Brew Day!! Northern Brewer's Blue Loon Extract Kit

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[Music] hey friends welcome back to ozark outdoor brewing and happy brew year we're going to kick things off right this year today as we brew up northern brewers blue loon extract beer kit this is their copycat recipe of the ever popular blue moon beer i love that beer my wife loves it i'm sure many of you enjoy it as well i've actually got a friend that enjoys that beer so much when he was upgraded to first class on a 30-minute flight he asked the waitress to bring him as many blue moons as she could in the next 30 minutes she did exactly that and he called uber when he landed at the airport so come along with me today as we brew northern brewers blue loon extract kit i've got the recipe kit on the table here behind me let's go ahead and open this thing up and show you what we're working with here so this kit has everything that i'm going to need i've got two extract syrup kits here both 3.15 pounds the gold malt and the wheat malt i've got my haunts the german holler towel the uh sweet orange peels and the coriander seed as well i've also got some dme dry malt extract the bavarian wheat that'll go in as well so the instructions say to crush or grind the coriander seed i don't have a coffee grinder or a spice grinder so don't have a pestle mortar and pestle either so what you're gonna see is the poor man's mortar and pestle today i've just got this uh measuring little cup and a tequila shot glass i'm hoping i'll be able to use that to crush up this coriander we're gonna see how this goes all right we're gonna call that good right wrong or indifferent so we've got two and a half gallons ready to go already in the pot let me go ahead and kick off the dark star burner light this thing up and we'll bring this up to boil i'm sure you guys have noticed it already but i'd be remiss if i didn't point out my new ozark outdoor brewing sign big shout out to my boy frankie fresh follow him on instagram niners4life80 and hit him up if you need any custom sign work done as well this is pretty pretty slick frank get a man while this is starting to come up to a boil i'm gonna go ahead and start sanitizing a few things that i'm gonna need got my bucket full of sanitizer here ported just into this nice little plastic container here i've got my uh plastic tubing uh my fung my air lock and the cap for it so i've got that filled up with sanitizer again the few little bits and pieces in there i'm going to go ahead and drop my handler towel hops in there i have no idea if i'm even saying that right you guys correct me down the comment all right friends with only two and a half gallons that really didn't take all that long to get up to a boil so i'm gonna go ahead and whoa that went the wrong way i don't know if you can see that or not flames shut out the side we are at 212 degrees that means it's time to add the liquid malt extract so i've already got these opened up we'll take the first one that i picked up here this is the wheat malt extract we're gonna go ahead and stir this in at a very gentle rate uh yeah there's that delicious smell i remember from last time ah it's fantastic it's wonderful all right time to add the second bottle of liquid malt extract this is the gold malt extract here we go all right last addition for now is the dme dry malt extract this is bavarian wheat it says uh dried malt bavarian wheat dried malt extract three degree lovabond ingredients malted wheat malted barley and water one pound so i'm gonna go ahead and get this package open just as stupidly as i could apparently all right i have a feeling that this is going to be a little janky just because this is a powder i've got a lot of condensation coming up here out of this so this may not go smoothly i'm going to try to take it very slow so it doesn't clump up i'll probably be stirring this for a bit so let's see how it goes okay i think i've got that pretty well stirred in i was a little bit worried about the dry malt extract and it clumping um but i think i've stirred it vigorously enough and for long enough that i've probably got any of those clumps broken down um to be honest i kind of feel a little bit like tom hanks here in the movie castaway right he has made fire i have made work this is wart this is the precursor to beer we've got to bring this back up to a boil we've got to add our hops the other additions then the yeast goes to work the ferment and make this into blue loon i have been warned what did you say you weren't kidding oi what are you doing i bet many of you are asking what is wrong with him all the malt extract has been added both the liquid and the dry versions now it's time to bring this back up to boil once we get there time to add the hops friends we are right there at the boiling point this is going to start bubbling up and boiling here any second so now is the time where i'm ready to get my hops get ready to add those whenever we do actually start boiling i can kind of see it right there i didn't do a good job last time of showing you guys what these hops look like and i'd like to do that this time so i'm going to go ahead and open it now as we're starting to come up to a boil and then i'm going to give you a shot just so you can kind of see what these hops look like they are just pellets hot pellets uh and they are i believe it's this is a one ounce packet now that it's there i can see just like last time right the foam is starting to come up so two things right reduce the heat and stir both of those will reduce the amount of foam that you have coming up here yeah that was hot here comes the foam i was ready for it this time and there we go nice easy of course i'm only dealing with two and a half gallons of water this time versus a full five so the hops are in let's get our 60 minute timer going start a timer for 60 minutes there we go timer is set for an hour this is at a nice easy boil i may bring the temperature down just a little bit just so it's an easy boil one thing also that you'll notice is once the the foam dies down you've got this ring around the top what i like to do is just kind of go in there and and spoon that off back down into the beer right that's a lot of your hops that's a lot of your flavor i could be completely wrong on this it may not make a difference at all but i try to throw a little bit of the hot liquid up there and pull as much of that down into the beer so i get that hot flavor so i've got it to a boil i've added my hops 60 minute timer has started now i can start doing a few other things so i'm ready for the next steps friends i actually learned a lot of things during my very first brew day one of those was with my wart chiller if you remember from the first video in the first beer that i did i just had my work chiller hooked up to my outdoor spigot and just had that water running through it and then draining right outside the garage that didn't work very effectively the water wasn't cold enough wasn't down to where it needed to be to cool down the wart fast enough so with that