Gloomhaven Ultimate Eclipse/Moon Guide

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coming at you here with the night shroud guide and the night shroud is a very powerful very fun character you know likes to hide and do some really cool things she's kind of like that friend that goes to the bar with you and then just disappears and you don't see her till the next morning and i think it's a she i am not 100 sure i stared at the picture for five minutes before this video tried to make sense of it i'm not 100 sure i believe it's a she anyways the night shroud has a small hand size of nine so we're going to talk about you know how we make sure you don't exhaust and then how to make sure that the night shroud isn't going from one very ineffective turn to one very effective turn because you can very easily get caught in that trap of a weak turn and then a strong turn and so we're gonna go through how you manage that i like to play the night shroud a little bit differently i think a lot of people are trying to go invisible almost 100 percent of the time but that doesn't really help your teammates out and in some scenarios it can actually be quite problematic don't get me wrong invisibility is amazing and i'm going to teach you how to use invisibility you know to a very high level but i like to go in there and soak up some damage as well on purpose usually because hit points are there to be used and if you're not taking any damage with the night shroud you're not playing her right so we're going to talk about that and then the night shroud has a super friend a class that absolutely makes the night shroud you know top top tier and later on we're going to talk about what class that is so stay tuned if you could at this point go ahead like the video subscribe to my channel turn on notifications so that when i put out new content you're notified and let's talk about how we make dark as much as possible okay so i talked briefly about how the night shroud can very easily be in a pattern of one week turn one strong turn if you're not properly making dark so you've got to make sure that you're making dark every single turn basically and if you can manage to do that you're going to be able to string together really strong turns so whatever means necessary use a stamina potion use other items i'm not going to have any spoilers here but there's multiple ways you can do this make sure that you're using your executes as much as possible and keeping dark up you know to make yourself more powerful and then i just want to talk briefly about your level one card spirit of the night it is fantastic never leave home without it it may be the best level one card in the entire game period bar none it is extremely powerful and then the bottom is great for end of scenarios with objectives while you you while you're invisible or if you need to catch up or something along those lines so you can use it for the execute all the way through and then you can you know use it to pull off a big move at the end and then ineffective turns again you can very easily get caught in this trap of doing one to two damage and then having a big turn where you kill an enemy or you do a bunch of damage so when you can't kill somebody make sure you're using other cards like empowering void to bump up the level of your attacks because the base attacks of the night shroud are actually very weak compared to other classes because all the dark stuff that makes them so much better they have to be weak so they're not even more overpowered so use empowering void to pump up silent force top or armor of the night or something along those lines invisibility is a great powerful tool that you can use but i think that some people who play the night shroud they overuse it you don't always want to be invisible you should be out there some of the time and like i said before using those hip points taking some aggro especially when there's lots of enemies so that you can split them up so when you are invisible what do we do the first thing you can do is you can go ahead and open up the next room and block the door while you're invisible and this is great for a couple reasons first it splits up flying in ground enemies so if half the monsters are flying and half are ground the flying monsters are going to be able to find a focus the ground monsters are going to sit there and do absolutely nothing and so it's going to split them up and allow you to take on the flying monsters first second it completely neutralizes a room that has no flying monsters you can open it and they will do nothing this is going to be a huge advantage for you because you're effectively stunning an entire room when you're opening up that room and blocking it while you're invisible very powerful use this as much as you can and you know you're going to be happy with the results the next play i like to call the invisible pillar and i actually use this in gloomhaven online a lot i was playing some missions with some scenarios with the mine thief and the brute and yeah you can block a spot and enemies are going to go around that spot so you can use it to push them into traps and i've got another video where i've done that it's a gloomhaven online video go ahead and check those videos out if you want after this so you can use yourself as an extra object to push enemies through through traps because they're still going to have to find that focus and they're going to go right through the trap and then you can also use it to make sure that uh melee monsters aren't gonna make it to some of your friends so you can go up and block and cause them to take an extra turn or an extra hex in their move to go around you and by doing that you can actually make it so that they will not attack at all that that turn and then the last thing you want to do here is you can maximize your invisibility time by using a ghost uh go fast go slow move so you want to go fast with initiative you attack you do whatever you go invisible the