🍺 1 Gallon Of Beer - Your First HomeBrew Recipe @BrewHouse Glen & Friends Cooking

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welcome friends welcome back today we're not in the kitchen studio we are in the basement brewery because today I want to brew a very simple beer I want to show you how you could brew your very first beer I've built up a recipe here where I've stripped it back to the bare bones we're gonna do a smash which means a single malt and a single hop something very easy you're not gonna have to buy a lot of ingredients you can get this done very quickly using mostly stuff that you already have in your kitchen or probably in your house so let's go through very quickly what you're going to need for this you're gonna need a big pot big stainless steel pot is great you can use your stove top I have a portable induction stovetop down here in the in the basement normally I would brew on some of this other equipment but for a small batch like this pot is fine it is filled about halfway with water so we're using we're gonna make a gallon of beer so we're going to start it with six and a half liters of water you need a pot that's about double the size of the amount of water that we start out with because it'll boil and boil over next thing you're going to need is a fine mesh bag and I will the recipe is always down below and I will put links to online retailers where you can buy this stuff but if you have a homebrew store close to you that you can walk into a bricks-and-mortar place please do that the people in these stores are great they're there to help you they'll give you a lot of great tips next thing we're going to need is some grain and so I've got Munich malt here I think that Munich malt has the flavor that I'm looking for that can stand on its own in a beer like it's going to give you enough flavor and layers of flavor that it's going to be fantastic now the grain that I have here is whole but when you order it or buy it you can have the store millet for you and get it already milled saves you a ton of steps and saves you from having to buy a grinder I've got hops here German Teton Aang no clue why I chose German Teton Aang I think that it will go well with the Munich malt who knows next I've got a one gallon jug and I've got a bubbler on top you'll be able to find a jug everywhere the bubbler is really cheap easy to find as well you can get that at most homebrew stores you can get that at every homebrew store I've also got sanitizer rinse and I've got two kinds here so this is starsin this is the one that I use most often it's a liquid you mix it with another liquid sanitize everything but I understand if you don't want to buy a jug of this can be fairly expensive you can get a small bag of dry sanitizer that you mix with water the same thing this is probably the most important part of the entire operation there's so many things in brewing that people tell you that you need to do and this first brew I want to strip all of that away the only thing you really need to know in this first brew is a couple of temperatures a couple of times and everything needs to be clean and sanitized and the last thing is a spoon you're gonna have a big spoon probably in your kitchen wooden spoon is fine plastic or stainless steel is better and the last thing I have is my iPad I have a piece of software on here that I design the recipes on and it also helps me time out everything there's a timer on here tells me when to put in the next ingredient very helpful incredibly helpful not needed because I still take notes on paper every brew that I do I write down in this book because I just don't trust electronics long term book is the way to go so now the first step is to put in this little tablet this is a Campton tablet I'm using municipal tap water our tap water used to be chlorinated at some point they changed to chloramine so when the water was chlorinated you could leave it out overnight and the chlorine would dissipate or you could boil it and the chlorine would dissipate when they switch to chloramine it is persistent it does not go away you can leave this out overnight for days weeks there will still be chloramine in it the Campton tablet there is a chemical reaction that breaks a bla bla bla bla bla you get the point if you're using municipal water a Campton tablet is probably a great idea your municipality has probably sweat to chloramine because it is persistent it works better and it is cheaper in the long run so as the water comes up to temperature that will dissolve and also while we're waiting for the water to come up the temperature will grind the grain and yeah I know I can put a drill and make this go faster but for me I kind of like the relaxation of doing it all by hand our water is at about the right temperature so I've got the grain done I'll just get rid of this I usually mash and that's the first part of this whole process is called mashing we usually mash between 150 for 156 degrees Fahrenheit there's a fairly wide range that you can use for mashing depending on how you want your beer to be the body of your beer the mouthfeel of your beer how much alcohol you want from your beer different temperatures affect the types of sugars in the amount of sugar that you get from the grain for me 150 for 156 it gets me in the right spot but you always want to bring your pot up a little bit higher two or three degrees higher because when you put the grain in it's going to lower the temperature and in this instance I'm just going to do it in a pot when you get into brewing if you get into brewing you'll do it in a bigger pot or you might do the mash in a cooler to help you maintain that temperature in this instance this this cooktop I can maintain the temperature because I have fairly precise temperature control but if you're doing this on your stovetop at home don't leave the stove on bring it up to temperature turn your stove off mash in with your grain which is just mixing it in with a spoon and then