in mind one of the additions to the brew house is a recirculation system for the wart chiller i've got a pond pump down there rated at 300 gallons per hour that's hooked up to the inlet side of the wart chiller the outlet side will feed directly back into this cooler which i'll continually fill up with ice and cold water the initial water that comes out i'll drain outside because that's going to be extremely hot this is also the first time that i've added my work chiller with that recirculation system so this could be a bit of a buster clock [Music] that actually worked a treat no worries i've got a bunch of bags of eyes sitting outside right now because it's about 35 degrees outside i'll be able to bring those in add them to the water in the cooler and keep that water cooler and cooler and cooler to continue dropping the temperature of the warts friends here we are down to the last five minutes of the boil this is the time where i get to add the coriander that you saw earlier just going to go ahead and sprinkle that in right now additionally i get to add half an ounce of sweet orange peel now what i've heard from a lot of people that have reviewed this beer is that they didn't get enough orange flavor out of the beer so instead of a half ounce right wrong or indifferent i'm just going to add the whole ounce and see how that does all right friends count it with me three two one ah what a letdown you didn't hear it it's vibrating ah i'm an idiot all right so the brew is done we'll close that down turn the propane off as well we've reached 60 minutes brew is finished with the 60 minute boil it's time to turn on the wart chiller first thing i want to do i've got a little paper towel here i know this is done this is hot don't pick this up by your fingers you've been warned time to take the lid and cover all of that as best that i can now it's time to plug up this frankenstein monster that i've got here with the recirculation pump and cool water and see how long this takes friends wow what a difference that recirculation pump made i'm going to go ahead and call it here 22 minutes 39 seconds that is insane to me because of the experience that i had the last time over three hours for this to get from boiling down to at least 70 degrees now then with the recirculation pump and into the cold water 22 minutes 39 seconds all right wart has been chilled now then we can a couple of things remove the thermometer no longer need that bad boy and the wart chiller itself i'm gonna let that drain out just a little bit of what it's hanging on between the coils so remember this is only two and a half gallons of wart so that's going to require more water into the fermentation vessel to kind of top that off so before i start the transfer let me go ahead and fill this thing up with at least two and a half gallons of cool water i'll add two and a half gallons of wart and then i'll get to see what my burn-off rate was and how much more water i need to add to get to that five gallon mark two and a half gallons of water here in the primary fermenter started with two and a half gallons here i know a lot evaporated off now then i'm going to transfer the wart into the fermenter i'm going to set the wort up here and hook all the connections up to get it down into the fermentation vessel jeez i feel like i'm playing jenga just a little bit i'm going to fill it up with sanitizer that goes into this connection here want to make sure now that anything that touches this wart is a hundred percent completely sanitized everything that we've done before was sanitized by the heat of the boil but now then that the wart has cooled down to the temperature that we need everything has to be sanitized fermentation vessel has been sanitized the lid is sanitized sanitizing all my little bits and pieces and parts are sanitized that i'm about to hook up so everything's sanitized now i've got uh my makeshift jenga tower uh which will gravity feed warped into the fermentation chamber so the first thing that i did sanitize the valve the inlet piece there that's going to connect to this tubing go ahead and stick that down in there this connects to the wart all right that took a second but i got it should be able to open this valve and have wart dropping down into the fermentation vessel this is the point you're okay to introduce oxygen in fact you want oxygen at this point you want to aerate your wart as it drops into your fermentation vessel let's see how this goes and there we go i'm not even convinced yet that i'm gonna bottle this beer that was such a pain in the ass i may actually have a kegging system at least one keg that way my fermentation chamber can be dual purpose will ferment my beer and then i can crank that temperature down and hold the keg even if it's with just a picnic tap that's pretty much pulled everything off of there that i can so we had about a half gallon burn off during the boil process makes complete sense i've actually got some cool water right here off camera i'm gonna pour this in until i reach that five gallon mark and there we go a full five gallons of northern brewers blue loon beer so the wort has been aerated at this point this time i went with the omega yeast it is the west coast ale oyl04 [Music] not double o7 for you brits that are watching although i do appreciate that that goes into the sanitizer i'm going to remove the top and set that down in the sanitizer as well that i've got here now then it's time to pitch the yeast yeast is pitched lid gets put back on i already have the bung in there from earlier now then i've got my air lock i will go ahead and fill that up with sanitizer that goes right straight down into the bung and that's it blue loon beer has been brewed yeast has been added it's in the fermentation vessel now then time to add it to the brand new fermentation temperature controlled chamber all right you guys now it's time to add this to the fermentation chamber i've got this lifted up and in one of the things that i definitely want to make sure that i'm doing is recording this temperature not the ambient temperature so i've got just the bottom part of an old koozie here and the temperature probe of my thermostat figure out the best way to add this so that's the temperature reading that i'm getting i want to make sure i'm not getting ambient temperature from the freezer i think this will probably do the job we'll see how that goes in a couple of days nope friends that's a wrap on brew day i had such a tremendous time bringing you along with me on this journey thank you for the likes and the comments if you're not already please consider subscribing that always helps us out and smash that bell so you get a notification every time we post a video here on ozark outdoor brewing until next time drink responsibly
Channel: OZK Outdoor Brewing
Views: 1,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beer, review, beer review, craft, craft beer, craft beer review, finding the wright beer
Id: y5Qk3X7zwtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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