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(soaring music) (birds flapping wings and chirping) (intensifying electronic music) (crunching sand) - Heading over to check out this downed airplane. We were here a few days ago but. It's a little too sunny right now for this airplane for me. I wish it was a little foggier. I'm not sure what the plan is. I don't really even know if we're gonna fly our drones, or if we're going to do any time lapses or anything like that. A lot of people are showing up now. So we might just get back to the Defender, find an old beaten path. Make the most of this. It took like a good hour to walk from where the parking lot is to where you get to this plane. And in our opinion, I'm out of breath already, it just kinda wasn't worth it. I was like, "Eh, it's packed with people, the sun's too high." We gotta be here when it's like cloudy. It's all about that atmosphere, right, the mood, the attitude of the shot, which wasn't doing it for us. We came back this morning and it's like 8:00 right now. We left a about an hour and a half ago from where we were staying. Hopefully we get some cool footage of this airplane and, yeah, so cool drone shots. Check it out, look, right there. Looks like a grain of rice on your screen right now, if you're watching this. I'll give you a proper tour in a minute. There it is guys, look at this. Just mangled! How long ... this has been here since the 70s. Should we try and get on top? How do you think you get on top? Just like up this wing. There's gotta be a better way. Here I'm gonna throw this to you. - Don't throw it. - [Main Speaker] I'm gonna Shaw Durst this to you Shawn Durst, Shawn Durst! - [Shawn] You're crazy man. - That's for you, Shawn. - [Shawn] Don't fall there. - Yeah, I know that would suck, like, real bad. - [Shawn] I don't want you to break your legs. There's probably like a ladder on the other side. - Probably, yeah, there's gotta be a better way than this. That's not gonna work. I'll tell you that right now. Maybe from the top here? - [Shawn] Same deal on this side. Can you get enough traction? It's a little lower on this side, right? There you go, there's your ladder. (metal clinking sounds) (bell chimes once) - We should set up some slider shots up here and get some nice like whoosh, movements walking along the top of this. This is a good spot. What do you think? Right here looks good, comin' right down the middle. Nice little ... This is sketchy, but should be fine. (emphatic electronic music) Whoo, I think that'll look pretty good. - [Main Speaker] What's up man? How's it going? - Good. - How's it going? - What is going on? Just ran into these guys at the airplane. Who'd have thought the world isn't as big as you think it is. Where you guy's from? - U.K. - [Main Speaker] Nice, right on. I've got tons of friends in the U.K., U.K.'s amazing. - Alright so that is a wrap on the airplane. That was cool, that was a cool place. I need to look up the stats on this, but I'm pretty sure that crashed here in the early 70s, and I think everyone survived, and I guess they just left it on the beach, and then Iceland was like, "Thank you for the tourist location", so super cool. (emphatic electronic music) - [Main Speaker] Oh, that's steep, whew! (door slams) What are you thinking, man? I should fill everyone in first, right? - Fill them in. - Here's the thing. We drove halfway up the mountain, and we're left with this last spot here. Slippery rocks. Just this last haul which is pretty steep. So we decided to stop and assess the situation to see if Kyle thinks he's confident enough to mob the rest of the way. So we think, you know, group decision. Make sure everyone's on board. It's pretty steep, dude. - It's pretty steep, so we just drove up a 20 degree slope. We got stuck on a 30 degree slope earlier this week. - [Main Speaker] Let's be honest, though, if you did slide the rest of the way, it would kinda ironic, wouldn't it? - For a slider company, that'd be hilarious. So this is about 20 right here. - [Main Speaker] Oh, you're actually checking? - [Kyle] 23 degrees, yeah, check it out. If we look at the average slope. So this is a little steeper than what we just drove up and a little slicker with the rocks. - [Main Speaker] I think you could do it. But if you're going to do it, let's ... - Let's take a vote. - [Main Speaker] Let's get a drone in the air. Hands up if Kyle should mob the rest of this mountain. - Hands way up. This guy's ... this guy's like, "no." What'd you think, man, you're the driver. - I don't know. I'd say worst case ... - [Man In Red