cover it over with a blanket that will help you hold the temperature and if your temperature drops over the hour that we're mashing it's not that big of a deal and stir it in fairly slowly you don't want to have it clump together and at this point we're pretty much just making a porridge and once it's all stirred in I'm going to put the temperature probe back in just so that I can monitor the temperature during this hour long mash and I'm gonna stick the lid back on just to help keep that temperature in this will go for an hour during that hour I will probably stir it two or three times with spoon just to mix it all around and make sure that we're extracting all of the sugar that we possibly can so set the timer and I will see you back for the next operation an hour from now now the hour is up and we did fairly well holding the temperature at around where he needed to be now there's a step that happens now that if I was brewing on my regular equipment I would do and that's called a mash out and I would bring this up to about 171 degrees Fahrenheit with the grain inside and what that temperature rise does is it stops the enzymes from converting starches to sugars I don't think it's important on a one-gallon brew on your first brew in your kitchen even your tenth brew in your kitchen if you're doing it gallon of at a time there's the timer because I don't think it's important at this stage I'm gonna leave it out but it is something to think about as you move on so we're gonna take the bag and the beauty of brew in the bag is I'm gonna lift this bag out I'm gonna put a colander underneath and I'm gonna let this drain and while this drains I'm gonna turn up the heat to start it on the boil we need to bring this up to a boil for about an hour so I'm going to start that process and I'm going to talk to you about something that is controversial let me get some gloves there is a controversy with brewing the bag around this idea of squeezing the bag and people are afraid to squeeze the bag because they're afraid that you're going to squeeze tannins out of the grain tannin extraction is a function of at least four things one is pH acidity one is time one is temperature and one is pressure we haven't reached the time in an hour that would extract tannins we hopefully have our pH in the right range or the acidity in the right range and that's something that once you get into brewing you will check during the mash to see what your pH is so the pH isn't in the right range for extraction time an hour and the next function then is squeezing or pressure and I got to tell you there's nobody nobody on this planet is going to extract or exert enough pressure to extract any tannins I squeeze all the time and I've had award-winning beers with squozen bags so I squeezed to make sure that I get all the last little bit of goodness out of the grains get this out of the way the spent grains are great you can make dog treats with them sometimes I will dry them and I'll put a little bit in my porridge in the morning but for the most part they go into the compost you've got everything out of them that you want you've got all the sugars out you've got all the flavor out if you have a dog you can make dog treats with them lots of recipes what you can do with the spent grains but for the most part the garbage to me or compost to me give this a stir now this is the point where the app that I use to make this recipe tells me how much sugar I should expect in this pot at this point and in order to test that you're going to need a hydrometer but I don't expect you to buy one the first time out I definitely don't expect you to buy one the first time out they're not that pricey but you know if you if you don't know for sure that you're going to be making beer and an ongoing basis why bother buying this equipment if you don't need it for the most part just accept that whatever is happening in there is happening in there I I went from this hydrometer to this which is a refractometer I don't even think I can get the package open anymore this is a refractometer it is an analogue refractometer I've never really used it all that often because I jumped almost immediately to a digital tool called the digital refractometer which is really really accurate and it's accurate all the way through the brewing process the analog refractometer is not all the way through you cannot use it at every step because it just won't read properly once alcohol is present so I'm just gonna take a dropper I'm gonna put it into my digital refractometer I'm gonna let it cool just a little bit close the lid and we'll take a reading our pre boil gravity is well within specs we have 1.031 I was expecting one point zero three three not too far off so I'm gonna put this stuff away and then we're going to weigh out our hop pellets 13.5 with that there we go it is just starting to boil so at this point we start the timer one hour and I'm gonna put in the hops and I put in all of the hops in this beer all at the same time right at the beginning now this is gonna boil for an hour and it's very difficult for me to say how rapidly it should boil everybody that I've ever gone out and got a brew day with has a different idea of how much boiling the idea is that you want to evaporate some of the liquid to concentrate the sugars you want to boil it because that helps extract all of the acids and flavonoids to the hops there's another school of thought that says it needs to boil at a certain level in order to drive off some chemicals that will give you off flavors later in the process or when you actually drink the beer so I'm looking at it and looking at this and saying as long as there's a little bit of bubbling breaking the surface and we see some steam coming off I think that's fine I've got this process dialed in with my regular equipment it's a little tougher when I'm working with this pot and I don't think you really need to worry about it too much on your first time out when you go to pour this