Pentecost that without Pentecost or Pentecost but I'm quite sure of this that the final word is with Jesus Christ and people are coming out of every kindred and nation and people and tongues vague yellow black white bondsman Fremen people living today people that live ten centuries back so there's only ever been one church in the history of the world even with Israel there was a church in the wilderness and they sang a new song because thou has redeemed us to God by thy blood avantika kindred and nation and people and tongue and as made us kings and priests notice now you don't want to live on cloud nine with a guitar and we shall reign on the earth ah huh there's going to be a new heaven and the new oh so we're gonna live on this earth yeah I believe we are I believe God is going to return this world to a state of a perpetual eternal Garden of Eden God never designed the sin to come in this world never designed that you should prick your finger on the rose or in all thorns that originally you could catch the bees and they wouldn't sting you can catch stroke a lion it wouldn't hurt you am I gonna rain on the earth or maybe we'll take excursions for the weekend if you want to go up to heaven or somewhere I mean they sir you know there's because there's a new heaven as well as a new earth maybe there'll be a conference up there you want to come and hear me preach well that's okay I didn't jump it that but you see God never wastes anything there's gonna be a new heaven there's going to be in your earth they're gonna be staggering one day you see a procession going along and say is that a Gabriel the Archangel no that's a little fella that wasted his life people thought up jungles tracks in their Amazon saintil Africa got fevers and hitting with bugs and it was half crippled with rheumatism and like old CT stud and what's he doing now is ruling over five cities oh he is yeah what's that big TV guy doing that big TV preacher he's driving that preacher around because that's what it says it says the first shall be last and the last shall be first someone got the rule of the five cities some of them to rule all the ten cities sure the dying thief rejoice to see that fountain in his day do you think he's going to have the same reward as John Wesley John Wesley was saved at 35 years of age turn it round it makes 53 because he served God 53 years 53 and 35 make 88 in case you didn't know and he died at 88 and all he left was six pound notes six silver spoons a small collection of books a Geneva Gong he preached in something else let's see what was it or the Methodist Church knew there was something I suggesting the dying thief will of the same reward as John Wesley disciplined his life he fasted always got Methodist preacher hair on your methodist preacher good but you I used to be but I grew up but anyhow I remember talking in London the big Methodist Cathedral was right off the kitty-corner to Westminster Abbey dear doctor doctor toes I was gonna say dr. Sangster treasures one of the holiest men I've ever met now the privilege of talking with him praying with him and I discovered by accident he followed John Wesley's Maxim he fasted all day Wednesday and all day Friday all his life from the day was saved John Wesley did that John Wesley disciplined himself he rolled through the forests and read with a book up to his eyes in the moonlight riding on the back of the horse somehow he did it studied prayed fastly make money lots of it what'd they do with it built orphanages built schools printed Bibles printed hymn books oh you see we got away with so much well laughs the Lord loves me you're not having the other day you're not somebody gave me somebody sent me so what I don't care what you got I don't have one streak of envy in my body I covet norm and silver or gold or a pebble we were down with few weeks ago there with lots and lots of milling that I don't come into a thing they've got some have got their own planes and on yachts than this like this or what let me ask you a simple thing maybe you have an answer to this did you did you ever see a funeral hearse drawing a u-haul didn't get that if you ever see a hearse drawing the u-haul can't take it with you there's matter how much it is how big how smaller that it makes no difference so a smart American this isn't quite Shakespeare but he says about your money do your giving while you're living then your knowing where it's going not too far but it's pretty good anyhow hmm they sang a new song thou has redeemed us to God by thy blood my god we've got a song of the else can sing no matter about the tube very much yeah I'm sure one would rather hear you if you sing like a crow than here Gallagher chior Pavarotti or somebody else sing faultlessly singing their nonsense when do we get verse 10 that thou hast made us kings and priests mmm and we shall reign on the earth now and I beheld and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders a number of them was ten thousand two thousand and thousands of thousands now notice what it says verse 11 saying hmm do you know a place in any angel that lost its first estate was never redeemed they never got back into favor with God they are banished forever they no song to sing meagan to sing the song of Moses and of the lamb they were saying with a loud voice worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and every creature notice that is in heaven not on the earth or under the earth and such as in the sea and all that I heard and all that are in them I heard I saying blessing and honor and glory and power be unto Him sit upon the throne and unto the land forever and ever no without looking how does the last song finish the hundred and fiftieth son but yeah but what's the exact one right let everything give you a mark for that let everything that has breath all right that's just poetic license you know it's what they call it well it's like stravagant or it's again whiting license everything that hath breath says the psalmist praise the Lord what has breath every creature in heaven on the earth and such as are in the sea I don't know what kind of tune of shark sings em in a few weeks