Playing Chess Everyday Until I Hit 2000 Elo : Day 207

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welcome or welcome back to the channel today is day 207 of playing chess every day until 2000 dow we're sitting at 1744 we get the white pieces against an 1817 playing the Kyo con okay so we're going to play the advance Bishop F5 and we go tow tal variation we've seen some very fun games with this variation I think this is the probably the worst variation I'm at or the worst variation that I play with is when they play H5 yeah we go here now Queen here I think's the move then I go here I guess I just have a hard time with navigating that position now obviously they can't take on B2 they can but then you go Rook B1 so I'm anticipating this move or this move try to activate the pieces both of those moves I just go here and then maybe we just castle Yeah I think just castling here seems okay so let's do it he's probably going to try and Castle along here I would assume yeah so he Castle along so I'm thinking I take the bishop and then go Knight here threatening a fork so let's take and then go here he can probably take on B2 now though because I guess that would open up the open up the line in front of his King so he probably doesn't want that but it is an option for sure and protects honestly I'm thinking of just playing C4 here C4 if takes then we take obviously I like that so let's play C4 and like if we ever get a knight to this Square it's going to be so deadly so how can we do that is what I want to know actually I don't think he could take here cuz I think I would have this I'm not so sure if I would want to push this Pawn but I don't know about taking takes could pin but I guess it does open up this file so it's probably good also pushing we have this permanent weakness I'm surprised he hasn't played this yet if I'm being totally honest and he could also push F6 I think F6 is a good move but no it hangs the E6 Pawn so never mind yeah so there's that knight move so on that I was thinking about going here but maybe we just protect we just play here I don't really want my knight to be protecting this Pawn oh I see the issue he's attacking this Pawn then okay so I think I push then because if I go here he just takes or takes and then we're kind of busted I think so I think I have to push here which I didn't want to do but we need the little interet so I guess this would have protected both that was probably a mistake if he comes here maybe I just go maybe I just do this I don't like that this Knight doesn't really have any squares though finally takes that pawn I guess because now he can take right but I go here protects the pawn where does his Queen really go he can go here here here here let's just think about this for a second cuz I definitely don't feel like that Queen belongs there but we have to protect the C4 or the D4 Pawn because if the D4 Pawn Falls we're in trouble so I think we have to do this to protect he's not threatening any pieces and then maybe we could after this if he doesn't move the queen maybe we play here and then we have threats of this and the queen doesn't have any squares after that so let's go here and I think he has to tread very carefully not so sure where his Queen belongs here I think he needs to like try and offer a queen trade right right now cuz on the next move I'm actually threatening this I don't even have to move the pawn cuz the square is covered so I'm just threatening to trap his Queen so I think he needs to play this move which in itself looks very ugly so if he goes here is there anything I can do with my queen to make it so that his Queen would still be trapped slide back but that gives him this Square I go here so if here here it gives him this Square so I think if he finds this move I think he's just in time to save his queen and I might just take yeah he had to play that move okay so I don't really want to trade the Queens I'm thinking of uh going here takes takes and then having this he goes here but then most of all we can start pushing this Pawn it's connected with those so I go here what's his next move like his Queen is very very stuck like what happens after I go here then he can go to this file yeah I think this is a good move I go here he takes I take he's got to play like King here or go here if he plays that move it weakens this drastically does this blunder anything spawns protected I guess he could come in does he want to do that I mean if he does that I just go here threaten mate I think we just go here now I could have took and you know doubled this Pawn structure but I think getting this Pawn connected with these is is very good and this side of the board is kind of locked up you can't push this because I just take this Knight also has no Mobility like yeah so I just thought that that wasn't really the greatest play that he has maybe I'm just wrong push push takes yeah I was thinking of this position in just the wrong way surely the move is to push this Knight's positioned well this one's doing a job of protecting this maybe we need to push here activate the rook and then maybe walk the king up to this weakness also like just what are you doing let's go here let's protect everything he's going to start to walk the king that way really so what about this that looks like an idea let's go here now that his King's walked away from this he'll probably just have to go back I think his idea is to go here so that he