into the fermenter you're going to see whether you've got too much or too little and then you'll know whether you should have boiled more or boiled it really is sort of a trial and error thing as much as brewing is a science it is as much an art so while this boils I've got an hour on the clock I'm gonna go over here to my cleaning station I've got some kegs that I still need to clean and get cleared out I'm gonna clean up the mess from the first part of the process and I'm going to clean and sanitize everything for the next part of the beer that we're brewing today the one hour of boiling is up and I've got everything that we need from this point forward sanitized it's very important from the point that you turn it off the boil for the rest of the procedure that everything is sanitized you don't want any other yeast or bacteria getting into this work from this point forward because that'll ruin your beer or it could ruin your beer or it could make an incredible beer um there have been some happy accidents where something gets in there and it turns it sour and it just turns into the most amazing beer that you've ever tasted I am going to so this is my dropper I'm going to sanitize it to make sure I'm gonna check the opening gravity it's called and that is the sugar content of the word what we need to know is how much sugar is in this liquid to know if we're in the right spot to know if we've boiled it enough to know if we've done everything correct up to this point I haven't expected gravity but knowing this gravity now and then testing it at the end after it's fermented is going to let us know our alcohol content and for some people that's important for other people they don't care I'm expecting our end alcohol content to be somewhere between 4 & 5 percent so not a really heavy beer just something like to drink for your first time so let's see where we are okay one point zero four seven I was hoping for one point zero four five so we're just a little bit over I don't think that's a huge deal now we need to chill this down as quickly as possible which is going to be difficult your first couple of times because you're not going to have some of the equipment that I have I use usually this steel coil which I would put into the pot or one of my bigger brew pots and then pump cold water through it and that chills it down really quickly in about 10 minutes I can shoot chill down about five gallons of wort to somewhere around 55 or 56 degrees Fahrenheit some of the other things that people use are are these this is a plate chiller again same sort of idea water and wort passes by each other in here they're separate of course but they pass by and they chill very quickly I'm gonna suggest you just take this pot put it into your sink in the kitchen and run cold water around it or put cold water and ice around it keep it circulating keep a spoon that you have sanitized and stir it every once in a while and bring that temperature down as quickly as you can it's not going to be that easy but you want to get it down to somewhere around 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit for this operation for the east that we're going to use we're just gonna put the lid on so that nothing falls into the pot the work is chilled and everything else is sanitized so I'm gonna take our 1 gallon jug here and pump out the sanitizer and you're gonna notice that inside the jug there's going to be a lot of foam don't worry about the foam it's fine the even though this is a sanitizer and it kills bacteria and yeast and everything else in the concentration that's left inside this jug it's not going to affect the yeast that we put in you just have to trust me on this it's going to be fine so I've got a so I've got this sanitized funnel and we're just going to pour the word into our fermenter and you don't have to be overly gentle when you pour it in you want it to gurgle a little bit you want to get some oxygen into the work even though fermentation is an anaerobic process and from pretty much tomorrow to the end of the process you don't want any oxygen at the beginning you do want oxygen the yeast as they as they first start to get going they need that oxygen to get going so often what I'll do when I'm making beer in a bigger batch is I will use a pump and I will pump it into the fermenter from a height so that it splashes a lot and we get a lot of oxygen built in that way I also have an oxygen tank with a with a little stone that I will put in and I will pump pure oxygen into the work lots of different ways of doing it but really all right your first time it's not a huge deal if you don't get it right another thing is down at the bottom here it gets a little bit filled with stuff that's called troub and that is stuff that's left over from your hops and proteins that come out of the work two schools of thought with that like everything in brewing there's two schools of thought some people say don't put the troub into your fermenter because you want it as clean as possible I did that for a long time other people say you want to put the troub in your fermenter because the troub provides nutrients for the east but halfway through the number of brews that I've done I started to put the troub in and I realized it's fine my beers actually taste better since adding the troop so I pretty much put it in although I won't go any higher on this fermenter than this because it will start to bubble up so there is I don't know there's maybe 150 mils of liquid left in this pot not a huge deal so I've put our yeast in to sanitize the inside of the package sanitizing our scissors as well now this is a dry yeast this is safale us oh five I would suggest that you start with a dry yeast your first couple of times mostly because dry yeast is less expensive than liquid yeast and this one is very forgiving in the temperature range that it will that it will ferment at and it's also very forgiving in that it doesn't give off a lot of off flavors if your temperature goes