Gmod Deathrun - Logan Paul's Cryptozoo Scam! (Garry's Mod Funny Moments)

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all right welcome viewers welcome hello welcome to dahi dezilla news uh here we going at you fast uh Logan Paul rocked his Peg 100 confirmed I read it wrong no I read it wrong teleprompter for some reason said abandon his Pig sorry for the typo there don't sue me breaking news Thanos finally got canceled this time after saying the n-word 100 times in a video canceled after that me cancels no how are you not canceled yet Brian I don't know thanks to me that's why [ __ ] thank you thank you everyone all right breaking news breaking news confirm Logan Paul uh he scammed a bunch of pigs that's right and he he he oh brother hey man hey man do you want to start an nft project oh we got one and it's coming crypto Drew medic what just stopped you in your tracks don't you you have to you buy two Jews and then you combine them and you get chewier [ __ ] go on come on now come on okay I want to see I want to get my money but I feel like it should be me yeah but you're in the okay with those calendars you're definitely the scam artists here hey hey Wildcats still can't destroy those calendars exactly you scammed him you're like you know what destroy them it's because they're laminated and I told them to get him laminated damn it [ __ ] that guy why is there a big error signs wait if we title these videos crypto Zoo gameplay official think of the views and think of the obstacles that they're gonna have to get over whenever they actually do release the game in 2030. it's funny we made a better crypto zoo game all right boys come in come into my scam come into my scam everybody I like how you started as a coffee Zilla now just a full flip long enough to become the villain okay guys here's the first trap step on up but before you do give me your 16 digits CVC code and expired 16 digits CVC no I think he's asking for a crypto wallet oh my God that's the dink coin ding dong ding [Music] hey man do your own research but I'm buying the dip I'm buying the dip all right dude the dip is now dude since I'm Jewish I will hatch this egg for us oh my [ __ ] god what is it in there wait I can see wait a minute wait a minute is it me and Vanoss and Delirious combined wait is it everyone oh my God you're so self-indulged is it me my favorite best friends today is this a trap I guess not yeah I'm not good at scamming people I'm too honest I mean you scam people with your thumbnails these poor messages are real Evan those are real conversations you and I have had okay uh here's a coin you can clearly see crypto is it was going to the Moon boys it is oh nice dude I hope you don't pull anything while the rug is there yeah oh Jesus [Music] that's great I felt like a hate crime I'm buying the dip that counts that counts I do whatever Vanoss does nice Brian on brand on brand next oh here we go friendship test friendship test okay I've picked uh I picked a coffee Zilla Brian don't go through coffee Zilla wow I mean wow wow wow hey man if you do make crypto Jew let me in on that let me let me let me let me in on that let me know fractions of pennies yeah yeah man you're late what's the problem you're late oh that's so funny if I open up an egg and a picture of Billy crystals on the inside I will laugh all right I picked Logan Paul don't go Logan Paul's side I'm not scamming you I'm not scamming you I'm not scamming you Brock definitely didn't see what I pressed unless oh my god let's go it's hard to scam people man all right Brock okay holy [ __ ] how did we not think of that all right moo I'm not scamming you I picked coffee Zilla I'm not scamming you he's scamming you I'm not I can hear it on his voice I really can't like I'm drawn to just go away from that face so yeah come to this one oh my God what is going on is it is it not working all right no no I'm going to reset it I'm actually going to go through I'm gonna go through uh coffee zilla's side because no I think no no I just all right so please kill me so we can see what the Trap does unless no unless I survived I survived I survived I survived and I get a discount on this map all right guys continue on ooh Lamborghini I wonder if he's gonna Target me he always talking to me yeah but you're not going Brian's a coward he's not actually connected he won't actually commit oh he had to do with dinos oh [Laughter] isn't this supposed to be a pig no didn't he do something to a rat it was a taser electrocuter right he electrocuted a rat wait what wait a second this is a YouTube yeah I remember this guy oh he just appears with that stupid [ __ ] face it was definitely him I've seen this before Oh did it for the concert is he gonna find a dead body right here he might oh no that depends all right fine I'm basically Japanese just do it across oh oh you're volunteering because you're Japanese very nice oh oh no thanks for volunteering a solid five seconds to realize I'm glad because because that would be demonetized not at all that was a Minecraft reference all right crypto move with your your scam thumbnails yeah show us what you got what the [ __ ] what is this I don't know why is he on a bicycle yeah I don't know the reference here you don't know about the new new story about him uh breaking the law of carrying a crowbar while on a on a bicycle