can push but if I can get the B7 Pawn then I think I should be able to win because I'll just have a rook that's being very uh annoying so he wants to push takes takes here here takes takes I can free this Knight up now too like I can move it this is protecting this what if I go here bush takes my goal would be to go here probably and then I threaten a fork so maybe we go here may we just slide back one square and we want this and this cuz he's going to go here so if he goes here maybe I go here first and then he can't take so then he gets forked okay so my opponent decides to push so I think I'm going to go for this I go here he goes here and this Pawn becomes very weak can I utilize it though let's go here let's threaten the Big Fork yeah I mean if he steps here I think I just have this check if he were to take here but then I would have that yeah see what he does but I think my next move should be this or this maybe that maybe Rook here to protect this cuz ultimately I want to get my Rook here so maybe it's just best to preemptively protect this with the Rook that's not doing anything because this this Knight's going to move eventually okay that's a way to protect for sure now I think going here is not bad if he ever takes we're going to take like this is that good though maybe we need to take then it opens up this file but if this file opens then this could be in trouble this is tough what's his next move takes takes takes takes he has a pass Pawn but if I go here and he takes I can take if he takes I take and then I win this Pawn with check so maybe here here is his next move then maybe we go here takes takes takes no because it's protected I think we need to fight on this side of the board let's go here or maybe we just if he takes maybe we no we don't take that' be dumb he just takes this a very very closed position very very closed Rook B8 feels passive though also if we ever take the pawn here with the pawn this Falls so that's not good so we definitely if he takes we need to take with the Knight we can't take with the pawn I planned on taking with the Knight anyways but just good to note yeah so I thought he had to play that so I'm thinking about takes takes I'm also thinking about maybe here just to try and hold on to this but maybe we go here to protect the pawn here takes takes if you were to take then I can take with the Rook but then he gets no he doesn't cuz that's protected so he might play this next but then that pawn becomes weak I can go here I kind of like this just holding this Pawn cuz really if this Pawn Falls then our whole Position will fall as well so let's go here let's stay safe n he takes now we need to take he'll take back more than likely I would guess but yeah I'm not a fan of this position to be honest with you maybe we go here and here maybe we go King up so that when we go here can support everything I'm not sure I'm not really sure I'm being totally honest but we have split pawns is not good his pieces are kind of passive except for that Knight and he's down to a minute so we definitely have a little bit of Advantage with time but it's 1510 so he gets 10 seconds per move King over he wants to protect the pawn using the king we could go here but then the king gets there in time but if he moves the king no that doesn't fall here here ideas I don't like that cuz there's always this potential Fork I think we just need to improve our Knight get our Knight to better squares it also opens up the lines for our our Rook but he might start pushing the pawn yeah he wants to involve this this Rook understandably I might play a rook here he goes here this is always protected he probably maybe try for some Chucks no but this way he can never move this Knight here here is an idea I imagine he's going to put the Rook on that file no he's trying to open up the position I totally get that takes he's going to take here here takes here and maybe rotate here here takes here yeah that's a tough choice I mean I feel like we need to take right maybe we just push the pawn protected by The Rook let's go there but he's going to have two pass pawns not so sure about that one let's just improve the Knight I mean probably here no it goes all the way back really I just feel like I must have something right I mean here definitely here I mean the only Square I can go to is this but that's just such a great Square for my knight oh but then he just takes maybe this Knight's too powerful maybe I give up a rook no this Pawn is pinned I could go here don't like that could utilize the pin go here and maybe get this Chuck in no because I go here takes but that loses a rook so let's go here here there's this check he's doubling up let's give the check so we could protect again here he has this push takes push yeah I like that here takes takes takes then we can take this Pawn but then he wins this Pawn with check let's move the king up he's going to trade or take the pawn I should say but there's a fork here okay maybe I should have I go here he takes I take that looks decent and it gets rid of his pass Pawn so let's go ahead and take now the question is which P which Rook do we want to take I think I take this one cuz then I have immediate pressure here so let's take this threatening check threatening the other Rook so he probably has to go here don't get me wrong we are losing for sure now maybe we try to involve this Rook here he pushes the pawn so he's alowing me in with check then