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father I ask you to show us the truth in this experience that I had I called it a vision I didn't know what to call it but it was real and you know it was real and it has it has had a a played a big part in my life and I thank you I had a most exciting spiritual encounter several weeks ago my husband David and I were studying our Bible in the morning and we get we get a deeper understanding when we meditate and discuss together and God leads us we were doing this and felt God's presence stronger than I ever remembered when I became aware that the scene in my room had changed we were in my we were in my our St study studying the Bible the word and I became aware that my husband was no longer in the room and and that this presence was in the room it was and this presence spoke to me he said I am God he spoke to my heart he spoke to me in the spirit he didn't show me his face but his presence was like nothing I had ever felt it never happened to me before as I marble marveled at his presence in this Vision he took my hand and we began to walk together well I was just overwhelmed and thrilled because he said I am God and his presence was quaking in my spirit he communicated to me clearly in the spirit very clearly I knew what he was telling me I knew we were we were talk we were communicating together at some point I perceived that we were outside the house in a different place his presence was so magnificent that I I can't even describe it it was more meaningful than anything I had ever seen well we just walked together with him holding my hand we we walked he was leading and in the distance I saw way in the distance I saw a red door it it it was it wasn't a square door or anything like I had ever seen a door but I called it a door because it was it looked like an entrance to somewhere but it didn't have a form it didn't have a like like a brick wall or or a it didn't have a form but it was just just there I I'm just describing it the best I can it was displayed in unusual Hues of red I do not seem to be able to describe it you know if you want to describe something you say well it's like this or it's like that well I never saw anything like that before so I can't say it was like that or it was like this because I never saw anything like that to compare it with but I was just overwhelmed with his presence there's not anything greater than the presence of God there's not anything more magnificent so how are you going to describe that anyway we we walked and it surely wasn't very long but we were getting closer and closer to this door I'll call it a door because it was an entrance we just walked slowly closer and closer until we we stood right in front of that door and then he SP he spoke to me again now when he spoke he didn't use words that he it they were so strong the communication itself was so strong and so impressive that there was no mistaking in what he was saying or wanting and he said said listen to what he said this is the door to the third heaven that's what he said plain as day well I had read about Paul in the Bible going to the third heaven they took him to the third heaven we know that Paul knew a lot more than the other disciples did about God and David do you remember what Paul said about the third heaven I remember what what he said about the third heaven he said it was so awesome that he could not speak about it and he couldn't speak about it because this was beyond above and beyond anything that a mortal had ever experien he said it was unlawful for man to speak that's what he said well God God this God told me that he was God clearly and he said this is the door to the third heaven well boy that that kind of that kind of shocked me so I said now I I had I knew what the third heaven was it was Heaven it's what do you know about the third heaven you need to read it pull it up and read it uh that's where the Angels Live and that's where it's 2 Corinthians 12: 2 and following okay read about it that's that's Heaven that's the heaven probably the one we go to I I don't know a lot about it just know what I've read there so I SP spoke to God who was beside me with all power and I said to him wait I'm not sure I want to go in there right now I might not be able to come back out I I just didn't want to walk in that door I need to think about that if I had a choice I didn't want to walk into that door right then I'm not sure I want to go in right now I might not be able to come come back out I told him and this is what I said I've spoken to you about this I know from reading the word that Jesus came into the world to destroy the works of Satan that's that's one of the reasons he came that's one reason he sent Jesus God sent Jesus to destroy the works of Satan now Satan had got a a hold on the world how did he get it David how did Satan get a hold on this world and on mankind that God created God gave adam authority over the Earth and Adam was tempted by Satan and he yielded to the Satan Temptation and when that happened there was a shift in the recipients of the authority the devil then became the the person in charge of the world the kingdom of the world the kingdom of the world not the kingdom of God God is the creator he only controlled the kingdom of this world this Earth in other words he wasn't given all power God God is God he's the Creator but he was given authority over this Earth for a time that's how it got in he never meant God never meant for Satan to rule Satan is a lesser level of creature than man is did you know that well God created and he created Satan he so the Creator is always superior to that which he's created I mean he was he was lower than man he created man and Satan for a different purpose Satan was created as an angel Satan was an angel and his job was to worship God and Adam gave gave the mankind who who were who was in Authority Adam gave Mankind and this world this Earth the authority and rule over these things Adam gave it to Satan it was given to Adam and it and he gave it to Satan Satan wasn't qualified to rule over this world but he gave it and God let it stand because God had it had been done legally but I'm telling you one thing he had a plan to get his creation back I knew about it I I'd studied about it and I knew about it anyway back to here back to this B Vision that I had I said I'm not I'm I am I said I know that Jesus came into the world to destroy the works of Satan and to get his creation out of Satan's hands Mankind and that we who are redeemed are to stand with with God we stand with