it's a law in Puerto Rico yeah he's being canceled right now today I'm going to be defending myself with facts I know it I understand that did you know the meme of the person riding the bike and then they put the stick yeah yeah that's actually perfect because it seems like another right way yes that's right you guys do bagging them the Jewish people always win honestly didn't know and Logan Paul is fake when he did WWE do you guys know WWE is fake they had no [ __ ] fake when he did Vine what no did I see today they sold to Saudi Arabia is that fake or did I read that this morning when I woke up no no that's correct that's that's correct yep they sold for Saudi Arabia bro I kind of want to see Saudi Arabian WWE they're gonna have like a new game mode instead of choking them out of the ring they have to take the turban off the woman what they want to love women in WWE so all the ring girls have their ankles showing he's just laughing by himself yeah you either die making accurate thumbnails or your your channel lives long enough to start making scam thumbnails dude here he is crypto move [Laughter] original scam was Machinima bro 55 rev share you gotta remember that [ __ ] remember that we blocked it out from our memory distracted oh damn hey what are you guys up to so Machinima the biggest scam of all right all right you know what you know what we should we should give him one more we should give him one more yeah that was a joke let's go again all right here right we're gonna go together okay okay one that [ __ ] you counted down three two one crypto [ __ ] all right time to go jump forward jump back jump forward jump back he'll jump forward jump forward eventually oh oh he's he's targeting someone he's tired of me two for one right there okay here we go folks okay who's gonna get the rug pulled from under him oh don't push me don't push it's a crypto Riser see it's not fair you never get targeted oh I'm not gonna lie you've timed that pretty well [Music] I forgot I'm not playing Minecraft Crouch does not stop me from falling all right ratio ratio who's uh so moo did you press the button yet you can just go oh you're gonna let me go [Laughter] he's lying the mind of move over there he's probably thinking that I'm thinking that I should go Logan Paul because I did crypto Zoo twice in a row but then he's also thinking that I'm thinking that he's thinking that so then he would think that I would go to the other one that's why Logan Paul's actually safe see that see that that's that's what you call a 50 50 chance here's the real plot twist Brian picked it so uh you did I did nogla did someone I did wait did you guys pick it at all I didn't pick it I definitely did that's defamation look at these three guys organizing this trap all blaming it on each other all right next person that looks familiar [Music] maybe he's gotten past the Trap already oh man he's maybe he's at the next trap you don't see me [Music] okay let me go back okay I wonder all right it's this crazy thing called No clipping it's called No clipping to Switzerland with the code all right here we go here we go here we go here we go this is strategic because you don't know if I'm gonna pop out on the right side of the left side or the right side that couldn't have been timed better that was do you have any more lives all right no I'm dead yay why does it sound like you just walked away oh no glue no good oh okay okay here we are round three I just came back yes we know that we had no idea present now yeah press it now president all right stop bullying him stop bullying him oh yeah after 10 years this is where you draw the line and stop bullying oh man yeah that's what I'm saying hey no just guys I'm starting to feel bad for bullying that [ __ ] kid from army [Laughter] [Music] [Music] and you won't die see just go with me guys you won't kill me you won't kill me look see it worked see and you just come over too if I'm standing here he won't click the button why does everyone hate me no don't [ __ ] play oh Jesus Clash Royale has never let me down is there a currency in Clash Royale yeah gems yes I have like 2 000 gems yeah the whole business is running off of one sword they sponsored me at least yeah we gave you back just a fraction of it you know what's kind of funny they sponsored me and then I played the game and I put more money into it I know that's the joke you know it's something I actually got into that was definitely a gambling scam Pokemon cards you want to know how far they've gone down 90 do you want to tell us how much you put into it no because I know can I guess yes I'll tell you if you're close 75 000. oh I don't know it might be that no Jesus Christ to be honest though the reason I got into Pokemon packs was because of Logan Paul you know about it it wasn't too long after he did I can't write this [ __ ] bro what is the demographic these [ __ ] Target okay you guys can go now I clicked Logan Paul yes you got her [ __ ] all right ready that one which one oh I'm sorry Evan which one I know you want to deal the one you got this you got this Evan you got the seven one truck full of prime coming up I definitely one for move not Brian family are you [ __ ] kidding me okay if we don't have someone who's got Asian for this trap do we at least have someone who's been to Asia no why you say it like that no [ __ ] it happens [ __ ] wow okay am I doing it are you doing I feel like I feel like I feel like I should do it yeah I mean it is your turn is death noga kind of took over but yeah I know but he died so fast come on come on yeah yeah yeah you know get nice pedals I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I just added a little stick hey guys oh no not giving you the direction you want oh a bike scammed all right crypto moo what's this button do oh wait is that another traffic should I go yeah you guys should you guys should all press that button oh my God one at a time you gotta move over oh [ __ ] what happened what happened I was like that could definitely be a trap oh he fell in a hole I knew God damn it the rug and I was like that looks like such a weird rug all right I'll see you in court Order in the Court step right up crypto moo next case up all right let's see scamming people with thumbnails okay okay that could that could get you up to 40 years in prison whoa holy [ __ ] wait wait you only have a maximum amount of things you can throw yes oh [ __ ] wait that's bad that means we gotta play more right we could just accept that he won but we could we could maybe like use that area and like do a little competition like a bonus competition well there's another button there's another button there's one more button okay hold on good job moo well done Crypt don't move congratulations do I get a push it is that yeah you're the winner yeah man oh you rip it he just disappears oh yeah oh God wait what what is this we get to walk down oh [ __ ] oh my God yes yes WWE baby hell yeah look at how unexcited the fans are that we're here our fans are really just pngs what do we got here what do we got so all of us hit death and then Brock hits winner okay or maybe the main person who was dead WWE if you want to get to our website just push W for a while you'll get there we shout out to Saudi Arabia might take a while okay I'm gonna click death because I think I've died the most I get to I get to be here oh [ __ ] how dare you lie about me okay I'm waiting for Brian to get his announcer voice are you gonna are you gonna do it let's get ready so let's get it on [Music] I used to respect your work until you did a video about me it's gonna be slapping like a hair tonight ladies and gentlemen Jim around here I'll punch you I punch you like I punches damage one of those special kids I want a charity ladies and gentlemen we apologize for this boring ass it's amateur YouTube boxing it's not going to be good okay right so if you go over to the the commentator's desk there's a thing that you have to get into okay all right fine now what do we do all of you go in there all of you go in I'm a loser but it says loser wait fine how's this I'll do an apology I'll do an apology I've made a severe lapse of judgment in my career Psy I'm so very sorry please buy my drink eat my dick give me a second no just talk about black lives matter and then after everyone will think you're cool and a hero and then pin it to your Twitter so that way it's the only thing that people see all right I'm sorry guys about why people did to black people and so with that being said I've decided to make a crypto called reparation coin by all the money from Recreation points will go towards black people in crypto and this time it won't be a scam because I'm only hiring black people for it here's my black friend black Mike yeah so this is his white friend with black face and then when it cuts back to Logan he's also in black face listen closely one of my biggest learnings from all of this and I'm embarrassed it has taken me 28 years to realize this it is not enough to not scam you have to be anti-scam okay condemn those who faint superiority because of the color of their [ __ ] my bad friends hold yourself accountable and most importantly hold me accountable what the [ __ ] Jeff that's the reason I'm able to get away with some of the [ __ ] I do on my Vlogs is because I'm a scammer I'm confident that I do not have to fear my life should the cop show up because I'll scam them too your scam privilege I believe you're we're going to protest today you can bet your [ __ ] ass I'll be front of the line scamming this guy in America we must Advance reparation coin on behalf of George Floyd [Music] I didn't know it was this long this is amazing keep going keep going this is amazing I have so much trust in you now holy [ __ ] what a hero it's over it's holy [ __ ] that bantrix is coming for me and if you don't help me you're next boom black screen I trust him now don't you forgive him Brian [ __ ] off all right I got a new NFC project idea hear me out oh all right hear me out we're gonna inflate the market of eggs all right yes I like it we're gonna we're gonna each take our share of eggs don't [ __ ] each other over all right don't [ __ ] don't I'm lifting up my egg I got my God what the [ __ ] and this is another another creator of the platform [Music]
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 3,739,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, Montage video games, gaming, Vanoss, VanossGaming, Gameplay, Secret, Puncake, Parody, Comedy, Remix, Epic, Trolling, Xbox One, MultiplayerPS4, Funtage
Id: jxU0ZCSo6Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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