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the following program is rated tvmalv it contains strong language and violence it is intended only for mature audiences [Music] that you do not want to mess with [Music] sisu go see it it's brilliant nergerotic.com ask Mrs nerd Roddick hey do you want to go see like this really disgustingly uh gory Revenge flick about a finish uh former Finnish Commander killing a bunch of Nazis after he finds some gold and she's like hell yeah threaten me with a good time so we had a little date morning sat unfortunately an empty theater and got to see an amazing film an absolutely amazing film the trailer is what you see is what you get there's no subverting of expectations this is a Finnish World War II Grindhouse film with a little sprinkle a little dash of spaghetti western the music is great the gore is great it's unbelievable and uh a lot of it is picking metal out of wounds addressing wounds like uh yeah there's a whole scene where he's like pulling metal out of himself it's it's great uh there's nothing really to spoil uh a former Finnish Commander who's uh family was killed by Russians and then he killed a bunch of Russians uh find some gold needs to go to the nearest bank which is like 500 miles away and in between him and the bank are a platoon of Nazis of Nazis uh towards the end of World War II he's got a cute little dog with him at first he's riding a horse horse doesn't last long we'll just say everything looks very lived in and real in this but don't expect like too much reality like again the story is very simple this dude will not stop um the whole definition of the word sisu apparently in Finnish means basically somebody who just doesn't give up I hope I'm getting that right because I'm not finished but the Nazis it looks like they've been in a war for uh years everybody's dirty and grimy and like they're half their uniforms are gone it's like uh you know whatever they found uh some spoils and some of those uh spoils are women they have a truckload of women that the Nazis regularly uh uh get get down to business with uh without consent we'll just say without consent uh these poor women are prisoners they're used um to walk a couple of them are used to walk across a Minefield but not before they use some of their own soldiers to walk across a Minefield that they put you see the scene in the trailer where it's like how many Minds did we bury here all of them I keep wanting to call them sisu and I they they say his name and I can't remember his name sorry we'll just say the guy uh you learn throughout the film like basically what his background is there's not much there's you know family died uh became a one-man killing machine became basically ungovernable and he uh and and so even the Finnish armies like we're just gonna send this guy out in his own uh on his own missions and he just goes out and uh they said he killed upwards of 300 Russians and now he's gonna kill some Nazis he's just on his own at this point he's a one-man killing machine and the Russians had a word for it and I don't know the word in Russian Mao but they called him the immortal and we see why they're they're uh is there a supernatural element there has to be with some of the logic uh of what happens in this film because this guy just he survives so much crazy [ __ ] um but it's not like he's like dusting him and off he's he's limping around he gets shot he gets stabbed he gets blown up um and yeah he's in a plane crash so it's just pure the great thing about this uh why Wolverine is one of my favorite superheroes is is not in this you know his healing power is his greatest asset over the admantium uh and his utter will and he just doesn't give up that's why I liked what was why I've always liked Wolverine and that's why I like this film this isn't they even say in the film it's not about being stronger it's about never giving up you know which is a strength and he just never gives up even when he's being hanged which you'll just have to wait for that scene holy cool I'm like everything has to injure him even like climbing into a plane he has he has he he pops a hole in it and there's like this Jagged metal and he has to just grab onto his blood coming in lots of blood lots of brains it's great I freaking love this movie I probably gonna say it's my favorite movie of the year so far I mean it's not saying much but it's my favorite movie of the year it's 93 3 minutes long like I said before it is a perfect running time for a main character who doesn't say a freaking word till the end and it's funny great it is great if you don't like violence you're a little squeamish ain't gonna be for you lots of compound fractures like I said just freaking body parts guys getting squished by tanks it's uh once seen where I'm going to make up the name because I can't remember the name or um these two guys are on a motorcycle and they're they're following the tank and one guy gets thrown out of the truck and crushed by the tank and they're like is that is that our guy is that Joe so good um uh the Germans speak English this is a Finnish film so there's no subtitles really because there's not a lot of speaking doesn't need to be and and one of the most brutal kills I'll just say is in the water is in the water you'll just have to wait and see so if you like this kind of movie you want to see some kick-ass uh testosterone filled action uh this is the movie to see I freaking loved it we need a lot more of this if they if if Hollywood doesn't recognize this then independent filmmakers will recognize this because quite frankly action films are a lot cheaper especially on such a small scale there's actually some beautiful shots in this there's some beautiful shots in this film uh but you know you're just using a landscape uh sure there were some effects like a town burning but not much you're not using volume and you're not basically animating a film action films are just cheaper to make they're just cheaper to make and if people have a uh which they do they have a hunger form they will go see them they will be more profitable so Studios don't have to spend or an independent filmmaker doesn't need to spend hundreds of millions of dollars you can make a solid solid action film this is still a hell of a lot of money for Hollywood standard size for 50 million if you're an independent filmmaker you can do it for much cheaper because if you're working outside the system then you are not bound by these ridiculous unions and their ridiculous regulations that drive costs way the way the hell up I'm not a fan of unions uh I don't think when you're making art you're not in a salt mine you're not uh you're not working on an assembly line you are which I still don't like them there um you're making art you're making art and nobody's entitled to [ __ ] you need to be the best at your job you need to be good at what you do it's kind of what my last video was about they're gonna uh bring in more regulations to Hollywood and it will be it's undoing and uh that might be very good decentralize it I I still want entertainment I love entertainment I love films and I love TV shows and the more Indie stuff we get you can do horror you can do uh action films I'm more of a genre guy uh you certainly you can do dramas I won't be watching them My Philosophy on all dramas is if I want a a real life dramatic experience I'll just remember something nerderotic.com Please Subscribe hey if you like what we do here at nerd Roddick daily please like share and subscribe and if you could do that with your favorite YouTuber as well I'm sure they would appreciate it as much as I do
Channel: Nerdrotic Daily
Views: 147,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gary Buechler, Disney, Marvel, Wakanda Forever, She-Hulk, Last Jedi, Amazon, Rings of Power, WGA Writers Guild of America, Hollyweird, Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Layoffs, Star Trek Alex Kurtzman, Star Wars, Jorma Tommila Aatami, Aksel Hennie Bruno, Jack Doolan Wolf, Mimosa Willamo Aino, Jalmari Helander, John Wick Keanu Reeves, Hitler Nazi, Russia Ukraine, Chad Stahelski, Kevin Feige, Kathleen Kennedy, Bob Iger, SS, Lapland, Finland, First Blood Rambo, Lionsgate Film, Warner Bros
Id: u4Err7yX25U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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