him we belong to him he purchased us he redeemed us out of the hands of Satan and we we want to stand with God don't we we want to and this is what I told him I said I know Satan came into the world that God Jesus came into the world to destroy the works of Satan he was in the process of doing that and that we who are redeemed are to to stand with him in this day and pray and do whatever he tells us to do be obedient to him I know that's what he wants and I I would like to be here to pray for my children and my grandchildren my great grandchildren I want to stand with him I don't want to I don't have to go to heaven right now I want to stand I I don't mind being old old it's not easy to be old if you think it is just wait and see it's not easy but listen here I'm willing to stand with Jesus for my children my grandchildren the people my church the people I know the people I love in Jesus I want to stand with him I want to stand with you I I told him in my vision I want to stand with you if you will let me and I expressed how I felt as I was speaking okay here I was talking to him he said he was God I felt he was I felt his enormous amount of pressure and uh love I felt his being I knew he was God I didn't doubt for a minute that he was God well I noticed that we had turned around and we were headed back an't that beautiful I knew what he wanted I knew what he was saying to me okay that's what you you asked for it I'm going to I'm going to let you do that I didn't require it of you but I will allow you to and I will honor that that's what he told me I I he didn't say it in words but I knew it in my heart I thought we going back we didn't he didn't he didn't take me to open up the door and take me to it and escort me in he could have I think that's what he could have what he um would have done if I'd wanted to if I hadn't said that I think he would have taken me in I think that been last to me for a while I noticed that we had turned around and were walking back to the way we came and in just an instant I was back in our study at home and the scene changed back and there was David with his Bible fell open I still felt God's presence strongly but it was not as strong as it was it was not nearly as strong that was overwhelmingly strong now this Vision didn't seem so short at the time I don't know time is not God didn't is limited to time God isn't if if God needs a little more time he can make it he can he can just speak it and it'll be but I want to be accurate and I don't want to fill in blanks and things like that this is too important yep I saw someone else during the time that I that I was with u God I didn't see his face either but I saw his form and and I don't know why I saw this but I did now I did see this he was so wounded he was extremely wounded his back was broken and deformed his back was out of place and it was broken and deformed his body was so wounded that it looked like it had aged prematurely he had suffered to the extreme that's what it had looked like that he had suffered to the extreme and I know that the Trinity are together in the body bodily that's what the Bible says they the Trinity lives together bodily I had seen I had felt God's presence he said I'm God in the body that Jesus had when he was here on the earth that's right I knew that I knew that that was Jesus and God let me see him the way he was when he came back from the cross he had suffered to the extreme I was so grieved that I wanted to cry and cry and cry he would I can't explain how he could be so perfect and beautiful and still be wounded but you know when Jesus showed himself to the disciples he showed them his scars he carried the scars so I'm sure God I'm sure jesus carried had the scars you know so I don't doubt that that he showed me that he let me see that and I can't describe him but I loved him so much because you could see what you you know what he did he stayed on that cross until every sin was covered for the for those who were redeemed and those who were not redeemed he stayed on the cross for them then it was up to them to believe or not believe it was up to the person to receive or not receive I loved him so much that it was almost unbearable he was so full of character in everything good that I cannot find the words to describe him but one day we'll see him and I will I felt after this I felt completely different and I haven't felt the same I haven't felt I still feel different than I was because it it is such a reality to me it is so real to me that I I don't ever want to go back oh yeah to to what it was like before because I feel the reality of God's presence and Jesus presence and I feel that unsurpassing love and it I'm telling you it's worth waiting for amen and God gave me a lesson can I tell what it's I'm not going to tell another whole lesson but God gave me some information that I didn't know before just a minute uh it's in Colossians the first chapter I need to find it24 okay where's my Bible Colossians 1:24 listen to this it's Romans okay this way okay that's it listen to this this is about this is Paul speaking and let me tell you what Paul said he said I am glad when I suffered for you suffer for you this is Paul you know he suffered shipwreck and he was in bomb he was in Chains he was in prison he was beaten lots of things happened to Paul he suffered he said I was glad when I suffer I am glad when I suffer for you in my body for I am participating listen to this I am participating in the sufferings of Christ that continue for his body the church you know the church is the body of Christ the Bible teaches us that he said I am glad when I suffer for suffer for you in my body for I am participating in the suffering of Christ that continue for his body the church now we we we read in the scriptures that when Jesus Christ suffered the last blow when he suffered for that for our Salvation he said it is finished it is completed he suffered and he won our Redemption right there and he was given all authority everything was put under his feet and he did it all he went and sat down beside God on his strong he didn't have to suffer anymore this is not talking about Jesus suffering he completed his get that Jesus completed the suffering that was necessary for our salvation but Paul is talking about that he's glad to do this he's glad to suffer for for the people the church in his body for I am participating in the sufferings of Christ that continue for his body the church to suffer we also the Bible teaches us that we that the you have to suffer for others doesn't it look for it if you don't