he's got to go to the back rank so let's let's actually do this probably here no he goes that way so I have check here then he goes here which isn't good but I think I can just take no I can't I realize I'm totally lost but I'm going to fight maybe move the Knight where do the Knight want to go though can't take here here here I don't I don't know I don't know I could set up discoveries I go here he goes here though then check then this yeah that's no good here here hits The Rook I feel like I need to like harass The Rook a little bit and I guess if he pushes I can go here hit the rook and then we're threatening check to win the Pawn yeah but I mean we just have this check right just go check and then we take the pawn yeah we just get his asset his Rook is hit he's got five seconds on the clock yeah so he moves to hit my knight think we just go here get out of the [Music] way I don't want to trade there but what about this check he takes I take cheuck I guess he can move takes he takes check I think this check is the way to go he can't take with the Knight just making him think okay but let's go check again okay go back oh but he just gets time right oh wait I think I missed something takes yeah we did we missed that we 100% missed that check wow I missed the winning move here I mean hey that's what happens so check if he goes back then we go here if I were to go here he just takes takes takes he's just going to run I think okay yeah now there's no more checks and my Knight's under attack you buffoon so now I need to trade but let's see let's go here and then we're going to push this F4 yeah I can't believe I lost that I had a winning I had a winning move and I totally missed it he wants to trade takes takes I mean my King's going to get over here in time let's trade and play here I have to go here though now oh that was a bad move yeah that was a very bad move yeah okay let's go here they just get in yeah this is just lost but if he takes this I don't think it's yeah now he just pushes nothing I can do I can't believe it I had a winning move and I just spent zero time on on it that uh is very unfortunate now it's uh Checkmate so let's take a quick look at that it was very interesting game yeah he he blundered and I had one winning move right here it was this and we're just totally winning we win The Rook but uh yeah we spent no time on it cuz we were just assuming and it was actually drawn after this but uh I kept what was the way yeah this was the mistake I had to play this move hold everything together so I just didn't really pay attention at all and he's totally winning here which makes sense from the start oh my gosh yeah after castles we're just completely winning Okay so just for your information if you spam me with chess game invites and I do not accept them please stop I can't play with everyone I understand you want to play but do not send 10 game requests if I don't accept within the first couple just stop please uh taking was a mistake yeah yeah well what a great game actually though like where was our completely we lost it's coming up our biggest mistake was playing King here so what are we supposed to do here have to protect the pawn yeah we could have just moved the Knight back and I guess getting in wasn't really the greatest but pushing the pawn wasn't good that's okay okay no let's go ahead and play a second game here all right we found sander we get the white pieces Sicilian Defense see what kind of game we get out of this position here so a move I've been seeing lately is Queen to C7 interesting okay so on that move we just go here takes takes check we go back okay so he doesn't play it that way interesting so I go here he goes here okay so he's just going to start harassing my Bishop I guess so my question is can I play Bishop to D5 Rook moves I guess if Bishop here Rook here I can play A2 or A3 and then if he hits me with something like that I can just go back maybe it's kind of my thought process so let's go ahead and do it and if he wants yeah I mean he has to go there now we'll go here make a little bit of room Knight hits so I have the choice I could could allow him to take I can also just like take take take and then I guess where's the Knight going could also just castle if takes takes or takes takes I think I would open up the E file but this bishop could actually actually be very strong on this diagonal on the Square so let's actually just go all the way back okay so why not just castles he not really attacking anything yeah so he just castles so we need to be careful of this Square so like if I were to play here then he Forks me I'm thinking of this and then takes and like go here but I don't know could go here also but this Knight is very very annoying could play Knight here hit this Knight and if you were to take here then I can just take with the rook and then we can potentially just Rook lift so I quite like this move because now we're threatening to win a pawn but he can also just move this okay he takes take with the Rook no [Music] problem yeah I'm sensing that this is the move that I should be playing just go Queen here so that I have access and I want to play F5 on the next move opens this up opens the square up for my Knight Queen can come in also Rook here lots of ideas and this Pawn is pinned so if I were to go here and take he has to take like this so he obviously wants to push but I think I can hit him with this first let's hit him