maybe a few minutes will of that things I detest buzzing around your ear yeah these horrible mosquitoes and down here the texas-sized you know they're bigger than anywhere else and they buzz and they buzzing oh when they bite me man I put weight on I go up like they say I get a terrible mess I literally believe with all my heart oh one day those things every time they buzz in my ear they'll be saying hallelujah and they will be able to sting me everything that has brands can you imagine the whole of creation every living bird every everything in the sea if a fish comes up it shouts how to do your praise the Lord or something everything that has breath every kindred every people every nation every tongue are all going to join in the greatest hallelujah chorus the world's ever heard a mother going to say they're going to say blessing and honor and glory and power be unto him that sitteth on the Frog throne and the four beasts said amen and again the four and twenty elders fell down that's three times they must get tired of standing up and falling down but three times over in this day at the end of the last chapter on this chapter they fall down and they worship Him and then all the N you stood round about the throne this 11 of chapter 7 and about the elders and they felled down before the throne on their faces and they worshipped gods saying our men blessing and glory and wisdom and Thanksgiving an honour and power of night be able to garb for ever and ever verse 14 I said sir pammi let's take verse 30 one of the elders said them to me what are they these which are arrayed in white robes and whence came they and I said unto him Sir thou knowest and he said to me these are they which came out of Great Tribulation have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb therefore are they before the throne of God now this must be a special honor to these were martyred for Christ's sake therefore they are before the throne of God and they serve Him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them won't that be wonderful won't that be wonderful this awesome moment in eternity can you think of those hot and trendy elders that are one day sir I'd take more time to write because I want to finish with it here that to try and do to covet to to learn to exercise yourself in innocence particular devotion of worship take different aspects of the life of the character of God gaze on these largely you know come before him not not asking anything not just a present but gaze on his Horner's gaze on his faithfulness think how many times he's been faithful only times you read him down how many times he's been faithful to his church how many times he's brought out of tribulation think about the church is going through tonight in China or going through in Russia and elsewhere and then he's standing by them then he's getting Saints out of them it might have you got more worship other than today then he's got out of us we've so many diversions with so many sidetracking things it's easy to sing it isn't it how firm a foundation these saints of the Lord is led to your faith in his excellent work what more can he say them to you he has said God has no afterthought sees no corrections to make to his book men tried to try and make it but there's no no way to improve it quietness they still in know that I am God gaze on his faithfulness gaze on his holiness gaze on his love gaze on this purity think of some aspect of his character and dwell on it and let your soul get expanded and let's get into the business of knowing how to worship Him here because for sure we're gonna worship Him here after I've told the story before let's wind up with it when Fanny Crosby was receiving some sympathy from somebody who said to her well you've been blind all of 84 years and it's a great pity and I don't know why the Lord let this happen you've missed so much such a disadvantage to be blind and dear little family said it's a great advantage to be blind a friend said what's the advantage she said my dear don't you realize the first face I ever see will be his face not a lovely way to look at it he can't lose you know any other philosophy like that you're missing every I'm missing nothing I had a friend he could he couldn't hear any more than a stone good here tremendous preacher somebody said why don't you ask God for healing he said because no one to be healed you don't want to be here they said no I remember before I was deaf all the silly things Christians talked about he said I don't want to go back to that one way of looking at it starting with God gazing on his boundless mercy gazing on his love realizing again we've got something that this will need supremely we need the risen Christ of God who's exalted he has all power he has all for poverty he has all Dominion everything's under his feet and he's going to come in splendor and he's going to come in glory we got some time for prayer I want you to pray for many of you know Bob Roberts he's been here as a Baptist preacher is done in beliefs right now and he's in a part he's not in the city as I seen Joe Foss about the city said well it's it's a city though the sewers run out of the house down the sidewalks the sewage comes down the street but Bob is working in a park up in the wilds up in the woods where there's still a lot of terrible superstition and witchcraft and darkness and hedonism and we do need to pray for him last week I mentioned that the County Commission is going in a few I don't know a couple of months going up to New Jersey to help write down in Venice Elizabeth or one of the cities there which is a it's a hellhole let me put it that way and the pastor says you can come and help me and again there'll be no love offerings he's only got seven people coming to the church so they're going up there haven't done anywhere for them to sleep I mentioned that last week and taught with brother Joe on the phone he said you mentioned about our group going up to new jersey next in in a couple of months and said yesterday well somebody left an envelope the last day's ministry they just said on for for New Jersey Calvary Commission and they left three $100 