Jacket] We come back down. - We back right down here. I think we go for it. - [Main Speaker] Alright, dude. - I'm so nervous from the last time we did this. I did not end well. We almost flipped over. - [Main Speaker] Just do it for the vlog. - I'm going to. - Flip the Defender for the vlog. - I'm going to pay for it, too. Alright, so the vote is yes. Let's begin. (emphatic electronic music) - Here he goes. He's going to go down the hill first so he can get some speed and then just mob to the top. (upbeat electronic music and car engine noises) (upbeat electronic music) - Just a Sunday afternoon drive. This dude, I'm running to the top, I'm running to the top. That deserves the highest of fives. - Whoa! - [Main Speaker] Would you say it might have even been anti climatic? - Almost, it was a little too easy. - It wasn't that bad. I think we were psyching ourselves out a little bit. That's round two. We'll see how steep it is, but we'll get up there. (upbeat electronic music) - Alright, so here we are at the top. I'm standing on the top of the roof of the Defender. The highest point, sort of, because we didn't really want to go all the way to there because, you know, there are limits. I'd rather keep making vlogs than that be the last vlog. I think we're just going to hang out. Mattie's getting some drone shots, so he's buzzing around right now, and then I think I'm going to bust out the Aeropress because I figured what better place than to make coffee on the top of a mountain in a Defender. I think that would be dope. So that's the plan, there's the drone. And that shot is probably going to be amazing. That's the plan thus far. Gonna bust out the pots, start boiling some water, and let's get this done. Look at this view, though. Here I'll do a little ... look at this view. This is crazy. (thudding sound) - Whoa. I hate the back of this Defender, man. Look at that mess. That's called four filmmakers traveling in Iceland. (emphatic electronic music) Okay, I'm at the top. That means one thing. Coffee. (emphatic electronic music) (makes whooshing sound) What's up. I want to talk to you about this dope little rove slider from Rhino that's coming out. Their Kickstarter link and all that stuff is below, but that's the reason why we're here is to test this out. They didn't even realize that with their app you can do crazy long exposures with the phone, which blows my mind and Kyle would just go, leave it in the middle of nowhere. We'd go have dinner. You'd come back and have like crazy aurora borealis nonsense happening in the sky. It's super cool with that. Check out one of those clips right here. Actually I'll just dump them all right here, check it out. (slow, calm music) So, amazing, Iceland looks crazy and, side bar, they're actually giving away a trip for two. If you guys want to come here with a friend and mob around yourselves and just shred the island, links are below for that, so sign up. You might be doing exactly this. Making coffee on a mountain with your best friend. So links below, I'll leave it a ... I'll leave it on the top line so you don't even have to click show more because I'm thinking about you guys. Never have I made coffee on the top of a mountain, well until like two minutes ago. Super cool, like look at this view. Absolutely crazy. I'm usually making it in my kitchen, but to be able to actually stand on the top of a mountain and make coffee, that's badass. I think I'm going to end the vlog right here, guys. Thanks so much for watching and hanging out in Iceland. This place is amazing. Hope you had a good time watching the footage, the drone shots, the B roll, and thanks for making coffee with me. So hit that like button if you like this video. Smash it, if that's something that you're into. Subscribe if you aren't already, and ... and ... I'll see you guys in the next one. (makes whooshing sound) (emphatic electronic music).
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 389,123
Rating: 4.9632597 out of 5
Keywords: Iceland, Rhino, Rhino Sliders, Rhino ROV, ROV, ROV Slider, ROV Kickstarter, Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon Vlog, Peter McKinnon Iceland, Iceland Travel Vlog, Crashed Plane Iceland, Photographing Iceland, Coffee, Making Coffee, Coffee on a mountain, Aeropress, Aeroppress Coffee, Rhino Evo Slider, Cinematic Footage, how to get cinematic footage, using a slider, how to use a slider, Slider shots, should you buy a slider?, Camera equipoment, Cinematography
Id: W9juf04V2k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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