next turn you go slow and you know basically for two turns they're not going to be able to find a focus on you if you go fast then fast you'll come out of your invisibility because it comes off at the end of your next turn so go fast and then go slow and you can have two full turns of invisibility off of one card but make sure you're not overusing invisibility i just want to say it one more time get out there help your friends don't be a lone wolf all the time starting out it's really handy if you can go late in the first round and you've got an ally who can make dark for you tinkerer ink bomb that's just an easy one that comes to mind though the tanker fires off an ink bomb you go afterwards you consume dark you've ink bombed which is a pretty good card and then you've you know killed an enemy first turn you're going to be in good shape guaranteed so if somebody can make dark first that's going to allow you to accelerate your instant kill moves and it's really going to help you you know crash through the scenario really fast concealed dominance is a card that looks great but is a bit of a trap card and just remember you've got to consume dark to turn it into this massive hex attack so you can't use it with empowering void or anything along those lines and so you can't turn it into something really really good it's also a double loss and i think you know with this character with the night shroud running a double loss is going to be very ineffective for you the night trout is all about chaining turns together keeping dark up all the time and you know for your first however many turns this card is just going to be a regular to attack or a regular to move because you don't want to lose it early on because of the exhaustion issues and that sort of thing so this is a card that you should pretty much always stay away from even though it looks really good and then a public service announcement here empowering void only affects the main ability line so let's take a card like silent force it is not attack three plus two times two for ten damage it is attack three times two plus two for eight total damage it only doubles the ability line so keep that in mind whenever you've got something else that's adding attack on top of that it's actually not going to affect that so it's not quite as good as you think even though empowering void is a very good card you should be taking it with you almost always because when you're not insta-killing you're gonna use empowering void to make sure that you're not stuck doing one to two damage in a turn so that's gonna allow you to push your overall damage up a lot so always take empowering void but it's not quite as powerful as it first appears coming up we're gonna talk about your favorite ally in the game the one who helps you a ridiculous amount and who you're just gonna love before that if you could go ahead hit that like button it really helps me out a lot subscribe to my channel and turn on notifications so that when i produce content you're notified and also i've created another video i think you're really gonna like it i've ranked all 22 of the gloomhaven classes including jaws of the lion and including forgotten circles so go ahead and check that out and see where your favorite classes lie in the gloomhaven universe and whether they're as good as you think they are or not it's time for your favorite ally and your favorite ally is and you may have guessed it by now it's the tanker and it's the tinkerer for a few different reasons first they've got a bunch of cards that can give you your non-lost cards back and the nitro uses a ton of repeatable cards that are not a loss and so this is going to make you really powerful first we've got reinvigorating elixir at the bottom that's going to allow you to recover all your discarded cards that's going to help you not exhaust and it's going to help you use you know your instant kill cards your empowering void stuff like that and then we've got an amazing card here gas canister bottom it's going to allow you to insta kill four turns in a row five turns in a row when you include using it the first time and it's gonna make you extremely powerful if you can insta kill every turn at higher levels with one card that's like 15 or 20 damage average per turn and you don't worry about shielded enemies all that stuff gas canister is amazing and is going to allow you and the tinkerer to just roll through scenarios like a hot knife through butter and then we've got volatile concoction you know one last in range two may recover up to one other discarded cards or two if you've got ice kicking around pretty straightforward get back your executes get back your empowering void do lots of damage instantly kill enemies it's really good and then the tinkerer also has a little bit of element production that can help you and we've got ink bomb which is going to help you execute right with spirit of the night and then we've got toxic bolt and we've got flame thrower and both of those can give you a second element when you're using your sixth level card swallowed by fear and so the tinker is really gonna help you out a lot he's a great ally to run beside the night shroud at level two we've got prepare for the kill and we've got soul and prepare for the kill is just a great utility card you're gonna use it a lot it's got very good initiative at seven it produces dark on top and bottom so and i'm gonna use this word twice in this video but it's the swiss army knife of the night shroud so really good card and we've got soul fire the top is okay but it doesn't produce dark and it's not really strong enough and then the bottom is going to be a lost card for an attack 6 and a curse that is not going gonna fit in with the night shroud go with prepare for the kill a hundred percent of the time at level three we've got armor of the night and we've got terrorblade armor of the night is a good card it's got a good strong attack for the night shroud it's got our strongest non-loss