God Is Asking You to Give Him Everything

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We're Gonna Roll Up the sleeves for this one because uh it's time to get down to work someone once commented on the sleeves like priest sleeves apparently they have a big gap and so there's this big like puffy thing in your forearms I didn't ever realize that but someone pointed it out they said they hate it and I was like wow I never noticed but now I do hi my name is father Mike Schmitz and this is the center presents so how recently someone had asked me the question they said how do you give God everything because which is a really great question because you know we hear stories in the Bible about uh here's Jesus who comes to the Rich Young Man and the Richard man asks the question um what must I do to inherit eternal life and Jesus says you know the Commandments what are they and the rich young man says well here they are and I've kept all of them from my youth and Jesus says you're looking at him loved him and says you lack one thing go sell what you have give it to the poor and then come follow me um and the rich man young man goes away sad because he had many possessions right his his stuff owned him he didn't own his stuff that kind of situation other stories as well you know Peter and uh Andrew James and John Jesus calls them and they leave their Nets and they're fishing and their boats and their father and they'll leave everything and they follow Jesus and then we hear stories of saints I mean there's some incredible Saints Saint Francis of Assisi who like you know stripped himself completely naked in this town square of Assisi handed this stuff over to his father and said listen uh I no longer will I say Pietro Bernard his biological father is my father from now on I'll only say Our Father Who Art in Heaven like just basically gives everything away Saint Anthony of Egypt is another example where apparently as a young man he walks into the church as they're proclaiming the gospel and he hears that if you desire to be perfect go sell what you have give to the board then come follow me and he's like okay he just goes and does it and so we have all of these and like thousands of others right all of these Saints all these incredible people who have literally done that they've given everything away in order to follow Jesus and so this person was asking me they said so I mean I have a family I have responsibilities I have this job that I support my family with and I how do I give everything to follow after Jesus like how do I follow Jesus with everything I have how do I give everything away and I thought that's a remarkable question they're different questions how do I follow Jesus with everything versus how do I give everything away those are two different things how do I give everything away well you have to ask the question is Jesus calling you to give everything away remember that there are people in the scriptures that Jesus did call and say go say what you have give to the poor then come follow me there's others that we have no record that that's what he asked them to do that when he asked them to follow him he didn't say go divest yourself of everything you have and then come follow me he just said follow me or they just started following him and so we don't necessarily have a blanket statement of every single Christian every single follower of Jesus has to give everything away but every single follower of Jesus has to give him everything this is the key distinction not every follower of Jesus has to give everything away but every follower of Jesus has to give him everything that's the difference so the question I get to ask is okay is Jesus calling me to give away everything because you might be that might be there but remember God always speaks in Clarity if it's kind of like this maybe I should maybe I shouldn't wait until he's spoken in Clarity and then act get that okay but God is asking you he is inviting you to give him everything what that means in many ways is um you're giving him access to everything so I look at my stuff I look at my bank account I look at uh the things that I own I look at my relationships this one I look at my calendar and I say Okay God it's all yours if you want me to do something with what's in my bank account I'm open it's yours I'm gonna actually start shifting my mindset from being this is my stuff to God this is yours how do you want me to Steward it we have another video on stewarding versus owning that's kind of the mentality right okay God you're the steward of this it's yours how do you want me to manage it same thing when it comes to our stuff and I'm gonna buy a new car okay do you have any direction when it comes to what kind of car you want me to have it you might have none you might have none he said yeah go whatever car you want I love you it could be like okay that's the one you want I remember Pope Francis saying this at one point that's the one you want to hear this you know S-Class get one class lower you know that kind of that sense of like here's all the bells and whistles that you ever possibly can want okay get the one just a slightly less than perfect just kind of a as a as an act of self-denial you don't have to but it's one of the ways you can exercise this sense of okay God it's all yours I'm giving it all to you so my bank account God it's yours how do you want me to manage this bank account and he might want you to manage the bank account by saying okay invest for your children I know some people who have said like you know my children have special needs and so one of the things one of the ways I need to manage this account one of the ways I need to manage my money is so that when I'm gone and their other parent is gone they're taken care of like that is really not only smart that's only wise that's incredibly loving so I'm managing this account God because it's yours I'm managing my stuff God because it's yours and even gosh when it comes back down to this my calendar looking at my day saying yep I have to go to work because that's what I do like that's how I take care of my family that's how I'm moving forward in this world so I'm contributing to uh being a productive member of society wonderful but God each hour is yours breath is yours where do you want me to spend it how do you want me to spend it my free time how do you want me what do you want me to do with it because it's yours I don't just give everything away but I give it all to him and again that that seems too big if that seems too confusing if it seems like that's a whole life I would get really really specific not just okay here's my my bank account it's actually God's I'm managing for him here's my my time here's my stuff but even asking the question okay God right now right now how can I give you this moment you know we've said it this many many times you can't change your past and you can't know your future we have an unchangeable past and we have an unknowable future all we have is this moment right now this present moment so therefore this is the only moment that I can actually give to God now what in some ways I can entrust my past to God yep say God that's yours um do please bring good out of that past and I can also entrust the future to God say God I know you're going to be there I trust you I have hope in you but right now in this moment that's the only woman I can give to God and actively give to God because that's the thing it's like how do I give God everything give him this moment like that's it sometimes we make it so complicated to follow Christ God how do I give God everything well the only thing you have right now really truly is this moment so give God this moment how do you do that here's the last thing well I would say it like this I realize it's his just like my bank account it's his money I'm stewarding it how do you want me to manage your money I'm a money manager for God my stuff God is yours my time is yours this moment God this moment is yours how do you want me to manage this moment how do you want to do I'm going to practice the presence of God brother Lawrence of the Resurrection said every any given moment every given moment God is present to you are you present to him how do I give God everything give him this moment in the sense of just saying God you're here this is your moment I give it to you and the more and more we give God each individual moment those individual moments add up and they become an entire life how do I get my whole life to God by giving him each individual moment It's relatively simple it is not impossible at times some moments might be painful but other moments will be incredibly joyful and at the end of our Lives you'll realize I just live my life I just I just live my life for God I just gave him everything because I only all I had to do was give him what I what he asked for on a moment to moment basis and that's how we give God everything anyways from all of us here at Ascension presents my name is father Mike God bless [Music]
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 79,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ascension, ascension press, ascension presents, fr. Mike, father mike, catholic advice, catholic inspiration, catholic motivation, fr. mike schmitz, fr. Mike schmidt, father mike schmitz, michael schmitz, fr. Mike advice, fr. Mike videos, giving it to god, prayer of surrender, trust prayer, can i trust god, Give Up everything, voluntary poverty, simplicity, The rich young man, Does God want my stuff?, Sell everything and give alms to the poor, alms to the poor
Id: QxeGf60syLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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