at a rain and temperature control is something that you you know don't really worry too much about it right now we're just gonna do it at room temperature so there's enough yeast in this package to do five gallons I would suggest that you don't put the whole package in I would suggest you try to get 1/5 of the package in if you can if you get a little bit of extra don't worry too much about it it's not a huge deal just get it in there and just eyeball it it doesn't have to be perfect there we go I'm gonna say that's enough yeast I would just give it a little bit of a swirl just to make sure that the east is wet and it starts to mix in which it has and now deep in here is the bubbler this is an airlock of course the other piece oh that's cold so this is an airlock it's going to let co2 escape without letting any oxygen get back in to the bottle after the fermentation starts so that just goes in the top there we go now I'm going to sit this somewhere out of Sun it doesn't have to be completely dark you could put it in in a closet if you wanted to I would put it in a bucket just to make sure that if it does bubble over if you do get fermentation that happens really strong it's not going to ruin your carpet or ruin your floor and let it go for two weeks so I will see you again in two weeks it is bottling day so for bottling day some help is really probably necessary makes it a whole lot easier now this has fermented for two weeks being that I'm putting this out there as your first beer your first one gallon beer I wouldn't bother testing the sugar levels I wouldn't bother getting a hydrometer and going through that whole process because by the time you fill the vial for the hydrometer you've thrown most of your beer away so it's best just hope it works out you just hope it works out so after two weeks it is fully fully finished I like that you've got faith that there's six bottles where here I I don't I don't think there are no definitely not it but it's better to be over-prepared than scramble better be overburden scramble so we've got a big jug of the cleaning solution you want to put your bottles in fill them completely and then drain them out you don't need to rinse your bottles and it's okay that there's foam or bubbles inside the bottles completely fine everything needs to be cleaned and sanitized except for the next step and this is the part that is a little bit crazy you have to sort you need to put in priming sugar oh yeah that's got to stay dry and it's got to stay dry so your funnel and your measuring spoons you just kind of have to hope you did a good job last time you wash the hope you just have to hope so if I was doing this as a five gallon brew I would mix this with water boil it and then put it into the five gallons and mix it all the way through make sure that it's completely mixed in but because it's only a gallon you have to kind of again close your eyes cross your fingers and hope so this is this is priming sugar which is dextrose it is a simple sugar which is what yeast really like to eat you could use any sugar you want there are online sugar calculators or priming calculators but the problem with other sugars is that they can bring a flavor and you don't want to add a flavor at this point or at least with this beer I don't want to add a flavor I just want to carbonate reactivate the yeast in the bottle to carbonate so while Julie puts in the priming sugar in here I have the siphon there will be water you will get wet it'll be okay so I'm gonna do all six or just oops yep dual six okay okay now we can remove the airlock and slip the siphon in you just want to make sure that your siphon doesn't go into this layer of yeast and troub at the bottom you don't want to get any of that or you want to try not to get any of that in your bottles it's gonna happen okay so tonight Julie's got the siphon this is a this is a siphon with a little kind of a pump on it so you can pump it up and down to get it started so you want to put your tube right to the bottom of your bottle at this point you want to make sure that you're not introducing air you want to introduce as little air as possible it's going to happen nothing you can do about it so put it right down on the bottom you don't want any turbulence while the bottle is open give that a pump a couple times there giuls to see if we can get it started once it started it should go there we go and the bottle is filling and I've got a little clip here that'll stop it I'm using swing top bottles probably the easiest on your first time easier you can scrounge these okay you can scrounge them there's quite a few overfilled overfilled not a big deal don't go far though nope okay it's probably time to start figuring out how to there we go talking while bottling it's a problem man you know the second one's always easier right so you can probably scrounge these you know that they're safe you don't have to buy a bottle capper and bottle caps which adds to your expense the first time and chicken wants to be part of the brewing after this oh my goodness that's not what I was expecting okay I need two good good ding maybe you can help me out with the okay okay I'm mister acrobat here tilt this at all well I would tilt it a little bit yeah I would probably label that one as being the one that probably has Troup tube little oh you know what I'm just gonna I'm gonna cap that and let it go yeah but I would just label it with a tee or something just see you that's halfway oh yeah that's obvious so these are gonna hang out for two weeks to allow the a little bit of fermentation which allows it to carbonate sorry just put it in there which allowed carbonate so two weeks room temperature and then put it in the fridge to chill it down and we'll do a tasting of hands Jules oh you can taste it first test first but okay it's tasting is a test smells okay yeah once that's cold and once it's carbonated it'll be pretty good i it's a little on the bitter side right now because it hasn't it