with a quick F5 yeah he blocks me first takes he's going to take like this I take he takes but then there could be some problems here good Rook lift my question is if I go here is is there any threats I don't I don't really see what he can do to threaten my my rook and now I could do this as well hit the bishop if you get rid of that Bishop his dark squares are very weak he's got a check here can be utilized sometimes within the the Grand Prix as black we always have A4 to undermine this as well so that we could maybe just take he's asking me questions right away takes takes is 100% the idea if I go here he has this move let's just get rid of that Bishop takes takes King here we have checks ah we don't have checks what am I going on about takes he doesn't have anything to take with and he probably pins me now oh he just takes opening up lines for me okay we'll take back we'll oblig his plan to come in cuz he just opened up my very strong Bishop not really so sure why I mean he's not really threatening anything I take he's not threatening to take he's probably going to go here that's probably his idea CU then this would be hit a few times if I play this he can just take but I can also just move the Knight Maybe be like here just bring it closer to the king yeah let's go here now we might be threatening this takes check no that wouldn't do anything it is a little bit terrifying having his uh Rook on my second rank though I just realized that this is a problem and my knight somehow protects it wow that's actually crazy so he might even just push but on push I might go here we got to be careful go check I don't really W like walking into that that's just as bad though I mean I don't want to trade Queens but I feel like I need to here otherwise I'm just going to about to get annihilated CU I'm the one being attacked I think like he's got this he's got this he's got this all I have is this and this so do I need to just kind of realize that I'm the one being attacked here probably okay let's trade Queens I didn't want to do that but yeah he doesn't want to trade Queens either I don't blame him I am seeing a tactic here though is he threatening mate Rook sack takes I guess I don't have to take so what I'm thinking is here to remove the defender so if I go here takes I go here does he have any checks yeah but then he just takes the king but then we come in right and he goes back but then that square is covered by my queen but then we can go here it looks a little bit funky takes takes here doesn't have this check this check doesn't really do anything because I just take let's go for it now obviously if he sacks The Rook we can't take and I hope you guys can see the tactic that I'm talking about what am I doing bro why did I think the queen is hit by this Fork what am I smoking yeah I hope you guys can see this tactic no bro you're dumb but we do have this bro what bro what just straight up what the queen does get in but dude dude just what that's such a crazy move check maybe come in disconnected maybe Auto resign wow I hope not he deserves this win if uh if he gets it what kind of move is that is there something yeah I don't know I mean there's a fork on these two pieces but those are not the ones that matter I don't know I feel like this isn't actually that crazy cuz it does allow this Square for my pieces King takes a probably take here with check just open up some stuff okay I guess I uh I scared my opponent off with my Bishop sack let's uh let's take a look at this I guarantee that's called the blender my opponent played with an 86.8 I played with a 77 uh it's not even a blunder but it is a mistake so how did this game go so bad this is a mistake just slide back I mean I slid back anyways that's the best move this is not the best trade but then where does the Knight go here yeah anyways position is equal till here I'm supposed to bring the queen in first and then this is a blunder what did he miss takes takes and then e Queen comes in check here it was blocking is better and then bring the Rook there's a lot of pressure here I'm supposed to protect protect King up Queen G5 getting a little bit closer and he supposed to take take the pawn of course Free Pawn supposed to come back yeah we didn't do any of that we barged right in there took takes check yeah we had the we had to offer the queen trade here and then this is just absurd what I was thinking was that the queen was right here so that after it takes if Rook takes then there's this Fork but I just uh went a little bit crazy there and uh scared my opponent off you know we take these we had a 1750 performance ELO versus his 2050 and of course if you enjoy the video leave a like comment subscribe and I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: ApexChesss
Views: 1,562
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Keywords: Chess, Playing Chess Until 2000 elo, how to get 2000 elo, how to win at chess, how to gain elo in chess, chess live, Gothamchess, gothamchess openings, gothamchess how to win at chess, Hikaru nakamura chess, Hikaru Chess, how to gain elo fast, Chess Live Tournament, Apexchess, Playing Chess Every Day Until 2000 Elo, chess openings, chessbase india, Magnus met Levy, Magnus Carlsen Interview, Tata Steel Chess, tata steel chess championship, Freestyle Chess, Freestyle Chess Magnus
Id: P-lOcDXt9Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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