melee attack up until level 8 cards and it's going to help you smooth out those really weak turns the heel can be used you know if you have no other you know usage for your dark that turn so a nice bonus heal so you can go there and take a little bit of aggro and so if you are helping your buddies like i recommend that can help you get some of your hit points back i don't think you're going to use it a lot for that but it's good for the damage use it with empowering void and on the turns you're not insta-killing something you can easily do 8 damage which is going to be really good compared with your insta kills and then the bottom is good again if you're out there taking a little bit of aggro it's a shield and it produces dark so that you can keep your dark up if you don't need to move that turn terrorblade is not bad it's got pretty decent initiative at 17. it's a three attack with a push three so you're gonna be able to push enemies into traps so not bad there but not i don't think it's as good as armor of the night and then the move for bottom though is actually quite nice um and then all attacks targeting you gain disadvantage this round i don't think we're going to get hit a ton but it it can be useful and the move 4 is actually quite useful so this one is pretty close but i'm i'm going with armor the night just because i prefer to deal damage and not have those weak turns in between insta-kills at level four we've got nightfall and we've got grim sustenance and we're going to talk a little bit about party composition and some intangibles here that are really going to change your decision so nightfall if you can produce light or you have a tinkerer who will give you back cards nightfall can be really good if you have a tinkerer you can use it for the top to produce a ton of dark and then you can completely change the cards you take at every level and if you can produce light you can use the bottom to move and attack and produce dark and it's really really strong so if you've got a way to produce light take nightfall it's going to be really good for you if you have another character that's producing light make sure they're not going to use it and also make sure that they're not really close to retiring and then all of a sudden your light source disappears and you've taken a really ineffective card grim sustenance is the other card at this level and it's a pretty good card it gives you invisibility for free it can give you a bit of a buffed attack if you're already invisible and you can go from invisibility to attacking right back into invisibility just make sure you're not always invisible it's kind of annoying when you're playing with a night shroud and they're just always invisible and never really there to help you out and take any damage even though the killing is you know of course handy so if you don't have light production or a tinkerer then you should take grim sustenance it's the good standard pick it's going to push your overall damage up when you're not into killing at level 5 we've got claws of the night and we've got black arrow claws of the night i think most people don't take it because black arrow is just so easy to use and again like i said before it's a swiss army knife as well with good initiative and and stuff like that it's you know like prepare for the kill it's almost always going to be reasonably effective but it's never going to be amazing if you can create elements clause of the night is going to be amazing for you it's going to be attack three on two targets poison both and then create dark so that you don't have to generate dark on your bottom which means you can be more flexible with your other cards so if you've got somebody with you creating elements clause of the night is going to be better long term than black arrow if you don't you should take black arrow it's so easy to use it's got good range it models it curses it as initiative 11 which is our fifth best initiative overall but clause of the night if you can create elements it's going to push your overall turn damage up more than black arrow is for sure so take black arrow if you feel it if you need a safe pick but if you can produce elements i'm going with claws of the night and no i didn't talk about claws in the night bottom don't even bother with it and black arrow bottom you're not going to use it very much either although i can push your damage up as well just make sure that you're generating dark on top after you use your attack 3 range 3. at level six we've got unseen dread and we've got swallowed by fear and this level is gonna be really easy for you and it's easy for anyone who plays this game with a night shroud unseen dread is actually a really good card attack three create dark on the top is nice and strong move six jump is amazing flexibility and is super handy the initiative is really really fast but swallowed by fear is one of the best cards in the entire game bar none killing an elite at higher levels is equivalent to 20 to 30 damage sometimes and there's no way that unseen dread can keep up with that so pick swallowed by fear a hundred percent of the time and don't ever use swallowed by fierce bottom i cannot think of a single scenario where you would ever use that you're going to use it for the top 100 of the time i mean it basically could have been left blank at level seven we've got eyes of the knight and we've got quiet frenzy eyes of the night top is just not worth it i mean invisible enemies aren't super common it's not very powerful it's definitely not worth the loss i would never play it the bottom though is pretty good if you have light generation so if you have light generation you know move five model target all json enemies produce dark is going to be pretty good and then quiet frenzy is an ok card the top is going to be worth 8 damage remember you cannot use it with empowering void so i'd rather just use empowering void and a level 1 card like silent force rather than spending my pick on this