Go Pro Starter Kit - Small Batch Beer Making Kit

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welcome to home brewing hobby obsession way of life this video will show you how to brew your own beer at home with northern brewers small batch starter kit brewing beer might seem like a mysterious process but it's really not if you can make mac and cheese from a box without help you can make beer this video is meant to be used with starter kits that include the little bigmouth bubbler and a supply of bottles as well as starter kits that include a 1 gallon jug and do not come with bottles each jug assembly is slightly different but the idea is basically the same fermenting jug lid airlock will switch back and forth between the two throughout the video so just do what works best with your setup in this video we'll go through the three stages of making beer with the small batch starter kit first the actual brewing where the malt extract and hops are boiled with water to make work which is the Brewers term for unfermented beard next fermenting which is when the work we brewed is turned into beer by the east finally bottling where the flat beer is bottled with a little dose of sugar for priming which is the Brewers term for carbonating the bottles before we get started let's go over the three things you need one a small batch starter kit this includes a specialized equipment for brewing fermenting and bottling plus your first recipe kit malt hops and yeast in the right proportions for the kind of beer you want to make to a boil cut any pot that holds about two gallons of liquid will work three bottles for your finished beer we will need approximately a dozen clean pry off 12 ounce beer bottles but we won't need them until about two weeks after brew day brown glasses best twist offs won't work now that we have everything we need in order to brew let's make some beer brew day is here the boil kettle is ready and we're going to brew the carry blue slobber browning I'm brewing Dave we will boil the malt extract and hops and water to make the word then cool the wort and add these to begin the next phase of our beers life permutation it's time to collect water in the boil kettle and start heating we need five quarts of water while the water heats steep the specialty grain specialty grains add color flavor and body to our beer pour the grains into the supplied muslin bag and tie a knot in the bag dump the grain bag in the water steep the grain about ten minutes then remove and discard the grain and the bag just think of this as making tea with barley malt not every Northern Brewer recipe kit comes with specialty grains if your kit doesn't call for specialty grains just skip ahead to the next step ladies and gentlemen we have work work is the Brewers term for unfermented beer now we'll crank up the heat and bring it to a boil we'll boil for about 45 minutes adding extract and hops as we go here's a tip always turn off the heat or flame on your stove before adding the malt extract this will help avoid scorching on the bottom of the kettle as you add multi extract stir well to dissolve the malt and hop additions for each recipe are a bit different so refer to the instructions included with the ingredients the time specified are given as minutes before the end of the 45 minute Bowl so for our caribou slobber we add the malt extract and 3.5 grams of Willamette hops at the very beginning and boil for 45 minutes then we add another 3.5 grams of Willamette hops 15 minutes before the end of the boil now that our 45 minute boil is finished the word must be cooled down before we can add yeast and proceed with fermentation we're going to use a simple ice water bath to cool the word during this process keep the kettle cover to protect the work from airborne microbes put ice in the sink and fill it about halfway with water place the kettle in the ice water bath whatever we do we shouldn't stick anything into the wort that hasn't been Santa sighs first swirling the kettle is okay but stirring with the dirty spoon is not our goal is to cool the word down to a temperature range where the Easter will be happiest approximately 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit once the side of the kettle is cool to touch it's time to get ready for fermentation fermenting begins on brewing day and ends about two weeks later while the word is cooling it's time to do the most important task of the entire brewing process cleaning everything that comes in contact with the work or beer from now on must be sanitized use the EZ clean sanitizer included with your starter kit to sanitize the fermentation jug lid and/or stopper and airlock also sanitize the auto siphon hose yeast packet and a pair of scissors to make the sanitizing solution use one tablespoon of easy-clean per gallon of warm water mix it in the fermentation jug give it a good splash or swirl to help dissolve the granules easy clean make sure to get some on the lid two minutes contact time