bills in it helped pay their expenses from the last special scripture for you tonight go on do thou likewise so you can get tax exemption if you want it they really do need a bus so they can crowd all the fellows in and take all the gear with them they cost a few thousand dollars and maybe the Lord will tell you to do something about that you could help them in that way let's pray I was I guess it's right we were down in the Bahamas somebody mentioned again Haiti I'm not a bit against churches going and taking old clothes and food and what now that's good but lord help us we've been doing that for 25 years you know what 97% of Haiti's Roman Catholic and 95 of percent of those Roman Catholics practice Roman Catholicism and voodoo isn't as well that's double darkness as far as I'm concerned do you think we'll ever have a gang of young men that dare go down there and say we're staying here we're going to pray and fast and believe until we'd rather devil off this island thanks I'm doing but the Lord said greater works than these shall we do think again of the of the church in Korea my goodness when I go to bed at night now wonder why I'm in bed thousands of people and they're praying that 10 million Japanese will be converted in that something they've come out of darkness I've owned many Church around here the pressure 10,000 do you mind the truth any Methodists do that and if any castles and Navarre ministries around anybody praying for harm me 10 million 10 million Japanese will be converted that's that's going oh there are some vast areas of the earth that's still a total darkness and we can help them and thank God for the help that goes but it doesn't mean much really it's a drop in the bucket maybe God's going to send a national Awakening and provoke us just like old Jonah didn't want to go to live the Lord you're not gonna bless the Gentiles and send them revival when we need it most of all huh say if you're a Baptist could you pray for revival in the Pentecostal church down the street and if you're a Pentecostal could you pray for the Baptist to have it I mean I saw so big that you don't care as long as it comes or God uses I don't care who uses I want God's or kind of as we would say ring the neck of the devil I want God to stop trampling on the foot just just once more before God comes in judgment to come in mercy to pour out his spirit a revival that stops that traffic revival when the computers won't be used revival that will spread till every time you're going to see if somebody's singing you know when all my Labor's our trials are or or blessed assurance II go in another shop and they're singing victory in Jesus or something that's happened in revivals but it's so far removed from what we do and a lot of us really we want things done decently and in order oh come on we're moving up to Easter isn't it wonderful hmm the stone was rolled away well in case you don't know the stone wasn't rolled away to let Jesus out he was after a long while before that the stone was open to let them go in and see it was empty hmm up from the grave he rose it's amazing how dead churches can be with the Living Christ isn't it I'm convinced again and I mean this I mean II know that if physical atmosphere could vibrate it did in the early church he did not after the death Pentecost they went the whole place was shaker they didn't run out scared and says this an earthquake you're gonna get hurt and that has happened in revivals over and over again I don't care a hill of beans about a ninja nomination if they're pure if they're preaching the Word of God but I've just get like God open the windows of heaven upon them there's not much time left nobody's talking about abolishing nuclear war except a few fanatics in the eyes of other people we're all suggesting about toning it down and not getting roasted too much you know you roast one about your cities and we're all strewn about yours and and they some a fair deal in this roasting business idiotic isn't it I've got Christians I wish God had sent something and split Russia into and kill the whole lot in other words what they're saying I wish God that send them all to hell because where they're coming is anybody else they're going to eternal doubtless or eternal light if you haven't taken the stars and stripes of the cross you better bury it tonight I took the young in Jack there about 60 years ago and I've never been back for it I'm not an Englishman first and then a Christian I'm a Christian first I'd like God to do a lot for this country otherwise I wonder stay there so long I'd like to do it for England I like him to do it for other countries yet once more even Isaiah says I will shake the heavens and the earth now there not another time left I've taken more time because and I intended to finish this message but I want you to pray tonight maybe we need to pray that for yourself that you have no passion that you have no vision it's just concerned to go to church and be nice maybe you see again what people that not long ago where he then's are now meeting all night every night praying every night for 10 million people to be saved in a country not far away from them and that other areas of the world that need the same thing so forget the one next to you tonight don't worry about them let me say this in case I do forget next week the meeting will begin at 7:30 because it gives more time for the folk here to get things straightened up so will you remember that please 7:30 next week and by the grace of God it would be here so now let's go to prayer and please please just say God what do you want me to pray may want you to pray 10 words you may want to pray 10 minutes but pray let's believe let's plead the blood let's believe and resist the devil and see victory coming this day which we live
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 47,030
Rating: 4.8433733 out of 5
Keywords: Leonard, Ravenhill, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: 8jYNWsTIelg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 18sec (4698 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2010
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