see it we are are we willing to you bet I'm willing to that means that you will you will go to the trouble to witness to the loss you will feed them when they're hungry and you will share your food if you don't have very much you'll share your food with them you'll do many many many things because of your love and God tells us here in this in this chapter and in the second chapter of Colossians he he will tell you how it's done how how can this happen how can we do this and he says that God pours his Spirit out on us abroad his love he pours his love out on us do you remember that verse that's Romans 5 verse5 say it hope does not disappoint because the love of God is poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us that's right and then he says here that we have to love each other I don't think Jesus will come back until we love each other because that's necessary that is necessary for us to be able to do what Christ did we have to have this love of God in us before we can do the things he did God said in his word the Bible said in in God's word that we were destined to become like Christ and it's by the washing of the word that we become like him and we'll become like him in physically we we'll be able to do the same things that Jesus did we'll be able to heal the sick we we'll have signs and wonders because we have to have that to do what Christ did Christ has already done it but this is for us read it read it again 24 24 124 I'm glad when I suffer for you in my body for I am participating in the sufferings of Christ that continue for his body the church we're we're spiritual who now rejoice in my sufferings for you and fill up all that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake which is the church yes y'all see how beautiful that is we get to listen let me tell you when we have to go the second and third mile for somebody and when we have to put up with things and take offences and turn the other cheek we take the offenses and do you know what it gives us great joy that's a miracle of all miracles it gives us joy I have have experienced some of that God gave me some of that after this Vision that I had he gave me some of that and I saw what Joy there is in doing this for others it is pure joy I don't know what else to say I just want you to get it com if you want to well uh I was about to read for you the scripture that you're referencing but we've been looking at it in King James and you've been looking at it in New Living Translation here's here's but what I'm going to read here is the Amplified Bible okay okay mhm now I rejoice in my sufferings on your behalf and with my own body I supplement whatever is lacking on our part of Christ's afflictions so that's Paul talking yeah on behalf of his body which is the church he does it on behalf Paul suffer Paul suffers on behalf of the body the church he's yeah he's doing this to help the church yes this has nothing to do do with this doesn't have bearing on this doesn't take away from what Christ did at all Christ completed his his uh requirement he he suffered every sin even those that that were never committed I mean even those that were never repented of he suffered for it Christ did it all he he accomplished it but the church here is what we're talking about go ahead and read anything you I did read you want me to reread it yeah okay this is the Amplified Version of Colossians 1: 24 now I rejoice in my sufferings on your behalf and with my own body I supplement whatever is lacking on our part of Christ afflictions what is lacking on our part nothing was lacking on Jesus part on behalf of his body which is the church church we need to suffer if we want to see Christ's kingdom here instead of the kingdom of this world if we want to destroy the works of Satan is what I'm trying to say we we're going to have to do our part what is for us to do okay and it it it is done through love that is the way to do it Christ poured out his love we have to pour out love toward each other and that's the only way we can get we can't do it otherwise we don't want to do it otherwise but if we have his love for it out in our hearts we can do it okay that that's all I've got to say about it you want to pray oh lord it's a beautiful plan it is a beautiful plan and I I'm willing I'm willing I hope we all are to let your love be poured out in us it is a beautiful way to live it is a beautiful thing to do and there is reward in it there is glorious glorious reward in it and I thank you for the plan that you had and for seeing it through you did your you accomplished your part you died for us and God spread his love out for us and in us and we need to spread it out for each other because that's the only way that we can do it effectively if it's going to if it if it brings grief and and if we do it resentfully it doesn't work it it seems to kill the love or something it it doesn't work if you don't do it in love it only works by love you could only do it by love you'd get burned out if you didn't have the love but with the love it it is a joy and I God gave me some of it we don't have to have everything our way we don't have to have it just like we think we're supposed to have it God meets people where they are and he he puts his love in US it works it works tell me I know it works may I read another scripture yes sir this is Galatians 5 Verse 6 in the Amplified for if we are in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything but only Faith activated and expressed and working through love Bible says if you have every spiritual gift and don't have love it's just like a um a clanging noise symbol just like just like noise we must submit ourselves to his love yeah thank you Lord thank you Lord praise your name oh Father amen we glorify you we throw our crowns at your feet if they're already it's you deserve the praise you alone deserve the praise it took it took a long time for this but this is the day when this is being revealed this last part here it is being revealed now embrace it embrace it in Jesus name [Music] amen
Channel: Seeking His Presence Ministries
Views: 226,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god, religion, christianity, wisdom, doris, sumner, seeking his kingdom, ministries, bible study, learn, grow, jesus, david sumner, god gave me a vision, doris sumner-93-year old, god message for you today, god message, god says, vision, faith, god blessings message, god created man, let go let god
Id: VwgeJspIIlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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