to sanitize the surfaces no rinsing required after 2 minutes pour the sanitizing solution out of the jug and into a clean plastic tub or bucket to sanitize the small pieces once again two minutes contact time no rinsing make sure all the surfaces of the equipment get contact for two minutes now that the word in the kettle is cooled and the fermentation equipment sanitized it's time to fill the fermenter you may want to place a chair or table next to the countertop for this step uncover the kettle and use the sanitized siphon assembly to transfer the cooled wort into the sanitized fermentation chug to start a siphon place the free end of the hose inside the jug now immerse the tip of the auto siphon in the work in the kettle and give the elbow of the auto siphon piston a nice gentle pump to start the flow there'll be some naturally occurring but gross looking malt hops sludge at the bottom of the kettle the breweries term for this is true it won't hurt your beer but try to leave as much behind as possible cover the filled fermenter with the sanitized screw top and gently rock back and forth a few minutes to slosh the word and mix Amerian these cells need some oxygen for a healthy fermentation now it's time to add the east the brewers term for this is pitching the east use the sanitized scissors to cut open the east packet and pour half of the east into the jug thread the sanitized screw top back into the jug fill the sanitized airlock with approximately 1 tablespoon of sanitizing solution then fit the airlock in the center of the pump finally move the fermenter to a dark quiet cool spot to wait for fermentation to begin within a day of brewed egg fermentation begins while these convert malt sugar z' into carbon dioxide and alcohol you will see bubbles coming through the airlock and a cap of thick tan foam forms on the surface of the beer roughly one week from brewing day fermentation ends bubbles come through the airlock less frequently or stop entirely that cap of foam starts to subside and fall back into the beer all on its own one week for fermentation is a guideline yeast is a living organism it does its own thing if fermentation happens to finish a little early or late we just bide our time and then proceed to step 3 bodily thanks to the effort of our yeast the word has been transformed into warm flat beer two weeks after brew day we need to carefully transfer it into the sanitized bottles to let it become carbonated handcrafted home a second set of hands on bottling day isn't strictly necessary but it's helpful first move the fermentation jug to a table or countertop do this early so the yeast and sediment have a chance to resettle while we wait for the yeast to settle back to the bottom of the jug let's sanitize the gear we need for bottling day the auto siphon and hose the bottle filler all of our bottles and about twenty beer caps using a clean plastic tub or bucket or even your boil kettle mix the sanitizing solution and sanitize all that gear remember 1 tablespoon of easy-clean per one gallon of warm water 2 minutes contact time no rinse we don't dump the solution out right away in case we need to Reese Anna ties a piece of equipment while we're bottling now it's time to build the siphon transfer assembly connect one end of the hose to the piston on the auto siphon and the other end of the hose to the bottle filler while holding down the bottle filler to keep the bottle open have your helper pull up then push down on the siphon piston to begin the flow of beer to stop the flow just lift up the bottle filler try to leave about 1 inch headspace in each bottle fill to the brim then remove the filler add 1 priming tablet to each 12 ounce bottle this small charge of sugar will carbonate or prime the flat beer the co2 created by this mini fermentation will be absorbed by the liquid since it can't escape the sealed bottle to cap the bottles put a sanitized cap on the filled primed bottle Center the Bell of the capper on the cap push down on the levers then release the cap should be crimped tightly on the bottle after the bottles are filled and capped the bottles need time to carbonate or condition move the bottles to a quiet dark spot where there will be at room temperature after one to two weeks the bottles can be stored cool or cold assemble your tasting panel clean your favourite glass and crack open a bottle of fresh handcrafted homebrew the can't the beer into your glass admire the appearance savor the aroma discuss with your friends then take a sip congratulations on a successful batch for information ideas resources and advice on your next batch please visit us at northernbrewer.com Cheers
Channel: NorthernBrewerTV
Views: 55,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home brewing, brewing beer, Food (TV Genre), Beer (Beverage Type), northern brewer, Homebrewing (Hobby), minneapolis
Id: WYaypY5s_bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2015
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