and at 19 initiative it's pretty good and the bottom attack three move three is reasonable flexibility but almost a hundred percent of the time i'm going back to level six and picking unseen dread level six is overpowered at level eight we've got gloom darts and we've got lurking rune gloom darts top is pretty strong and it looks really really good but the bottom is actually better in my opinion i don't know that's a pretty strong word but it's very good move three and produce dark is gonna allow you to keep your dark up a lot and allow you to be really flexible on move and you won't need to enhance anything to you know get that benefit and then lurking roon the top is okay it appears better than it is we've got other cards that can do a damage you know stuff like that so it's not like it's amazing the move three invisible self bottom is pretty good because you don't have to consume dark to go invisible so if you feel like going invisible you can take lurking rune but i think i take gloom darts you know most of the time at level nine we've got angel of death and we've got voice of the night angel of death top is an amazing late scenario move where you go in and you just delete a room it's pretty crazy make sure you're saving it till very near the end of the scenario though because the bottom on this card is just as good a repeatable move five jump where you can kill one adjacent normal enemy this is going to be great for opening up a room moving in deleting an enemy and then going invisible via an item or via a top invisibility and it's going to be a fantastic opening move voice of the night the top is barely worth a loss for this class because the night shroud is so powerful five stuns even isn't going to get it done the initiative on the card is really nice but we've got lots of other fast initiative and then the bottom move to attack to invisible self when you consume an element and then create dark is good utility but there is no way that you can pick this unless you've played night shroud a few times and you're doing it for variety and i like to go back and do some really non-standard things so i'm not being judgey here but angel of death is ten times as powerful as voice of the night so take angel of death 100 of the time unless you feel like you know getting out of line a little bit okay we're going to talk about some enhancements for the nitro to deal with a few movement issues and and things of that nature but first you've made it this far please go ahead hit that like button it really helps me out a lot and i really appreciate it thanks for sticking with me so the first thing we can do is we can enhance the bottom of smoke step we can enhance it to a two move or we can enhance the bottom of prepare for the kill and that's gonna be a three move and two dark pretty good stuff and then if you want you can add light to something you can either add it to one of those two cards on top of the move or you can add it to another card that produces dark so that you can produce two elements this is going to help you for a couple things first if you can produce light you can use some different cards some non-standard cards like nightfall bottom and it's actually going to be really powerful for you and also you need to produce two elements to use swallowed by fear so it's going to help you out that way as well we've gotten to the perk section and prepare to be disappointed because the night shroud has some of the worst perks and that's okay because the night shroud is so powerful it's okay to have a bad perk deck but dark needs to be planned for so the dark stuff doesn't really help us being invisible randomly may help you once in a while but you know again we're planning on those turns we're planning a couple turns ahead with the night shroud and then at a target doesn't apply to executes so that's not going to help you a lot of these things are not going to help you so what i suggest is you know get rid of your negatives first because you want to push your non-execute turn damage up so you're not like executing doing one or two executing doing one or two stuff like that then get rid of the plus zero then add the minus one darks then get rid of them with the plus one darks and then you can ignore scenario effects and add those two plus ones and then after that there's not much else you can do try to avoid getting those check marks battle goals they don't matter anymore okay let's talk about prosperity level one items it's going to be very simple you need to get a stamina potion and a cloak of invisibility the cloak of invisibility when you don't want to have to use a card to go invisible and you've gotten yourself out ahead of the group because you're deleting enemies uh it's gonna help you a lot just you know as some safety the stamina potion to get back spirit of the night and keep doing it as many times as you can and if anyone can you know refresh your consumed items or do anything like that just keep getting spirit of the night back especially early on you you're going to be you know it's going to be really effective and then if you can find an item to create elements that's going to help you a lot creating light you know creating a second element for swallowed by fear stuff like that a little bit of element generation is going to go a long ways all right everybody we've made it to the end of the video here thanks so much for sticking with me i hope this night shroud guide helped you out a lot if you can go ahead hit that like button subscribe to my channel and make sure to turn those notifications on so that when i'm putting out new stuff you're notified thanks again
Channel: Neural Net Games
Views: 3,357
Rating: 4.956284 out of 5
Keywords: board games, table top games, gloomhaven night shroud, night shroud, ultimate guide, night shroud tips, night shroud strategy, best night shroud cards
Id: 7Z7vsru-2eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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