hasn't finished yeah yeah but yeah it's there on the right track on the right wait for hey well that my friend so hang tight like two seconds and we'll be back for tasting hey Glenn I think that ham will go well with the beer the ham is looking really good but still a few more months to go now I've got I've got a couple bottles of beer and I brought a rag in case we have a little too much carbonation yes so one of the things is is that when you first start making beer you may screw up in the amount of sugar that you put in for carbonation and if it over carbonates you'll get a geyser and we never really put stuff in bottles so we know we always go with the Kagan because it's simple and we get the stuff yeah we move very quickly to king but let's see what happens Oh sounds good sounds good success so we have we have beer it's carbonate and it had a so yeah it's got you know some bubbles how many bubbles we don't know what you're pouring very carefully I see doesn't look like a lot of bubbles nope so we're probably under carbonated which is okay oh no there's it's good okay um it's gonna be cloudier you're gonna have a bunch of yeast on the bottom it's okay to drink the east some people swirl it in because they like the flavor some people try to leave it in the bottom of the bottle but smells like beer smells like beer it's a little bit cloudy it's not overly carbonated so I did miscalculate the carbonating sugar so what do you think 1/3 more sugar maybe 1/3 more sugar - one of the things is I was airing on the I forget I figure we put in - I have to go back go back and look at my notes but I erred on the side of caution because I didn't want a geyser and I think that's when you're first making it something you should do it tastes like a slightly flat beer but it's a very good beer Omar it's got a lovely flavour to it it's got great flavor mm-hmm so a little more carbonation and that would be I'd be bang on that would be yes beers so so the next time put a little more sugar when we when we when we when we bottle clash and we're good to go bottle carbonate gallon in your back gallon in your kitchen let me get the let me get the book and I'll give you the numbers so we hit most of our numbers the whole way through and what I mean by hit the numbers when I built the recipe I wanted to get to certain points and we hit them all the way through and so let's see it's this one the Munich smash we ended up with four point seven percent alcohol by volume which is you know pretty standard pretty standard for a beer the flavors good and I think for first beer this would be excellent our first beer wasn't this good it was a long time ago I have to go back and look at our notes it was a long time ago they have some real duds yeah and you're gonna you're going to experience them that but be surprised these five dollars like noise and although the age of the bill suggests how long we've been fussing around with this that's that candidate doesn't even use a paper for money anymore so you're gonna you're gonna get duds you're gonna end up with beers at the beginning that don't work out and your first beer might not work out but what you have to discover from the first beer is do you like the process yes that's really do you enjoy the act of making beer yeah it's not a money-saving thing you're never gonna save money by making your own beer cuz you're gonna end up with a basement stuff maybe it doesn't have to be expensive stuff but it's still stuff I also want to point out the importance of taking notes yes both making beer and with anything that you're doing at home like Jam jellies I think reserves to try take notes because it's months later or weeks later when you actually get to taste it and you're like ah and if you don't take notes you can't remember I can't remember you can't bury later when you do it so what I've tried to do with this recipe and I know there's gonna be a lot of people leaving nasty comments that I didn't do this right I know how to brew beer we brew a lot of beer we've brewed some really great beers what I tried to do with this recipe is make something that was super simple that anyone could do at home using mostly stuff that you already have in your at most what you're gonna have to buy for this beer is a packet of yeast a little bit of grain and a mesh straining bag pretty much everything else you should already have at home and don't worry about a lot of the stuff that goes around beer people telling you what you need to do and what you should do if you just follow simple pattern you're gonna get something that's drinkable that's really good and then once you just realize you like it then start investing you started making here then you buy all the little pieces of equipment that make it better or make it easier or make it but you know and then you get crazy traditions like us saying oh it's Boxing Day it's time to start making the lager for summer for summers because it needs that cold winter weather so you can do this in your kitchen you can make it a gallon at a time it's very simple you don't need a lot of stuff and you end up with something that's I'm thinking this is pretty tasty I'm probably still drink it so thanks for stopping by see you again soon the flavors good you
Channel: Glen And Friends Cooking
Views: 216,644
Rating: 4.9373837 out of 5
Keywords: Glen & Friends Cooking, recipe, how to make beer, home brewing, how to brew beer, 1 gallon, all grain, brew in a bag, small batch brewing, how to brew beer at home, how to brew your own beer, beer brewing process at home, all grain brewing for beginners, all grain beer brewing, all grain brew in a bag, all grain brew day, all grain home brewing for beginners, brew in a bag 1 gallon, brew in a bag all grain, brew in a bag recipes, beer brewing process, beer brewing basics
Id: C0s4cS_m5JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 36sec (2016 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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